• Published 29th Oct 2017
  • 7,062 Views, 527 Comments

Unleash the Magic - Nightmare Night - Firesight

It's Starlight Glimmer's first Nightmare Night, so why shouldn't she use her magic to help her friends enjoy it? Surely nothing could go wrong with one little spell...

Comments ( 17 )

Thanks for the shoutout. Always happy to help

I'm going to read this chapter tomorrow because I really can't start with such a long chapter at 8 in the evening.

Whelp I do believe the situation is slightly FUBAR.

Hmm, EG Celestia and Luna as heavy metal rockers...

I like.

She stayed awake by sipping at some over-caffeinated black coffee that Dean Sombra had promised her was a “very dark magic mixture” he used for long nights at Everfree University, which she presumed—or at least sorely hoped—was a figure of speech.

Eh, more or less.

What? I think you’d all look great in cheerleader outfits!

Goodness knows there's evidence to support that claim.

Heh. I do like this idea for the principals. Everyone was young once.

Because I can’t go back now, either.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that a being of flame incarnate burned so many bridges.

I can simply stand right here and wait for your power to wane, as you can’t sustain that form forever.

Probably shouldn't have spent so long bragging about how clever she was with hiding the portal, even if she hadn't given away enough clues. Oh, Sunset. Still a bit of the villain in there.

it’s ridiculous to call them related powers, but their world, their rules

Eh, plasma's plasma. Which raises interesting questions about what the Fire Nation could do in the far future with nuclear fusion, but that's diverging far from the main point of this evening's symposium...

she ripped open a fresh portal into what Eclipse recognized was the Gryphon Kingdom’s Hall of Heroes in its capital city of Arnau, where only a few guards stood sentry as the museum was closed for the night.

Strangely, the most common though among them was "Oh no, not again."

Sigh. Oh, Sunset. She had the right idea at first. Hit her hard, hit her fast, get it over with. But Sunbutt Jr. ended up succumbing to her own ego and just. Kept. Gloating. :facehoof: I'd hoped she'd have learned from revealing the portal's location, but alas. I suppose ascension is one heck of a rush.

In any case, there's a new mare in town, and she has quite a lot to say about the situation. Let's hope this hasn't gone from bad to worse... and see just what Sunset's final spell actually was.

Luna and Celestia as Mega Rockers?

Why do I get the image of Lunas as the Iron Maiden, with Tiberius as Eddie?

And Celestia with pillars of electric plasma from plasma ionic tesla coil speakers as AC/DCs greatest hit plays?

The hypoxia, in a major fight, can be hilarious. I havent asked my region GM if a Tarrask needs to breathe yet, but Im sure he would give a Picard class facepalm with it.

Thres a couple of classic moves to go yet, but one relavent to this story but extremely obscure as it only occurs in one square in one location in one game at certain times of day.

Anyone up for a game of 4 dimentional chess? Not spacial, paradoxical temporal loops. Youll be playing against Pixel. She is a Schroedingers Cat.:yay:


Thanks for the shoutout. Always happy to help

You guys earned it. And thanks again!


I'm going to read this chapter tomorrow because I really can't start with such a long chapter at 8 in the evening.

No problem. It ain’t going anywhere, so read it when you’re ready. Look forward to hearing what you think.


Whelp I do believe the situation is slightly FUBAR.

More than slightly at this point! :pinkiecrazy: Given how overwhelmingly powerful she is, Midnight is both the frying pan and the fire.

PS: Love your avatar! :heart:


Hmm, EG Celestia and Luna as heavy metal rockers... I like.

Thanks! :heart: I’m sure you’ll like how they’re eventually going to be used in the story, too.

Midnight you do realize the only reason you are doing this is because Eclipse is tired after fighting off Sunset

“I… AM… FREE!” The unleashed goddess announced as she rose into the sky and sucked up the area’s ambient magic, drawing it all into her body while blocking Nightmarity’s attempt to teleport herself and her charges away.

And oh boy, Eclipse is fucked in both the literal and metaphorical sense. An angry Midnight is the last thing you want to be on the receiving end of.

The battle between Solar Inferno and Eclipse was great and it was already revealed that Midnight would break free but while she's certainly powerfull she's also too insane and unstable to achieve what she claims. I also think that Midnight tends to forget that Sci-Twi will be able to undo her escape eventually since they're the same person. From what I have read about it I guess that Sci-Twi and Midnight will eventually merge instead of being 2 halves of a split personality.
I don't like how negatively Eclipse is about her former self since it seems rather extreme. Also Sunset's somments about murder and rape are somewhat dubious. The magical aspect of the curse makes the cliams of rape unclear but given what Alya is I think murder is going to far. Alya is more a malevolent spirit of dark magic than an actual person.
Also I found a rather obvious error:


Other than all that I am also curious as to what would have happened if Eclipse would have successfully converted Sunset. A corrupted Sunset would be interesting.


She stayed awake by sipping at some over-caffeinated black coffee that Dean Sombra had promised her was a “very dark magic mixture” he used for long nights at Everfree University, which she presumed—or at least sorely hoped—was a figure of speech.

Eh, more or less.

Knowing the Dean, I’m sure he’s put something else in it other than coffee.

What? I think you’d all look great in cheerleader outfits!

Goodness knows there's evidence to support that claim.

Sadly, I forgot my deviantart account info long ago, but the blurred image is enough for me to tell what it is. Oh, and do remember that this is the pony Pinkie. Poor mare keeps missing out on all the fun.

Heh. I do like this idea for the principals. Everyone was young once.

I’m still working on their backstories. But as it really doesn’t make sense for them to be regular humans with human lifespans when their pony counterparts are not, they may need to be ageless and ancient beings as well. But if not alicorns, then what?

Because I can’t go back now, either.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that a being of flame incarnate burned so many bridges.

In fairness, this one may have needed to be burned. Give her credit for doing so, given the wrenching cost to herself.

I can simply stand right here and wait for your power to wane, as you can’t sustain that form forever.

Probably shouldn't have spent so long bragging about how clever she was with hiding the portal, even if she hadn't given away enough clues. Oh, Sunset. Still a bit of the villain in there.

As you say, she’s still got a bit of a supervillain mentality in her. That makes her both more and less of a threat to Eclipse, since she knows exactly how a supervillain like her thinks but is also prone to falling into the same traps.

it’s ridiculous to call them related powers, but their world, their rules

Eh, plasma's plasma. Which raises interesting questions about what the Fire Nation could do in the far future with nuclear fusion, but that's diverging far from the main point of this evening's symposium...

Yeah, I don’t think I want firebenders able to perform nuclear fusion or even fission with a snap of their fingers. :unsuresweetie:

she ripped open a fresh portal into what Eclipse recognized was the Gryphon Kingdom’s Hall of Heroes in its capital city of Arnau, where only a few guards stood sentry as the museum was closed for the night.

Strangely, the most common though among them was "Oh no, not again."

Their memories are wiped, but I don’t think I’m spoiling anything to say that they’ll remember everything again shortly.

Sigh. Oh, Sunset. She had the right idea at first. Hit her hard, hit her fast, get it over with. But Sunbutt Jr. ended up succumbing to her own ego and just. Kept. Gloating. :facehoof: I'd hoped she'd have learned from revealing the portal's location, but alas. I suppose ascension is one heck of a rush.

You can take the girl out of the supervillain, but you can’t quite take the supervillain out of the girl. :facehoof: It is definitely a rush, and she was ultimately defeated not by hypoxia, but tunnel vision. By which I mean that even aside from excessive monologuing, she lost sight of the greater battle and what was happening around her. In fairness, though, she did basically beat Eclipse in a stand-up fight even if neither was truly cutting loose there. They couldn’t without endangering everyone.

In any case, there's a new mare in town, and she has quite a lot to say about the situation. Let's hope this hasn't gone from bad to worse... and see just what Sunset's final spell actually was.

Midnight is never at a loss for words, though Eclipse is at this point. You’ll find out the answers later, but they’ll have to wait until more of Midnight Rising is written. See you over there next—well, after a new chapter of Feathered Hearts, that is. :twilightsmile:

Appreciate the nice meaty comment, as always! :eeyup:


Luna and Celestia as Mega Rockers?

Why do I get the image of Lunas as the Iron Maiden, with Tiberius as Eddie?

Why not? And works for me! :eeyup:

And Celestia with pillars of electric plasma from plasma ionic tesla coil speakers as AC/DCs greatest hit plays?

You can be sure they once hobnobbed with the greatest rockers of the ages.

The hypoxia, in a major fight, can be hilarious. I havent asked my region GM if a Tarrask needs to breathe yet, but Im sure he would give a Picard class facepalm with it.

Why stop with Picard? Or even Riker?

Thres a couple of classic moves to go yet, but one relavent to this story but extremely obscure as it only occurs in one square in one location in one game at certain times of day.

Heh. Well, we’ve kind of got that here with the portal to Earth only accessible at a single instant twice a day--at least until Midnight appeared on the scene. :twilightoops:

Anyone up for a game of 4 dimentional chess? Not spacial, paradoxical temporal loops. Youll be playing against Pixel. She is a Schroedingers Cat.:yay:

Ah. So my opponent might actually be dead, but that’s not revealed or even determined until I open the box containing him, leaving the game in a state of quantum flux? :ajsmug:


Midnight you do realize the only reason you are doing this is because Eclipse is tired after fighting off Sunset

She is tired, but even with Eclipse at full strength, Midnight is much more powerful... for now. :unsuresweetie:


“I… AM… FREE!” The unleashed goddess announced as she rose into the sky and sucked up the area’s ambient magic, drawing it all into her body while blocking Nightmarity’s attempt to teleport herself and her charges away.

And oh boy, Eclipse is fucked in both the literal and metaphorical sense. An angry Midnight is the last thing you want to be on the receiving end of.

HEEEERE’S MIDDIE!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

And you said it. And worse, she’s got a couple very good reasons to be pissed at Eclipse right now. We’ll have to see how it manifests.


The battle between Solar Inferno and Eclipse was great and it was already revealed that Midnight would break free but while she's certainly powerfull she's also too insane and unstable to achieve what she claims.

Glad you enjoyed the battle! :yay: At her core, Midnight remains a long-suffering and sexually repressed girl who was suddenly given godlike powers. In many ways, she’s the ultimate embodiment of the old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I also think that Midnight tends to forget that Sci-Twi will be able to undo her escape eventually since they're the same person. From what I have read about it I guess that Sci-Twi and Midnight will eventually merge instead of being 2 halves of a split personality.

You’re correct that her split personality is her greatest weakness. She’s not a whole person, and Sci-Twi can fight back, attempting to retake control once she sees Midnight step over the line. For now, though, she surrendered to Midnight willingly rather than see Sunset lost to the curse. As for merging them, you’ve already seen me do that once over in Harmonic Resonance, and my stories tend to be nothing if not consistent with each other. So it’s a less question of if and more a question of how they’ll be merged here.

I don't like how negatively Eclipse is about her former self since it seems rather extreme.

Some of it is the curse enhancing everything, including her old insecurities. She disdains her old self for having them, not quite understanding that in many ways they’re not only still present, but even more magnified now.

Also Sunset's somments about murder and rape are somewhat dubious. The magical aspect of the curse makes the cliams of rape unclear but given what Alya is I think murder is going to far. Alya is more a malevolent spirit of dark magic than an actual person.

Well, as most of the encounters at least start out non-consensually, the charge of rape could certainly hold, though the curse is a strong mitigating factor given it compels them to do it. As for The Nightmare, I admit it’s dubious whether you can truly call her living in the physical sense, but she’s a certainly a malevolent spirit. Sunset, however, doesn’t make that distinction and thinks The Nightmare should have at least stood trial before being condemned. You can debate that on the merits, but that’s what she believes, and at least part of the reason she’s fighting Eclipse so hard.

Also I found a rather obvious error:


Argh. :facehoof: I hate it when I let stuff like that slip through. Thanks for reporting it. I’ve fixed it now.

Other than all that I am also curious as to what would have happened if Eclipse would have successfully converted Sunset. A corrupted Sunset would be interesting.

I’ve given that some thought. Despite her fears, she wouldn’t revert to her old self, but she also wouldn’t be afraid to challenge or even outright usurp Eclipse if she thought things were going badly, taking the Earth as her own realm.

What would she look like? Well, if converted by Eclipse, she’d probably become a very powerful thestralcorn with near-alicorn levels of ability, possessing an enhanced fire-based aura that wouldn’t be far removed from what she can do as Solar Inferno. She might not be able to defeat Eclipse directly as she nearly did here, but give her time to make plans or ally with a converted Starlight Glimmer who possesses the tactical sense she lacked here? Then she would definitely be a threat.

I sincerely hope the next chapter comes soon. This is indeed an epic battle but it also leaves at another great cliffhanger.

I hope Midnight doesn't just sweep everything and then get "convinced" with morals and rainbows to use her power for good. Equestria has enough reformed villains.

Oh yeah and Twilight Sparkle (or is it still Queen Eclipse) cheated. That's so...disappointing. Not on you, author Firesight, on Eclipse!


I sincerely hope the next chapter comes soon. This is indeed an epic battle but it also leaves at another great cliffhanger.

Yep. Me and my cliffhangers. Seems like it’s hard for me not to end a chapter with one! :pinkiegasp:

With sincerest apologies, the next chapter will have to wait a bit. :ajsleepy: The reason is that I have to write more of Midnight Rising first, because events there will directly affect what happens here. I’ve been using the latest chapters to start setting something up for Nightmare Night, so what happens in subsequent chapters of NMN won’t make sense until MR is more finished.

I hope Midnight doesn't just sweep everything and then get "convinced" with morals and rainbows to use her power for good. Equestria has enough reformed villains.

Nope. :twilightsmile: That would be a rather anticlimactic and unsatisfying ending to this story. Trust me, I’m planning something far more grand. :coolphoto:

Oh yeah and Twilight Sparkle (or is it still Queen Eclipse) cheated. That's so...disappointing. Not on you, author Firesight, on Eclipse!

You’re right; she couldn’t beat Solar Inferno without help. And don’t think that Sunset will let her forget it when all is said and done! :trixieshiftleft:

It’s aight Firesight, I’ve been busy with Real life stuff and haven’t had time to write, I’m sure you’ve probably been busy too.

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