• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Shore: The Deceiver

The moment Lyra, Trixie, and the other heroes stepped through the other side of the portal, and found where Velen had been taken to, they stopped the instant they realized where they were, as none of them were actually expecting to find themselves where they were. All around them rested a large number of stars that were resting in a seemingly dark area, as if they were traveling through space itself, but at the same time Trixie and some of the other heroes realized that they were in the Twisting Nether. Lyra had seen this, back during the invasion of Mardum and had seen the Twisting Nether from the top of the Black Temple, but at the same time she knew that Kil'jaeden had to be around here somewhere, before she noticed that all of them were standing on a walkway of a large Legion ship. They were on the exterior of Kil'jaeden's warship, where his soldiers were waiting for combat, though at the same time she noticed some demons waiting in the distance, clearly prepared to deal with any invaders.

"You hunted your own people, chasing us across the stars." they heard Velen shout, though that was when they discovered that he actually wasn't near them and was likely standing near the Deceiver himself, but the anger in his voice was unmistakable, "Never again!"

"It was you who lacked vision!" Kil'jaeden called out in return, though at the same time the group readied themselves, as they were waiting for the conversation to be over before they started attacking the demons in front of them, "Who refused to see the truth of the Legion's inevitable victory!"

"You lost faith in the Light!" Velen declared, calling attention to the fact that Kil'jaeden and Archimonde had turned their backs on what they had believed in, before the Dark Titan came to Argus and corrupted two of them, "Together, we could have resisted Sargeras and saved our world!"

"Did the Light save your son?" Kil'jaeden inquired, to which Lyra and Trixie growled, as they remembered who had attacked the Exodar earlier, when they were seeking Velen's help, and who their attacker actually was, "Was it faith that shone in Rakeesh's eyes as they closed for the final time? Or was it hatred for the father who abandoned him?"

"GRRAAAHHHHH!" Velen screamed in pure anger, as he also recalled that Rakeesh had actually been the son he thought to be long dead and had watched his son die in his arms, causing him a great deal of pain in the process, which had been another part of Kil'jaeden's plan.

"And now your impotent fury has drawn your allies to their doom!" Kil'jaeden declared, though this time around he laughed, as if he actually thought that his soldiers would be able to topple the heroes, who growled as they readied themselves for battle, "Watch as my infinite army slaughters them all!"

"No! You will not divide us, Deceiver." Velen replied, though the group could still hear the anger in his voice, but at the same time they knew that they would fight together, against their foe, "I will fight by their side, and they by mine. Together, we will end your crusade!"

The moment Kil'jaeden said that, and the conversation stopped, Lyra, Trixie, and the other heroes charged forward and attacked the felguards and eredar that were in front of them, while at the same time Lyra noticed a larger and more bulky eredar resting at the base of the path they needed to reach. Since these were Kil'jaeden's personal troops they all expected them to be tougher to fight, and to all of their surprise the demons were actually tougher than what they had fought inside the Tomb, but at the same time none of the heroes died in the process. Lyra was happy to remove these demons from existence, as there would be no way for Kil'jaeden to summon reinforcements once they reached him, but at the same time she kept her mind on their target, since they needed Kil'jaeden to die to ensure the safety of Azeroth, before they started planning how they would stop Sargeras.

She still had no idea how they were going to stop the Dark Titan, not when his true form was the size of two Azeroths, but she was sure that they would come up with something, once Kil'jaeden was no longer a threat to the universe and to the rest of the Draenei.

The instant they finished off the last of the soldiers that had been in front of them, and made sure that no more demons were coming to face them, the group climbed up the ramps that would take them to the back section of the Legion ship and found Velen standing near where Kil'jaeden was waiting. When the group arrived, however, Velen turned towards them and stated that he, along with Khadgar and Illidan, would focus their efforts on defending the area from additional demons that Kil'jaeden was bound to call into battle. Lyra would have thought that Velen would have liked to fight Kil'jaeden and get his revenge in his own way, but if that was how he wanted things to go she wasn't going to complain, since she had been waiting for this since she turned down the Deceiver's offer all those weeks ago. Illidan smiled as he and Khadgar took up their defensive positions, indicating that Velen's plan was a good one, though at the same time the heroes stood ready, as they all knew that this was going to be a tough fight... if the battle with Archimonde was anything to go by anyway.

"It is a simple matter to show courage against my minions." Kil'jaeden stated, though at the same time he raised a hand and beckoned the heroes forward, as he was eager to tear them all apart and doom Azeroth at the same time, which they were going to prevent, "Can you face the shadows within your own souls as bravely?"

"Each of us has overcome our weakness, just to reach this point." Lyra stated, to which a familiar shadowy mist started to pour out of her eyes, something that the other heroes recognized from the time when she fought and utterly obliterated Xavius, "And we have overcome a number of hurdles to make sure Azeroth is safe from the likes of you and the demons that you command... so prepare yourself, Kil'jaeden, because today is the day that you DIE!"

The tanks decided that Lyra's declaration that today was the day that Kil'jaeden was going to die was the call to battle that they had been waiting for, because the moment she stopped talking the tanks and melee damage dealers charged forward as they engaged the Deceiver, who used his fists and claws to fight all of them. That was followed by Kil'jaeden launching one of his strong attacks, as he started calling fel meteors into the section of the deck that they were standing on, though the heroes knew that allowing the meteors to hit the deck was a bad thing. As such some of them purposely sacrificed a portion of their own life and allowed themselves to take the meteors that were coming their way, inflicting some fel fire damage to them in the process. Lyra knew that Kil'jaeden was playing with them, since he was one of the strongest demons in Sargeras' army, but she and the others were going to watch out for his true power, as this was nothing like what they were expecting it to be.

While all of this happened Kil'jaeden also called his fel powers into his hands and his claws were sharpened more than they had been seconds ago, indicating that he was going to try and claw his foes to death while channeling his energy through his hands... though the group kept an eye on what he was doing before something else happened.

A minute or two passed, where Kil'jaeden fought them on the deck with his claws and called meteors down on all of them, before the Deceiver spread his wings and took to the skies, which involved him flying to the edge of the ship and started throwing more meteors down at all of them, intending to wipe them all out in the process. At the same time Kil'jaeden targeted several heroes and inflicted what could have been his own mark, as the afflicted heroes separated themselves from the others as a fiery explosion happened around them, which the healers patched up before they continued the fight. Kil'jaeden also flew around the area that the heroes were fighting in and repeated the last few attacks several times as he focused on them, including using his power to focus the fiery explosion on a single target that required other heroes to stand near his target so they could all share the damage, least he actually kill one of them in the process, though he was pleased with the damage he was inflicting at the moment.

Eventually Kil'jaeden grew tired of flying around the area and descended back to the middle of the deck that they were fighting in, though as he started fighting them again he incorporated the new abilities, the flame targeting ones, against the heroes as he also used the older abilities he showed off at the beginning of the fight. As he rejoined the battle he also used another ability that caused three heroes to enlarge for a few seconds before they suffered a powerful blast of fire damage, which would have hit those around them if the heroes hadn't moved out of the way. Kil'jaeden also inflicted three of them with a second type of soul mark that also made them enlarge, though this time around the heroes stacked on top of their foe and allowed the marks to summon a trio of strange reflections that targeted everyone with their spell power. Lyra realized that the more experienced heroes sensed what type of mark their opponent had inflicted upon them and put the reflections on top of where Kil'jaeden was standing, allowing them to deal with the reflections at the same time as they damaged their opponent.

It looked like they were doing a good job at hacking away at Kil'jaeden's life and his defenses, though at the same time Lyra knew there there had to be more to the fight, otherwise he wouldn't have become the terrifying Deceiver that so many people across the universe feared... and, not a few seconds after she completed that thought, Kil'jaeden stopped attacking them and simply stared at the group.

"What is this? Even when your own doubts and fears are made manifest, you will not yield?" Kil'jaeden asked, though at the same time he started charging a spell that seemed to be made out of shadow energy, to which the group gathered together and prepared themselves for what was coming next, "Fall to darkness!"

The instant Kil'jaeden said that the entire area around them was shrouded in pure darkness, limiting the amount of things that Lyra, Trixie, and the others could see at a given moment, though at the same time Lyra saw a shadowy creature firing bursts of energy out into the area around it. Of course before they could do anything the creature disappeared entirely, though Lyra found that her exposure to Dark Magic, along with the fel energy that burned in her body, allowed her to pierce the veil on her own, allowing her to track her targets.

"Find me, champions, and I will grant you sight!" Illidan called out, noticing what Kil'jaeden had done and had moved into the area to aid the heroes, where Lyra noticed that while stepping into the area near Illidan gave the other heroes sight, for some time, it also harmed them in the process.

Lyra nodded her understanding and started targeting the shadowy creatures that were trying to kill the group, as it appeared that they were the key to ending this part of the fight, something that the other heroes understood the moment they spotted her attacking the creatures. Between the damage the shadowy creatures were doing, and the power of the fel energy that was radiating from Illidan, the healers were kept busy trying to mend all the damage that was being inflicted on all of them. The death knights targeted the shadowy creatures that Lyra wasn't targeting and pulled them to where the others were standing, allowing them to inflict massive damage on their foes, while Lyra cut down everything that was in front of her with all of her might. Trixie helped out and used her magic to break the shadowy creatures that the other heroes were bringing towards them, while at the same time they kept their eyes open for Kil'jaeden, since this was the perfect time for their opponent to attack them.

Oddly enough Kil'jaeden never attacked them while they were trapped in the shadows, though the moment they finished off the last of the shadowy creatures, and the veil faded so they could see the area around them again, the group found Kil'jaeden floating in the air... though that was followed by him completing whatever spell he had been channeling while they were busy in the darkness.

"Somehow you survived!" Kil'jaeden said, sounding surprised for a moment, as if he actually expected the veil to kill some of them, before the air around the warship returned to normal and he beckoned to something that was off in the distance, "No matter. Look upon our wonders, you mortals, and despair! Behold the world that shall be your tomb!"

Lyra, Trixie, and the others took a moment to glance in the direction that Kil'jaeden was pointing in, where he actually didn't attack them so they could witness despair, before they found Argus resting nearby, indicating that they had traveled the vastness of space and were now resting above the Legion's prize.

"Argus!" Velen said, his voice pained at the sight of the world that had been his home before Sargeras' corruption of his friends had forced him, and the other Draenei, to flee before being tortured by the soon to be eredar, "My beloved homeworld... what have they done to you?"

Kil'jaeden grinned as his spell went into affect, as he started raining deadly bolts of shadow energy from the sky above the warship, while at the same time he started tearing small rifts into the fabric of reality, which started sucking up the heroes that got too close to them. The odd thing was that the heroes that were near the rifts weren't targeted by the deadly shadow bolts, as the bolts were actually sucked up into the rift, making Lyra wonder why Kil'jaeden thought it was a good idea to use the two attacks at the same time. Kil'jaeden also created demonic crystals, about the size of a person, that floated around the deck they were fighting on and, after a few seconds of staying in one spot, they loosed a surge of fel energy that hurt whoever was in line with the crystal, before it shattered and fell apart. After that point he started repeating the attacks that he had used before creating the veil and added his newest abilities to the mix, inflicting massive damage that actually hurt a good majority of the heroes in the process and annoyed many of them at the same time.

Trixie growled for a moment before she opened herself to her full power and called a small barrier into existence around her, though once it was ready she stashed her staff inside her bag and brought her hands together near the right side of her body, where she started gathering her power together. As she did that Lyra, who was more attuned to the magic of their homeworld, noticed what she was doing and made sure that her own energy prevented Kil'jaeden from noticing what was going on at the moment. As she did strands of lightning, or what she assumed was lightning, branched off of her sphere and she finally lowered the barrier, allowing Kil'jaeden to stop what he was doing as he realized what was going on... and Lyra, on the other hand, used her own fel and shadow energy combination to tear the Deceiver's defenses apart, preventing them from interfering with what was coming.

The moment she was ready, and the other heroes were out of the way, Trixie braced herself and released the energy she had been gathering, to which a surge of azure colored energy raced forward and slammed into Kil'jaeden's chest, while also surging passed him as his own attacks were cancelled out... though a few moments later, when her attack was over, they noticed that the Deceiver's body was smoking from the intensity of the attack, before he fell to his knees.

"Our fates are now one." Kil'jaeden said, his tone having lost his confident edge and now revealed that he was taking on the defeated tone that came when someone admitted defeat, though at the same time the ship shook for a few seconds as he looked off into the distance, "Argus will be your tomb."

That was when the heroes, Velen, Khadgar, and Illidan noticed that the command ship was beginning a rapid descent towards Argus' surface, where the armies of the Burning Legion would be waiting for them the moment they crashed into the fel infested ground beneath them.

"At least we will have died fighting." Khadgar stated, knowing that by taking out Kil'jaeden, and sealing the Tomb of Sargeras, that it would be some time before someone else opened the way for the Legion to attack Azeroth again, while at the same time the heroes prepared themselves for the landing that was approaching them.

"Our war isn't over yet." Illidan said, though that was when he reached into the small bag that he had been carrying the entire time and pulled out something that Lyra wasn't expecting to see again, the Sargerite Keystone, "Not while we hold the key to ALL worlds."

Lyra watched as Illidan charged the Sargerite Keystone for a few seconds before he sent it floating into the Twisting Nether, where the powerful artifact sparked for a few moments before the space around it warped and exploded in a bright light, to which the group watched the Keystone tear a hole in reality... creating an immense rift that allowed them to see Azeroth on the other side.

"Khadgar!" Illidan said, though there was a sense of urgency in his voice, especially since there was no telling how long it would take before they crashed into Argus' surface, "Take us home!"

As Khadgar started to channel a massive teleportation spell, since he had to get the three of them and the entire group of heroes caught in the spell, Lyra and Trixie watched as Velen approached Kil'jaeden, looking down at his former friend as he stopped in front of him.

"I... was always... envious of you." Kil'jaeden said, staring up at Velen for a moment, knowing that he was likely going to die, regardless of what happened next, though at the same time he continued talking to Velen, "Your gift. Your faith. Your vision. I never believed... that Sargeras could be stopped. Perhaps... you will prove me wrong."

"Everyone! Get ready!" Khadgar called out, to which the heroes braced themselves, as this was going to be an interesting experience for all of them, though at the same time the two Equestrians stared at Velen as they waited to see what happened next.

They watched as Velen silently raised a hand and rested it on Kil'jaeden's forehead for a few seconds, where it appeared that a look of relief appeared on the Deceiver's face for a moment, before Khadgar's spell activated and took both him and the rest of the group back to Azeroth. The last thing that Lyra and Trixie saw, before they left the command ship behind, was the fel scars on Kil'jaeden's face enlarging as a bright light began to emit from his body, though Lyra grinned as she realized that the Deceiver had met his end. That was followed by them disappearing from the space above Argus as Kil'jaeden detonated, though the next thing they knew they, and the rest of the heroes, were standing in one of the ruins of Azsuna.

"Is everyone alright?" Khadgar asked, though at the same time he huffed for a few seconds as he turned towards the rest of the group, as using a teleport spell of that level, without any assistance, was exhausting and he would definitely need a break before they did something else.

That was immediately followed by an ominous rumble that sounded like thunder, one that caught the attention of Velen, Illidan, and the rest of the heroes as they looked towards the area the sound came from, to which Khadgar followed their gaze as his expression turned to complete horror. The rift that had been created by the Keystone remained where it had been opened, leaving behind an immense gateway between Azeroth and Argus, effectively linking this world to the Legion's world and nullified their attempts at closing the Tomb of Sargeras. Khadgar, shocked and horrified by this turn of events, turned towards Illidan, whose gaze was locked on the planet that was now hanging in the air above Azeroth, which Lyra and the others were looking at as well.

"What have you done?!" Khadgar demanded, as he couldn't believe that all of their efforts to seal the Tomb of Sargeras, and save Azeroth in the process, had been for nothing thanks to the massive gateway that now connected the two worlds together.

"Sometimes the hand of fate... must be forced." Illidan replied, though at the same time he smiled as he looked up into the sky, as if he knew something that no one else knew and didn't look like he was about to share that information until he was ready to do so.

Lyra and Trixie, however, knew that Illidan meant that it was time for them to do the invading, instead of them being the ones invaded by the Legion, and for them to strike a crippling blow against Sargeras... though they knew that the next few days promised to be some of the most exciting and terrifying they have ever experienced, and Lyra was looking forward to all of it.

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