• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Argus: Power Realized

With Alleria and Locus-Walker leading the way it didn't take the group long to find one of the beacons that Romuul had sent down from the Vindicaar, as they actually headed over to the one that they had taken to escape the Void infested city when Lyra and Trixie were helping Alleria out earlier. Now that the Shadowguard had been destroyed, and their current masters slain in battle, they had nothing to fear from the area as they walked towards the beacon, though that didn't stop Trixie from making sure that the Crest was safe and sound. Lyra and the others noticed that she was holding it tightly, afraid to drop it and somehow damage it, but they were sure that the only thing that could break such a gemstone was someone who had an understanding of how they worked, and Velen wasn't about to do that. Lyra, on the other hand, carefully held onto the shadowy fragment of L'ura that had been thrown at her, by the Dark Naaru herself no less, though the reason behind why she wasn't transforming it yet was because she wanted to see what happened when the Crown was united first... as that was the main reason behind why they went to the Seat of the Triumvirate in the first place.

When they reached the beacon that Romuul had sent into the city, and were overjoyed to find that they had been right to lower their guards since all their enemies had been slain, they held out their hands and let the Light teleport them back to the Vindicaar. Upon their arrival Lyra, Trixie, and the others discovered that all of the heroes had been called back from their missions, as they were all interested in what was going to happen when they reforged the Crown of the Triumvirate, and Lyra even spotted Lord Illidan standing nearby. Alleria walked down to where Turalyon was standing and said nothing, other than kissing him for a few seconds, before they both stood at the ready, as neither of them knew what was going to happen when the Crown was reforged. At the same time Lyra and Trixie found Velen standing in front of where the Sigil had been placed earlier, standing there with a smile on his face, to which Lyra, Allvar, Landan, and Maraa stood back as Trixie approached the slots that were in front of her.

With Velen and the rest of their army watching her, just like the last time she did this, Trixie raised the Crest up and set it in place so that the triangular shaped bottom of it rested near the same shaped bottom of the Sigil, where it settled into place with a soft click and she backed away... only for Velen to step forward and remove the Eye of Prophecy from his staff, where the point was facing down towards the floor.

As the Crown was remade, and the pieces rejoined after thousands of years apart from each other, the three slots behind them turned golden for a moment, indicating that whatever was happening was working as Velen had intended for when this day came. That was followed by the Vindicaar being surrounded by a shimmering golden barrier, one that seemed to be coming from the ship itself, before Romuul stated that the translucent spherical shield was in place and that the Light was ready. The heroes watched as images of parts of the Vindicaar were shown to them, where patches of Light energy seemed to be seeping out of the ship, before the entirety of their dimensional ship was engulfed in a bright light that made everyone cover their eyes for a moment. When the moment passed, and the light faded, Lyra, Trixie, and the other heroes opened their eyes and found that the Vindicaar had been transformed, as the purple and silver parts of the ship had been converted to varying shades of golden, just like the Xenedar... even the interior had been changed, but Velen smiled as he stared at the Vindicaar, indicating that all was well.

"The Crown is whole once more!" Velen declared, loud enough for everyone on the ship to hear him, which was followed by all of the heroes cheering, as they all knew exactly what was coming next, especially when Velen walked back over to the navigation console, "Now we take the fight to the Burning Throne itself. Ready yourselves. Antorus awaits!"

"Not quite yet." a voice said, to which everyone turned towards one of the ramp that someone could walk up if they were on the lower level of the ship, where Trixie's eyes widened as she stared at the pair that was walking up towards the area she was standing in.

Thanks to her travels across Azeroth it was hard for her to not know who the pair were, as the lady that was at the head of the pack, wearing some of the most revealing armor in the world while also protecting herself in the process, was none other than Alexstrasza, the Dragon Queen herself. Standing beside her was Azuregos, who she had last seen back during their assault on the Cathedral of Eternal Night, though while she wondered what they were doing here she knelt before the Dragon Queen. It felt right, mainly because it was how she usually greeted Alexstrasza back when she was in Norhtrend, but also because she was technically part dragon herself now, so it felt even more appropriate for her to kneel before her.

"Lady Alexstrasza, I was not expecting to see you again for some time," Trixie said, and that was the truth, though she suspected that the Dragon Queen had likely sought her out because of her unique nature, which would have explained why Azuregos was here as well.

"Trixie Lulamoon, I have told you time and time again that there is no reason for you to kneel before me," Alexstrasza replied, to which she offered Trixie a light smile as she pulled her back up to her feet, where Trixie seemed confused for a moment and yet said nothing, "I came because I heard some rumors about your new form and the powers that you appeared to command... and, based on what I saw earlier, it seems that they were true. Your mastery of magic, and using simple commands to shape the magic around you into pure beings of the arcane, remind me of what my brother did so long ago, before he went insane. Azuregos has agreed that it is time to tell you the truth about the essence that you absorbed back in Azsuna... it's not the essence of a long dead female blue dragon, but rather it was the essence, and contained some power, of one of my brothers; Malygos."

"The Spell-Weaver!" Trixie gasped, understanding what Alexstrasza as saying, though as she thought about how her magic had evolved since she transformed into this state she realized that she had missed something incredibly important, her mastery over her powers had put her on a level beyond a normal mage... because she had been merged with the essence of Malygos himself, minus the insanity he felt before his death.

"Indeed, and there's more news for you." Azuregos said, though there was a guilty look in his eyes, indicating that he wished he had told her the truth back when he first gave her the necklace containing the essence, and the same thing was true when he was describing what happened to her back in Azsuna, "Thanks to your trials, against the Legion and the other dangers you have faced, you have come to a point where one final change awaits you... one that will make you a true weapon that the Legion will fear."

Lyra was going to ask what they meant, but as she opened her mouth she noticed a light blue haze appear in Trixie's eyes for a moment, as if she was seeing the world differently, before she closed her eyes and let the magic that was all around her do what it was trying to do. She watched as Trixie's dragon horns seemed to change, as a new pair grew out from beneath the first pair, though instead of curling towards the sky, like the first pair, these new ones were bent down towards the ground and stopped when they were the same distance as her original pair. Her main horn, the one that represented her unicorn nature, twisted for a moment until it resembled a curved horn that looked like Sombra's, only Trixie's took on a crystalline blue coloration that almost made it look like it was an actual crystal. Nothing else seemed to happen to her, at least nothing they could see when she was in this form, but Lyra could tell that Trixie's power had stabilized and that it was greater than before.

A few seconds later Trixie opened her eyes and a faint blue mist rolled out of them, where she looked at herself to see if there were any strange changes, but for the most part Trixie was still the same... though they would see if that was true when she morphed into her dragon form again.

"Trixie Lulamoon, it appears that we were right, you do have the power to command what has been given to you." Alexstrasza said, though as she spoke she raised her hand and rested it on Trixie's shoulder with a smile on her face, while Azuregos smiled as well, "Though the Aspects are no more, and the Blue Dragons have gone their separate ways, you have proven that you are capable of commanding this power... and, as such, I feel that you should take on the title of Spell-Weaver, to reflect your new nature."

"I... thank you, Alexstrasza." Trixie said, though this time around she didn't call the Dragon Queen by her title or even attempt to bow her head, indicating that something had changed inside her, but she said nothing about that as she smiled at Alexstrasza.

"I must return to Azeroth now," Alexstrasza commented, to which she and Azuregos turned to leave, but at the same time she turned and looked at Trixie once more, as if imagining someone else was standing there, "but know that all of the dragonflights are wishing for a speedy success."

Trixie nodded and the heroes watched as the Dragon Queen, accompanied by her escort, departed from the Vindicaar, though as Trixie felt the portal being used she looked down at herself and realized that her control over the arcane had drastically improved. She actually wondered what sort of spells she could craft at a moment's notice, and the devastating effect they could have, but before she got crazy she realized that there was one other thing they needed to do before the assault on Antorus could begin. As such she turned her attention to Lyra, who was still holding the shadowy fragment of L'ura in the protective cloth she had wrapped around it, and knew that it was time to see what happened when she stabilized herself as well. Lyra, however, could feel the eyes of everyone else staring at her, meaning that everyone was interested in what was going to happen when she physically touched the fragment that she had been carrying the entire time.

"Okay Lyra, I think it's time you stopped stalling." Trixie said, though as she spoke she offered Lyra a smile, just to show that she hadn't changed all that much from her own transformation.

"I know... Romuul, send me down to Mac'Aree for a moment," Lyra replied, to which the heroes turned towards the commander of the ship, who nodded his head and accessed the controls, before Lyra disappeared and an image appeared to show her between all of the beacons they had launched down into Mac'Aree.

Lyra sighed as she stared down at the cloth that the shadowy fragment was resting in, as she knew it would have come to this eventually, though before she did anything she felt another flash of Light energy and Lord Illidan appeared nearby, carrying the Twinblades of the Deceiver with him, but he said nothing as he set them to the side and watched her. She felt better knowing that the person who had watched over her, when she first arrived in the Outlands, was going to be watching over her again when she did something as crazy as stabbing her own eyes, and she still marveled at how her eyes hadn't been destroyed in that process. They were then joined by Trixie, who wanted to be there for her, and she nodded her head in understanding as her fellow Equestrian stood beside Lord Illidan, though once they were done moving she focused her mind and lifted the shadowy fragment from the cloth, which she stored away before the magic started to take shape around them. The three of them watched as the fragment twisted in shape until it morphed into the second half of the circlet that Lyra was wearing, though it radiated with a power that mimicked her Dark Magic, meaning L'ura had likely felt it and gave her the tool that she needed to stabilize herself.

She grasped the half of the circlet, the right half she realized, and connected it to the other half, where the completed circlet rested around her head for a few seconds, though that was followed by a mass of Light energy and a mass of Dark Magic surrounding her as the two halves worked their magic.

Trixie watched as the two polar opposite elements wrapped around Lyra, seemingly in unison she realized, and formed a spherical ball around her, blocking her friend from their view and caused them to wonder what was going to happen to her this time. A few moments passed before the sphere started to fall apart before their eyes, though as it did so, and they were allowed to see Lyra again, Trixie's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, as the two fragments of the circlet had transformed into more than what she and anyone else were expecting. Lyra stood there with the same body that she had, when she wasn't using her Havoc Form, but as the energy cleared away Trixie noticed that her horns, her demon hunter horns, had come back, but now they looked like miniature versions of Illidan's horns. There was also the unusual fact that her left horn, and the tattoos on that side of her body, were golden colored, like the Light that was inside her body, while the horn and tattoos on her right side were darkened, like the Dark Magic she wielded. A few seconds later her demon hunter wings returned in full force, as if they had never left, and Trixie found that they, too, were separated into two different colors, ones that matched the rest of her body. Even her eyes radiated a familiar mist from them, though while Lyra's right eye had the Dark Magic mist, which was normal, her left eye had a golden Light colored mist.

It was in that moment that Trixie realized that Lyra had, somehow, assumed her demon hunter appearance again, only this time she was powered by the Light and her inner Dark Magic, wielded by a single individual at the same time, and that only made her wonder what powers she had at this point... and if she even had a Havoc Form anymore, or if she even needed that form at this point in time, as her power was amazing and she could feel something happening.

"Illidan, you might want to step out of the way." Trixie commented, to which the Leader of the Illidari looked at her for a moment, but instead of asking questions he moved a little and made sure that he wasn't near the Twinblades, which happened to be shaking at the moment.

Not a few seconds later Lyra extended her right hand and the warglaive that was associated with that hand went flying towards her hand, where it settled the instant Lyra grabbed it, but as Trixie watched she noticed that the metal changed until it seemed to be a warglaive that had been infused with the darkness. The warglaive now looked like something that came out of someone's nightmare, as the shadows reminded her of what they had seen of L'ura a tiny bit, but Lyra wasn't done with just one of her warglaives. Once the first one was completed Lyra held out her left hand and the second warglaive went flying to her side, where it accepted the power of the Light and the blade turned golden, the opposite of the darkness that was on the other weapon, and completed the look that Lyra was apparently going for; one half commanding the Light, while the other half commanded Dark Magic. The moment the two weapons were in her hands, transformed to fit her new form, Lyra started moving her body like the demon hunter she had been, moving her new Twinblades as if she hadn't been robbed of the fel energy she came to use all the time... and Trixie knew that Lyra was stronger than before, which was good in the grand scheme of things.

After a few moments of doing that Lyra stopped practicing her old movements and waved her hands, where the Twinblades turned to energy and disappeared entirely, but Trixie knew that her friend had sent her weapons into a storage area of sorts that were associated with her new horns. She had never bothered to ask how Illidan had stored his own warglaives in his horns, but she figured that now wasn't the time, not when Lyra climbed the nearby structure that they had been standing near and looked towards the Seat of the Triumvirate. As everyone watched her she suddenly raised a hand towards the sky and both her powers reacted, as both the Light and Dark Magic started to gather above her hand, where Trixie watched as the energy started to expand into a ball of energy that was three times Lyra's size. The power stored inside the sphere, even if it was just a small fraction of Lyra's new power, caused the ground around the structure she was standing on to crack... which was followed by Lyra hurling the sphere towards the Seat of the Triumvirate, which was engulfed in blinding light for a moment.

Sargeras would have been annoyed with the situation, as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were dead and the mortals were attacking Argus at that very moment, but things were playing into his hands and he was making sure that everything was in place for his victory. The moment the portal to Azeroth was opened he shifted into his cosmic cloud form and traveled towards his prize, which was started to wrap his being around so he could accurately determine if Azeroth had been compromised by the infection of the Old Gods, and the Void they served, or if there was time for him to draw out the World Soul that was the Titan known as Azeroth. If it was the former of the two choices he would grab his mighty blade and smash Azeroth into a thousand pieces, killing his prize and sparing the innocent Titan in the process, though if it was the latter he would ensure Azeroth joined his cause to defeat the Void, just like the rest of the Pantheon would once their rebirth was finished.

If any of the heroes that were on Argus looked up into the sky, and stared at Azeroth, they would realize that he had beaten them at long last and he was claiming his prize, and it was all thanks to the one night elf he had empowered all those years ago, back before the Well of Eternity exploded and destroyed his portal.

Sargeras then paused for a moment, as he felt what appeared to be a shifting in the arcane powers that he and the other Titans were connected to, which caused him to turn part of the cloud back up towards the rift between Argus and Azeroth so he could stared at the seat of his power for a few seconds. From what he could tell a new creature, one specifically tied to the arcane and wasn't a Titan, had entered a level of power that would have allowed them to easily rival either of his twisted commanders, and that was after he had empowered them with the fel energy. He watched Argus for a few more seconds, knowing that the being had to be one of those strange 'pony girls' that his Eredar mentioned in their various reports, before he decided to turn back towards his prize. As he started to do that, however, he felt another surge of power, one that was even greater than the arcane user, and snapped his cloud head back towards Argus, where he felt a union of the Light and a new type of Darkness, one that certain demons claimed was 'Dark Magic', a power that he believed to be similar to the terrible Void. He had never felt such a fusion of different powers before, one where he had to turn his cosmic head away from Argus for a second as a bright light, a mixture of Light and Shadow, appeared on Argus for a few seconds.

When the light faded he turned back towards Azeroth with the thought of claiming his prize quickly, because he knew that if the Army of the Light had a being that controlled both the power of the Light and the power of Void, in the terrifying union that he had felt, his plans might crumble to dust... and he had no idea if the forces of Antorus, or even Aggramar himself, could stand against the power that now stood against him.

When the smoke cleared Trixie opened her eyes and found a shocking sight, the Seat of the Triumvirate, the area they had been in earlier, was gone and in it's place rested a smoldering crater, to which she glanced up at Lyra, who was staring down at the wreckage she had caused. She had known that combining the fel energy and Dark Magic had produced some devastating results, and she had seen them first hand many times, but she never once considered that the Light and Dark Magic could be merged together in such a manner, with even greater results. Lyra, on the other hand, turned away from where she had been standing and jumped down to where Trixie and Illidan were standing, where she touched the ground without a bit of damage done to her legs, though as she walked towards them her wings flashed and disappeared into the tattoos on her back, which she was glad to use once more.

"Xe'ra had no idea what she was doing earlier," Trixie commented, causing Lyra to turn towards her, though the smile on her face told Trixie that her friend understood what she was saying, while Illidan nodded as well, "she thought Illidan was the 'Chosen One', and yet it appears that you are the one destined to help stop the Legion."

"It's like Lord Illidan said earlier, there can be no chosen one," Lyra said, though at the same time she held out her hands and her warglaives flashed into existence again, allowing Trixie to look at them closely at the same time while she continued to talk, "though, since my power and weapons are different, allow me to introduce the Netherlight Twinblades; Nightmare and Daybreaker."

"The Legion should fear your new power," Illidan stated, to which he chuckled as the three of them looked at each other for a few seconds, as they knew exactly what he was going to say next, "It is time for us to begin the assault on Antorus and bring an end to Sargeras' plans."

Lyra nodded as the three of them teleported back aboard the Vindicaar and let Romuul set the ship towards the Antoran Wastes, where they would tear down the walls of Antorus and assault everything that Sargeras put in place to defend the World Soul of Argus... even if they had to tear down Aggramar at the same time.

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