• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


During a trip to Ponyville, to relax after a long week of work, Spitfire suddenly finds herself in an unknown world, one that seems broken and filled with conflict, along with monstrous creatures that had to be demons. From that point forward she encounters the Illidari, demon hunters that have pledged their lives to hunting down the demons and ending their burning crusade as they attempt to snuff out all forms of life that exist across the universe, only to eventually fall in with the Illidari to protect her home world from eventually becoming a target of the Burning Legion. Not long after that Rainbow Dash ends up on the same world and together they discover that Illidan Stormrage, the leader of the Illidari, has a plan to bring down the leaders of the Legion and bring an end to their foul crusade, only for fate to throw a couple of wrenches into their plans, forcing them to wait for a number of years before they can act against the Dark Titan and his forces.

Regardless of what happens to them, Spitfire and Rainbow will stop at nothing to bring down the Legion, even if it means getting involved with the forces of the Alliance and the Horde while trying to prevent another war from breaking out.

(World of Warcraft/MLP Crossover, covering both Legion and Battle for Azeroth)
(Part of the Demon War story series, but reading the others isn't required)

Chapters (91)
Comments ( 307 )

So I see you are hiding who the other pony is. :trollestia: I hope Spitfire is going to be ready for all of this because she may not be use to the whole saving the world thing.

Well, all I can say is that this looks like a great start to this story. So Spitfire got into this during a visit to Ponyville and it seems like, much like Tirek, but UNLIKE Spike and Ember, Spitfire still retains all of her memories. And, yeah, Spitfire's observations following her arrival on this new world definitely make sense. We already know that Rainbow is ALSO going to be getting in on this off of the images Spike, Ember and their friends saw toward the final few chapters of "Dragon Trio of Avalar" and the stuff mentioned in your "Demon War" explanation journal entry. What we DON'T know is how long that's going to take. But I'm definitely going to be looking forward to this adventure.

And, yeah, very certainly looking forward to more of the Demon War Saga in general. And, judging by the first story in this series, I'm going to guess that you are probably going to be doing this three stories at a time, with each story getting a new chapter every three days until that story is done and you move on to another. Though, I'll admit that I could be wrong.

well then it seems Spitfire is going to be having some serious demon issues in the future, I almost feel bad for the burning legion this time as the displaced is a Qausi military leader with the training needed to help keep her calm in combat unlike Lyra and Trixie in the last one (who both had to learn that skill) I hope Azeroth is ready for the power of the pone. As always a great chapter, am looking forward to what comes next. Keep up the great work

now there is something interesting and something I would fully expect from a qausi military pony, offering to join in the fight. Hopefully spitfire is truly up for what this will entail but only time and future chapters will show just how well she takes to the illidari lifestyle and tactics. As always another great chapter, Looking forward to what comes next. Keep up the great work

REALLY good work on the latest chapter. The exchange, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all wonderfully done. And now Spitfire knows SLIGHTLY more about the situation and, to her credit, she is Genre Savvy enough to already KNOW there are certain areas that she won't be allowed until she has earned their trust.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

Well I think she may know of a few very powerful mages, unfortunately several are off planet right now and the with what is left she will not be able to be found for a bit.

huh very nice Spits does what Lyra could not and impresses the instructor in the first session, though that can easily be chocked up to the difference between a civvie and military personnel. Still though she is definitely getting the hang of her body quite quickly and I am kinda looking forward to seeing her kill demons from above with her warglaives, needing only to worry about spellcasters, archers and other flyers but bringing absolute death to melee fighters. As always another great chapter, looking forward to more Spitfire greatness. Keep up the great work

Superb work on the action, characterizations, exchanges and future chapter set up in all the right places. REALLY enjoyed seeing Spitfire earn some respect from the instructors and make headway in getting the hang of her new body. And, yeah, her instructor getting the third degree from the higher ups was great to see too.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

its good to see spitfire adjusting well to her new body and lifestyle and am looking forward to seeing her be able to really let loose in some combat at somepoint. Of course rainbow would think Illidan is awesome, though I wasn't expecting her to just offer to sign up with them lol as despite all of the adventures she ahs been on sdhe is still a civvie. Give it some time to sink in though and i bet when it comes to do the eye stabby thing she will hesitate. AS always a great chapter though, looking forward to what is next. Keep up the great work

Again, excellent work on the exchanges, action, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Again, I DID love Spitfire's reflection on what she learned about the world in general and especially the Illidari so far as well as how she handled herself as part of the team when they encountered that group of Mo`arg engineers and Shivarra in addition to the Doomguard. Plus, yeah, now we know where Rainbow Dash comes into this. I have a hunch Rainbow will probably adapt just as well as Spitfire, if not even better.

VERY certainly looking forward to more of this.

the Bolts havnt been full Military for a long time though, just look at their back record over the show. Nightmare Moon and Discord, complete noshow by the Bolts; Spike goes Greed Growth, three Bolt end up captured in less that two seconds; Changeling invasion, again the Bolts r a noshow...face it, the Bolts have been show ponies from the start of Season One. MAYBE they get their act together after Dash takes over as Captain, but from the looks of things, that only happened after the shows last episode. Spits might have the attitude to do the 'Drill Sargent Nasty' deal, but shes no soldier...

Well I think Spitfire is going to be learning quite a bit about Rainbow here. Let’s hope Rainbow impresses both sides, because even though you can trust her completely she can be quite the lazy one.

hence why I have been reffering to her previously as a quasi military pone. Though the training she has gone through would have helped in the mindset needed for a proper military role. Remember that even though they failed horribly against greed growth spike they still charged in while the actual guard was running around being useless (not a single guard pony charged spike that whole episode) so no not a soldier but the bolts have the mindset and courage for it

well that was different. With lyra it was just "heres a demon go stab it into your eyes" but now with Spitfire and Rainbow they got their choice of demons and both went for what seems like truly powerful ones. Which once Illidan had mentioned there being ones he didn't want them going for I knew rainbow as gunna go after one but I was not expecting Spits to then go after the other. these two have just shown this run of Illidari that they are beyond just talented. Also the look of their tattoos being unique from each other was a great little addition, am looking forward to seeing what powers they got. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places, once more, Again, Loved how quickly Rainbow adapted to her new body and the training as well as how well Spitfire and Rainbow did against those demons (especially the two powerful ones they each successfully soloed and collected the souls of).

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

First major incursion into a demon world successful. I am honestly quite impressed with how Spits and Rainbow did in this raid. Both of them have shown a good grasp of their power and the techniques of the illidari. I am soo looking forward to when this story really gets going beyond the starting world. As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Excellent job, once more, on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I especially liked Spitfire and Rainbow reflecting on the training they received from the Illidari as well some of their new abilities and the stuff they went through to keep themselves confident without getting arrogant. And I am glad that raid against the Legion's forces was successful.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

kinda exposition heavy but still interesting. The alliance and horde claim ownership of Spits and Rainbows kills (much to the chagrin of Rainbow) and slowly work on clearing out the Illidari from the lands. though the next chapter should be pretty exciting if I remember the same bit from the previous version. Wonder how having two displaced will change the timescale of the Mardum campaign and if Spits and Rainbow will get back with enough time to actually help or just be captured earlier. As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Excellent job, of course, on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Again, splendid work on Spitfire and Rainbow's reflections on Illidan and his followers (particularly the notes on the collection of power boosting artifacts, the fact that one or two of their allies think that they are already powerful enough and the bits of light teasing on Rainbow's part) as well as the assorted battles before we got to the cliffhanger at the end. Yeah, here's hoping that Rainbow and Spitfire actually DO get back in time to actually help.

Anyway, very certainly looking forward to more of this.

And so begins the Mardum campaign and the hunt for the Sargerite Keystone. Spits is definitely showing off some of her command training from both her time as a wonderbolt and what she had learned from Illidan during their talks and of course rainbow is, if not jealous then at least miffed about not getting the same thing. Other than that the only change I can really see in this chapter is the use of Beliash's demonic soul instead of the sacrifice of an Illidari (Something I did find kinda dumb about the version of this from the last series) was happy to see that minor change. If only these two could change the actual fate of the illidari (though I think that may be part of the canon storyline but am not sure) AS always though another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

I know names can be shared but every time I saw Jace all I could think of was the member of the Ginyu Force. Now I have his counterpart from TFS repeatedly getting punched in the face stuck in my head.

REALLY good job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Not much I can say that PrismStrike hasn't already said better, but I am definitely looking forward to more of this.

once again Rainbow and Spits show off their abilities taking down several commanders and such, though I do wonder now how many Illidari wish they had the power of full flight as it seems to be quite useful agai9nst the demons, who I have to assume are not used to being attacked from above. Their new empowered forms though are pretty sweet and am definitely looking forward to seeeing what kinds of powers they come with. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

So far so good for these two. I am waiting for them to start attracting the more dangerous foes. They have been having a bit of an easy time so far and I think they may be expecting the other shoe to drop soon enough.

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can say that PrismStrike and badninja haven't already said much better, but I WILL still say that you did an excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up.

well those new empowered forms are definitely quite interesting though to be honest I was kinda expecting them to have elemental powers of somekind but is nice seeing them explored so early on. With that said though with the epic fight against Maiv I was really hoping that they would beat her and escape but I guess certain events are just supposed to happen after al. Maiv better watch her back though cause once rainbow gets out... well lightning can be a very useful pranking thing

very exposition heavy but it was all useful information (seeing as the alliance didn't have trixie this time to help out) And maiv really better hope that Rainbow has calmed down after seven years in that crystal otherwise me thinks she is going to be losing more than her armor this time. A good chapter this time rather than your usual greatness (mostly due to the heavy exposition) but am looking forward to the next quite expectantly.

No I doubt Rainbow will be in any good mood. I doubt Spitfire will be either. I hope this fool has made some peace with her actions because I doubt she will be long for this world.

well Maiev definitely got off easy here taking only one punch for all that she screwed up.Spits and rainbow though show off their strength once again clearing out the wardens prison and is always good to see khadgar. It is now the begining of the end for the legion though with the return of the illidari. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Well that is the military mindset, even if the Bolts are mildly military, that Spitfire showed here. Hopefully she learns quite a bit what is going on and uses that information when she returns. So I wonder how Dash will grow even more?

An interesting chapter, Rainbow shows off her power to the new high king while spitfire meets with the horde. Gotta say in usual fantasy undead with dark aura is usually a sign of some great evil but not really knowing the games and storyline myself all that well beyond your previous story it could just be something particular to WoW. Still though feels like someone that Spits should be keeping a close eye on. The legion once again though is not gunna know what is coming for them. Go Illidari! As always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

Well this should make things interesting for Spitfire. Hopefully she will be ready for the rough waters she is soon to be sailing in.

Spits and Rainbow get to see just how strong the combined forces of the allaince and hordes heroes are while getting to show off their own power to those same heroes. I have this feeling that if push came to shove, after a few more campaigns, that Spits and rainbow could rally the heroes behind themselves instead of the two tribes nearly worthless leadership. The legion would be really screwed then. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

an interesting chapter, we meet a crystal dwarf, learn a bit about the planet and Spits and Rainbow get to sorta meet their first old god. Also all this help frm the illidari seems to be helping to build up the bonds between the factions heroes. I really could see them later on ditching the leadership and following behind Spits and dashie. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

I don't understand why there are so many dislikes on this story, it's well written and seems to follow the source good enough to one who has never even played the game.

My guess is its because of who the characters are that was brought to Azeroth and would think that they don't belong there

hah absolutely loved Spits making Varedis look like a complete loser by skunking him in their fight (ie taking no damage fm him) while rainbow absolutely over powered Caria giving her opponent no chance to even attack. Both now have some powerful weapons to use and absolutely agree with Rainbow getting the tonfa like ones as they definitely seem to suit her. AS always another great chapter, looking forward to the next. Keep up the great work

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