• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Without the Bitter (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Laura Shigihara - Everything's Alright

Tied to this, is a new side project: http://photo-flyer.tumblr.com/ -- and Ask Featherweight blog running in parallel (after approaching it from post-Season 2, at some pace--Defunct due to lack of response and time.)

This was the other big event that was coming up. I had to reach the date of Scoot's birthday! There's still more planned, I have through December in my mind once I get the mundane decided. Stay tuned! :heart:


Featherweight tried to calm me down at recess. He said I need to stop freaking out about Diamond Tiara. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said I didn't need to let her walk all over me just because she's rich. Featherweight says I'm overreacting. I just don't want to cause trouble for Mom and Dad. Diamond Tiara is loving it. She spent all recess making fun of me, and I felt like I couldn't do anything. Why does she even need to act like this anyway? What's her deal?

I felt crummy all afternoon. Featherweight couldn't cheer me up for a long time. Finally he started to get upset and I felt worse. I was almost in tears. Diamond Tiara went after me with everything she had. She made fun of me for losing my parents, for being a blank flank, for being with Featherweight, for not having as much money as her... it was a really difficult recess until Miss Cheerilee pulled Diamond Tiara aside and made her stay in for the rest of recess and for an hour after school.

Featherweight finally cheered me up by getting his picture book and looking through it with me. We just talked about how things have been since we met, and he told me how happy he was that I was with him. Nopony other then Mama, Papa, Auntie Raincloud or Mom and Dad could have done that. He's the closest thing to family besides my real family.

We went to his house for the evening. His dad wasn't home again. He said his dad hasn't been home as much recently. He said he doesn't know where his dad has been. He went to the store room and found some photos from when he was younger. We looked through a couple trips that he and his dad went on when he was little. He looked so cute! They have been from South Hoof all the way up to Maneapolis together. This is his home, but he's been to a few places. They don't have a lot other than pictures from these places, though. They couldn't afford to buy much. Featherweight said he has always found pictures to be the best souvenirs, because they're something everypony takes for themselves. I guess so. I understand his point, but sometimes there are just really cool things to get!


The page is almost evenly dotted with tears, a couple of words are slightly smudged.

I feel horrible. I just had to give up today. I let Diamond Tiara win. I snuck back inside when Miss Cheerilee wasn't looking. She's just been terrible since I stopped fighting back. I wanted to spend recess with Featherweight, but I didn't want to let Diamond Tiara just keep picking on me, but I can't fight back. I don't want to make Mr. Rich mad.

I think I know why she's trying so hard to mess with me, but I will not let her ruin my birthday.

Miss Cheerilee found me inside before recess was over. She asked what was wrong. I told her what happened, and she said she would keep an eye on Diamond Tiara for me again. She told me she can only help me if she knows what's going on, but I don't want to make her foalsit me just because Diamond Tiara is a brat, she has a whole class of ponies to take care of.

Featherweight took me to his dad's new gallery. Pipsqueak and his mother were there with Sweetie Belle. Pipsqueak, Sweetie Belle, Featherweight and I walked around the gallery and eventually got to talking about Diamond Tiara. Pipsqueak said not to let her get to me, that she's nothing but "a big bag of air." I told him if I could I'd take a needle and pop her, because she's nothing but trouble for all of us. He said he would, too, but that ignoring her is the best thing to do. The writing is darker, and a bit scratchier. I don't know, I always hate ignoring, it's like letting the other pony win, and she doesn't deserve to win. She deserves to be dragged through the dirt. She deserves to be put on show and made fun of until she feels as lonely as I've felt. She deserves to see what it's like to feel worthless. She deserves to feels as lonely as I felt before I had my friends. She deserves to feel like she lost everyone important to her. I'd be surprised if she even had anypony important to her. Everypony is just a tool to her. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her. There is a tear coming off the letter R from too much pressure on the page.

The writing is normal again. I kind of lost control, I guess. She just makes me so mad. What did I ever do to her to have her treat me like this in the first place?

Featherweight and I spent the rest of the evening flying around with Mom. She said I seemed upset, and offered to stop the thunder out of some clouds with her. She needs to get rid of the stormy fall clouds to get ready for winter snow clouds. Breaking up those clouds was actually quite a bit of fun. I imagined a couple of them were Diamond Tiara. Mom had to stop me, she said I was going to fall through the clouds if I kept stomping while I was still on top of the clouds.

Mom and Featherweight had to sit down with me and ask me what had me so upset. I guess that Diamond Tiara got to me worse than usual. She hasn't picked on me for losing my parents in a long time. I thought by now I had toughened up when it came to that, but I guess not. I really do wish I could see them again. I know they would be happy to see the ponies who are taking care of me now. Dad and Papa would have got along great, and Mama would be happy to see that I had somepony like Rainbow Dash teaching me to fly, especially how excited I get when I get to spend time with Mom. I feel a bit better just thinking about how happy they'd be to know that I have loving parents, even if they can't be those parents, anymore. They would like Featherweight, too. Mom would see him like her colt. She'd probably be trying to feed him every time he came over, and telling him he needed to put on some weight, that he looked unhealthy. Papa would just be happy he makes me happy, and he does.

They'd both like my other friends, too. Everypony would have loved Mama and Papa. My house would have been the place to hang out. Papa would have food ready for everypony. Mama would have fresh cut flowers around the house, and the air would have smelled wonderful. We would have been able to walk just across the way to the park, and we could have had so much fun. I guess, sadly, it never could have happened. I could be okay with Mama and Papa and Auntie Raincloud, but none of my Ponyville friends, or okay with my friends, Mom and Dad, and just remember what I can about Mama, Papa and Auntie Raincloud.

I don't really know if I could choose between the two, but since this is the life I was given, I guess I'll take what I have. I still do miss them.


Featherweight walked me to Sugarcube Corner this morning for a birthday breakfast. Pinkie Pie had made me her special "Super Sweet Choco-fun Pancakes" with Strawberry syrup and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was fantastic! After that, he took me to the clubhouse, where Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had set up a little party with my friends. Apple Bloom made treats, and got me a really nice new saddlebag. Sweetie Belle made me a Wonderbolts scarf. It's not perfectly made, but it's perfect since she made it. Pipsqueak got me a set of teas from his hometown. His dad went back to Trottingham for a couple of weeks, and he brought them back with him. I'll have to try them sometime. Dinky got me a Wonderbolts notebook that is really really neat. It has the top wing speeds of all the Wonderbolts on the front cover, and a list of all the Wonderbolts' favorite tricks to do, and a couple of quotes from each of them on the back. Twist made a bunch of really delicious candy. Ocean Breeze bought me a real Wonderbolts patch that was really on Fleet Foot's jacket!

Featherweight gave me a photo album a lot like the one I have him. He said it wasn't the most original gift anymore, since I had the same idea, but he hoped I liked it. I love it so much. His pictures are as good as his dad's, and better than the ones I took. There's even a picture at the end with Mom and Dad, and all my friends that says "Never give up on your dreams, you're perfect just how you are." Everyone signed the back of the book with happy birthday notes, and it has a date on it. I'll never forget this. It's wonderful. My friends are great, and I really don't know what I would do without them.

After we had the party at the clubhouse, we went to Dad's house and had cake. It was vanilla cake with strawberry frosting. It was really really good! I have enough for snacks all week, too!

Of course Featherweight and I would run into Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon today. Today of all days. I can't even just have a good birthday. Silver Spoon didn't say much, but she didn't stop Diamond Tiara, either. I want to believe Silver Spoon can be nice, but she never lets me, since she never stops her friend. We left quickly enough, that nothing happened, but we were around Diamond Tiara long enough for her to pick on me about Mama and Papa. It almost ruined everything about today. Featherweight and I went to his house to look at pictures he had taken of me and my friends. It helped cheer me up, but I still just hate it that Diamond Tiara has to be in my life at all.

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