• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,042 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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A thoughtful chapter.

As the sun rose over the land of Equestria, a changeling by the name of Stealth slowly awoke from his slumber. “Where am I?” Stealth said as he took in his surroundings before remembering the events that happened the previous night.

As he sifted through the events of last night he was pulled from is thoughts by a weight on his chest. As he looked down his form he could see that Twilight had her head resting on his chest. After a few minutes of Stealth thinking of what to do next he realized two things. The first was that Twilight was slowly waking up. The second was that he didn’t have his disguise on.

Before he could reapply his disguise Twilight had opened her eyes. “Um hi.” Stealth said as Twilight’s eyes widened in shock.

It was in the next second few seconds that Stealth found out how Twilight had managed to fight off an entire changeling horde, at the time Stealth rounded her fighting them off to be because of her friends. But that all changed when he found himself flying through the door to the bedroom in the blink of an eye.

Before Stealth could make head or tails of how he had managed to get from a comfy bed to falling down the stairs that led to the bedroom he was previously in. “GUARDS!!!” The sound of Twilight screaming that one word caused time to somehow slow around Stealth as his mind raced to come up with a plan.

As his mind formulated a plan Stealth realized three things. The first was that during his fall down the stairs his anti-magic ring had somehow fallen off of his horn. The second was that it sounded like Twilight was making way to follow him. And last but not least Twilight screaming for the guards had managed to get the two ponies that Stealth didn’t want to be around to send the door to the room flying open. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

“Twilight are you alright? We heard yelling…” Princess Cadance began before catching sight off Stealth.

“Cadance is it just me or is there a changeling standing in Twilight’s room.” Shining said before aiming his horn at Stealth.

“Wait!” Stealth said raising his hooves causing Shining to pause. “I mean you no harm.”

“Hey Cadance, don’t you just love changeling tricks and treachery.” Shining said before his horn began to glow before firing a magical bolt towards Stealth.

As Stealth rolled out of the way of the bolt a plan had managed to formulate in his mind. ‘Gotta find Ryan, only way to live.’ Stealth thought as he prepped a teleport spell.

At the sight of Stealth’s horn glowing from the prepping of his teleport spell Shining sent a hail of bolts at Stealth a hail of that Stealth couldn’t avoid if he had his anti-magic ring on his horn.

As soon as he blinked out of Shining’s sight the prince turned to see Stealth reappear in the doorway before sprinting off into the halls of the castle. “Cadance check on Twilight. I’ll deal with the changeling!” Shining said before charging off after Stealth.

As Cadance made her way towards the bedroom to check on Twilight the door was flung open as Twilight came running out. “Stealth!?” She yelled wondering where he had gone. Before she could say anything else she saw Cadance. “Cadance what are you doing here?”

Before she could get an answer Cadance pulled Twilight into a hug. “Shhh Twilight it’s okay. The changeling isn’t here to hurt you anymore.” She said as she ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane.

“What? Wait Cadance you don’t understand Stealth isn’t trying to hurt anypony. He’s-he’s-he’s…” Twilight stammered.

“He’s what Twilight?”

“He’s my Coltfriend.” Twilight said causing Cadance to give her a look of disbelief.

“Twilight he probably made you believe that with a disguise.”

“No he didn’t!” Twilight said taking a few steps away from Cadance. “Well technically he did but I always knew he was a changeling.”

“So you knew that he was a changeling throughout your relationship?”

“Yes I did.” Twilight stated before looking past her sister-in-law out the open doors. “Know if you’ll excuse me I have to go save Stealth from Shining.” She said making her way towards the door.

“I’ll give you a helping hoof with that.” Cadance said as she joined Twilight run out the door after Shining and Stealth.

“GET BACK HERE CHANGELING!!!!!!” Shining Armor shouted as he chased Stealth through the castle.

‘Geez this guy doesn’t give up.’ Stealth thought to himself as he made his way towards the Lunar Wing of the castle. As he was being chased through the halls he noticed that Shining wasn’t the only one chasing him anymore, through his chase Shining had managed to gather a number of Solar Guard to help him in the chase.

As Stealth rounded a corner he ran into another guardspony if the armor was anything to go by. “Hey watch where you’re going…” The mare said before looking down to see who had run into her. “You!” She said as she spun him around and held him against a wall.

“Ah buck.” Stealth said as he noticed who the mare was. “Morning Captain Moonlight.” Stealth croaked out as Moonlight applied pressure to his throat.

“What the buck are you doing out here changeling?” She said before looking up at his horn. “And where is your anti-magic ring?” She questioned levelling her blades at his throat.

“Do you mind using my name please, I’ve had enough ponies only address me as changeling.”

“Fine then Stealth. Where’s your ring and what are you running from?”

“Well through a series of complicated events my ring was knocked off, as for what I’m running from that would be Captain Shining Armor. Now if you would please let me go I need to go talk to Ryan.” Stealth said as the pressure on his neck was slightly reduced.

“Well too bad.” Moonlight said as she reapplied the pressure to his neck. “You’re no taking another step towards the Lunar Wing.”

“Well sorry but I gotta go.” Stealth said as he teleported once more and sprinted away from her as Shining and the Solar Guard rounded the corner.

“Captain Moonlight, you haven’t happened to see a changeling pass through here have you?” Shining asked her. Before he could get an answer Moonlight was gone as she flew off after Stealth. “I’ll take that as a yes. C’mon men he’s got no where else to go!” Shining exclaimed as he and the Solar Guard made to follow Moonlight.


As Ryan slowly woke up from his sleep he could have sworn he heard a small boom from somewhere within the castle. ‘What the heck was that?’ Ryan thought to himself as he slowly propped himself up on his elbows.

As he rose up he noticed two things. The first was that there was a pressure on his mid-section which upon inspection was the sleeping head of Luna. This was the point he noticed that he was lying in Luna’s bed naked.

“Well I gotta congratulate you on one thing Ryan.” Orion said as Ryan laid back down on his back.

‘And what would that be?’ Ryan thought back as he swore he could have heard another boom throughout the castle.

“What do ya think. You just got lucky with a Princess!” Orion exclaimed as Ryan began to work his way out from under Luna.

‘A good point. But I don’t see it as that.’ Ryan said as he made his way towards the bathroom.

“So what would you see it as?”

“A new step in our relationship.” He said before having a shower and getting dressed into his magic coat and gloves.

“Can you stop you’re gonna make me puke.” Orion said as Ryan made his way towards the door. “Wait a sec where are we going? Shouldn’t you be staying here with Luna?”

‘Luna would understand that I need to go have some coffee.’ Ryan thought before stopping himself from opening the door. ‘Did you hear that?’ Ryan asked Orion.

“Did it sound like a boom?”


“Then yes I did.” Orion said before Ryan opened the door to see Stealth round the corner into the hall that led into Luna’s private chambers.

As Stealth got closer Ryan closed the door hoping that the soundproofing charm from the previous night was still in effect. “Hey Stealth what’s wrong?” Ryan said as Stealth hid behind him and decided to use Ryan as a shield. “Also where’s your ring?”

“Long story I’ll tell you later. For now, please protect me!” Stealth said as Ryan attention was pulled from him as he noticed a group of guards standing at the entrance to the hallway that Stealth had just appeared from.

As Ryan inspected the group of guards he noticed that Shining Armor was at the head of the group. “I’m guessing Shining may or may not have found you in the same room as Twilight?” Ryan whispered to Stealth.

“He doesn’t know that me and Twilight are dating. All he knows is that I’m a changeling and I may or may not have been undisguised around her.”

“Got it.” Ryan said as he focused on the guards.

“Um Ryan there’s a problem. Moonlight isn’t with those guards.”

At this Ryan looked above him to see a single Thestral hanging over over him and Stealth. Upon seeing the Thestral, Ryan hit her with a smug grin. “Morning Moonlight, how’s it hanging?”

“Did you really just do that?” Orion and Stealth asked in unison.

“Yep.” Ryan said the smug grin still on his face.

With that said and done Moonlight slinked down from her place in the roof’s rafters. “… Did you really just say that?” Moonlight deadpanned.

“Yep. Sorry.” Ryan said apologizing for the pun. “Anyway jokes aside what seems to be the problem?”

At this Shining made his way towards the small group. “Well Ryan we’re here for the changeling that’s behind you.” Shining said pointing at Stealth.

“A couple of things. One, let’s move a bit away from the room that Luna is sleeping in. Second, you’ll call Stealth by his name got it Shining.” Ryan said before gesturing for the gathered group to move away from the door. “Also Shining call off your guards they won’t be needed.”

At this the small group made their way to the gathering of Solar Guards as Shining told them to go back to their regularly scheduled duties. “Now if you don’t mind Ryan I’ll be taking Stealth into custody.” Shining said.

“Why?” Ryan questioned as he saw out of the corner of his eye two ponies approach the small group.

“Yes Shining why indeed?” The familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle said from behind Shining.

As Shining turned around to greet the new arrivals he noticed that Cadance was with his sister. “Because Twilight he was trying to drain your emotions. If it wasn’t for you yelling for the guards me and Cadance probably wouldn’t have been able to help you in time.”

At this a small blush arose on Twilight’s face. “Oh yeah the yelling.” She said before turning to Stealth. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” Stealth said before shying behind Ryan again thanks to a glare from Shining.

“Shining Armor, you will stop giving my Coltfriend the death stare is that understood?!” Twilight exclaimed once she saw the glare.

“Coltfriend!?” Shining exclaimed, before looking between Twilight and Stealth. “Twilight he probably tricked you with a disguise into having you think he’s your Coltfriend.”

“As I’ve explained to Cadance I already knew that he was a changeling.” Twilight said as she moved beside Stealth before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Okay then he’s your Coltfriend.” Shining said all too calmly. “If you already knew about him being a changeling why did you start yelling for guards?”

“Guess I’m not used to waking up to a changeling in the same bed as me.”

This admission had the effect of having Shining freeze in place as his brain shut down from this admission. “You slept with my sister?” Shining said as his gaze fell on Stealth. In the blink of an eye Stealth found himself wrapped in a pink aura of magic as he was pinned to a wall by the aura. “You slept with my sister!” Shining said as he kept Stealth pinned against the wall.

Before anypony could react to this Ryan had his hand wrapped around Shining’s horn. “Shining drop Stealth right now.” Ryan said in a serious tone as small flames began to dance on the hand that was holding his horn. “Or else tiny black crystals will be the least horrible thing to happen to your horn.”

At this threat Shining dropped Stealth from his place on the wall. “Thanks Ryan.” Stealth said as he righted himself. “Um Twilight don’t get mad at your brother okay.” Stealth said as he made his way over to Twilight.

“No promises Stealthy.” Twilight said before giving him a small kiss.

“Sorry to interrupt this moment Miss Sparkle but I need Stealth to put this on.” Moonlight said before pulling out a ring Stealth’s anti-magic ring. “And before you ask I went back to Twilight’s room and found this on the ground. Now Stealth please put this back on.” She said offering him the ring.

“That won’t be necessary Captain Moonlight.” The familiar voice of Luna said from behind the entourage.

“Morning Luna.” Ryan said as she joined the group. “Have a good night’s rest?”

“I believe you know the answer to that already.” She said before realizing that they weren’t the only ones present.

“Lady Noctis why shouldn’t he wear the ring?” Moonlight asked.

“Because Stealth has to wear that ring until either me or my sister see him rehabilitated. And whilst he may not be a hundred percent rehabilitated I think he’s rehabilitated enough that he doesn’t need the ring.”

“And what proves that Princess?” Shining asked.

“Simple Captain Armor. For most of this morning he was not wearing the ring, during that time he could have fled Canterlot and we probably wouldn’t have seen him again. But instead of running he stayed. Now we may not know why he stayed…” She explained before letting her gaze land on Twilight for a few short moments. “We do know that he did stay when he could of left. That enough is proof that he doesn’t need to wear the ring.” She said finishing her explanation.

“A good point Lady Noctis.” Moonlight said before tucking the ring away.

“Now then Twilight, I can entrust you to keep an eye on Stealth.” Luna said getting a nod from Twilight before turning to Stealth. “And I entrust you Stealth to follow the laws of Equestria.”

“Of course Princess.” Stealth said giving a slight bow.

“Good to hear. Now I must go discuss this matter with my sister.” Luna said before giving Ryan a kiss on the cheek as she made her way off towards where her sister would be at this time during the morning hours.

“Well Shiny and I best be off.” Cadance said as she pulled Shining away by his tail with her magic. It was then that Ryan had noticed that Moonlight was gone as well.

“Well I best go pack up and get ready for the train ride back to Ponyville.” Twilight said before turning to Stealth. “I’ll be in the room if you need me.” She said before giving him a kiss and leaving.

“So you can use all your magic now?” Ryan asked Stealth.

“Yeah I can. Why?”

“Well I need you to do something for me Stealth.”

“And what would that be.” Stealth said before donning his disguise. “Gotta keep up appearances mate.” Stealth said when he noticed Ryan giving him a quizzical look.

“Okay then.” Ryan said before leaning down so he was eye level with Stealth. “As for what I need you to do for me, well it’s quite simple. I need a meeting with your Queen.”

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