• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,065 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Vault: Escape

Lyra waited for a few seconds, to give Kayn and Altruis enough time to make sure that they were rested enough and were prepared for whatever was on the other side of the door, though once the two of them nodded she moved the lever and opened the door. The instant the door was open they discovered a few Wardens fighting a large number of demons, though she quickly determined that half of the demons were the large felguards she had fought on Mardum while the other half were dog like creatures that came up to her knee. She had heard of the felstalker type of demon, thanks to the training she had been given by her mentors, but she cast her eyes around the room and noticed all of the portals the Legion had opened into this area... which meant that the demons in front of them were supposed to stall them until they completed whatever task they were hoping to accomplish. She even noticed a commander type demon that was engaged in battle with one of the Wardens, to which Lyra resolved to kill it before closing the portals.

Before Lyra could say anything, and start giving orders, Maiev broke rank and charged at the open door on the other side of the room, telling the three of them that she was more interested in chasing her prey than helping them awaken the rest of their forces.

"Well then, I guess the first order of business is to awaken the rest of our forces," Lyra commented, though at the same time she beckoned to the portals that were open at the moment, to which her friends looked at them, "Seeing how we have been trapped in those fel crystals for seven years, and haven't done much since we were captured, we should leave those portals open for a few minutes and cut the demons down. Considering that we can take in the fel energy we should use those to our advantage and use them to empower ourselves back to what we had been before we left Mardum. Once everyone is awake, and has their fill of fel energy, we'll close the portals and get underway... and see what the situation is like on the outside of the Vault."

"I agree on your plan of attack," Kayn said, though even as he spoke Altruis charged down the ramp they were at the top of and started attacking the demons, to which he smiled for a moment, "Let's do this!"

Lyra nodded and headed to one of the unopened prisons, where she slashed at it with her warglaives and watched as the crystal shattered, though she was pleased to find that the first demon hunter she had freed was Jace. Once Jace knew what the situation was, where Lyra basically told him that the Legion was attacking Azeroth and the Wardens were releasing them to deal with the demon threat, the elf charged off and started hacking into the demons around them. The second prison she opened, which happened to be on the level above Jace's prison, was where Kor'vas was being held, though she expressed her gratitude for being freed and joined the others. The third prison she ripped apart contained Falara, who was eager to get back into the fight, while the fourth one contained Marius, who was one of the few demon hunters that Lyra didn't know as well as the others.

She then moved around the edge of the room she was in and broke apart the fifth prison, which happened to contain Allari, who commented on how bad the situation had to be if the Wardens were releasing them, while the sixth prison she opened was the one that contained Cyana. Lyra found that Cyana had been visited by the 'voices in her head' once more, which meant that the Legion had made some sort of connection to her back on Mardum, when they were fighting Tyranna, but she was pleased to find that she was fighting the whispers in her head. Once Cyana was freed Lyra moved on to the remaining two prisons on her side of the room, where she freed Lyana Darksorrow, another demon hunter she didn't know much about, while the final prison contained Asha, who was happy to move again.

Once all of the prisons had been opened, and all of the demon hunters had been freed from their seven year sleep, they started carving up all of the demons that were in the room, feeding on the fel energy to return themselves back to the state they had been in before being captured. When they were all fully fed Lyra gave the command to shatter the portals and finish off any remaining demons, where they and the Wardens turned on the demon commander and brought him down under the intensity of their blows. With the deed done they all turned towards the opening and charged out of the room they were in, though while the majority of the Wardens and demon hunters continued forward Lyra, Kayn, and Altruis turned to the left... where they joined Maiev at the door to the room that contained Lord Illidan's body.

"Gul'dan could not access this chamber without knowing the specific spell layout of this seal," Maiev commented, informing Lyra as to what was going on, which told her that something was definitely wrong, "Cordana has definitely betrayed me... which means that she and her new masters are after the body of your master."

"Then open the door," Lyra said, to which she and her friends held their warglaives at the ready, because they were sure that there was going to be a fight inside the room that contained Lord Illidan's body.

Maiev nodded and broke the seal in front of their eyes, indicating that she had been waiting for them to arrive before she removed the last part of it, before the door swung open and they headed into the room... where they discovered that there was a corrupted Warden, one with fel energy on her armor, standing next to a sickly orc with six spikes on his back, though the crystal containing their master was nowhere to be seen.

"CORDANA!" Maiev shouted, causing the pair to stop in their tracks and turn towards the four of them, though neither of them seemed surprised by who had come to stop them from leaving the Vault, while at the same time ruining the surprise attack Lyra and her friends had in mind, "You will answer to the High Council for this!"

"Judge me all you like, sister," Cordana stated, though the way she said the word 'sister' told Lyra that the Legion had done something to her when they were turning her, because she almost sounded pissed off about something, "but you cannot stop us. Not even the Betrayer's beloved second can stop our plans."

"You are too late, Warden. This vault shall become your tomb." Gul'dan commented, though at the same time to portals on the left and right of him opened, to which a pair of Mo'arg stepped out and faced the group, but before he walked through the third portal he stared at Lyra, "So you must be Lyra Heartstrings, the second most powerful demon hunter that chooses to fight against the Legion. A pity you chose the wrong side, especially since I must take your new 'advantage' from you."

Before anyone could do anything Gul'dan loosed a small burst of fel energy, a fel fireball, that slammed into Lyra and pushed her back a few steps, but it didn't seem to do any damage. That was followed by Lyra taking a step forward and watching as she finally snapped out of her Havoc form, returning to her original demon hunter form, which told her that their opponent had noticed that she was locked in her transformed state and wanted her out of it. She had assumed that the orc was some sort of warlock, from her studies in the Black Temple, but now she knew that he was much stronger than she was originally expecting... especially if he could knock her out of her Havoc form and reset it.

"Only the demon hunters that join the Legion are allowed to be in their transformed state." Gul'dan stated, though his tone indicated that he was trying to trick Lyra into reaching for power so he could corrupt her, to which Lyra growled as she started at the retreating orc.

"Lyra, you and your kind must survive the Legion's assault on the Vault." Maiev said, causing the three demon hunters to look at her for a second, as they already knew that she was planning on doing something stupid, "Find the one named Archmage Khadgar... you can trust him. He'll help you and point you in the right direction."

Before Lyra, Kayn, or Altruis could say anything, and dissuade the Warden from her plan, Maiev charged at the middle portal as Cordana and Gul'dan disappeared into the swirling mass, leaving the three of them to fight the Mo'arg that were in front of them. Once Maiev made her move the two large demons came at them, to which Lyra and her friends engaged their enemies, though both Kayn and Altruis took the attention of one of them, allowing Lyra to attack whichever one she wanted to fight first. Lyra, however, jumped between the two demons, cutting into one for a few seconds, and dodging any attacks that were coming her way, before heading to the second one and repeating the process.

Between the three of them the two Mo'arg fell in a minute or two, though once they were dead Lyra felt a new power awaken inside her, one that her empowered senses told her was some sort of retreating move, to which she determined to test it out in the future.

"Well, we won't be following Maiev any time soon," Kayn commented, as the three portals closed in front of them, meaning that they had to make their way to the surface as fast as possible, "I spotted an elevator shaft when we were coming towards the door to this room, so that's going to be the only way out of here."

Lyra nodded and sheathed her warglaives, though that was followed by the three of them turning around and heading across the bridge so they could pass through the open door, while at the same time she tried not to think about what the Legion wanted with Lord Illidan's body. As they ran towards the door Lyra heard Kayn calling out to the other demon hunters, those that were still down on this level of the Vault, that they were leaving with Maiev's permission, to which Altruis stated that he was shocked that his companion trusted the word of the person that captured all of them. It was then that she learned that Altruis had, before her arrival in the Outlands, tried to rebel against Lord Illidan, as Altruis apparently had a different method to being a demon hunter... and that he had failed and rejoined minutes later.

She was surprised that Lord Illidan had kept Altruis around, especially after getting some of their kind killed when the Alliance and Horde attacked the Outlands, but she was sure that their master had his reasons... to which she ignored the elf for a moment as they made their way towards the top of the level they were on.

Lyra was pleased to find that every portal the Legion had opened, on the level they had been imprisoned on for seven years, had been closed and the portal masters had been slain, especially when she spotted one of the Inquisitor demons laying in a pool of his own blood. They found Jace standing next to an imprisoned felbat, one that would take them up to the next level, so Lyra had Kayn and Altruis head up before her so they could survey the situation or find out what they needed to do before they really escaped the Vault. Once the two of them were up there, and the felbat had come back, she rode it up to the next level and landed in front of the door to the next chamber, which was followed by the felbat returning to the lower level and bringing Jace up as well.

Oddly enough she found Kor'vas talking with Allari, which meant that she was trying to figure something out while Kayn and Altruis were somewhere on this level, no doubt trying to close a portal, kill a powerful demon, or contain one of the prisoners that was trying to escape.

"The Wardens kept all kinds of dangerous monsters locked up within this Vault." Kor'vas stated, to which she turned to Lyra, so she knew that Kor'vas was talking to her at the moment and not Allari, "Now that Gul'dan's forces have breached the walls, it's proving rather... inconvenient. From what we can determine all three of the prisoners on this level are trying to escape, though with how weak we are we'll have to imprison two of them again before we leave, meaning that we can use the third one to empower ourselves again. To our right is the room of a large fire elemental, a magma destroyer if the reports are correct, so the measures to trap him have to be somewhere in his room. In front of us is the room of a beholder creature, though it appears that the Wardens captured the creature with some special mirrors, which gives you how to capture it again."

"The third room, the one on our left, contains the demon known as Immolanth," Allari added, indicating that she had seen the demon and remembered what they knew about it, though even Lyra knew the name, "We already know that he led a Legion army that conquered and eventually ruled a distant nexus world. Somehow, the Wardens imprisoned him, which is no small feat mind you, and then kept him locked up in the chamber I mentioned. He is contained, but not for long. The demon's power is a valuable prize to any demon hunter who can defeat him, though I truly believe that person could be you, Lyra."

Lyra was, once more, taken aback by the fact that her friends put so much faith in her abilities, but considering that the demon hunters, the other races of the Illidari, and the Legion itself called her Lord Illidan's second, which was strange, caused her to sigh and not question what was happening. Lyra took a step forward and looked at the three rooms she had to chose from, where two of the prisoners would be put back in their cells and the third would die, before she decided to take out the beholder and the magma destroyer first. She was sure that whoever was holding Immolanth at bay could do so for a few more minutes, or rather until she was done with the other two prisoners... to which she headed across the room she was in and went right for the beholder.

When she walked into the beholder's room, and looked around, she noticed that the floating creature was using his energy to fire a beam of energy from his eye, which appeared to be focused on taking out Altruis... who was hiding behind one of the mirrors that were out in the open and was directing the beam to another mirror, while the other Illidari they had freed were attacking it directly and had no affect on it at the moment.

"Lyra, the creature's destructive beam is focused upon me." Altruis called out, allowing Lyra to know the situation, while at the same time giving her the opportunity to see what needed to be done for herself, "I need you to redirect the final mirror and shatter the creature's shield... where we should be able to flee before it regains its senses."

Lyra nodded and immediately spotted the mirror in question, which happened to be near the left side of the beholder, to which she started to move around the edge of the area Altruis and the creature were on. When she reached the mirror, and was amazed by the fact that the creature hadn't turned towards her even once, she gently touched the structure the mirror was attached to and turned it towards the beholder. The instant the beam hit the beholder the shield shattered and the creature floated there, completely stunned by what they had done to it, to which Lyra and Altruis called for a retreat to the previous room... which was followed by everyone leaving the beholder in his cell.

Instead of joining the others in their assault on the demons in the room they were in, and closing the portals, Lyra headed towards the room of the magma destroyer, where she discovered that Kayn and some of the Illidari were currently keeping the elemental at bay. She took a moment to look around the room, as that was what she had done with the beholder and her plan had worked like a charm, before noticing three icy spheres that were floating to the left, right, and behind the elemental. She then glided down into the area that Kayn and the others were fighting in and made her way towards the countermeasures that the Wardens had installed when they originally imprisoned the elemental, where she turned the first one on the instant she stopped in front of it.

Lyra quickly activated all three of the icy spheres, which turned on the real countermeasures and froze the large elemental until he was trapped inside a block of ice, which was followed by Kayn agreeing with Lyra's call to retreat back to the previous room.

When the second prisoner taken care of Lyra headed across the main chamber her friends were fighting in and headed to the prison of Immolanth, where she immediately noticed that the large demon was fighting someone. It took Lyra a few seconds to realize that the demon was fighting Cyana, as she had morphed into her demonic form to stall the demon until Lyra arrived. The moment she knew who was fighting Immolanth, and understood that she had left Cyana to fend for herself, Lyra snapped into action and started cutting into the demon's legs, immediately drawing its attention to her and causing it to try and hit her.

As she and Cyana fought the Immolanth, and started to turn the tide in their favor, the demon tried to taunt them into leaving the Wardens to die and join the Legion, where he would give them unimaginable power to help them burn Azeroth to the ground. Eventually Lyra grew tired of listening to the demon and jumped into the air, where she delivered two powerful diagonal cuts to Immolanth's chest, though they formed an x shape as the large demon collapsed on the floor. As she landed on the floor, and let out a sigh as Cyana morphed back to her normal form, Lyra left the power of the demon flow into her body... where she felt her empowered senses inform her that the power was one that could allow her to stun her foes with a burst of fel energy.

That was Immolanth's power, some sort of 'Chaos Nova', though Lyra also discovered that her empowered senses informed her of three more abilities that she had unlocked due to her experience fighting all of these demons; an ability that allowed her to lock enemies in some sort of prison, another that allowed her to call upon a small amount of darkness to reduce the damage she took, and an agility move that involved her literally dancing around her opponent and cutting them up with her warglaives.

With her new abilities unlocked, and she reminded herself to try them at some point in the future, she and Cyana returned to where Allari was standing... though at the same time Lyra noticed that all of the portals had been closed and that the majority of their forces had moved onto the next floor.

"Kor'vas went ahead to meet with Kayn and Altruis," Allari said, to which the three of them climbed onto the elevator that was in the middle of the room, though that was followed by it lifting into the air and heading towards the floor their companions had gone to, "It will be good to get out of here at long last."

Lyra nodded as they rode the elevator to the upper level, as she would be glad to get out of the Vault and take in some fresh air before they started planning the Legion's downfall, though as they passed by the floors she noticed that the remaining Wardens were still fighting the last of the demons that had been summoned into the Vault. The elevator didn't stop on the other floors, which meant that they would be leaving the Wardens to either kill their enemies or die in the one place they swore to protect. When they reached the upper level, and the elevator stopped, Lyra and her companions walked around the nearby stair ramp and entered the next chamber of the Vault... where they discovered that Kayn and Altruis were fighting again, though this time they were trying to kill each other.

Lyra honestly couldn't understand why they were doing this, when they were so close to leaving the Vault, but she suspected that it had something to do with their ideals being in conflict with each other... to which she sighed as she approached them and Kor'vas, who was trying to get them to stop.

"Lyra, seeing how you are the commander of the Illidari in place of Lord Illidan, you need to chose your second-in-command... be it Kayn or Altruis." Kor'vas stated, once more informing Lyra that she had been trained to replace their master, in the unlikely event that he was ever defeated and taken away from them, though at the same time she beckoned to the two elves for a moment, "I fear that you will need to chose quickly, because the two of them appear to be determined to kill each other... before you can make your decision that is."

Lyra looked at the two elves for a few seconds, studying how they were fighting each other and how they were using their warglaives as they fought, before she noticed that there was one moment, before their weapons connected, that she could use if she wanted to stop them in her tracks. She then sighed as she pulled her own warglaives out, which caused the other Illidari to look at her for a moment, before she dashed in between the two of them and raised her warglaives into the air, to which she blocked the two of them and caused surprise to appear on their faces. That was swiftly followed by her planting the base of one of her hooves against Altruis' warglaive and forced him backwards, before she used her own strength to throw Kayn back as well.

"Look, I know that the two of you don't get along," Lyra stated, to which she glared at both of the demon hunters, because she was shocked that two of Lord Illidan's highest and most trusted generals were trying to kill each other, "but now isn't the time to be fighting among ourselves. We lost a good portion of our forces in Mardum, and who knows what happened to the captains when we left behind, but we have more pressing matters at the moment. Now, I'm supposed to pick one of you as my second-in-command, as Lord Illidan would have wanted me to do if he had handed me the reins himself, but let me make one thing clear; I don't want either of you to bring up your disagreements while there are demons to kill and a world to save. Do I make myself clear?"

Lyra had no idea whether the two demon hunters decided that her neutral position on their dispute was the cause behind them changing their mind, or whether there was something commanding about her now that she had accepted that Lord Illidan had trained her to be his replacement, but she mentally smiled when she got her answer.

"As you wish, Lyra Heartstrings," both Kayn and Altruis said, surprising everyone else by the fact that they were agreeing on something and had spoken at the same time, though what really surprised all of them, including Lyra, was that they both sheathed their warglaives and knelt to her, "We await your decision."

Lyra stared at the two demon hunters for a moment, reflecting on everything she had seen from them since she had joined the Illidari, before she had actually gained her horns and tattoos, and remembered the orders that they gave when Lord Illidan told them to gather some fighters to take on missions. Oddly enough she and Kayn got along more than she did with Altruis, though that was mainly because the night elf wanted nothing to do with her half the time she had been training in the Black Temple, but she knew that opinion had changed after attacking Mardum. She also considered which one of them would be the best candidate for the position, because she was sure that their ideals would influence everyone else to some degree... but after a few more seconds she nodded, indicating that she had made up her mind.

"Kayn Sunfury," Lyra said, her voice silencing everyone in the room, though at the same time she was sure that one of the Wardens had been passing by and had stopped herself for a second, as if she was curious about the decision as well, "would you honor me by taking the position as my second-in-command?"

"I... I would be honored to accept the position as your second-in-command," Kayn replied, bowing his head slightly, indicating that he was surprised and shocked by Lyra's decision and was trying to hide what was on his face at the moment, "I will serve you to the best of my ability... just like I did for Lord Illidan."

"That's good to hear," Lyra stated, to which she turned to Altruis, who had a look of annoyance and shock on his face, as if he actually expected to take the position as her second-in-command from Kayn, but he at least looked her in the eyes to the best of his ability, "Altruis the Sufferer... would you like to rejoin the Illidari and aid us in bringing down the Burning Legion and their foul masters?"

She already knew how it sounded, that she was essentially going to be giving Altruis a pass on betraying Lord Illidan and killing several of their allies before rejoining their ranks, but she wanted them to have a unified front and not leave anyone alone, because there was no telling what tortures the Legion would inflict on them in order to make them change sides and join their enemies. Besides, she was sure that Altruis knew that he wouldn't be starting at a high position, as she considered Kor'vas, Jace, and Allari to have a higher position than him at the moment. If Altruis declined and decided to leave the Vault on his own, however, Lyra wouldn't hold the decision against him and would go about exiting the Vault with her forces... though it all depended on what was going through the night elf's mind at the moment.

"I... I would like to join YOUR Illidari," Altruis answered, putting emphasis on the fact that the Illidari were Lyra's to command, which meant that he was expecting some changes now that they were following a new leader.

The sounds of surprise behind her told Lyra that the others were expecting Altruis to decline and run the moment she picked Kayn as her second-in-command, but she was pleased to prove them wrong... which meant that they would go on to do good things as a unified group.

Once everyone was ready to go, and both Kayn and Altruis were done with their fighting, Lyra smiled and led the way up the stairs that were in front of them, though at the same time she kept her warglaives at the ready, just in case there was something else waiting between them and the exit. When they turned the corner, and found a second unique room that appeared to be some sort of grand entrance for the Vault, Lyra immediately spotted a red skinned eredar that was waiting for them to arrive. The demon was larger than the one she had taken out, back when she had just started her training to become one of the Illidari, though at the same time the demon was carrying a large sword and looked prepared for a fight.

"Greetings Illidari," the eredar said, though at the same time he stared at Lyra, as if he knew who she was and was going to focus on her first, "I am Bastillax, the leader behind the attack on the Wardens' precious Vault. If you wish to see sunlight again you must go through me... but I promise you that I will execute all of you and deny your desires."

"Illidari, remove this demon from our path!" Lyra shouted, to which she raised a warglaive into the air and pointed at the eredar, where some of her forces immediately shifted into their demonic forms and attacked Bastillax.

Lyra stood there for a second, where she discovered that Bastillax had two portals left over to summon assistance, where some of her followers broke off from the main group and charged at the reinforcements before they could aid their foul master. The moment the portals were occupied she took a deep breath and accessed her inner power, to which she jumped towards Bastillax and shifted back into her Havoc form, where she slammed into the ground and started attacking her target. It proved to be the best time to use some of her new abilities; as one demon slipped passed her forces and she locked it in place with her imprison ability, though when it came to fighting Bastillax she used the shadowy ability to provide some protection against damage... while at the same time using the 'Blade Dance' to deal damage in return.

The moment the portals were taken care of the rest of their forces turned their full attention to the eredar, where their combined might eventually brought him down and ended his life... to which the Illidari backed away from the corpse and allowed Lyra to take one final power, which was a variation of the shadow ability, only more potent and caused her body to blur for a few seconds.

With Bastillax dead, and the way to the outside open, Lyra and the others followed the pathway out of the Vault, though when they stepped through the opening of the Vault, and took in the fresh air once more, they were stopped from going any further as two people teleported into the area in front of them. Lyra focused on them for a few seconds with a clam expression on her face, because her expression told the other Illidari to stand down while keeping their weapons at the ready. She discovered that the person on the left, who was an old man, had to be some sort of important mage, as his robes seemed too unique and he carried a special staff, which reminded her of Kael'thas when she spotted him from afar. When she looked at the other person, who was a young girl that was between twenty to thirty years old, she immediately noticed something odd; the younger mage had hooves instead of feet, had a pony tail resting behind her, and she could have sworn that she noticed the outline of a horn for a few seconds under the hat that she was wearing.

Lyra was stunned for a moment as she remembered one of the main reasons behind her joining the Illidari all those years ago, as she had been searching for the other member of her race that had been brought to this side of the universe... and she had to wonder if fate was finally giving her the answer she had been searching for. It was at that moment that she was grateful that she had fallen to the back of the pack, as it allowed her to conceal herself until she was sure what was going on at the moment.

"Greetings Illidari," the old mage said, causing many of the demon hunters to turn towards him for a few seconds, indicating that they were interested in hearing what he had to say, "I am Archmage Khadgar, leader of the Kirin Tor. This is my apprentice, Trixie Lulamoon... and she has a question for all of you before we get started on saving this world from the Burning Legion and their foul masters."

"And that question would be what exactly?" Kayn asked, because seeing how he was at the front of the line at the moment he felt he should ask the question and deliver an answer, unless Lyra decided otherwise.

"When my friends and I arrived in the Outlands I felt the presence of another member of my race," Trixie stated, causing Kayn and the higher ranking demon hunters to look at her, while the others kept their eyes on Khadgar, "I was directed to the Black Temple and we searched for any clues as to the whereabouts of the other pony that was brought to this world. I was told that my fellow Equestrian had been sent away before the attack on the temple, though I never crossed paths with them in the last seven years... and I only remembered it when I heard you guys were being released. My question is this; do any of you know something that looks like me, with hooves instead of feet and having a tail that resembles mine... and maybe possesses a pair of wings on their back or a horn in the middle of their forehead?"

Kayn stared at the pair of mages for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about answering the question in the place of his commander, before he turned his head backwards and glanced in Lyra's direction, who was still hidden by the rest of the Illidari. Lyra was shocked by the fact that fate was bringing her and her fellow Equestrian together, after seven long years of being locked away in the Vault of the Wardens, but in the end she sighed and beckoned for Kayn to say nothing. It was the sign that told the others that she would answer the question herself, as she felt that Trixie deserved to have the answer delivered to her in person.

The Illidari parted as Lyra stepped forward, though when she reached the front of the group she noticed the looks of shock and confusion that were on the faces of both Khadgar and Trixie... which meant that someone had lied to them in the past and they were only now discovering the deception.

"Trixie Lulamoon, I am Lyra Heartstrings," Lyra stated, to which she stepped forward and held a hand out, though at the same time she actually smiled at the other Equestrian, "and it is good to finally find out who else was brought to this side of the universe."

"Lyra Heartstrings..." Trixie said, taking a moment to remember everything she knew about Lyra, which couldn't be a lot considering that they barely knew each other save for some passing glances when she was in Ponyville, though at the same time her expression turned to a pleasant one as she ran forward and threw her arms around Lyra, "You have better give me the entire story as to how you came to this world and why you're with the Illidari... and then I'll need to have a word with Maiev the next time I see her, because she lied to me seven years ago."

Lyra mentally chuckled at that statement as she pulled her arms out and embraced Trixie in return, because she also had some business she needed to tie up with the leader of the Wardens, as in a rematch for what happened on the summit of the Black Temple... but she knew, from looking at Khadgar for a few seconds, that there wouldn't be a lot of time to rest and catch up. The reason behind her and the Illidari being released was that the Legion was invading Azeroth once more, which meant that they needed to make sure that the leaders of the two factions, if they still existed, were alive and well before they started planning their attack. She was eager to bring the fight to the Legion, and save this world from them, but there were things they needed to do before they could get that far.

The Legion might have invaded Azeroth, with the purpose of destroying everything and enslaving the races that they could reach, but Lyra and the others were ready for them... and none of them would rest until the Legion and their foul masters were destroyed.

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