• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Recovery (♫)

Author's Note:

Credit to Wikipedia for a list of hobbies.

Chapter Theme:

Breakaway - Here I Am

Too big to be a theme, but shout to Dr. Brixx's Recovery Album.



Page has tear stains on it.

I avoided Featherweight all day today. I don't know what he wants to tell me, since I didn't read his note until I got home. I don't want to know, though. I want to disappear, but I don't want to lose him! I don't know what I would do. At recess, I hid in the big tree until we were called inside. I'm so nervous, I'm almost sick.

I left school about an hour early, sick. I couldn't sit there anymore. I ran home. I hope Featherweight is okay. I didn't even check. I'm so awful. Maybe I do deserve to lose him. I've already lost three ponies who were special to me...

Featherweight came to visit... He asked Mom to get me, that we needed to talk, and asked if I would go for a walk with him... I am so worried...

Wow. I bet I look stupid, now. Featherweight wanted to talk to me about how I felt, and try to cheer me up. I opened my big mouth and asked if he didn't want to see me anymore, and he seemed more upset than I have seen him lately. He said he felt horrible that I would think he meant that. I just got worried! His note didn't explain a lot. How would I know?

He told me he was worried about how upset I was with myself and wanted to tell me that it wasn't my fault. He said he shouldn't have lost control. I don't feel any better about that, though.

I'm pretty embarrassed. Featherweight is such a sweetheart. The problem is, he cheered me up, yes, but now I feel bad for making this situation about me when he's the one who is in that clunky, annoying cast. I can't even be guilty right.


Featherweight goes to get his wing checked again, this morning. I hope to hear good I told Featherweight that I would be with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle while he was at the hospital. He said he'd catch up with me after his check up, then.

He wore his sweater, today. I'm glad, because it was chilly, even for me! I can only imagine how cold he would have been!

The Crusaders are not chess masters, and we're not cake decorators. I probably still have frosting in my mane. Featherweight found us at Sugarcube Corner. He, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom helped me get most of the frosting out, but I need to have mom get me a cloud or something.

Good news, though! Featherweight's heavy cast has been replaced with a lighter wrap. He told them how uncomfortable it was, and they decided to try a lighter cast. It's still just as clunky, but at least it's not so heavy.

He and I went to Dad's house, after he found me. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went home after Rarity told Sweetie Belle she had to clean up a mess she made with Rarity's thread. Rarity did not seem happy. Poor Sweetie Belle.

Featherweight asked how I was feeling, today. I told him I was feeling better, but I still felt silly, and guilty. He told me that I have nothing to feel guilty about, and that he appreciated that I stopped him from getting in big trouble. He's just so wonderful!


I feel better, now. Featherweight is much happier with this wrap. He said it's still tough to get comfortable, but at least it doesn't make his shoulder sore. He said he's almost halfway through the month, which is exciting. He'll be able to fly again, soon!

School today was boring as usual, but at least I'm doing better, now.

I always worry at recess, I never know if it's going to be fun with friends, or putting up with Diamond Tiara. I was very happy that she had other things on her mind besides us, today. We had a good time, which is a relief.

Featherweight wanted to see how I was doing with my flying. I felt weird flying in front of somepony who can, but is unable to do it right now. I felt like I was taunting him or something. He said he didn't want me to stop flying just because he couldn't. I still feel weird. I train with mom in the evenings before bed, but I feel strange flying in front of Featherweight right now.


Mom had to leave with her friends to go to Canterlot, I wonder what's going on. I hope she'll be okay. She said she didn't know how long she'd be gone.

Featherweight and I played tag with our friends today at recess. We had to be careful, his wing is still healing. It was fun, though.

I think Featherweight knows I still don't feel so good about myself, because the whole walk home he kept asking if I was okay. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to worry or upset him, either.

I went to my room to put up my saddlebags, and when I came back out, Featherweight was looking at something, he looked upset. He hid whatever it was when he saw me. I asked him what it was, and he sighed and told me he was still upset about his parents.

I told him not to be so upset, because he had a wonderful dad, and good friends. That's more than some ponies have, right?

I woke up from a little nap, and Featherweight had tears in his eyes, but he didn't seem sad. He told me he felt so lucky to have the friends and family he did. He said before I told him what I said earlier, he hadn't even thought about how lucky he was. He said he felt bad for "taking real friends and family for granted." He gave me a big hug and told me that he was lucky everyday he had me, my friends, and his dad. He even told Dad that he was happy for how nicely Dad and Mom had treated him.

I didn't know he was still having this much trouble dealing with his fake parents. I feel bad for not helping him feel better earlier. Poor colt. I hope he gets to feeling better.


School was boring as usual, but Ocean Breeze was gone, today. He went to visit his parents. They're opening a new shop on the west shore of Oxbow Lake. Ocean Breeze is going with his parents to the grand opening. My friends are all going to spend time with Apple Bloom, but I want to see if there's any news from Mom.

Mom just got home, She went to help rescue the ponies of The Crystal Empire! I don't know if they have anything to do with the monster we met before, but apparently they were all afraid of this King Sombra guy. Anyway, Mom and her friends saved the day, again!

I caught up with everypony after Mom got home. Apple Bloom says she's excited for Ocean Breeze and his family. She says it's a really big deal opening another store. She would know better than I would, her family has a few stores. She says she remembers visiting Apple Fritter's store when it first opened. She said Apple Fritter was really worried that it wouldn't work out. Applejack told her that she was "plum certain" things would work out, and now Apple Fritter has the most successful dessert shop in the Mt. Bridle area.

Apple Bloom says there is a lot to worry about, though. Some ponies lose their houses starting up shops that don't work out! How awful!

We all spent the evening at the clubhouse playing games. Sweetie Belle told me she's working on a new list of ways to get our Cutie Marks and that she can't wait to try some of them out. Maybe we'll finally get our cutie marks!

Featherweight walked me home on the way to his house. I'm happy to see him feeling better. I can't wait until he can fly again. I miss having somepony to fly with when mom is busy.


Featherweight has to go to the hospital again after school. They have to see how he's doing with the softer wrap, since it doesn't protect his wing as well.

At recess, Featherweight and I swung on the swings with Apple Bloom. At one point I got up and went to help Snips and Snails because Diamond Tiara wouldn't leave them alone. She told me to mind my own business, but I wasn't going to let her pick on them like she picks on us. Snips and Snails thanked me and said Diamond Tiara is always treating them like that. She doesn't just constantly pick on us, it seems.

Featherweight's wing is looking really good, the doctor said! He's going to be able to fly by the end of the month, right on schedule! He gets his wrap taken off sometime next week. He said he can't wait to stretch his wings again.

He'll have to go to the hospital every day for a week after he gets his cast off, because he has to work out his wing to get himself ready to fly again.

Ocean Breeze is back in town. We (and Pinkie Pie) threw him a little welcome back party at the gazebo. He said he had a good time with his parents. He bought Apple Bloom a necklace from Oxbow Lake. He said the store looks really nice. It's not a very big town, but it was affordable, and people recently started moving to the area, so his dad hopes that they can beat the rush and start up a business before it gets too expensive.

We spent the rest of the evening at the gazebo. Ocean Breeze said he had never had friends like us. He told us nopony he knew other than his parents and Cherry Tart had ever been so happy to see him, before, especially since he was only gone about a day.

I decided I was going to walk Featherweight home, since he walked me home yesterday. He said I was being silly, since my house was closer. I said I didn't care. He gave me a big hug before he went inside and told me that he was very happy he built up the nerve to talk to me. He said without me he would still be all alone.

I don't think that's true, but it was really sweet of him to tell me how special he thought I was. He would've made friends with Pipsqueak and the others eventually, he's such a sweet colt, how could he not? It makes me sad, thinking about him being all lonely. If he really thinks I am the reason he's as happy as he is, I guess I feel really special, though.

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