• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,335 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Ready, Set... (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Jason Lancaster - Growing Up


I wrote a letter to Blazemane, this morning. I figured it had been a while, and I wanted to know how she was doing. Mom said she'd give it to the mailmare today.

Featherweight had to stay late after class today to help with the Foal Free Press. There was a problem with the printer and he had to help fix it. Miss Cheerilee said if it's a big problem, she may have to bring somepony in.

Featherweight looks funny all covered in ink. He had to go home to clean up, but he stopped by to say he would be free for the rest of the afternoon.

I caught up with Featherweight again, he says there probably won't be an issue of the Foal Free Press for a couple of days, they have to get Tinker to come and look at the machine. Featherweight and a couple other ponies spent a couple of hours trying to fix the thing, and they couldn't figure it out.

Sweetie Belle and Pipsqueak went with us to the clubhouse. We played a few games and teased Featherweight about his birthday coming up. Apple Bloom and Ocean Breeze stopped by after a while and said Apple Jack invited us all over for dinner.

I love the Apple Family's cooking, it's always a delicious meal. I haven't had anything I didn't like from them.

I have to figure out what to get Featherweight, I've been trying to think of things for days now, but I just don't even know what he would want. He never seems to want anything. He's always happy with what he has. I'll think of something.


A letter is tucked into this page, written in hasty script, angled forward, with narrow loops, and sharp points. The envelope is stamped "CANTERLOT POST" and has a return address:

5021 Starswirl Blvd.
Canterlot, Equestria 1R5 5F0

"Hey, buddy!

You're right, it has been a long time! Why haven't you sent anything, yourself? Hah! After I got the letter, I talked to my parents, I have next week off for a fall break, and my parents said we could visit Ponyville! Maybe we can hang out a bit? I'm ready for a rematch, how fast are you, now?

I hope this works on such short notice, it'd be really cool to see you again! Let me know as soon as you can!


At school today, Miss Cheerilee said that the Foal Free Press is going to be missing for a couple of days. I already knew this, but the rest of the class didn't, of course. It figures that Diamond Tiara would run her mouth about how if she was still in charge, things like this wouldn't happen, as if she can control the printer.

I got an idea today at school, but I'm going to need Featherweight's dad's help. I'm going to try and get some pictures of Featherweight's friends and places he likes to be and make a picture book for him. It may not be much, but I'm running out of time, and I can't think of anything he would want.

Apple Bloom and Ocean Breeze offered take Featherweight to spend the day with them while I talked with his dad. Tomorrow is his birthday, I hope we have enough time!

Shutter Speed was really nice about everything and happy to help. He said he thought Featherweight would love it, and said he had extra albums I could use.

I had to take some of the pictures, because he can't reach Mom's house, and he can't get a picture of Ponyville from the sky. I hope my pictures are okay. I'm not really good at photography. It's fun, but not really my thing.

Shutter Speed told me that he would get everything in place and if I stopped by on my way to school, tommorow I could pick it up. He seemed in a hurry right before I left, and galloped off somewhere.

Featherweight asked where I went, and that he saw me around town with his dad. I told him that I was talking to his dad about helping with the next gallery, that I liked helping out. Featherweight smiled and said he enjoyed getting to help his dad out, too. He asked what took me so long, and I told him I had other things to do, too. He looked at me suspiciously. I think he knows I'm planning something for his birthday.

When I got home, Blazemane had already sent a letter back! She said she might be able to visit Ponyville next week! That'd be so cool! I wrote her back saying that we could hang out for sure!


Miss Cheerilee gave Featherweight a book on leadership and a really nice pen that says "Foal Free Press" on it. She said that the team hasn't been happier with their Editor-in-Chief as long as she can remember. Everypony put some money together to get him a gift.

After class today, Pinkie Pie rushed all of us to Sugarcube Corner for Featherweight's party. I barely had time to grab my saddlebags.

Featherweight was really happy with my gift. I was glad he liked it, it's hard to get gifts for him! His dad got him a book of famous newspaper articles from the last century. He was reading it before the party even ended. Pipsqueak got him a neat pocket watch for his saddlebags. Ocean Breeze bought him a new lens case and a fancy journal for him to write his articles in. Sweetie Belle made him a dressy outfit, it will probably look nice on him. Apple Bloom got him ten jars of Zap Apple Jam and an apple wood keepsake chest. Twist and Dinky made a scrapbook of all of his articles since he began writing for the Foal Free Press. Featherweight seemed very happy with everypony's gifts.

After the party, we went to his house, and his dad had another small cake on the table. He took a picture of Featherweight with the cake, then showed me a photo album with pictures of Featherweight every year on his birthday. It's a cute little tradition. Featherweight looked so embarrassed, I don't even know why, I thought it was sweet.

Featherweight told me I didn't need to get him anything, but that he was very happy with his gift. He kept looking at the pictures, and asked if I took the pictures. I told him I only took a couple, but didn't tell him which ones. I'm pretty sure he knows which ones, but he didn't seem to say anything about them. He said the pictures were great, and that he thought it was a very special gift. I already knew he would say I didn't need to get him anything, that's just how he is. I think he knows that I couldn't NOT get him anything, too, though.


I don't know when Blazemane is supposed to get here, but Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are excited to meet Blazemane. I can't wait! I don't know that I'm ready to race her, again, though. I've been practicing, but since the camp, I've had quite a while where I wasn't able to fly.

The cold days are becoming more common, it's too early to snow yet, but it's definitely chilly. Featherweight and I stayed inside most of the day. I asked him how he felt about his birthday, he said he had a wonderful time, and enjoyed all the gifts. He has a lot of trouble receiving gifts, even when his dad gets him things he always seems upset that somepony spent money on him.

Dad made us some daffodil sandwiches and some ice cream. Mom and Dad said they would be happy to let Blazemane sleep here a couple days as long as I go to bed early enough that I'm not grumpy in the morning. She may be on vacation, but I still have to go to school. [A small drawing of an upset Scootaloo's face.]

Featherweight said that if I wanted to spend time just me and Blazemane, that he wouldn't be upset. I don't understand why he would think that. I want my friends to be his friends!


Tucked into the page is a picture of a sunset shining across a craggy mountain chain.

Nopony is able to hang out today. I'm going to spend most of the day practicing my flying for Blazemane.

I'm feeling quick, but I definitely could be better. My wingspeed isn't anything like it used to be. It's not terrible, but I'm about 1.2 lower than I used to be.

I can still do all my tricks, though. I really love doing flips and spins.

This afternoon, Mom helped me out and gave me pointers on my form. We flew for a long time. She said it was nice to get to fly without having to push clouds around. With all the fall weather, she hasn't had much free time, lately.

I visited Featherweight for a bit this evening. He was off taking pictures with his dad all day. He had some really nice pictures of flowers and animals, as always. It's always fun to look at all the pictures he takes. They're always amazing. His dad's pictures were, too, of course. His dad takes a lot more pictures of the landscape. He has a really nice sunset picture he gave me. I really love it!

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