• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


This story is a sequel to Sombra visits Skyrim

Nightmare Moon, formerly called Princess Luna, casts a spell that should, in theory, let her leave her moon and return to Equestria. When the spell misfires she finds herself in a strange new world, surrounded by strange new creatures. After a few weeks of fighting in the Arena she meets a group of unlikely heroes that are on a mission given to them by the Emperor himself. She embarks on a journey that will take her through the pits of Oblivion itself and forge new friendships along the way.

But will she be able to stand up against Mehrunes Dagon and his Mythic Dawn cult, or will the power of the Lunar Princess fail her when she needs it most?

Chapters (32)
Comments ( 204 )

This is sudden... And I LIKE IT!

6219835 I like how the author wrote Nightmare in this chapter. While it might be sudden, he definitely makes it likeable.

Huzzah! Let the adventure begin.

6220023 This beginning is great, though now I want to see how her companions act at the beginning.

6222232 Daedra beware, the Nightmare has arrived.


6222486 Agreed, so let her enemies tremble at her approach and fear her fury.

Enemies? What are these enemies you speak of? Doth thou mean the vanquished?

6222666 Dude, your awesome. I don't think I could speak, let alone type in the old style.

Do not dishearten, O Knight, (or Dame), Sonata of the Blaze, for thou shalt learn the tounge of thy fore-fathers, and THY FUN SHALT BE DOUBLED!

6222981 You would make a fine knight. Your fun shall be doubled, once I figure out how to do so.


:yay: yay!!!

6223144 May Nightmare Moon bless you, my friend.

Nice to know the beginnings of Nightmare Moon's friendship with Rend and Shadow.

And so it begins...

6228556 Yeah, though she doesn't to like/hate them yet...though I have to wonder who the breton is...

6228559 Yep, now the real fun begins.

Door to hell here we come!!!


6229598 Soon the daedra will learn not to mess with Nightmare, once she reaches Kvatch that is.

We know what happens to Rend and Shadow, and I think that Pandora might become the new Sheogorath. This also explains why Luna doesn't have any problems with meat...

6237940 I was also thinking that Pandora might be the new Sheogorath, as she's already so mad despite not being in the Shivering Isles. And I agree that this definitely explains why Luna never had problems with meat, though her sister is clearly not amused with her choice.

6237963 It's not everyday that I see a version of Luna that's okay with meat. I dunno much about Luna's eating habits, after all.

6238126 Yeah, they really don't tell us much about the Princesses. Still, I always considered that she developed different eating habits than her sister, which explained Nightmare Moon's teeth. At least that's what I've gone with.

6238310 All I know about Celestia is that she loves cake and may or may not like tea.

6238330 Well, this author's version of Celestia likes tea and fruits and vegetables. This Luna enjoys meat, so I can only wonder when she'll get the chance to have a proper stake dinner (or whatever the nords, imperials, and the other races have to offer).

6238336 It seems that he and I agree on Celestia and Luna's eating habits. When I get to writing them, Luna's pretty much an omnivore.

6238344 And apparently he and I agree on Luna's habits as well. Though her being friends with the Griffin Kingdom makes me think they might have given her more than her eating habits.

6238344 After I thought about it, maybe the Griffin Kingdom contributed more to the creation of the Nightmare we know; the eating habits, the ruthless fighting style, and maybe more that we're not even aware of.

6238434 That explains why Nightmare went for the battleaxe.

6238489 Yeah, so its almost like the author had the griffins contribute to the Nightmare we know of. Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll react to the Oblivion Gates, Oblivion itself, and, when she gets to him, Mehrunes himself.

6238544 I wouldn't be surprised if Sheogorath acted a little like Discord if everyone comes to the Shivering Isles. Oh, and the cheese. Don't forget the cheese.

6238664 It would be blasphemy to forget the cheese. I hope the group remembers that when they go to speak with Sheogorath.

6238831 I wonder if there's a cheese mod in Oblivion...

6238892 Most likely. I do know that there is a mod for a Sheogorath Shout in Skyrim...basically rains cheese or something like that.

Bretons. Are not. ELVES.

6248301 Whoops, that would be my mistake. Thanks for the catch.
Pandora WAS a breton, so that was just a case of my brain getting ahead of my hands.

So that's why Shadow doesn't use Daedric weapons... Now that I think about it, Nightmare Moon LOVES her battleaxes~

6262170 Yeah, this certainly explains why he never used them. And Nightmare does enjoy using a battleaxe apparently. Though I have to wonder, was Umaril's sword a daedric weapon, or was it something else?

6262170 Though, now that I think about it some more, it seems like the Griffin's taught Luna, and by some extent Nightmare Moon, some of the more brutal moves that she's been showing.

6263890 You think the Oblivion Crisis is a party?

6264169 Sounds like a party that Pandora would love to be a part of.

6264169 Well, this isn't Sheogorath's alley anyway. This is more along Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon's alley. Oh, wait...

6264530 We ain't at Sheogorath yet...though it almost seems like he's nearby every time Pandora speaks.

Goodness, Nightmare is giving the daedra a hard time...though she's taking their lives. This is getting interesting very fast.

Just wait until she meets Vaermina

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