• Published 7th Oct 2016
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World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind - Blackdrag-rose

Lyra finds herself in the Outlands, where she encounters the Illidari and their plans to stop the Burning Legion from razing all of creation.

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Interlude: Eve of the Invasion

Trixie walked through the streets of Dalaran and nodded to whoever waved to her as she walked by them, but she made no attempt to talk to anyone at the moment, as there was too much on her mind for her to enjoy a civilized conversation with the citizens of the city she was walking through. Too much had happened since she and her band of friends, later becoming a guild of adventurers called the 'Celestial Dragons', had helped the forces of Shattrath City and Azeroth in taking out Illidan Stormrage, the Lord of the Outlands. It had been seven years since she and her guild had taken out the Betrayer, where the Wardens sealed his body in their Vault, along with the demon hunters that had been sent to a Legion world... and the world of Azeroth had changed many times during those seven years.

With the Outlands 'saved' from Illidan, his Illidari, and their demonic allies, Trixie and her guild returned to Azeroth and eventually buried those that had fallen in the battle with the Betrayer, before they moved on to find the next threat that would ruin the peace they had helped create. All that changed when the Lich King, a horrible creature that used to be a man named Arthas Menethil, launched his sinister campaign to turn the world of the living into a world for the Scourge, a horrible army of the undead, to rule over. Trixie had her fair share of fighting the normal undead creatures, as she and her guild had fought against them several times in the past, but the Scourge was another matter altogether... as they literally stole the dead from their tombs and raised old heroes to fight for the Lich King.

Some of the Lich King's favored soldiers, the Death Knights that had been raised for the sole purpose of killing one of the greatest paladins in the known world, Tirion Fordring, had regained control over themselves and severed their connection with their horrible master. When the group of death knights separated into two groups, one containing Alliance heroes and the second containing heroes of the Horde, that was when Trixie and her guild realized that their dead friends had been brought back as well. She remembered meeting them again, after their audience with the king of Stormwind, and they all confessed that they wish Tirion had ended their suffering instead of letting them life in this new life that they were given... though they all promised to bring an end to the Lich King and his army.

From that point onward her restored guild rode to Northrend, the icy landmass that was occasionally called the crown of the world, where they launched their counterattack against the forces of the Scourge. Trixie recalled all the fights that she and her friends had gotten into, going from the Borean Tundra and stopping at the area known as Icecrown, where they turned the tide against the seemingly unstoppable forces of the Scourge. In the zone known as Dragonblight she discovered a majestic tower that was called Wyrmrest Temple, where the current heads of the five dragon flights gathered and made decisions. Soon after that Trixie discovered that her mentor had, somehow, convinced the other members of the Council of Six, the six most powerful mages that controlled Dalaran, to teleport the magical floating city from its place in the Eastern Kingdoms and bring it to Northrend.

Trixie was, of course, excited to rejoin her mentor and continue her studies, though before they could get too far she and her guild had to help the dragon flights in their war against Malygos, who was the head of the Blue Dragonflight and was convinced that the people of Azeroth were misusing magic and didn't deserve it. That sparked what they all called the Nexus War, where they had to stop some of the evil blue dragons from releasing the prisoners held in Dalaran and disrupt their operations all over Dragonblight... before eventually delving into the Eye of Eternity and putting a stop to Malygos. With the Eye restored they returned their attention to the Scourge, though while the Argent Crusade started building a fortress in Icecrown she and her guild ventured into Ulduar, an ancient Titan fortress that had been built in the area called Storm Peaks.

Trixie shivered as she remembered their epic encounter with the second of the Old Gods, the creature that was called Yogg-Saron, because he was known to drive people insane and he could have killed all of them, but she and her friends were lucky to have gotten the assistance of the Watchers that were assigned to keep the Old God in his prison. That made her remember her first encounter with the first Old God, the creature called C'Thun that was imprisoned inside the area called Ahn'Qiraj, but from what she could tell the creatures that were called Old Gods didn't die... rather their body died and their spirit would linger in some unknown state before returning in an unknown number of years. Azeroth was safe from two of them at the moment, but from all the glass panels Trixie had seen in Ulduar she knew that there had to be two more Old Gods hidden somewhere across Azeroth.

From that point she and her guild waged war against the forces of the Scourge as they made their way across Icecrown, where they eventually broke down all of the gates that had been placed in their way and stopped in front of the main door of Icecrown Citadel, where the Iich King was waiting for them. Trixie remembered the epic battles she and her friends had gone through to reach the peak of the Citadel, where they killed undead creatures of every variety, be they plague inducing monsters, vampiric creatures, and a massive undead dragon... before they eventually reach their foe and engaged him in battle. Trixie smiled as she recalled the shattering of Frostmourne, the sinister weapon of the Lich King, which allowed the souls inside it to be released and allowed Arthas to regain his sanity for a few seconds... allowing him to speak with the soul of his father for a moment before he finally died.

From there she was determined to resume her search for her fellow Equestrian, to which she searched Northrend for a week or two in vain, before she returned to Dalaran and picked up her studies, where she promised her friends that she would return to them if they needed her help in the future. That was swiftly followed by the massive black dragon known as Deathwing tearing his way out of where he had been hiding since his defeat and loosed a cataclysm that literally reshaped a good portion of the world... though one of the first things that happened was she and her friends welcomed some Worgens, men who were cursed with the form of a wolf that could walk on two legs, into their ranks.

Some of their guild went to Mount Hyjal, where they had to stop the forces of the Firelord and the Twilight's Hammer from burning down the World Tree called Nordrassil, which would actually aid in the destruction of the entire world if the massive tree was destroyed. The others went to the remaining zones that were revealed by the Cataclysm; the underwater area known as Vashj'ir, the desert area called Uldum, the Twilight Highlands that rested in the Eastern Kingdoms, and the elemental plane that was called Deepholm.

One of the first major things they did was venture into the Throne of the Tides, located in Vashj'ir, where they assisted Neptulon the Tidehunter, who was essentially the water version of Ragnaros, in defending his throne from the naga that were attacking him. After that their guild returned to Uldum, where they entered the Skywall and assaulted the forces of the Vortex Pinnacle, which allowed them to weaken the forces of the Windlord before they even considered attacking him, while at the same time stopping the elemental attack on Uldum itself. That was swiftly followed by them breaking into the Throne of the Four Winds and assaulted the three remaining commanders of the directional winds, before they engaged Al'akir the Windlord in battle and brought him down.

Unfortunately killing one of the major Elemental Lords didn't go unnoticed, as Ragnaros finally returned to the world in Mount Hyjal, where Trixie and her friends returned to the World Tree and began the long campaign to send the flames back to the Firelands. It took some time and effort, from both themselves and the druids that they were assisting, before they were allowed to lay siege to Ragnaros' keep, where they took out his strongest commanders, destroyed a green dragon that had turned traitor on them, cut down the leader of the Druids of the Flame, and assaulted their foe. They were assisted by Cenarius and some of his most powerful druids in binding Ragnaros to this plane, where they permanently killed the Firelord and stopped his assault on the World Tree.

They barely had any time to rest before they had to go back in time and fight against both the Twilight's Hammer and the Infinite Dragonflight in order to obtain the Demon Soul, which was apparently the only known artifact that could wound, or even kill, Deathwing before he destroyed the rest of the world. When they actually had the artifact in hand they returned to Wyrmrest Temple and assaulted the forces that were attacking the temple, which involved killing the forces of the Old Gods, where Trixie was sure that one of them had mentioned one called N'Zoth, and the rest of the Twilight's Hammer. They even climbed onto one of the Alliance gunships and followed after Deathwing, where she and her friends parachuted down to the dragon's back and literally tore three of the plates on his back off, which revealed a hole in his defenses that allowed Thrall, one of the greatest shamans in the entire world, to unleash the power of the Demon Soul and blast a hole in Deathwing's chest.

Deathwing crashed into the Maelstrom and attempted to use the rest of his power to loose a second cataclysm, one powerful enough to end the entire world in one motion, but the Dragon Aspects came in and aided them in ending the massive dragon's life... to which they sacrificed a good portion of their power, and their immortality, to destroy Deathwing, where Alexstrasza mentioned that the age of mortals was beginning.

She and her friends were allowed some time off before the next major crisis happened, which occurred when one of the Alliance's ships crashed into a moving island, though the people who commanded the ship returned in a hot air balloon... along with some panda creatures that identified themselves as the Pandaren. Her guild welcomed several Pandaren monks into their ranks that day, where they spent some time getting to know their new friends and got them up to speed on what might be happening in the near future. The change happened when someone delivered a message that told them that the island of Pandaria had been discovered, to which Trixie promised her mentor that she would return with some new knowledge once she was gone saving yet another land from disaster.

At first their venture into the land of Pandaria seemed to be like all the other ones, until they encountered a sinister creature that the natives referred to as the Sha, where one of the natives blamed the Horde and the Alliance for resurrecting this ancient terror. She and her friends made their way through the Jade Forest, where they enlisted the help of the Jinyu, which were walking fishmen, to repel the Hozen, which were slightly intelligent monkeys, but instead of assisting the main forces in their fight with the Horde, however, they made their way to a high point and watched what was going to happen next. That was before the battle destroyed the massive jade statue that the Pandaren natives had been building and released one of the major Sha into the world... where Trixie caught a glimpse of the large Sha of Doubt before it headed into the nearby temple.

As the rest of the Alliance and the Horde ventured into the other zones of Pandaria, and continued to upset the natural balance once again, Trixie and her friends moved into the Temple of the Jade Serpent, where they brought down and killed the newly released Sha of Doubt before it could do too much harm to the world. They then ventured into the Krasarang Wilds, where they made their way to the Temple of the Red Crane and killed all of the lesser Sha that were blocking their way. When they reached the temple they found the second major Sha, the Sha of Despair, attempting to do major damage to the land, but they quickly brought it down before it could put any of its major plans into action.

With two of the major Sha defeated, and Trixie assuming that four of them remained, they ventured into the Kun-Lai Summit area of the land and assisted the Alliance in building their main base in the area, before they gathered together and brought down the Sha of Anger that happened to be taunting them the entire time they were there. Trixie and a small group entered the Shado-Pan's ancient monastery in the region and fought their way through the Sha controlled people that resided there, until they eventually brought down the Sha of Violence, but at the same time the Sha of Hatred managed to escape from them. After that they made their way to the Townlong Steppes, where they assisted their friends and allies before they eventually uncovered Sha of Hatred, which had run away from them, and quickly moved in to put an end to its existence.

When that area was secured, and they were sure that the natives were safe, they made their way into the Dread Wastes and accidentally released one of the Mantid Paragons, who insisted that they help them in their effort to dethrone the Empresses and defeat the Sha that was controlling her. As the majority of their guild helped the Klaxxi build their forces, and hunted down the rest of the sleeping Paragons, Trixie and the others returned to the Wilds for some time to help the Alliance build their base in the area, and fend off Horde attacks from the camp on the other side of the zone they were in. When they returned to the encampment of the Klaxxi, and discovered that the Paragons had been awoken, one of them took Trixie into their most sacred of areas and told her that they intended to reunite with their master when he revealed himself... where she discovered that the master of the Klaxxi was one of the two other Old Gods she had learned about during the cataclysm.

With that terrible news in mind they managed to overcome the might of the Mantid army, broke their way into the throne room of the Empress, and dealt the decisive blow that ended her reign of terror, but the Sha that was controlling her managed to escape in the process. Trixie and her guild managed to track the Sha of Fear all the way to the Terrace of Endless Spring, where they fought against the mind controlled guardians that used to protect the spring and, eventually, brought an end to the sixth major Sha. Shortly after their victory they learned that the troll tribes they had been dealing with for the last few years, those not associated with the Horde, managed to find the body of their former ruler, Lei Shen the Thunder King, and revived both him and his stone servants.

From that point onward the Horde and the Alliance waged a great campaign against the forces of the Thunder King on his home island, the Isle of Thunder, while at the same time Garrosh Hellscream, the new leader of the Horde, seized every opportunity to steal and hoard artifacts of power that could be used to fight the Alliance. It took some doing, and a temporary truce between the smarter leaders of the Horde, for them to break through into the Thunder King's domain, cut down each and everyone of his servants, and make their way to Lei Shen himself... where they put an end to his rule once more, and cut out his black heart so he couldn't revive himself again in the near future.

During their fight with the Thunder King, however, Trixie and the others learned that Garrosh had found what he had been searching for, the heart of the Old God called Y'Shaarj, to which he promptly dropped the massive heart into a very important pool of water in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms... which ended up destroying half of the Vale with the sinister energy of the Sha.

It was at that point that Trixie, her guild, the Alliance, and the 'exiled' races of the Horde, those that Garrosh deemed unworthy to reside in his 'True Horde' gathered all of their might and marched on Orgrimmar, though they first stepped into the ruined area of the Vale and took out all of the Sha creatures that had been summoned by the heart's awakening. That happened to include the final Sha, the Sha of Pride, but Trixie and the others emerged victorious and made their way to the fortress city, where they planned their attack and made sure that everyone knew what they were going, because they would have one shot at making things right.

The combined might of the Horde and the Alliance decimated the forces that Garrosh had gathered inside the city; crushing his corrupted shamans into the ground, destroying all of the spoils that he had taken from Pandaria, killed his master engineer and blew up all of her 'toys', put an end to the enslaved animals that he had broken to his will, and fought the Paragons of the Klaxxi until they were no more. Then they did battle with Garrosh himself, who willingly took on the power of Y'Shaarj's to best them, but in the end they dethroned the mad orc and replace him with Vol'jin, though instead of executing him there the two forces agreed to sentence him to death on Pandaria... once they went through a trial of sorts to truly determine his fate.

Trixie had stated that the trial was a bad idea, as she was sure that something bad would come of it, and she hated to say that she was right, as one of the Bronze Dragons snatched Garrosh and went back in time with the mad orc, but there was no way to determine where he had gone and the matter was closed. Peace seemed to return to the world for a time, but it didn't last as the Dark Portal connected to a whole new world, where they discovered a new army of orcs, the Iron Horde, intended on burning their kingdoms and conquering their world. Trixie and her mentor agreed that this had to be the work of Garrosh, as none of the Iron Horde were tainted by the demon blood that the actual Horde had been tainted by so many years ago... which meant that they were dealing with a different timeline of Draenor.

Khadgar himself led the charge through the Dark Portal, where the greatest heroes of the Horde and the Alliance followed him through and discovered a large army that was making its way towards the Dark Portal. It was then that Trixie and her mentor had to made one of the worst calls they had ever made; they freed the imprisoned members of the Shadow Council and cut off the portal's power, though that involved letting Gul'dan, the master of the Shadow Council and the orc that was responsible for all of Draenor's woes, go free as well. With the portal deactivated they retreated into the jungle and carefully made their way through the various obstacles that were in their way, while at the same time they rescued some prisoners, spotted the various heads of the orc clans, and eventually made their way to the back of the army they had seen earlier.

They then got one of their dwarf smiths to take control of the massive tank that was resting behind the army, where they fired a massive charge at the Dark Portal and shattered one of the sides of it, effectively destroying the chances of the Iron Horde using it to head to Azeroth... though at the same time they had to flee and the two forces separated themselves so they could get to work with destroying the Iron Horde. Trixie and her guild landed in Shadowmoon Valley, where Khadgar and the leaders of her guild named her as the commander of the Alliance forces, which involved building the first stages of their garrison and opening relations with their neighbors.

One of the events that sealed their relations with the local Draenei was the defense of Karabor, where this timeline's version of Velen sacrificed himself to save one of the Naaru from being turned into a Void Lord. At the same time they stopped the assassination of some important figures, the Exarchs, and discovered that one was a traitor, sending him into hiding. Trixie ordered most of their forces to move onto the next zone and begin preparations for the building of an outpost, though at the same time she and her guild moved into the Shadowmoon Clan's burial grounds and killed Ner'zhul, who had been behind the corruption of the Naaru. With one of the heads of the Iron Horde dead Trixie and her group charted a course to Gorgrond, where they had to deal with a large number of massive plant creatures that seemed to enjoy eating people.

Fortunately the Iron Horde left themselves open to attack in Gorgrond, allowing Trixie and her friends to infiltrate their shipyard and slay their commanders, crippling their navy power for the most part, before they returned to the fight and brought some level of peace to the area they were in. They then ventured into the Talador area and fought the demons that had been summoned by the leaders of the Shadow Council, though as the majority of their forces secured the area they charted a course for the Spires of Arak. There they attempted to use the power of the Talon King to kill the Iron Horde, but their plans were shattered and the ancient king was defeated, which pissed off the leader of the Arakkoa, one Shadow-Sage Iskar.

This timeline's version of Nagrand was filled with more excitement than what Trixie was expecting, as they had to gather enough resources to build their final outpost and assault the area that Garrosh controlled, though in the end Thrall challenged him to honorable combat... which eventually resulted in the death of the mad orc.

Once that was done Khadgar called Trixie and some of her friends to his tower, which he had shifted to Draenor so he could have a better understanding of the planet they were on, where Trixie discovered that her mentor intended to create three special rings that could turn the tide against Gul'dan. As such they had to return to the Spires of Arak and assaulted the forces that were guarding that area, which actually helped the Arakkoa at the same time, before they made their way up to the peak and killed the person that wanted to burn all those that opposed her... where Trixie found three special rings that seemed to be different than the others, as one seemed to increase strength, one increase agility, and one increased intellect.

Trixie was, of course, given the intellect ring, though when they returned to her mentor they were told that they required four things to empower them; the Core of Flame from the Bloodmaul Slag Mines, the Core of Life from the Everbloom, the Core of Iron from the Grimrail Depot, and nearly five thousand Apexis Crystals per ring. It didn't take too long to hunt down the three cores and kill their guardians, which ended up helping everyone in the area they were in, though it did take some time to hunt down the crystals. Fortunately the garrison provided a perfect way to gather the crystals faster, as Trixie's followers noticed several caravans carrying the crystals, so she ordered them to raid the caravans before they could deliver the crystals to their enemies.

When they had enough crystals for all three rings they returned to Khadgar, who told them that they needed to take out Teron'gor and gather his blood so they could hunt down the orc's master, which involved them assaulting Auchindoun, but instead of killing him the orc ran part way through the fight... but left a pool of blood behind for them to use. With that task done they all returned to Nagrand and followed the Bronze Dragon Chromie to the resting place of the dragon that had brought Garrosh to this timeline, where they put his restless spirit down and returned to the tower. It was then that Khadgar empowered their rings with the powers that they had gathered, though once that was done they discovered that there was another step in creating a set of weapons that would destroy Gul'dan.

The next step in empowering their rings involved an assault on Highmaul, the seat of the Ogre Empire, where they were supposed to gather the Felbreaker's Tome, a special ring that the Sorcerer King carried on his person, and some special stones that were called Abrogator Stones. Once again Trixie's followers proved to be useful in gathering resources, as she was able to send them on missions to gather a large amount of the stone they needed, allowing her and her guild to focus on the assault itself. The moment they stepped into Highmaul they were attacked by Kargath Bladefist, another of the remaining warlords, where they engaged in battle before bringing an end to the orc's life, to which they assaulted the rest of Highmaul's forces... while at the same time the two headed ogre Cho'gall seemed to escape.

Trixie was able to wrest the Felbreaker's Tome from the hands of Ko'ragh, but as they entered the throne of the Sorcerer King they discovered that the king's guards were all dead and that their target had been killed by someone else, no doubt Cho'gall... but it made things easier for them, as they were able to grab the large sigil ring before they made their way back to Khadgar's tower. When they returned to her mentor they were attacked by an assassin called Garona, though they were able to overpower her and trap her in a special prison that would keep her in stasis until they broke through Gul'dan's enchantments on her... and acquired the cure to the poison she used on Khadgar. Once he was safe, and the poison had been taken care of, he further empowered their rings and told them where they needed to attack next; the Blackrock Foundry.

Trixie and her guild were more than willing to take the fight to their enemies, though at the same time they took every Elemental Rune that they could get their hands on, as they needed three hundred of the small fragments to magically recreate a single tablet. Since they needed three tablets, and nine hundred fragments, Trixie was happy to call upon her garrison followers, who were able to find a great deal of them, though at the same time they were looking for three other items; a Draenic Thaumaturgical Orb, the Heart of the Fury, and a tome known as the Flamebender's Tome. Instead of killing the boss of the Foundry, Blackhand himself, Trixie convinced the others to return to Khadgar and see if they needed anything else... but instead he gave them the upgrades to their rings.

During that process Trixie experienced the power of Dreanor's heart, as she had nearly been killed in the process of empowering her ring, but Cordana, the Warden that was guarding her mentor, had helped in bringing her back from certain death... though that was followed by Khadgar apologizing many times over what had happened, as the power wasn't supposed to do that.

Once she had recovered from her ordeal, and was ready to go, she and her guild returned to the foundry and put Blackhand down, though at the same time she grabbed his blackened hand, which apparently was needed to help them track Gul'dan or harness something else... but at that moment she honestly didn't remember which it was. When they returned to the tower Khadgar had them guard him while he attempted to break through Gul'dan's enchantments, though when they succeeded they discovered that they needed to go to a certain cave and recover the orb that was used on Garona. Trixie knew that it was supposed to reverse what had happened to the assassin, so she and her guild moved into the cave and killed the members of the Shadow Council that were there... to which they returned to the tower with the orb in their possession.

When they returned to Khadgar they broke through the enchantments and saved Garona, though while Cordana took the orb away to be destroyed Trixie caught a hint of a change in her voice, making her worry that something was up with the Warden. With Garona on their side they infiltrated one of the Iron Horde's last remaining fortresses and witnessed as Kilrogg Deadeye, one of the two remaining warlords, betrayed his leader, imprisoned him, and accepted the 'Fel Gift' into his body, damning himself in the process.

With Garona joining them they infiltrated the shipyard they had assaulted earlier, managed to rescue one of the shipwright that was being targeted by Kilrogg's forces, and secured the blueprints that would allow them to build their own shipyard. When they returned to their garrison Trixie ordered that the ship they had crashed into the ground, back when they arrived in Shadowmoon Valley, be converted into materials for a new ship, which was followed by the actual shipyard being built at the same time as the ship. With the ship ready they attacked the Tanaan Jungle from the sea, where they eventually secured a stronghold and build an outpost that would allow them to survey the area, though at the same time Khadgar had an unusual request from her... he wanted her to send the ship out, and some additional ones she was having constructed, and hunt down some special items for him.

It took some time and effort, but eventually Trixie's ships returned with a sea chart that covered the entire world, which was what her mentor was looking for, but once that was done he had her start planning an assault on Hellfire Citadel, where they needed to acquire thirty-three Tomes of Chaos. She already knew that he was planning on empowering their rings even further, if such a thing was possible, but she did agree with her mentor, to which she and her guild assaulted the citadel almost immediately. Fortunately they didn't get very far into the citadel before they found a cache of the Tomes that they were after, to which Khadgar told them to head back to his tower and get the deed over with before they continued the assault on Gul'dan's forces.

When they returned to the tower, however, Trixie was horrified to discover that Cordana had been corrupted by the orb she had sworn to destroy and had fallen into Gul'dan's clutches, though it appeared that her first task was to steal the three 'Savage Hollows' that Khadgar was making... to which Trixie and her friends destroyed the books and forced the corrupted Warden to flee, much to Khadgar's sorrow when he heard the news. He did have good news for them, however, as it appeared that they could ask the Naaru they saved earlier to unlock the final form of their rings, to which they carefully made their way to the temple of Karabor and spoke with Yrel, who went through some sort of speech before things got underway.

Once their rings had been blessed, and their final forms had been unlocked, Khadgar approached them as they lowered back to the ground and gave them the names of the three Savage Hollows. The first ring was called Maalus, the Blood Drinker, and it happened to be the ring of agility that was being held by the strongest monk of their guild, Xinyi Windfall, who was a female Pandaren from the Wandering Isle. The second ring was called Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor, which was the ring of strength that was worn by Landan Nash, the human paladin that had been one of Trixie's friends from the beginning of her adventures. The final ring, the intellect ring, was to be named Nithramus, the All-Seer, which was the ring that Trixie was wearing on her right pointer finger.

With their rings named, and their full power was unlocked, Trixie and her guild returned to Hellfire Citadel and continued their assault, where they killed everyone that had allied with Gul'dan and accepted the Fel Gift... where they even killed the reanimated Mannoroth before he could fulfill his terrible purpose. They then cornered Gul'dan in front of the ruins of the Dark Portal, which he had been working on the entire time they had been fighting inside the citadel, but before they could kill him, and put an end to his schemes, the portal behind him opened and Archimonde the Defiler himself walked out to face them.

The fight had been intense and they had nearly lost a good portion of their forces, from both the Horde and the Alliance, but in the end they were able to kill Archimonde... who used the last of his power to send Gul'dan somewhere across the vastness of the universe. As everyone celebrated their victory over one of Sargeras' commanders, and packed up to head back to Azeroth, both Trixie and Khadgar knew that this wasn't the end of their fight... rather it could possibly be the beginning of the end.

Trixie let out a sigh as she fingered her legendary ring for a moment, allowing herself to exit her memories as she stopped outside the building that her mentor and the other members of the Council of Six usually gathered in when they needed to talk with each other. Right now she knew that the other five members wouldn't be in attendance, which meant that whatever they needed to talk about would be between the two of them, but she couldn't help but think of what was happening around the world. She had heard that Gul'dan might have been sighted on the Broken Isles, the only place they had no allies on at the moment, but she was hoping that she and her mentor could come up with a way to get around that... before the orc warlock did something major.

She let out a second sigh as she walked into into the building and let her staff touch the ground, to which Khadgar turned to face her the moment he heard her enter the building.

"Ah, Trixie, thank you for coming so quickly," Khadgar commented, to which he set the book he was reading to the side and turned to face her, "I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that the sightings of Gul'dan are real, though it appears that he's already opened the Tomb of Sargeras and has started summoning the Burning Legion to the Broken Isles."

"That's not bad news," Trixie replied, knowing exactly what was going to happen if Gul'dan and his dark masters got away with whatever they were planning on doing, "that's horrible news. We're going to have to find some artifacts of immense power if we're going to have any hope of turning the tide against our enemies... especially after the massive defeat we suffered on the Broken Shore."

Trixie never spoke about what happened on the Broken Shore, which had happened a day or two ago and was the main reason behind her walking around the city like she had been, but she seriously hoped that she and her mentor could think of something to turn the tide in their favor.

"I have some leads on how to do that," Khadgar stated, though he held up a hand to stop Trixie from leaving, which meant that there was more he wanted to tell her, "the good news is that I received a message from Lady Maiev... she's planning on releasing the demon hunters from their prisons so they can help us turn the tide against the Burning Legion. And, in case you had forgotten, they knew the person that was sleeping in that bedroom we studied all those years ago... which means you might finally discover what happened to the other member of your race."

Trixie had forgotten about the other pony that had been trapped on this side of the universe, as so much had happened over the years and demanded so much of her attention that she had honestly forgotten about that. Now that she was reminded of what she had been searching for so many years ago, however, she was excited to meet the demon hunters... and hopefully find out what happened to the pony she had been searching for all those years ago. Then she would get to work with turning the tide against Gul'dan, the Burning Legion, and his dark masters.

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