• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Interlude: Thoughts

Trixie and her mentor Khadgar, after aiding the Wardens in transporting the crystal prisons of the Illidari and their master, Illidan Stormrage, to the Vault of the Wardens, spent a few good days studying the various halls of the Black Temple and the people who had lived there. From what Trixie could tell the various halls seemed to be separated for the various races that lived in the Black Temple, as the naga seemed to live in what could be the sewer area of the temple, the orcs lived in their camps at the front of the temple, the Shivarra seemed to live in an area before where the Illidari High Council rested, and the demon hunters themselves lived in bedrooms that took some time to find because of how well hidden they had been. Trixie had received some praise from her mentor when she shattered the protective spell that had been protecting the hidden hallways that led them to the bedrooms, but she merely blushed and continued searching for answers.

At the end of the week of searching she had discovered a room where the other pony had definitely been residing in during their time in the Black Temple, but from everything she could tell there was nothing to tell her or Khadgar the fate of the pony that Trixie was looking for. That meant that she couldn't tell if the pony had been sent out of the Black Temple before the forces of Shattrath City attacked the temple, had been let go the moment their wounds had been healed, or had been inducted into the Illidari and was stuck on whatever world the demon hunters had been attacking before their eventual return... which had been an hour or two after she and the adventurers she had joined up with, when they originally entered the Outlands, defeated of Illidan Stormrage.

Trixie had landed in Northshire, after the strange magical event that had snatched her from Equus and sent her flying through the universe until she reached Azeroth, and had immediately been found by one of the trainers that lived in that area of Elwynn Forest. From there she joined up with some of the warriors, priests, mages, rogues, warlocks, and paladins that had been graduating and were leaving on their mentor's orders, where they created some sort of adventuring band. She still couldn't believe that they had allowed her, who was essentially a nobody to them and didn't know a lot about her powers, to join their company, explore the Eastern Kingdoms and right the wrongs that were made known to them, and learned about her abilities as a mage. Their group eventually encountered dwarves, gnomes, and night elves, adding hunters, druids, and other members of the same classes they already had to their growing band... until she was sure that there were about thirty of them.

She remembered facing a large number of foes during the months of traveling they had gone on, where she and her friends eventually took out Ragnaros, the massive elemental that was apparently the 'Firelord', and a group of powerful dragons that could apparently change into human form and were manipulating the leaders of Stormwind. Sure, they had their fair share of run ins with the forces of the Horde, the second faction that lived on Azeroth, but they had always escaped each battle without losing anyone. The main forces of the Alliance, the faction that she and her friends belonged to, were the ones engaged in constant battle with the Horde, allowing her band of adventurers to help the people and, eventually, take out some impressive targets.

Her simple life changed a second time when a large ship called the Exodar crash landed on a pair of islands near Teldrassil, where the night elves were making their current home, and introduced the Draenei to the Alliance, giving both the main army and her band some shamans, who called on the very elements for their powers. Of course when the Draenei revealed themselves a second race showed up out of nowhere, as the blood elves joined the Horde and gave them quite the increase in mages, warriors, and paladins. What really changed during that time period was the reopening of the Dark Portal, the massive gateway that connected Azeroth to the Outlands... a portal that everyone had considered to be closed without the possibility of ever reopening.

The Alliance, concerned about demons flooding their world and burning it to the ground, organized an expedition be sent through the Dark Portal and see what was on the other side, which was why they eventually created Honor Hold and kept a garrison there at all times. She and her band of adventurers had been asked by the leaders of the Alliance, which included the old leaders and the newest addition, to aid their forces in the Outlands, which was why she and her friends passed through the Dark Portal and came here. Trixie had admitted it to the others, after the second day of being in the Outlands, that she could tell that there was another member of her race living in the Outlands... which was why she and her friends eventually came to Shattrath city in the first place.

It was there that they met with Archmage Khadgar, who the Alliance had long considered to be lost since he had been on the Outland side of the Dark Portal when it had been closed all those years ago, but oddly enough the famous Archmage had seen some latent talent inside Trixie and offered to take her on as her apprentice. Her friends were ecstatic when they heard the news, because it meant that she would actually be learning more than the other mages in their group, but she was more than willing to give them some pointers as well. Khadgar had traveled with them when they went to Serpentine Cavern and Tempest Keep, as he had some tips for them to think about before they assaulted the forces that were allied with the Illidari.

Eventually they attacked the Black Temple and took out each and every foe that stood in their way, but at the same time Illidan Stormrage managed to take out a few of their friends, who were being transported back to their homelands so they could receive a proper burial.

"Trixie," a voice said, which cut right through Trixie's thoughts, to which she discovered that her mentor was looking at her with some concern in his eyes, "are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry for spacing out," Trixie replied, offering her mentor a smile as she rubbed the back of her head, because ever since she discovered that the other pony had been at the Black Temple she was concerned that she might have missed something about where they could have gone, "I was just remembering when I landed in Azeroth, in Elwynn Forest no less, and recalled everything I have seen so far, which made me concerned for whoever came to the Outlands."

"I'm still surprised that you can tell that another member of your race was here to begin with," Khadgar commented, though at the same time he stopped looking through the bedroom they were in and turned towards his apprentice, "This room seems to belong to someone that's only been here for a few months, though there's nothing personal on any of the pieces of furniture. All of the other rooms have something that describes or talks about the person that inhabited the room before their master sent them on their mission, yet this is the only room that doesn't fit the norm. Did Illidan not care about this one particular person all that much, or was she here for such a short amount of time that she didn't have the chance to put anything personal on display?"

Trixie had to admit that the question was curious and worth investigating, though the only unfortunate part was that they couldn't ask any of the Illidari about who used to live in this room. Most of the Illidari were dead, as they had died in the assault of the Black Temple, while some were apparently trapped on the demon world that they had been sent to, if they were to believe Lady Maiev's explanation, and the rest of them were locked away in the Vault of the Wardens, where Trixie knew they would rest forever. The only person that could potentially know who had called this bedroom home, and could describe who that person was, was the leader of the Broken, Akama, but the chances of getting that information out of him was slim to none.

Akama appeared to be the type that didn't trust outsiders, even after she and her friends had saved the Ashtongue Broken and enlisted their help in smashing through the barriers that prevented them from progressing through the Black Temple... but she had the feeling that Akama would ignore her if she came asking for information. Trixie let out a sigh as she looked at the closet, where she found what appeared to be a burned and hole riddled robe, which looked like an infernal had hit whoever was wearing it, and a second mage robe that could have belonged to a high ranking member of Kael'thas' court or a strong night elf mage. It made Trixie wonder who had worn the two robes, because there were no weapons or mage items in the closet, which meant that a novice had to have been living in this room... and yet that made the entire mystery all the more confusing.

"I'm sure that Illidan Stormrage cared about his forces," Trixie replied, knowing that her mentor expected an answer to his question, but he always gave her some time to form her own thoughts before expecting her to reply, "however, whoever lived in this one bedroom had to be a last minute recruit of sorts, before the big invasion of whatever demon world he had sent the demon hunters to attack. Whoever owned this bedroom barely had any time to settle in, as there's barely anything inside the closet, the bed shows a few minor signs of someone sleeping in it, and the weapon stand, where the demon hunters keep their warglaives when they aren't in use, barely looks used. I would wager that whoever lived in this room was here for at least six months... maybe eight at the max, before they were sent away."

"I would have to agree with your assessment," Khadgar commented, taking a look at the damaged robe that Trixie had been looking at a few moments ago, which spoke volumes about the person they were studying, "It appears that the person that slept in this room wasn't much of a fighter when she arrived in the Outlands, though the only reason I am saying that this room belongs to a female is because of the clothing. Look at both of the robes, they've both been tailored to fit the frame of a young night elf or blood elf, which means that the lady we are looking for is a mage... not one of the demon hunters that Lady Maiev and her Wardens sealed away."

"Which must mean that Illidan set whoever lived in this room away before our forces attacked the Black Temple," Trixie stated, to which she let out a sigh as she crossed her arms for a few seconds, "well, its going to take some time and effort to track down where our mysterious night elf or blood elf went... and there's no telling whether she's still in the Outlands or if she's gone to Azeroth."

"Don't worry about how long it will take to find the other pony from your home world," Khadgar said, to which he placed a hand on her shoulder and caused her to turn and face him, "you, and you alone, have the power to track the exact magical signature of whoever arrived in the Outlands, which means that you'll find her in no time. All you have to do is believe in yourself and soon you will be reunited with your long lost friend."

Trixie looked at her mentor for a moment, as she was stunned that he believed in her as much as he did, before she nodded her head and smiled at him, because he was the first person in a long time that actually believed in her ability and was willing to put forth the effort to train her... especially when she messed up a spell. She also knew that her mentor was right, she had the ability to follow the magical signature of whoever had come to this side of the universe, which meant that she could find them quicker than anyone else... to which she hoped that she and her fellow Equestrian were reunited swiftly, instead of having to wait years before seeing each other again.

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