• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Shore: Surveying the Shore

After assaulting the shoreline of the Broken Shore, killing an eredar lord, capturing the ruins that the eredar had been guarding, and causing Mephistroth to flee before decimating his command ship, things started to get busy around the new base of operations that the combined Order Halls had claimed. Deliverance Point became a place of activity as Khadgar and the portal keepers for the twelve Orders started opening gateways for troops and workers to pour into the ruined area, where the workers got to work repairing the three structures that rested around the ruins. What Lyra learned was that there was something special about the three buildings and Khadgar wanted to know what that something was before they got too far into the invasion of the Broken Shore. At the same time, however, something shocked Lyra as both Lord Illidan and Maiev were actually tolerating each other's presence, though she assumed that there was a specific reason they weren't at each other's throats... but at the moment she paid less attention to that and focused on the demons that needed to be killed in the near future.

Trixie, of course, was standing beside her mentor, opening portals to the areas that he specified, allowing troops to come and go as necessary, leaving Lyra to wait for the next order before they did anything... and, truth be told, Lyra was fine with being back to a normal soldier in the Illidari, now that her master had returned to her and the others.

"Lyra," Trixie said, though at the same time she stopped behind her friend, who was currently sitting on a fallen log that let her stare out at the demon base that was close to Deliverance Point, while waiting for her to turn her head back a tiny bit to acknowledge her presence, "Khadgar told me that it's time for us to get underway... he's finally determined what you and I are going to be doing on the Broken Shore."

"Good." Lyra replied, though as she said that she got back onto her hooves and dusted her armor off, before turning around and followed Trixie through Deliverance Point, noting how the other troops were doing at the moment as they made their way towards the area that Khadgar and the flightmaster was in.

When the duo arrived at the area, and Lyra nodded to her master for a moment, they stopped in front of Khadgar, who was speaking to Commander Chambers, the person that was responsible for overseeing the repairs on the ruins and the three main buildings that rested around them. A few moments later the conversation stopped and Chambers walked over to the table he generally worked at, allowing Khadgar to turn his attention to the two Equestrians, knowing that they would complete their mission with the greatest of ease.

"Lyra, Trixie, I have some interesting news for the two of you," Khadgar said, to which he pulled out an old tome that looked like it had seen some things over the years, though the smile on his face meant this was knowledge based, "During the assault, our forces uncovered an ancient night elf tome. The fact that it survived so long in these harsh lands is quite remarkable. Its enchantments have faded over the ages, but I sense the book is almost... hungry, as if reaching out to places where the night elves practiced magic long ago. Bringing the tome to nearby ruins may reveal secrets that could give us an edge against the Legion. I've included a note about which ruins might be worth investigating, but ultimately I leave the decision of which ruins you want to search up to the two of you."

"New knowledge that will give us an edge," Lyra commented, though at the same moment she grinned for a few seconds, as this was already getting better for the Armies of Legionsfall, "The Legion will regret the day they decided to attack Azeroth again."

"Commander Chambers also has something he needs to tell the two of you," Khadgar said, beckoning towards the man in question, who lifted his head for a moment, to indicate that he had heard them say his name, before returning to his duties, "Once you help him out, and get the knowledge from that tome, we can truly being our attack on the Broken Shore and the Legion's outposts."

Lyra and Trixie glanced at each other as they walked over to where Commander Chambers was standing, though at the same time the duo watched some of the troops move supplies down to the lower part of the camp, before they turned their attention to the man.

"If we don't build up some respectable fortifications, we'll lose our foothold on the Broken Shore." Commander Chambers said, not even bothering to look up at the duo for a moment, since he knew that they were there by seeing Trixie's dragon feet to his left, "That ain't gonna happen on my watch, mate! We started construction on three key structures: the Mage Tower, the Nether Disruptor, and the Command Center. Each will play a key role in helping us pound the tar out of the Burning Legion. To make progress, we need Legionfall War Supplies... and I mean lots of 'em! You bring 'em to me, and I'll handle distribution. Got it?"

"Shouldn't be too hard to get some supplies for you," Trixie replied, because she figured that they could find supplies scattered around the Broken Shore, either in the hands of demons or simply resting on the ground, before noticing that there had to be something else, "Was there anything else you wanted to tell us?"

"Yes; you two wanna hold territory on this chunder puddle of an island, right?" Chambers asked, though this time he actually looked up at the two of them for a moment, to which both Lyra and Trixie nodded their heads, "Right. That means linkin' up with camps on the outskirts, mate. I know this bloke called Heidirk. Scrappy fella, loves to get into the thick of it. Headed out to the eastern coast with those drakes of his. Have a look for him. Remind him he owes me a pint or two!"

With the information given to them, and knowing that a good number of the heroes would be contained to the ruins to ensure that nothing terrible happened, the duo followed the path back to the main camp of the ruins and walked down the path on their right. The two of them walked down the pathway that Trixie had walked down during the first invasion that the Alliance had walked down, as the Horde took a second route, but before they reached the area that contained the portals they turned right again and headed towards the beach. Fortunately, since the combined forces of the Order Halls had marched through this area not too long ago, literally thirty minutes ago, there weren't a lot of demons running around, allowing the duo to approach the water.

Trixie surveyed the area for a few seconds, seeing if there were any enemies that might be waiting for them, before morphing into her dragon form and beckoned Lyra to climb on, where she took to the skies and followed the coastline that had been pointed out to them. It didn't take them too long to find where Commander Chambers had been pointing them to, as they saw a man standing near some drakes, indicating that he must had be the person they were searching for, though as Trixie brought them in for a landing she noticed that the man was a valarjar, one of the troops that served the warrior Order. A few moments later, when they touched the ground, Trixie didn't bother reverting back to normal, as she had seen the ruins on the top of the mountain near them and knew that they had to be what her mentor was talking about before they departed from Deliverance Point.

"Chambers sent you? He can down a tankard with the best of 'em, I'll give him that. But if he says I owe him anything, he's a liar!" Heidirk stated, as the moment he asked the question he determined that they had to have been sent by Commander Chambers, though the valarjar smiled at them, "Don't you two worry, my drakes and I will hold the point here. But more of this shore will need to be secured before your campaign can find victory. On my way here, I ran across a squad of demon hunters headed northwest to Vengeance Point. You can bet the Legion will try to stop them from establishing a forward position. I spoke to an elf named Izal Whitemoon. Not the friendliest sort, but I'm sure she'd be grateful if you lent the Illidari a hand... whether she admits it or not."

"Trust me, if she needed help she'd only ask Lord Illidan or myself," Lyra said, though she chuckled for a moment, as that sounded like the Izal she knew, while at the same time being impressed that three bases had been constructed around the same time as each other.

Once they were finished speaking with Heidirk, and made sure they knew where Aalgen Point was located, Lyra climbed back onto Trixie's back and they headed up towards the first part of the ruins that they had seen, which had demons walking around it, like they were looking for something. Lyra grinned as she saw the demons walking around, as when they drew close enough she gripped her warglaives and jumped off of Trixie's back, where she descended towards the ground and cleaved the eredar sorcerer in half. The other demons, the wrathguards, charged at her while she stood up, though that was when Trixie flew by, grabbed one of them with her talons, and hurled the demon off the cliff before crushing the other one... where she reverted back to her hybrid state.

Lyra smiled at that, because seeing Trixie do something with her dragon form, besides flying around, was always fun to see, though at the same time Trixie pulled out the tome they had been given and channeled some arcane energy into it, allowing the ghosts of the past to appear for a few moments. The collective energy in the entire ruin gathered around Trixie and the tome for a few seconds, pulling in all of the information that had been stored away in this area, before the ghosts started to disappear, one by one. After a few seconds of standing there in silence, and the ghosts of the past disappearing, Trixie finally closed the tome and walked away from the ruin, though this time around Lyra followed after her as she followed the pull to the other two places where the power of the past was calling out to her... to which Trixie left Lyra to cut down the demons that were in front of them while she focused on the power.

The second ruin was on the other side of the mountain, once more surrounded by eredar and demons, though Lyra was more than happy to deal with them and cut down down, allowing Trixie to gather the power of the past into the tome before the ghosts of this ruin were done with their task. From there Trixie and Lyra carefully made their way down the side of the mountain, heading to some ruins that were literally in front of a demon smithy, though since the demons were preoccupied with their work Trixie and Lyra repeated their actions at the third and final ruin. This time around Lyra merely stood guard while Trixie worked, though when the tome was completely energized by the three ruins, however, Trixie put the tome away, reverted to her dragon form, and flew off with Lyra on her back... though not before they purposely stopped by the smithy and burned it with Trixie's fire breath.

As Trixie flew away from the ruins, and ascended quite some distance above the Broken Shore, they got a better look at the demons that were gathering in the various fortresses they had created, though when they found Vengeance Point under attack by demons... or more accurately a large group of felbats and felguards. Since those were the types of demons that were attacking the Illidari's new base, and not something like a pit lord, Lyra simply smiled as she watched the Illidari slaughter demons without needing her assistance. That fact was further proven when several of the Illidari stepped out of the portals that the demons were using and crushed the portal stones that had been keeping the gateways open... causing the rest of their allies to cheer in the process as they finished off the rest of the demons that had been attacking their new base.

Izal glanced up at Lyra and Trixie for a few moments, where she smiled at the duo as she waved, though Lyra repeated the gesture and added another one that indicated that she was pleased with their progress, before she and Trixie returned to Deliverance Point... where they returned to Khadgar with the tome in hand, as well as Trixie reverting back to her hybrid state.

"Master, we have returned," Trixie said, because despite the fact that she and her mentor were technically equals, as they were both archmages at this point, she still called him her master, "and we have the tome."

"This tome is fascinating!" Khadgar stated, taking the tome from Trixie and studied what had happened to it since the duo had taken it to the ruins he had suggested, finding it to be energized by the energy of the past, "It appears to seek out any and all knowledge that it does not already possess. I'd wager an experienced researcher could direct it to locate specific knowledge. Hmm, that gives me an idea..."

"Unfortunately, that will have to wait for later," Maiev commented, causing the duo to turn towards her for a moment, while at the same time wondering what she had seen since the assault on the Broken Shore started, "In our zeal to reclaim the Broken Shore from the Legion, we cannot allow the rest of this land to fall into the demons' foul grip. Kil'jaeden has dispatched his forces across the Broken Isles, threatening the homelands of the allies you and the other heroes have made. You must answer their call in this hour of need. Trixie, Lyra, the two of you should head to one of the regions and assist our allies, as the other heroes will be dispatched to the other regions. The Armies of Legionfall will see that the Broken Shore remains secured."

"Good, it's time we dealt the Legion another crushing defeat," Lyra said, though at the same time she glanced at the map that was unfurled on the table near them, where she pointed at Azsuna for a moment, "Trixie and I will take some champions and assist Azsuna... and then we'll take the fight to the Legion once more."

She was eager for the battle for Azeroth to truly begin, though now that Kil'jaeden had started the assault it was up to them and the other heroes to turn back the tide and seal the Tomb of Sargeras... and then they could rest easy knowing that the Legion would never threaten this world again.

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