• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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A Hearth of Warmth (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All


Diamond Tiara said Apple Bloom and I looked ridiculous with all our stings. She asked what we did, but we didn't even talk to her. We didn't want to give her any more reason to make fun of us.

It is Featherweight's birthday today. I got him a Spitfire poster. Spitfire is his favorite Wonderbolt. I hope he likes it. I didn't know what to get him. He never seems to want anything. It bothers me, I always feel like he gets me a lot and takes me to eat and stuff, and I never feel like I can give him anything as a thank you.

Based on his reaction, he really liked my poster, but I think Sweetie Belle got him the best gift... Rarity made a little plush of me. It's absolutely adorable and really sweet. He was speechless (not too unusual for him) and really happy. I wish I could've given him something so cool, but I don't know that I would've felt right giving someone a gift that was me. I feel like that'd be pretty self-centered.

Pinkie Pie threw him a party at Sweet Apple Acres. She said it was way too nice of weather to throw it inside.

Pinkie Pie may be one of the strangest ponies I know, but she sure does know how to throw a party. She had the Cakes make a special cake for Featherweight. It was so good. She hoofed the bill, all on her own. I don't know how she makes so much money. It can’t all be from working at Sugarcube Corner, can it?

A drawing of Pinkie Pie talking somepony's ear off. The other pony is giving her money and saying "Please, take it all! Just stop talking!"

Featherweight put the poster up in his room, and set the plushie on his bed. He set the pie Apple Bloom brought him on the table, and put the other gifts up. After that he and I went to the gazebo. Everypony else had cleared out. Even Apple Bloom headed back home, telling us she'd see us tomorrow at school.

We laid out and watched the stars for a long time. I asked him what the thought about the gifts. He said that my gift was really cool, and Sweetie Belle's was amazing, that Apple Bloom's pie looked delicious, and that the new saddlebag that Pipsqueak got him was really needed. He said it was a nice saddlebag, too. Apparently it has a special spot to keep his camera protected so it can't get bumped around.

I snuggled up close to him and he told me that right now he was getting the best gift of all: to be with me. It was so cute, but so cheesy. When I laughed he said he really meant it. I didn't know what to say. It was cheesy, but he was so serious. He's just so sweet.


Tucked into the page is a photograph of a skinny (though somewhat chubbier than he is presently) cream-colored, very young foal with a brown mane.

Also tucked into the page is a hoofwritten letter:

"Dear Scootaloo,

I wanted to thank you so much for the poster. As you know, it is hanging up in my room right now! You didn't have to get me anything, and I'm so thankful for your gift. You, more than anypony at school, have done more than I could ever thank you for. I love you so much, and appreciate every moment I get to spend with you.


I told Rarity I really want a set of those plushies of my friends. She wouldn't take my money. She said she would do it no charge (after she finished her next big order).

When I went to visit Featherweight today, he was still asleep. He looked adorable with that little plushie in his hooves, cuddled up. He told plushie-me not to worry, and that he loved me. It was so cute, and so sweet.

I didn't really want to wake him up, so I went back downstairs to talk to his dad. I definitely know where Featherweight got his kindness. His dad is a friendly pony with lots of stories. He really cares about Featherweight quite a lot, and he told me Featherweight talks about me all the time.

He told me a couple of stories of when Featherweight was little while I waited for Featherweight to come downstairs.

When Featherweight was very young, his dad says he was just as curious. Before Featherweight took pictures all the time, he always enjoyed looking at plants and animals, and loved to go to the park. I wasn't really surprised to learn this, but it was cute seeing a picture of baby Featherweight.

It wasn't long after this that Featherweight came downstairs. He was so embarrassed when he saw me with a picture of him as a little foal, and equally embarrassed when I saw him carrying that plushie downstairs looking for breakfast.

I spent the day with Featherweight and his dad. Featherweight and I listened to him tell some stories from when he traveled. He used to be a photojournalist for the Canterlot Times. He's actually been to Port Mane! I mean, it's not far, but it's still interesting. He didn't know my parents, but he's been to the park I went to, Ambermane Memorial Park, and he knows the town.

I think Featherweight enjoyed hearing his dad's stories just as much as I did. He sat quietly (no surprise) and seemed very focused on everything his dad said.

His dad had to get groceries, so we eventually left. He gave his dad a hug and said he was going to spend the day with me. We went to get some lunch and then went to the swing set at school and just talked. Miss Cheerilee saw us outside and came and visited for a while. She told us we make a cute couple. Featherweight is so cute when he blushes.

She told me that she was happy somepony managed to get Featherweight to speak up a bit. He told her he'll probably always be pretty quiet, but that he's tried to be more talkative. He also said that having good friends, especially me, really helped him with that. Everypony in the class got along with him back before we started spending time together, but he said he didn't really have any friends. That's sad, because he's such a great colt.

After Miss Cheerilee went back into the schoolhouse to finish grading, I found out that Featherweight thinks as much of Miss Cheerilee as I do. Apparently she's been keeping tabs on him, too. She's been making sure he's okay, since she knows about his past, as well. He says she is "a wonderful teacher" and "somewhat of a hero" to him. I wish he'd said that to her face. He said so well what I wish I could tell her.


I'm spending the day with Mom, Dad, and Mom's friends. We all are going to watch her practice flying. Mom is still the coolest flier in Equestria. I don't know how she does all that cool stuff.

Mom had me fly with her. Everypony was watching. I was really nervous. Mom said I did great. I stayed in the air, anyway. I couldn't do any tricks, but at least I didn't fall out of the sky when I tried to fly. Mom said next week we'd practice trying to do some tricks. I can't wait!

Fluttershy said I fly much better than she did at my age. I'm not surprised, but it was a nice thing for her to say, and I feel pretty good about it. She also asked if I was going to visit again, soon. She says she likes spending time with Featherweight and me. I didn't realize. I thought she just kind of put up with us. She says she really enjoys talking with us. I didn't know Fluttershy enjoyed talking at all. Shooting Star said that we were absolutely welcome anytime. Maybe we'll go there after school tomorrow. I know Featherweight loves the animals.


Tucked into the page are a couple pictures of Fluttershy's animals, and a picture of Fluttershy and Shooting Star together. Also included is a picture of Scootaloo asleep under the side of Fluttershy's cottage.

Featherweight finally remembered to bring his camera when we went to visit Fluttershy. He took quite a few pictures. I just sat and watched. I think I fell asleep at one point. He didn't seem to mind. I don't like falling asleep while I'm with friends (or, in this case, my coltfriend). I feel like it's telling them they're boring or something.

That pony took a picture of me while I was asleep! He thought it was funny when he showed me the picture. I guess so, but I was kind of embarrassed. We were supposed to spend the day together, and I fell asleep.

Featherweight went home for dinner. He invited me to eat with him, but I promised Sweetie Belle that we would hang out with Apple Bloom. Rarity had one of my plushies done. She said she started with Featherweight "because honestly, darling." I told her I didn't realize she was so good at making plushies. I thought she just made clothes. She said stuffed animals were a hobby she had since she was young. She used to make them as gifts for her friends when she was in school. She showed me a couple she made when she was very young. She showed me a rabbit and a chipmunk.. They were so cute!

I spent the evening with Sweetie Belle. We went to visit Apple Bloom. She was working with Granny Smith in the kitchen, learning some of Granny Smith's favorite recipes. We stayed out of the way. Sweetie Belle said every time she tries to help cook, Rarity says she makes a big mess. I do have to say Sweetie Belle isn't going to get her cutie mark in cooking. She's the only pony I know who has ever burned juice.


I brought my Featherweight plushie with me to his house today. He said it was absolutely adorable. I told him of course it was, it was of him. He was as red as the schoolhouse.

I pushed a couple clouds together, and Featherweight and I are sitting and watching Ponyville from the clouds. I can see why Mom loves to do this. It's so peaceful. I'm just sitting here with Featherweight, writing and talking.

Featherweight asked what I was writing. I told him I was just writing about what was going on. I read him a bit from my diary. He says I'm too sweet. He says he's not as special as I say he is. I absolutely disagree. I feel like I don't say enough about how great he is.

Haha! I couldn't help myself. Diamond Tiara walked underneath us, and made some stupid remark to me, so I stomped down some rain. It felt so awesome. She was so mad!

[A drawing of Scootaloo stomping rain down on Diamond Tiara takes up the rest of the page.]


Tucked into the page is a news article with a picture of Scootaloo stomping down rain from a cloud.

"Ponyville's Youngest Weatherpony?
by Featherweight (FFP Editor in Chief)

Scootaloo, a local pegasus, has been practicing her flight under the adroit aerial expertise of Rainbow Dash. Recently, Scootaloo found herself pushing clouds around much like the pony who trained her. 'I want to be just like Rainbow Dash someday,' the filly said in an interview, 'she is my hero!'

Youthful idolatry aside, the young pony fared well in the skies, bringing down rain, after helping move clouds around. 'It's not my first time working with the weather, but every chance I get is always exciting.' The young filly doesn't know if she will be a weatherpony when she grows up, but she isn't ruling it out.

Watch the skies, because the students of today may be the ones in charge of the weather tomorrow!"

Diamond Tiara was worse than usual, today. She didn't get away with her remarks, though. She had the guts to say things in front of Miss Cheerilee. Miss Cheerilee was not happy. Diamond Tiara had to sit inside during recess for making fun of Featherweight. Serves her right.

Miss Cheerilee said she wishes she could help me more when it comes to my problems with Diamond Tiara, but she says she can't play favorites, and if she doesn't see what happens, she has to go by what she hears, and Diamond Tiara says I have just as much to do with it as I say Diamond Tiara does. I guess I can understand that. It must be tough being a teacher.

I've started paying a bit more attention in class. I really want to make Miss Cheerilee (and, of course, Mama) proud. I still find myself falling asleep in class, sometimes, but I hope I am doing better than I was. I hope Miss Cheerilee sees that I am trying harder.

I spent the evening with Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle was with Pipsqueak, and Featherweight was really tired today, so Apple Bloom and I sat and talked in the clubhouse. We talked about ways to get our cutie marks. We keep bringing up stuff we've already done. I think we need to find some new ideas.


It turns out that the unicorn family that owns my old house has a lot of money. They bought a vacation home here in Ponyville. I had never heard of a "vacation home." Anyway, they came to town today, and I talked with them for a while. They said they forgot that this was where I lived, but that they were happy to see me. They asked how I was. I said I was fine.

Apple Bloom saw me while I was talking with the family. She began talking to Ocean Breeze. He was really nice to her. He said she was really cute.

I introduced Sweetie Belle to the unicorns, too. Ocean Breeze seems like a nice unicorn. I wouldn't mind if he hung out with us while they are in town.

I invited Ocean Breeze to spend time with Featherweight, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Pipsqueak, Twist, Dinky, and me. I introduced him to everypony he didn't know, and we spent the afternoon on the playground. He and Apple Bloom talked for a long time. I wonder what they were talking about. They were off on their own a bit.

Featherweight picked me some flowers, it was so sweet of him. Dad got me a vase to put them in and I put it on my nightstand. They're so pretty.


I ran into Applejack today on the way to visit Featherweight. She said that Apple Bloom was "spending time with some new unicorn colt" she hadn't met before. I guess she's talking about Ocean Breeze? That's sweet of her to be a friend to him. I don't think he's ever been in town before. His parents said they've been in Ponyville before, but that it had been a long time.

Featherweight and I went to visit Fluttershy and Shooting Star again, today. We fed the chickens and the other birds. Featherweight is the only pony other than Fluttershy that I know who can get birds to land on him. They just like being around him. Now I know how he gets such good pictures. The animals just seem to like him.

Fluttershy came out for a while and talked to us. She said she really enjoyed being around us. She said since we aren't loud, the animals like being around us, too. She said most ponies who visit are too loud, or move too fast and scare all the animals. She told me that when I'm with Featherweight I'm usually very quiet, but when I'm with the other Crusaders, I tend to be a lot louder. I've never really noticed.

Fluttershy said that she really enjoyed it when we helped out. I didn't know we were helping out. I just like feeding the animals. She said she really appreciated it. We sat and talked for a while. Shooting Star came out with a snack and visited with us as well. Shooting Star asked if we could help take care of the animals next week. He and Fluttershy are going with Rarity to Canterlot for a vacation. Rarity invited them along, and Fluttershy said if she could find somepony to take care of the animals, she'd love to go. She was too shy to ask anypony herself, though.

Featherweight seemed very happy to help out. I have no problem with it, either. She said if we needed in the house, Angel knew how to let us in. When I first met that rabbit I didn't know why Fluttershy liked him. He really does care about her, he just is terrible at showing it.

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