• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,335 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Love and Theft (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows - Stop Reading, Start Doing Pushups

WARNING: Explicit Lyrics.


Last night, I asked Mom and Dad what they thought of me being with Featherweight, I forgot to write about it because I was so tired when we finished talking. Mom asked if kids at school were calling me "filly fooler" and I was just using him because I was trying to get somepony to stop making fun of me. She said if that was the case, to talk to us, not to use somepony else.

I have no idea what a "filly fooler" is. I asked her, she said it's a mean name for fillies who like (as in like like) other fillies. I've never heard anyone say that, but why would anypony make fun of somepony liking somepony else?

Mom said when she was in school in Cloudsdale, ponies said stuff like that all the time. She said that if you were best friends with another filly and didn't have a coltfriend, they'd make fun of you for it. Seems stupid to me.

I told Mom that I didn't mean anything like that. I really do like him. She said that as long as I really did like him and I wasn't just trying to use him for something else, then she was happy if I was happy. She said she just wanted to make sure I wasn't causing problems for somepony because of my own problems.

She said he is a real sweet colt and she didn't want him getting hurt if I wasn't being serious. She seemed to be a lot more protective of Featherweight last night. She said that especially somepony like Featherweight doesn’t need someone with them just for show.

I'm happy that Mom is so worried about his feelings. I guess that means she does like him.

Talking with Dad about it was a lot quicker. He just said he thought it was cute and that he thought Featherweight was a nice young colt.


Page is heavily stained with tears and a few drops of blood.

Diamond Tiara stole my diary while I was at school today. She read about me and Featherweight. She read about Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak. She read about how Apple Bloom has been feeling. She read parts of it out loud on the playground. Once I figured out what was going on, it was too late. Miss Cheerilee had to come stop us. If she hadn't I'd have broken Diamond Tiara's nose. She bucked me in the face really hard. Poor Featherweight.

Featherweight ran off. It took a couple hours to find him. He was hiding in the bushes in the Everfree Forest. I just happened to see him. It took me so long to get him to look at me, even. I don't blame him. If I hadn't written down what I found out about him, the whole class wouldn't know it now. I really am the worst pony ever. I wouldn't be surprised if he never wants to talk, especially to me, again.

I finally got him out from the forest. I guess I can do some good. I don't know if he left because I cheered him up, or because he didn't want to listen to me anymore. I would totally understand that.

Apple Bloom said she's not upset that everypony found out how she was feeling. She told me that not everypony in the class is as mean as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Still, I hope Featherweight is okay. I saw him walk home from the forest. I didn't want to follow him, in case he is really mad and doesn't want to see me.

Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak said they're not upset. They said there wasn't anything for them to be upset about. I guess they were lucky then.

Mom found out what happened and she went to talk to Mr. Rich. It won't do any good. Diamond Tiara always does the same thing. She lies and says she's sorry, then just does more of the same thing.


Page is stained with tears.

Featherweight didn't come to school today. I'm really worried about him. I got in trouble again for getting in a fight with Diamond Tiara. She picked on me about Mom going to see her dad. Then that brat had the nerve to say that "nopony wanted Featherweight here, anyway." I think she had to go to the hospital. I think I really hurt her. Serves her right if I busted her mouth. Maybe she'll stop talking.

Silver Spoon came up to me after Diamond Tiara was sent home. She apologized to me! She actually apologized! She said that what happened went way too far, and she really feels bad about what happened. I don't know what to think. I would have never expected such a thing. I mean, this is Silver Spoon I'm talking about.

On my way home I almost went to Featherweight's house, but I really don't want to make things worse. That's all I ever seem to do.

Mom sat and talked with me all afternoon. She offered to go talk to Mr. Rich again. I told her it doesn't do any good. Mr. Rich is a nice guy, but his filly is an evil little creature.

Mr. Rich came over and said he wanted to know what happened, and why I kicked his daughter. He said he wanted me to apologize. Mom said that Diamond Tiara should be apologizing to me. I was so mad at Mr. Rich that I interrupted Mom and said Diamond Tiara should be apologizing to Featherweight. Nopony has seen him since he went home yesterday! I don't really know what is happening with him, but I really hope he is alright. If something happens to him, Diamond Tiara will pay.


Page is stained with tears. It is heavily crumpled and the writing is very dark. Some of the letters are partly torn through the page.

Mom said I needed to apologize, just because Mr. Rich was so upset. Mr. Rich could buy Dad's house and Mom's house right out from under them, so I guess I have to.

That was the most embarrassing thing in my life. I hate her. I hate her so much. Only Diamond Tiara could make someone apologize for what she did to them, and enjoy it like that! She made sure everypony in town heard me apologize! She told me this was my "proper place" in life. Apologizing to "ponies who are better" than me, for wasting their space.

Maybe she's right. I wish I could tell Featherweight how sorry I am. I don't care that she knows about Mama and Papa and Auntie Raincloud. Those were my secrets to lose. She took someone else's secret from me, and it's my fault. Featherweight has every right to blame me as much as more than Diamond Tiara.

I don't want to come out of this house ever again. I don't want to talk to anypony. I just want to sit here in my room and disappear forever.


Featherweight was at school today. He just looked at his desk throughout the whole class. Miss Cheerilee went to talk to him at recess. I sat inside and didn't say anything. He didn't say a word, either. He was just starting to get comfortable talking to others, too.

I can't believe it. Featherweight invited me to his house after school. I don't understand. I didn't even answer him. I couldn't look him in the eye. I just struggled not to cry. Then, he patted me on the back with his wing and walked home. Why would he want anything to do with me after the other day? I don’t even want anything to do with me.

Featherweight is the sweetest pony in all of Equestria. I went to his house and he sat down with me at the table while his dad was out. He told me he isn't mad at me at all. He said it wasn't my fault. He says he heard I got into another fight with Diamond Tiara and said he wishes he could've helped me calm down. Apparently he was so embarrassed when Diamond Tiara read out loud about his parents abandoning him, that he was actually sick for two days. He wasn't just skipping school, he was really sick!

He gave me a big hug and we sat and talked until his dad came home. His dad gave me a friendly smile and said he was happy I came to talk with his colt. I don't know about his real parents, but his dad is the kind of dad he deserves. He's such a sweet pony, just like Featherweight, himself, is.

This weekend Featherweight invited me, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Dinky, Twist, and Pipsqueak to the park. I joked about how we should plan some way to get Diamond Tiara back. He said the coolest thing I've ever heard. He said, "She's not worth it." He's right. He said "she's going to be very lonely when, no, if she grows up."

Featherweight says the Foal Free Press staff was actually very nice about what happened and asked if he was alright. They are writing a piece on bullying in the next paper. It's a nice idea, but it's not going to change Diamond Tiara at all.


We all went to the park with Featherweight. Mom, Dad, Featherweight's dad and Applejack all came to keep an eye on us. Applejack said if she saw Diamond Tiara come anywhere near us she would "personally escort her back to her house." I don't know if it was to protect us from her, or to protect her from us.

We played games all afternoon. I haven't felt this happy since Mom and Dad and I ate dinner with Featherweight and his dad. At the end of the evening Featherweight gave me a kiss on the cheek and a very long, tight, warm (especially for his tiny body) hug. I hugged back. I just wanted to stay there forever, without bullies or schoolwork or anything else. Just my friends and my coltfriend.

I still don't think I deserve him, though. He's far too good for somepony like me. He's a wonderful pony, and I really hope he knows that.


Diamond Tiara had to sit in the corner of the room this afternoon. She said that Featherweight's parents left him because he was "a big mistake" after he tripped her at recess. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but I kind of hope it was on purpose.

Featherweight didn't even flinch! He just sat there and shrugged. He didn't say anything. I think he was hurt, but he wasn't going to let her know that.

Pipsqueak of all ponies actually told Diamond Tiara to leave Featherweight alone. I thought it was sweet, but what was little Pipsqueak going to do? It didn't matter because Miss Cheerilee was very angry with Diamond Tiara. She said that if she ever heard such a mean thing again, she would send anypony who said it home on the spot.

Diamond Tiara said something after school and Silver Spoon actually told her to shut up! I think Silver Spoon is tired of just how overly mean Diamond Tiara has been lately. She still stays her friend, and she still picks on ponies, but she seems to have things she just won't do. I guess I can like her a little bit for that.


Featherweight came over today. We just sat and talked for a few hours. I did most of the talking. He's still not really that talkative again, yet. I hope he gets to feeling like he did before, I was so happy for him.

I asked him if he was upset with what Diamond Tiara said yesterday. He said he was very hurt. He said he felt like maybe she was right. That maybe he was just a mistake. He said, "After all, my parents did just abandon me. They must not have loved me at all." He said if he hadn't been in class, he would have wanted to cry, but he just didn't want to let her win. I thought I was tough. It was hard to listen to him say all this. He had no emotion in his face, like it was just an everyday thing. I almost wanted to cry for him. I told him if he needed to let it out, I was there for him.

I don't know whether he liked what I told him after that or not. He smiled at me, but I don't know if I hurt him worse. I told him his parents' only mistake was missing out on the sweetest colt in Equestria. I said that his parents didn't deserve someone so great.

Maybe I put my hoof in my mouth. I don't know. Whatever, I still think it's true. If his parents abandoned him, they didn't deserve him.

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