• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Who Am I? (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

As It Is - Cheap Shots and Setbacks

WARNING: Explicit Lyrics


A picture of Scootaloo carrying a terrified Diamond Tiara in the air, and a picture of Diamond Tiara alone in the air with her legs blurred, as if she was flailing around are both tucked into this page.

That was so fun! Everypony thought my new trick was so cool! Well, everypony except Diamond Tiara, as usual. I think it really annoyed her that I didn't pay attention to what she said. I was too busy talking with my friends to listen to her rude remarks. I'd like to see her try.

Hahaha! Featherweight agreed to help me mess with Diamond Tiara. I picked her up and flew her up into the air and told her to try my tricks if she thought they were so easy. She looked so funny spiraling and flailing her legs around! Featherweight caught her before she hit the ground and set her down safely. I'm only kind of happy about that. After all, if she'd gotten hurt, I could've gotten in trouble.

Diamond Tiara, of course, took the whole thing as a chance to say we were the two most useless ponies in Equestria, and she said she wishes we would both just disappear forever. She ranted on about how we're perfect for each other because neither of our parents wanted us, and we would both never be worth the ground she walked on. It hurt a bit, but we were both too busy laughing at the whole thing. Featherweight even got a photo before he caught her.

Mom found out about what happened, and she said I shouldn't be making things worse with Diamond Tiara, but it was hard to take her seriously, since she kept laughing. She said if Diamond Tiara had been hurt, I could have been in big trouble. However, she had the goofiest grin on her face.

I showed Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom the photos Featherweight took, they thought it was so funny! We put a copy of the picture of her flailing around on a shelf in the clubhouse.


Featherweight went out of town with his dad this weekend, so I've been spending time with Fluttershy and Shooting Star, today. I talked to them a lot about Featherweight, and eventually asked how the two of them met.

Shooting Star had just moved to town, and he bumped into her at a café near Rarity's. He had just bought breakfast when he saw her leaving the Carousel Boutique. He went up to talk to her because she looked nervous, so he thought she might be new to town.

According to Shooting Star, "she didn't really say anything for a while, except these funny squeaks," so he felt like he was just upsetting her and began to walk away.

Rarity saw Fluttershy was still outside, and asked her who he was. Fluttershy said she didn't know, and so Rarity called him back over. Shooting Star came back over to talk to the two of them, and Rarity talked for Fluttershy, basically.

Shooting Star explained to Rarity that he figured she might be new to town based on how shy she was. Rarity told him that she had lived in this town for years, that she was just really shy. Shooting Star told Rarity he thought that was cute, and invited Fluttershy out for coffee. Rarity said yes for her, since she still wasn't talking.

"After a couple of awkward meetings, mainly staring," she began to talk, a bit. Shooting Star said he learned that she worked with animals, and was very excited, since he had worked a couple of years, helping a veterinarian friend of his. Once he told her that, she began to be (a bit) more comfortable talking to him.

The whole time Shooting Star was telling the story, Fluttershy was bright red. Shooting Star didn't help matters when he said that she's adorable when she blushes.

Fluttershy told her side of the story, too. Most of it was the same, except that she said she only went to see him again because Rarity encouraged her. For some reason, when I hear this, I think of Rarity pushing Fluttershy across town. It's a funny picture.

A drawing of Rarity pushing a freaked out, stiff as a board Fluttershy takes up most of the rest of the page.

We spent the rest of the evening caring for the animals and just talking. Now I wonder how Mom met Dad.


Mom and Dad are both off today, so I asked how they met. Mom says she saw this new pony in town, hauling his stuff into a house. She didn't think much of it, until she saw his signed picture of him with the Wonderbolts. She asked him about it and he explained he had seen and met them a couple of times.

She helped him move in, and they talked for a while. She asked him if he wanted to go eat somewhere, and he agreed. They talked for a while, and Mom challenged him to a race. He agreed, and "lost miserably," (according to Mom) but she said he was "the fastest unicorn" she'd ever raced.

Dad asked if she wanted to meet again sometime, and they started spending more and more time together. Eventually Mom decided to take me in, and asked Dad if he would help take care of me if she adopted me, saying that I was going to be with he a lot if she did.

Apparently Mom and Dad had talked about my situation before, and they both felt concerned. Dad offered to take me in, since I couldn't really fly up to her house at the time, and asked if she wanted to move in.

She said she didn't want to get rid of her house, but that she would consider it, and after a couple of days, she moved in some of her stuff and started living in his house part of the time.

I really am thankful they took me in, even today. I may take it for granted, sometimes, but I can't imagine how life would have been if they hadn't. Fluttershy is nice, and all, but I would have never learned to fly like I have, and I probably would have gone crazy with how quiet it is. It's okay to visit from time to time, but every day it's awful.


Featherweight brought me a patch for my saddlebag from Starshine's Peak. His dad took him to the town where he found Featherweight. Featherweight seemed a bit upset. I'm guessing he didn't find anything new out.

I was right, at recess I asked him what was wrong, he said he traveled all the way to where Shutter Speed found him and learned nothing new about his parents. I keep thinking he's past this, but I guess not. Like I said before, I don't know how I would be in the same situation, so I guess I understand...

I took Featherweight out to Sugarcube Corner and got us both a treat. I talked with him for a while to try and cheer him up, but he never was back to his usual self. He said he felt let down, even though he wasn't expecting much.

We went to Mom's house and watched the clouds for a while. He didn't talk much. I'm a bit concerned. He said he'll get over it in time, but that he just needs time to think. It worries me, though.

I gave Featherweight a big hug and told him things would be okay either way, and he smiled, finally. I wish he would let go of this. His parents probably wouldn't recognize him if they saw him, and since he doesn't know anything about them, either, what's the point? I mean, I understand him wanting to know, but where can he even start if everything he's done hasn't worked?


Featherweight came to Dad's house, crying, after school. He said he was talking with Pipsqueak when Diamond Tiara overheard him talking about wanting to find his parents. She told him that even if he did find them, they wouldn't want anything to do with him. She said if they abandoned him in the first place, they would never want to know him.

He was very upset. I wanted to find her and drop her from the sky again, but this time without anypony to catch her. What a pile of rotten apples. She's such a terrible filly.

It took everything I had to help cheer up Featherweight. Mom and Dad even had to help. He was just so quiet and wouldn't talk much, at all. I've been cuddled up to him all afternoon. We all kept telling him that he would be okay, and that he had a very loving dad who would do anything for him.

By the time I brought him home, he was feeling a bit better, but he was still quite upset. I talked to his dad after he went inside and told him what happened. He's not happy, and he's quite worried.


Page is lightly dotted with tears.

I spent the day watching Featherweight. I didn't hear anything Miss Cheerilee said. He's still staring a lot, and not himself. I just don't know what to do! I feel so worthless. I can't even cheer up my coltfriend.

At recess he told me he wants to find his parents, but doesn't know what to do. I told him if he ran off, I don't know if I could take it. He said he wouldn't ever leave. He said first off, he doesn't know where he'd go, second, Diamond Tiara was probably right, and third, he couldn't do that to his dad or me or any of his friends.

I'm glad he is still reasonable, even if he's upset... but I am angry that he said Diamond Tiara is probably right for two reasons, she doesn't know what in Tartarus she's talking about, and even him just saying she's right about anything makes me angry. She's not worth the dirt he walks on.

Featherweight said he was very upset just before recess, because he saw me trying not to cry. He said he felt so guilty. I wanted to tell him it wasn't about him, but nopony would've believed me. I told him I just hated seeing him so upset, and that I hoped he would feel better, soon.

Cherry Tart is taking Ocean Breeze, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Featherweight, Pipsqueak and me to Port Mane this weekend. We're going to go on a ride in Ocean Breeze's parents' boat. Maybe we can cheer Featherweight up, then.


We just made it to Port Mane, Featherweight is already a bit happier than he was this week at school. We spent most of the walk talking about how annoying Diamond Tiara was. It's always funny when Ocean Breeze speaks his mind, because he just says, he doesn't care. He said she was about as useful as the junk left over in the fireplace. Then he began talking about how much he hates cleaning the fireplace. It must be a new chore Cherry Tart has given him, because she began to laugh.

I really like riding on boats. It's so relaxing. Apple Bloom isn't having so much fun, though. She's a bit sick. I think she's seasick. She's trying to make the best of it, though. Cherry Tart gave her some tea that she said "clears seasickness right up" and now she's better than she was.

Featherweight keeps looking off into the water. I haven't really left his side all day. He brought up how much being called "abandoned" upsets him, and I want him to know that he has somepony who cares about him. I can't imagine how he feels...

I took everypony to visit Miss Golden Posey while we were in town. She gave everypony a daffodil to snack on from her collection of stems she cut too short. We got to see the flower gardens, and we all tried making bouquets. I'm definitely not very good. I probably did better when I was little. Miss Golden Posey said they were beautiful bouquets. She must have just been trying to be nice, because I knocked half the petals off the flowers I put together.

Featherweight took me to visit my parents and Auntie Raincloud's graves. He seemed upset the whole time. I am pretty sure I know why. I told him we didn't have to be here, if it was going to make him upset. He told me that it was important for me to get to remember my parents. I gave him a hug and told him that we should get back to the group. I don't want him to keep thinking about his parents right now. I want him to be back like he has been. He told me it will pass in time, but it's not passing fast enough. I hate to see him like this!

I talked with Featherweight and his dad about how he's been lately. I told him he's really worrying me. His dad told him he needs to try and cheer up, because no matter what, he loves "that little colt" he's "known since he couldn't even walk." Featherweight began to cry, which made me cry. I hugged him tight and told him I loved him, and that I wanted him to feel better, soon.

We finally got him calmed down, and he started to return back to the good old Featherweight. We just kept reminding him that he had people here who loved him, and not to worry about what Diamond Tiara said.

I've never been happier to see somepony smile. Just before I left, I showed him his picture of Diamond Tiara falling, and I got him to laugh, it was one of the best sounds I've heard in a long time. It was one of the best feelings I've felt in a long time.

I told Mom and Dad about Featherweight and they said just to keep reminding him he's not alone. I won't stop until he's feeling better. I know how it feels to be alone, and I don't want anypony (well, except maybe Diamond Tiara) to feel like that...

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