• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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A canterlot wedding and after-party (Sorry couldn't think of an original name.)

I woke up the next morning finding myself in Trixie’s room on the lower floor. I still remember Trixie saying that if I ever came to Canterlot I could sleep on the lower floor. I decided to get up and get ready for the wedding.

After having a quick shower, I changed into some regular clothes, seeing as how the wedding wasn’t going to start until the afternoon and I still had a few hours to spare. My stomach decided on what I should do next, as it let out a loud growl of hunger.

“Well off to have breakfast I guess. Wonder if Celestia’s at the dining hall.” I said aloud to myself as I walked quietly upstairs and out front door hoping not to wake Trixie.

After a few minutes I arrived at the dining hall. I entered after giving the guards on duty a greeting I found that Moonlight was sitting at the table.

“Hey Moonlight, how’s it going?” I asked the thestral as I took a seat next to her.

“Good morning Ryan. I’m going well, how about you?” She asked turning to look at me.

When I looked into her slitted amber eyes, I could have sworn I lost myself in her eyes. I was quickly torn from my thoughts as I realized that someone was talking to me.

“Sir what would you like for breakfast?” The voice asked. I looked across the table to see Silver Platter standing on the other side of the table looking at me and Moonlight.

“Um, just some bacon and eggs please.” With that said Silver gave us a bow and trotted off into the kitchen.

I then turned back to see Moonlight looking at me with interest.

“So Ryan, do you enjoy staring into a mare’s eyes.” Moonlight said in a slightly sultry tone.

This caused my face to erupt in a blush. “S-sorry Moonlight. I didn’t mean to stare.”

“It’s alright Ryan. Thestrals can have that affect on ponies.” She explained as my breakfast appeared on the table in front of me.

Before I could say my thanks Silver was gone.

“So Ryan, are you attending the wedding?” Moonlight asked me as I was eating my breakfast.

After swallowing what bacon and eggs were in my mouth I gave her my answer. “Yeah I am. What about you Moonlight?”

“Unfortunately I cannot, Mother Sol has assigned me and my lieutenant Nightblade will be guarding Lady Noctis whilst she rests.” She explained.

“Really well that’s a bit disappointing.” I said to the thestral as I dived back into my breakfast.

“Well if it makes you feel any better, I will be attending the after party.” That managed to get my spirits to rise quite a bit. “I’m sorry to eat and run but I must go Ryan.” With that she stood up and moved towards the door. “See you at the after party.”

“See you then Moonlight.” I said giving her a wave goodbye as she left through the oak doors.

After finishing my breakfast, I then realized I needed to go to the castle’s cathedral, for the practice wedding. Celestia thought it would be a good idea to give us a run down on what would happen during the wedding. After leaving the dining room I made my way towards the cathedral, as I turned a corner the cathedral’s doors came into view at the end of the hallway.

Orion decided to speak up. “So you’re really looking forward to seeing Moonlight at the after party. No doubt your hoping she’ll show up in a nice red dress. Then you’ll ask her to slow dance with you. Love is a beautiful and horrible thing.” Orion said annoying me.

‘Oh shut up Orion. I got more important things to worry about, than your stupid ramblings.’ I thought to the crazed voice in my head.

“Fine then I’ll be quiet but if I start laughing it’s probably because of one reason.”

‘And what would that reason be?’ I wondered curious as to what he was going to be laughing at.

“Simple you ignoring Twilight when she looks to you and the others to back up her feeling towards the fake Cadance.” He said cackling as my mind took in what he said.

I decided to ignore what he said and entered the cathedral finding that every-pony was here except for Twilight.

“Ah Ryan good to see you’re here.” Celestia said as she noticed me enter. She then turned back to the bride and groom who were standing at the altar. “Now then where were we. Ah yes. Well I’ll ask you to both say your vows and then I will have Spike present the rings.” She then gestured to Spike who was standing behind Shining, somehow Spike had managed to get himself a small tuxedo with a matching top hat. He was holding the rings on a small pillow. Celestia then brought everyone’s attention back to herself. “Then I will pronounce you, stallion and wife.”

It was then I decided to cut in. “Um Princess Cadance, where are your bridesmaids?” I asked the princess.

“Well Ryan. It turns out my old bridesmaids only wanted the position for the fame, so I replaced them with Twilight’s friends.” She then gestured to the rest of the mane six.

It was at that moment Twilight burst through the cathedral doors. “Shining get away from her!” Twilight yelled gesturing to Cadance and Shining.

“Oh boy.” AJ muttered under her breath, as Twilight stormed angrily towards the altar.

“Twilight what do you mean?” Shining said as Twilight stood on the altar next to him.

“This isn’t the real Cadance. She’s an imposter!” This managed to get looks of shock across the ponies faces.

“Twilight what would make you think that this isn’t the real Cadance?” Shining asked his sister as she turned on Cadance.

“Because when I went to go talk to you last night, I saw her zapping you with a green beam of light.” She said back Cadance into a corner.

Shining decided to interrupt his sister’s accusation. “Twilight, the reason for Cadance zapping me last night was because maintaining the shield around Canterlot causes me to get migraines. The spell Cadance was using on me helps with my migraines.”

“Okay then explain why she has been treating my friends so poorly.” Twilight then turned back to glare and give a slight growl at Cadance

Cadance then broke into a crying fit, catching us all off guard. “Why are you so mean to me?” Cadance said between sobs as she ran past Twilight and out of the cathedral.

Shining then glared at Twilight. “Great work Twilight. You can’t even take into consideration that I’m happy with Cadance, all you care about is the fact that Cadance is acting differently from how she used to act. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go comfort my fiancée.” He then started angrily trotting towards the doors, before stopping before the doors. “Oh and Twilight, don’t bother showing up to the wedding, you’re no longer my best mare.” With that said Shining rushed out after Cadance.

Twilight then looked between her friends as they had looks of disappointment on their faces. They then decided to follow Shining out of the cathedral. As Celestia walked past Twilight she said something that made me freeze in shock for a few seconds. “I’m not angry at you Twilight Sparkle, but I am disappointed.” With that said Celestia left leaving me and Twilight left in the cathedral she then looked to me a few tears in her eyes. Before she could say anything I turned around and left her.

As I left I could hear her collapse onto the floor and begin crying.

Orion then spoke up. “Wow. It’s one thing to see that happen in the show but to see it happen in person. I’m speechless. I can only imagine how you feel.” With that I decided to follow Shining and the others, as I walked down the hall I noticed Cadance slip back into the cathedral out of the corner of my eye.

Part of me wanted to go and stop the imposter from sending Twilight into the crystal caves, but I needed to keep walking and follow my plan. No matter how much it made me hate myself.

After a few minutes of walking I found myself in the Canterlot gardens. Shining Armor was alone sitting on a bench in the gardens, his head tilted towards the sky as he watched the clouds drift by.

His ears twitched when I walked over to him, he took notice of me almost immediately. “Oh it’s you. What do you want?” He asked a slight amount of harshness lacing his words. I couldn’t help but wince at the harshness of his words, something he didn’t fail to pick up on. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to sound angry at you it’s just…”

He paused. I decided to change the conversation. “How’s your head doing? Y’know with all the migraines and headaches.” I asked him as I sat next to him on the bench.

“Well thanks to Cadance I’m getting better.” He then tilted his head back so he could get back to his cloud watching.

“Hey Shining, you wanna talk about what just happened? ‘Cause if you don’t want to that’s fine.”

He let out a groan before turning his gaze to me, he then gave me a small chuckle before speaking again. “I guess I couldn’t avoid it forever. To tell you the truth Ryan I don’t know what to do. I’ve gone and told Twilight not to bother coming to my own wedding.” He then gave me a look of desperation. “Ryan please tell me you can help.”

“Hmm. Well how about this, you continue with the wedding.” I said with a forceful smile on my face.

“Okay then, but I don’t have a best stallion.”

“How about me?” I said gesturing to myself.

“You why would I. Y’know what sure thing you’re my best stallion.”

“Um technically I’d be your best man, seeing as how I’m a human and not a pony.” Shining then gave me an unamused look. “Oh would you look at the time we best go get ready for the wedding.” I said. That managed to get Shining to look up before a look of panic crossed his face before he jumped off the bench.

“Yeah your right. Well do you know what to do?”

“Plan your bachelor party.”

“Too late for that.” He deadpanned.

“Okay then.” I said disappointed, whilst another part of my mind wondered how a pony bachelor party would work, a question to ask Shining later. “Well what I do is stand next to you during the wedding, then at the after party I make a speech.”

“Yes that’s all you have to do.” With that said he began trotting off towards the castle, before stopping in place turning around to face me. “You do have a tuxedo right?”

“Yes I do.” With that said he dashed off into the castle. I then decided to head bac to my room and get changed into my tux.

An hour later I was standing on the wedding altar next to a very nervous Shining Armor.

I placed a hand on his shoulder as we waited for Cadance’s arrival. “Shining mate calm down okay. You’re getting married to the mare of your dreams, she’s probably as nervous as you right now.”

That managed to calm him down quite a bit. He turned his head around to face me as I took my hand off his shoulder. “Thanks Ryan, I needed that.”

“Hey that’s what I’m here for as your best man, someone’s gotta keep you from diving out a window in the middle of your vows.”

Before Shining could give me a reply, the organ player began playing ‘Here Comes the Bride.’ Through the large double doors came Cadance trotting up to the altar.

When she arrived at the altar her and Shining shared a look at each other as Celestia began with the long process of wedding these two ponies.

After about half an hour, Celestia had finally come to the conclusion of the wedding.

“If any-pony wishes to voice their opinions as to why these two ponies should not be wed speak up now or forever hold your peace.” As soon as Celestia spoke those words the doors to the cathedral were blasted open by Twilight Sparkle.

She then rushed in followed by what looked to be be a beaten up Princess Cadance. The ragged princess managed to get every-pony in the room to look between the real deal and the imposter on the altar.

“Stop the wedding!” The ragged Cadance yelled out. “That isn’t the real Cadance, that is an imposter!” This managed to get the ponies in attendance to let out gasps of shock. “She’s a changeling queen. The changelings are a race of creature’s that change their forms to feed off of love generated by ponies.”

At this the imposter let out an evil cackle. “It seems that some-pony finally managed to figure it out.” With that said a ring of green fire enveloped the imposter. From the fiery embers came the queen of the changelings in her true form.

At this ponies began to run out of the room in panic.

Celestia saw that her ponies were in danger, and she jumped in front of the changeling queen charging up her horn. “Surrender now changeling queen, or you will be waking up in the dungeons.”

“You think that you scare me Celestia, because you don’t.” The changeling queen then fired up her horn a shot a green beam at Celestia. In a blinding flash of light Celestia countered the queen’s magical laser.

A bead of sweat could be seen running down Celestia’s fore head as she forced the queen’s laser back towards her. In a quick second the queen suddenly found a second burst of magical strength flowed through her body, as she forced Celestia’s yellow ray of magic back into her horn.

In a large flash of green light Celestia flew through the air towards the doors to the cathedral. She then landed on the ground sliding to a halt in the middle of the room the top of her horn was burnt. The elements immediately gathered around the fallen princess as she told them something only they could hear, after a few moments the elements ran out of the cathedral door.

With that done the changeling queen struck a victorious pose. Cadance then spoke up. “You do know you won’t win.”

The changeling queen turned around to see Cadance approaching her, before Cadance could get any closer the queen levitated Shining Armor up into the air and threw him at Cadance. “Of course I will win. Your guard can’t do anything to stop me seeing as how my hive has already broken through dear Shining Armor’s shield.” With that said her horn glowed and the windows around the room shattered and changelings flew through the shattered windows.

In a few seconds Cadance and Shining were bound to each other by some sort of green goo that the changeling’s spat out. Whilst Cadance and Shining were being tied up, Celestia was being wrapped in a cocoon. Spike was also trapped in the same goo.

I then realized that I was very thirsty and I walked over to the snack table and poured myself a glass of punch. After finishing my glass of punch I looked over too the changelings as they finished wrapping Celestia in a cocoon.

I then fell over onto my rear into a fit of laughter. This managed to capture the eyes of every-pony and changeling look at me. “What are you laughing at?” The changeling queen asked me.

“Oh sorry it’s just funny that you made Celestia into a popsicle.” I then decided to get off my rear and approach the queen before I could get within two meters of the queen, two changelings landed in front of me blocking me off from reaching the queen. “Whoa calm down you two I’m not going to hurt your queen.”

After a few seconds the queen let out a few chirps and clicks, the changelings then gave the queen a quick bow and moved out of my way.

“Thanks for that.” I then dropped down onto my knee bowing my head to the changeling queen.

“Hmm so you have manners I see. You may rise.”

I then followed the orders of the changeling queen, rising off of my knee. “So may I please ask you a question my queen?”

“You may.”

“What would be your name?”

“My name Is Queen Chrysalis Bladequeen.”

“Well then Queen Chrysalis, may I say it is a pleasure to meet you.” I then turned around to see that Shining and Cadance were staring at me their jaws agape.

“What the heck Ryan?! Why are you bowing to that thing?! You’re meant to be our ally you traitor!” Shining yelled at me.

“Shiny why do you call me a ‘Thing’ I thought I was your one true love.” Chrysalis said stroking his cheek.

“Get away from me!” Shining said to Chrysalis, flinching away from her touch.

“Fine then.” Chrysalis then shifted her gaze back to me. “Wait a second I’ve just realized you aren’t under my mind control spell.”

“No I’m not.” I said. Noticing Cadance and Shining’s looks of shock.

After a few seconds the doors to the cathedral swung open as the mane six were pulled into the cathedral, a small swarm of changelings accompanied them. After they were properly secured to the floor in changeling goo Chrysalis addressed them.

“So you six are the oh so powerful elements of harmony.” At this Chrysalis let out a short laugh. “So much for being Equestria’s best defense against the forces of evil.”

“How about you let us go and you’ll see how good we are at kicking evil’s flank.” Dash spat at Chrysalis.

The elements then noticed that I wasn’t in any goo. “Ryan what are y’all doin grab her!” AJ yelled out to me, as I was inspecting the cocooned Celestia.

“Hey Queen Chrysalis, do you have a stick?” I asked the changeling queen as she walked up to me.

“How come?” She asked, I could see the confusion spread across her face as she asked this.

“I don’t know why but looking at Celestia like this I feel like smashing open a piñata.” With that said two things happened over the next few seconds. The first was that the ponies present let out gasps of shock and horror at what I said. The second thing was that Chrysalis fell onto her side in a fit of laughter.

“Ryan why are you saying that?!” Twilight exclaimed at me.

“Because Twilight Sparkle he is allied with me.” Chrysalis stated, she the looked to me. “Aren’t you Ryan?”

“I guess I am.” With my answer delivered the ponies in the room wore faces of disbelief and horror.

Whilst the mane six were trying to wrap their heads around what I said, Shining looked into Cadance’s eyes.

“Well if we are about to be conquered by changelings at least I got to spend the invasion next to the pony I love.”

“Aww that’s so sweet.” Cadance said before pulling Shining into a kiss. “And I’m glad I got to be glued to you as well Shining.”

As Cadance said this a pink light started to envelop their horns. After a few seconds the pink light enveloped the two ponies, when the light disappeared Shining and Cadance had all of the changeling goo removed from their bodies. After a few more seconds their horns started to glow again emanating a strobe light effect.

I looked to my side to see Chrysalis backing away from the two lovers as the pulsing light started to quicken its pulses. “No, no this can’t be. No pony should be emanating that much love energy.”

My brain immediately went into overdrive as I worked on the next part of my plan. I dove straight at the closest changeling tackling him to the ground, unfortunately I couldn’t get a good enough grip on him and he slipped out of my grasp.

Before he could even wonder why I had tried to grab him, Shining and Cadance’s love bomb went off. The next thing I knew as I looked around the changelings in the room were flung out of the windows Chrysalis’ screams as she flew through the air could be heard. I then decided to get off the floor and look out one of the windows to see the changeling swarm be flung away from Canterlot, I then looked down at my fee to see the changeling that I had grabbed had collided into a wall instead of being flung out a window, and from what I could tell his chitin was severely cracked and broken in multiple places.

“Hey Ryan, is it just me or did you also think that Chrysalis was really beautiful.” Orion said.

Before I could give him an answer, I heard someone approaching me from behind. I turned to see that Shining Armor was walking up to me, his horn was glowing a faint light pink aura surrounding his horn. “Hey Shining how’s it…” I never got to finish my sentence as Shining hit me with a knockout spell.

I awoke to find that I was in a hospital bed, I sat up taking in my surroundings it was then I noticed that two guards were giving me the stink eye from their positions at the door to the room. I looked to my right to see that a curtain was hanging around a bed I could make out some shadows that were plastered across the curtain.

After a few moments a familiar figure walked out from behind the curtain. “Good to see you again Miss Redheart.” I said to the nurse who jumped a bit not noticing that I was awake.

“Good to see you again Ryan, how are you feeling?” She asked.

After a few seconds I gave my answer. “Well I feel fine. But I’m quite confused to tell you the truth.”

“Well I could try to answer any questions you have.” She admitted, a comforting smile on her face.

“Okay then. First question: how did I get here.” I asked gesturing to the room I was in.

“Ah well, Shining Armor hit you with a stun spell, normally you would have gone to the dungeons or a locked room, but Shining didn’t plan on your head smashing into bit of debris when you hit the ground.” She explained. It was then that I noticed that I had a bandage wrapped around my fore head.

“Oh thanks for the bandage then. Second question: Who’s behind the curtain.” I asked pointing behind Redheart to the curtain.

“Well that would be an injured changeling, a changeling that was at your feet when Shining Armor knocked you out. His chitin is quite badly beaten and broken after Shining and Cadance cast their love spell forcing the changelings out of Canterlot, all except the one behind that curtain, who apparently was smashed into a wall by the love spell.” She explained.

“Okay then, also thanks for that. Third question can I go?”

At this one of the two guards decided to answer for Redheart. “No you cannot, we are under strict orders from captain Armor to keep you here until his is done with his wedding.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s to keep me from levitating you two out of the way.” It was then I noticed that whilst I was still in my tux my gloves were missing. “Okay you two where are my gloves?”

The other guard decided to step in. “The captain has them. After his sister explained to him what they were he took them off you. If I remember correctly, he said he was going to be hanging onto them.” He said with a smirk adorning his face.

Before I could reply to him yelling could be heard from behind the door to the room. From the sounds of it, it sounded like someone was speaking Italian, or at least some pony version of Italian. It was then I noticed the guards move away from the door.

I then found out why as the door was kicked open from the outside. On the other side of the door was a very angry looking Moonlight. As she entered a thestral stallion followed in behind her.

I decided to remember what I had learnt from an Italian teacher I had in high school, barely managing to remember the Italian word for hello. “Ciao Miss Moonlight, who’s your friend?” I asked her casually.

Her anger disappeared as soon as she heard me speak Italian. “Wait you know how to speak Thestrali.” She asked me.

“Thestrali what’s that?” I asked confused as to what Thestrali was.

“Thestrali is the native tongue of thestrals.”

“Oh well, I wasn’t speaking Thestrali, but I guess that’s what you ponies call Italian. Anyway you still haven’t answered my question who’s your friend?” I asked pointing at the male thestral who was talking to Redheart about what I guessed to be the changeling behind the curtain.

“Oh that’s my lieutenant, Nightblade.” At the mention of his name, he turned around and walked over to us.

When he was close enough he started whispering something into Moonlight’s ear, he decided to speak in Thestrali so that no one could understand what he was saying. When he was done Moonlight pondered what he had said and gave him a quick nod.

Nightblade then noticed that I was looking at him with my hand stretched out towards him. He gave my hand a look of confusion before it crossed his mind what to do, after placing his hoof in my hand I then gave it a quick shake. With him being this close I took in his features.

His coat was as black as the night sky, his mane and tail were dark grey, his slitted eyes were a faint green. With a craning of my neck I then noticed what his cutie mark was, it was a sword overlapping a starry night sky. Looking back up his side I noticed what seemed to be blades on the edge of his wings.

“Nice to meet you.” He said in a gruff tone.

“Same here.” I said flashing him a grin. I then turned my head back to Moonlight. “So anyway what brings you here, because I don’t see a get well card.”

That managed to get a smile on the captain’s face. “Sorry about forgetting your card. No I’m here to take you to the wedding’s after-party.”

“Sorry captain but Ryan there, isn’t aloud to leave this room.” One of the guards said. That guard received a glare from Moonlight that immediately made him regret speaking up.

“Soldier please tell me your name and rank.”

That caught the guard by surprise. “U-um my name is Quick Spell, and Corporal is my rank.”

“Hmm a corporal, well sorry to say but first of all I outrank you by quite a bit.” She then trotted over to Quick Spell, staring into his eyes. “I also outrank Captain Armor. So Ryan is coming with me is that clear corporal?”

“Crystal, ma’am.” He said giving her a quick salute.

Moonlight then turned from the corporal to Redheart. “Is Ryan, alright to come with me nurse?”

At that Redheart came up to me and gave me a full inspection, shining alight in my eyes, examining my ear and putting a thermometer in my mouth. “Yes he should be fine captain. I just need to sign this form.” With that she pulled a out a ink quill and inkwell and signed a piece of paper that was attached to the foot of my bed. “And done, he’s good to go.”

With that said I jumped out of the bed, as Moonlight left the room. I decided to give the guards a quick wave goodbye. Before I left the room I turned around and looked Nightblade. “Arrivederci Nightblade.” I then turned to Redheart. “Bye Miss Redheart.”

With that said I followed Moonlight down the corridor that the medical room I was in was connected to. “Ryan can I ask you a couple of questions?”

“Sure Moonlight but I want to ask you a question first.”

“Sounds fair, what’s your question?”

“Why is Nightblade staying back there?” I said pointing a thumb back towards the room.

“Well do you know about the changeling in there?” I gave her a quick nod. “Well I left Nightblade in there to keep an eye on the changeling. Now for my first question: how do you know how to speak Thestrali?”

“Ah well, back on Earth, Thestrali is spoken by a group of people called Italians, but on Earth it’s called Italian. All I know what to say is hello and goodbye.”

“Hmm okay then. Second question: What happened during the wedding? Shining Armor and a few of the elements of harmony said you were working with the changeling queen.”

“Ah that, well it’d be easier for me to explain it to you all at the same time.” As I said this I noticed that Moonlight was also wearing the same sort of blades on her wings that Nightblade was wearing.

After a few minutes we arrived outside in the Canterlot gardens where ponies were partying. Whilst I was taking in the party that was happening I failed to notice that Moonlight and I had been surrounded by a large group of mares. I also then failed to notice the bouquet of flowers that was flying towards us, the next thing I knew the same bouquet had collided with my head and fell into my open arms.

The next thing I knew was that I was lying on my back on the ground. When I looked down to see what had tackled me to the ground I noticed a very shocked Rarity looking up at me.

“Hey Rarity.” I said giving the mare a comforting smile. It was then that I remembered that the mane six had seen and heard me say I was allies with Chrysalis. “Hey Rarity, do you mind finding the other elements I need to explain a few things.” With that said Rarity gave me a nod as she hopped off my chest.

I then decided to get of the ground as the crowd of mares dispersed. I then realized that I still had the bouquet of flowers in my grasp. I then looked up to see that I was standing in front of a large doorway. As I looked around the party I could see Rarity walk around the gardens looking for the rest of the mane six.

“I see you managed to catch the bride’s bouquet of flowers.” After she said that I looked down at the flowers realizing what these flowers meant. When Moonlight saw my shocked expression she let out a few short chuckles. “So what are you going to do with those?”

As she said this I placed my hand to my chin thinking about what to do next. My answer appeared in the form of something poking my upper thigh. When I looked down I saw Spike looking up at me, the drake still wearing his tux. “Hey Spike, what do you want?” I asked the drake.

“Twilight wanted to see you, as well as the others and the princesses.” Spike said raising a claw to point to a part of the gardens that was cornered off from the rest of the party.

“Okay well lead the way Spike, but before we head off I need you to give this to Rarity.” I then handed the small drake the flowers. “Make sure you tell her that I dropped them and you decided to give them to her.”

“Okay then.” With that said Spike, led Moonlight and I over to the cornered off area of the gardens. “I got him.” Spike said to the mane six who were apparently waiting for us.

“Thank you for grabbing him Spike.” Twilight said as Spike approached Rarity.

“Here you go Rarity, I found this lying on the ground.” Spike said as he handed her the bouquet of flowers.

“Oh why thank you Spike.” Rarity said as a slight blush adorned her face.

“Hey Spike how about you go enjoy the party.” Twilight said. He then gave her a nod as he turned and left to go enjoy the party. Twilight and the others then shifted their gazes to me, all except Fluttershy who was trying to hide behind her mane.

I then found my vision filled with Dash’s face, her muzzle mere inches away from my face. “Okay buddy we want answers. What the hay happened at the wedding?!” Dash spat at me in an aggravated tone.

I then took a few steps away from the aggravated pegasus. “Look Dash, I’ll explain when the others show up.”

“What do you mean by others?” Dash asked.

“Well Dash, I can only guess that the princesses want to know what happened.”

As if on queue the royal sisters arrived with Cadance and Shining Armor in tow. As soon as Shining saw me he froze and in the next instant I found my self enveloped in Shining’s magical glow.

“Captain Moonlight, can you please explain to me why you brought Ryan to my wedding’s after-party?” Shining asked Moonlight, as I realized I was floating a few feet above the ground.

“Captain Armor, if you do not wish to face being court marshalled, you will remove your magical aura from around Ryan.”

“Why should I captain?” Shining asked Moonlight.

“Because Captain Armor, I am giving you a direct order to remove your magical aura from Ryan.” Moonlight said whilst giving him a death stare that could frighten Death himself.

After a few moments Shining lowered me back down to the ground. “Thanks mate.” I said to Shining as my feet touched the ground.

“No problem.” He muttered under his breath.

“So Ryan, I hear you have a few things to explain.” Celestia said, after I had gotten used to being on the ground once more.

“Sure thing what would you like for me to explain, I could go over how the sun and moon moves by themselves back on earth.” I said to Celestia, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“As appealing as that sounds Ryan, I will have to decline. Now back to the matter at hoof, what happened during the wedding, other than a changeling invasion.”

“Ah I’m guessing you want to know why I allied myself with Chrysalis.” This managed to get a round of nods from the ponies. “Okay then. Well I’ll start with why I didn’t try to fight against her. The reason for that is that I wasn’t going to go into a fight with an experienced magic user when all I had at my disposal was a few levitation spells, also I definitely wasn’t going to get in a fight with someone who beat Celestia in a magical duel.” I said gesturing to Celestia at that last part.

“Now as for why I allied with Chrysalis was for two reasons. The first was to try and distract her long enough so Twilight and the others could get the elements of harmony. The second reason is because I was waiting for the opportune moment to strike.” I said to the ponies as looks of relief washed over their faces.

“Thank you for telling us that Ryan.” Celestia said.

“Not a problem Celestia, y’know I’d never betray you guys intentionally right?” A few of the ponies gave me some nods to covey their answers whilst Shining wore a face of guilt. “Hey Shining don’t worry about it all right, you barley know me I’m not surprised you don’t trust me that much.” I then held out my hand to him. “Know how about we start our introductions again.” He then placed his hoof in my hand after he gave it a quick shake I decided to speak up once more. “Hi my name’s Ryan, what would yours be?”

“Well Ryan, it’s nice to meet you, and my name is Shining Armor.” He said letting out a small chuckle.

“Well Shining, it’s nice to meet you I hope we can be great friends one day.” I then let seriousness coat what I said next. “Now can I please have my gloves back?”

“Sure thing Ryan.” He said levitating my gloves back to me.

After putting my gloves back on I turned back to the other ponies that were attending our meeting. “Hey guys how about we go enjoy this party that Pinkie threw together for us.” After I said that Dash and Pinkie let out cries of excitement and rushed off towards the party. “Wow I guess they really wanted to party eh?”

I then decided to follow in their example and ran out into the party.

Somehow after rushing into the party I had managed to find myself next to the dance-floor, it was being this close to the dance-floor I noticed the type of music that was playing. Dubstep. I looked around the party for the source of these killer wubs, after a few seconds my eyes fell onto an alabaster unicorn mare, with a neon blue mane and purple party glasses blasting wubs out of a large speaker system. I decided to go say hi to her.

After managing to cross the dance-floor I found myself behind the mare. After giving her a quick tap on the shoulder she turned around to see who had interrupted her concentration. When she saw me her jaw dropped to the ground in shock, before I could open my mouth to say hello she placed her hoof over my mouth. When she had done that she turned back to her mixing table and changed the song from dubstep to slow music.

“Yo you’re that human that moved into Ponyville right?” The mare said after removing her hoof from over my mouth.

“Yes I am, and you would be?”

“Heh name’s DJ-PON3, but my friends call me Vinyl Scratch, or just Vinyl for short.” She said offering me a hoof-bump which I gladly accepted. “So if I may ask what would your name be human?”

“Name’s Ryan.” I then looked past her at her set up. “Nice set up you have here Vinyl.”

“Thanks buddy. Hey you know much about these set ups?” I shook my head in response. “Okay then no biggie. Hey Ryan what’s your favorite type of music?”

“It would have to be a tie between Dubstep and Pop music.”

“Good choice my friend, good choice. Now don’t get me wrong I’d love to sit here and chat with you about music but, I got a show to run so try to look me up in Ponyville next time you’re in town. Just ask around and you’ll eventually find the right place.” With that said she turned back to her set up and changed the music back from slow dance to dubstep.

After socializing with a few ponies and finding out from Trixie that she slept through the whole invasion, my stomach began to rumble in hunger, unfortunately for me I didn’t feel like having any party food to eat. Instead I felt like having a nice piece of steak.

When I was nearing the edge of the party I found Moonlight sitting on the edge of the party watching it all go down. “Hey Moonlight how’s it going?” I asked the mare as I got closer to her.

“Oh going fine how about you?”

“Fine, fine just going to go stop by the dining hall and grab something to eat, for some reason party food and cake won’t cut it.”

“Well in that case mind if I tag along, I’m getting a bit hungry myself.”

“Um sure thing Moonlight but first I gotta ask you something.” I asked the mare a tad bit of worry in my words.

“What is it?”

“Well how do you feel about me eating meat ‘cause I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable that’s all.”

“Aw how sweet a true gentlecolt. Also no I won’t mind, I think I’ll actually join you in having a bit of steak.”

Before I could ask whether she was serious or not she gave me a very toothy grin, showing me her large canines. “Whoa I’m guessing thestrals eat meat?” She gave me a nod in response before stopping her grin. “Okay then let’s go Moonlight.” With that said the two of us headed to the dining hall.

Author's Note:

Well here it is the wedding day has arrived. So sorry if the wedding is a bit underrated.

Yet again I wish to say thanks for all the support.:pinkiehappy:

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