• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Complete Discord (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Kirby Air Ride (Multiple composers) - TAC Challenge

I'm bringing back the Foal Free Press... which is to say, I somehow went through like 200 entries without ever addressing Featherweight's job at FFP. No one ever mentioned it so I didn't think about it. It came to me one night that it's probably something to talk about. I will probably go back and add in some things about FFP here and there. I am of the mind that it's probably something that the crew works on throughout the week and releases every Thursday. It just sounds right in my head. The picture Featherweight brought would be for the Thursday release. I figured Scoots would probably get to preview the paper in advance since Featherweight would have things laying around. I have ideas of things to add, I just need to do it. (As noted, Diamond Tiara no longer prints, she is totally done with such lowly things as being a mere member of the FFP.)


Mom and her friends are waiting for Princess Celestia today, I wonder what's going on. Maybe I'll find out after school.

At recess, today, Featherweight and I flew around and stretched out our wings. We talked for a while, and he says his dad has another gallery in a couple of weeks, and wondered if I wanted to help put up the pictures, again. Sounds like fun. I really like his dad's pictures, he's really good.

I don't understand. Apparently Princess Celestia wants Fluttershy to make Discord a "good" creature. Has she gone crazy? Doesn't she remember what happened last time he was out? I hope this doesn't end in disaster...

Really... Fluttershy... Featherweight and I just don't get it. Fluttershy? What's Fluttershy going to do? We can't stop thinking about it after what happened last time. He told me that when Discord attacked last time, he was trapped in a room in his house with no doors, and couldn't get out. He said he was really freaked out and lonely. I can imagine. I really hope Celestia knows what she's doing, and I hope Fluttershy can do it, whatever it is she is doing.

Mom says Discord kicked Shooting Star out, and he's so angry he left for Phillydelphia for a couple of days. Apparently he wants no part of Discord. He said he's worried about Fluttershy, but knows there's nothing he can do. Mom says she's never seen Shooting Star so angry. He apparently said some pretty bad things about Celestia, calling her a "reckless fool." That's a pretty bad thing to say about the Princess, but I really don't get what she's doing.


I went to talk to Featherweight today, and he was home alone. He said he didn't know where his dad was. He figured he was out getting groceries or something.

We played a few games, and I invited him to come with me to hang out with the Crusaders. We're going to try trampoline jumping. I don't really know what you can do to be a "trampoline" pony, but Apple Bloom said it sounds like fun.

I really hope that bird is okay. Poor Sweetie Belle's got a welt on her face.

Mom says Fluttershy's house is spinning in circles, floating in the air. I really don't think this is going to end well.

Featherweight walked away when Mom started talking about Discord. He says he still has nightmares sometimes about being trapped alone.

Mom had to go to a dinner party with that thing. This doesn't sound good.

Sweet Apple Acres is totally flooded! I wanted to go help Apple Bloom, but Dad told me to stay here, because he was afraid it had to do with Discord, and he doesn't want me getting hurt. What about Apple Bloom?

I swear I saw Sweet Apple Acres under ice. This must be Discord. Featherweight and I went to his house, he said he didn't want to be reminded of what was going on.

Mom says Discord "is fixed." Whatever that means. I don't believe it, and Featherweight said he doesn't trust Discord for a minute. If he has turned good, I'm happy, but I don't think I will ever believe it.


Apple Bloom says that everything is back to normal, and the trees are in full bloom. Maybe something good happened, after all. I still don't know.

We're going to try hang gliding, today. I can already fly, I don't really know how hang gliding is going to be anything special for me.

Well, it was fun, but we're not really hang gliding professionals, we all got stuck in trees. Mom and I had to get Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle out. Featherweight says we need to try something less dangerous "like bungee jumping, or something." Not a bad idea.

Featherweight told me he was joking, that he thought that was a terrible idea. I don't know, that could be pretty cool. He suggested we do pinball. He said he always liked pinball, even if he wasn't too good at it. Doesn't sound quite as exciting, but who knows?

Well, we played pinball for two hours, and nothing is happening. We're not very good, really. Featherweight said he's terrible at pinball, but then he beat all of our scores. I told him this and he said it was because he had more practice. Are we really worse than terrible?

Of course Pinkie Pie would have the things to go bungee jumping "in case of a bungee jump emergency." Really, "bungee jump" and "emergency" are words I don't want to hear together, especially just before doing this. Are we crazy?

Well, that was fun, but pretty scary. I had to fight flying the whole time. Featherweight said he couldn't watch when I went for a jump. Pinkie Pie was having way too much fun (like that's news.)

We didn't get our cutie marks. Too bad, that would've been really cool. I tried to get Featherweight to do it, he said there was no way. Too bad, it's really pretty fun.

Featherweight and I went back to his house. His dad wasn't home again. He said he's kind of worried, he says his dad has been gone several times this week, without him knowing where he went. His dad always comes home and says everything is okay, but Featherweight is worried.

His dad came home, he seemed happy enough, I wonder what's up. He told Featherweight to relax. He said nothing was wrong, that he just had stuff to do. Featherweight said he feels like his dad is avoiding him for some reason. I don't know why, but I am afraid Featherweight is going to get all worried, again.


On the back of the previous page is a jotted list of things to do, including "darts," "sand sculptures," and "mountain climbing," among other ideas.

Sweetie Belle brought in Rarity again this year. I don't get why, she has other family in town, but she always brings Rarity.

Featherweight got a picture of me bungee jumping for the Foal Free Press this week. I really look kind of cool (or crazy, maybe both.) Diamond Tiara complained that ever since she left the Foal Free Press it's been "boring junk" and "Featherweight writing stupid lovey-dovey drivel about his stupid fillyfriend." Featherweight does seem to write about me a lot, but he does see me a lot, too. He did write about Rarity's new line of clothes and Berry Punch's big fruit sale, too, so it's not like he only writes about me.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I are trying to come up with awesome new ideas, again. We're going to figure this out, soon. We just have to! We've been trying things for years, now. It has to happen eventually... right?

Featherweight and I went to visit Fluttershy. Shooting Star was back in town, he said he was "relieved" that Fluttershy was okay, but he still thought Princess Celestia was crazy. He said he worried the whole time he was gone that something would happen to Fluttershy, but that he didn't want to stick around and feel useless. Fluttershy seemed pretty embarrassed that she let Discord just kick him out, but she said she had a job from the Princess. She has a point, but I don't know, I still feel like something's up with Discord. Featherweight said he will never believe that Discord can be "anything close to 'good.'"


Tucked inside is an article from the Foal Free Press
"Building Who We Are At Home

by Featherweight (FFP Editor-In-Chief)

It is time once more for Family Appreciation Day at Ponyville Elementary. The lives of our young foals owe much to their parents and siblings. 'Rarity is a big part of who I am today.' Sweetie Belle, student, informs the Foal Free Press, 'without her, I'd don't know who I'd be.'

Ponyville's greatest fashionista had plenty to tell the class, plenty. 'Greens and browns are fantastic together, but don't go too drab, or you'll end up looking so plain and boring. Accent your neutrals with something magnifique!' The class was given a variety of tips on how to improve their fashion, be they filly or colt, 'never ever wear black dress coats with blue slacks!' It is clear that Ms. Rarity has a passion and a knack for her art.

'One day I'm going to be just like my big sister!' Sweetie Belle insists. She shared several of her own designs exclusively with a small group including this writer. She has a good start, and maybe one day she will inherit her sister's title as Ponyville's Queen of Fashion."

I walked to school with Featherweight this morning, it's getting chilly. It's not chilly every day, but some mornings, especially, it can be cold. Featherweight had on his sweater. It's not snow weather, yet, but it feels like it's getting close.

Pipsqueak brought in his mom for Family Appreciation Day, today. She talked about work on a boat. She showed a picture of her next to the big huge crates they have. They have to have teams of several ponies to pull them, even when they're lifted by cranes at the docks. They're gigantic!

Diamond Tiara said Pipsqueak must be pretty embarrassed that both his parents have "simple labor jobs" and that they "moved here to work as grunts." Poor Pipsqueak was quiet most of recess. I wanted to knock Diamond Tiara in the dirt, but Miss Cheerilee was watching.

Diamond Tiara had to stay after school today for making fun of Pipsqueak. Serves her right. I was the last one outside today, so I heard that she had to stay after class for an hour.

My friends and I all went to Sugarcube Corner. Featherweight's dad was there and called us over. He was there getting some treats ordered for the opening of his gallery, and got to talking with Jasmine Tea. She was there getting some scones, and ran into Shutter Speed. Pipsqueak was still pretty quiet, but his mom asked him what was going on and he explained.

She called Diamond Tiara "that gabby tart with more money than sense" and we all laughed. Pipsqueak started to cheer up. Featherweight and Shutter Speed went to figure out what to order for the gallery while Pipsqueak's mom bought us all a snack. I bought my own, because I know that Jasmine Tea doesn't have a lot of money, she has to take care of herself and Pipsqueak on a dock worker's salary. It was tough to convince her not to buy me anything, but I didn't want her to spend more money on me. I may not have been in Port Mane for a while, but I know it's not the best paying job. Papa used to buy treats for the dock workers he knew after work. He said they usually had nothing more than a sandwich for lunch, and he always felt like they could use a pick-me-up.

Featherweight and I went to his house afterward. He said he and his dad picked out some nice treats for the gallery. I never realized there was so much work that went into setting up a gallery. Shutter Speed came home after a while and said the gallery would be cleaned out and ready for pictures in a couple of days. Featherweight looked excited. He said that the last gallery was a big success. Apparently they sold a lot of pictures. Shutter Speed said "it looks like it'll be a good Hearth's Warming this year." Featherweight told him he didn't need to spend a single bit and almost looked upset. He told me he always feels bad on Hearth's Warming Day because he can't afford to get his dad a gift without spending his dad's money. His dad laughed and said "You're my son, that's how it works." Featherweight blushed and sighed.

Featherweight walked me home and told me that this year he planned on saving up money by helping with jobs around town. He said he already had about seven bits, which isn't a lot, but it's not bad for somepony as young as us. I think I may try to talk to Mom and Dad about if we can help him get his dad a gift without feeling like that. Odds are he'd be upset if he got money from us, too, though. There's no winning.

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