• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,064 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Suramar: The Waning Crescent

Trixie and Lyra spent half an hour resting from all of the tasks they had gone through since their arrival in Suramar, though at the same time they knew that they were far from done, because an ally to their cause was waiting for them in the Grand Promenade area of the city. That meant that they would beginning their invasion of the city, where they would be going through the effort to gain additional allies and undermine the efforts of their enemies, while at the same time looking out for any signs of Gul'dan and his demonic supporters. Thalyssra and Farodin exchanged words with each other, about the mysterious Arcan'dor that they had brought to Shal'Aran, before Trixie determined that it was time for her and Lyra to depart from their resting place. Instead of leaving the cave through the normal means, and heading through a withered infested area if they were unlucky, they approached the portal that would take them to Ly'leth's party area and teleported to a safe haven, as the shal'dorei that served Ly'leth knew that they were allies to the cause and wouldn't mind their arrival.

When they arrived at their destination, and stepped back into the city, the two Equestrians pulled out their masks for a few seconds before they slipped them on, to which Trixie assumed the form of a mage guard once more while Lyra took on the face and form of Anarys Lunastre again.

Once that was done, however, Trixie approached one of Ly'leth's guards and asked him where the Grand Promenade was located, to which the elf quickly marked the area with a glowing rune and said nothing, as they didn't want people to know that Anarys, who lived in this city all her life, suddenly didn't know where parts of the city were. With the information in hand the two of them walked out of the party area and advanced into the city, where they walked as if they belonged and made no movements to engage anyone at the moment. The last thing Lyra wanted to do was make people think that she wasn't the person she was claiming to be by speaking wrong or something like that, while at the same time still thinking that Trixie would have been better to be Anarys instead of her... but she would deal with what fate was throwing at her once more.

The only good thing about her being at the front meant that she could see where the enemies were that had the power to tear their disguises apart with a single spell, to which they carefully made their way along the path that the guard had shown them before they finally reached the area that they were supposed to meet Ly'leth in... and found her standing with some of her guards standing nearby.

"Sister," Lyra said, allowing the magic of the mask to distort her voice into that of Anarys Lunastre again, though at the same time she stopped beside Ly'leth and stared out at the city, while Trixie stood beside her, "You wanted to see me?"

"Behold Suramar; our haven, our sanctuary... our prison." Ly'leth replied, though she did her absolute best to sound like she was having a peaceful conversation with her sister, while Lyra could detect that she was sore over the prison part of her statement, "Elisande and the Legion seek to bring us to heel, though both fear and hunger. The flame of the shal'dorei, of our people, flickers... we must re-ignite it. We must stir the noble hearts of our people... and show them that Azeroth has not forsaken them. Sister, I hope you and your guard have prepared yourselves to enter the city."

"We have sister," Lyra answered, though at the same time Trixie nodded her head, to which they knew that anyone that was watching them would believe that Ly'leth was actually talking to Anarys and her guard, and not some outlanders wearing some disguises, "What would you have us do first?"

"I am sending you to my loyal friend Vanthir." Ly'leth said, though she did so in a manner that suggested that this was something more than one sister asking the other for a favor, which was what they wanted everyone else to think, "I do hope you remember him... I can guarantee that he remembers you. I will not be able to accompany the two of you, but I must stress that you get to him with haste and complete the task he has for you. Tread carefully, dear sister, and avoid those who stare too long. I'll find you and your guard when I am able."

Lyra nodded and watched as Ly'leth walked away from where they were standing, though her servant stayed near them for a few seconds to hand them a page before following after her mistress, where she and Trixie found that the page revealed the location of Vanthir and that the magical rune on their map change to reveal the new information. It still amazed Lyra that the Nightborne were so skilled at manipulating certain aspects, like time magic and modifying masks to make one person look like someone else, but then shook her head. There was a time and place for them to consider the power that the Nightborne possessed, in great detail anyway, though since Trixie shared her thoughts they walked down the nearby set of stairs and descended into the part of the city known as the Waning Crescent.

As they followed the map, and avoided the enemies that could see through their disguises, Lyra nodded to the elves that called out to her and waved at some of them, indicating that some of them recognized her as Anarys, but she was fortunate that they weren't being stopped... otherwise their cover would have been blown and they would be fighting their way out of this area, while leaving a number of corpses behind. It took them some time before they arrived at the area that Vanthir was supposed to be located in, though when they arrived they noticed that he and Silgryn were talking to each other... and it appeared that they arrived at the end of the conversation.

"Do you think you'll have enough?" Silgryn asked, though at the same time his eyes were clearly moving around, studying the faces of those that were around him, as if he was looking for spies.

"Enough for those most in need. The rest... Ah, welcome Anarys," Vanthir replied, though his tone changed the moment he noticed Lyra and Trixie coming, where they knew he recognized their disguises, before he beckoned them to join him and Silgryn, "I'm glad that you and your guard could make it. Your help is sorely needed here."

"We're glad to be here," Lyra said, though at the same time she glanced around the area, where she noticed several Nightborne that looked like they were about to collapse due to their hunger, "What can we do to help?"

"There is much you need to learn about our city. First and foremost, Arcwine." Vanthir stated, though at the same time he held up a flask, one that looked like what Lyra and Trixie had seen several of the Nightborne carrying, "It is the vehicle by which we imbibe the Nightwell's energies. Without it, we wither and die. Palace lackeys have seen fit to ration it, thinking this will control us. Keep us quiet, complacent. I would like you to look for those in need near the tavern. You will find many, but those most desperately afflicted by this rationing will be obvious. Take this flask, revive them, and tend to their suffering."

Lyra nodded and walked away from where Vanthir was standing, where she and Trixie kept their eyes open for the Nightborne that desperately needed to have some Arcwine, which she assumed was what Ly'leth had been serving at her party earlier. She wasn't sure what the liquid tasted like, but she knew that it was best if they focused on their mission and didn't do anything that would make the elves they were trying to help become angry with them, though their first target was a young adult male elf that was clearly experiencing the pains of withdrawal. His family had sacrificed what meager provisions they already had in an attempt to help him, considering that they were healthier than he was, but even with their assistance he hadn't improved. Trixie nodded and Lyra stepped forward, to which she let the elf drink from the flask that she was carrying, where she watched the color return and the symptoms disappeared... though as he got back up Lyra headed out to find the next poor elf that was in need.

The second elf that required some assistance was a young adult female that was resting on the side of the street, with either a family member or significant other standing nearby, and she expressed her gratitude once Lyra finished giving her some of the Arcwine that she was carrying. The next elf they found was being watched over by his brother, who insisted that his brother drink now considering that he was in more need than he was and thanked Lyra and Trixie for their deed, even though he called her 'Anarys'. Lyra still didn't like the fact that she had pretty much stolen the life of Ly'leth's sister, but since Anarys had been supporting the Legion's allies she guessed that she could make an exception this time around, as long as she didn't have to do it again in the future. They found the last elf in desperate need resting near an area that let him look out over the water, though his significant other told him to relax and asked them to thank Vanthir on their behalf... to which they retraced their steps and headed towards the area that the merchant was standing in.

When they arrived, however, Vanthir smiled at them, because now they had seen the effects of the Nightborne not partaking of the Nightwell, and the energies that came from it, and knew what was happening to those that Elisande wanted to break. At the same time they noticed Silgryn talking with a worried elf, which meant that either something had happened or they had seen something important and came to tell him about it.

"Your eyes are opening to our reality." Vanthir commented, to which Trixie and Lyra nodded their heads, as they disliked what they had seen while they were walking around the Waning Crescent, "I can see it in your expressions. Good."

"We're happy to help you and the other Nightborne," Trixie said, taking the opportunity to talk for once, especially since the last few times they had been in areas where the guards of certain people, like Ly'leth and 'Anarys', didn't talk unless they were directly talked to, "What else can we help you with?"

"The wine the two of you so graciously distributed to the needy was the last of my reserves." Vanthir explained, though at the same time they knew that he was only telling him because none of the other Nightborne were near them, as he likely didn't want anyone else to know that fact, "Without more, these people here will risk succumbing to their thirst, and eventually becoming withered. I am dedicated to preventing this for as long as possible. There is a woman by the name of Deline who owns and operates a small delivery service out of her gondola. Find her, identify yourself as my messenger, and offer your aid in acquiring the next shipment. And, while your at it, Silgryn also has something for you to do while the two of you are out and about."

"Is that so?" Lyra asked, to which she turned towards the captain for a moment, who had finished talking with the concerned elf and turned towards them, "What can we do for you?"

"Verene's child has gone missing." Silgryn replied, beckoning to the elf he had been talking to earlier, who nodded his head for a moment as he wiped a tear from his cheek, "I can guess what happened, but I need to be absolutely sure. Most guardsmen use couriers to relay delicate information. In this, magic is strictly the province of high ranking officials. Take this blade with you, but do not touch the cutting edge. Use it to silently waylay the couriers that you encounter and collect any correspondence they carry. With any luck, the missives will tell us exactly where to find Verene's child. We guards know everything, after all."

Lyra stared at the spellblade for a few seconds, knowing that since the couriers were working for the enemy Vanthir and Silgryn were essentially asking her and Trixie to kill a few of them to find out where people were being kept against their wills, if she was understanding the situation correctly. Once they knew what to do she and Trixie followed the map marker that had appeared on their map, telling her that Ly'leth and their allies didn't want them getting lost and that it would change when they were heading someplace new. They retraced their steps towards the center of the area they had walked through and crossed over the bridge that was near them, to which they walked up some stairs and made their way into what appeared to be the bazaar area of the Waning Crescent. Lyra, once again, made sure that they avoided the few guards that were watching for people wearing disguises, which was followed by them making their way through the bazaar and found a lady standing near a gondola... and that she was standing some distance away from the guards.

Deline definitely noticed Lyra and Trixie approaching her, or at least noticed the people that they were disguised as, though she made no movement towards them until they were almost in front of her.

"Need a ride, strangers?" Deline asked, though at the same time Lyra detected that she either didn't know about the disguises or if she did she was acting like everyone else, but she was willing to put some money on the acting option.

"We have some... business... to discuss with you." Lyra said, though at the same time Trixie carefully produced the coin that Thalyssra had given them, as she didn't want their enemies to see it and expose their entire operation.

"I see. So it was the two of you I was waiting for." Deline replied, once more acting as if they were complete strangers, which confirmed Lyra's suspicions that more people knew that Anarys had been replaced, "All I need is a full boat and I'll be on my way."

"Just tell us what is needed and we'll see that its done," Lyra said, knowing that the less she said the less likely someone that knew Anarys would come by and notice that she wasn't acting like the elf normally would.

"I would imagine you thought I would simply have wine to deliver." Deline stated, though she chuckled for a few seconds, indicating that she found something to be funny, before growing serious once more, "If it were that easy, his people would not be starving. These... loyalists, shall we say, enjoy abundance. They dance to the Magistrix's whims and so they have all that they need. There is no Arcwine shortage. The Magistrix created one to keep us in line. They will not miss a few bottles, as they have plenty to go around. Search the square and bring as much as you can carry back."

"That's doable," Trixie said, though she kept her voice low, again to prevent someone from finding out that she wasn't sticking to the script as well, but fate seemed to be on their side as the only guard nearby seemed to be ignoring them and their entire conversation, "but I'm sensing that there is something else you need us to do."

"Yes, I've noticed some wandering eyes lately." Deline said, though at the same time she glanced at one of the guards that were standing at the other side of the bridge Lyra and Trixie had walked over, who seemed to be staring at them before continuing on his way, "I am more than happy to continue delivering the goods to Vanthir, but it is getting increasingly dangerous to do so. The Duskwatch that walk the bazaar are by far the most observant. Find and slay the Orbitists so that I may deliver the goods safely. I will follow behind with the shipment."

"Slay the Orbitists, obtain as much Arcwine as we can carry, and get some courier letters for Silgryn," Lyra stated, to which she smiled as she looked at the bazaar, as she could already imagine the chaos that would erupt if someone were to notice what they were planning on doing, "Oh, this is going to be interesting."

She was sure that Trixie would disagree with her statement, but at the same time this would help them unite the Nightborne that didn't like Elisande... and eventually they would knock down her doors and sever the Legion's control over this entire city. Then they would be one step closer to stopping Sargeras from claiming Azeroth and dooming everyone that called this planet home.

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