• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Hope Is So Much Stronger Than Fear (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Paradise Fears - Battle Scars


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I'll be seeing you soon! I can't wait! I hope you've been practicing hard! I bet you can fly circles around me, now. We'll just have to see! Write me if you have the time. Miss Cheerilee told me to tell you hello, and said she hopes you're having a great time.

I hope things are going well, and I love you!

Love, Featherweight"

I went to the nurse's this morning. I missed wing speed testing. I'm sick to my stomach. I can't stop worrying about Featherweight. He would have written me by now, wouldn't he? Is he mad at me for going when he was upset? This is my fault. I know it.

The nurse said she didn't see anything wrong with me, but gave me some stomach medicine. She said I needed to go to training and get my mind off whatever was bothering me. She said she has seen this many times, and that it's usually just nerves. She told me to relax. Relax! How can I relax? Featherweight may have had something happen to him!

I finally got to do my wing speed test. I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I'm still too distracted. I only got a 3. I know I can do better, but I'm just worried.

I still didn't get a letter from Featherweight. Something must be wrong. I hope he's okay... I knew I should have stayed home. I shouldn't have come!

Blazemane asked why I was crying. I told her I was just homesick. She told me that tomorrow would make everything better and patted me on the back. Why would tomorrow make everything better?

I wrote Featherweight asking him if he was okay, and asking him to write me as soon as he could. I told him I loved him and missed him very much.

This afternoon I told Blazemane I was sick and that she should head off to training without me. I am just going to go to bed early.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I'm starting to think I won't be able to hear from you again until I see you. That's fine, just remember I love you! I'll be seeing you very soon! I hope everything is alright. If you get the chance, I would love to hear from you, but don't worry about it if you are just too busy.

When you get back here, you're going to show me how much you've improved your flying!

Love, Featherweight"

[Written sideways in the margins is "5021 Starswirl Blvd., Canterlot 1R5 5F0"]

Blazemane said I looked exhausted this morning. I told her I didn't sleep well again last night. I told her I miss my friends at home. She said today is visitors' day. I didn't even know there was such a thing... I hope Featherweight is able to come... I'm really worried about him...

I haven't seen anypony I know, yet... maybe nopony knew there was a visitors' day... I hope everypony is alright at home... I really do miss them... I'm very worried about Featherweight, though... the last time I saw him he was still not himself...

We're starting our flight training for the day. Lots of ponies' friends and families are here. It must be nice. I'd love to show Mom and Featherweight how much I've learned. I guess that will have to wait. I really hope everything is alright. Most of all I wish I could have seen them, because I want to know how everypony is doing.

Mom and Featherweight just got here! Mom says Featherweight was still asleep, and she didn't want to wake him, because yesterday she saw him downtown, and he looked really tired. I asked him why he hadn't sent me any letters, and he was really confused. He said he's written me a letter every day! He asked if I had written him anything lately, and I told him I had written him, too... I don't understand.

Featherweight said I looked tired and worried, he asked what was wrong. I told him I was worried about him. He said he's fine. He still doesn't seem himself, he seems really quiet, like quieter than usual. He also looks very tired. He said he's been worried about me, because he hadn't heard from me, and knew I had been worried.

I asked Miss Winter Winds if she had seen any letters from me lately. She said she would have to ask Thunderbolt. Apparently, when he got in trouble, he was sent to sort mail as punishment. I have a bad feeling about this.

Miss Winter Winds brought me my letters Thunderbolt stole. Thunderbolt was kicked out of Flight Camp. On his way out he kept making fun of Featherweight and me and making kissy faces. Miss Winter Winds is not happy, she said she has never seen such behavior in her time working Flight Camp.

I feel so much better now! I've spent the last hour with Mom and Featherweight, showing them how I've improved. Featherweight said I'm doing great. I told them I was so worried about the letters and thinking something was wrong, or that he was mad at me that I missed evening practice yesterday.

We're doing trick flight again this afternoon, Blazemane did a roll, finally! She said she was nervous after last time. Featherweight asked what happened last time, and Blazemane said I saved her life again. I still don't get how I saved her life. She probably would have been fine.

Featherweight said he was proud of me, and Mom said I'm doing awesome, and that I'm a hero. She told Blazemane about her situation at the Best Young Flier competition and Blazemane said it was the coolest story she had ever heard.

I'm so happy Mom and Featherweight got to visit. I was so sad to see them go. Featherweight seemed much happier this afternoon. I'm glad.

Miss Winter Winds asked how I knew Rainbow Dash, I told her she was my Mom, and she seemed surprised. She said she thought Rainbow Dash was way too young to have a filly, especially one my age. I told her I was adopted, but asked her to keep it quiet, just in case. She said the secret was safe with her.

Miss Winter Winds was in Mom's class at Flight Academy. She showed me a picture of Mom as a filly in a group photo. It was funny seeing a little Rainbow Dash. She was so cute, but I'd never tell her that (unless I was teasing her or something.)

I wrote Featherweight and told him how happy I was to see him, and that I can't wait until I get home. I told him I'm feeling much better, and that he's the reason. I told him I loved him, and that there was less than a week, left.

This evening Blazemane and I talked late. She said my mom is the coolest pegasus in Equestria. Like I didn't know this! She said she'll have to visit Ponyville sometime. She said I'll have to visit her in Canterlot, too. She said she knows it's expensive to rent a hotel, but that I may be able to stay with her, and I told her that if I can't, but I'm lucky, Twilight Sparkle can get me a room at the castle. She told me I was the coolest filly she had ever met. Haha!

Blazemane gave me her address, and said if I wanted to, I could write her anytime. She said she'd be excited to receive a letter. She said I'm a really nice friend, and very encouraging. That's nice of her to say. I really have liked her company.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
Are you getting letters from me again? I can't believe that brat did that. What if you had been writing someone sick? It's like he didn't even care! How disrespectful. It's over, now, though. I hope this week goes much better. I'm sorry you got sick. Don't worry about me. I'm fine! I have a surprise to show you when you get back. I hope you find it cool.

Your dad told me to tell you hello, and to say he's sorry he hasn't written you. He has been very busy this week. It was Town Market Week last week, and everypony had a booth, he had to watch and make sure nopony was stealing anything.

I really hope you have a lot more fun, this week!

Love, Featherweight"

Today we're doing Altitude Racing, again. I hope I do better, this time! I haven't really been able to practice. Blazemane told me I'll do great. She said if I'm anything like my Mom, I'll do amazing. She still doesn't know Mom adopted me. I'll tell her sometime, but I don't know if anypony here is friends with Thunderbolt, and looking for a reason to pick on me.

I beat Wild Wisp and almost caught up to Blazemane. She's so crazy fast, especially for a filly. She really earned that Junior Wonderbolts outfit she wears all the time. It may just be one of those things they sell at the Flight Camp Trading Post, but she probably will be a Wonderbolt one day. She's amazing!

Miss Winter Winds made sure to hand me my letter, herself, today. She told me she wanted to make sure I understood that she was not happy with what happened, and that she was very sorry I got so upset. I really have good luck with teachers. Miss Winter Winds is like the Miss Cheerilee of flying. She's always so excited to see everypony in the mornings!

Tonight Spitfire is going to teach us the history of the Wonderbolts! She is really going to be here! I'm so excited! I wonder if she'll remember me. Probably not, but it's nice to think!

I was right, she didn't really remember me. She apologized for forgetting who I was, but when I told her Mom's name, she said she remembered us. She said she was very happy to know I got to come to her Flight Camp. I told her I was excited, too. She asked what my favorite type of flying was, I told her tricks, and she asked if I could show her my stuff! Spitfire! Herself! I was so nervous.

Blazemane and I both showed her what we could do. She said I was really good for a filly my age, and to keep practicing, one day I could be a Wonderbolt! I'm sure she tells all the ponies that, but it was still really cool to hear from her!

I wrote Featherweight, telling him what happened. I told him I was really excited. I told him I loved him, and that I would be home soon. Today was awesome!


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
Hmph! You'll believe Spitfire, but you won't believe me? (I'm joking! I'm not upset! That's great news! I'm happy for you! I'd be excited, too!) Does this mean I can call you My Little Wonderbolt, again? Haha! You really are a great flier, it's not just words, don't underestimate yourself like that! Even if she tells everypony, that, it's true for you!

I'm glad to hear you're having a much better time, now. Don't worry about when you're coming back. Think about the fun you're having! Make the most of it!

Love, Featherweight"

And another from Lucky Buck.:

"Dear Scootaloo,
Sorry I didn't write you last week. It was a very busy week. I had to work double shifts to help with the Market Week. It's all done, though. Are you having fun? I heard somepony was stealing your letters. If you see him again, you should tell him he can get in serious trouble for that. He's lucky all that happened was getting kicked out of Flight Camp. I bet his parents are pleased.

If you're getting worn out, then remember you come home in five days. If you're having a great time, there's still five days left! I hope things are going better this week for sure! I'll see you very soon.

Love, Dad"

Blazemane and I are going to have to race today. We're doing a five lap flight race, five races this morning, five this afternoon. We get points every race. First gets ten points, second gets nine, and so on. As long as I get above tenth place, I get points. I'm going to try and get points every round. Hopefully I do really well. The top three racers get to take home a special trophy. I probably won't get a trophy, but I'm trying my best anyway. No matter what, I have to get a least ten points! I'd be really happy getting at least thirty, though!

Blazemane and Wild Wisp are so fast! I got fifth place in the first race. They're changing the track, right now. I'll be doing the second race here in a couple of minutes. Wild Wisp came up to me and told me I was doing a great job. She said she's really seen me improve, lately. She said she hasn't seen that much improvement in anypony else, and that I was really taking this seriously. She also apologized for what Thunderbolt did, and said she didn't want to pair up with him for the relay, but that nopony else picked him, so she got stuck with him. That wouldn't have been fun, at all. She also told me she never did congratulate me for winning the relay, but that I did a great job!

I'm definitely better at turns than Blazemane. She still beat me, but I caught up to her a lot more this time. we had to go in a clover, and I almost passed her on the turns. I got second place! Maybe I'm doing better than I thought!

The third race was just a regular oval, and Blazemane won by a lot. Wild Wisp got second, I got third. Still, I have twenty-three points so far! I'm really happy with that!

The fourth race we had do climb and fall. Wild Wisp almost beat Blazemane! It's the closest finish, yet! I got fourth. I already have thirty points!

The last race of the morning starts here in a second. There's a lot of loops. I could maybe get a close second!

That wasn't so good. I only got third. Blazemane has a whole fifty points! Wild Wisp has forty-three, and I have thirty seven. Wild Wisp is really good at dives and climbing! We're the only three who have been in the top five every race. If I keep this up, maybe I could get one of those trophies, after all!

Blazemane and Wild Wisp told me I was doing great, and Blazemane made a joke, saying she was going to have to make me mad. She said she wanted to see me give it my all, and that she felt bad nopony else had won a single race. I told her to promise she wouldn't let anypony win on purpose. She said that's not how she plays. She plays fair, but plays to win. She said if somepony really wanted to beat her, they'd have to give it everything they had. She looked at Wild Wisp like it was a dare. Wild Wisp told her that she was going to catch her in the second round. I already know that if I am getting a trophy, I'm getting third, but I'm really proud of how well I've done!

Now I feel bad. Featherweight did tell me the same thing Spitfire did. He said he's not upset, but still. I feel bad now.

Blazemane came up to me a moment ago, before the sixth race and said she wanted to see me beat Wild Wisp every time this second round. She said they've become rivals, and she wants to beat her by as many ponies as she can. Is she crazy? Wild Wisp is way faster than I am! The only reason I've beaten her at all is luck! This track is crazy looking. There's a lot of climbing. Wild Wisp might just beat Blazemane, this time! I'm going to try and keep up, but I don't expect to do too well.

I beat Wild Wisp! It was really close, but I stayed closer to the inside on the turns, and barely beat her. She said I did really well, and that I needed to dive like that more often. Blazemane told her I was good at diving, and that it was how I saved her. She's still going on about that.

I did it again! Wild Wisp actually got fifth this time. Another pony tried to get past her on the outside and bumped her into the clouds. They got slowed down, and she ended up way back. Now Blazemane has seventy points, Wild Wisp fifty-seven, and I have fifty-five. If I keep it up, I could beat Wild Wisp! It really comes down to luck, though. She crashed.

Blazemane said I was doing great and teased Wild Wisp a bit. She said I should have raced like this in the first round. Now, everypony has scored at least some points. I guess that's good. I think I'd be embarrassed to get eleventh or lower in EVERY race, even if these are some of the best pegasi foals.

Wild Wisp must have overdone it, she was ahead of me at the start. Way ahead, but by the end, she fell back to fourth. We're tied! I'm really nervous, now. I could beat Wild wisp! That's crazy!

Wild Wisp beat me this time! She said she had to make up for her messed up runs. She said she's going to be really serious this last race. Blazemane told me to make my Mom proud and show Wild Wisp what I had in me... I hope I've been making Mom proud. Mom, and Dad, and Mama, and Papa, and Auntie Raincloud and Featherweight, and everypony else. I have to do my best! I have to get second! I just have to tie her. If I beat her in the next race, we'll have a one on one for second.

I can't believe it! Nopony can. I don't know what to say. Blazemane is shocked. I beat her! I beat Blazemane! I beat Blazemane in a race! She is speechless. Everypony is. Even Miss Winter Winds doesn't know what to say. I got second! I didn't even have to race Wild Wisp in a one on one!

Blazemane finally said something. She said I did a fantastic job! She says she can't believe it. She says she can't believe she got ninety-nine points. Almost perfect, but not perfect. She said she's not too upset, but she's amazed, after how well she was doing. Miss Winter Winds told her she has never seen anypony get higher than ninety-five points.

I'm so excited about this trophy. This is the coolest! I got second place! I still can't believe it. Blazemane is more upset than she thought. She keeps looking at the numbers on the trophy.

I had to ask her if she did it on purpose. She said she was trying her hardest. She said after she won the first nine races, she felt like she had to win the last one. She felt like she had to get a perfect, since she was so close. She almost teared up. I asked if she was okay, she said she was fine. She said racing for somepony other than myself must have been exactly what I needed.

Maybe so. I felt like once she told me to make Mom proud, I had to go for it. I ache all over, but I had to give it everything. I still can't believe it, though.

I wrote Featherweight and told him about the races, and about the trophy. I told him I loved him, and that he was part of the reason I won. I still can't believe it. I beat Blazemane in a race.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
That's great news! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! I hope you're proud! I'll be sure to keep it a secret, so you can surprise your mom and dad, unless you wrote them. I can't wait to see the trophy!

Love, Featherweight"

Blazemane has been pretty quiet this morning. I hope she's okay. I didn't know winning a race would do this to her. I feel kind of bad.

I talked with Wild Wisp. She said there was no reason to feel bad. She said I won fair and square. She told me I should be proud.

This morning we are doing hoop racing. We have to fly through as many hoops as we can in three minutes. Regular hoops are worth one point, moving hoops are worth two points, small hoops are worth three, and small moving hoops are worth five. First place gets a medal. Normal hoops are about twice as big as Miss Winter Winds, small hoops are just a bit bigger than each of us. They move kind of fast. I'm watching Wild Wisp right now.

Wild Wisp got sixty points. That's a lot! We're talking while I wait. I'm next.

I got fifty-seven points. I guess I won't win this time! That was fun, though! I want to try that again some time. Blazemane still hasn't said much. I hope she's okay.

Blazemane got ninety-seven points! That's amazing! Miss Winter Winds said it's a new record! She seemed a bit happier.

I asked Blazemane if she was mad at me. She said she was mad at herself. She told me racing is everything to her. She said Fleetfoot is her hero. She said the fact that she didn't get a perfect after getting so close is actually a bit embarrassing. She said that I should be very proud. I told her I felt bad she was upset. She said it just meant she had to keep practicing. She's a bit happier now that she won the hoop race, but she still seems upset.

We have the afternoon free. I spent the afternoon talking with Miss Winter Winds. She says she was impressed that anypony beat Blazemane. She said she was happy with how much I have improved. She said I'm still not in perfect form, but also said that "sometimes perfect form doesn't work for everypony. Sometimes they actually fly worse in perfect form. Don't tell anypony I said that." She said her job is to teach form. Even ponies who don't fly best in perfect form should know perfect form. Official competitions always judge on form.

I asked her how she got the job as teacher for Spitfire's Flight Camp. She said she used to be a stormball teacher at the Cloudsdale Flight Academy, and flight instructor for both Cloudsdale Flight Academy and Fort Hoof. She said one day Spitfire sat in on a flight class at Cloudsdale and told her that her patience and skill were great, and invited her to teach the Flight Camp. She said she has done it for five years. That's really neat. Hoof picked by Spitfire herself! What an honor! She said she wrote a letter to everypony in her family about it. I definitely understand that!

I wrote Featherweight, telling him about the race, and that I got fourth place. I told him I love him, and that I'll be back soon.

Blazemane is back to herself now. I think once she got another medal, she cheered up. I really hope she has more than just racing. That seems like very little to have going.

I talked with Blazemane, and she said that's pretty much it. She said she doesn't really have a lot of good friends, just people she knows and talks to. How sad. I told her she was my friend, and she said she is happy for that.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
Fourth isn't too bad! Congratulations! Keep practicing and having fun! Maybe sometime we can find a place and try racing through hoops, you and I! I don't know how good I would be, long legs and all.

I really hope you're having a great time! I'll see you soon!

Love, Featherweight"

"2155 Nimbus Ln. Cloudsdale 2V6 5H3" is written in the margins of the diary page.

Today we're doing our last races. Tomorrow is wrap up, clean up, and closing secret event, and then the day after that, our parents come and get us and we head home.

This morning was sprint racing. Of course Blazemane won. Blazemane really won. Blazemane won by like six pony lengths. She did amazing! I congratulated her, and told that that was impressive flying. It really was! Mom needs to race Blazemane. Mom would definitely win, but I bet Blazemane would be a tough challenge!

This afternoon we're doing something called "goal guard." We have to protect a cloud hoop about six times as big as me, and keep as many hoofballs as we can from going through the hoop. Wild Wisp is doing amazing. Only two have made it through so far.

Wild Wisp ended up with a score of minus four. Blazemane got a score of minus seven. I'm up next.

Minus eight isn't bad. I got fifth place. Blazemane said she isn't too upset. She said it's not really her type of flight. She's fast on the track, but she's not very accurate, and she doesn't turn very well. Nopony got a score of zero.

I am kind of sad that tomorrow is the last day. I'm definitely ready to see Featherweight again, though. I'm ready to see all my friends and family. I just am really having a good time with Blazemane, and I really like Miss Winter Winds.

I told Miss Winter Winds I wanted to be able to write her, and she gave me her address. She said if I forgot it, Mom knows what it is. That's good.

I wrote to Featherweight and told him I was having a great time, and made a couple good friends. I told him I loved him and that I would see him very soon.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight.

"Dear Scootaloo,
I know you'll be here soon! I hope you had a great time, though! Remember to come see the surprise! It's really cool! I hope you'll like it as much as I did!

Everypony in class (we'll just say everypony,) told me to tell you hello, and that they would see you very soon! Sleep well, because you also have school when you get back! Only for two days, but you do still have class this week, and I won't let you skip, even if I have to drag you to class, myself! Haha!

Love, Featherweight"

Cleanup has gone pretty well. Blazemane and I didn't really make much of a mess, so it was easy to pack up. My Featherweight plushie and a pillow are all I have left. Everything else is packed up. We go to a ceremony this afternoon, but the rest of the day is free. Blazemane has been doing winglifts off and on all morning. She said that she is going to go for perfect in the next races she does with me. That has me nervous.

She said someday we would come back up to the Cloudsdale tracks and race, just the two of us. She said she is going to win every race. She said she won't be upset if she loses, though, and that I am a really good flier. She said I really improved this week, more than most of the ponies. I told her I probably didn't improve as much as it seemed, since I had the trouble in the middle of the first week. She said either way I did a great job, and should be proud of how well I did.

The closing event was a small meeting with all the Wonderbolts! Blazemane almost fainted when she met Fleetfoot! She was pale in the face, and looked so nervous! She eventually calmed down, and talked (and talked and talked) to Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot handled it very well, she must be used to it. We all got special Spitfire Official Flight Camp posters, signed by all the Wonderbolts, and two special patches for our saddlebags. I'm keeping them as they are. I don't want to have them put on something, in case I get new saddlebags one day!

I'm really excited, and can't sleep. Blazemane and I are just talking and talking. She's still excited from meeting Fleetfoot. Every other sentence is about Fleetfoot. It's kind of funny.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I don't know if this will reach you at camp or not. If it doesn't, when it's returned, I'll give it to you. I'm really happy to know you had a good time, and I'm glad that bully got sent home. I'm sorry you got so worried the first week. This was supposed to be a fun experience for you! I hope you learned a lot and had a lot of fun, when all is said and done!

See you soon! Be sure to come by Dad's house when you get back.

Love, Featherweight"

The diary page is lightly dotted with tear stains. Written sideways in the margins is "127 Redtree St., Ft. Burning Hoof 3R7 7X2"

I was really sad to leave Wild Wisp and Blazemane. I told them I would write them both. I told Miss Winter Winds I would write her, too. I had a really good time, and all three of them were so nice to me. It was a great experience. I'm glad Featherweight told me to go. He's the greatest colt in Equestria!

Mom came to bring me home. I showed her my award. She said my trophy was really cool. She said Dad would have to find a shelf to put it on! Now I have a medal and a trophy! (And no cutie mark.)

We just got back home. I am so tired. I think I'm going to go to bed early, tonight. I have school tomorrow and the day after. It's the weekend after that, though!

I went to see Featherweight after school ended. I gave him a BIG hug. I'd be surprised if he could breathe. I was so happy to see him, though! He showed me his plushie of me. Rarity made him a little Wonderbolts outfit for it! It's so cool! I'll have to tell Rarity how cool it is the next time I hang out with Sweetie Belle.

I spent a couple of hours with Featherweight before heading home to go to bed. I'm really tired, and I still have to go to school, this week, so I'm going to bed. Dad made space on my bookshelf, at the top, for my trophy. I'm so excited!

I had a great time today, but I'm really worn out. I just finished putting up my poster and talking with Mom and Dad about how it went. I'm really glad I went, but I'm also happy to see Featherweight is feeling better.

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