• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Practising magic

A couple of days passed since I returned to Ponyville. The past few days I studied magical texts and tomes, I even read a few ‘how to project and control magic’ books for young unicorns. This morning I woke up to find Twilight poking me with a fore-hoof.

“Morning Twilight. Any reason for you to wake me up?” I asked a bit annoyed as I did like to sleep in.

“Oh sorry Ryan. It’s just that Princess Celestia sent you a package, as well as a letter for both you and me, and my letter said to give you your package as soon as possible.” She explained.

“Okay so it’s all Celestia’s fault got it.”

“What no it isn’t, it’s my fault you were woken up.” Twilight said panicked that I accused her princess of something.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I’m only joking okay calm down. So where’s this letter and package?” I said managing to calm the unicorn down.

“Oh yeah well here you go.” She then levitated the package and letter onto my lap, as I sat up.

“Dear Ryan. I am very sorry if I have disturbed you in anyway, but believe me when I say that you will be quite happy with what I have sent you. Sincerely Princess Celestia.” I then decided to open the package.

When I opened it I could have sworn my eyes fell out of my skull. Lying in the package was a scroll from Celestia sitting on top of The Arch Mage’s Gloves.

“The princess sent you gloves?” Twilight asked. A look of confusion on her muzzle.

“Twilight these aren’t any regular gloves.” She gestured for me to go on. “These gloves are called The Arch Mage’s Gloves.” She still wore the look of confusion. I then grabbed the scroll that was still in the package.

Twilight decided to inspect the gloves covering them in her magic, as I opened the scroll.

“Dear Ryan. Unfortunately, Luna and I are keeping the Thaumonomicon in Canterlot for the time being, as we go over what is in the book. I have also included along with the gloves the Thaumonomicon page for the gloves, do not worry the page that I sent you is only a copy, hopefully that copy will be able to understand a bit more thoroughly how the gloves work. Also please practice low level spells, as I don’t want to find out that something terrible has happened. No offense to you as wielding magic for the first time can sometimes be dangerous. Sincerely Celestia.”

“Well then.” I said as I looked over the Glove’s page. In the center of the page was a schematic of the gloves, on the tip of the fingers and thumbs were tiny blue gems, there was also a larger blue gem on the back of the gloves. The page described the larger of the gems being a mana gem. As a note on the page described the main mana gem that was located on the back of the gloves stored a medium supply of mana, it also said that the blue coloration of the gems was the gloves particular sort of mana, and that the more magic I would use the more the blue would disappear from the main gems. The gems would then turn white signifying that I had run out of mana.

Luckily for me as I read on another note said that the mana crystals would regenerate mana over time. It also said that the blue gems on the tips of my gloves were outputs for any magical spells that I would cast. A few of the other notes on the page described how the gloves could not keep up with casting a multitude of spells in a row, or too powerful spells. “Hmm very interesting.” I said as I looked up at Twilight. “Hey Twilight want to have a read of this?” I said holding up the glove’s page.

“Sure thing Ryan.” She said as her lavender aura encased the scroll.

“Well I’m going to go have a shower and get out of my pajamas.” I then got out of bed and grabbed myself a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom.

After having my shower, I came back outside to see that Twilight was sitting on top of my bed, She had her back facing me as she levitated books from downstairs and nearby bookshelves when she gave them a look over she then placed them in neat towers around my bed.

“Hey Twilight, what’s going on?” I asked a bit scared. She then decided to give the demon from The Exorcist a run for his money by turning her head around nearly 180 degrees, a wide grin on her face, what scared me most about her was the look of craziness in her eyes, if I remembered correctly that was the same look she had when she didn’t hand in a friendship report in on time.

I decided to take a few steps away from the probably crazy unicorn. “Oh all this Ryan.” She then gestured to stacks of books, as she straightened herself and hopped off my bed. “Well I read the pages that were in the package, and I am going to be teaching you how to use magic.” She then let out a squee of excitement.

“Ok that sounds pretty cool Twilight. But before we start how about you calm down a bit.” I said while gesturing for her to calm down.

“Oh okay then, that would probably be a good idea.” She the gestured for me to come over to the bed. After walking up next to her, she gestured to the books that were around my bed. “So Ryan the books that I have gathered for you are a few starter spells that should get you use to using magic. I have divided them up into three categories: Number 1 is utility spells, for example teleportation, a few illusion spells and some minor healing spells. The next is defense spells for example a few shield spells.”

I then decided to move between the stacks of books. “The last group is a few offensive spells, so for example lasers, fire balls and flamethrower, to name a few.” She then took a deep breath in. “So anyway what do you want to start with?” She said giving me a look of excitement.

“Hmm well what do you think would be the easiest Twilight, seeing as how I have to get a handle on magic, might as well start with something easy.” I said as she placed a hoof to her chin.

“Well how about one of the utility spells that I didn’t say.” This caught my attention, as I gestured for her to go on. “The spells that you should start on would be levitation spells.” With that said Twilight levitated three books in front of us.

“So what would be the best starting point then?” Twilight then placed one of the thinner of the three books in my hands. “Okay then thanks for choosing one of the thinner of the books.” I said as she let out a small giggle.

“You’re welcome Ryan, I would have thought you would something a bit light.”

“Well as I said thanks Twilight.” I said opening the book, as I began to read.

After reading through the three books I placed them back on a nearby table. “Okay then I think I have a basic idea of what to do.” I said looking over to Twilight, as she stopped reading the diagram of the Arch Mage’s Gloves.

“Okay want to try these gloves out then?” She said whilst levitating said gloves over to me.

After putting them on I stretched out my fingers, getting used to the gem stones on the gloves.

“How does it feel?” Twilight asked.

“Feels a bit strange, by the way don’t think that I haven’t worn gloves before. It’s just that I feel like I’m connected to these gloves.” I then looked over to Twilight to see that she had set up some fruit on a nearby table.

“I think I understand what you mean Ryan. Before I came to Ponyville, when I still lived in Canterlot, I studied magical amulets and other magical articles of clothing. Princess Celestia thought that it be best that I try on a magical amulet to help further my studies. I tried one on nothing to powerful mind you. But when I put it on it felt like I could feel an additional amount of magic flowing through me from the amulet.” She explained. “Is that what that connection feels like to you Ryan?”

“It does feel a bit like that I guess. So then I guess I’m going to be trying to levitate those fruits.” With that said Twilight gave a few excited nods. “Okay then.” With that said Twilight stood a few feet away from me as I readied myself.

I took a few steps towards the fruit as I remembered what I had to do, the steps were simple: The first being that I had to clear my mind. The second step was waving my hands around like a unicorn would to cast a spell. The third and final step was the most important I had to focus my mind on what I wanted the magic to do.

During this process I had closed my eyes to concentrate properly. I opened my eyes to see that the three apples that Twilight had set up were floating a few centimeters away from the ceiling.

“Ryan that’s brilliant!” Twilight said admiring my work. I decided to drop the spell letting the apples fall to the ground.

I then fell onto my rear panting in exhaustion. Twilight ran up to me with a glass of water in her magical aura. I took the glass from her magical grip and drank it down in one gulp. I then looked at the mana gem on the gloves and saw that their colors hadn’t changed at all.

“Hey Twilight look at the gloves.” I said between ragged breaths. “They look like they’ve barely been drained of any color.”

Twilight looked at the gloves noticing that the color hadn’t changed at all. “Well that’s quite simple Ryan, these gloves are probably used to spells of a higher level for any noticeable drainage. But what’s strange is the drain that your body is experiencing, although that may have something to do with the connection between you and the gloves, either that or your body is still only getting used to the exposure of magic running through your body.”

“Okay then that might explain why my body is exhausted like I just ran a marathon. But before I take a break I want to try something, and I need you to stand still and trust me okay.” I said standing up and walking a few feet away from her.

“Okay sure thing Ryan.” She said a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

I then decided to repeat steps one through three, but instead of wanting my magic to levitate the apples I willed it to levitate Twilight. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see that Twilight was levitating a couple of meters off the floor.

I then felt a small wave of exhaustion wash over my body, before I dropped the spell I levitated Twilight back down to the ground, after making sure she was back on the ground I then fell back onto my rear glad to cut the spell.

“Ryan that was amazing!” Twilight said wrapping her fore-hooves around me.

“Heh you’re welcome Twilight. Anyway how about we have a break for a few minutes.”

“Good plan.” Twilight said removing herself from around my waist.

A few hours later I had managed to improve my levitation ability from barely being able to levitate three apples, to being able to levitate a large bookshelf for an entire minute.

After taking a break from lifting the bookshelf, the rest of the mane six and Spike entered the library.

“Hello girls, Spike.” Twilight said greeting the new arrivals.

“Yo Twilight, what’s up with Ryan?” Dash said whilst floating over my head. “You take him on a run around Ponyville or something?”

“I’m fine Dash just exhausted, and before you ask I didn’t go for a run.” I said looking up at the Pegasus. I then decided to show off what I had learnt. “Hey Twilight stand still will you please.” She gave me a nod, understanding what I was getting at.

After standing up I closed my eyes and stretched my hand out towards Twilight, willing my magic to lift her up in the air. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see that the others were looking between Twilight and I.

“This is why I’m exhausted Dash.” I said still keeping Twilight hovering a few feet off the ground. After a few moments I then lowered Twilight back to the ground.

“Darling how did you do that?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah sugar cube how did y’all levitate Twilight?” AJ asked.

“Yeah AJ’s got a point cause if I remember correctly you human’s don’t have magic.” Dash said. Floating in front of me.

“Simple Dashie, Ryan’s gloves are allowing him to use magic.” Pinkie said taking me by surprise how she knew that.

“That’s correct Pinkie. But how did you know about the gloves?” I asked wondering how exactly she knew.

“Well silly I found this piece of paper on the ground.” She then pulled out the copy of the gloves’ Thaumonomicon page.

“Well thanks for explaining how you knew Pinkie.” I then gave rustle of her mane before turning to the rest of the mane six. “Well as Pinkie said yes these gloves give me the ability to use magic.” I then held up my hands to show the ponies and drake the gloves.

“Interesting, very interesting.” I soon found the gloves woven in Rarity’s magical aura. The seamstress inspecting the gloves. “A nice combination of blue and red. The gem work is quite exquisite as well dear.” Rarity then looked up to see me giving her a quizzical look at what she was doing. She then released the gloves from her magical grasp. “Oh sorry dear, I should have asked if I could inspect your gloves.”

“It’s no problem Rarity I was actually going to come to you and ask you if you could do something for me.” I asked her lifting her spirits.

“Why of course what would you ask of me dear?”

“Well I was wondering if you could make me a suit that goes with these gloves.” I asked the seamstress.

“Why of course darling, it would be my utmost pleasure.” She then turned to Spike. “Spikey if you wouldn’t mind could you please come back to the boutique with me to help work on Ryan’s suit. If you don’t want to that’s absolutely fine.”

“Of course I’ll give you a helping claw Rarity.” Spike replied a grin adorning his face. With that said Spike and Rarity said their goodbyes and headed out.

“So what else can you do eh Ryan?” Dash said.

“Well Dash, levitating objects and ponies is all I can do for now, seeing as how I don’t know any other spells.” I said. Whilst thinking what sort of spells I would try next.

With that said I then found my vision filled with the color pink, as I realized Pinkie’s muzzle was mere centimeters away from my face. I then had my ear drums filled with Pinkie’s voice. “Can you levitate me!!” This managed to get me to fall back onto my rear. “Oh sorry about that Ryan.” Pinkie said offering me hoof to help me up.

Taking her hoof in my hand I pulled myself up. “No problem Pinkie. Also sure I’ll levitate you, but you have to stand still for a few seconds. Think you can do that.” She then gave me a very excited nod. “Okay then now stand still.”

I then repeated the same actions that I did for levitating Twilight, but I decided to keep my eyes open. I then saw that thin tendrils were snaking out from the gems on my gloves and wrapping around Pinkie lifting her up into the air. I then looked around to see that AJ was looking up at Pinkie in wonder. I then raised my left hand towards AJ seeing the same indigo blue tendrils snake around her lifting her into the air.

“What the hay?” AJ said as she floated up next to Pinkie. The pink mare giving AJ a wave as she floated beside her friend.

“Simple AJ you looked like you wanted to float as well.” I said as a bead of sweat dripped down my fore head. After a few seconds I lowered the two to the ground.

“OhmygoshRyanthatwassomuchfun.” Pinkie said at a rate where I could barely understand what she was saying.

“Yeah thanks fer that sugar cube, that was quite fun.” AJ said patting me on the back.

“You’re welcome you too.” It was then I noticed the time.

Twilight noticed the time as well. “So girls will you be staying for dinner or not.” Twilight asked the other ponies present.

“Sorry Twily but I gotta go help the cakes.” Pinkie said making her way towards the door giving Twilight and I a hug.

“Yeah I still got a few chores to do around the farm.” AJ then proceeded to give us a tip of her hat before joining Pinkie at the door.

“Yeah sorry Twi but I gotta get up early tomorrow.” With that Rainbow joined the expanding party that was gathered around the door.

“I have to go home and feed Angel and the others, maybe some other time Twilight.” Fluttershy said before moving to the door.

After a quick exchange of goodbyes, the others were gone heading back to their homes.

I then turned around to Twilight. “So what’s for dinner?”

Author's Note:

Here it is as I promised a new chapter on Sunday. (At least it's Sunday where I am.)

Now I would like to tell you something that a few of you might have been waiting for. The next chapter will be regarding the Canterlot wedding. How exciting.:pinkie happy:

Also I have a question for you all and I would love to get answers in the comments. My question is whether some of these chapters should focus mainly on Ryan practising magic or not. I will probably still continue to use these magic practising chapters as filler between major chapters.

Also for those of you wondering I will eventually get a chapter based around the CMC I will probably do this after the Canterlot wedding chapter. Anyway please give me your answers to my question as it will help out in the long run.

Sincerely The7thElement

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