• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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A Weight Is Lifted (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

He Is We - All About Us


This will seem strange, but Pinkie Pie was everywhere today! Not like... she was crazy like usual, but there were lots and lots of... her...? Them? Oh gee, more than one Pinkie Pie?

After school, there was a stampede... of Pinkie Pie...s? I brought a cloud down low enough, and flew Featherweight and me up into the sky, we didn't even want to know what was going on. We were exhausted just seeing all the Pinkie Pies.

We were worried with all the hopping and jumping and... general Pinkie Pie things that he could hurt his wing. It's the first time we've been in the clouds together in a couple weeks.

I had a great time chatting with Featherweight, and I felt really good to be up in the clouds with him again. He said he really has missed flying, even though he was more concerned about just getting the stuff off. He said the thoughts of flying aren't nearly as frustrating as not being able to stretch and move his wings in general.


I waited outside the hospital for Featherweight to finish his checkup this morning. He is still healing very well! The doctor said he may be able to have his cast off a week early, but he still won't be able to fly for that last week. Nurse Redcross said it was too soon to see for sure, but that if he continues to take care of his wing so well, he should be fine.

Featherweight said he's going to spend some time with his dad this weekend, so I won't be seeing him much this weekend. I hope he's going to be okay. His dad is a good pony, though, he'll take care of Featherweight.

I spent time with Sweetie Belle, this afternoon. We spent time cleaning up the clubhouse. It was quite a mess. It looks brand new, now! Applejack even helped us repaint the outside! No more chips in the paint!

Apple Bloom caught up with us after a little while. She was with Ocean Breeze getting things for our Harvest Day float. We're going to make a big pumpkin! Ocean Breeze said he and Cherry Tart have to leave for Port Mane the week of the parade. It's too bad he'll miss it, but Featherweight will probably take lots of pictures.


I have been reading up on how to make floats, I'm going to get the float moving this week. This is fun! I like getting to work with these gears and pieces.

Twilight helped me figure out how to get the wheels working. She said she had just read a book on making this stuff the other day. She was studying parades and history and blah blah blah. It was nice of her to help out, but I know more about the history of parades now than I really wanted to know.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are decorating, and even though Pipsqueak didn't want to ride in the floats, he's helping out, too. Pipsqueak said he'd rather cheer us on. Featherweight won't be on the float, either said he wants to get some good photos, and "besides, it's the Cutie Mark Crusaders float."

I got to talk to Featherweight for a little while this evening. He says he's doing fine. I told him I missed talking to him today. He said I need to spend time with my other friends, too. He said he heard Sweetie Belle talking about how she and Apple Bloom missed spending time as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I'm going to have to start having a day every now and then, just us three. I didn't realize they felt like that.


School today was more talk about the parade coming up, as if Twilight didn't talk my ear off the other day. I'm still excited, though. The pumpkin looks so cool!

This is the last major harvest before fall begins, so it's a big deal. We celebrate for a day, and then all the farmponies get to work for the winter months. We live close enough to Port Mane that food isn't too expensive if we don't have enough from town, but it's still a big event.

Actually, it's gotten pretty cold a couple times already, and fall doesn't even start for another couple of weeks. I mean, Ponyville isn't really known for getting too hot, but it has been chilly a couple times.

We get next week off. So many ponies have family in the parade, and they all help with their floats, that Miss Cheerilee decided we don't have school the week of the parade.

At recess, we told some of the other ponies we made a float. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came over and said I was lying for attention. She said she wouldn't believe us until she saw our float. I hope she doesn't find it before the parade, she could mess it all up!

Featherweight came to look at the float, and said it looks fantastic! He said he was amazed that it worked like a real float! I feel so proud of myself for getting it to work!

Pipsqueak, Ocean Breeze, and Featherweight, Twist, and Dinky helped us finish painting the float, and get everything into place. Next week is the big event!

I got in a bit of flight practice with mom this evening. She told me that just because Featherweight is grounded doesn't mean I should be letting myself get rusty. I haven't flown as much as I used to, because I don't really have anypony to fly with. Too bad Blazemane lives too far away, and my other friends from Camp are even father.

I definitely am slower than I used to be, I need to practice my form again.


Featherweight has to go to the hospital at recess, it's his last checkup before they maybe take his wrap off. He still won't be able to fly for a week, but at least he will be able to stretch his wings. He has to go in all of next week (except the day of the parade) to work his wings out and build up his strength, again.

At recess, Sweetie Bell, Apple Bloom and I decided what else we could get our cutie marks for. We think it'd be really cool to get them before the parade, and show them off from the float!

Featherweight says if everything goes well, they'll take the wrap off in two days! They did a bit of exercise with him to see how he was doing, and said he should be fine. They said his wing is mostly healed, that they want to keep it on for a couple more days, just in case, but that by next week, he should be ready to get himself flying, again.

Featherweight went to Fluttershy's. He said he would meet me later, that I should spend time with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. He told me he heard us talking about getting our marks before the parade and said this afternoon was a perfect time to give it a shot.

Dad had to help us out. We're not ribbon dancers, and we made a huge knot, and by knot, I mean, including us... Dad suggested we try something that wouldn't make a big mess. I don't think he meant to, but Sweetie Belle seemed upset when she heard that. Dad apologized, but I think it stuck with her. After Dad left, Sweetie Belle said she still hears enough of that at home. She says Rarity is still always saying all she does is make messes. She said it's not as bad as it used to be, but she still feels like nothing other than a clumsy pony who will never get her cutie mark.

I know she's wrong about that, but she won't ever listen to me. She may be a bit clumsy, but she's the nicest filly I know. She will get her cutie mark, one day. She said she didn't feel like trying anything else this afternoon, so we went inside. I felt bad for her. Dad felt bad, too. He talked to me after they left and said he didn't mean to make her so upset. I told him that Rarity is always on her about making messes and he seemed disappointed. I told him things would be okay, but he still looked embarrassed.

I'm getting back into flying correctly. I was a lot faster today, once I started thinking about what Miss Winter Winds told me, and I did what she said, and I picked up my speed quite a bit!

Featherweight came to show me his new pet, Dart the Hummingbird. She's a black and green hummingbird and she's perfect for him. She's really quiet, and very friendly, just like him! She's really pretty, too!

We went downtown for a bit tonight. I don't know what came over me, but I asked Featherweight to dance with me when we heard Octavia playing on the balcony of a fancy restaurant. He's a bit clumsy and stepped on my hooves a bit, but it was just nice. I think we needed a bit of nice. I feel like between that and getting a new pet, he wasn't thinking so much about that cast.


Tomorrow is the day! Featherweight gets his wrap off!

Apple Bloom told us she might have family visiting next week, so she may be busy. She said she will still be with us on the float, but we may have her cousin with her.

Featherweight said he can't wait to get the wrap off. He said it's not nearly as bad as his cast was, but that he hates not being able to stretch his wings. He said he gets really bad wing cramps from it from time to time. He saw I was upset and told me it wasn't my fault. He said he told me before, he shouldn't have let Diamond Tiara get to him.

After school, Featherweight and I went to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate his wrap being off, tomorrow. He won't be in class in the morning, because the doctors only had time early. I told Featherweight I'd get him whatever he liked, and then that featherbrain went and paid for my strawberry cheesecake and his pumpkin pie! I wanted to bop him. He thought it was funny.

Sweetie Belle came to tell me she had learned some little magic tricks, but that she seemed more often to do magic by accident. She made some sparks from her horn, then sneezed and accidentally lit some hay on fire. I got water and put it out, but Sweetie Belle was so upset. She said she can't do anything right. I ought to bop her, too. I told her magic is tricky, that she wasn't going to become Twilight overnight.

Featherweight and I reassured Sweetie Belle that she's not just a bunch of accidents waiting to happen. She said she feels like the last thing she did right was help out Apple Bloom back when we first met her. I told her she has been one of the nicest ponies I've met, even still, today. She said that's not that big of a deal. I was amazed. Not that big of a deal? If she hadn't been my friend when I first came to town, who knows what would have happened? I was almost hurt that she thought that. I'm upset whenever she gets like this, and it's pretty common, but for her to shrug off her best quality as "no big deal" really upset me.


I can't wait to see Featherweight! He will be at school just before recess. It's chilly today, I hope he brought his sweater.

He did. Good. I was afraid I was going to hear about a skinny pony frozen outside the hospital. [drawing of Featherweight with icicles hanging from his nose, with the caption "Like this."]

Featherweight kept moving his wings around. He was told by the nurses to keep moving his wings to get the muscles back to regular strength. He looked so silly. He kept flapping his wings while he was talking, taking notes, and just sitting in class. I heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon making jokes, but either Featherweight didn't, or he was ignoring them.

Featherweight said he can't fly yet, but that he really liked being able to stretch his wings. We went to spend time with his dad and Dart. Shutter Speed told me it had been a while. I hadn't even realized that I hadn't visited Featherweight's actual house in so long. He got us each a slice of chocolate pie and we talked about the float, and Featherweight. Shutter Speed said he would make sure Featherweight was getting his wings back into shape. He said both he and Featherweight would be taking pictures of the parade. Featherweight said he would be focused mainly on his friends. Shutter Speed is taking pictures to make into postcards for Ponyville, so he will be taking pictures of everything interesting he sees.

I wrote Sweetie Belle a letter tonight telling her how special she was to me, and that she needed to cheer up. I told her if she was upset she could always talk to me.

I know how she feels better than she knows, after all.


A note in neatly written script is tucked into the page.

"Dear Scootaloo,

Thank you for the kind words. I know I was a real fussy filly the other day. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you all worried. I know I'm not just a big mistake. I just have days where it feels like nothing goes right, or even if they do, I manage to mess things up in the process.

I would really like to talk to you sometime, if you're free. I never really know how to ask, since you spend so much time with Featherweight (not that there's anything wrong with that! Don't think I am mad you have other good friends. Besides, you two are an awesome couple!) If you have this week, I'd definitely like to talk. If you are busy, that's okay, though.

Don't worry about me, though. I am fine, really. Some days are just rough, but everypony has rough days. It happens.

Your friend,

Sweetie Belle"

The back of the previous diary page has a bunch of math written all over it.

I went to visit Sweetie Belle, today. I told her she has a lot to be proud of. I said she has a good singing voice, she always tried to do the right thing, and that I'm happy she's my friend. I got her a slice of vanilla cake (she loves vanilla) from Sugarcube Corner and we went to the clubhouse. Apple Bloom was busy helping Applejack and Big Mac get ready for the harvest, so it was just us two.

I told her she was really smart, and that I wished I could be that smart, but I hate to study, and I just don't learn very well. She told me if I ever needed help, I could always ask her, she'd be happy to help. I felt silly that I had never thought to ask before. She helped me do some math. I think I get it better, but she's still way better, and way faster than I am.

Pipsqueak and Featherweight met us at the clubhouse, and we went to the playground. We played on the swings and had a really good time. We hadn't been able to play on the playground without dealing with Diamond Tiara for a while. Miss Cheerilee came out and brought us snacks. She said she was just cleaning up the schoolhouse when she saw us outside. We thanked her for the treats and talked with her for a while before she went back to finish cleaning up. She said she likes big breaks, because she gets a lot of time to get the schoolhouse looking all nice and neat.

We offered to help her. We got all the books on the shelves, cleaned desks, and swept the floor. Miss Cheerilee was very happy, and thanked us for our help. I'm always happy to help Miss Cheerilee. She's the best teacher, ever!

The four of us left the schoolhouse and went to see if Apple Bloom was done for the afternoon. We found her at Ocean Breeze's. She was having dinner with him and Cherry Tart. We all played games and told Ocean Breeze goodbye. He is going with his parents to check on the new place at Oxbow Lake, again. He's learning what to look for, and how to handle whatever they find. Always with the business stuff.

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