• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Argus: Forbidden Descent

With the Antoran High Command taken care of, and the chain of command for the demons of Antorus damaged, the heroes of Azeroth backtracked to the den that the two felhounds had been located in, where they walked back up to the path that would take them to the Worldbreaker. Along the way they found a path off to the left, which would have been on their right as they came down to face the felhounds, and spotted a portal that happened to be open at the moment, one that appeared to head into Antorus itself. As such they headed over to the portal and headed through it, though when all of them stepped out of the other side they found themselves in what appeared to be the central command area for all of the Legion's portals. The main reasoning behind that was because there were three Doommaiden, female Eredar with wings, channeling small portals to three different planes of existence, which meant that whoever they were protecting needed to be taken out before they could move deeper into Antorus.

Despite that fact, however, the group could feel the presence of something powerful, something that Lyra recalled from the vision Xe'ra had given her, causing her to realize that they could feel Eonar's presence... and it happened to be coming from a room on the left side of the room they were in.

As such the heroes jumped down onto the path off to their left and engaged the Doommaiden that was trying to establish a larger portal to whatever plane she was connecting to, which appeared to be a plane of fire, forcing her to call some flaming demon spiders to assist her while they attacked her. Of course her first mistake was closing the portal the moment the group decided to attack her, though her second one was thinking that a pack of demonic spiders were going to make the heroes surrender and die. While they fought the Doommaiden some of the heroes started at the portal that was on their left and pulled the demons away from it, allowing the others to deal with them in addition to the creature they were currently fighting. It took them a minute or two to take out the Doommaiden and her new allies, though once she fell to the group, and her connection to the fire plane was disconnected, they turned towards the portal that they had spotted and walked up to it.

While they walked over to the portal, however, Magni walked through the portal they had just walked through and followed after them, where he stopped in front of the portal they were all interested in... informing them that they had to be right about what was on the other side.

"Champions! I heard a familiar voice callin', so I followed you inside this accursed place." Magni said, though before he could say anything else an image of a female being, one that even radiated a small amount of power despite the fact that she wasn't fully manifested in front of them, appeared before the portal... but they knew it was Eonar.

"Champions, hear me." the image of Eonar said, though her voice sounded urgent, which confirmed what the group of heroes was thinking at that moment, especially considering what they were up against, "The Legion has breached my sanctuary, and my defenses will soon be overrun. Stand with me now, lest Sargeras claim his prize."

"It's Eonar, the Life-Binder!" Magni stated, pointing out the obvious, though at the same time the heroes simply let him talk while they prepared themselves for the fight ahead of them, "This portal leads ta her sanctuary. Go, I'll stay here and cover yer backs!"

The instant that Magni was done talking the heroes headed through the portal that was in front of them, though when they appeared on the other side they discovered that they were in a new world that was full of life and had a number of guardians to watch over Eonar's essence. They headed down the path that was in front of them, passing the watchers that Eonar must have created so long ago when Sargeras bested her, or even before that happened, and approached the building that would take them to where the great power was coming from. As they walked through it the watchers imbued them with some power, whatever it was they didn't know about, though as they entered the actual area that the Titan's essence was in they felt a massive surge of power from the location that her essence was in. Lyra and Trixie knew that if Eonar was this strong, even when she was recovering, that Aggramar was just as strong as her, but they were eager to see what sort of battle he gave them when they entered the core of Argus.

"Welcome, mortals, to my sanctuary." Eonar said, her voice echoing throughout the fortress area that they were in, while at the same time they walked forward and took in the area around them, "For countless ages my spirit has lingered here, safe from the Dark Titan's grasp. But he has found me at last, and comes to claim my power. Time grows short. The enemy closes in. Approach me and stand ready, my children. The final battle is at hand."

That was followed by a new Legion ship teleport into the area that they were in, along with demons starting to teleport down to three different areas that would allow them to reach the central core of the fortress, as all paths stopped at where Eonar's essence was located. What was interesting was the fact that the demons teleported down to the entrance they had walked through, causing some of the heroes to turn around and deal with them while the rest of the heroes dropped down into a lower area so they could deal with another group of demons that had teleported into the area. Lyra and Trixie, on the other hand, had a different plan of attack, as Trixie morphed back into her pure dragon form and rained arcane fire down upon the demons that were sneaking into the area from a fourth path that none of the other heroes were attacking, while Lyra took the highest path and hacked her way through the demons that wanted to get to Eonar. The two of them were more than enough to protect their chosen paths, as the demons were unable to overcome Trixie and her new arcane powers, just like they were unable to get by Lyra as she used her new warglaives to do some serious harm to the enemies that were coming her way.

Every now and then Eonar, who was apparently assisting them the entire time they were fighting, channeled her powers and obliterated a specific group of demons, or even dealt some damage to the new Legion ship that had been sent to capture her essence. Lyra knew that the ship had been equipped with a weapon that could take Eonar out, though Trixie's new command over the arcane ensured that such a thing never happened, as her new arcane constructs boarded the ship and damaged the weapon system that was aboard it, using the information that she gained from the Fel Hammer when Lyra showed her and Khadgar the Illidari command center back before they started this quest. Eventually Eonar charged up one final blast and the entirety of the demons were obliterated, before the Legion ship exploded before their eyes, allowing the heroes to relax as they approached Eonar's essence.

"The tormented cries of the Pantheon ring out from deep within the core of Argus." Eonar said, though at the same time she wrapped her energy around the heroes, especially Lyra and Trixie as they landed on the platform and stood near their allies, indicating that she was going to teleport them back to Antorus, "If Sargeras breaks them as he did Aggramar, no power in this universe will stop him. Release them, champions, or your struggle will be for naught."

Before anyone could say anything they found themselves back in Antorus, in front of the portal they had used to access Eonar's sanctuary, but instead of questioning it they engaged the remaining two Doommaidens that were in front of the main transport nexus that they needed to take out. Fortunately the shadow and fel portals didn't summon anything more than some additional spiders, like the fire portal, so the group of heroes focused on the winged Eredar and toppled them with their might. It was nice to take out the demons that were controlling the portals that allowed the demons to move around the various worlds, but with the portal master still alive they wouldn't be able to truly win, since they could call in additional forces to deal with them whenever they wanted... to which they walked up the ramp that was opposite of the main portal they used to enter this part of Antorus and found another Doommaiden, this one radiating more power, standing in the heart of the teleportation nexus.

"Every world in our path has fallen." the Doommaiden commented, to which she turned around and faced the heroes as they stopped before her, where a barrier appeared around the entrance to prevent them from leaving until either she was dead or they were dead, "I am Hasabel, Portal Keeper of the Legion... and your planet is next, for the Legion devastates all who oppose us!"

As the battle between the heroes of Azeroth and Hasabel began Lyra and Trixie noticed that there were three active portals already waiting to be used, a fire one to the left side of the arena, a fel one that Hasebel had been staring at, and a shadow one that was to the right. A few seconds ticked by before Hasabel unleashed one of her greatest skills right off the bat, a large swirling vortex of shadowy energy that all the heroes, including Lyra and Trixie, moved out of before they could be damaged by the explosion that came after the attack was ready. Since she was the one who cast the spell, however, Hasabel remained unharmed from the detonation and chased after them, swinging her claws at them while they wondered what sort of tricks she had up her sleeves. She also tore a hole in reality that highlighted a good portion of the arena they were fighting in, causing the heroes that were in the attack's way to move out of the way when the fel energy rushed out of the gaping portal Hasabel had created.

Not a few moments after the attack failed to hit anyone Hasabel reached out with her power and the fiery portal really sprung to life, connecting Antorus to whatever world was on the other side, indicating that she was already calling for reinforcements, despite the fact that the battle had only just begun.

"Witness Xoroth," Hasabel said, naming the world that they were now connected to, though as she called demonic flaming spiders to her aid several of the heroes charged into the portal so they could take out the commander that was on the other side, "a world of infernal heat and scorched bones!"

Lyra, feeling up to the challenge, charged into the portal as well and stepped forward, though instead of appearing on an actual planet, like she was expecting, she found herself standing on a platform that was above the area that the others were fighting Hasabel in. The only demon in front of them was a fiery infernal, empowered by the flames of the world he had been called from, though she and the other heroes engaged the demon that was standing before them, dodging the attacks that were coming their way, healing the wounds they received if they were too slow, and dealt damage to the demon that stood against them. It didn't take them long to fell the demon, especially with Lyra backing them with her new powers, and they were able to move back to the main event and continued their assault on Hasabel, while avoiding her swirling vortex and reality tearing attacks that she was fond of using. If the Doommaiden was disappointed in the demon they had slain she showed it, because she called the demon worthless for failing her and their master, before she continued the fight and focused her mind on her enemies.

Eventually they knocked her to the point where she summoned a portal to a place called Rancora, which apparently was a place of festering pools and skittering death, meaning that it was infested with spiders and other foul creatures like them. Instead of heading through the new portal Lyra and Trixie let the others take the commander out, as they were focused on killing Hasabel and destroying the teleportation nexus. It wasn't long before the heroes were back from the new planet and continued the fight once more, earning more anger from their opponent, whose attacks became more reckless as she discovered that she might be fighting a losing battle. That still didn't stop her from opening the third portal, which apparently went to someplace called Nathreza, a planet that had once been a world of magic and knowledge before it had been destroyed and twisted by the Legion. The third commander she called upon for assistance didn't fare any better either, as the heroes were able to swarm his position and cut him down before he could do anything to seriously wound him, allowing them to return and engage Hasabel once more.

With her fellow commanders dead, and her energy growing weaker and weaker as she tried to summon any additional portals that might assist her, the heroes were able to deal enough damage to Hasabel and forced her to her knees, where she coughed as she realized what was in front of her.

"The portals... must... endure..." Hasabel said, though that was before she collapsed on the ground and stopped moving, to which the heroes smiled as the teleportation nexus shut off completely, because without it's master this entire place was a hunk of junk until someone came to restore the power.

"Without their portals, the Legion is cut off from reinforcements." Khadgar stated, though while his tone was serious, as they were still in the middle of enemy territory, he was proud that they had a fighting chance of defeating the Legion and didn't have to worry about enemies coming from behind them, "Now is the time to press our attack!"

"Well done, champions." Velen spoke up, once more calling from the Vindicaar, where he and the majority of the commanders were standing so they could conserve their energies for the greater fight that was ahead of them, "For the first time in millennia, a blow has been struck against the denizens of the Burning Throne. Yet this battle is far from over. A great power roils in torment at this world's core. Rendezvous with the Vindicaar so we can prepare for the final attack."

As the heroes began to leave the area, and head back to the portal they used to teleport into this building, Trixie gathered in the arcane energies around them and formed a pulsing spherical device in a matter of seconds, though she then placed it beside Hasabel's corpse. From there she and Lyra walked through the portal they used to get inside the building, though instead of heading in the same direction as the other heroes Trixie peeled off and headed back to the area that the Antoran High Command had been standing in. The heroes, confused as to what she was doing, watched and waited for her to return, though when Trixie returned a few minutes later she smiled as her magical aura intensified for a few moments. That, in turn, was followed by an explosion tearing apart the area that the Antoran High Command ruled from, obliterating the entire area and wrecking the weapons and consoles that happened to be in that area, before the building that the teleportation nexus was in exploded in a similar fashion as well.

"There, now we won't have to worry about someone taking control of the teleportation nexus," Trixie commented, though at the same time she headed for the beacon that the other heroes had been using to get back aboard the Vindicaar, indicating that she was ready to keep moving.

"Trixie, what did you do?" Khadgar asked, though now that he was seeing that Trixie had a greater command of her power than any other mage in all of Azeroth, especially since she was the new Spell-Weaver, she was extremely dangerous and the Legion would soon fear the power that was arrayed against them.

"I created a pair of pure mana bombs, to permanently put those areas out of commission," Trixie replied, though those that knew the term immediately understood that she was being careful, as those devices, crafted from metal anyway, were extremely dangerous, which meant they were even stronger when they were made from pure magic, "With the teleportation nexus gone our enemies won't be able to summon any reinforcements, even if they had someone trained and ready to replace Hasabel. I also removed the Antoran High Command area to be sure their weapons, and any potential consoles, couldn't be used against us, ensuring a smoother operation for all of us."

Once Trixie had explained what was going on, and everyone understood that it was for the betterment of their operation, they teleported aboard the Vindicaar and moved to the back end of Antorus, where another threat to their overall success rested. According to Alleria they were going to take out a demon that churned out a never ending supply of weapons that the Legion could use against them and likely had a new one ready to blow the Vindicaar out of the air, so if they wanted to reach Aggramar and the other Titans they had to take the master engineer out. Everyone understood what she was saying, as they didn't want to die before they reached their target, and allowed Romuul to teleport them down to the walkway that would take them to where Kin'garoth was waiting... though as they started walking forward, however, the door to the engineer's domain closed and a new ship, smaller than all the other Legion ships they had seen so far, flew overhead as a new threat became known to them.

"Halt!" a voice said, to which one of the tougher looking Fel Lords teleported down into the area in front of them, blocking them from reaching Kin'garoth's domain, while at the same time wielding a deadly looking axe and a number of gadgets on his belt, indicating he was a bounty hunter, "You'll go no further, mortal scum. There's a bounty on your heads, and I, Imonar, mean to collect."

When the heroes engaged Imonar they discovered that he seemed to have a shock ability on his weapon and that he liked to throw around grenades that either put people to sleep for a few moments or shocked them in order to weaken them. As such Trixie, not wanting anyone to fall asleep, grabbed the light green colored canisters and hurled them into the abyss with her magic, while at the same time the heroes moved out of the way to avoid taking damage from the shock grenades she did nothing about. The funny thing was that when Imonar saw that happen, and watched his sleep canisters be brushed aside like they were nothing, he recognized Trixie almost instantly, indicating that whoever had called upon his services wanted her dead more than anyone else in their army. Of course when Imonar turned towards her and swing his weapon the expected result happened, Lyra appeared between the two of them and stopped the attack before it could even reach it's target... where Trixie moved to a new area and continued firing, while at the same time Lyra engaged the bounty hunter that wanted all of them dead, especially her and Trixie.

It wasn't long before Imonar jumped to the other side of the walkway they were all standing on and left a trail of traps between him and the area he had been on a few seconds ago, to which the heroes made their way through the obstacles and attacked him while he was charging up some sort of powerful attack, stopping it from happening and forcing him to fight them once more. This time around all of his attacks were fire based and he seemed to call in the small Legion ships for assistance, which Trixie crushed out of the air with her control over the arcane, leaving their opponent without one of his toys at the moment. It quickly came to the point where Imonar had to retreat back to the first area they engaged him on and he left a new trail of fire infused traps behind, though once again the heroes carefully made their way through those traps, stopped him from firing off his empowered attack, and continued the battle against them with the same arsenal from the first two rounds... only they were supposed to be even stronger than when he first fought them, which meant the was supposed to be going all out at the moment.

Since they knew his attack patterns by that point in time, and Trixie could removed half of his attacks by hurling the canisters into the abyss or destroying the smaller ships, it wasn't long before the heroes toppled Imonar and brought him to his knees... while at the same time shattering his weapon, so he couldn't lash out again.

"I regret... taking... this job..." Imonar weakly said, before collapsing on the platform they were fighting on, causing the heroes to relax for a moment, because the next foe was likely going to be even stronger than anything they had fought so far, especially since he was likely surrounded by his machines.

Before anyone could say anything the Vindicaar loosed a blast from Light's Judgement and tore open a good sized hole in the sealed door that was in front of them, allowing them to enter the domain of Kin'garoth whenever they so desired... to which the heroes started to move forward, because they knew that it would be easier to take him out now, before he unleashed whatever weapon he had been building to stop them. And then, once he was taken care of, they could move closer to the core of Argus so they could free the Pantheon and face down Aggramar... and then, hopefully, bring an end to Sargeras' foul plans at long last.

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