• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Everything Changes (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Parachute - Forever and Always

Okay, so one:

This was, how do you say... long overdue? I should have never got myself into a big project while I'm dealing with, now, two and a half jobs, and a few other personal things.

Two: As of now, the Ask Featherweight is pretty much frozen due to lack of audience interest.

Three: I am without an editor once more, so the second half of this is still unedited. I don't know where my editor went.

Four: I have NO idea when the next section will be up, and I am always nervous about quality of these at this point, because I have set expectations I always fear I won't meet. I have not abandoned this, but I have a lot of catching up to do. I've seen a whole one episode of Season 4. Such is life.

My dearest apologies for those who have been waiting hopefully for new updates. I appreciate all your interest, and I am sorry it took so long. I also apologize I can't make promises, but I do still have interest in continuing. I have yet to finish addressing Season 2 in the entries, and it will come in time. After that I have to catch up on Season 3 before I continue the canon plot lines.


The new year is here! I spent the night with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom in the clubhouse. Several of our other friends were over until the new year began. Big Mac and Applejack walked everypony else home. Over the rest of the night we found out that we aren't drummers (although I still think I did a pretty good job. Sweetie Belle couldn't understand what I was saying afterwards, though. Maybe I was too loud?)

It's been a pretty slow couple of weeks. Class starts again, soon. I'm kind of ready to go back, but I still wish I could spend more time with Featherweight, he's still having troubles dealing with his dad's relationship. He's handling it better, but he's still nervous about becoming second colt. I've told him so many times that he's ridiculous, but he's just, well, Featherweight.

I sat next to Featherweight during class on the first day back. I didn't want him to think that things would be different just because class has started again. He seems a bit, I don't know, broken? I haven't seen him second guess himself like this in a long time.

I talked with Featherweight and his dad again. While I was there, Jasmine Tea and Pipsqueak came to visit. Pipsqueak and his mom talked with Featherweight for a while. We think we have him calming down a lot more, now. Shutter Speed told Featherweight that the weekends will be for him and work. Featherweight told his dad he doesn't need time specially set aside. He said he just needs to get used to his new life. Nothing's even set in stone yet, they've only been together for a few months. I'm not saying things are going to fall apart, but he's acting like Shutter Speed didn't tell him about this until they got married.


School is the same old same old. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon still tease (though they seem nicer compared to before). Sweetie Belle still knows all the answers. Everything's the same as before. At recess, Pipsqueak hung out with Featherweight, so Ocean Breeze helped Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and me come up with more ideas for our cutie marks. I don't even know how to be an invester investor. Whatever, we have a few ideas we'll have to try out sometime.

We're on our way to Poneapolis to visit Shooting Star. He got attacked by a tiger when he was helping rescue animals from an illegal pet black market. We don't know anything about how he's doing. His friend River Moss sent an overnight letter to Fluttershy. We got on the first train after we heard. Fluttershy is terrified. I'm worried to, I really hope he's alright, but it doesn't sound good.

We just got into Poneapolis. We're in the waiting room. As much as I hate being here, Fluttershy is a wreck, so I really think somepony should be here to be with her. Mom and Dad are talking to the receptionist. Featherweight and I have been sitting with Fluttershy, trying to keep her calm.

Shooting Star says he was lucky, and that he made a "rookie mistake." He looks rough, but he said it could have been far worse. He told us that he opened the cage for the tiger, and its roar startled him enough he let down his guard.


Featherweight seems a bit shaken up by Shooting Star. He says that Fluttershy and Shooting Star have been wonderful friends, and seeing Shooting Star in this shape really upsets him. I have to admit, he has a lot of bandages, but I guess his attitude makes it easier for me to deal with. Shooting Star told me he's been through much worse. When Fluttershy told us he was hurt, I was pretty worried. I found out yesterday when I got home. Fluttershy was balled up on the couch next to Mom. Mom told me we were going out of town for the weekend, and explained what was going on. Featherweight told Mom to wait at the station for him, that he was going to tell his dad what happened.

I guess now that thing shave calmed down a bit I have time to process what happened. He really is lucky. Shooting Star said that he almost lost his back right leg freeing dragons once. He said that if he hadn't been in animal rescue for so long, he would have never started after meeting Fluttershy. Fluttershy and him talked about what happened, and she says his job is his job, if this is what he's happy doing, she'll be worried, but she's not going to stop him. I don't know, if this happened to Featherweight, he'd be out of a job the next day. Maybe that has something to do with growing up, but right now I don't see myself letting Featherweight put himself in danger to do a job.

We're on our way back to town so we can make it back to class. I feel a lot better now that I know Shooting Star is going to be fine. Fluttershy said she would coming back later, so we left her and Shooting Star at the hospital and got on a train back to town. I always hoped to visit Poneapolis, but I didn't want it to be for such a scary reason. Featherweight has been really close to me ever since we heard the news. Just what he needs, one more thing to worry him. He says he's okay, just a bit shaken up.

I told Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom what happened. Sweetie Belle was really freaked out, but they're both happy Shooting Star is okay. Dad says he's impressed with how well I handled the hospital. I guess I was just so surprised by how quickly everything was going on it didn't click. I mean, I remember getting upset a couple of times, but it wasn't all that bad.


Pipsqueak and Featherweight invited us all to Sugar Cube Corner, but we all kind of agreed to give them time with each other, it's still a new situation for them. I mean, I don't know how I'd handle a new sister (not like Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, but like, a sister sister). They do take to each other like brothers, though, now that Featherweight is feeling better about everything. I figured they would. Before we found out what was going on, they got along great.

Maybe not. We met up with them after a while. Our attempts at being wrestlers mainly ended up in us getting hurt, so we gave up on that. The four of us sat at a different table and let them chat. Ocean Breeze paid for our stuff again, one of these days I'm going to bop him, and I told Apple Bloom that just because he's her coltfriend doesn't mean I won't.

I was so busy over winter break I kind of forgot what it feels like on school days. I hate having to go home so early.


I wonder how Shooting Star is doing, and how Fluttershy is dealing with what happened. It could have been worse, but still, a bit of my thoughts are still on the other day. I hope that we hear some good news, soon.


Shooting Star and Fluttershy came home today. They said he was in good enough condition to be moved to Ponyville Hospital. He still has to stay in the hospital though. Fluttershy seems a bit shyer than usual (if that's possible). She says he's feeling better, but she still seems upset. He says this will be a "lesson hard learned". He says he should have had somepony else who could shield him in case he was stunned. He says he was reckless and feels guilty about scaring Fluttershy so bad.

I think it's sweet the way they are with each other. Fluttershy seems honestly worried, and he seems honestly guilty. Fluttershy went to feed the animals, and Shooting Star told me he feels terrible for upsetting her so much. He told me he was happy to see me dealing with the hospital so well, which reminded me of where I was, which got me nervous, but really, I don't feel nearly as upset as I used to. Maybe I'm growing up. I knew I was tough and cool, just like Mom! Nothing scares me!

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