• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Overdose (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up On Us


A letter is tucked into this page, written in hasty script, angled forward, with narrow loops, and sharp points. The envelope is stamped "CANTERLOT POST" and has a return address:

5021 Starswirl Blvd.
Canterlot, Equestria 1R5 5F0

Dear Scootaloo,

Sorry it took so long to write to you, but I just found your address, again! A frowning face is drawn below the exclamation mark.

How have you been? I've been practicing a lot, lately! Next time I see you, you better be ready to race!

See you, soon!


Featherweight and I are staying at his house, today. He said he doesn't really feel like moving around, much. He said he is still getting used to the cast, and it hurts, because it's heavier than he's used to, so his shoulder hurts a bit. It's always funny when I visit Featherweight at his house. He walks around the house with the me-plushie. I don't know if it's because I'm there, or not, but it's cute.

We spent the afternoon chatting, his dad got out some picture books. I had seen some of the pictures, before, but I hadn't seen a lot of them. Some were pictures Featherweight had taken, others were of Featherweight as a little foal, and others were of Shutter Speed and Featherweight. Shutter Speed said he had to use a tripod, but he wanted pictures of them together in case something happened to him. I wish I had more pictures of my parents, or Auntie Raincloud.

One of the books was a bunch of pictures of me flying and taking pictures. I couldn't help but laugh. He told me that I was his favorite picture subject. He's so sweet! I was just so embarrassed, though!

Mom brought me a letter from Blazemane on her lunch break. I wrote to her, and remembered I needed to write to Wild Wisp. I was so upset the day she sent me her letter, that I forgot! I hope she isn't mad! I also wrote to Miss Winter Winds.

Featherweight has so many pictures! Shutter Speed has boxes of pictures, books of pictures, pictures in frames, pictures, everywhere! He keeps most of them in the basement, because that is where his darkroom is, and because that is where he has space.

Featherweight and I spent the afternoon watching the pegasi move the clouds around from the window. His dad had to get stuff for dinner. Featherweight said it was going to be uncomfortable carrying a saddlebag, since he can't put it on his back. I didn't even think about that. He can't put anything on his wing that will move it too much.

Featherweight couldn't get comfortable on the couch. He had to sit in one of the chairs from the table. When he sat on the couch he kept trying to keep his weight off his wing, and couldn't relax. This is going to be a long month for him, I bet.

He told me that being unable to fly isn't going to be nearly as annoying as how uncomfortable he is. He said he has to lay on the side he doesn't usually sleep on, and that it feels weird. I wish I could do something.

Featherweight walked me home, he was so cold. He doesn't deal with the cold very well, and winter is on its way!


A letter is tucked into the page, written in neat, upright script, with wide loops and soft curves. The envelope is stamped "CLOUDSDALE POST" "WEATHERPONY RATE" and has a return address:

"Winter Winds
2155 Nimbus Ln.
Cloudsdale, Equestria 2V6 5H3

Dear Scootaloo,

It has been very busy, lately. We are getting ready for the winter! I love winter, as I'm sure you could guess. It's my favorite. I love the beauty of the snow, and I love the cold. I don't enjoy it when it's hot, so I really enjoy the fall and winter.

I'm sorry to hear your coltfriend is hurt. I hope he has a speedy recovery and can get back into the air! A month is a long time! He will probably have to work his wings out for a while before he can fly like he used to. Take care of him, and I'm sure he will be fine.

Don't be so hard on yourself, though. We all make mistakes. I knocked two teeth out of my friend Silverwing's mouth when we were playing stormball in school. Accidents happen, and you should just be happy you meant to do the right thing. You don't want a lot of fights on your school record, after all!

I hope things get better, and I hope to see you again, sometime.

Best wishes,

Winter Winds"

I made Featherweight come with me to the Carousel Boutique. I told Rarity I needed a sweater for Featherweight that would fit safely over his cast. He was so embarrassed, but let Rarity take his measurements. She was very careful not to bump his hurt wing. She said she would be happy to do it, free of charge.

We spent the afternoon with Sweetie Belle. She said she has been thinking of ways to get our cutie marks all day. She said we should see what Apple Bloom was doing, and try to get our cutie marks, today. I told her that I would love to, but I want to make sure Featherweight is okay. He said he would be happy to watch us try to get our cutie marks.

Apple Bloom went to Zecora's with Ocean Breeze, so we decided to go to the clubhouse and play games. Poor Featherweight still can't get comfortable with the weird cast. Hopefully he will get used to it, soon. I bet it's really annoying.

Sweetie Belle got in trouble with Rarity when we got back to the Boutique, and had to help Rarity clean up all her thread. Featherweight looks cute in his new sweater, it's green with black on the ends. I just hope it keeps him warm, he's so skinny it doesn't take much for him to start shivering!

We went to Dad's house after Featherweight got his sweater. A letter from Miss Winter Winds was on the table for me. I felt better knowing I'm not the only pony who has accidentally hurt somepony I cared about.

I hope Featherweight will be okay at school, tomorrow. He's still getting used to the cast. He gets so upset when he tries to relax and has to keep moving around to keep from putting weight on the sore wing.


I left the house early to help Featherweight to school. I carried his saddlebags for him, because I didn't want him to fight with it. He wore his sweater to school. Of course Diamond Tiara made fun of him.

School is still boring, but I am focusing better, now that Featherweight is back in class.

Featherweight was embarrassed when Diamond Tiara said he must have gotten it used. She said he couldn't afford anything else. I told her that it was made just for him and she said the only reason he would have anything specially made would be because he was "too scrawny" to wear "real ponies' clothes."

She drives me crazy. Featherweight tried to stay calm, but she kept going. She said he was a "skinny freak with stupid teeth." He finally got so upset that he made her cry. He told her that she only made fun of other ponies because her parents didn't pay attention to her. He said they wouldn't want to, because she's such a spoiled brat that they're probably embarrassed. At first she was angry, but after Featherweight stomped off, I am pretty sure she started crying. I almost felt sorry for her.

I asked Featherweight if he was okay, and he said that she seems to know all the worst ways to upset him. He said she makes fun of how little money he has, how he's skinny, and his teeth and ears. I told him not to let her get to him, as hard as that is. He said he tries, but that she always knows how to hurt him. He said he was thinking about getting braces, except that he can't afford them.

I told him not to listen to anything she said. I said if he wanted to do something to his teeth for himself, that was one thing, but that he shouldn't do anything for her. Especially for her. I said I thought his teeth were cute, and he turned bright red, it was so funny! I told him not to think about her, just to worry about his friends and family.

After school, my friends and I all went to Sugarcube Corner, and Ocean Breeze offered to pay for everypony's treats. Featherweight looked upset, and I told Ocean Breeze he needed to pay better attention to his money, after all, he just ran out a couple of weeks ago. Featherweight said he wasn't hungry and left, so I followed him.

I asked him what was wrong, and he said he hated that he couldn't give me all the gifts Ocean Breeze gave Apple Bloom. He said he loved his dad, but that they have to be very careful what they spend, because he doesn't make a lot of money, and he doesn't have a mom to help with the money problem. I never thought of that, it must be very tough. I haven't thought much of money since I was on my own. I forgot how difficult it is to deal with money when you're always short. I don't know how to help, though. I would give him some of my allowance, but I feel like that would make him feel worse. I don't know what to do.

Featherweight told me not to worry about him, that he was just having a rough day. That's exactly why I would worry about him! I hate seeing him upset.


I helped Featherweight with his saddlebags again today. I think I'm going to help him every morning until he can wear his saddlebags again. I just feel like I should.

Diamond Tiara was very quiet today. She didn't even say anything to us all day. It's really weird. Usually at recess she finds all my friends and says something mean to all of us. She seemed upset.

Silver Spoon came up to me and Featherweight after school and asked what we said to Diamond Tiara. Featherweight told her what he said yesterday, and she seemed upset. She told us that Diamond Tiara has had problems with her dad ignoring her all the time. He's so busy he rarely talks to her, unless he wants her to do something. Featherweight told me after she left that he almost felt sorry for Diamond Tiara.

Featherweight is still having trouble with his cast. He was really upset today. He said he sometimes gets very mad because he can't get comfortable. He said broken wings must be one of the most annoying things to deal with. Maybe he's right, I would hate not being able to lay how I wanted. That would be so annoying!


The page has a few tear stains on it

Diamond Tiara was herself again, today. She was maybe even worse than she has been. She kicked dirt all over Featherweight and me. I got really upset and told her Featherweight has to keep his wing clean. She said "somepony as poor as him will never be clean" and I almost bucked her in the face. I let her win and went back to Featherweight. I helped him check to make sure he was alright, and didn't have to have his wing wrapped again. He's going to the hospital after school just in case.

I waited outside that place for Featherweight. He came out with a clean wrapping on his wing. Nurse Gentle Hooves told him that he needed to be more careful, because he will have to have the cast longer if it gets all dirty. He seems really upset.

I asked Featherweight what was wrong, he told me he heard what Diamond Tiara told me. He was almost crying, again. I told him not to worry about that brat, but he was too upset. I gave him a hug as best I could with his cast. He said he wishes he had just lost his wing. He said he hates this cast, and he hates how uncomfortable he is. I told him he needed to calm down, but he was just so upset. I feel worthless when he gets like this. What good am I if I can't cheer him up?

He finally calmed down after a while, but I think he just made himself tired, he still seemed upset. I wrote him another note and left it in his room on his pillow while he was helping his dad with dinner. I wish he wasn't like this! He doesn't deserve to be so upset. He's a wonderful colt, and this is so unfair!


Poor Featherweight. He gets so annoyed by his wing's cast. He says it's not even that he can't fly, just that it's so uncomfortable. It's heavy for a wing, and it has to stay flat down, so he can't stretch his wing out.

At recess, he kept fighting his cast. He was so upset. I felt horrible.

I still feel like this is all my fault. I shouldn't have been so careless when I stopped him. He wouldn't be wearing that stupid thing if it weren't for me. He wouldn't have had to be in the hospital if it weren't for me. I don't understand why he likes to be around me. I always do dumb stuff like this.

Featherweight keeps asking me what's wrong, but I don't want to tell him. I already know what he'll do. I want to disappear. I don't want to be his problem anymore. He deserves better than this.

"Dear Scootaloo,

I took this while you were ordering your food at Sugarcube Corner. We need to talk.


Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no!

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