• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 3,061 Views, 272 Comments

World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Argus: Battle for the Xenedar

"So, since we now officially waging war on the Legion's homeworld, what's our first order of business?" Lyra asked, as she was sure that Turalyon and Fareeya had something for her, Trixie, and the other heroes that were slowly teleporting down from the Vindicaar.

"First things first, we must secure what supplies we can from the crash." Fareeya replied, though at the same time Turalyon moved away from them and moved to another part of the war camp, so he could see what the Light-infused Draenei had saved from the crash and what they needed to do to move forward, "Even though we are blessed by the Light, our ships still rely on crystal technology. From powering our defenses to arming our weapons, we will need to collect as much as we can to fight back against the enemy. Venture out into the crash and retrieve what crystals you can. While you two are out there, please keep an eye out for Archmage Y'mera. She was separated from us, and will need help. And, while you are gathering crystals, both Grand Vindicator Sorvos and Grand Lector Enaara has some tasks for you two to complete at the same time."

Neither Lyra or Trixie were surprised by that fact, as when one person gave them a mission another one or two people had something else for them to do at the same time, to which they simply nodded and headed over to where Sorvos was standing, as they knew where the two Light-infused Draenei were standing thanks to Fareeya pointing them out.

"They were waiting for us when we crashed. It was all we could do to establish our small outpost." Sorvos told them, though he politely waited for them to approach him before he started speaking, before beckoning to a familiar machine that Lyra knew from her lessons, "Even now they drain the souls of our fallen to fuel their attacks. Destroy their soul coffers. Free our comrades and let them join the Light. I suspect that you have already been told to find Y'mera, though if you haven't I would ask that you two find her out in the field. She has been sorely missed, but she will not have fallen. Of this I am certain."

Trixie didn't need to be told anything to know that these soul coffers were terrible machines, as she had seen some of them over the years when the Legion was involved, but she nodded her head and walked over to where the final of the three mission givers, Enaara, was standing, to which Lyra joined her so they could see what the third Draenei wanted from the two of them and the rest of the heroes.

"The two of you have brought the High Exarch back to us, thus you are welcome allies indeed." Enaara stated, to which the duo was happy to hear that someone was happy to see that they brought Turalyon back to his forces, who were going to be teleported aboard the Vindicaar once this was all over, "However, more is needed of you two. You see our soldiers out there, fighting against all odds? Defend our soldiers and slay the enemy. Strong words for a priest, perhaps, but every dead Man'ari is one less blade at our throats. Show them that the Light protects its chosen even as it scorches the unfaithful."

"Aren't you going to ask us to find Archmage Y'mera when we're gone?" Lyra asked, that was the only thing that was missing from Enaara's request, but at the same time Trixie turned her head towards them, as she was interested in what the priest said in return.

"No. Captain Fareeya and Grand Vindicator Sorvos have likely asked that of you already," Enaara said, to which she smiled at the duo for a moment, revealing that she didn't fault them for thinking she might ask them to do the same thing that the others did, "As long as you know that she is the next person you need to aid, after completing our three tasks, that is more than enough for me at the moment."

Lyra nodded and headed out of the war camp, though as she did so the rest of the heroes that had teleported down to the area charged forward as well, to which the force of Azeroth's heroes slammed into the side of the demons that were attacking the Army of the Light, where a new war waged all around them. Trixie, instead of following after Lyra this time around, channeled her power into her body until her arms and legs looked more like a dragon's arms and legs instead of what they looked like in her hybrid state, while at the same time letting her wings emerge from her back. Lyra grinned as she watched Trixie take to the skies and crash into the demons that were coming towards the war camp, as the enhanced power of the arcane that was running through Trixie's veins allowed her to blast demons apart as she used her claws to tear her more unfortunate enemies to pieces.

That was quickly followed by the entire area becoming a true war zone, as the forces of Azeroth and the Army of the Light engaged the demons that were trying to overwhelm them, while Trixie constantly switched from tearing demons from the sky and blasting those on the ground to pieces. Lyra, however, restrained herself for the moment and focused on the task at hand, which included finding the three soul coffers that the Legion had set up around the Xenedar and smashing them to pieces, shattering the Legion's portals to cut off additional reinforcements, and gathering as many crystals as she could find. Several heroes fought near her while she did that, giving her the opportunity to cut down some of the demons that were following them, where she also noticed some of the Light-infused Draenei were gathering crystals as well, indicating that the commanders wanted all the resources they could salvage before they moved from this area. That didn't stop Lyra from doing what she needed to do, though she enjoyed fighting the demons that wanted her dead and purposely charged at her, instead of attacking the other heroes that were all around the large battlefield.

One thing that Lyra noticed, as she moved away from the area that the war camp was resting in, was that part of the ground was actually golden colored as well, showing where the Xenedar had moved across when it was blasted out of the sky a n hour ago. Unfortunately that didn't make the ground Light-infused, as the demons would never be able to touch it or even stand on it, but since the demons were walking on top of the golden ground that told her that nothing special had happened as the Xenedar crashed. The good thing was that the demons were apparently expecting a small army to be attacking them, like the Army of the Light and no one else, so she was happy to see that they weren't that prepared for what was essentially double, or even triple, what they were prepared for. Lyra eventually moved out into the golden field and started cutting down demons that were in front of her, weakening the enemy forces even more in the process, before she heard a loud thud behind her... to which she turned around and found Trixie, in her empowered hybrid form, standing on top of a crushed demon that had been trying to assault Lyra from behind.

"It seems that you're getting sloppy." Trixie said, though her tone immediately told Lyra that she was only playing around, especially since she was supposed to be the second most strongest demon hunter in existence, "You should have seen that demon coming from a mile away."

"Oh trust me, I saw him coming," Lyra replied, though she smiled as she hurled one of her warglaives through the air and it spun around as it decapitated several demons in the process, before she caught it when it came back to her and smiled at Trixie, "I was just waiting for him to get closer, so I could deal with him personally. Since you're already here, and I've done what has been asked of us, would you care to join me for meeting Archmage Y'mera?"

"Might as well," Trixie stated, to which she swung her claws and caught another demon before it could hit them, only to obliterate the creature with her arcane breath, before she turned towards Lyra, "I wonder what sort of task she has for us, especially after we tell her you did everything that was asked of us."

Lyra nodded and would have moved forward on her own, but Trixie grabbed onto her before she could say anything and they flew over the rest of the battlefield, watching the heroes slaughter the demons that were trying to overrun the war camp, where she flew over to an area that had what appeared to be cannons of come sort... and a Light-infused Draenei, wearing mage robes, happened to be standing near them.

"Archmage Y'mera?" Lyra asked, though at the same time Trixie dropped her next to the Draenei before landing beside her, to which the duo looked at her while she turned towards them.

"That's correct." the Light-infused Draenei said, though a slight smile appeared on her face, indicating that someone must have informed her that allies were coming, as she didn't seem shocked by the fact that Lyra was a demon hunter and Trixie was a mage-dragon hybrid, "I take it you are my reinforcements?"

"We are," Trixie replied, to which Lyra produced the bag of crystals that she had collected and handed them over, while at the same time she decided to inform her of what happened, in case she wasn't paying attention to the ongoing war that was happening nearby, "We've brought you some crystals to power whatever it is that you need to power with them, destroyed the soul coffers that the Legion set up... and demons are dying in droves, thanks to the combined efforts of the Heroes of Azeroth and the Army of the Light."

"Thank the Light that things are going our way again," Y'mera said, to which she collected the bag that was offered to her, before she passed it to one of the other Light-infused Draenei that was near her, who apparently knew what to do with them and started moving to the other cannons, "Look out there, the wings of the bats fill the sky. We must offer what ranged support we can, and to do that we need to use these artillery batteries to take them out."

"Sounds easy enough," Lyra stated, though at the same time Trixie grinned as she surrounded herself in magic and prevented them from being able to see her for a few seconds, "though we also have an ally that the demons can't counter at the moment."

Y'mera watched as a blue dragon emerged from the energy that had surrounded Trixie, to which she roared and took to the skies, where she started tearing her way through the demonic bats that were in the air and blasted them with her arcane breath. Lyra chuckled for a moment before climbing into one of the unmanned artillery batteries that were near her, to which she opened fire on the demonic bats that weren't near where Trixie was and blasted them out of the sky as her friend did the same thing. As she fired the artillery battery Lyra noticed that some of the demons, having heard Trixie's roar, stopped what they were doing and looked into the sky, which caused their deaths as they realized that a dragon was tearing through their reinforcements. Together the two of them, along with the Draenei that were controlling the other artillery batteries, decimated the army of fel bats that were coming towards the war zone, so much so that the skies were cleared within a few minutes and there weren't any left... to which the duo returned to where Y'mera was standing, who seemed surprised by what they had done.

At the same time Trixie reverted back to her original hybrid form and tapped her staff on the ground, as she figured that now that the combined armies weren't being overwhelmed they didn't need her to take on an empowered form or her dragon form... until she needed it, anyway.

"We may be grounded, but that does not mean they have to rule the skies!" Y'mera cheered, though both Lyra and Trixie knew that she was happy to have them as allies, especially since they had decimated the targets she had given them while using something she didn't know about, "We're going to need a bigger gun if we hope to free Xe'ra. One of the other bunkers crashed closer to the Xenedar. If Baraat was on it, he will have already begun surveying the area. Perhaps he's found the main cannon of the ship. If you head over that way, make sure he hasn't died, will you?"

Lyra and Trixie quickly glanced at each other, because they knew that the main cannon of the Xenedar would definitely be a target that the Legion would want to capture at all costs, so they could attempt to corrupt the Light-infused weapon or siphon it's energies for their own nefarious purposes. Fortunately Y'mera was pointing in the direction that the portion of the ship had crashed into, to which the duo headed along the route that had been carved into the ground and followed it towards their next destination. One good thing they found was that there were a few Light-infused vindicators and a warframe, the walking Light-infused machine that someone could pilot, fighting off a group of Eredar with another Light-infused Draenei, a hunter based on the weapons he carried, ordering the around. The other good thing that worked in their favor was that the vindicators knew that they were allies and let them pass, allowing them to bypass the attacking Eredar and approach the group's commander.

"I assume you're Baraat?" Lyra asked, as she wanted to be sure that she and Trixie had found the exact Draenei that Y'mera had asked them to locate, since this one might be someone completely different and could point them in the right direction if they were wrong.

"I am Baraat the Longshot," the Light-infused hunter confirmed, to which he raised a crystalline gun, of which he had two of, and pointed it at one of the invading Eredar that was coming up the nearby hill, where a well placed shot in the head killed the demon before it reached them, "We're under too much pressure here. And it's so close to us..."

"That's why we're here to help." Trixie said, though she knew that the Draenei likely knew that ahead of time, but at the same time felt that it was best if she repeated herself, in the off chance that he had forgotten since he and his squad had crashed and had started fighting in this one area, "Just tell us what to do and we'll get it done."

"Light's Judgment has a security feature to prevent it from falling into enemy hands." Baraat replied, giving the duo a name to assign to the main cannon of the Xenedar, one that they felt was most fitting because of the fact that it had been the main base for the Army of the Light, "We can trigger its recall mechanism, which will teleport it back to a vessel. With the Xenedar out of commission, the gun should recall to your ship instead. You can make good use of its firepower. The process takes time, though, and will likely attract the Legion's attention. Be on your guard."

With a new objective handed to them both Lyra and Trixie made haste up the rest of the hill, leaving Baraat and his men to cut down and blast the demons that were coming their way, before they found the weapon in question, which was lodged into the side of the rock wall. The moment Trixie touched it they heard Romuul speak to them, indicating that he had their exact coordinates and that he was calibrating the teleportation matrices so he could bring Light's Judgement aboard the Xenedar, while also confirming that it would take a few minutes to do so. The duo turned around and faced the portal that had opened in the area behind them, where a number of wyrmtongue demons walked out and headed towards Light's Judgement, only to face their ultimate fate as Lyra cut them down while Trixie blasted them from afar. When the first group of wyrmtongue fell another took it's place, causing the duo to repeat themselves, though as the second fell a third group appeared from the portal, along with an Eredar engineer that wanted to get his hands on the powerful weapon... but he was ultimately no match for Lyra's power, especially with Trixie backing her like she was.

A few moments later, when the portal was closed and the demons were dead, Romuul had them touch the weapon again before it disappeared, though as they turned and looked in the direction of the Vindicaar they spotted a golden weapon hanging off the bottom of the dimensional ship... indicating that the transfer had been completed without any problems and that it had been installed, meaning that it was now theirs to command.

"Lyra, Trixie, can you hear me?" a voice said, to which they watched as an image of Romuul appeared nearby, though that revealed that there was more to the Vindicaar than either of them realized.

"We hear you Romuul." Trixie replied, though at the same time she and Lyra approached the image, not knowing whether or not they needed to be seen by it, but decided not to take chances this time around.

"Good." the image said, showing the duo that Romuul was happy another part of the Vindicaar was working as it was designed, which was great since they couldn't exactly do repairs on Argus since they were constantly under threat by the demons that were all around them, "Light's Judgment has been installed on the Vindicaar. We should be able to harness its power immediately. We can use it both to clear the rubble blocking the Xenedar as well as destroy our enemies. As with any new piece of technology, we should test it out. Thoroughly. I trust you have plenty of targets down there."

Lyra and Trixie headed down the hill and approached the side of the Xenedar, where some rubble was, true to Romuul's word, blocking the only way into the downed ship, to which Trixie made the mental connection to the ship with her thoughts and projected where she wanted Romuul to fire. A few seconds ticked by before a surge of condensed Light erupted from the new weapon and obliterated the rubble in an instant, causing the duo to wonder what would happen if they fired Light's Judgment at their enemies, but decided to shelve the thought at the moment. As the duo stood there they watched as Turalyon and Alleria joined them, though while one of them was happy the other seemed a little annoyed about something, but Lyra guessed Alleria could be annoyed since her last encounter with Xe'ra wasn't that great.

"We must know for sure whether the Light Mother survived." Turalyon commented, referring to Xe'ra, as she was likely the only thing of importance left on the Xenedar at this point in time, or at least that was what Lyra and Trixie were thinking, "Xe'ra was weakened when she sent her heart to Azeroth, but she is the Prime Naaru. She is the Light, and she cannot fade. Let's head into the Xenedar and look for her. Light willing, she will return to guide us once more."

As the group of four headed into the Xenedar, and traveled towards the heart of the ship, it was revealed that the reason Alleria had been locked in the cell, that Xe'ra had put her in, was because she had been delving into harnessing the powers of the Void so they could have another weapon in the war against the Legion. Both Lyra and Trixie knew that such an action was dangerous, potentially even stupid at this point in time, but Alleria had her reasons and she hadn't been driven mad yet, meaning that there was some validity to her claims. Still, the duo listened and remained silent as they reached the main chamber of the ship, where the seemingly broken body of Xe'ra rested, though Lyra was able to see the exact place where her heart had come from. The moment they were all inside the main chamber Turalyon channeled the power of the Light as Lyra and Trixie set three crystals in a formation that linked up with the High Exarch, creating a diamond shape around Xe'ra's weakened body... before they guided her out of the Xenedar and sent her to the Vindicaar, to which they were also teleported out of the area with the rest of their group.

As Lyra and Trixie returned to the Vindicaar, with Turalyon, Alleria, and the seemingly shattered body of Xe'ra, Romuul reported that the battle for the Xenedar was over, as the surviving demons were retreating and the heroes, from both armies, were now returning to their ship so they could prepare for the next mission. As the heroes from Azeroth and the warriors of the Army of the Light gathered around the top level of the ship they stared down at the area that was in front of them, where Xe'ra rested. Velen stood beside Turalyon, Alleria, and Illidan, while at the same time both Trixie and Lyra stood near them to be sure nothing happened when the ceremony happened, as it was only a matter of time until Light's Heart was returned to the Prime Naaru. At the same time, however, Lyra wonder if this was a good thing, since there had been something about what Xe'ra had said back when she received her visions of Sargeras destroying Azeroth... and that was the fact that a being of the Light called her mentor the child of Light and Shadow, something that was throwing her off at the moment.

Before she could voice her concern, to either Trixie or Lord Illidan, two Light-infused Draenei, who had been patiently waiting for this moment, stepped forward and carried Light's Heart over to Xe'ra's body, before backing away... which was followed by the fragments of the Naaru being lifted into the air as Xe'ra came to life before their eyes, as she now floated in the middle of the ship and radiated power once again.

"We are blessed to be in your presence once more, Xe'ra." Turalyon said, though his voice was full of hope, indicating that his faith in the mighty Naaru wasn't misplaced, especially since she had been guiding him and the others since he and Alleria had disappeared from Azeroth all those years ago.

Turalyon... Xe'ra replied, her voice sounding the same as Lyra remembered, while at the same time being heard by everyone on the ship, even those that were on a different level at that moment, You have found the Chosen One.

If the High Exarch was upset that Xe'ra didn't say anything more to him at the moment, such as praise for overcoming the odds or anything, he didn't show it, rather he stepped to the side and held a hand out towards Illidan, who cautiously stepped forward and stared at the golden Naaru.

Illidan. Xe'ra said, causing those that were watching this to wonder what was going to happen, as very few knew about the prophecy that Lyra had been told, as she didn't want to alarm anyone of the fact that their mission might end in total failure, From birth, the light in your eyes held such promise for the future.

"I sacrificed that birthright long ago." Illidan stated, remembering the day he first took the fel energy into his body, a 'gift' from Sargeras himself that burned out his eyes until they were what they were today, which became the method for how the Illidari took in their first taste of the fel energy into their bodies.

Do you not wish to reclaim what was lost? Xe'ra asked, though there was a slight shift in Xe'ra's tone, one so small that everyone might have missed it, but Lyra heard it and suspected that something bad was definitely going to come of the two figures talking to each other, To be whole again?

"The Legion's end..." Illidan replied, staring at the faces of the assembled heroes that had come to Argus and left Azeroth behind for the moment, knowing that all of them felt the same way that he did, before facing the Prime Naaru once more, "is all I seek."

My child. You've given so much, for so little. Xe'ra said, though that statement definitely raised red flags for Lyra, as it actually sounded like the Prime Naaru was almost insulting the fact that Illidan sacrificed almost everything he had to reach this point in time, Your true potential, your redemption, lies before you. Let go of your shattered form and embrace the Light's power.

It was at that point that particles of the Light moved out from where Xe'ra was floating and started to surround Illidan, though while many thought that Illidan was going to jump for joy and embrace the power that was being offered to him, like the fools they were, Lyra already knew that something fishy was happening and her thoughts were confirmed as Illidan glared at the particles that were around him... and she was sure that he had glanced at her once in the process, to which she readied herself for what was coming next.

"I've traded my freedom for power before." Illidan stated, as he found that Xe'ra's promise of 'power' was just an excuse for her to have a pawn in her war against the Legion, something that he had no interest in becoming.

The prophecy... Xe'ra said, her tone shifting even more than it had before hand, only this time Lyra wasn't the only one that heard it, as both Velen and Alleria seemed a little uneasy by the Naaru's sudden shift in tone, but still Lyra readied herself, must be fulfilled.

It was in that moment that two things happened at the same time; the first being that Lyra, sensing something was going to happen to her mentor, rushed forward and knocked Lord Illidan out of the ring of Light, effectively taking his place, before he could stop her. The second thing that happened was that the Light particles closed around where Illidan had been standing and ensnared Lyra, who instantly held back a yelp as she was pulled into the air while everyone was surprised by what had happened.

What is the meaning of this? Xe'ra asked, as she was surprised that someone had even knocked Illidan out of the Light to begin with, especially since it was the same person that she had spoken to back when her heart had been accessed by the Tears of Elune.

"I... won't let... you harm... Lord Illidan!" Lyra growled, as she could feel the power of the Light pinning her arms to her side and overall preventing her from moving, despite her best efforts to break the hold she was in, while also trying to avoid screaming as the Light tore into the fel energy that she used, "His power... is not your's... to take!"

...Very well... Xe'ra said, though while Illidan and the others were recovering from what happened, and the fact that the Prime Naaru tried to force her prophecy on the leader of the Illidari, the Naaru's body glowed even brighter than before, You shall be an example... and show Illidan his true destiny!

Lyra screamed as the Light invaded her body, as it was even worse than when she and the other heroes were fighting the Maiden of Vigilance in the Tomb of Sargeras, because the power of the Light was reacting to the fel energy that was already inside her body and was tearing into her demonic powers. It was like liquid fire coursing through her veins, tearing apart what she had built and trying to replace it with something entirely different, while at the same time she could feel it traveling all over her body, including her demonic horns and her wings. As this happened Turalyon tried to plead with Xe'ra, saying that she shouldn't harm one of their allies, while Trixie tried in vain to help her out of the mess she had gotten herself into. Even Lord Illidan stepped forward and tried to help her, but that was what Xe'ra wanted as another band of Light particles chained his arms and wings to his body before lifting him up into the air, forcing him to watch as Lyra suffered under the Prime Naaru's power... and the fact that her demonic tattoos were being devoured by the Light, just like the rest of her demonic powers.

A few seconds later, after coming to a decision, Lyra tried a desperate attempt to access her Havoc form and break out of the hold, like she had done against Maiev the first time they fought each other... causing the Light around her to explode as she was thrown backwards, where she hit the ramp behind her and crumbled to the ground.

"LYRA!" Illidan shouted, as he couldn't believe what had happened, though he was fortunate that she was still breathing, before he turned his full attention to the being that was holding onto him at the moment.

Your old life has passed. Xe'ra said, to which she turned towards Illidan for the time being as she ignored Lyra, while at the same time preparing the Light so it could do the same thing to him, something that he was going to avoid at all costs, The Light will forge you a new one.

"It is not yours to take!" Illidan declared, as he had seen the pain that Lyra, the second strongest demon hunter, had been when Xe'ra had her way and knew that he couldn't trust the Prime Naaru, especially when they had no idea what effects her 'gift' had on those she forced it upon.

The Light will heal your scars! Xe'ra stated, to which the Light started pouring into Illidan's body, where the heroes and other observers watched as the Light started to dig into his demonic tattoos.

"We demon hunters. Are. OUR. SCARS!!!" Illidan replied, indicating that there was nothing to be ashamed about by sacrificing something for the greater good, especially when said sacrifices left physical and emotional scars, which he had plenty of.

The Light is your destiny. Xe'ra insisted, only now realizing how resistant Illidan was to change, but that didn't stop her from doing what she had to do so she could fulfill the prophecy.

"MY DESTINY IS MY OWN!" Illidan roared, though that was when he slipped into his true demonic form, shattered the chains of Light that were holding onto him, and released the strongest Eye Beam he had right into Xe'ra's heart... which consumed the two of them in a bright flash of light.

When the light cleared, and the heroes lowered their hands to see what was going on, they watched as Illidan fell to the floor, in the form he was locked into, and coughed as small fragments of what had been Xe'ra fell to the ground all around him and the center of the ship. Some of the heroes were shocked that Illidan had essentially destroyed the weakened Prime Naaru in one attack, especially after all the effort Lyra, Trixie, and the others went through to rescue her from the Xenedar, while the others nodded their heads in agreement to his actions, indicating that Xe'ra had gotten what she deserved for trying to force her power onto those that didn't want it. Turalyon, who had the strongest connection to Xe'ra, out of everyone on the Vindicaar, was outraged by what had happened, to which he growled as he turned his attention to Illidan... and drew his sword in the process.

"You've doomed us all!" Turalyon shouted, marching right up to where Illidan was resting and raised his sword into the air, revealing to the assembled group that he intended to kill Illidan for what he had done, "BETRAYER!!!!"

Before anyone could react, or even attempt to stop him, Turalyon swung his sword at Illidan's neck, who reached up and grabbed onto the blade the moment it neared him, stopping the weapon before it could even get close to his next... though as a trickle of fel blood emerged from where he caught the blade Illidan looked up at Turalyon and stared right into his eyes for a few seconds.

"Your faith has blinded you. There can be no Chosen One." Illidan said, though he followed that up by lightly kicking Turalyon in the chest and knocked him backwards, where Alleria and Velen stopped the High Exarch from doing anything foolish as Illidan stood up, "Only we can save ourselves."

As Turalyon glared at him, with a look of hate in his eyes, Illidan and Trixie rushed over to Lyra's side, though as they reached her they were happy to see that she was still breathing, but that was before noticing that her demonic wings, which had been opened after her torture at Xe'ra's hands, were starting to change color. Trixie watched as Lyra's wings went from full of life and transformed into a set of dull grey wings, before crumbling to dust before their eyes, though they were followed by her demonic horns turning to dust as well. Everyone watched as the fel energy faded from Lyra's body entirely, to which her coloration returned to the light aquamarine that Trixie remembered her having before she found her outside the Warden's vault. Even her tattoos, which had been there for seven long years and had become a permanent part of her body, didn't fare any better than her wings and horns, as the entirety of her tattoos turned grey as well, though the style remained as a reminder of what she had been.

Trixie's eyes widened when she realized what had happened, as Xe'ra's attempt to purge the fel from Lyra's body and turn her into a weapon of the Light had partly worked, the only thing she wasn't expecting was that it tuned Lyra back into a normal human-pony hybrid, like she had been before her transformation into a dragon hybrid. Trixie couldn't detect a trace of the fel energy inside Lyra, and she was sure that Illidan was feeling the same thing, but they had to wait for Lyra to wake up before they could figure out what sort of powers she had left. Trixie only hoped that Xe'ra hadn't crippled her friend, especially when they were attacking Argus at that very moment, otherwise the heroes might have just suffered a terrible blow... one that they wouldn't be able to recover from.

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