• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Learning to Fall (♫)

Author's Note:

Diamond Tiara's "Nobody really likes him" line is a literal exact quote (or well, not exact, tweaked for ponies) of something a classmate said when I made a get well soon card for a friend once.

Chapter Theme:

Everclear - Wonderful

Mostly conceptual ties, the idea of a broken home. I had a bit of trouble picking one for this chapter.


Writing on the page is smeared and has tear stains.

Featherweight is seeming happier than he has been. He's still pretty quiet, but he raised his hoof and answered a question today. Poor colt. I still have no idea how he is feeling. I've learned in the time we have been together, that he is really good at lying about how he is feeling. He always acts happy at school, but he's may be very upset when we're together. I'm starting to wonder if he's pretending to be happy around me, too, because I warned him that finding his parents may not be such a good idea.

I should have kept my stupid mouth shut. He's really upset, now. He said he's been trying to act as if he's okay, because he knows he'll feel better in time. He said he feels horrible for lying to me. I tried to tell him that it's no big deal, that I was just worried about him. He was almost crying at recess, and Diamond Tiara saw the chance and took it. I had to tackle Featherweight out of the air to keep him from fighting her. I messed up his wing pretty bad. Diamond Tiara is in big trouble, and Featherweight is at the hospital. He was screaming... His wing was all bent wrong. Even Diamond Tiara looked worried for a second, before putting that bratty, smarty-hooves smile back on her face. I'm so stupid. I should have just kept quiet.

I wrote a get well soon card for Featherweight and gave it to Miss Cheerilee to have everypony sign. Diamond Tiara had the nerve to say that "nopony really likes Featherweight," Miss Cheerilee took her out of the classroom and walked her home, saying that what she said was "completely unacceptable." At least we don't have to deal with her this afternoon, but poor Featherweight. I really hope he is okay. It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt him, he's just so... scrawny. I'm so stupid.

I went straight to the hospital after school. I didn't even tell Mom and Dad where I was. Featherweight was asleep.
Somepony brought him the plushie Rarity made of me. I guess his dad has visited. I didn't see Shutter Speed, though.

They said his wing is broken in five places... It was an accident. Why didn't I just keep my mouth shut? I hope he's okay. I hope he's not hurting... What is my problem? Why am I so dumb?

Mom found me at the hospital. She told me I needed to go home, and said that sitting around the hospital while he is asleep isn't helping anypony. I'm mad at Mom. I wanted to be there to tell Featherweight how sorry I was when he woke up. It's my fault he's stuck in that place. I hate hospitals, but this is my fault! I need to go see him.

I am sneaking out of my window after Mom and Dad go to bed. I'm going to go see Featherweight one way or another.

Featherweight was awake when I got to the hospital, but he told me to go home, that it was late, and that he would be fine. I told him I was so sorry, and left my note under his pillow, when the doctor helped him up to re-wrap his wing. I couldn't leave him without something to tell him how much I cared. He probably feels even more lonely in that place. The nurse made me leave after she finished helping Featherweight, telling me it wasn't visiting hours. Stupid rules. I just want him to be better. This is my fault.

I just got back home, Mom and Dad are still asleep. It's late.


The page has a couple shaky sketches of a scrawny pegasus.

I was almost late to school. I am so tired. I hope Featherweight is okay. I haven't been able to focus on anything Miss Cheerilee has said. I keep yawning, and my eyes won't stay open. I asked Sweetie Belle if she would take notes for Featherweight, since I am having such a tough time, today.

I fell asleep before recess, and Miss Cheerilee woke me back up when it ended, asking me if I slept well last night. I told her that I was worried all night about Featherweight. I didn't tell her I snuck out of the house, but I bet that didn't help, either.

This afternoon I was a bit more awake, but I still wasn't able to pay attention to Miss Cheerilee. I kept thinking about Featherweight. What if he feels lonely? What if he's mad at me? He seemed upset last night. I shouldn't have gone. I shouldn't have said anything, yesterday. I'm a terrible pony.

I went to see Featherweight, and he was awake this time. He told me he was happy to see me, but I am not sure if he meant it. I think I made him upset when I asked him if he was serious. He's just so good at pretending everything is alright, sometimes I have to make sure. I asked him if he really wanted me to be there, or if he was just being nice. He said that he was serious, that he was happy I was there, especially as lonely as he has been. He said he couldn't stop thinking about his parents while he was here, since he had nothing else to do. I almost ran away, right then. He asked me what was wrong, and I told him nothing. He knew I was lying, I could see it, but he didn't ask again.

Just before visiting hours ended, I put another note under his pillow, and realized he hadn't found yesterday's note. I decided hiding them wasn't a good idea, since he has trouble moving around without help. I gave him both notes and patted his good shoulder. I wanted to give him a big hug, but I didn't want to make things even worse.

I spent the evening with my other friends. They all asked how Featherweight was. I told them he was still sore, and felt lonely. I asked why they didn't visit. They said that they thought I needed time with him. Why would I need anything? He's the one who is in the hospital. I almost got mad at them for not visiting. I told them they should come with me, tomorrow.

Apple Bloom had to pay for Ocean Breeze's snack at Sugarcube Corner. He ran out of money. He was so embarrassed. I almost laughed, as upset as I am. He still hasn't learned money very well. He's getting better, but he's still not very good.


More drawings of a scrawny pegasus, one sketch of a pony's face with a gap in its front teeth.

I wasn't very focused again today. I just couldn't pay much attention. I just want to visit Featherweight. As much as I can't stand hospitals, this is all my fault, and I don't want him feeling lonely, especially right now.

At recess, I asked Miss Cheerilee if I could go visit Featherweight. She told me it was too far to get there, visit him, and come back. I was upset, but I guess she's right. She told me she's sure I am upset, but letting him rest and heal is just as important as visiting him. Again, I guess she's right, but I am still worried about him. I hope he is doing alright. I hope he isn't hurting.

Diamond Tiara came up to me while I was writing, and told me my "twig of a coltfriend" is probably happy to be away from me. I wanted to buck her in the face so bad, but I don't want to get in trouble again. If I got sent home again, mom might not let me visit Featherweight at the hospital.

Featherweight told me the letters were wonderful, and helped him keep his mind off his parents.

He is still really sore. He rolled over to talk to me and twisted his wing a bit. He almost started crying. I felt so bad for him. I don't even know how bad it hurts. He's tough, even if he's so flimsy. I don't remember him hurting this bad last time he was here.

I just realized, I've put him in the hospital twice. What is wrong with me?

The nurse brought him a bag of something to stop him from hurting, since he was having trouble talking, he hurt so bad.

Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak came to visit Featherweight, too. Apple Bloom is with Ocean Breeze. They're walking to Port Mane with Cherry Tart to get Ocean Breeze's allowance.

Featherweight said he was happy to see them, and that he enjoyed having some company. Sweetie Belle pointed at me and said that he already had company, and he blushed. He said he was embarrassed that he said it like that.

He said he meant that he enjoyed knowing how much his friends cared. He said he was sorry to me two or three times. I knew what he meant, he didn't have to say he was sorry. He kept talking really slowly, and repeating things a lot.

I left Featherweight another note before I went home. I wonder why he was acting so odd. It must have been the stuff they gave him. At least he isn't hurting, now.


The top half of the page is a drawing of a familiar scrawny pegasus in a hospital bed.

Today was the same as the other days at school lately. We have a test tomorrow. I will probably do a terrible job. Serves me right for hurting Featherweight.

I visited Featherweight, again. He has to lay in this strange thing to keep his wing propped outward. He said it hurts, and he can't get comfortable. He looks really tired. His dad came in to visit, too. He said he has been keeping him company during his morning visiting hours. I feel a lot better knowing he hasn't been all alone when I haven't been there.

I told him and his dad I was so sorry about what happened. Shutter Speed told me it was an accident, an that I didn't need to get so worked up. Featherweight told me he didn't know why I was apologizing. I said this was my fault, and he told me it was his fault. His fault? I am the one who broke his wing!

He told me if I wanted to blame anypony, blame Diamond Tiara. His dad got upset at the name. Apparently, Diamond Tiara has been an issue for Featherweight ever since he started school with her. She made fun of him for being so skinny when they were younger.


I don't know why I came to school, today. It seems like I can't focus while Featherweight is in that place. Maybe it's because it's my fault.

After class, my friends and I went to visit Featherweight, again. He's still in the weird thing to keep his wing straight. The nurse told him that he will be able to close his wing again, tomorrow. However, he'll have to be very careful. The nurse said that broken wings are very difficult to set correctly, because they're very fragile, and don't rest flat. They have to wrap the wing in a cast that will hold it flat. That sounds very uncomfortable. I just hope he gets better, soon. Nurse Gentle Hooves said he should be able to leave this evening after they do one last series of checks! They said he cannot fly for a month!

It will be winter by the time he can fly again. A whole month! How annoying! Not only that, but he has to be very careful. He'll be able to spend the weekend with me, though!

I'm waiting outside the hospital. Featherweight is finishing his final checks and getting all wrapped up. They said he would be out in an hour or so. Everypony else went home. It's getting a bit chilly out.

Featherweight and I went to his house to see his dad and tell him the news. His dad was happy to see him. He said he'd help make sure Featherweight kept his wing safe.

We spent the rest of the evening at Dad's house. Mom looked upset when she heard "no flying for a month" and said that she would go crazy if she had to stay off her wings for a whole month. I'm just happy I can spend time with him, again, without nurses telling me when I have to leave.

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