• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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I Hope I Make You Proud (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

We Are The In Crowd - Windows In Heaven


I bopped Featherweight out of the air and into a tree. He's okay, but I was worried for a bit. We're not professional dodge ball ponies. Other than my one hit, I didn't do so well. One of Apple Bloom's tosses bounced off the barn and popped on Sweetie Belle's horn. We were all on the same team.

Sewing is not our thing. Sweetie Belle had to calm Rarity down after I almost broke her good sewing machine... Apple Bloom did alright, but she said she doesn't really enjoy it. She said you work and work and nopony even notices how much work it was. She said she really respects Rarity's work, now, though. Sweetie Belle didn't get a chance to try sewing for her cutie mark. Rarity told us to leave.

Featherweight came to visit us and ask how we were. Not so good, but not bad. We're used to doing things only to find out we didn't get our cutie marks. It's still disappointing, but nothing new.

Sweetie Belle went to visit Pipsqueak, so Apple Bloom, Featherweight and I passed time in the clubhouse. We played some games and eventually went to see what Applejack was up to. She had just finished harvesting and was taking a break to do some tricks with a lasso. She's so good at that. I remember last time I tried that. I have no clue how she can do all those tricks. It almost makes me dizzy just watching.

Ocean Breeze came and hung out with us for a while. He just got back from visiting his parents this afternoon. He gave Apple Bloom a bouquet and gave me a rose, saying Miss Golden Posy asked him to bring it to me. She's a sweet pony. I should go visit her. I told Featherweight and he said that if it was alright with my parents, he would go with me next weekend.

Mom and Dad said that that was fine, we're going to Port Mane next weekend. I haven't seen Miss Golden Posy in a while, now.

Mom said she'd go with us, but Saturday is a rain day. Dad doesn't have Saturday off, so it'll be just us.


I've been doing better in school, lately! I'm really happy, and now that I'm trying harder, I haven't been nearly as bored. There are definitely still days, though. Miss Cheerilee said she's happy to see my grades have gotten better, though!

Diamond Tiara has finally gone back to being a bratty, mean filly once more. She said something to Featherweight about me wanting to leave him and him being completely alone. I wouldn't leave him if somepony tried to pry me away. However, now Featherweight has this thought that he wants to meet his actual parents after she mentioned him being abandoned again...

Why would he ever want to meet them? After what they did, I wouldn't ever want them to see me. They don't deserve to see what a great colt he's become. How would he find them anyway? He said he knows it'll never happen, but he's just curious. I guess that makes sense, but still.

I spent most of the afternoon with Featherweight. We just talked a lot about school and our friends and families. He seemed a bit distracted, but I guess I was, too. I kept wondering how I would be if I didn't ever know my parents... It is just one of those things I guess I'll never be able to understand. It'd probably be very frustrating... Not knowing your own parents?

Maybe his parents were on his mind, too. After a while we headed to his house, and one of the first things he asked his dad when we got to his house (after the regular "how was your day" things he always asks his dad,) was if he knew anything at all about his parents. His dad said he never saw them, he only saw a small colt in a ratty blanket sitting beside his booth unattended the whole time he was selling photos. He said that once he realized nopony was coming to claim the small child, he figured he had a duty to care for little Featherweight.

How sweet and generous. He wasn't a foster pony, he just took this little colt in and raised him on his own. His father is the kind of father Featherweight really deserves. As far as I'm concerned (I mean, but who am I?) Shutter Speed is the only father Featherweight needs. I do understand his curiosity, though...


The page is lightly dotted with tear stains.

Featherweight has put aside thoughts about his parents, and has gone back to his old self. We flew around in the clouds for a while after school. Tomorrow we go to Port Mane. I think I'm going to get Miss Cheerilee one of Miss Golden Posey's bouquets for her desk. Miss Golden Posey makes beautiful bouquets. It's her special talent. [Drawing of Golden Posey's cutie mark: a rose and two tulips whose stems converge at the bases.]

We're in Port Mane. I remember the smell of the water in the breeze. I've never really mentioned it, but I love the smell. We just passed my old house and are taking a break in the park to rest after a long walk. There are a couple of families here playing with their little foals. It's cute, but it makes me miss my parents more than usual...

We're visiting Miss Golden Posey at the end, so the flowers won't wilt on the way home. We're traveling through the parts of town I remember. We're visiting the docks, right now. There's big boats with EFC on the side. These must be the shipping boats for Ocean Breeze's parents' company. They have lots of big boxes on them.

Maple Woods saw us at the docks and came and visited with us. He let us go on a tour of the boat he was helping load. I've never been on a boat like this. When I was little I went on a ferry ride, but it was a much smaller boat than this. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of boxes of furniture, furniture pieces, and advertising materials on this boat. It's huge! We talked for a while with Maple Woods after he finished loading the ship. He invited us to my old house for lunch. Sandy Shores was happy to see us, and asked us how we were. They're so nice.

I got a bit choked up, again when I smelled the lavender in the kitchen. Featherweight asked what was wrong. I told him nothing, because it wasn't really a big deal, just a weak moment. Lunch was wonderful! I had a daffodil sandwich with some grapes and a slice of strawberry pie. We spent a while talking to Ocean Breeze's parents. They're really nice ponies.

They asked how Ocean Breeze was doing. We told him he still hasn't quite figured out how to manage his money very well, but that he's a very kind pony who means well. They said they weren't surprised he hasn't figured out the value of money, yet. They said he pretty much got whatever he wanted when he was young. After a bit of conversation we left. We had other stops to make before going to visit Miss Golden Posey.

We went to the cemetery to see my parents' and my aunt's graves. I got a bit teary-eyed and Featherweight cuddled up to me to try and cheer me up. I wish my parents and my aunt could have met my coltfriend. He's just as kind and loving and caring and sweet as they were. I think they would have loved them just as much as I do. We spent a while sitting by their graves, under the shade of an oak tree. We finally left after about a half hour of me talking like a crazy pony to my parents' and aunt's graves. I probably looked ridiculous, but I just wish I could talk to them again...

After talking about my parents for a while with Featherweight, he brought up his parents again. I don't know how to help him. There's no way to find them. I can only imagine how hard it is not to know...

We finally made it to meet Miss Golden Posey. She gave me a big hug and asked how I was, and told me I was growing into a beautiful young filly. It was sweet of her. We talked for a while, until she had to close down the store. She invited us to come visit her any time. I tried to buy a couple bouquets, but she insisted I take them, free of charge. They must have taken such a long time to pick, arrange, and care for. I didn't know what to say. She gave me a big hug before we left, and showed us where her house was, so we can visit her when she isn't working.

We made it back to town just in time to catch Miss Cheerilee leaving the schoolhouse. She was cleaning up for Monday. I gave her her bouquet. She said it was absolutely beautiful. I agree, it really was a very pretty bouquet. I'll have to write Miss Golden Posey a thank you letter.

Featherweight and I spent the evening with Mom and Dad at Dad's house. Dad got a vase and filled it with water for the other bouquet I got, and put it on the table. I really like the celosia. It's so bright and pretty.

I walked Featherweight home this evening. I didn't want him to leave. Today was so wonderful, even if I was a bit sad at times. It was a good sad. He told me that we could go see Port Mane again sometime if I wanted. I would love that.

The following page is a sketch of Featherweight drawn inside a heart.


Today at school, Miss Cheerilee has the bouquet I got her on her desk. I felt kind of special. I tried to take really good notes. I'm really trying a lot harder at school most days. Time passes quicker at school when I'm doing something.

I'm out on the playground with my friends. We're just relaxing under a tree right now. Everyone is still Monday-sleepy. It's like none of us slept well last night. Miss Cheerilee came over and joked that maybe we should have Monday nap time. We all thought it was a good idea. She kind of blushed and changed the subject. I thought it was pretty funny. I don't think she was expecting that!

She told us if we got up and moved around we'd wake up easier, so we played a couple games and got to moving around. She was right. I felt a lot better after moving around.

After school, I went with Apple Bloom to help Applejack harvest. I haven't really visited with Applejack in a while, and she is so important to me. I figured I could help with the harvest to show her I cared. She was really excited to see me. We talked and picked (or bucked, in their case) apples.

The farm has been doing well this last month, apparently everyone is just hungry for apples lately. That's good. The Apple family works hard. They deserve the success.

We played some of the apple basket game. We use the bruised apples and we try and toss them into an empty basket from different distances. Sometimes I placed the basket in the trees to add an extra challenge. It was a lot of fun. Applejack is very, very good at the apple basket game. I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with Applejack and Apple Bloom.


This morning was scary. There was a storm scheduled for the day, but it started to lightning before it was rainy, and Ocean Breeze's house got struck by lightning! Everypony is okay, but there was a fire. Ocean Breeze stayed with the Apple family while Miss Cherry Tart went to Port Mane to tell Ocean Breeze's parents what happened. Ocean Breeze is really freaked out. I would be!

Featherweight and I went to spend time with Ocean Breeze and Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle, Pipsqueak, Dinky, and Twist were all already there. We just talked with him to keep him calm. He was so worried about how much it would cost to replace the damages. He said he knows they can afford it, but that it's money wasted. He's really upset. I totally understand him being upset, but at least everypony is okay, right?

We finally got Ocean Breeze to relax a bit. He's still worried, but things will work out. We all offered to help fix up the place. He said that we were wonderful friends.

Cherry Tart, Maple Woods, and Sandy Shores are all in town. Maple Woods said that all the money in the world is nothing compared to Ocean Breeze's safety, and that they're just happy everypony is alright. Sandy Shores took Ocean Breeze on a walk to try and calm him down more. Maple Woods went with the rest of us to look at the house. The second floor is pretty badly burned. He said it's no big deal, that he can get it all fixed up this month. He said that Ocean Breeze would have to come back to Port Mane, though. Apple Bloom was pretty upset. Featherweight left after that. I wonder where he is.

We all walked around the inside of the house to see what all happened. Maple woods said it seemed like the fire was stopped before it got downstairs. That's good. We went upstairs to see how it looked. It didn't look good. Maple Woods picked up a bit of cloth and suddenly seemed a bit worried. He explained it was a gift from Ocean Breeze's grandma to Ocean Breeze as a baby, a baby blanket. He took it with him, and explained that she passed a way a couple years ago. I'll have to remember to grab my scooter, locket and snowglobe if anything ever happens. I don't want to lose them!

Featherweight met up with us again just as we were leaving what was left of the house. He said that his dad told him they could set up the spare rooms and Ocean Breeze and Cherry Tart could stay with them until the house got taken care of. Apple Bloom was very excited. Ocean Breeze seemed a bit upset and said they didn't have to do that for him, but Featherweight insisted.

How sweet of him. He always surprises me with how nice he is. He left the moment he heard they might not have a place in town to stay just to see if he could help them out.

Ocean Breeze is pretty upset about losing most of his grandma's blanket, but he said he wants to keep what's left. It's special to him. I totally understand. I wish somepony could have saved it from the fire... It's really too bad.


It's kind of weird seeing Ocean Breeze when I go to visit Featherweight. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's kind of weird being all cuddly with Featherweight when there's one other pony there. I've gotten to talk with Ocean Breeze more often, though. He's still somewhat shaken, but he's not like he was.

I see several ponies working on Ocean Breeze's house. They're working pretty quick. They already have the frame all rebuilt. Cherry Tart has been helping plan the rebuild. She is a pretty talented handypony. She has been working hooves-on with the construction team. She seems pretty good at everything she does. She said it comes with being a lifetime foalsitter. She said you learn to do a lot of different things.

Ocean Breeze went to help out. He said he knows how to work with wood, so he figures he might as well help out, too, leaving after saying "It is my house..." He may still be upset, but he's handling the situation better than I would have.

Featherweight and I went to see if they needed anything. We brought them some lemonade and some snacks (Berry Punch gave us some treats for free for them. She said it was just awful what happened.) Everypony thanked us and said they didn't need any help. Mom was helping work on the walls. She said she feels bad that her weather did this to somepony in town. It wasn't really her fault, but I guess I can understand. It's nice of her either way. Dad was also helping haul wood and rock and stuff to the house after he got off work.

Apple Bloom has been at Ocean Breeze's old house helping move tools and things all day. She is still very upset this happened to her coltfriend's house. I think we're all still upset. That's nature, though.


Diamond Tiara really played up the fake concern today. She was hanging all over Ocean Breeze. I sympathize with how uncomfortable he looked. She said Rainbow Dash was worthless for not making sure it rained before lightning struck. Ocean Breeze got upset and said it wasn't the pegasi's fault. I'm glad he said something, because I would've if he hadn't.

Once she found out her act wasn't working, she turned into the bratty Diamond Tiara we all know and hate on the playground. She said if he was going to treat her like that then it served him right that his house burned down. I wanted to knock that smirk off her face, but we had to go inside. Silver Spoon even backed away after she said that, I think she was embarrassed. I was angry all afternoon, and she didn't even say anything to me!

I caught up with Ocean Breeze after school and asked if he was alright. He said he was upset, but that he would get over it. I told him that it was Diamond Tiara being Diamond Tiara. He said he knows, and that what he still meant what said before: she'll be all alone when she gets older.

Ocean Breeze spent the afternoon with Apple Bloom. Pipsqueak, Sweetie Belle, Featherweight and I went with Cherry Tart to help pick out paint. We got Ocean Breeze's favorite green for the walls in his room. His room is almost finished, so we're going to help paint it this week. The building crew has worked really fast on the house, and they've done a really nice job. I guess that when you have twenty carpenter ponies working on a house, it gets done pretty quick.


We helped paint Ocean Breeze's room today! We all signed our names in paint. Painting the room was fun! Cherry Tart took Ocean Breeze downtown, so he doesn't know his room is being painted. It's going to be a cool surprise! Sweetie Belle's back is all green after I accidentally dropped my paintbrush. She looks really funny!

None of us got our cutie marks in painting, but at least we had a lot of fun! The room looks great! The moving ponies are bringing in his furniture and then we're going to close the door and surprise him this evening! It's going to be so fun!

Ocean Breeze was so happy with the room! He said we did a "fantastic job" and that we were "the best friends a pony could have!" His new room looks so nice. I never actually saw his old room, but his new one looks great! He almost cried when he saw that we had made a special shadow box for what was left of his grandma's blanket. Miss Cherry Tart gave us a picture of him and his grandma to use as the background. He said it was a wonderful gift.

The house should be done by next week. Mom and some of the carpenter pegasi are already working on the roof. It looks good as new from the outside (except that it hasn't been painted yet.) The inside walls are almost done, and the ceilings aren't all finished yet, and the windows aren't in in some of the rooms, either, but it's almost done!


Ocean Breeze invited us to his house after school. He showed us how it looked, now that it was all finished. He thanked Featherweight and said it was very generous of him to offer to take in him and Cherry Tart. He said if he ever needed anything, just to ask.

He also thanked all of us for helping with the house, and said that his room looked great, and he loved the gift. His parents are coming to town this weekend to see the house.

Featherweight and I spent the evening in the clouds, now that all the work is finished on the house. We relaxed and watched the view as the sun set and the lights came on across town. Ponyville looks beautiful at night.

We headed to my house after it got dark, and talked with Mom and Dad. Mom says she's happy the house is done, but she's still embarrassed that lightning caused a fire on her schedule. It's not like it was her fault!


Tucked into the page is a picture of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash flying side by side, and another picture of Scootaloo upside down in a cartwheel position in the air.

This morning, Maple Woods came and thanked Mom, Dad and me for helping get the house back into living shape. Sandy Shores gave us a strawberry cheesecake. She told me that she made the strawberry cheesecake specially for me, since I like strawberries so much.

After I got up and moving around, I went to spend time with Featherweight. I got there just before Ocean Breeze and his parents came to visit. They thanked Shutter Speed for housing their son and foalsitter for the last couple of weeks. They offered to pay him for his troubles, but he refused. They brought him a couple pies and a cake, as well.

We spent the afternoon just goofing around. After a couple hours we went to visit Fluttershy and Shooting Star. We fed the chickens and rabbits and talked with them for a while. Fluttershy said she was really worried about Ocean Breeze and Cherry Tart, but said she wasn't really the type of pony who could be too helpful rebuilding a house. She said she did bring the workers some food, and she helped repaint the outside walls.

Shooting Star just got back to town. He found out last night what happened. He said he was very happy everypony was okay. We spent a while outside drinking tea and talking about what happened. It really has been quite a busy couple of weeks. I really hope nothing like this happens again, it was really scary.

I spent the afternoon practicing flying tricks with mom. Featherweight watched and took pictures. I did a cartwheel! I was so excited! I haven't learned any new tricks in a while, but I did this on my second try!

I can't wait for school tomorrow! I'm going to show my friends my new trick. I practiced it several times after I did it!

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