• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Crash and Burn (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

The JV Allstars - Abbey Road Theory


This afternoon, Featherweight said he may not be able to hang out, because he has to write thank you letters to everypony who gave him a gift. He said he hasn't had to make so many thank you letters before, and that he thinks everypony gave him way too much. Silly colt, if I could give him more, I would, I am always happy to see him smile.

Blazemane stopped by the school when I got out! I introduced her to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and the rest of my friends. We took her to Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie Pie suddenly created a "welcome to town" party for her. Should have figured. Featherweight didn't get to stay long, he said he wanted to make sure to get his thank you letters out of the way so he didn't make anypony wait. I don't think I've ever written thank you letters. I usually figure thanking them when they give me things is thank you enough, but he always writes thank yous for gifts on his birthday, and maybe other times.

Blazemane really wanted to race me, but I was pretty unsure about racing. I haven't been up to my regular training in a long time. I'm better than I have been, but I went for a pretty long time without flying. I told her maybe later, she seemed a bit upset.

Mom and Dad said Blazemane can hang out and stay this week, as long as I go to bed at a reasonable time to get to school. She gets to stay over all week!


Blazemane came with me to school, today and I introduced her for show and tell. We talked about our experience at Flight Camp, and she stayed for the day. We hung out with my friends at recess. She's a bit uncomfortable around Ocean Breeze. She told me she's seen "the rich, snobby types, too many times in Canterlot." I tried to convince her that he's a nice guy, but she is still not so comfortable with him.

Diamond Tiara ran her mouth to the wrong pony! Blazemane wasn't having any of Diamond Tiara's mouth and told her she would be alone in Equestria because she had driven everypony else away. It didn't stop Diamond Tiara, so Blazemane pulled me over at recess and we got a couple buckets of frogs and slugs and dumped them all over her! It was so funny! I had to stay after class, but it was SO worth it!

Diamond Tiara had brought her dad to school to talk to me, thinking she could threaten me saying her dad would buy Dad's house out from under him, but when he heard about what happened, he said he actually found it kind of funny. He said he used to play pranks on his friends when he was a foal, and that she needed to laugh it off, that no harm was done. He said friends joke around and every once in a while it gets out of hand, and not to be so upset.

When Diamond Tiara stormed off, he called her his "little frog princess." He said I probably shouldn't do it again, because his filly was so upset, and he would stop it if he had to. I thought it was funny, but I wish he'd see how horrible she is. She really needs to grow up.

Blazemane said that she had never been happier to dump frogs on somepony. I asked her how many times she'd done something like this, and she said she's done it several times at school. She says it's a bet "fend for yourself" at her school, that it's really big and teachers aren't the best. She says Miss Cheerilee is a great teacher, and that she wishes any of her teachers were as good as Miss Cheerilee. I definitely agree that Miss Cheerilee is awesome!


Apple Bloom wasn't able to hang out with the rest of us after class today. We were showing Blazemane around town. Blazemane said she figured Apple Bloom was with Ocean Breeze, that he might be trying to keep her away from us. I asked why she said that. She told me she had a friend in Canterlot named Hawkwing, who became friends with a richer pony, and after a little bit of time, she never saw Hawkwing again. How crummy is that? I don't think Ocean Breeze is that kind of pony, though.

Ocean Breeze caught up with us after a while, and said that he was helping Apple Bloom with chores at Sweet Apple Acres. He told us they're behind on chores, and Applejack is pretty worried about getting things finished before winter hits.

Blazemane says she really likes Ponyville. She says it's not so huge that the people are rude, but it's not so small that there's nothing to do. We went bowling again. I'm still not very good, but we had fun, at least.

Blazemane is sleeping on my bed, I'm sleeping on my couch. We spent a long time chatting about how things have been since we left flight camp. She said she's disappointed I haven't been flying as much. I told her it wasn't really my fault I got hurt, she said I could've been less careless. I guess that's true, but still, I didn't MAKE the rocks fall on me. I told her that I didn't fly when Featherweight was down because he was the pony I usually flew with, since Mom can get so busy (or, sometimes, lazy.) She said she flies alone all the time. Flying is fun, but I'd much rather be with somepony than all alone, even when flying.


School went by so slowly, today. I just wanted to go hang out with Blazemane. Featherweight said he thinks Blazemane is pretty cool, but she seems a bit quick to assume things. Apparently she told him that I was being lazy and should have practiced flying more. Lazy? That actually upsets me.

I asked Blazemane why she called me lazy, and she said I should be much better than when I was at flight camp, not worse. I told her that my life isn't all flying. I love flying. I LOVE flying. I want to fly so well even Mom is amazed, but I have friends, and I can't just push them to the side to fly all the time. She seemed hurt when I told her I had friends. I wasn't saying she DIDN'T have friends, I was just defending myself! [Drawing of a sighing Scootaloo]

There was a brush fire at Sweet Apple Acres! Applejack said she was worried this would happen. She is rounding up anypony in town who can help. We're getting ready to go right now.

We just got back from taking Blazemane to the hospital. She had to have her burns cared for. We were trying to put out fire in part of the orchard when a burning branch fell on me and Blazemane. Ocean Breeze had to lift the branch off of us, but Blazemane was burned pretty bad on her leg. Everypony is okay. Mom said she told us not to go help, but we couldn't just watch the orchard burn! That's my friend's home! The damage is pretty bad. Applejack said she was afraid getting behind on he chores could cause a big problem. She said she just didn't have the time to pick up the leaves with such a big harvest. She said she lost track of time and before she knew it, there were big piles of leaves. She said she hopes there are enough trees to support them next year. I hope things are okay, this is terrible!

Ocean Breeze left town with Cherry Tart to tell his parents about what happened. He said he will try and get them to help the Apple Family if they can.


Apple Bloom says Applejack is really upset. I can understand why. She also told me that her family in Appleoosa is going to grow trees to bring to Sweet Apple Acres and plant in the spring. Hopefully that will help.

Ocean Breeze came back to town at recess. He said his parents would help take care of Sweet Apple Acres if the Apple Family couldn't afford it. He said his parents are at Sweet Apple Acres right now talking with the Apple Family.

Twist and Pinkie Pie are running a Bake Sale at Sugarcube Corner to raise money to help the Apple Family. Mom and I bought some things and Dad donated some money. I wish I could do more, but I don't really know what I would be able to do. I don't know how to grow trees, and it's probably too cold to grow apple trees right now anyway, and besides, I don't have anywhere to grow trees. I don't have a job, so I can't give money.

Mom said the most important thing for me to do is to be a good friend and help cheer them up. I guess so, but it still doesn't feel like much good.

I went to visit Blazemane. She said she'd be up and ready to race as soon as she could. I didn't stay long. She said it was okay if I left. Featherweight visited her earlier and told her I hate hospitals. I still felt bad for only staying for such a short time.


Blazemane got out of the hospital today. She said today we race. I don't know what good it's going to do.

She beat me by a mile. She said she was really disappointed I wasn't faster. I feel really silly. She said she would have understood if I had lost and it was close, but she said it was like I wasn't even trying.

Featherweight stepped in and said I was really good at trick flying. So I got an idea. Featherweight, Blazemane and I are going to make some posters to put around town this afternoon and have a trick flight show to raise money for the Apple Family. It's something I can do to help! Applejack and Apple Bloom are like sisters to me. I won't ever forget that they took me in when Auntie Raincloud passed away. They didn't have to, and they did it out of the goodness of their hearts.

Featherweight told me that he loved the idea. We made some posters and asked places in town if we could put the posters up. I'm kind of nervous. Mom said she's going to show off some tricks, too. She says she's totally excited.

I just finished visiting Apple Bloom. Ocean Breeze and her were talking at the gazebo. I stopped by. She said the damage isn't too bad, but that Applejack's pride hurts more than anything. She said the things people have done to help really mean a lot to her and her family. Ocean Breeze's parents are buying some apple trees from their wood farms and shipping them to Port Mane to plant. Maple Woods said if they get here in time, they should be able to survive the frost.

Apple Bloom said most of the money is going to one of the barns, because it completely burned down to the ground. There wasn't anything inside except crates of apples, but that was a lot of money they lost.


Blazemane said she judged Ocean Breeze and his family too soon. She said they seem like really nice ponies.

The show is in a few minutes. I'm really nervous. A lot of people showed up. Featherweight said I'll do great, but what if I make a fool of myself? This isn't like my class or something, this is probably a fifth of Ponyville!

That was great! Blazemane said I was much better than she was. She also ran into a tree. She still had leaves in her mane when we finished. She is okay, but embarrassed. Mom stole the show, though. She is so amazing! Every time I watch her fly I feel even luckier that my Mom is Rainbow Dash!

We raised a lot of money for the Apple Family! I feel so proud of myself. I actually got to help my friends out in a way other than just giving hugs and listening! It feels great to get to help like this!

We saw Blazemane and her parents off at the train station. We were all sad to see her go. She said she'd definitely visit again! I can't wait!

Featherweight stayed over for a long time this evening. He said it's been a crazy week. I agree. Blazemane coming to town, a fire, an air show, dumping frogs and slugs on Diamond Tiara... it's been quite a week for sure. I am just happy I was able to help my friend.


School seemed quieter today than it has been, until recess. Then Diamond Tiara got me sent home. At recess, she told Apple Bloom that she must feel horrible to have to take money from everyone. She said her family would never need to "beg everypony for money." After that I got very mad and attacked her. She needs to shut her mouth. I found Mom and told her what happened. She told me I might as well call it a day off. She wasn't mad, she said she would have done the same thing. I hope Diamond Tiara's black eye messes up her smug face for a long time.

I went to Fluttershy's house. She asked what I was doing there. I told her everypony else was in school, still, and told her why I was off so early. She seemed upset and told me I should never ever ever hurt anypony. Typical Fluttershy. She showed me her new animals. She has a brand new family of foxes, two new sparrows, a little squirrel, some hummingbirds, an eagle, and a bluejay. She said I should have visited more, recently. I helped her take care of the foxes and they made a nice little burrow under an oak tree near her cottage. She said a lot of animals are going to start hibernating soon. It's getting chillier every day.

Featherweight found me at Fluttershy's. He was wearing his sweater. He said it's really getting cold out. I told him he just needs to plump up a bit. That scrawny body doesn't stay warm too well.


Mr. Rich came by our house today after school. He said he was very unhappy about what happened to his daughter and wanted to talk with me. I talked to him and explained what happened. He said he was still very upset at what I did, but that what Diamond Tiara said was "rude and inappropriate," and that he was going to go to Sweet Apple Acres and apologize to Apple Bloom. I don't see why he doesn't make her do it. She's the brat who said it!

Mom told me I needed to be careful with Diamond Tiara. She said even if she is a "big stinking brat who will probably be sad and lonely most of her life" that I can't make Mr. Rich too mad, because he has enough money to do just about anything he wants.

Mr. Rich wouldn't do anything, though, would he? He wouldn't, like... take over Dad's house like they talk about would he? I don't want to move. I love this house. I love Mom's house. I already lost MY house, I can't lose this, too!

I haven't slept well all night. I'm really worried about what could happen.


Diamond Tiara was horrible to me today. She said her dad was really mad at me, and that I was going to regret ever messing with her. I didn't say anything. I'm still worried about what will happen. Silver Spoon didn't say much, but she seemed mad I hurt her friend. She stood by her side the whole time. I know Silver Spoon isn't quite as mean as Diamond Tiara, but she sure seemed to be on Diamond Tiara's side of this, even if Diamond Tiara was terrible to Apple Bloom.

I talked to Featherweight after school and he said I shouldn't worry. He said Mr. Rich isn't anything like Diamond Tiara. If that's so, why do Mom and Dad keep saying he has the money to do what he wants, and that I need to be careful around Diamond Tiara?

Featherweight told me I really need to relax. It's hard to relax when you feel like you could lose your home, especially when I've already lost my home, before. Last time it was my fault, too. If I hadn't run away, I could still be in that same house. I don't want to be the reason I lose this house, too! I should have never made Mr. Rich mad. I should have never attacked Diamond Tiara. I should have just shut up and been there for Apple Bloom.

I still can't sleep, I've been up for hours. Did Diamond Tiara mean it? I really hope not, but even after I talked to Mr. Rich, he still seemed pretty angry.

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