• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,335 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Hoof In Mouth (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Trisha Yearwood - Blue Beyond


Page is smudged with tear stains.

I can already tell today isn't going to be good. Diamond Tiara has been mean all day. I just hope that I can keep out of her way.

She picked on Featherweight about his parents, and I got in her way, she told me my parents didn't love me either. I don't know what her deal is, but it's tiring. I almost got sick I was so upset. Miss Cheerilee caught her and pulled her into the classroom to talk to her. Then I said the dumbest thing I have ever said.

Featherweight tried to cheer me up and said my parents loved me, and I was stupid enough to say "How would you know? You don't even know your parents!" I am such an idiot. I shouldn't say anything when I'm angry.

Featherweight left class early today. I haven't seen him since then. I'm so dumb. Me and my big stupid mouth. I bet he hates me now. I'm no better than Diamond Tiara. He was just trying to cheer me up!

I am going to bed early. I don't want to talk to Mom and Dad about today anymore. They keep trying to tell me it was just a mistake. I really hurt Featherweight's feelings, I just know it.


Page is dotted with tears stains.

Featherweight isn't in class, today. This is my fault. I know it. I hope he never talks to me again. I'm such a bad pony...

I didn't pay attention at school at all today. I kept looking back to where Featherweight usually sits. At recess, I just sat alone, and told everypony to leave me alone. I don't want anypony to talk to me.

I went straight to my room when I got home. I've been looking at my diary, and the pictures and letters Featherweight gave me. He's such a sweet pony, and I go and hurt his feelings like that. I'm awful.

I really need to apologize to Featherweight, but I don't want to talk to him if he doesn't want to talk to me. I don't want to make things worse.


A letter is tucked into the page, with an envelope stamped "FORT BURNING HOOF POST" and a return address:

"Wild Wisp
127 Redtree St.
Ft. Burning Hoof, Equestria 3R7 7X2

Dear Scootaloo,

I was happy to meet you at camp, and hope you will keep in touch. How have you been? I know it hasn't been long, but I hope your trip home was okay.

Maybe some day we will meet again. If you are ever in Fort Burning Hoof, I would be happy to give you a tour. I would love to see Ponyville, too!

I hope everything is okay, and I hope you are having a good time at home. See you soon, I hope!

Wild Wisp"

Featherweight wasn't in class again, today. I thought I saw him going to the library on my way to class. I almost followed him, but I didn't want to make problems again.

Today was terrible. I almost got in a fight with Diamond Tiara, since she wouldn't leave me alone at recess. I finally flew up into the clouds, where she couldn't follow me.

I don't want to talk to anyone. I hope Miss Cheerilee doesn't call on me in class this afternoon.

I acted like I was asleep in class again today. I figured it was better than opening my stupid mouth again.

Mom and Dad keep asking me what is wrong. I tell them nothing, because I don't want to talk about it.


Page is smudged with tear stains.

Featherweight is in class again, today. He is very quiet, and he won't even look at me. I am such a terrible pony.

He didn't talk to me at recess, either. He spent time with Pipsqueak. I just sat in the tree, trying to hide from everypony. It's very difficult to be in class with him when he won't even look at me.

I flew off at recess. I didn't go back to school this afternoon. I just couldn't.

Mom found me and tried to bring me back to class, but I was so upset she excused me for the afternoon. She kept trying to cheer me up, but didn't even know why I was upset.

She took me to Sugarcube Corner. I didn't eat anything. I didn't feel like I deserved a treat.

I am going to bed early again, today.


I skipped class and hid in the bushes, today. I don't want Featherweight to see me. I probably make it worse when I'm around, just by being there.

I remember when I first got to town, and I used to do this. It makes me miss Mama and Papa. They'd probably be embarrassed by me. I'm nothing like them. They were so nice and smart and they worked hard. I'm nothing like them. How did I end up being such a disappointment?

I snuck back home and went to my room. I'll probably do the same thing tomorrow. I don't want to go back to school for now. Maybe once Featherweight forgets about me I can go back, but for now, I don't want to remind him how dumb I am, or remind him about his problems.


[Page is smudged with tear stains. The side of the page, halfway down has the words "I love you." written several times, the rest of the writing wraps with respect to the words, as if written later.]

Mom found me in the bushes today. She said she thought I was up to something after the way I acted last night. She walked me to school. I feel terrible.

Miss Cheerilee called recess early, and I just stayed in the classroom. Miss Cheerilee tried to talk to me, but I felt like if I said anything, I'd start crying. Featherweight, apparently, didn't go to recess, either, because he came up to me and gave me a hug. I couldn't help but cry. I hugged him so tight and kept telling him I was sorry.

Miss Cheerilee moved him to sit next to me. She said that she felt like I needed cheering up, and that she usually doesn't move friends together, but this was a "special situation."

I can't believe how sweet Featherweight is. He said that he wasn't mad at me, but that he was embarrassed that I was right, and disappointed that I said what I did. He said he wouldn't be mad at me for saying something when I was upset. He knew I didn't mean it.

I asked him if he went to the library the other day, and he said he did. He said he wrote a letter to Princess Celestia and needed Spike to send it.

He asked Princess Celestia for any information about his parents. I am worried about this. He has a great dad, a real dad. His actual parents are terrible for what they did, and they don't deserve to see him. As bad as it sounds, I hope that Princess Celestia can't find anything.


Spike came to Featherweight's house this morning and gave him a letter from the Princess with a picture of his parents. Their names are Airborne and Fallstreak. I don't feel so good about this. He says he wants to go and find them. They live in a sky town called Mare's Tail north of Phillydelphia.

Featherweight has been talking about this all day. He said he wants to prove to Diamond Tiara that his separation from his parents was an unfortunate mistake. He said he loves his dad, but that he wants to meet his real parents.

I am worried about this. He seems so excited, but what if something goes wrong? Phillydelphia is a long way away. It's at least a couple days of travel. I hope he'll be okay. His dad is taking him to Phillydelphia, and he said he'll fly north on his own.

Featherweight won't be at school this week. I feel like I'll be worrying about him a lot until he comes back. Something just doesn't seem right about this.

I spent the afternoon with Pipsqueak and Sweetie Belle. They were playing around beside the Carousel Boutique. They invited me to spend the afternoon with them. We played games and talked about Featherweight. Pipsqueak seems to think it'll be good for him. "What if he's right?" he asked. I guess that is true, if he is right, he will finally get to meet his parents. I bet it's been frustrating not knowing them.

Sweetie Belle said all I can do is be encouraging and supportive of him. I would write to him every day, like he wrote to me while I was gone, but where he will be is going to change...

I hope they're right. I hope Featherweight and Shutter Speed are doing alright. They should be resting at a hotel or something by now. It's getting dark.


Tucked into the page is a letter written on stationery labeled "Oxbow Junction Bed and Breakfast" with rustic accents on the edges, as well as a few sheets of drawings, some good, some poor. Many including a drawing of a skinny pegasus.

"Dear Scootaloo,
We made it safely to Oxbow Junction. It should only be a day before we reach Phillydelphia. How are you doing? I am sorry I didn't let you know sooner that I was going to leave. I found out yesterday morning. I hope I didn't ruin any plans. I'll make it up to you when we get back to town!

Don't worry about me. I'm alright! I'm so excited! I'll be home in no time.

Love, Featherweight"

Today is boring. Everypony is busy, even mom. Today is a scheduled rain day, so nopony is home. Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak, Ocean Breeze, and Apple Bloom are all busy. Pipsqueak and Sweetie Belle have a presentation tomorrow, so they're finishing it up. Apple Bloom has to do chores, and Ocean Breeze went to visit his parents in Port Mane. I'm so bored!

I'm happy to see Featherweight is still okay. I hope he can make it safely. That's a very long trip to make without planning.

I spent most of the day drawing. There wasn't really anything else to do. It was too rainy to go around town, and nopony was home.

Dad just got home, he's soaking wet! I bet it's not fun to be a policepony on a rainy day. He says "it's part of the job" but it still seems like no fun. I tried to help him cook dinner. I'm not very good, I made a really big mess, and almost burned the bread. I tried, though.

Mom said that today wasn't very good. She said nopony listened to where the clouds needed to be, and she had to move a lot of them on her own. She said the weatherponies she usually works with were out of town today.

What a boring day. I hope school is fun tomorrow. It can't be as boring as today.


Tucked into the page is a letter tightly crammed into the few lines of space on the back of a Phillydelphia postcard marked "ONE DAY DELIVERY" and "PHILLYDELPHIA POST."

"Dear Scootaloo,
We made it to Phillydelphia just fine! Tomorrow I head north to Mare's Tail on my own. I already know where to go, and I should be just fine. I hope you like the gift, it made me think of you.

I hope you are doing well. I should be home in just a few days! Wish me luck!

Love, Featherweight"

School, today was actually almost as boring as yesterday. At least recess was fun. Diamond Tiara slipped and fell in the mud and had to spend the rest of the school day muddy. She got most of it off, but she still had spots all afternoon. It was really funny. [Below this line is drawing of Diamond Tiara with muddy splotches covering her sides, including part of her cutie mark.]

After school, I spent some time with Ocean Breeze and Apple Bloom. We went to help Granny Smith with apple pies. I didn't really help, after how I did yesterday, cooking. I did get to talk with them, which was better than sitting around all afternoon.

We stopped by my house for a while, and I got a letter from Featherweight. He also sent some "Phillydelphia's Famous Strawberry Tarts" with the letter. He's so sweet. The treats were great! I shared some with Apple Bloom and Ocean Breeze. Ocean Breeze said he can buy them any time, if I want. He said it's not too expensive, and he has enough money after buying food that he could do that for me. I still don't think he understands money, but he's trying.

I practiced flying for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak, and Ocean Breeze. They said I'm doing so well. I still haven't learned anything new, but I am pretty good at the things I learned at Flight Camp. I'm definitely faster than I have been.


Today, Featherweight should have made it to Mare's Tail. I hope he's doing alright. I'm still a bit worried. He'll be okay, though. I know it.

Zecora came to talk to us at school today. She taught us about natural medicines and what she does. It was interesting, I guess, but Apple Bloom was really into the talk. She was asking all kinds of questions. She really seems to like that stuff.

At recess, I played tag with my friends. I kept flying off. They said it wasn't fair. I thought it was funny. Eventually, Ocean Breeze pulled me down with magic. He said if I was allowed to fly, he could use his magic to pull me down, and tagged me on the forehead. We all started laughing.

I didn't receive a letter from Featherweight today. I guess that makes sense, he probably was busy traveling yesterday, or maybe he met his parents! Maybe they took him out for the day and spent the afternoon with him. I hope I hear what happened soon! I can't wait for him to come home. I miss him.

I spent the evening working on my flight. Mom was going to teach me, but there was a "cloud situation" and she had to leave. I don't even know what that means, but I'm sure it was important.

Apparently a couple of the new weatherponies put the clouds way too low to the ground and there was a really thick fog. Nopony could see anything, and when they tried to break up the clouds, they started a storm. Mom says "They better learn fast, or they're gone." It sounds silly, but I hope everypony is okay.

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