• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Shore: Striking the Demons

After an hour of waiting for Khadgar, Lord Illidan, or even Maiev to give them the next mission they had to take care of, which could have been anything, Lyra found herself growing bored all of a sudden, something that usually didn't happen when she was in an area surrounded by demons. Unfortunately she didn't want to take it out on the demons of the Broken Shore, mostly because they were already fighting a losing battle against the other thirty heroes, and their champions, that were declaring war on them. If she wanted to fight some demons, and she really wanted to do that to get rid of her boredom, she only had two options, either head to Faronaar, which was located near the Illidari stronghold in Azsuna, or fly to Felsoul Hold, which was located in Suramar. Since she was sure that Faronaar wasn't an option, not with the Illidari stationed nearby and likely trying to destroy the stronghold the demons had built there, she guessed that Felsoul Hold was better than nothing.

Once she had finished debating how she was going to go about this, as she planned on using one of the felbats they had tamed to get back to Suramar, she got onto her hooves and made for the flightmaster, though before she could even reach her target Trixie appeared near her and pulled her to the side... or more like down the path back to the beach, so they didn't distract anyone else.

"Lyra, what are you planning?" Trixie asked, because she had been around the demon hunting Equestrian long enough to know what she was thinking by glancing at her eyes, and she knew that Lyra was planning something this time around, though what that something was she had no idea.

"I'm bored and I need something to do," Lyra replied, not even bothering to hide the fact from Trixie, because her friend was good at discovering things, no doubt something else she had gained from her seven long years of working with Khadgar and solving whatever mysteries they discovered, "so I figured that I would just skip over to Suramar and attack Felsoul Hold, cut off the demons there before they could really gather in force and do some damage to our allies."

"You're... bored?" Trixie repeated, as this was the first time that she had ever heard that Lyra was bored about anything, because she figured that with a battle going on all across the Broken Shore, with their friends fighting for their lives against the demons, Lyra would have been the first one to charge into battle.

"Yeah, I got bored and these demons aren't much of a challenge at this point in time," Lyra said, as she was really disappointed in the demons of the Broken Shore, so much so that she was fine with the other heroes taking the fight to the demons while she sought a true challenge, "Like I said, I'm heading over to Felsoul Hold to fight the demons over there, as there's bound to be some decent demons guarding the place since that's where Varedis ruled until I arrived and took the Twinblades from him."

"Well, if you are set on this decision, then I shall make once as well," Trixie replied, to which her magic swirled around her for a few seconds as she morphed into her dragon form, knowing that some of the soldiers would see this and likely tell Khadgar what she and Lyra were doing, "Come on, we might as well depart now before someone tries to stop us."

Lyra stared at Trixie for a few seconds, as she was surprised that her friend wanted to help her relieve her boredom, before she smiled as she climbed onto Trixie's back, where she took to the skies and headed towards the area that Lyra wanted to visit. Since the Broken Shore was close to Suramar, however, it didn't take them long to reach their destination, though as they flew over Felsoul Hold Lyra gripped her warglaives and did something that Trixie wasn't expecting her to do; she jumped into the air and latched onto the first felbat she came across. Trixie, being curious as to what Lyra was planning, flew down to a nearby cliff and shifted back to her hybrid state as she watched Lyra use the felbats, which ended up dead when she was done with them, to slow her descent until she was deep inside Felsoul Hold. Trixie then watched as Lyra started to engage the eredar, felguards, inquisitors, doomguards, and every other type of demon that had been brought to this area when it had been under the Legion's control... and it appeared that Lyra was more than skilled enough to be on her own, if the demonic bodies were anything to go by.

Suffice to say that Trixie was actually amused when she watched Lyra move through the area, cutting down demons that would have taken two or more other heroes to take out, while also climbing up the legs of a massive infernal and carving out it's massive core, toppling the creature and crushing several other demons in the process. As that happened several hostile creatures tried to attack Trixie from behind, though instead of flying off like she normally would she turned around and dodged the stag that was coming at her. An owl and a moth joined the stag, all of them looking like they were annoyed with her for some reason, to which she guessed that they were either going insane due to the magicka that they might have ingested at some point in time... or they had seen her dragon form and were trying to beat a potential predator before she came for them.

It didn't take her long to best the three animals that wanted her dead, though when she finished them off she sighed and pulled out some camping equipment from her bag, remnants from her days with her guild before she met Khadgar in Shattrath City... to which she lit a fire and got to work on the stags body, knowing that Lyra would likely want something to eat when she was done with the demons.

An hour passed before anything else actually happened, though Trixie passed the time by using the parts of the stag that had attacked her, once again reflecting that Fluttershy would be displeased with her, before cooking the majority of the meat that she had gathered. She tossed the unusable parts into Felsoul Hold, where she chuckled as some fel creatures exited their homes to fight over the bits she threw over the edge of the cliff, as it usually ended in Lyra finding out about it and ending both demons in the process. Lyra also glanced up at her every now and then, as if she was keeping track of the food that she was preparing, though Trixie would amaze her a little since she had some cooking skill, another useful skill she had picked up years ago when she first arrived on Azeroth. Just thinking about that made her check the meat once more, before she grinned as she tore a section off for herself and started tearing it apart, knowing that soon Lyra would see what she was doing and get some for herself... when she was done killing demons anyway.

A few moments later, however, she heard the sound of someone teleporting into the area and turned to her right, where her mentor had appeared near the small camp she had set up while she was waiting for Lyra to finish her demon killing spree... where she would promptly tell Lyra to wash her hands of the demon blood that was likely on her hands at that very moment.

"There you are," Khadgar said, sounding a little disappointed in the fact that Trixie and Lyra had left Deliverance Point, while they were in the middle of a war with the Legion, without telling him, Illidan, or even Maiev as to where they were going, "Maiev finally has a new mission for you and Lyra, since you two were the only available heroes left, and then we couldn't find you at all... and yet here you are, camping over Felsoul Hold without a care in the world."

"Actually, Lyra's busy killing demons and I'm acting as transport at the moment," Trixie replied, as she had known that Khadgar would have been upset with her, he was still her mentor after all, though at the same time she beckoned to the meat for a few seconds, "Help yourself, we've still got a few more minutes before Lyra is done killing demons, so you might as well make yourself comfortable."

"I... I see." Khadgar said, though at the same time he decided to take a small part of the meat for himself, since it had been made with Trixie and Lyra in mind and no one else, before he noticed something odd, "Trixie, it seems your control might be slipping, because you seem a bit... bulkier... than you were an hour ago, and you're looking more like a dragon than your usual hybrid form reveals."

Trixie paused for a moment and looked down at herself, as her body was actually slightly taller than her elven form allowed, though at the same time she noticed that by bulkier her mentor was referring to her muscles, which made sense since it had to be her dragon form coming to the surface more than it usually did. She had no idea how she hadn't noticed it, but her hands had actually become more like a dragon's as well, complete with more scales going up her arms, and she was fairly sure that some of her teeth were much sharper now. She let out a sigh as she focused her mind once more, feeling her body revert back to her hybrid state, before finding that it had worked... making her wonder if some of the spices she had used had done something to her while she wasn't aware of it.

"So, what did Maiev want from us?" Trixie asked, though at the same time she took another bite out of the meat that she was eating, once more thinking about how odd it was for her to have adapted to eating this after the last seven years, but then she shrugged and focused on her mentor.

Before Khadgar could do or say anything, however, he noticed a hand appear on the edge of the cliff and watched as Lyra climbed up to the area they were in and dusted off her armor, before eying the meat that had been cooking and grabbed herself some as well, before nodding to Khadgar as she started eating.

"Lyra, Trixie tells me that you have been killing demons for the last hour," Khadgar commented, causing Lyra to glance up from what she was doing, where she nodded her head in confirmation, indicating that she had been busy ending their foes before they could attack their allies, "Tell me, do you have any idea how many demons you killed inside Felsoul Hold? And I mean today, not during the time you came here for the Twinblades."

"Let me think about it," Lyra said, glancing down at the destruction and death she had caused in Felsoul Hold, where she smiled at the number of dead demons that littered the ground, "I'd guess between two hundred and three hundred demons. They weren't happy with my presence and really called in some of their reserve troops, so I don't think we'll be hearing anything from this place for quite some time... though hopefully this tells them that they should depart from Suramar immediately."

"Well, Maiev will be happy." Khadgar said, though he chuckled at the same time, as he wasn't surprised by Lyra slaying so many demons while waiting for him and the others to hand out a new mission, "She told me to tell you that your next mission was to kill a hundred demons, to be done in either Faronaar or Felsoul Hold, so she'll be glad to hear that you did so, even without hearing the mission to begin with."

Lyra chuckled as well, because she was sure that Maiev would be shocked when she heard that news while Lord Illidan was going to be impressed by her kill streak, before the three of them went silent while they dealt with the remainder of the meat that Trixie had cooked. When they were done, however, Trixie reverted back to her dragon form and carried the duo back to Deliverance Point, where she surprised the heroes that were resting as she landed near the main camp. Once they were back in the camp, and Trixie was back in her hybrid form, they approached Maiev, who simply stared at them as they approached, though at the same time Illidan smiled as he sensed what Lyra had done, but he said nothing so he could let them surprise Maiev.

"Maiev, we heard that you wanted us to kill a couple of demons in either Faronaar or Felsoul Hold," Lyra said, though at the same time a light smile appeared on her face, because she was rather impressed by her own skill and power to knock out as many demons as she had, "I killed between two to three hundred of them in Felsoul Hold... while I was waiting for you to hand us a new mission."

"I see," Maiev commented, where at the same time she simply stared at Lyra and Trixie for a moment, no doubt studying Lyra while she was doing so, before shaking her head a little, "Thinning the ranks of demons in locations like Faronaar and Felsoul Hold will cut the legs out from under the Legion... until we topple Kil'jaeden!"

"Oh, we're all looking forward to that," Trixie said, as she knew that some of the heroes wanted to get back at Kil'jaeden for everything he's done to Azeroth over the many years, "We just have to be patient and see what move our opponent's next move is."

"Speaking of which, Khadgar had another mission to give you," Maiev stated, causing the duo to glance over at the Archmage for a moment, who nodded his head in confirmation, before she turned back towards the map that was on the table behind her, revealing that she was done with them.

"Lyra, Trixie, as you know not all demons on this shore stomp around in the open." Khadgar said, referring to their general knowledge of demons that they had gathered over the years, gained in different manners anyway, before he continued speaking, "Some slink about in the shadows, finding more subtle ways to advance the Legion's cause. I have been observing the behavior of smaller demons, these wyrmtongues. They seem to spend considerable time acquiring objects of power. We cannot allow them to use these items against us. The wyrmtongues stash their goods in chests spread around the Broken Shore. I suggest you relieve them of their ill-gotten gain."

Lyra remembered the wyrmtongue that the Illidari had captured in Stormwind City, after the Legion's attempt to kill the Alliance leaders back before they moved Dalaran to the Broken Shore, and the help the demon had given them after it realized that they weren't about to let it go. Fortunately Khadgar had a new spell that would allow Trixie and Lyra to find out where the enemy wyrmtongue were stashing their loot, something that Trixie used immediately before shifting into her dragon form once more. From there the duo took to the skies and sought out the treasure troves that their enemies were trying to hide from them, one of them using the spell to see the demons while the other used her fel sight to spot the demons from where they were flying. The duo quickly discovered a large number of wyrmtongue demons moving about the area, some carrying objects of power in their packs, though those were the ones that Trixie tailed before they were lead right to the locations of their chests.

They then waited for the demons to unlock their chests before Lyra took them out, though as Trixie collected the goods Lyra discovered that the powerful items were merely trinkets that were unassuming, though she remembered the Elements of Harmony, the artifacts and not the Bearers, and knew that Khadgar was right to give them this mission. She didn't want something as powerful as the Elements falling into the hands of the Legion, especially from what she knew about what the Legion did with such artifacts. When the cleared the first chest they took to the skies once more and tracked down the next wyrmtongue demon that was heading to it's chest, where they repeated the process once it revealed where it's loot was hidden. From there they collected the trinkets that it was hoarding and headed back into the air once the chest was cleared out, where they continued their search for any and all remaining powerful trinkets that their enemies were hoarding.

Thirty minutes later, after scouring the entirety of the Broken Shore and looting about thirty chests by the time they were done, the duo returned to Deliverance Point and landed, though as they walked up to where Khadgar was standing they delivered the goods to Chambers, allowing them to be distributed to those that could use them in the war against the Legion's forces.

"Fine work. It's important to keep powerful treasures out of demon hands." Khadgar said, staring at the number of trinkets that they were able to recover, as he hadn't been expecting them to get all of that in the time they had been gone, but he was clearly happy, "There are more ways to undermine the Legion's agenda than simply killing demons... although there's a lot to be said for good old-fashioned violence. And, speaking of violence, Maiev has another mission for the two of you, along with some of your friends."

"The Broken Shore swims with Legion filth, each demon deserving of a swift and merciless end." Maiev stated, not even waiting for Khadgar to stop speaking before she took over the conversation, though the duo stared over at her as some of the other heroes walked up to where they were standing, "But some are more insidious than the rest. Powerful combatants rallying others to their perfidious cause. Strike down these demon champions and you will fill the hearts of their kin with fear and doubt. Break the Legion's spirit and we will break its back."

Fortunately Lyra knew what Maiev was talking about, as when she and Trixie were flying back to Deliverance Point she had spotted a dreadlord issuing orders to the other demons, alarmingly close to their camp anyway, and she also knew where a large doomguard was stationed. According to what some of the other heroes said there was a large wrathguard patrolling the area near the Tomb's entrance, another commander they were sure, and a pit lord was hiding in a cave near that one, giving them four targets to go after. Before Trixie could ask how they found the commander hiding in the cave, however, one of the warlocks pointed to his imp, indicating that the little demon had found it and brought the information to them... causing her to smile as they departed from Deliverance Point once more.

Lyra had been hoping for a better fight with the demon commanders they were taking on, but with so many powerful heroes standing beside them these lesser commanders were easy to take out, meaning that she and the others could literally take out one of the demons without one of them dying in the process. Even if a hero died one of the healers would use their magic to resurrect them, effectively making it impossible for a demon, who was fighting alone, to overpower them. When one commander was dead they moved onward to the next one, repeating the process while allowing the demon's soul to be damned to Lyra's Twinblades, removing another threat from the board at the same time... though, to increase their demoralizing of the Legion's forces, they found and killed the four commanders they knew about, and then hunted down six more demon commanders that patrolled the Broken Shore.

When they finally killed literally every demon commander, and they were positive in that regard, the heroes returned to Deliverance Point and reported their success to Khadgar and Maiev, who wasn't surprised that they had taken out all the demon commanders in less than an hour.

"We must take every opportunity to shatter the will of Kil'jaeden's army." Maiev commented, which was about the only praise that they were going to receive from the Warden, though at this point Lyra and Trixie were used to her uncaring attitude towards everyone, "When they see their mightiest champions crumble to dust, they will realize that the vaunted Legion is doomed to fall."

"For now, you should all rest for a few hours," Khadgar added, though that was when he beckoned towards the Tomb for a moment, where everyone stared at the fel corrupted structure that was the main target of their attack on the Broken Shore, "Tomorrow we'll take the other Pillars of Creation from Aegwynn's Gallery and begin our assault on the Tomb of Sargeras... and finally bring an end to this invasion."

Lyra smiled at that news, because once they stopped Kil'jaeden, and likely killed him in the process, they could seal the Tomb and prevent Sargeras from entering Azeroth... though before they went home they knew that a permanent solution needed to be found, but they were sure that someone would figure something out eventually.

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