• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Learning To Fly (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly


This is the most frustrating choice I've ever had. Mom, a couple of weeks ago, sent some pictures and a recommendation for me to go to Flight Camp. I got invited, it's next week... I don't want to leave Featherweight alone, he's still not his normal self.

I talked with Mom and Dad, and they said the decision is up to me. Mom said even being invited is something to be proud of. I definitely agree, I'm very proud of the invitation, but I can't leave Featherweight. Mom says it's up to me, and that she wouldn't be hurt if I decided not to go. She said she understands why I'm having trouble. I could really learn a lot, and I'd love to go.

I talked to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and they both said I should go. They said that they would be able to be there for Featherweight, and that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. They're right, people don't really get a second chance to go. I just don't know.

Featherweight overheard me talking to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. we tried to pretend we were talking about something else, but he had already heard too much. I didn't want him to know, because if I didn't go, I didn't want him to feel guilty. And if I did go, I would have told him before I left...

He told me I had to go. He said that he would be fine. He said nothing was wrong. He looked so hurt. I asked him why, he said he was upset because he didn't think it was anything to lie to him about, and nothing worth hiding. He said it's a very special opportunity.

I just don't know. He said that I had to go. He said it was a waste if I didn't. He is not a waste, but what do I do?

Now that Featherweight knows about it. I think I have to go. I think he'd feel so guilty if I didn't. He knows how special it is to be invited. This is Spitfire's Flight Camp at Cloudsdale, the biggest flight camp in the region. Possibly in Equestria.


I've decided to go to Flight Camp, but I'm still really worried it's the wrong decision. What if something happens? What if Featherweight does what I always do and runs off? What if Diamond Tiara runs her mouth and something happens? I really hope he'll be okay. I told him I would write him every day, he said he would do the same. I told him I love him. I told him he's one of the most important ponies in the world to me. I said I didn't want to go, but when I did, he cut me off and told me to go. I hope he'll be okay. he's still definitely not the Featherweight I've known for these past few months.

Mom is taking me to Cloudsdale this afternoon. She says I'll have a great time. I hope so. but I'm more worried about how Featherweight is going to be. I haven't stopped thinking about him since he told me to go. I hope nothing happens.

I just got checked into my room. I'm roommates with a filly from Canterlot named Blazemane. She's small, but she's really fast. She said she's from a family of race pegasi. Her father won Best Young Flier and the Canterlot Derby Youth Division the same year when he was a colt. What am I doing here? I should be back at home with Featherweight, making sure he's okay, with my friends, with people who aren't going to think my flying is ridiculous. I'm going to make a mule of myself, and Featherweight is home alone.

Blazemane assured me she has no desire to make fun of anypony. She said she's here to learn from the best, and let her skill speak for itself. She said ponies who put down other ponies don't have anything to show for it but words. I guess that's encouraging? I'm still nervous. I hope Featherweight is okay.

I wrote to Featherweight and told him everything is okay. I told him I loved him, and I'd be back in a couple of weeks. I really hope he's alright. I'm worrying myself sick. I almost fell out of the clouds on the way to the opening ceremony.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I'm fine, please stop worrying... Just because I have a lot on my mind doesn't mean it's the end of the world. I'm okay. You need to enjoy this very special moment. I'm proud of you! We all are! Now go out there and be the best flier you can! If something happens, don't get upset, just dust off and move on. You'll be back in no time. Make the best of this while it lasts!

Love, Featherweight"

Blazemane and I talked about our friends most of the morning, the first flight lessons are this afternoon. This morning we're supposed to get to know our roommates, become friends. Blazemane is nice once you get past her intimidating outside. She said she thought it was "adorable" that I was so concerned for my coltfriend. She said she wishes she had a coltfriend, but that a lot of the ponies in her neighborhood are really stuck up and worried about knowing the right ponies or having all the most important awards. She said she hopes she's as good as her dad, but isn't going to tear her mane out if she's not perfect. She said "After all, the competitions are the best of the best," and that if she even makes it in she's "earned something special."

She said she thought it was interesting that I didn't have a cutie mark, but I made it to Flight Camp. She said she didn't see anypony else without a cutie mark. why did she have to remind me? And I'm not cute! I'm tough and cool, not cute!

So Diamond Tiara isn't the only pony in Equestria so full of herself. A pony named Thunderbolt thinks he's the coolest pony in Equestria. He said he's not here to learn, but to show the other ponies how amazing he is.

I learned my flight form is awful. I put my front hooves out in a way that slows me down, and my back hooves don't stay high enough in the air, causing drag. I also learned my wings are tilted back too much. This is going to be a rough couple of weeks... At least Miss Winter Winds is very patient and kind. She said if I practiced really hard this week, I'd have perfect form in no time, and that my form was definitely within my abilities to fix. She also taught me a way to exercise so I can keep my back legs higher in the air. She said a lot of ponies have trouble with their back legs.

Thunderbolt got perfect marks for form, Blazemane got perfect marks except her back legs were also too low. I guess I'll have somepony to practice with.

I wrote Featherweight again. I told him I need to work on my form, and that my teacher is nice. I didn't tell him about Thunderbolt, because I don't want him to worry more. I told him I loved him, and that I'd be home soon.

Blazemane and I toured the Cloudsdale Weather Factory today after practice. She said she had always wanted to go, and I don't really have anypony else to talk to, so I went with her. It was really interesting. All those snowflakes are individually crafted. only the best of the best can get a job at the factory, and it takes years of training. I asked a couple of ponies if they knew Rainbow Dash, and they asked how I knew her, they were really surprised when I said I was her daughter. I didn't think to explain she adopted me. I'm not sure I would have wanted to mention it, since I was with Blazemane.

We had another practice this evening, we played stormball, it's a lot like hoofball, except everypony flies, and there's rules, of course, for where and how you can fly. Miss Winter Winds said it helps with agility and attention to surroundings. She said both are absolutely important when it comes to being a professional flier. Hoofball is definitely not my game. If I hear one more word from Thunderbolt about how bad I am at stormball, I think there may be trouble...

I did what Featherweight always tells me to do and told Winter Winds about Thunderbolt making fun of me, she said I needed to learn to handle other ponies, but she stopped the game and told everypony that if she heard anypony making fun of anypony else, they would have to do twenty laps around the nimbus. She said that we're all learning, and putting other ponies down is disrespectful and will not be tolerated. I guess it does work.

I am exhausted. I got a bit better at stormball, but it's definitely not going to get me a cutie mark... I mean I already knew that, but I was reminded of it today. Blazemane is already asleep. That was a lot of work today... I hope everypony at home is okay. I hope Featherweight is okay.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I'm glad you're taking this seriously, and I'm glad you're appreciating the opportunity more than yesterday. I really hope you are having a good time. It's good that your teacher is nice. Keep practicing, and you'll be the best flier there!

Like I told you yesterday, I'm fine, and I love you, too. Don't worry about when you're coming home, worry about where you are. I'll be waiting for you when you get back, but it's no hurry. Have a good time and enjoy yourself!

Love, Featherweight"

Thunderbolt caught me in the hallway and asked what my diary was. I told him it was my notes from training yesterday. He said it was silly that I was taking notes. He told me that if I needed notes to learn to fly, I'd never be any kind of flier. At least he didn't question what it was. I'm going to start hiding this in my saddlebags. I don't want him messing with it.

We did checkpoint racing today. I came in third of eight in my first race, and second in my second! I was so nervous. I guess I'm better than I thought. Thunderbolt said it was a lucky break, and that if I had raced him, he would've lapped me. Blazemane was in my second race, she was first place. She's really fast. She won by four or five lengths. She told me I did great, but I'm not so sure if she was being nice, or if I really did well.

Blazemane and I sat on some clouds above Cloudsdale and just watched the town for a while. She told me about Canterlot and I told her about Ponyville and Port Mane. She has never been to either Port Mane or Ponyville. I told her she should come visit sometime. She asked when and why I moved from Port Mane if I liked it so much. I didn't really know what to say, I told her that my parents wanted to live in Ponyville. I don't know if I want to tell her about my parents. she seems nice, but I don't know if she keeps secrets, and I don't want Thunderbolt knowing for sure.

We do more checkpoint races here in a few minutes, I'm up against Thunderbolt twice. I am really nervous. I don't want to hear his mouth when he brags. I already know he's faster than I am. I watched the other races...

That was embarrassing. I came in fifth. Fifth! Thunderbolt hasn't shut up. I decided to write this away from everypony where he wouldn't bother me. I'm missing Blazemane's third race, though. I really hope she does well, she's definitely fast...

I beat him! I beat Thunderbolt! He made me so mad. He asked if I went to cry when I came back to the group and told me I was a sorry excuse for a pegasus, and that my Mom and Dad or whoever taught me to fly must be embarrassed or stupid... I wanted to pummel him where he stood, but it was time for a race... I put everything I had into the race... I didn't expect to beat him, but I didn't want him to get too far ahead. I wanted him scared. I totally embarrassed him though! He hasn't said anything since I passed him! Thank goodness. Maybe he'll leave me alone.

Blazemane said I was amazing! She asked how I managed to get so much faster so quick, and I told her I was just mad at what he said. She said it worked. She asked what I thought of her races. I told her I wasn't able to see her third race, but that she did great in her fourth. Apparently she won both races. The one I saw, she was a fourth of the track ahead of the next pony. She's amazingly fast, like almost Rainbow Dash fast. Almost.

I wrote Featherweight and told him the news, that there was, indeed, a bully in my class, but that I beat him in a race. I told him that his suggestion to talk to the teacher worked, and that I loved him and missed him. I really hope he's okay, and not just saying things to make me feel better.

This evening we did more stormball. I really don't like stormball. I guess I'm getting better, but it's just so rough, and I'm already sore from exercise and practice. During a time out from the game, Miss Winter Winds came up to me and told me my last race was fantastic, and that if I kept my form that perfect, I'd be one of the top fliers of the class! She asked how I picked up so much speed between my third and fourth race. I told her that Thunderbolt picked on me again, and that he made fun of my family... She said that that was absolutely inappropriate, and that she would talk to Thunderbolt, but that she wouldn't tell him who told her about his behavior.

Thunderbolt has stayed pretty quiet all day. Hopefully he'll shape up, or at least leave me alone. I--there's a big mark across the page, starting from here, and going through some words, tearing the bottom of the paper. The entry continues on the next page.

Thunderbolt threw a stormball at my pencil. He said I needed to stop taking notes and show how good I was. He said he wanted to see me show some skill that wasn't total luck. I challenged him to some tricks. What is wrong with me?

That wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. He hadn't learned any tricks, because he has been so worried about going fast. He did a couple flips, but my rolls, cartwheels and flips really shut him up. He told me to do it again, and prove it wasn't just luck. I'm about to go back up there.

Thunderbolt is in big trouble. Miss Winter Winds was watching us do our tricks and saw him throw a stormball at me while I was flying. Luckily I fell into a cloud, but Miss Winter Winds is not happy. He laughed at me as long as I could hear him when Miss Winter Winds was taking him away.

Blazemane said I did a great job and asked if I could teach her some tricks. We're going to try some out tomorrow during our break. I'm really tired right now.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
That's great news! I told you! The teacher wants to help you out. It's her job. Congratulations on winning your race! I'm proud of you! I hope you keep having a good time, and that you're feeling okay. Things are fine here. I spent yesterday hanging out with Pipsqueak. We went to bowl, and hung out at his house.

I love you, and I know you'll keep doing a great job! Take care!

Love, Featherweight"

We're doing a thing called "Altitude Racing" this morning. it's where we fly as high as we can, as fast as we can. We are timed, so we do them individually, and every round, we're rated on a scoreboard. We're judged on speed, form, and height. I've never even thought to practice flying upwards fast, I hope I do alright.

I definitely need to work on that. I didn't do so well. All four times I raced, I was last, or close to last. Maybe I was a bit nervous, since Soarin' from the Wonderbolts was a guest judge. Maybe I just need to practice.

Miss Winter Winds said she's happy I took her advice on the exercise, because she said she already sees a visible difference in how good my form is. That's good news. I'm glad I'm learning something from being here.

I practiced my tricks with Blazemane. She said it was so cool that I knew how to do them so well. She did a few flips and rolled once. We're going to practice more after our afternoon event.

I wrote to Featherweight and told him about the Altitude Racing, and that he and I need to practice that when I get back, because I want to get really good at everything I can. I told him I love him and I'll see him soon. I told him I'm having a good time.

We're doing weight training this afternoon. I'm actually doing really well. I may not be able to fly upward very fast, but I can catch weights pretty well, and I can stop myself before I hit the clouds, even with pretty heavy weights. Not all of them, but most of them! They get up to a bit heaver than I am. After that, I usually hit the clouds before I can lift them into the air. When we're lifting, and not catching them, I can lift about one and a half times my weight. It's tough, though.

I'm watching Blazemane do tricks right now. Miss Winter Winds said she'd come watch us after she finished cleaning up from training. Blazemane is doing--

That was a close one! Blazemane fell out of the sky, and couldn't get herself upright. I had to dive down and catch her! I'm glad I was able to do it! I would hate to see her hurt! She thanked me and said I saved her life. I don't know about that. She's a good flier, I'm sure she could've saved herself. I'm just glad she's okay.

Blazemane had to go to the nurse, apparently she twisted her wing when trying to do a roll. The nurse said she should be okay after some rest and some ice.

Miss Winter Wind said she saw me catch Blazemane. She said she tried to help, but she was too far away. She reached the edge of the clouds when I caught her. She watched to make sure we were okay, and helped me take Blazemane to the nurse. She said it was brave of me. Luckily I was at a desk where my diary didn't go falling to the ground, that could've been a disaster, too! I knocked the chair out of the way when I took off, but my diary was okay.

Blazemane thanked me again when she got to our room. She said that I was a hero! A hero? I still think she would've been okay. I had to make sure, though. I'm not a hero. It's sweet of her to be so thankful, though.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
Are you okay? I didn't get a letter from you, today. I hope you're alright and just busy. If I don't get a message from you tomorrow, I'm going to guess you're busy, and simply hope you're okay. Keep practicing and take care.

I love you!

Love, Featherweight"

This morning is dodge ball. I've done this before, too. I already know I'm bad. I just hope Thunderbolt is bad, too... Blazemane has to sit this out. She's still sore. She said she'll be my partner in the relay this afternoon, though.

Thunderbolt hit me right in the eye! It hurts really bad. The rules are that you can't hit somepony in the head, or it doesn't count. He's really good at dodge ball, so he did it on purpose. I know it! I can't stand him. What did I do to him?!

Miss Winter Winds said she can't do anything about it, because it's hard to tell if it was on purpose. She said if she's going to keep a close eye on him, though.

Blazemane and I are practicing tricks again. I showed her that I can land in a run and take back off. She thought that was cool, so I tried to teach her. It's a tougher trick, though. It may take her some practice.

I didn't get a letter from Featherweight today. I hope he's okay. He said he'd write to me every day. I hope he's just busy or something. Maybe the mailpony missed some stuff, and I'll get it later. I don't know. I just hope he's okay.

We're doing relays this afternoon. Blazemane said she's alright enough to race. We're up against Thunderbolt and Wild Wisp. I hope Blazemane is ready for it.

We won! Blazemane definitely was still sore, but she pulled through! She did a great job. I told her to go rest, and that she was fantastic. We're watching the other relays from the side. We're sitting by Miss Winter Winds.

We're going to bed early tonight. We're both really tired. After relays, we did extra exercises, since we weren't racing, most of the time.


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I hope you're okay. Remember, if you feel like you're too tired, tell the teacher you need a break. Don't overdo it. I want you to be safe. Falling from the clouds is way different than falling close to the ground. I'm sure you're fine, but I figured I'd let you know.

I love you! I hope you're alright, and having a great time! Let me know about what happened when you get back!

Love, Featherweight"

This morning we're watching a short film about proper flight form and wing care, and then we're taking our second form test. The funniest line from the film was "Healthy wings are the difference between life and death!" I guess it's true, but the voice said it in a tone so serious I couldn't help but laugh. Miss Winter Winds asked what was funny, and I told her nothing. Blazemane giggled, too.

Miss Winter Winds told me I'm doing much better, but that I need to keep my front hooves forward more, that I'm spreading them too wide. She told me to try and make a triangle with my hooves. I guess I'll have to keep practicing. She showed me a couple of times, and helped me get into place while I hovered, once. In time I'll get this.

I didn't receive a letter from Featherweight again... I really hope he's okay... He promised to write every day so I would know he was okay. If something's wrong, I'm never going to forgive myself... I really hope he's okay... Hopefully he's just busy or something... yeah, he's probably busy...

I wrote to Featherweight, asking him if he's alright. I told him I'm a bit worried that I haven't received any letters from him recently. I really hope everything is okay.

I didn't do well at tricks during trick flight today... I kept thinking about Featherweight... if he doesn't write me tomorrow, I'm really going to start worrying...

Blazemane asked me if I was okay. She said I seemed very distracted. I told her I was just expecting a letter today and didn't get it. I told her I'd be alright. I don't want her worrying.

I can't sleep tonight... I just keep thinking about Featherweight... I really hope everything is alright back home...


Tucked into the page is a letter from Featherweight:

"Dear Scootaloo,
I hope you're alright. Are you having fun? I'm fine. I'm a little worried I haven't heard from you, but I figure you're just busy. So much to do at Flight Camp! Yesterday I spent the afternoon with Fluttershy and Shooting Star. Shooting Star showed me some neat magic tricks. I'll have to remember to have him show you when you get back.

I hope you're enjoying everything, and that everything is okay. I love you, and hope to hear from you soon!

Love, Featherweight

P.S. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom say hello. They say they meant to write you, but school has been busy lately. Sweetie Belle said making two copies of notes (one for you) is more work than they expected. They're not upset, but they are busy! I think I may try to help them out."

We're doing cloud-breaking today. We have to find and bust all ten gray clouds as fast as we can. I hope I do okay, that'd be something fun to write Mom about!

I did alright. I'm still pretty distracted. I hope I get a letter from Featherweight today. I'm still worried... I got fourth place out of the twenty of us in the class. I probably could've made third place if I had been more focused. Thunderbolt got second, and Blazemane got first. Thunderbolt seems mad that he's not beating everypony like he thought. He made sure to ask me how embarrassed I was that I couldn't make the top three. I don't really care. I do as well as I do.

I didn't get a letter from Featherweight again! Something must be wrong... I'm really worried. I knew I should've stayed home. I shouldn't have come here. Featherweight might have run away or gotten sick, or maybe he's hurt... what if he's all alone? What if nopony knows where he is? He wouldn't have run away to try and find his parents would he? Where would he look? He doesn't know anything about them... He was so bothered by what Diamond Tiara said, though... I really hope he's okay... I'm worried.

I didn't really do any exercises today... Miss Winter Wind asked why I wasn't exercising for the workout session this afternoon. I told her I was really tired, that I didn't sleep well. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the only thing... I really hope Featherweight is okay.

I can't sleep again today. I just can't stop thinking about him! I hope he's okay. What if he isn't though? I should've stayed home. This is my fault. I think I'm feeling sick.

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