• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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There Goes My Hero and Some Literary Lunacy (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

Foo Fighters - My Hero


There was a huge snowstorm last night. Mom said she didn't organize it. She's not happy. She said as soon as she can get out of the house (the door is blocked,) she is going to see who caused this.

Big Mac came to shovel the snow out of the way of the doors in town. The moment he opened the door, Mom flew off. She didn't even thank Big Mac she was so mad. Lucky Buck and I thanked him and he said "eeyup" like he always does, and moved on down the street.

It turns out that a couple of pegasi were mad at somepony in Ponyville and decided they would create a surprise blizzard. I've never seen Mom so mad. The pegasi lost their jobs. They have to help clean up Ponyville and give an apology to the mayor.

I was thinking maybe my idea of making it rain on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon isn't such a good idea after all. Mom said it's okay to do it as long as I don't cause the whole town to miss a day of work. (Did Mom really just tell me I could make it rain on somepony on purpose? That's so awesome! I think she's still mad at Diamond Tiara for getting me all upset that time. Maybe it's just from all the times I tell her she drives me crazy.)


This year's Winter Wrap-Up went really well. Rainbow Dash even gave me a ponyback ride into the sky to help with the clouds. I got to buck away my first clouds. I hope Papa would be proud of me. I wasn't able to stay in the air very well, so Mom had to keep catching me, but we did it!

Mom letting me help with Winter Wrap-Up, even though I couldn't fly so well yet, was really cool. I felt really special getting to join in. I was the youngest pony up there this year!

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said they were sad I didn't get to help out with the animals, but they said when they found out why, they were both really excited for me!

[Small drawing of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with bells in their mouths. Beside them a baby rabbit is looking at them.]

The mayor says this is the fastest we've ever taken care of Winter Wrap-Up. Mom told me it was because I helped with the clouds. I don't know about that. She always had to stop what she was doing when I would help. It was really nice of her to say that, though.

Shooting Star helped Rarity with the nests. Lucky Buck helped Pinkie Pie cut up the ice. Fluttershy lead the animal wake up again. Applejack and Big Mac took care of the fields, of course. Twilight organized everypony this year again.

We finished in time for dinner. Applejack invited everypony to the farm. Granny Smith and the Cakes made a big feast for everyone. It was delicious. This was the best Winter Wrap-Up, ever!


Sounds like Apple Bloom is helping Granny Smith make the Zap Apple Jam soon. She's been doing all kinds of silly things, but Granny Smith says everything has to be done just so.

Poor Apple Bloom has been picked on by Diamond Tiara all week. I wanted to buck that smirk right off her face after class yesterday. Granny Smith is supposed to come in for her Family Appreciation Day presentation.

We're going to figure out a way to stall her presentation until somepony else can go.


We're going to try and make Apple Bloom seem sick so she doesn't have to go to school.
That didn't work, either. We weren't able to pick the apples early either. They wouldn't even come off the tree at all!

I totally caught Big Mac with that silly little stuffed toy again. He looks so silly with that thing. I don’t think he saw me. It was funny, though.

We're going to call Miss Cheerilee to the house and turn Granny Smith into a puppet during her nap. Maybe that'll work!
Granny Smith woke up from her nap and messed everything up! Now she's painting pink spots all over the kitchen. She's so weird.

We created a fake telegram calling Granny Smith to visit Apple Bloom's Uncle Apple Strudel. This has to work.

Well, nothing worked, but the presentation was still really cool! And of all the luck, Apple Strudel was actually coming to visit Granny Smith! What are the odds?I had no idea that Ponyville was founded by the Apple Family! Apple Bloom seems to feel much better now, and Diamond Tiara got all upset, so that was cool, too! Little drawing of Scootaloo laughing.

Apple Bloom is really good at making Zap Apple Jam. It was so delicious!


Sweetie Belle and I helped with the next harvest. I hope we did it right. Diamond Tiara had to help, too! She looked so funny in those rabbit ears!

Drawing of a very upset looking Diamond Tiara with bunny ears on.

After we helped out with the watering cans, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I went down to Sugarcube Corner. Lucky Buck had given me a bit of money and I got all of us some cake.

We went from there to Rarity's. I haven't really said anything about it before, but Rarity has been nicer to Sweetie Belle lately. It's about time! I'm happy that Sweetie Belle is feeling better around her sister. I really didn't like seeing her get all upset like that.

We came up with a new idea for getting our cutie marks. Deep swimming wasn't a very good idea, but we never tried diving!

Diving isn't for us. I knocked the breath out of myself when I landed on my belly. I still hurt. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were all freaked out. They thought I was drowning. I kind of did, too, at first.


Dad took me down to Sugarcube Corner again today. He said that since he was out of town the other day, he didn't get to see the new foals.

The Cakes have two new foals. They're so cute! I don't know how but one's a pegasus and the other is a unicorn. Both of the Cakes are Earth ponies. I don't get it.

Pinkie Pie was being silly and entertaining the foals. She would probably be good as a foalsitter or something.

On second thought, maybe she wouldn't. She is good at entertaining foals, but I definitely wouldn't want her to be keeping an eye on something for me, especially not a foal.


We got to have a special send-off celebration for Applejack. She's going to compete in the Equestria Rodeo Competition. She's representing all of Ponyville at the competition! That is so cool! She promised to bring home money to fix Town Hall after the mailmare did something to it. It's in a million pieces now.

I hope one day I can be good at something so I can win medals. Applejack has so many! Little drawing of a prize ribbon I haven't even got my cutie mark yet, though. I guess I have that one talent show medal! Little drawing of the jester hat medal again.

Sadly, nopony is able to go cheer her on at the show. The Apple family is right in the middle of harvest, Mom has to take care of weather all week, and Rarity has a big dress order. I think Fluttershy and Shooting Star meant to go, but the pony who usually watches the animals while they're gone is out of town. Twilight meant to go, but she and Spike have to reorganize the library. They're behind on sorting books (I know, because it's ALL she would talk about.) Pinkie Pie also can't go, because she has to watch the Cakes' foals again (she actually did it! I can't believe it.)

I wish I could go, but Lucky Buck is out of town visiting family. I wish I could be there for Applejack. She's been so nice to me.

I haven't really said anything about him in here before, but there's this pegasus pony named Featherweight. He's really tall and really skinny. He's nice, but he doesn't say much. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever heard him say anything.

I saw him today around town and said "Hi." He just waved quietly and walked away. I wonder if he's just like Fluttershy and is just too nervous to talk, or what. He always looks kind of nervous. He has funny teeth, and while I don't really care, I think Diamond Tiara makes fun of him for it a lot.


There is a welcome home party for Applejack today! Everypony is going to be there. Well, everypony but Sweetie Belle and me. We wanted to go until Rarity got upset with Sweetie Belle for messing up all her ribbons. She turned back into old Rarity and Sweetie Belle started to cry after Rarity left.

Instead of going to the party, Sweetie Belle and I are going to hang out at the clubhouse. Maybe we'll go visit after Sweetie Belle calms down.

Something happened. Applejack didn't come home! Apple Bloom is really worried. I am too! Sweetie Belle said she thinks everything will be okay, because Applejack always takes care of Ponyville and her family.

I know Applejack is reliable, but I am really worried. Is she mad because nopony came to cheer her on? I should've found a way to get in. Maybe if somepony had been there to cheer her on, she'd be here again.

Mom and her friends are going to find out what happened to Applejack. I hope she's okay. I'm still worried. I'm going to see if Apple Bloom is alright here in a few minutes.

Still no word from anypony. I'm really worried. I've been trying to cheer Apple Bloom up. She's pretty upset that Applejack is still gone.


Applejack is back in town! It turns out she was upset she didn't win first place in any of the competitions, and wanted to raise money to send back to Ponyville for City Hall. She was up against some tough competition, I guess. I still feel like I should've been there. Maybe if I had been there to cheer her on, she would've been more confident and she could've done better.


This morning Mom was gone when I woke up. I was kind of scared until I found out that cider goes on sale today. I forgot Mom's been planning all week to be first to get cider since Pinkie Pie always drinks it all before she can get any of it. Lucky Buck and I stayed behind. If the line is that long, I have better things to do.

Wow. I can't believe it. Most of the town tried to sell out the Apple family! Some stupid unicorn brothers came into town and tried to take over the farm! It wasn't even until everypony found out they made really crummy cider in some stupid competition that they left town. If I were the Apple family I wouldn't trust ANYPONY after that! They forgave everypony, though. I don't know why.

Mom finally got her cider, but it took her a long time. Even she almost sold out the Apple family after they ran out of cider on her. Once they started this competition that happened, she stayed loyal to her friend. I still don't know what to think about what happened. Who would do that to their friends?

I guess everything turned out alright, though. I'm just confused.


The page has tears stained to it.

Mom said she's going to practice flying today. I wish I could go with her, but I have school. Little drawing of Scootaloo with her head on a desk, labeled "school is so boring"

Something happened. Mom is in the hospital. I really hope she's okay. Apparently something happened while she was flying and she got hurt. I'm sitting in the waiting room. I hope she's okay. What am I going to do?

I hate hospitals. I hate them, hate them, hate them!

Apparently she just messed up her wing. I went to visit her. I told her I wanted to stay (I kind of did, but I hated being in that place). She said she wishes I could, but that I had to go to school. I hate hospitals, but I really hate ponies I care about in hospitals, more.

I've decided not to go visit. Mom's just recovering. I hate hospitals, though. Every time I go to see somepony in a hospital, I lose them forever. I can't go back there. I'll probably make things worse, somehow.


Lucky Buck just got back from visiting Mom and said that she's acting really weird. He said that he thinks it's because she is embarrassed about something. He said she was acting really nervous and kept looking at her pillow. How weird.

I hope she's okay. Maybe I should go visit her, after all. I hate hospitals, though. What if I just make things worse? I think I'll just stay away.

I really hope Mom is okay. I should have visited her this week. I really should have. What if I made things worse by not going and visiting? No matter what I do, it's wrong.

Dad saw how upset I was and told me that tomorrow she gets out of the hospital. She's supposed to be careful on her wing, but she can fly. That's good, I guess. I wonder why she was acting weird, though.


Mom comes home today! I'm so excited. Dad said that she's in good shape, but still acting really strange. I don't know what that's about. Maybe she's upset I didn't come see her. I really should have visited her.

Mom said she was still hurt and went back to the hospital! I knew it! I should have been a better filly! I should've gone and visited her.

The hospital said Mom was fine. I don't get it. Why is she acting so weird? She's home now, but she keeps looking out the window toward the hospital. I don't know what's going on.

I still feel like this is my fault. She tells me both "there's nothing wrong" AND "it has nothing to do with me," which doesn't make any sense. She really is acting strange. I don't know what's going on, but it's really weird. Dad says he has no idea what's going on, either, but he also thinks that it has nothing to do with me. I don't know. I still feel like I should have visited her.


Apparently Mom tried to steal a book from the hospital last night? Really weird. I don't get it. What's so special about some stupid book?

Apparently she was right at "the good part" in this book and wanted to finish it, but didn't want to be called "an egghead." Sometimes Mom does some really weird things. I like to read, as long as it's something I actually want to read.

Mom is going to Twilight Sparkle's house to get the book that she tried to steal. I still think that's so funny. Who steals a book? Who steals a book from a hospital? It just sounds so silly!

Who steals anything from a hospital? I justWhat the hay. Really.

Drawing of a pegasus pony dressed in a robber's outfit holding a book. The drawing is labelled "The great book thief."

Dad's also pretty embarrassed. He is a policepony, after all. The fact that she kind of committed a crime didn't sit well with him. He said he hopes all this is a lesson to her, and he's really confused why she didn't ask him to get the book if she was so embarrassed. He said he wouldn't judge her. Besides, it's a book. This really is the silliest thing Mom has done.

I'm going with Mom later this week to Twilight's house. She says there's more than one book to the series and she wants to check the others out. I'm gonna go and see if I can find ideas for how to get my cutie mark.

Dad kind of told Mom off for what she did this evening. He said he was just so upset that she would do that and possibly get him in trouble. I guess that makes sense. If they thought he had something to do with this (though really, it was a book, one book,) he could've gotten into trouble, I guess. He's calmed down, now. I guess he just had to get that out.


[On the back of the previous page is a messy collection of ideas. Among them are "woodcarving (How cool would this be?)", "Painting", "Strongpony", "Juggling" and several others.]

Next week is Hearts and Hooves Day! Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and I are going to make a big special card for Miss Cheerilee this year. We all agree she's the best teacher ever! I really hope she likes it. She's been so special to me. She really has been very nice, even though I'm not a very good student.

Part of the page is taken up with a drawing of Scootaloo pouting, with her ears drooping. The drawing says "worst student"

Sweetie Belle and I went around collecting ribbon and stuff from Rarity's. Rarity said we could take them if we brought them back and put them in the right place. She also said we better not get glue on everything. She also said we better not get glitter, or paint, or dirt, or really anything on them. She also said we shouldn't use too much. She also said we couldn't use the green because she needs it for a project. She also said to make sure the end is cut correctly before returning them, so they match the others. She also said not to make any marks on the spools, and that she wants them returned immediately after school, and that she would be counting, marking which colors were gone, and if we used too much, Sweetie Belle wouldn't have as much spending money next week. She always has all kinds of rules for what we can do with her stuff. It's just ribbon and paper. What's the big deal?

Apple Bloom found some leftover paint in the barn and told us Applejack said we could use it. We're going to make the best card ever!

We decided to wait until Hearts and Hooves Day to make the card, that way it's not taking up the clubhouse. (Which, of course, means we'll have to hear all about what we need to do if we borrow Rarity's stuff, again.)


Sweetie Belle got in trouble today for not returning the ribbons and stuff. Apparently she just kept the stuff at the clubhouse. Rarity needs to lighten up. We need these things for the card. It has to be perfect! Apparently there is no such thing as "just forgot" with Rarity.

We made the card this afternoon and headed back to the school for the Hearts and Hooves Day party. (First we went to return the ribbons and make sure Rarity didn't freak out on us.) We think the card looks awesome! We worked really hard on it. It's huge!

There's a drawing of what the card looks like with a picture of Scootaloo and the others drawn to scale. Underneath the drawing it says "It's this big. Well, not this big, but this big compared to us."

We think Miss Cheerilee really liked the card, but she (of all ponies) doesn't have a very special somepony! I can't believe it! She's one of the greatest ponies ever! Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and I are going to fix this. We're going to find somepony to be her somepony! Somepony perfect!

We've decided that Big Macintosh would be perfect for Miss Cheerilee! We have tried to get them together a couple of times. Finally, we got a book from Twilight Sparkle that has instructions for a love potion. This has to work!

Something definitely went wrong. Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee keep talking all weird and making kissy faces. They just won't stop! What'd we do wrong?

Apparently we gave them a thing called a love poison, not a love potion. This is bad. What are we going to do?

Sweetie Belle came up with an idea to get this all fixed. We think we can get it done pretty easily.

That was a disaster. Cheerilee and Big Macintosh are better now, but we got in big trouble. Now we have to do chores for Big Macintosh.

What? Miss Cheerilee went to the gazebo with Big Macintosh! Did we fix them or not? They seem like they're acting better than they were, but what gives?


Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle came over today. We have some new ideas for how to get our cutie marks. We're going to try them out today!

We're not very good at pottery. Everything I made either went flying or ended up flat. Apple Bloom got hit in the face twice with the clay. It was kind of funny. Sweetie Belle almost had something, but she got all excited and accidentally smashed it.

I never knew it was difficult to pogo. Apple Bloom almost went through a window. Sweetie Belle couldn't even get the thing to bounce. I kept getting tossed around. If I didn't have wings I probably would've been pretty badly hurt a couple of times.

I don't know who had the idea to try woodcarving, but never again. I think I carved my hoof a lot more than I carved the wood. Apple Bloom managed to cut the side of her mane off. She looks really silly. Sweetie Belle got her knife stuck in the wood and couldn't get it back out.

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