• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


This story is a sequel to InFamous: The Unusual Conduits

Following the events of the Tournament of Power the Dazzlings learn that things aren't fine on the world they had been sent to, despite everything they and Cole did for the people, and swear to return so they can figure out what happened after the battle with the Beast. What they discover is that things haven't gone as they thought it would, that Conduits are either being rounded up by a government organization or straight up killed because of what they were. Upon learning of a legally authorized Conduit rounding up her own kind, and assaulting people who get in her way, the sisters set out on a mission to reveal the truth and set things right, all while helping a young Conduit find his place in life.

(MLP/InFamous: Second Son Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, is recommended to have read the prequel before this one)

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 82 )

Well then, this is going to be interesting. Man, I can remember when the Universe 13 saga was still ongoing. Good times.

Yea these three are going to be very over leveled for these guys. Still let’s see if they can I act some serious change and hopefully call in some allies at the end to help this Earth out and raise their mortal level even more.

11483075 See, the whole 'over leveled' issue was why I did what I did at the end of their previous story... but the readers have spoken, they wish to see the end of this adventure, and I will deliver it to them, over powered heroes and all.


Nothing wrong with doing any of that. It should be interesting to see how the story goes as the girls decide whether to steamroll or play with their opponents before killing them.

Looking forward to this! Need more Infamous cross overs or even just reactions in fanfiction in general.

Zeke my man you got the better timeline you got Sunset Shimmer as the Queen of All. Although I do wonder how he would react if he knew that Rainbow Dash was their god of Distruction?


I think you meant Overpowered. That's what I used.

11485750 Probably shocked. I mean, the Dazzlings told him and the others that the MLP world, and the EQG world, exist, so he'd likely be pretty shocked that Rainbow was the one to take such a position.

Ah, reaching the city. We planning to 100% clear each district here?

Once it goes public that they’ve returned I think everyone will be stepping up their game,

Looks good so far. Now, let's see how they handle the side missions. And maybe the sisters will get in on the Tagging as well.

i always wonder where does Delsin keep all that cutouts and paint cans anyway. Does he lug them everywhere? And oh, maybe unique tags now with the sisters involved. Hell he can paint the Adiago's Cutie Mark on the space needle flag . Just to further give them a middle finger, and the billboard gets the Akomish eagles and the dazzling marks XD

ooh, good karma tags should be replaced by canon ponies. Like Twilight, Celestia and Luna since she's blue anyway

Wow, with how badly the Dazzlings have been demonized, the fact they showed up at all should be enough to convince the majority of the populace that the DUP is still needed, at least for however long it takes to capture/kill them. And since that's never gonna happen, Augistine's plot to show that the DUP will always be needed is pointless now. Even if she manages to overcome all odds and defeat them, that's showing that they can handle the strongest of Bio-terrorists, all but guaranteeing that there would never be anything like the Empire Event so long as they're around.

Of course, once the Dazzlings show that their depiction as the Devil's Succubi couldn't be further from the truth, everything the DUP's done will be called into question. And if word gets out that Augistine deliberately engineered the Conduit escape that started all of this, all the lives lost and collateral damage, not to mention the inhumane treatment of Conduits and slaughter of innocent civilians... the only way her plan could backfire more spectacularly is if the DUP straight out bombed Seattle.

I can't believe you finally did second son.

Poor DUP, they don’t have a clue just how powerful these three are. I wonder if they will just keep playing with their food until the truth comes out. I kinda want to see if the Dazzlings know the fusion dance, it would definitely throw everyone for a loop and a way to remind their opponents that they shouldn’t be underestimating them.

11493881 Indeed. Several readers had asked me about it, the blog I posted about doing it ended with everyone saying yes, so here we are... it actually feels good to bring this particular story thread to an end, despite my original thoughts on the matter.

11493848 I always assumed that he just found cardboard and used it to make his cutouts, likely dismantling discarded boxes and repurposing them into his art. The spray cans, well, that I have no idea.

11493851 Augustine did everything possible to demonize the Dazzlings, praying that they never came back... she's going to be in for a rude awakening when she learns that the sisters are back.

11493977 I mean, they knew Goku and Vegeta and witnessed the Metamoran Fusion Dance during the ToP... there's always a chance that they learned how to do it.

11494017 Same old, same old. Writing stories, coming up with new ideas, utilizing existing lore to explain certain decisions.

Ever thought of doing a Horizon story?

11494038 You mean Horizon Zero Dawn, with the robotic animal enemies and that Aloy chick?

11494138 To be honest, I haven't considered the idea. It's also due to the fact that I've never played either game, nor have I watched any let's plays on them.

I suggest you do so. The story is interesting and there's so much to do.

11494144 I mean, there's always a chance I'll do so in the future... just have to watch it/play it, figure out someone to send there, and all of the other good crossover activities. Of course, before that, I need to finish the four ongoing stories and those that'll come after them, as I have a few other ideas to write, before I can even get to a Horizon story.

OK, cool. Keep up the good work. We'll talk later.

Woot! Looks like they might be getting into the tagging. I can't wait till they see the Orbital Drop.

Way to short for me. Anyway, I'm way ahead of you. I'm up to Fetch right now.

A bit short, but the Sisters do tend to streamline things a bit. Also, no call back home for Delsin!

Poor Augustine, she has no clue on how powerful the Dazzlings have gotten. I wonder how much long the government will allow her to be in power or they try something drastic and not inform her.

11503008 It would all depend on how fast they receive word that the Dazzlings are back and that they're in Seattle.

11502918 Don't worry, he'll have his call with Betty soon enough.

11502790 Ah Fetch. I love her Neon power, as it's the one I use the most of Delsin's powers.

11506237 I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific.

You busy or you have other stories to update?

11506283 I do have four stories going on right now, so some updates might not be my usual every three days. I am, however, currently writing the next chapter of this story and should have it ready for posting tomorrow.

Things are going well so far. I can't wait for the Battle for the Districts after they clear each one. Hearing the operator getting more frustrated after each one was fun.

11507136 Oh yeah, I loved hearing her and Delsin talk to each other. It was a nice addition to the story.

And previous good deeds are coming back to help the girls out.

Wooo! First District reclaimed! Many more to go! Delsin is going to make a good friend by the end, I bet XD

And the girls keep making friends. I think Augustine is going to have an army against her by the end.

Things seem to be going well. Not even a chase mission against Fetch. That's a plus!

She hated being outmaneuvered like this, especially with the carefully laid out plans she had crafted to ensure her victory, and now she had to deal with the consequences of allowing the sisters and their allies to enter the other island, she just hoped that this wasn't the start of something bad for her and her entire organization.

I hate to tell you this lady but you lost the game the moment the Dazzlings returned. Now I wonder how the government will react once they find out they are going to loose tons of power? Now the game is definitely afoot.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were pests, unruly vermin that were ruining everything she had built since she awakened her own powers all those years ago, and right now she was unsure of how to deal with them, as all her plans hinged on them never returning, while she was unsure if her own ultimate power would be enough to deal with even one of them.

To be fair, I'm not sure any plans Augustine could come up with to deal with the Dazzlings would work, but not planning for the possibility of their return at all?

Of course there were instances of Sonata taking care of a number of DUP agents, while Aria was taking down the helicopters that were hunting her and her sisters down, though it looked like Adagio was either sleeping in or leaving the fighting to her sisters.

That should have been your first warning. Their powers are bad enough to deal with, but its their strategy and teamwork that make the sisters a force to be reckoned with.

"How? There's no other bridge connecting the..." Augustine started to say, though in that moment she realized something she had overlooked, Adagio was a water Conduit

Ah, the same mistake Moya made, and one of many mistakes that ended up costing her her life. Thankfully, Augustine isn't nearly as obnoxious or overconfident.

Awww, now Delsin can't have a free ride on angel airlines before he is captured...

Ooh, perhaps fate will be changed.

11532029 That is always a very real possibility.

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