• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 10,334 Views, 956 Comments

The Autobiography of Scootaloo - A Diary Collection - Tails_155

This is a story focusing on life from Scootaloo's POV. It takes place starting before season one.

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Nightmares Into Dreams (♫)

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:

The Living Tombstone - Spooky Scary Skeletons Remix

Part two, I guess I want more than the last post to be this week's chapters. Nightmare Night!


Apple Bloom has to help set up for the reunion today, so Sweetie Belle and I are going to be on our own today. Sweetie Belle doesn't really know what we can do while I'm all bandaged up. It's true it's hard to find your cutie mark when you have to be careful, but I don't want to end up in there again!

Rarity sent us out since we were too loud while she was working. Still no good ideas. We're back at my house, now that it's getting really chilly out, we didn't want to stay outside.

Sweetie Belle and I wish we could go back to the Carousel Boutique, because we are trying to think of outfit ideas for Nightmare Night costumes. There's not a whole lot of ideas at my house for them, and we're not coming up with anything good. Featherweight and Pipsqueak met us at my house, we played some games and had a lot of fun. I can't wait to get these bandages off, though.

Pipsqueak invited us to his house tomorrow. I've never been there. It should be fun.

It's really not as fun when I can't fly, and the Clubhouse is off limits. I'm sure we could go to the Clubhouse if we wanted, but we don't want to get in the way. We made the best of the day, though. I think.


I go to Pipsqueak's house this afternoon. Until then, I'm spending time with Featherweight at his dad's gallery. We looked at some pictures last time, but we spent more time with Ocean Breeze and his family. We got to get a better look at the gallery now that Pinkie Pie wasn't running the grand opening party. Shutter Speed really is a very good photographer.

I wasn't aware that Pipsqueak's parents were divorced. He said it's okay, that they're still friends, they just aren't as close as they thought they were. Sweetie Belle said she knew for a while, but she didn't think she should tell anypony. I can only imagine what Diamond Tiara would do. Pipsqueak says that his parents divorced about a year after he moved to town. His dad lives in town, too, but somewhere else. He lives with his mom for a couple of weeks, then he goes to his dad's. He says it can be annoying to move all the time, but that he's happy he can still see both his parents, and he's happy they're happy.

I don't know what divorce is like, but he sure makes it sound easier than I think it would be. He is either really tough, or it was a really easy divorce. I feel like it would be really frustrating. He seems happy, though.

We had some tea and played some games. After a while we went to see Golden Manchet, Pipsqueak's dad. His dad was happy to see him, and he met all of us. His dad seems like a pretty nice pony. He works in town as a market-hoof. He helps set up and clean up booths for the ponies on the weekends. During the week he helps repair and repaint any booths that need fixing and touch-up. He has to go back to work in about a half hour.

When we go back to his mom's house, his mom, Jasmine Tea, was home. She was happy to see all of us and told us that they didn't usually have company. She works in Port Mane as a dock worker. She says she lives here because Pipsqueak has become such good friends with all of us and she wouldn't want to make him change schools.

Both of Pipsqueak's parents seem really nice. Pipsqueak says they just kind of decided they didn't love each other one day, and decided to go their separate ways. How can somepony just decide they don't love somepony they've been with for so long? His parents were married for ten years!

Today was really nice. Pipsqueak has very nice parents, even if they are separated, and if he's happy, I guess that's alright.


Apple Bloom said that Applejack went a bit crazy with her plans and the first half of the day nopony got to talk with anypony else because they were all so busy. They ended up having to rebuild that barn again. I feel like they're always building barns over there. She said they got it rebuilt pretty quickly, though.

She also said that after everything calmed down, it was a lot of fun. Babs told all of us hello, and said she was sorry she didn't get to stay, but everypony has school today, so she couldn't stay another day. It's too bad, but we'll have to write her.

Pipsqueak says he's really excited about Nightmare Night. He's going to be going as a "big scary monster" this year. I have a hard time imagine Pipsqueak being anything big or scary.

I still haven't figured out my costume, and it's right around the corner! There's less than a week left!

I went to Featherweight's house and we played around with Dart for a while. I wish I could fly again. I should be able to fly here pretty soon, though. I might even try to fly tonight.

Yeah, I'm still a bit achey, and the bandages on my shoulders make it tough to fly. Dad says the bandages need to stay on a bit longer. He said we'd see tomorrow.


Still trying to figure out my Nightmare Night costume. It has to be something awesome! But I already went as Mom last year. What's more awesome than that? I'll have to think of something that's at least a bit awesome, even if it's not as cool as Mom.

At recess, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I tried to think up good ideas for our costumes. Sweetie Belle says she just wishes she had a cutie mark. I think I'm going to go as a zombie. It's easy, but it can be made to look really cool if I do it right, and mom can probably help out.

Featherweight says he has an idea for his costume, but he wants to surprise everypony. He told me he has had the most trouble hiding it from Sweetie Belle since Rarity is making the costume for him. I wonder what it's going to be.

I talked to mom about my costume idea, she said she can help me make it look really cool. I hope so, it's never going to be as cool as going as Mom, but I can't do the same thing every year! Dad said he's going as a policepony (he has to work that night.) No fun.

Featherweight says he just got back from checking out Rarity's work on his costume and he says he's really excited about it, it looks really cool so far. I want to know what it is!


Diamond Tiara said she is going to be passing out candy to all the "babies who aren't too old for the holiday." What a brat.

Miss Cheerilee says she'll be at the schoolhouse if we want to visit on Nightmare Night. I don't see why we wouldn't want to visit. Featherweight and I already plan to go there.

Pipsqueak says his costume is all ready, and that he just needs to talk to one pony to make sure everything works out. I wonder what that means.

Mom got the makeup, tomorrow is the night! It's going to be awesome. Mom tried on some designs this evening with me, and after we got our ideas down, we went out and I was finally able to get these bandages off and fly! Mom says I did pretty well for all the time I've been grounded, since I also didn't fly much when Featherweight couldn't. She says I really need to get back to practicing, though.


Today is the day! I got all made up before I went to school, everypony gets to wear their costumes to class today, but they have to leave anything distracting in the back of the room. Pipsqueak doesn't really look either big or scary, but it's a fun costume, all the same.

We learned about the history of Nightmare Night today, and we learned a bit about Princess Luna. I still think the night is very pretty, why did she think people don't love the night?

I got all my makeup redone, since it got smudged at recess, and we're ready to go for the night. Mom says she is going to be pranking as usual, again. I told her I'd love to prank with her, but dad didn't think it was such a good idea.

Pipsqueak got Twilight to cast a spell to make him big. It's pretty cool, I guess he really was going to be a big scary monster. It's kind of funny to see him like that, though. Featherweight's costume is awesome! He's dressed like a phoenix, and the wings all glow! Rarity did a really good job. It's really cool.

Apple Bloom went as the Headless Horse, I don't know how she sees. Ocean Breeze didn't dress up! What's that about? Apple Bloom made him wear a sheet to look like a ghost, he looks funny. Sweetie Belle went as a mummy. She says it wasn't her first idea, but after she got all wrapped up in ribbon, she decided it was alright.

Princess Luna came to celebrate Nightmare Night again! She said she owed Ponyville for teaching her how to be a part of the world after 1000 years. She was really nice. Tonight was really really fun! I can't wait to do it next year!

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