Another human in Equestria fic

by The7thElement

First published

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.


Meet and greet

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It started out as any normal day for me, get out of bed, make breakfast then go to work, finally come home and then sit and watch mlp. As I went to sleep after having a shower I felt a weird sensation throughout my body I opened my eyes and looked around the room of my apartment, I saw nothing out of the ordinary expect on my second inspection I realized that my window was open. I got out of my bed and approached the window, as I looked out the window I looked into the sky I saw the full moon hanging in the sky, I inspected the moon and for a split second I could have sworn I saw the mare in the moon. I shook my head in dis-belief after realizing that the cold night wind must have sent a shiver down my spine I decided to grab myself a blanket from my linen cupboard, after grabbing the blanket I returned to bed. I never closed the window when I was going to sleep knowing that the ray’s of Luna’s moon were seeping into my room, helped me go to sleep.

As I began to sleep I could swear I could hear maniacal laughing in the distance and then talking, the people who were talking sounded familiar, my thoughts were confirmed when the voices sounded more clear.

“Oh and look who’s here all 6 little elements.” Said a voice that sounded a lot like a certain draconequus that most bronies would recognize immediately, the self proclaimed god of chaos and disharmony, what really caught my attention is that there were more voices.

“Yeah of course we’re here ya knucklehead.”

“Dash is right, your spell to keep us from working together Discord, failed!” Those voices caught me off guard the voices of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, my mind then jumped to the assumption that I was dreaming, as soon as I thought that I realized there were no pictures to go with the audio, what the draconequus said next sent chills down my body as for once he sounded serious.

“Well it doesn’t matter anyway even if you do stop me you won’t be able to stop the creature I have summoned, a beast of pure evil and chaos something that not even your little gems there could ever hope of stopping.” At this Discord proceeded to do what any second rate villain would do after announcing their plans, cackle like a madman. Thankfully his cackling was cut short as Twilight chimed her own thoughts.

“C’mon girls, it’s time Discord went back to being a lawn ornament in the Canterlot Gardens.”

At this Discord’s screams of defeat could be heard as his final scream could be heard I opened my eyes at the shock of hearing those screams, when I opened my eyes I bolted upright looked around and could have sworn I was sitting in the middle of what looked like Ponyville, I then looked behind me and saw 6 figures approaching me as they came into view I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, the Mane six stood a few meters away from me.

“Alright girls this looks like the thing that Discord was talking about, let’s show Discord he was wrong in thinking that whatever he summoned we wouldn’t stop.” As Twilight said this the others began to approach, fortunately for me I never got to find what would happen next as my head collided with the grassy ground and darkness filled my vision, before I completely lost myself to unconsciousness I heard the voice of Fluttershy.

“Girls stop! This creature looks hurt, besides what if this is a trick that Discord thought of, and we then turn an innocent creature to stone.” As Fluttershy said the last part of her speech I was lost to the sweet sleep that called itself unconsciousness.

I woke up to the voice of someone I haven’t heard in years a voice that I spent years of therapy trying to remove from my mind, the voice of my alter ego his name is Orion, funny seeing as how my name is Ryan.

“Well well well.”

“Oh crap.” I respond to the voice in my head, man how I hate MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder for those of you that don’t know.) having Orion’s voice back was going to be a pain in the ass.

“Well sorry I’ll try not to be that much of a pain in the ass,” After he said this I froze up he then unfortunately continued his ramblings. “You do remember that I can read most of your thoughts such as you calling me a pain in the ass.”

“It slipped my mind okay, what the heck are you doing here anyway? Dr Maywhether’s therapy was the only one that worked!”

“Yeah well I was put to sleep, the good doctor’s training only put me to rest. You should get a refund seeing as how you payed him to get rid of me.”

I then realized that Orion had a point, damn him and his logic to hell.

“Hell eh? Sounds like a nice place for a vacation.”

“Shut up will you, please just for five minutes, and besides the doc’s therapy was working so far, so what has woken you up eh?”

At that Orion did something I never remember him doing before in the black void which I’m guessing was my mindscape, (good old Gravity Falls memories) a copy of me appeared expect one thing was different about this mirror copy, the right eye was spitting out a red fire like the eye was cursed. As I approached the clone of me it jolted to life and from the clone’s mouth came Orion’s voice.

“Ah it’s good to have my own body, well technically it’s a copy of your body but anyway.”

At this Orion started to stretch his clone body like it had just awoken from a year long slumber. As Orion stopped stretching and making every joint that was on the clone’s body crack a voice spoke from all around me and Orion.

“Ryan, do you know who I am?”

At this I stood there thinking to myself who could this voice be, luckily my answer came ”from Orion’s mouth.

“Are you God?”

“Yes I am, how did you know Orion, If I may ask?” At this I stood completely still, my mind was spinning in confusion, upon managing to stabilize my mind Orion spoke once again.

“Easy you got a really booming voice, also my demonic side is starting to itch like crazy.”

“Hmm anyway I am here to tell you Ryan and Orion, that you are in Equestria and that this is not a dream,” So I was in Equestria I wasn’t dreaming so many thoughts were starting to race through my mind my mind calmed itself as God spoke once more. “Discord summoning you two was no mere coincidence, something is happening in the shadows, Ryan I am tasking you with finding out what is happening.”

As soon as God finished I acted as any Christian brony would react and leapt into the air and started celebrating, as soon as my mind thought of celebrating a shower of confetti rained down on me from the darkness that made up my mindscape, once I realized that I made the confetti rain down on me God spoke once more.

“Ryan there are conditions that you must abide by, if you wish to stay in Equestria,” As soon as he said this I stopped celebrating and put on my most serious expression. “The conditions for you to stay in Equestria are as follows, Number 1: you must not tell the inhabitants of the future that is to come such as Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn.”

“Got it no spoilers.”

“Good also Orion, you will not be able to tell spoilers either, I am altering your mind so that you do not jeopardize Ryan’s mission,” With that said a clicking sound was heard I looked to Orion and noticed that he had a look of sadness on his face guessing that whatever God did worked out in the end. “Ryan, the second condition is that you not convert the ponies of Equestria into Christians, as if you do you will disrupt their way of life and also reveal my presence.”

“Got no going around to ponies houses being a witness of Jehovah, anything else sir?”

“No there is no other conditions that you need to abide by, but do try to control both yourself and Orion.”

With that the voice of God left, as I looked around Orion spoke up.

“Okay then that was fun! Hmm seems like your waking up well have fun and don’t worry I’ll be here in your mind.” Orion was right I did get the sudden urge to awaken from my supposed slumber yay time to go say hi to all my soon to be friends.

“Ughhh my head.” Ah good old famous first words, Neil Armstrong had ‘One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind’ and what does the first human in Equestria say, ‘Ughhh my head’ man I could already tell I was going to go down in history.

I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings, finding myself in what looked like a hospital room, as I looked around the room I noticed I wasn’t alone next to my bed was an earth pony, she turned to look at me, if I was to guess she giving me a once over to see whether I was alright or not.

“How do you feel sir?” This caught me off guard I didn’t expect her to say that honestly, part of my mind was freaking out that a pony was talking to me.

“Um I feel fine except for a bit of a headache Miss?” I Let the last part of my sentence hang in the air luckily she picked up on what I was trying to say.

“Of course where are my manners, I am Nurse Red-Heart and you would be?”

“My name is Ryan, Miss Red-Heart pleasure to make your acquaintance.” At this I held my hand out offering to shake her hoof.

“Well pleasure to meet you Ryan,” At this she placed her right fore-hoof in my hand picking up on the gesture, good at least ponies knew what a handshake was or as they would say hoof-shake. “Well Ryan, I need you to take this two pills and drink this water for me and that should help with your headache.”

After saying this Nurse Red-Heart placed two pills in my open hand, and did as I was instructed and as soon as the pills hit my digestive tract my head felt a million times better.

“Wow thanks Miss Red-Heart, I feel a million times better.” After saying this I beamed a smile that would make Pinkie Pie jealous.

“Well if you don’t mind, you have some visitors Ryan.” This piqued my interest immediately.

“Sure tell them they can come in Miss.”

The next few seconds were a complete and utter blur, as soon as Nurse Red-Heart opened the door, a pink blur ran through the door and jumped up on my hospital bed and the next thing I knew Pinkie Pie was sitting mere centimeters from my face, then my ear drums were filled with what sounded like a fly’s buzzing, as soon as the buzzing came it stopped, my mind then realized that the buzzing was actually Pinkie asking me a bunch of questions but super quickly.

Thankfully for my ribcage Pinkie was surrounded in a lavender glow and lifted off of me and my hospital bed. I looked to the door and saw Twilight’s horn glowing lavender, I have to remember to thank her later for that.

“Pinkie please try not to hurt him, sorry about that Mr?” She left that last part hanging in the air luckily I performed the same trick on Miss Red-Heart so I easily picked up on what she was trying to say.

“Oh it’s fine, by the way my name is Ryan and you’re?” Of course I already knew who this was I just needed too keep up the image of me knowing nothing.

“Well Ryan, my name is Twilight Sparkle, my enthusiastic friend there is Pinkie Pie,” At this Pinkie started waving as soon as I looked towards her, Twilight then gestured to the rest of my visitor’s. “From left to right is Rarity,”

“Pleasure to meet you darling.” Rarity then proceeded to give a small curtsey.

“Next to her is Applejack.” Twilight chimed in.

“Well howdy there pleasure to meet you.” After her greeting she tipped her hat to me.

“Next is Rainbow Dash.” Twilight then said gesturing to the cyan Pegasus.

“Hi name’s Rainbow Danger Dash nice to meet ya bud.” At this she struck an impressive pose.

“Then there is Fluttershy.” At this she gestured to the yellow Pegasus hiding behind her.

“Hi there mister.” At this I almost couldn’t help myself from letting out an aww from the adorable Pegasus.

“And last but not least is my faithful assistant Spike.” She then gestured to said baby dragon as he rode on her back.

“Wait is he a baby dragon?” I asked just to make sure.

“Yep he’s a baby dragon hatched him from an egg myself.” Well that definitely got my jaw to hit the ground in surprise.

This led to quite a few chuckles from the ponies in the room, as soon as the chuckles died down, a look of realization dawned on Twilight’s face as she quickly pointed to the pink pony standing at the end of my bed.

“Sorry but I also forgot to mention Pinkie Pie, just sort of slipped my mind as you two did just meet a few seconds ago.” At this she let out a bit of an awkward chuckle as she realized she forgot to introduce me to the pink pony.

“Ah no problem Miss Sparkle,” At this I held my hand to Pinkie and proceeded with my thoughts but directed the to Pinkie. “A pleasure to meet you again Miss Pie.” The last thing I expected was for her to shake my so quickly that it felt like it was going to be dislocated.

“Well pleasure to meet you Mr Ryan, sorry about jumping on you earlier but I was just sooooo excited to meet somepony new, although technically you’re not a pony but anyway great to meet you!” At this she let go of my arm, luckily my arm was still attached but also she was speaking to me at a rate that I could understand what she had said. For a split second silence filled the hospital room, then a belch was heard from Spike as he coughed up a scroll, and presented it to Twilight.

Twilight took it in her magical aura and gave it once over, as she was reading it I wondered to myself what could be on that scroll luckily I was answered as Twilight spoke out what she had read. “Okay then girls could you and Spike, head back to the library, Princess Celestia, is on her way to retrieve Discord but also to meet our friend here.”

At this the other ponies all gave signs of agreement, they then proceeded to exit the room and by my guess head to Twilight’s library, she then looked at me like she expected me to say something luckily for her I complied and spoke what came to my mind.

“So I get to meet royalty on my first day here, I feel so excited,” As I said this Nurse Red-Heart stuck her head into the room and asked if we wanted anything thankfully my mind thought up a response as quickly as it came. “Miss Red-Heart can we please get some tea, two glasses of tea to be precise.” As I said this she nodded and then proceeded to fill my request I then realized when she was gone how much of an idiot I was. “Dammit I should have asked for three cups of tea, 1 for me, 1 for you Twilight and 1 for Princess Celestia.”

“Oh thank you for considering me but I won’t be sticking around when Princess Celestia arrives,” When she said this I gave her a look of confusion luckily she understood what the look on my face meant. “Well Princess Celestia, will probably want to talk to you in private so there really isn’t a point for me to stay for too long, but don’t worry I’ll just be at the library with the others.”

At this Nurse Red-Heart re-entered with the cups of tea, she then proceeded to place them on the table next to my bed and she left the room, after few seconds after she left Twilight and I looked to the door and saw Princess Celestia enter.

“So you are the great evil that Discord summoned to Equestria.” At this she put on her smile of peace and motherly kindness, luckily I managed to tell she was merely joking around so I played along.

“Yep you caught me,” I then proceeded to hold out my hands towards her, “I’ve been caught fair and square.”

This action managed to get two results. The first was confused glances from Twilight, that were shared between me and her mentor. The second was a slight chuckle from Celestia.

“Well I best leave him in your capable hooves Princess Celestia, when you’re done interrogating him please bring him over too the library so you can retrieve the Elements from us.” With an approving nod from Celestia, Twilight turned to the door and proceeded to exit.

“Well then, if I could ask you a few questions Mr?”

“Ah well Princess Celestia, my name is Ryan, also go right ahead with your questions, but I have a question for you first.”

“Hmm and what would that question be Ryan?”

“Would you like a cup of tea?” At this I gestured to the two cups of tea on my bedside table.

“Well of course Ryan, also thank you for the offer.” At this one of the tea cups floated in a yellow aura, which I guessed to be her magical aura she then took a sip from the tea cup letting out a sigh of gratitude.

“Now sorry to interrupt your tea Princess, but what would those questions be you were going to ask me?”

“Ah yes sorry about that sort of a fan of a good cup of tea. Now those questions and take as long as you need to answer no rush,” At this I gave a nod of understanding. “Good now Question number 1: what are you?”

“Well Princess,”

“Please call me Celestia.”

“Um okay then Celestia,” At this she gave an approving nod and with one of her fore-hooves gestured for me to continue. “Well I am a human being, or just Human for short.”

“Hmm okay then, second question would you consider yourself a threat to Equestria, and forgive me if I sound a tad on edge, but the being that summoned you here Discord, said that you would be the greatest threat Equestria has ever known.”

“Well you’re forgiven, I can understand why you would be concerned as you are the ruler of these ponies you just want them to be safe and protected. As for whether or not I am a threat to Equestria that has yet to be seen.”

“What would you mean by that?”

“Oh sorry if that sounds a tad bit malevolent, I mean need to learn what the rules of Equestrian society are, so I can know what could be considered bad, but as an overall villain looking to spill blood or take over Equestria, I would never dream of it.”

“Hmm good good I will have to remember that, anyway third question where do you come from?”

“I come from a planet called Earth, it’s inhabited by many different creatures, and not to stoke my own ego but we Humans consider ourselves at the top of the food chain. Also Celestia one of the reasons I would never hurt your subjects is because and don’t judge me but they are very adorable.”

At this Celestia let out a small chuckle and gave me a small motherly smile. “Well Ryan good to know you wouldn’t hurt my little ponies, also don’t worry I won’t tell anypony what you just said to me, now how about we go to Twilight’s library and get you settled in. Also thank you for the tea.”

As she turned towards the door I got out of bed to thankfully find that my clothes were still on my body, also it was a long day at work on earth I couldn’t be damned to change into my Pajamas, and so we headed out of the hospital towards Twilight’s library.

Celestia and I eventually made it to Golden Oaks Library, the trip here from Ponyville hospital was fun to say the least. On the journey I managed to catch quite the number of od looks from the residents of Ponyville, but when they saw I was with Celestia they calmed down quite quickly. When we entered the library the Mane Six were standing in the center of the ground level of the library, all of them were wearing their respective elements, when Celestia and I entered the library, the ponies bowed when they realized their Princess had arrived, unfortunately I couldn’t help myself with what I did next.

“Now now girls no need to be bowing to me, I’m not royalty you all know.” This little comment got a few looks of confusion from the ponies, but did surprisingly manage to get a chuckle from Celestia.

“Well Twilight, good to see you and your friends are here with the Elements as well good if you all would be so kind to place them in this box if you would.” At this she summoned an ornate box, that should be called anything but a simple box. When the box appeared Twilight looked to her friends and nodded for them to place their Elements in the box, after this the box teleported away, I guessed that it had teleported away to the place they were usually kept in Canterlot.

“Hey Princess Celestia, should we really be taking off our Elements, we don’t even know if Ryan here, is friendly or not?”

Celestia looked at Dash for a few seconds, I could have sworn I could see Dash sweating her flank off under Celestia’s gaze. The next thing Celestia did took everyone in the room by surprise. “You are correct Rainbow Dash,” At this silence filled the library, it was so quiet you could here a pin drop from a mile away. “You have every right to be cautious around Ryan, but I have talked to Ryan myself and he has admitted that he is not going to be a threat to anypony. Twilight if you could please do a favor for me.”

“Of course Princess Celestia, what is it you want?”

“I wish for you to do a couple of things for me, the first is I need you to teach Ryan here our laws and rules of everyday pony society.”

“Of course Princess Celestia.”

“The second thing I need you to do is to provide somewhere for Ryan to stay.”

“Um just to clarify Princess Celestia, you want him to stay here with me and Spike?”

“Yes if that isn’t too much to ask of you?”

“Of course not Princess Celestia.”

At this my breath caught in my mouth and the next thing I knew I hit the ground. Great I passed out, so much for me thinking I could keep my inner brony under control. Luckily I wasn’t out for very long.

“Ryan are you okay?!” That sounded a lot like a certain purple unicorn.

“Urgh what happened, oh hey Twilight.”

“Hey Ryan,” She gave a slight chuckle probably to how calm I was being, before she could continue I did what any brony in my position would do I bopped the end of Twilight’s muzzle with my right index finger saying ‘boop’ when I did it. “Did you just poke my muzzle?” She said in shock and confusion mostly the latter

“Yes I had my opportunity and I took it.”

At this she gave me a deadpan look that could turn Discord to stone, luckily she continued with her original thought removing the deadpan gaze from her face. “As I was saying,” Meanwhile Dash could be heard cackling like a mad man. “Dash, please stop laughing this is serious,” That managed to get Dash to quiet down although if you listened close enough you could hear Dash stifling her giggles. “Sorry about that but are you okay Ryan, you sort of just fainted when Princess Celestia said you would be staying with me and Spike.”

“Yes I am dreadfully sorry,” Celestia chimed in. “I should have told you what I was planning before if I knew you were going to act like that.”

“Oh no it’s fine Celestia, also thank you Twilight I’d love to stay here with you and Spike.”

“Wait you do want to stay here with me and Spike? Then why did you faint like it was a bad thing?” Twilight gave me a questioning look waiting for an answer.

“Well where I come from on Earth Twilight, no one would do that sort of thing, especially for me, it came as a shock to me that’s all, so thanks Twilight.” At this I beamed a smile at her, one that probably beamed more that dear Celestia’s sun.

“Well when you put it like that Spike and I will be glad to have you here, won’t we Spike?” At this Spike came over and extended his claw to me.

“Gonna be great to have you here Ryan.” At this I let go of shaking his claw, finding it surprising how soft his scales were.

“Hmm good well I will leave Ryan, in your capable hooves Twilight, take care of him okay.”

“Sure thing Princess Celestia.” And with that said Celestia was gone in a flash of yellow light, straight to Canterlot.

Pink tour guides and Great impressions with Royalty.

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After the Princess of the sun left I turned to my new friends, giving them a questioning look, I then proceeded to voice my mind. “So what do we do now?”

At this the ponies and dragon shared a few glances with each other before a pink blur tackled me to the ground, the next thing I knew was Pinkie was standing on top of me with a giant grin adorning her muzzle.

“Well I know what we can do Ryan,” At this I gave the pink pony a look of confusion issuing to go on with her thought. “It’s simple we give you a tour of Ponyville silly.”

With that said Pinkie, thankfully proceeded to get off of me, she then opened the door to the library and gestured for us all to follow her. After a few seconds I managed to recover from the tackle of the pink blur that was called Pinkie and joined the others outside the library, it was then I took notice of Pinkie’s hat, she was wearing a hat that you would usually see on a tour guide. As I was about to ask where she got her hat from Orion finally decided to speak since I woke up from the hospital.

“You’re really going to ask Pinkie Pie where she got that hat?” It was then I realized what I was about to do, questioning Pinkie Pie about where she got that would be knowing Pinkie Pie, would only lead to more questions.

Luckily my thoughts were interrupted by our dear old pink tour guide. “Well here we are our first stop,” At this she gestured to the library. “As you can see here is our first stop of Golden Oaks Library.” After giving us a few seconds to get a good look at the library, our dear tour guide spoke up once again. “Okay now onto our next stop The Carousel Boutique.”

At this Pinkie started bouncing off towards the center of town with the tour officially underway we all followed the bouncing pink pony towards The Boutique.

We arrived shortly at Rarity’s Boutique, after passing through the market’s, as with before I was given a few glances by the ponies in the market. When we arrived Pinkie quickly gave us a quick rundown of the Boutique. “If you will look to your right now you will see Carousel Boutique, Rarity’s place of business and humble abode.”

Before we continued on with the tour Rarity spoke up more to me than any of the other ponies present. “Also Ryan whilst we are here if you could be so kind to stop by after Pinkie’s tour, so that I can get your measurements.”

“Sure thing Rarity, it would be nice to have some backup clothes seeing as how I don’t have any other clothes with me.” With this a small smile from Rarity before she turned to the others.

“Well darlings I must be off I have a few orders to fill out, if you need me I’ll be right here.” With this she waved us all goodbye as we continued on Pinkie’s tour.

“Next stop on our tour is the sugary center of Equestria.” She paused for dramatic effect as we came over a small hill to see what looked like a house that looked like it was made from gingerbread. Pinkie managed to stop her pause when we saw the cupcake shaped house. “Sugar Cube Corner!”

I couldn’t help myself as we got close to the gingerbread house, I could feel the saliva drool from my mouth luckily no-pony noticed as I shut my mouth to keep myself from embarrassing myself. I looked around to notice something odd our tour guide was gone.

“Um guys where’s Pinkie?” As soon as I said her name the pink pony appeared in front of me with something in her hoof.

“Say Ahhh.” Like a good human I complied not expect what came next, was Pinkie, shoved whatever was on her hoof into my mouth.

After a small coughing fit, I looked up to the pink pony she was looking at me with a look of worry on her face. “Pinkie what was that?” Before she could give a response my mind registered something from my taste buds that made me interrupt Pinkie. “And where can I get more?”

At this the look of worry that was on her face a second ago was completely gone, in it’s place was a giant smile plastered on Pinkie’s muzzle. “Well that Ryan was Sugar Cube Corner’s patented Rainbow surprise, well how does it taste?”

“It taste’s wonderful Pinkie, although please give me ample warning before you shove food into my mouth okay.”

“Okie dokie lokie.” At this Pinkie gave me a little salute with one of her fore-hooves before turning on the spot. “Now onto our next stop of our tour, Sweet Apple Acres.”

Eventually we arrived at the Acres and it was then Orion and I saw the truth that the show was hiding. Orion quickly spoke his thoughts on the matter. “Wow, I think the show missed a few apple trees.” It was true the amount of trees that the show, showed off at the Acres was merely a quarter of what was actually here. Applejack quickly caught me staring at the Acres.

“Wonderful ain’t it?”

“Yeah it is AJ, on Earth I’ve never seen this many Apple trees before.”

We quickly continued down the hill we were standing on, down to the Acres.

“Here it is folks,” Our tour guide chimed in once more. “The home of Equestria’s tastiest apples.” With this Pinkie, whispered something into AJ’s ear she nodded in response before trotting up to the trunk of the tree we were standing under.

“Hey Ryan can ya hold out your right hand.” With this said I did as AJ asked, when she saw my arm extended she bucked the trunk of the tree causing a singular apple to fall into my open hand.

“Wow! How did you do that AJ? That was amazing!” I then looked up to see a small blush cross Applejack’s muzzle and it seemed that I was the only one to see it.

“Much obliged Ryan. As to how I did that it’s quite simple really, just years of apple bucking.” At this she gestured for me to take a bite out of the apple.

As I finished the bite that I had taken out of the apple it was quickly followed by another and then another, until there was no apple left.

“Like your apples I guess eh Ryan?” At this every-pony else let out a slight giggle when they saw how quickly I ate that apple.

“Well you weren’t lying Pinkie, when you said that these were the tastiest apples in Equestria.” I said once I swallowed the last bite of the apple.

“Well of course silly, why would I lie about the very obvious truth.”

“Well I’d hate to leave y’all but I got some work to do around the Acres.” At this we lost another member of our little tour group.

Soon we arrived at our next destination a small little cottage on top of a hill that looked similar to Twilight’s tree-library hybrid.

“Welcome one and all to Fluttershy’s cottage.” Pinkie said gesturing to the cottage on the hill, she then continued to give me a rundown on what she does here. “Here dear Fluttershy takes care of all sorts of animals, even a bear.” This caused my heart to skip a beat in fear.

“Wait you take care of a bear Fluttershy?” I gave her a small look of fear.

“Oh don’t worry about Fred, Ryan, he’s friendly and wouldn’t hurt a fly unless he was provoked enough.” Luckily enough that calmed my nerves down quite a bit.

“Hey Fluttershy what do you feed Fred?” This piqued my interest as as far as I knew there weren’t any meat sales-ponies in Ponyville, and I needed protein to live and if what I knew about bears and their love of fish, Fluttershy might have some fish to spare.

“Well I feed him fish why?”

“Because I need protein to live. So if it wouldn’t be that much trouble could you please spare some fish?”

“Well sure thing Ryan. Um sorry every-pony but I got to feed my animals they need their lunch so have fun without me.” With that we headed off towards our next destination.

Our final destination was quickly reached we, were greeted to the edge of Ponyville although when I looked around there were no buildings present or any significant landmarks and like a good tourist should I asked dear Pinkie why we were here. “Hey Pinkie.”

“Yea Ryan?”

“Why are we out here no offense to your tour guiding skills, but there isn’t anything out here.”

“Well that’s because you’re not looking up silly.”

This caught me by surprise, I gave Pinkie a small look of confusion, in response she gestured for me to look up, when I did however my lower jaw did what it did in the Hospital earlier today and it hit the ground.

“Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts, to Rainbow Dash’s cloud house!”

“Wait Dash you live in a cloud house?” Luckily she answered my question as fast as I said it.

“Well of course I do.”

Then my mind started ticking a few things over and the next thing I knew I was asking questions at a speed that only Pinkie could understand. This outburst of cacophony attracted looks of confusion from every-pony present except for Pinkie who nodded at me like she understood what I said.

“Okay Ryan if you want to ask me any questions you can, but only one okay. I gotta get to work Discord, sort messed up the weather over Ponyville.” After Dash, had said this I had thought of my question.

“Wouldn’t your house be affected by weather changes Dash?” She thought on my question for a moment before giving me my answer.

“Good question Ryan. My house isn’t affected because it’s magically enchanted not be affected by the weather. Now I’m sorry guys but I gotta Dash.” At this she took off in an instant. Then our tour guide spoke up once more.

“Unfortunately that concludes our tour. I’ll leave Ryan, here in your capable hooves Twilight, bye guys I gotta help the cakes at Sugar Cube Corner, seeing as how my hour long lunch break is over.” At this she was gone in an instant leaving only a pink dust cloud behind.

“Well Twilight what do we do know?” I gave a questioning look to the lavender unicorn, like anyone pondering a thought would do she tapped her chin with one of her fore-hooves.

“Well how about you choose where we go eh Ryan?”

“Sure thing Twilight. How about we go pay Rarity, a visit seeing as how she wanted to see me when the tour was done.” So off we headed too the Boutique.

After a while Twilight and I returned to Golden Oaks Library, Spike, had wanted to stay at the Boutique and give Rarity, a helping claw. When we arrived I helped Twilight, set up a spare bed which she had in her basement, luckily for me it was the right size for me to fit.

“Okay now Ryan, you don’t mind if I ask you a couple of questions?” She gave me a look of inquiry, luckily she didn’t have to wait to long for an answer.

“No problem Twilight, but one condition if I don’t want to answer a question you drop it okay?”

“Sure thing Ryan, I’ll respect your privacy. Also here you go,” At this she floated a book labeled Rules of Equestrian Society. “If you don’t mind reading and answering questions at the same time, it’ll save me the trouble of explaining our laws okay,” At this revelation I gave her a nod of acceptance. “Okay first question,” It was then I noticed a notebook and quill were hovering in front of her. “What is Earth like?”

Simple questions first I guessed. “Well Twilight, Earth is fairly like Equestria as far as I can tell, although there are quite a few noticeable differences. The first being that is on Earth there are horses and ponies, but they don’t talk.” This got a look of revelation on Twilight’s face as she scribbled down some notes. “As I was saying there also isn’t any unicorn or pegasi as on Earth they are only seen as fictional animals.”

“Wait so there aren’t any records of Unicorns or Pegasi, just Earth ponies.”

“Well that leads to my next point there also isn’t any magic on Earth, although there was a time in human history where it was told that magic, unicorns and pegasi existed outside of fiction. Although history wasn’t recorded properly a thousand or so years ago so people believe magic and the like to be fiction. That part of history was called the Dark Ages a time of Kings and Queens, Might and Magic and Dragons and Knights, not much was recorded properly during those times but, humans have found castles and other things that relate to that time period.”

“Okay then next question. What is modern Earth like?”

“Modern Earth isn’t exactly the same as Equestria it is a lot more advanced. Although there are quite few aspects of pony society that are identical to human society.” At this I closed the book of Equestrian Laws. “Hey Twilight. You don’t mind if I have a read of collection of books?”

“Well of course you can Ryan, this is a library, this brings up next question do you have libraries on Earth.”

“Yes we do Twilight it’s just it’s polite to ask just in case you don’t want me reading certain books.” At this I turned back to the many books adorning the walls, I was immediately draw to a certain book called ‘Equestrian History Version 2.0’ this definitely piqued my interest. “Hey Twilight, what happed to version 1 of this?”

I held the book up to Twilight she took in the title and a look of remembrance flashed across her face. “Well Ryan, that’s a more updated version of Equestrian History, there were a few subjects that were in the dark that version brings light to most of the dark parts of Equestrian history.”

“So you brought that light if I am to guess correctly?”

“Yes I did why?”

“Oh nothing just that’s a pretty impressive feat Twilight, although Princess Celestia did say you are one of her more gifted student.” With that said I sat back in my chair with the surprisingly light book on my lap even though it was quite large. When I looked up to ask Twilight a question a small blush faded from her muzzle, that probably appeared from my compliment. “So Twilight, how is this book so light seeing as how it’s quite large.”

“Oh that, that’s just a simple lightening spell.”

“Okay I’m now even more impressed Twilight, we don’t have anything like that on Earth.” As I opened the history book Twilight, began her questioning once more.

The afternoon went by at a speed that could rival Rainbow Dash. Eventually we heard a knock from the front door. “I’ll get it Ryan.” Twilight said when she saw I was getting up to open the door. When she opened the door the rest of the Mane Six appeared through the door along with Spike leading the way.

“Twilight, please don’t tell me you turned Ryan, here into an egghead as well.” Rainbow Dash chimed in when she saw the book I was reading luckily I was ready with my rebuttal.

“Well Dash I got to find out as much as I can about Equestria. Also looking back on history can sometimes bring forth a new way of solving problems.” With that said a look of shock was plastered on Dash’s muzzle as she spoke once more.

“Wow Twilight, you really have turned him into an egghead.”

“Anyway what are you girls doing here.” At this Twilight turned to rest of the group as Spike returned from upstairs with a comic in his talons. AJ was the one to respond to Twilight’s question.

“Well Twilight you invited us all around to dinner remember, when we were at the library earlier to day waiting for Princess Celestia to show up with Ryan.” With that said a look of realization dawned on her face.

“Wait but it can’t be night time already can it.” She then proceeded to look out a nearby window. “Wow, looks we’ve really gone at it eh Ryan.”

I managed to catch onto what she was saying. “Yeah your right Twilight. Looks like we got caught in our research.” My gaze then shifted to Fluttershy’s saddle bag, yet again another thing in Equestria piqued my curiosity to voicing my curious side. “Hey Fluttershy what’s in the bag.”

“Oh I just brought a fish over for you too eat for dinner Ryan.”

She then proceeded to pull out the fish with one of her wings, I took it from her grasp and grabbed Spike this got a shout of annoyance from him.

“Well girls me and Spike, here will prepare dinner, I’m guessing that none of you want any fish?”

“Ryan you don’t need to do that and besides you don’t know where anything is in the kitchen.” Oh nice try Twilight but I had something to prove her wrong.

“Well Twilight that’s why Spike here is gonna help me, and besides it’s the least I can do for letting me stay here. C’mon Spike, it’s time I show you how to make a few human dishes depending on whether or not you have the right ingredients.” With that said and done Spike and I headed in to the kitchen to get to work on dinner.

After half an hour of cooking me and Spike came out with every-pony’s dinner, luckily Twilight had set up a small dining table with enough seats to seat all 8 of us.

“So what did you make for us then eh Ryan?”

“Simple Twilight, Spike and I made you all fettuccini with a bit of creamy mushroom sauce, oh and thank you for the fish Fluttershy, really adds a bit of flavor to my dish.” I then gestured for them to have some of their meals. When they did though they acted like I had when I first ate one of Sweet Apple Acres apples.

In a mere few minutes all of the ponies and Spike had eaten their Fettuccini faster than I’ve ever seen before, to tell the truth even I was a bit jealous.

“Well I think Pinkie may have won that little unofficial race.” With this Pinkie celebrated by striking a pose whilst holding an imaginary trophy above her head, this spouted a few chuckles from the others. “Oh and before any of you ask. One: there isn’t anymore. Two: you can’t have mine.” This received a few disappointed faces on the ponies.

After finishing the last of my pasta Spike and I collected the bowls and cutlery and began washing the bowls and other items. Me and Spike soon returned to the main room we found that Twilight had packed up the dining room table and the others were taking their leave. Luckily they weren’t leaving without saying goodbye.

“Well darling that was an exquisite dinner.”

“Yeah Rarity’s right Ryan, that was awesome, still annoyed that I lost to Pinkie.”

“Yeah I’m the winner fair and square Dashie. Maybe we can have another match if Ryan makes pasta again.”

“You’re on Pinkie.”

“C’mon y’all no arguing.” With that they immediately quietened down. “Thanks fer dinner Ryan, shame I didn’t bring any apple pie.”

“Well no problem AJ, maybe you can bring it over next time eh?”

“Sure thing Ryan.” With that said I then turned to Fluttershy.

“Hey Fluttershy.”

“Hmm oh yes Ryan?”

“I forgot to thank you.” A look of confusion crossed her face.

“Thank me for what?”

“Well dear Fluttershy,” I then bent down to her level. “Before I passed out when I showed up I heard a certain yellow Pegasus stop her fellow Elements of Harmony from shooting me. Also you are supplying me with something that will keep me alive.” I then did something that would cause every single brony in existence to kill me in envy and jealousy, I hugged Fluttershy, this caused her to let out a small ‘eep’ in response which was adorable as hell. “Thank you Fluttershy.” I said in her ear, then pulled away from the hug and stood back up, when I did I saw that the others ha their lower jaws hanging mere inches from the floor and Pinkie’s was literally hitting the floor. “What are you guys staring at eh?”

“You just hugged Fluttershy.”

“Very astute observation Dash, maybe that will convince you that I’m good and not evil.”

“Well ya got me convinced Sugar cube.” After a few moments of every-pony picking their jaws off the floor every-pony headed back to their respective homes.

“Well that was fun eh Twilight?”

“Why did you hug Fluttershy, Ryan?”

“Cause I needed to thank her somehow, didn’t I. Well I’m gonna go hit they hay, goodnight Twilight.”

“Goodnight Ryan.”

“Welcome Ryan to the dreamscape.”

“What do you mean by dreamscape Orion, also if Bill Cipher shows up I’m losing my mind.”

“What you haven’t lost it already.” At this he let out a slight chuckle. “I also looked around a bit and did a bit of experimenting.”

“What did you do?”

“I was merely looking around and found something interesting.” This piqued my interest quite a bit. “I thought that might lure out your inquisitive side. Anyway turn around.” At this I turned around to see a door. “First of all there are two dreamscapes, the one we’re in now is yours I’m guessing, cause when I first got here I came out of that door, so that’s my dreamscape.”

“What’s in your dreamscape?”

“Nightmares although in my case those are pleasant dreams. Also we can control reality in our dreamscapes, although I can control things in your dreamscape as well just very minimal things.”

“Hmm let me try something.” With a simple thought Orion and I found ourselves on a small hill on top of a small grassy field, my next thought was pretty cool as well, I shifted the time of my dreamscape to night time, above me was the full moon in all it’s glory and a sky full of stars. “Beautiful.”

“So you are the being that my sister talked about.”

I turned around and saw someone who since touching down in Equestria a certain blue Alicorn Princess, Princess Luna.

“Would the beautiful Alicorn standing in front of me have a name.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere and my name is Princess Luna. Now what are you doing here in Equestria?”

“Making friends Princess Luna.”

“Hmm well you don’t seem like the threat Discord painted you to be.”

“Well I try my best Princess Luna.”

A look of horror plastered itself on my face when I looked towards the Princess of the Moon, Orion was standing right behind her.

“Well If you want us to be a villain, we can oblige.” He whispered in her ear and then pulled out a sword and placed it to her throat.

“Who are you beast! Who thinks they can threaten me?”

“Me well I’m the antagonist of this little story.”

“Let her go Orion!”

“Why should I?”

With that as simple thought crossed my mind and I gasped it before Orion could see what came next, from the ground underneath him 5 tendrils sprung up and grabbed his limbs.

“What are you doing to me Ryan?!”

“Simple Orion, you’re going to your dreamscape for the rest of the night.” With that I gestured for the tendrils to drag him through the door to his dreamscape.

“Thank you for that I must go now, I must inform my sister of this.”

“Wait Princess Luna don’t go.” But when I turned to try and stop her she was gone. “God damn you Orion, God damn you.” I then decided to catch some sleep, with a simple thought I imagined a bed for myself and fell asleep.

Meeting a magician and remaking friends.

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I woke up the next morning feeling like complete crap. Damn you Orion.

“Already been damned idiot.” Alright Orion, can read some of my thoughts got to remember that. Okay wake up in my bed to the annoying voice in my head, great start.

“Time to get some breakfast, wonder what’s cooking?” I then decided to make my way to Twilight’s kitchen only to find the purple unicorn already working on something. “You need a hand Twilight?”

This got a surprised yelp from the unicorn as she hadn’t realized I had woken up let alone was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “Oh no thanks Ryan, but thanks for the offer. I hope you don’t mind eggs and toast for breakfast.”

“Not a problem Twilight. As long as someone sorry I mean some-pony is making me some free food not a problem.” At this she left out a snort of annoyance, before she could say anything I made my leave and decided to go wake Spike. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard Spike’s snores coming from his little basket at the end of Twilight’s bed.

“Time for a bit of mischief eh Ryan?” Orion chimed in, as I approached Spike’s basket.

“No way am I stooping to your level you piece of crap.”

“Whoa whoa, what’s with all the salt eh Ryan.”

“What do you think Orion, last night why did you do that to Princess Luna.”

“Oh that little thing it’s in the past so calm down okay.”

“No way Orion no bloody way.” I then turned to Spike and gave him a slight nudge. “Yo Spike, time to wake up Twilight’s made us breakfast.” This managed to wake Spike up and in an instant he was gone probably down to get some food.

When I arrived back down stairs I found that breakfast had already been set out, and decided to take my breakfast and eat it. As I finished eating the wonderful breakfast that Twilight had made Spike barfed up a scroll, Twilight immediately grasped the scroll in her aura and read it aloud.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, I am going to be paying a visit to Ponyville with some delegates from Saddle Arabia, I am assigning you to provide entertainment for our guests. I also need to speak to Ryan about his citizenship in Equestria, as I have a few forms I need for him to fill out. Yours Faithfully Princess Celestia.” With that said Twilight’s face lit up with excitement and realization.

“Looks like some-pony has an idea.”

“Of course I do Ryan. Spike, we’re going to Fluttershy’s we need to go practice, Ryan you want to come along?”

“Hmm tempting but no thanks Twilight. I think I might head to the markets have a browse.”

“Okay then suit yourself I guess; c’mon Spike let’s go.”

Later after giving the markets a browse I heard a commotion taking place over at the town hall, as I approached I saw a large group of ponies gathered in front of Town Hall. After receiving numerous groans of annoyance, I managed to get to the sight of things that I wasn’t expecting to see. The first was that Golden Oaks had been uprooted and that books were falling out of the front door. The next was a certain light blue unicorn standing in front of Twilight.

After a few moments they began launching spells at each other. As I stood next to the other Mane Six I found myself wondering what to do, deciding not to get involved the next thing I knew Twilight was gone in a flash of red after she tried to reverse whatever spell Trixie hit Snips and Snails with. After a moment to take in what happened I realized I was alone and that the others were running off towards the edge of Ponyville.

As we approached the edge of Ponyville, Twilight appeared out of thin air in a flash of red. The next thing that we knew was that Ponyville was sealed within a magical dome. We then turned around when we heard a popping sound from behind us, when we turned around we saw Trixie standing a few meters away from us with her renowned smirk of victory and smugness.

“I the Great and Powerful Trixie have defeated Twilight Sparkle. She is now banished from Ponyville.” At this Dash charged at Trixie fore-hooves planning on tackling her. What Dash didn’t expect was for Trixie to open a portal right in front of Dash, the next thing we knew Dash was teleported in a full 180 degrees so instead of tackling Trixie, Dash flew into the dome. At this the others ran to get Dash back on her hooves whilst Twilight watched in shock. Trixie spoke up once more. “You cannot harm the Great and Powerful Trixie.” She then started to cackle maniacally when her laughing fit was done she teleported away.

“Dash you okay.” I said as I ran over to the Pegasus as she was helped back onto her hooves.

“Yeah I’m fine, didn’t expect that to happen though.”

At this I turned to Twilight, she then decided to speak up. “Ryan, Spike, Girls I’m going to go get help maybe Zecora can help me control my magic, I’ll be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, try to figure out what Trixie was wearing.” With that we said our goodbyes and Twilight ran off into the Everfree.

As we walked back to the library, we saw that Trixie had plastered her Cutie Mark on posters and banners that covered the town square.

“Geez could Trixie plaster her mark over Ponyville anymore?” I said as we entered Golden Oaks.

“Hmm your quite right Ryan. It’s like she has taken over the town.” With this said she turned her attention to Spike. “Spikey have you found anything yet darling.”

With that said a small blush crossed Spike’s cheeks, as he pulled out a book labeled ‘Magical Artifacts and You’. He then opened the book to a certain page labeled the Alicorn Amulet. He then moved away from the book so that we could get a better look at it. “So is this the one she was wearing.” Spike asked us after a few seconds of nods and the ponies agreeing with him he spoke up once more. “So new question how do we tell Twilight about this. Seeing as we’re all trapped under that magical dome.”

After a few seconds a look of realization crossed Rarity’s face she then looked at the rest of us before voicing what had come to her mind. “Fluttershy, Ryan I will need your help.” At this Fluttershy gave each other looks of confusion as Rarity continued with her thought, soon enough we had a plan all we had to do was enact it.

“So Rarity is certain this will work?” Orion spoke into my ear once again.

“Yes it should work alright. Mr and Mrs. Beaver you know what to do.” At this the two beavers banged their tails against the dome, after a few short moments a grinding sound could be heard behind us. When I turned around I saw Trixie sitting on a giant golden carriage being pulled towards us by Snips and Snails.

“Who dares disturb The Great and Powerful Trixie!?” At this she looked towards me and the beavers with a glare that could scare the flank off Celestia.

“Well we do Great and Powerful Trixie.” At this I gave her a slight bow.

At this she a small look of shock crossed her face. “What are you creature?” She asked bluntly.

“Well Great and Powerful Trixie I am a human; you can call me Ryan or Human either one is fine with me.”

“Hmm nevertheless at least some being in Ponyville has enough respect to talk to address me with my true title. But I’m getting sidetracked what is banging against the dome.” At this I gestured to the two beavers standing next to the log that contained Fluttershy within it.

“Well Great and Powerful Trixie, the dome is pausing theses beaver’s transportation of wood and their quite annoyed to say the least. If you could raise the dome to let the beavers out they will be very grateful.” At this she then looked to the beavers who were as rehearsed on their knees begging.

“Hmm fine then.” With a sway of her horn she raised a small part of the dome so the beavers could get out from under the dome. As they dragged the piece of wood off towards the Everfree the dome resealed itself.

“Well it was a pleasure meeting you Oh Great and Powerful Trixie.” With that said I gave her a bow and her and her carriage was gone in a flash of red. When she was gone Orion spoke up.

“Geez any reason we just stoked the fire that is that crazy mare’s ego?”

“Well we needed Fluttershy to get out, so stoking her ego was the best option okay. Now let’s go tell the others.”

After returning to the library I informed the others that the plan was a success, now all we had to do was wait for the next part of the plan. After 30 minutes the others were gathered up as they had gone to their homes and continued with their day. When Spike, returned with the other elements of harmony they found me sitting in a chair listening to what Twilight, had told Fluttershy to tell us.

I noticed that the others had entered the library. “Go on Fluttershy, tell them what you told me.”

The plan was ready, everything was in place now came my part to convince Trixie to duel Twilight. Trixie wasn’t that hard to find as it turns out she had taken residence in the Town Hall. As I got closer to the building I saw Trixie’s cart in front of the building in the square, it was being washed by Snips and Snails. “Hey Snips Snails,” This got their attention as I walked up to them. “either of you guys know where Trixie is?” At this they pointed to the Town Hall, with a wave of goodbye and leaving them with my thanks I went in to get Trixie.

As I walked in I saw her overlooking a map of Ponyville, she looked up at me when she heard the door close. “Who dares to disturb the Great and Powerful Trixie. Oh it is you Bryan.” This got Orion to go off his tree and fill my ears with his annoying laugh.

“Did she really just call you Bryan?” He said after calming down enough so he could talk.

“What are you here for Bryan?” Trixie interrupted my train of thought.

“Well oh Great and Powerful Trixie,” With that said I gave her a slight bow. “I am here to inform you that Twilight Sparkle, wants to duel you again.”

“Why? She lost fair and square.”

“She said that she has some terms that you might be interested in.”

This got a look of confusion to plaster itself on Trixie’s muzzle. “Fine then what are her conditions, I’ll consider them, to see whether or not they are good enough.”

“Well Trixie the conditions are: That Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville tonight.”

This caught her attention a look of slight worry passed over her muzzle, “Go on Bryan.”

“Twilight was originally meant to provide entertainment for the Princess and the guests she was bringing with her. The condition is that if you win instead of Twilight you will provide entertainment for the guests and the Princess herself.”

“Fine then. The Great and Powerful Trixie will accept her conditions.” With that Trixie’s horn flashed red for a few moments, she then continued. “Twilight Sparkle is now with her friends go to them and tell them they have 5 minutes to meet me outside the Town Hall.”

With that I gave Trixie a bow and left the Hall.

After informing the others of what was going to happen we returned to Town Hall, to find Trixie getting her hooves shined by Snips and Snails. She then turned to us and pushed her lackeys away. “Well come crawling back to me, thinking that you can beat me Twilight.”

“Yes I can and will beat you Trixie.”

At this the unicorns engaged in their dual spells and enchantments flinging between Twilight and Trixie. As the battle was getting more heated Twilight played her trap card.

“Trixie you’ve shown me that you can turn a colt into an old pony and then back again. But can you do this,” With a swish of her horn she turned her attention to Applejack. “Can you turn a Mare into a Stallion.” A look of worry and fear crossed AJ’s muzzle as the spell was cast at her.

When the smoke cleared AJ had been turned into a stallion. With a slight smirk Twilight then turned her back into a Mare. If you looked close enough you could see AJ replace the makeup covered Big Mac. When the smoke cleared once more from Twilight’s smoke spell AJ was back in her place. After that stunt every-pony turned to look at Trixie to see her standing with her jaw hitting the ground beneath her.

“Well Trixie can you counter that?” After saying that the amulet around Twilight’s neck was lifted towards Trixie in a red glow. It then replaced the Alicorn Amulet around the light blue unicorn’s neck.

“Ha-ha. Now I will win by incinerating you Twilight Sparkle.” At this she charged up a spell to fire at Twilight, but instead of the death beam that Trixie, was hoping to conjure up a firework flew and flew into the air exploding above the Town Square. A look of shock plastered itself on Trixie’s face, whilst she was frozen in shock Rainbow Dash flew by Trixie and snatched the Alicorn Amulet from the grip of Trixie’s now pink magical aura. This snapped Trixie from her shock induced paralysis. “Hey give that back!”

At this Twilight approached Trixie, when she was close enough she placed a hoof on Trixie’s latest amulet, as soon as her hoof touched the amulet’s gemstone it fell from Trixie’s neck and fell to the ground shattering on impact.

A look of shock crossed Trixie’s muzzle, luckily Twilight explained everything to the mare. “Wait so explain the pony with the ten instruments?” Trixie spoke up after listening to what Twilight had to say.

“Oh well that’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Said pony appeared and pointed with one of her fore-hooves to where her mouth used to be.

“Oh you want me to return your mouth?” This got a very enthusiastic nod from the pink pony. “Alright then just stand still.” With a swish of her horn Pinkie was levitated up into the air in a pink aura, after a couple of seconds she was dropped back to the ground with her mouth back in it’s place. She then turned back to the town seeing her posters over the town, she spoke to the crowd of ponies that had gathered in the Town Square. “I will start cleaning these posters from your town.” With that she turned to start her long work.

After an hour the sun had set, and Celestia and her delegates had arrived. Twilight had set up a small show for them in Town Square which was large enough to hold a small stadium. As Trixie and I approached the small stadium an idea came to my mind. Unfortunately, Trixie had interrupted me before I could voice my idea. “Thank you for helping me with those posters Bryan.” She gave me a small smile, that I returned.

“Oh Trixie, my name isn’t Bryan, it’s Ryan.”

At this she let out a gasp of shock and a look of guilt crossed her face. “Why didn’t you say that I wasn’t saying your name correctly Ryan? I’m so sorry for not calling you by your real name. You must think I’m a terrible pony.” A look of sadness crossed her face and she stopped in her tracks, falling back onto her haunches. When I looked at her a small tear fell from the tip of her muzzle.

“Trixie are you okay?” I ran up to the sad pony, bending down to her eye level.

“I’m a horrible pony I couldn’t get your name right. The first friend I make I couldn’t even get the name right.”

I then pulled Trixie into a hug causing her to let out a gasp of shock. “Trixie you’re not a horrible friend. Look it’s no bid deal back where I come from people used to call me Bryan by mistake all the time. Besides you messed my name up one time, I’m not going to stop being your friend because of that.”

At this the stream of tears coming from Trixie had slowly but surely stopped, she then pulled me closer into the hug so she could whisper into my ear. “Thank you Ryan.”

At this I released her from the hug and stood up to look down at her as I said to her my idea. “Trixie I might have an idea I need you to stay here for a second okay.” At this she sat there looking up to me and nodded.

As I ran off it didn’t take me long to find the pony I was looking for. When I found her I explained my idea to her thankfully she agreed with me. I shortly returned to Trixie with Twilight in tow. “Hey Trixie,” At this she looked up to me and Twilight approach. “Trixie, Twilight wanted to ask you something.” I then gave Twilight a nudge with my elbow to encourage her.

“Yeah Trixie, I need your help with the entertainment, you wouldn’t mind helping me would you?” She then gave a sheepish grin to Trixie.

“Wait you want me to help you, entertain the Princess and her emissaries?” Trixie said a look of confusion on her face. Twilight answered her question by giving her a nod. “Well then of course I will help you Twilight.”

“Well then follow me Trixie.” As the two mares left towards the small arena Trixie glomped me and then whispered into my ear.

“Thank you Ryan.” She then got off of me and gestured for Twilight to follow her towards the stage.

“You’re welcome Trixie! I’d do that for any of my friends!” I called out to Trixie she then turned towards me and gave me a wave and a small smile, as she disappeared with Twilight onto the stage.

After the show Celestia had managed to find me and take me to the library, leaving the emissaries of Saddle Arabia in Twilight’s capable hooves as she gave them a tour of Ponyville.

“Ryan we need to talk. First of all,” A small stack of paper appeared on a nearby table. “These are your citizenship papers Twilight will help you go over those. The second thing we need to talk about is someone called Orion.”

“Thought you might want to talk about him.” I then decided to take a seat, she then took a seat across from me. “Celestia I want to tell you I am very sorry about the bastard that lives in my head.”

“Okay then. Could you please explain to me what Orion is?”

“Well Celestia I suffer from something called MPD, it’s full name is Multiple Personality Disorder.” Celestia gave me a nod of understanding before gesturing for me to continue. “Well when I came to Equestria I didn’t know about the dreamscape, apparently Orion has his own as well as me. This came as a shock when he showed up and threatened your sister.”

“Hmm well then that opens my eyes on a few things. Can you control him?”

“I can lock him in his Dreamscape for a short time.”

“Okay then I best go collect the emissaries expect a visit tonight Ryan.”

With that said Celestia was gone. Twilight soon returned and I decided to eat my dinner and call it a night.

“Well well well.” Oh crap why does he have to be here. “Do you always forget that I can read most of your thoughts idiot.” Orion spat that last word at me. “Anyway you’ve had quite the day eh? Making friends with Trixie and getting the death stare from dear old Celestia.” At that Orion paused looking up at the sky of my dreamscape. “We have visitors Ryan. It seems Celestia has joined her sister in coming here.”

I then looked to the place in the sky where the two Alicorns were descending. They landed a few feet away from me and Orion, with a simple thought the tendrils returned and pulled Orion into his dreamscape. As he was pulled away he let out a scream. “You spoil sport Ryan!” Hopefully he would be locked in his dreamscape for the rest of the night.

I then turned to the two Alicorns who had witnessed the whole scene occur. “Welcome to my dreamscape. If I may ask what are you doing here Princess Celestia.”

“Well Ryan I am here to confirm what you had said to me; it seems what you said is correct.” She then gave a slight nudge to Luna with her wing.

“Ryan I wish to apologize.”

“Can you hold that thought for a second.” With that I turned on the spot a thought coming to my mind as I closed my eyes and let my mind change the dreamscape. When I opened my eyes we were standing on top of a hill under a large oak tree, a few feet away a picnic was set up with a small tea set as well, above us hung the full moon surrounded by a star filled sky. “Would you two care to join me?” I said as I walked over to the picnic set up.

As the two sisters joined me Luna continued her thought. “Ryan as we were saying before we are sorry how we acted last night and wish to apologize to you.” A look of regret passed over her face.

“Oh well no problem Princess Luna. Hmm how about we start over?” At this I offered her a handshake. “Hello there my name’s Ryan, I have an annoying voice in my head that won’t go away.”

She put her right fore-hoof into my hand and shook it. “Well my name is Princess Luna, but you can call me Luna, and 1000 years ago I tried to overthrow my sister in a fit of jealous rage.” At this she removed her hoof from my hand and gave me a small smile.

“Well then Luna it’s a pleasure to meet you, and if I may ask you something?” This caused a look of curiosity to splay across the lunar Princess’ face, she then gestured for me to go on. “Would you like to be my friend?”

This caught her by surprise. “Why do you want to be my friend Ryan? After what happened last night with me going to my sister about that.”

At this I shrugged and decided to tell her why. “Luna I’m guessing what I’ve read in history books being on the moon for 1000 years didn’t help with your social life?”

“No it did not I don’t really have any friends Ryan.”

“Well neither did I back on Earth, and honestly I want to make as many friends as possible.”

A look of slight shock crossed her face she then spoke up once more. “Well then Ryan, we accept your offer of friendship.”

After a few short moments Celestia spoke up. “Well then I shall leave you two to bond then. Farewell Luna, Ryan.” With a flash of yellow light, she was gone from the dreamscape.

I then turned to the blue Alicorn. “Well, want to tell me a bit about yourself?”

“Only if you tell me why you have set your dreamscape’s clock to midnight?”

“Simple really, I’ve always appreciated the moon’s calming light. Also it’s easier on the eyes than the sun.” This got a laugh from Luna, when she settled down I decided to tell her a bit about earth. The only topic she wanted to talk about was astronomy luckily for her astronomy was my favorite subject in science during school.

Saying goodbyes and meeting a human enthusiast.

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After talking with Luna the whole night I woke up feeling relaxed and happy as Pinkie Pie. When I got out of bed the smell of pancakes hit my nose, without thinking I ran downstairs towards the kitchen where one Twilight was making pancakes, well Spike was Twilight was keeping an eye on him.

Twilight turned around to see me standing in the doorway. “Oh good morning Ryan, did you have a good sleep.” I cut her off as I lifted into a hug.

“Saying that I had a good night’s sleep is an understatement.” I then realized that the unicorn needed air so I put her back on the kitchen floor. “Oh sorry about that Twi.”

“No problem when you hang around Pinkie long enough you get used to surprise hugs. So what’s got you so happy?”

“I finally did it.”

“Did what?” Spike asked.

“Simple my reptilian friend I made friends with the one and only Princess Luna!”

This got a gasp of excitement from Twilight. “So good to hear that she’s making friends Ryan.” We then decided that it was time to have breakfast. During breakfast Twilight told me that Trixie wanted to see me when I was done with breakfast.

“So where do I have to go Twilight?” I asked as I stood near the front door.

“Well Trixie said to meet her in her carriage, which should be on the edge of Ponyville behind the library.” With that information I set out to find Trixie. Luckily as Twilight had said her carriage was just down the road from the library. As I approached I saw that Trixie was already hitching herself to her carriage, she noticed me approach when I was a few feet away.

“Ah Ryan can you please help me with this, it seems one of the straps has twisted, and my magic can’t help me as it seems to make it worse.”

As I saw the problem I decided to fix it, but when I did that I undid the straps on her harness.

“Ryan why did you do that?” I then walked around her so I was standing in front of her.

“Hey Trixie do you have tea inside your carriage?”

“Yes I do. Why do you ask?”

“Because I want to have tea with my favorite magician.” I beamed a smile at her, she paused for a second before leading me into her carriage for tea.

“Why do you want to have tea with me Ryan?” Trixie said as she prepared the tea.

“Well Trixie I wanted to know why your leaving Ponyville?”

This caused Trixie to pause for a second as she thought. “Well Ryan, I am leaving to go spread my entertainment around Equestria. Applejack has said she will tell her family that I am a changed mare.” At this she realized the tea was ready and floated me a cup of tea.

“Thank you Trixie.” I then took a sip of the tea letting out a small moan of gratitude. “Anyway if you want to leave Trixie that’s fine with me. But I have condition on you leaving.”

She gave me a look of confusion and raised her eyebrow at me. “Oh and what would that be?”

“Well Trixie maybe visit us on Nightmare Night, maybe Hearths Warming Eve.”

“Well then if that is your only condition then I will accept Ryan.” After finishing our tea Trixie led me outside and asked for me to help her with the harness which didn’t really take that long, (Hooray for opposable thumbs) I then decided to pull the unicorn mare into a hug before she went on her way.

“Oh and Trixie before you go good luck, and write to me if something exciting happens. Just write to Twilight and she’ll make sure I get the message okay.”

“Okay then Ryan, and thank you for everything Ryan.”

“No problem Trixie.” After a goodbye she trotted off into the distance with what I thought was a slight spring in her step.

When I returned to the library I found that Rarity was standing in the library asking Twilight where I was.

“Simple Rarity I’m right behind you.” This provoked Rarity to jump into the air in shock, after a few seconds she managed to calm down.

She shot me a glare which in a rights should have killed me. When she was done glaring at me she spoke. “Ryan never do that again okay.”

“Got it Rarity, so why are you looking for me?” I gave her a quizzical look she then decided to answer me.

“Well Ryan first of all I have a few spare clothes for you,” It was then I noticed the clothes placed on a nearby table. “I have also made you a tuxedo should the occasion arise where you need to wear something fancy.” At this she gestured to the suit on the table.

“Thanks for that Rarity.” A thought then crossed my mind, as it was getting close to Nightmare Night I didn’t have a costume thankfully I had Rarity. “Hey Rarity, you wouldn’t mind making me a Nightmare Night costume?”

“Of course not darling. Do you have a design?” This got me to pause in thought before I realized what my costume should be.

“Hey Twilight do have a quill some ink and a piece of parchment?” At this she levitated the items to me. I then presented the sketch to Rarity. She gave the parchment a once over then gave me a look of confusion.

“Darling what is this?”

She then gestured to the image, wanting me to explain what it was. “Well Rarity, that is the one and only king of the pumpkin patch.” She then gave me a look of confusion, Spike and Twilight decided to join Rarity in giving me looks of confusion. “Oh sorry on Earth we have a holiday similar to Nightmare Night, humans call it Halloween. That is the suit of one Jack Skellington, the king of Halloween.”

“So this is what a human’s skeleton looks like.” Twilight asked as she looked at the sketch.

“Um no it isn’t, well not exactly. A few of the bones look the same but human skeletons are all different in some way.”

“So you want me to design Mr. Skellington’s suit to fit you Ryan?”

“Oh yes please Rarity.”

“Well then I best get started. Goodbye Twilight, Ryan, oh and Spike would you be a dear and come help me.”

“Sure thing Rarity.” With that Rarity left with Spike in tow.

After a while of sitting around in the library, reading about the history of Nightmare Night. When a mint green unicorn walked into the library, she then stopped asking Twilight for a particular book and stared at me.

“Um Lyra are you okay?” Twilight asked, she then finally looked to where Lyra was staring. “Oh Lyra, this is Ryan he won’t hurt you.” Twilight must of thought Lyra was looking at me in fear, if she had added that last part.

The next thing I knew my vision was filled up with Lyra’s face, her muzzle was mere centimeters from my nose. “Ohmygoshyourahuman.” She spoke at a rate that Pinkie would be jealous of.

Luckily Orion had managed to understand what Lyra had said and repeated it to me at a pace I could understand. “Um hi Lyra and yes I am a human.” I then felt her grab my hands with her hooves, examining my fingers.

“So these are what fingers feel like.” Twilight was standing in the background giving us a look of confusion.

“Um Lyra can you please let go of my hands.” At this Lyra looked at me with a slight amount of worry. Before hopping of off me and speaking up.

“Oh so sorry Ryan just excited is all, I’m an Anthropologist.” This piqued my curiosity I already knew what an Anthropologist was, (Someone or in this case some-pony that studied humans) but what really caught my inquisitive side was how had she become an Anthropologist. “Hey Ryan if you wouldn’t mind me asking, but would you like to come over to my house for tea so I can ask you a few questions?”

This caught me surprise, after a moments thought I decided what to do. “Sure thing Lyra. Oh and Twilight it seems I found some-pony to rival your inquisitiveness.”

After that Lyra led me to her house, fortunately it wasn’t too far away from the library. The inside of the house was very similar to a small cottage. She led me to a small couch and offered me a seat, I happily obliged as she left into what I guessed was the kitchen to probably get the tea. I decided to have a look around the lounge room, noticing a small cabinet with a few knick knacks on it. A picture caught my eye it was a picture of Lyra and as the label said Bon-Bon.

I then turned around to take my seat back on the couch, when I saw Lyra standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “Um tea’s ready.” At this she levitated out a tray of tea onto the coffee table in front of the couch.

I then took my seat and grabbed my cup of tea. “Thanks Lyra. Oh and that’s a nice photo. Whose Bon-Bon a friend I’m guessing?” At this she looked up to me from where she was sitting across from me on a little seat. For some reason I started to feel a bit tired.

“Oh yea, Bon Bon’s my room mate.” At this I nodded before I realized my eyes were starting to get heavy.

“Lyra answer me a question honestly will you please.” At this she nodded when I looked up at her. “Did you roofie my tea?” She then nodded slowly a small amount of guilt spread across her muzzle. “Okay then. First of all, goodnight. Second of all, please don’t do anything illegal to me while I’m asleep.” With that my head hit the sofa as I drifted off into unconsciousness.

I woke up to find myself tied to a chair, my hands were bound and so were my feet. The next thing I realized was that I was in a bedroom, I then had Orion screaming in my ear.

“You idiot. You just had to go and have tea with Lyra didn’t you. You couldn’t just listen to me once, just had to have tea with a psychopathic Anthropologist didn’t you!”

“Okay mom calm down. We at least know one thing for certain.”

“And that would be what Einstein.”

“Simple Orion, we’ve found out that for some reason ponies have roofies. Also another thing she didn’t do anything to my body whilst I was k.o did she?”

“No she didn’t so be grateful for that.” The door to the bedroom then opened and in walked in Lyra. She immediately took notice that I was awake. Then for some reason she walked towards me with a sway in her hips, as she gave me a seductive look. Orion decided to voice his opinion.

“Nope looks like the crazy mare was waiting for you to awaken to begin having fun.” I could feel him grinning his stupid face off. It was then I realized something about Lyra, she was terrible at tying knots. All I had to do was distract her for the time being.

“Good to see you’re awake human.” Well if I was going to distract her now was the time.

“Hi Lyra, oh and please call me Ryan, okay. We’re friends got it.” This sparked a look of confusion across her face but it was gone as quickly as it arrived.

“Oh yes how could I forget how good of friends we are Ryan.” She whispered my name in a seductive tone into my ear. Well that definitely got shivers down my spine, luckily I had managed to get my binds undone.

Before I enacted my plan I had to ask her one thing. “Lyra why are you doing this? If you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” This caught her by surprise for a second before she told me her answer.

“You really wan to know?” I gave her a nod. “Well then I can’t really tell you that would take to long but I can show you. That didn’t sound good to me, but before I could say anything she pushed muzzle onto my lips and kissed me. I had to play the part so I went with the kiss, as she was kissing me I grabbed her with my now free hands.

That caught her by surprise and the kiss ended. “Wow you’re one heck of a kisser Lyra.”

“Wait how did you get out of your bindings?”

“You’re one heck of a kisser but you can’t tie any knots.” This made her blush a bit in embarrassment.

“So Ryan, you have a mare in your grasp, what are you going to do to me now.” Man that tone she was using, was seductive as hell.

“Nothing Lyra, nothing at all.” Orion then decided to speak up.

“C’mon man what are you doing, you got a mare in your arms just give her what she wants.”

“Lyra, I’m not doing anything to you okay. How about we talk about this.” That was meant for both Lyra and Orion, luckily for me the latter managed to get my hint and shut up.

“NO I’M SICK OF TALKING RYAN, THAT’S ALL I DO WITH BON BON. I don’t want to talk anymore.” Wow angry Lyra took me by surprise. But that last part was said with a sob as she started to cry slightly. So I did what I thought was best.

I pulled Lyra into a hug and stroked her mane, and started to whisper into her ear. “Shhh Lyra, please stop crying okay.” That managed to get her to stop crying. “You want to talk now, because if you do we can talk over hopefully un-roofied tea.” She let out a slight chuckle.

“Ryan can you carry me down to the couch then.” I gave her answer by picking her up, surprisingly ponies are quite light well Lyra was anyway. When we reached the couch she used her magic to remove a sleeping spell she had put on my tea.

“Lyra I can’t believe you put a sleeping spell on my tea, that’s quite impressive.” This caused a slight blush to cross her muzzle.

“Thanks Ryan well it’s the best I could do as I couldn’t find anyone who sold roofies in Ponyville.” She looked down at her tea and then looked back up to me. “Ryan I’m so sorry about what I did, I wasn’t thinking and I…”

I cut her off by putting my index finger over her muzzle silencing her. “Look Lyra, it’s fine you’re an Anthropologist, I honestly didn’t expect you to put me to sleep and tie me to a chair though. Lyra why did you do it?”

“Well Ryan, every so often pony mare’s get into heat. Basically what heat is, is that our sexual desires go through the roof, and some mares can’t control themselves and they pounce on anything that has legs.” I then gave her a nod of understanding.

“So I’m guessing you saw the opportunity to have sex with me and you took it.” I looked back up to he she gave me a nod that said I had guessed right Lyra then spoke up.

“Ryan I’m so sorry honestly I am, usually Bon Bon would take care of me and usually she would calm me down by talking to me or with other means.”

“So that explains why you got mad at me when I said do you want to talk about it before. I’m also guessing that your dating Bon Bon.”

“Yes I am, she’s gonna chew my ear off when she finds out about this.” Hmm so Bon Bon was her girlfriend or in a pony’s case ‘marefriend’.

“Okay then well how about I stay here until she shows up so I can explain it to her.” At this said mare burst through the door, for some reason she had opened the front door slightly before kicking it open.

“Lyra where are you!? Oh there you are with Ryan.” She then gave me a look of worry.

“I’m guessing you’re Bon Bon, Lyra’s marefriend?”

“Yes I am and I am very sorry about anything that Lyra has done…”

I cut her off with what I said next. “Bon Bon thank you for your concern but I’m fine okay. Lyra and I have talked about what happened, and I understand fully, the same thing sometimes happens to humans as well.”

That managed to calm her down a bit I then spoke up again. “Well I’m going to go now leave you two alone. Also two things, one: Bon Bon how did you know I was here with Lyra?”

“Oh Twilight told me.”

“Okay then. Two: Lyra if you didn’t have a wonderful marefriend and if I was okay with engaging a relationship beyond friendship with a pony, and you seem like quite the mare to hang out with. Hope your little problem resolves itself because I’d love to answer any questions you have about humans, maybe when your heat cycle has ended. Goodbye you two.” I then left the humble abode of the two ponies.

When I had closed the door I swear I heard Bon Bon say something to Lyra. “So Lyra you have a problem controlling your urges I guess I could help you with that.”

Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night, Humans give us such a fright.

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Three weeks after the whole Lyra incident, the night I had been waiting for had finally arrived, Nightmare Night. Finally, a chance to stuff my face full of candy and not catch weird looks from anyone. Another great perk about tonight was that Trixie was coming to celebrate with us. Twilight and I received a letter a few days ago saying that she was quite a success in Appaloosa, unfortunately she didn’t say what she was coming dressed up as, all we knew is she would arrive tonight.

Most of mind was ecstatic about tonight, heck even Orion was celebrating. But there was one part of my mind that was filled with worry. Worrying about what would happen, how would Ponyville react to Trixie arriving. My thoughts were cut off thanks to the voice of Twilight from downstairs.

“C’mon you two we’re gonna miss the start of the festival!” Twilight yelled to me and Spike from the main section of the library. Like good children me and Spike quickly made our way downstairs wanting to avoid Twilight’s wrath.

Then Spike did something stupid. “Hey Twilight nice old man costume.” Spike pointed to Twilight’s costume, this got him a glare that could make Fluttershy’s stare look like, a look of kindness.

“Spike this isn’t an old man costume this is meant to be…” I then proceeded to doing something dumb as well I cut Twilight off.

“Yeah Spike, she’s dressed up as Gandalf.” This got confused looks from both the baby dragon (Who for those of you wondering was wearing a dragon costume.) and the lavender Unicorn. The silence and looks of confusion was cut short by a knocking coming from the door.

“I’ll get that.” Spike said as he walked over to the door. A scream then filled the doorway as Spike collapsed clutching his chest. Twilight and I decided to see what the commotion was. On the other side of the door was three trick or treaters, alongside them was Granny Smith.

The three costumed foals then began to sing a small jingle. “Nightmare Night, Nightmare Night, give us something sweet to bite.” When their little chant was done a small colt wearing a pirate costume squeezed out from the back of the group giving his small foam sword a swing.

“Hello there little one who would you be?” Twilight asked the colt.

“Hello there Miss. My name is Pipsqueak, I just moved here from Trottingham, this is my first Nightmare Night. May we please have some candy.” With that I decided to go get the bowl of candy Twilight had placed next to the door. Unfortunately, Twilight beat me to the punch, and floated the bowl out the front door and gave each of the foals some candy.

Before she could levitate the bowl back inside a pony wearing a chicken costume appeared out of nowhere and ate the rest of the candy. The culprit decided to speak up when the last of the candy was gone. “Hi Twilight that’s a pretty cool clown costume.”

This got some steam to come out of Twilight’s ears. “It’s not a clown costume Pinkie, it’s a Star Swirl The Bearded costume. By the way aren’t you too old to be going around asking for candy.”

This got a gasp of shock from Pinkie and I, as we looked at her like she had just murdered a box full of puppies. I was the first to speak up. “Twilight take back what you said right now.”

“You can’t be serious Twily, your never to old for candy.” She then looked between me and the chicken before sighing coming to the conclusion that if she argued with Pinkie it would be enough of an uphill battle but with me as well, she had the same chance of winning as an ice cube surviving a boat ride along the river Styx.

“Anyway now that that’s out of the way foals let’s go get some more candy!” With that she dashed off into town followed by Pipsqueak and his friends.

“C’mon you two let’s go enjoy the festivities.” After giving Spike a hand to get back on his feet we followed Twilight. As we made to leave though a familiar pony approached us out of the corner of my vision.

I turned to see Trixie galloping towards us, Twilight and Spike took notice as well. I was then glomped by the unicorn.

“Ryan it’s so good to see you again.” She then nuzzled my chest before speaking again. “Oh are you okay I didn’t mean to tackle you to the ground.” She then moved herself off my chest.

As soon as I was back on my feet, I grabbed the Unicorn and pulled her into a hug of my own. “No you didn’t hurt me Trixie. It’s great to see you again.” It was then I took notice of her attire, in place of her magician’s hat she was wearing a ten-gallon hat. “So what are you dressed up as Trixie?” I asked the mare as I placed her back on all four of her hooves.

“Well Ryan, I got inspiration from a cousin of Applejack’s, Braeburn, I think his name was. He said that I should go as a cow-pony.” She then gave a twirl to show of her costume. When she had finished her spin she noticed my costume. “And what would you be going as tonight Ryan?”

“Well Trixie, on Earth we celebrate something called Halloween, it’s very similar to Nightmare Night. Anyway I’m going as the fictional king of Halloween, Jack Skellington.” I then decided to give Trixie a little spin to show off Rarity’s handy/hoof work.

“Well it’s good to see you bringing a bit of Human culture to Equestria.” Trixie then turned to see Twilight and Spike standing to the side. “Ah Twilight Sparkle, it is good to see you again and also your faithful companion Spike as well.”

“It’s great to see you Trixie.”

“Yeah it is.” Both Twilight and Spike then beamed grins at Trixie.

The magician turned cow-pony then spoke up once more. “Well thank you, also that is quite an impressive Star Swirl the Bearded costume, and an impressive Dragon costume.”

“Thanks Trixie.” Spike said, then Twilight walked up to Trixie and draped a hoof over her shoulders.

“Finally some-pony realizes that this is only the greatest mage in Equestrian history. Wait how do you about Star Swirl, Trixie?”

“Well Twilight, you’re not the only pony in Equestria with knowledge of powerful mages in Equestria’s history.”

“Well then mares,” I decided to step in. “Shall we be heading off to enjoy the festivities.” I received a set of nods from the ponies and Spike, we then decided to head off Twilight leading the way.

We shortly arrived on the outskirts of the Town Square where most of the festivities were being held. As we got closer to the apple bobbing stand, Pinkie appeared once more.

“Oh hi Trixie! I didn’t know you were coming to celebrate tonight with us. That’s a very nice cow-pony costume you got there Trixie.” Before Trixie could respond to Pinkie a storm cloud appeared a few feet behind Pinkie. The next thing we knew was lightning struck the ground behind Pinkie, causing the pony/chicken hybrid to sprint off screaming. The lightning strike also caused Spike and I to have heart attacks. Before I passed out I saw a certain cyan Pegasus sitting atop the storm cloud.

Before drifting off into the darkness I let out one final sentence. “Damn you Dash.” And I was out like a light.

So far in Equestria I haven’t been on the receiving end of a bad awakening. I woke up to having a small bucket of water dumped on my face. I then did what any normal being would do. “AHHHHH what the heck!?!” I opened my eyes to see Trixie standing over me, a bucket floating above me dripping some water. “Ughhh what happened?” I asked Trixie.

“Thank Celestia your alright Ryan. As for what happened well you and Spike passed out when Rainbow Dash, set a lightning cloud off a few meters away from us. Luckily Applejack here was generous enough to lend a bucket of water to wake you and Spike up.” Trixie then gestured to the farm pony who was standing behind three wooden bathtubs.

“Well good ta see you’re awake now Ryan. Would ya like ta have a go at Apple Bobbing?”

This got me to think whether this was a regular occurrence of ponies fainting on Nightmare Night for her to be so calm. My thoughts were interrupted by Orion.

“So how are we getting revenge on Dashie, hmm?”

I decided to do what I did best when he talked ignore him. “Well AJ thanks but no thanks. Don’t wanna ruin my face paint…” I then realized that Trixie probably ruined it with the bucket of water. Before I could give Applejack a new answer Twilight interrupted.

“C’mon every-pony, we’re gonna be late for the ceremony.” This caught me and Trixie’s attention as Twilight led us to a stage that was joining off of the Town Hall.

“Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts to this year’s Nightmare Night.” The Mayor announced. (First time I met her it took me half an hour to figure out her name was Mayor Mare; it wasn’t at all confusing time whenever I had to talk to her or address her.) A few cheers from the crowd of foals and their parents had risen up. “Now now before we continue this year, our new friend Zecora will tell you all about what we do each Nightmare Night for those of you who don’t already know.”

At this Zecora walked out onto the stage, she was wearing a very impressive witch costume. “Now little foals,” The Mayor spoke up. “Off we must go and Zecora, here will tell us why we celebrate Nightmare Night.” At this the Mayor and Zecora, led the foals off into the woods, Twilight decided that we should follow them. Applejack gave us a farewell, saying that she had to go attend the apple bobbing baths. With that I was led into the woods by two unicorn mares, and a baby dragon.

“We’re definitely not gonna be heard from again.” Orion said. I just gave him a nod and decided to catch up with my friends as I definitely didn’t want to get lost.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived on one side of a clearing on the other side was a statue to Nightmare Moon, at the sight I paused in my tracks, wondering if that thing was going to spring to life like Discord would. Before I could catch up with my friends, I was stopped by a fore-hoof blocking my path. When I looked to see who the hoof was connected to I was greeted with the Mayor looking at me. I nearly collapsed in a fit of laughter. (Don’t get me wrong she couldn’t look more like a clown even if she tried, it was a great costume but the grin she gave me nearly had me on the ground clutching my stomach laughing.) “Hey Mayor what’s up?” I asked the Mayor.

“Well Ryan on the walk over here, Twilight told me that you have a similar holiday to Nightmare Night where you come from. If it wouldn’t be too much to ask, can you please tell me about it?” The Mayor gave me a look of inquiry and hope.

“Well sure thing Mayor. But before we do that may I please call you by another name?”

“Oh a problem with my name Ryan?”

When she said this I swear I could feel my embarrassment flood my brain. “Sorry but unfortunately Mayor that’s the problem.”

“Okay then Ryan what would you suggest my new name be then?” She gave me a look of inquiry, probably wondering what I could come up with.

“Well how about Mary?” I suggested to the Mayor.

After a few moments probably of careful consideration she spoke. “Sure thing Ryan, now can you please tell me about this festivity that Twilight called Hallow-een.”

“Okay sure thing Mary. First things first Halloween is one word.” She then nodded in understanding. Out of the corner of my eye I could see green smoke gather around our feet, putting it out of my mind I continued on. “Now Halloween is definitely very similar to Nightmare Night in quite a few ways. The first is the festivities such as apple bobbing, also the selling of caramel apples as well. The second is human children and some human teenagers and adults who are young at heart, dress up and go around asking for candy.” Mary gave me a few nods of understanding.

“So if I may ask Ryan what are you dressed up as?” Mary asked me.

“Twilight didn’t tell you Mary?”

“She told me but she didn’t give me an explanation. Because I’m guessing there is a story behind Jack Skellington.”

“Well there is. Back on Earth there is a film called The Nightmare Before Christmas, Christmas being another holiday that we humans celebrate anyway. Jack Skellington is the king of Halloween in that film. So I figured who better to dress up as than the king of Halloween.”

“Well then that sounds pretty interesting Ryan thanks for telling me this.” She then looked back over to the group of ponies stand in front of the statue.

Then in an instant a bolt of lightning careened across the sky illuminating a chariot being pulled by bat-ponies in the night, the next thing that happened was Pinkie screaming out loud. “AHHH IT’S NIGHTMARE MOON EVERY-PONY RUN!!!” At this the foals started running Pinkie, Zecora and Mary running with them, Mary and Zecora probably trying to calm them down and make sure they don’t get lost.

I ran up to Twilight and Trixie, finding that Spike was currently grasping his chest on Twilight’s back. “Twilight is that who I think it is?”

She then turned to look at me and spoke up. “Who do you think it is Ryan?”

Trixie decided to join in on the conversation as the chariot took off towards Ponyville. “Yes Ryan who in Equestria could that be?”

“Simple you two,” I then started to run off in the direction of the chariot, the two mares catching up quite easily. “That my dear mares would be the one and only Princess Luna. We need to get to Ponyville quickly.” With a quick nod the two mares sped a few meters ahead of me. “Hey wait up you two.”

We arrived in the Town Square to find Princess Luna talking to the townsfolk. “Well more like she’s yelling at them that might be why all the ponies are bowing/cowering in fear.” Orion spoke up, if he wanted to say anything else the Royal Canterlot Voice soon drowned him out.

“Citizens of Ponyville! We have graced your tiny village with our presence, so that you might behold the real princess of the night! A creature of nightmare is no longer, but instead a pony who desires your love and admiration! Together we shall change this dreadful celebration into a bright and glorious feast!” After checking to see if my ears were building the voice of a Cream colored Earth pony screamed out.

“RUN EVERY-PONY NIGHTMARE MOON SAID SHE’S GOING TO FEAST ON US!” I recognized the pony who was dressed up as a devil, Golden Harvest. As soon as she yelled that out ponies all around the square started running off in random directions.

“Wait don’t go!” Luna tried to tell the ponies unfortunately only Twilight, Trixie, Spike, AJ and I were left. With a flutter of her wings she flew off towards the clearing in the forest.

“Okay,” I started turning to the ponies and Spike, who Twilight had managed to convince that Luna, wasn’t Nightmare moon. “Here’s the plan, Spike, Twilight you two go help out Luna, get her up to speed on things and maybe try to get her to drop the RCV.” That got a confused look from the ponies and dragon. “You know RCV, Royal Canterlot Voice.” This got the ponies to understand what I meant. “Got that so you two get going and AJ, Trixie and I will gather the ponies up and try to convince them that Luna isn’t Nightmare Moon got it.”

With that out of the way and Twilight running off after Luna, we started to gather up the townsfolk.

After a while we managed to gather up the townsfolk. All I can say is thank goodness that Mary managed to help out with clearing things up as the townsfolk didn’t listen to me or Trixie. After the whole fiasco the town managed to right itself and everything went back to normal.

“Trixie can I tell you something?” I asked Trixie as we stood next to the apple bobbing baths with AJ.

“Sure thing Ryan, what is it.”

“Well these townsfolk are a bit annoying to tell you the truth.” I looked over to AJ to see if she heard what I said it seems she did with the glare she was giving me.

“What do you mean by that Ryan?” The now slightly miffed AJ asked.

“AJ don’t get me wrong you ponies are great kind and hospitable. It’s just that I find it annoying that they still don’t trust Trixie. I mean she cleaned up her mess single hoofed.”

This got AJ to drop the look of annoyance plastered on her face. “I see what you mean Ryan, thanks for clarifying I was thinking I was gonna have to buck ya if you started insultin the town I grew up in.”

Before I could respond to that Trixie spoke up. “Twilight’s back you two, with Princess Luna.” AJ and I looked to see Twilight talking with Luna as she approached the apple bobbing baths.

“Hey AJ I was just talking to Princess Luna, about having fun think you could help?” Twilight asked AJ.

“Well sure thing Twilight,” AJ then held a hoof out to Luna. “Pleasure to meet ya Princess Luna, Applejack’s the name apple bucking’s the game.”

Luna returned the hoof shake. “Tis a pleasure we hast to meet thou Applejack.”

“Ya’ll can call me AJ Princess Luna seeing as how my friends call me that.”

“Thou consider us thou friend Applejack? Even after what we did before using the Royal Canterlot Voice.”

“Why shoot course I do Princess I try to make as many friends as possible.”

A look of happiness spread across Luna’s face. “Well then AJ, what would thou suggest we do for fun?”

“Well how about a bit of apple bobbin.”

“Apple bobbing what is that AJ?”

“Well Ryan would you mind showing the Princess here a demonstration?” She then looked over to me Luna followed her gaze.

“Hey Luna how’s it going.” I asked the Princess of the night.

“Tis going well Ryan. That is quite a nice costume you have there.”

“Why thank you Princess Luna. Although I have to say your Princess Luna costume needs a bit of work I can see a few problems with the straps on your armor, they look worn something that a Princess would be able to pick up on.”

A silence filled the crowd that had gathered around us. Most of the ponies thinking I just openly insulted Luna.

She then did something that broke the silence in an instant. She laughed. “Hahahaha. It seems thou is correct Ryan, thank you for that observation. Spending a millennium on the moon must have worn the straps I will have to get them replaced.”

As soon as she said that everypony that had gathered around let out the breaths that they had been holding. “Well anyway Princess Luna, I’ll get one of my friends to demonstrate how to bob for apples as I believe the rules may be different here than back on earth.” I then paused and scanned the crowd looking for somepony to assist me and then I saw her. “I would like my dear friend Trixie to help me with this task. You wouldn’t mind showing the Princess how to bob for apples Trixie?”

Luna then looked to the magician who was currently frozen from shock. “Would thou please care to help us Trixie?”

When Luna spoke to her that managed to snap her out of her trance. “Why sure thing Princess Luna.” Trixie then walked up to the closest bobbing bath and demonstrated how to bob for the apples. When she was done she levitated the apple out of her mouth so she could talk. “That’s how you bob for apples Princess Luna.”

“You have our thanks Trixie Lulamoon. Now Twilight would you please show us the next source of fun.” Twilight then led the Princess to the spider-pults as I liked to call them. I then felt a tugging on my jacket and turned around to see Trixie.

“Hey Trixie what’s on your mind?”

“Ryan I want you to answer a couple of questions if you wouldn’t mind.”

Off in the distance I heard Luna yell out in a toned down RCV “The fun hast been doubled.”

“So Trixie what are your questions then?”

“Well why did you talk so calmly to Princess Luna? Also outright saying that her armor wasn’t in top condition.”

“Well firstly as far as I know most members of royalty just want to be treated like regular people or rather ponies in this case. Besides me and her are friends.”

“Okay then how did she know my name Celestia I would expect to know my name but her.”

“Well Trixie her royal duties are to make sure ponies dreams aren’t filled with nightmares, so she’s probably visited you in the past and knows your name.” At this I turned back to the bobbing baths to see Luna, holding Pipsqueak above the bath by his costume and then I heard a certain pink pony yell out words which I was dreading all night.


I was woken up yet again by a bucket of water being poured on my face. “Ahhh what the…” I looked up to see Trixie standing next to me a bucket hovering a few centimeters away from my face.

“Oh Ryan thank Celestia you’re okay.” Trixie pulled my left arm into a hug. This gave me a chance to look around. We were in an alleyway, nobody else was with us. Strange. Trixie decided to let go of my arm.

“Hey Trix, where are we?” I asked Trixie.

“Well we’re in an alleyway leading off of the square. Me and AJ pulled you here after you passed out. Twilight and Princess Luna were here a few minutes ago, Twilight told me to wake you up because she has a plan.”

“A plan eh? Sounds fun. But before you tell me what exactly happened whilst I was passed out?”

“Well other than the Princess declaring Nightmare Night banned, you passed out when she made the plush spiders on the Spider-pults come to life.”

“Okay then well that’s a good enough reason. Seeing as how I do have arachnophobia. (For those of you that don’t know a fear of spiders.) So what’s this plan Trixie.”

“Well Twilight told me that we have to get the foals to deliver their candy in front of the statue like they usually would. Then the Princess will scare them, although she’ll scare them in the name of fun.”

“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that Twilight got that idea from Pinkie.” I said my mind already going to work on how we could convince the foals.

It was then I heard something from the square a certain Zebra and Mayor were talking to a group of nearby foals. It was what Zecora said to a foal that looked a lot like Pipsqueak said. “Come, little Pip. Now don't you fret. Nightmare Night's not over yet. We still have candy left to give, so Nightmare Moon might let us live.”

“Hey Trixie it seems that things are going according to plan, Zecora and the Mayor are getting the foals together. Let’s go tell Twilight and Luna.”

We arrived to see Luna appear as Nightmare Moon and scare the foals. Although they were barreling right towards us, if Twilight’s plan was to work they needed to see Luna revert back to her usual self.

“Trixie I need you to cast a spell that makes it look like my head’s on fire.”

“What why Ryan?”

“Because if the foals don’t see Luna then they’ll still think she’s Nightmare Moon.”

She gave me nod of understanding and then fired up her horn, and by the look on her face it was requiring a lot of concentration and effort. But the result was immediate as my head caught alight.

I then jumped in front of the foals, and did what anyone in my position would do. “You all run from a mere nightmare to a demon you all best turn back. Unless you want to wake up in Tartarus!” This managed to get them frozen in fear as they turned heel and ran, back to Luna.

“Can I cut the spell now?!” Trixie yelled to me.

“Oh yeah Trixie cut it.” I ran back into the bush to see a panting and sweat covered Trixie gasping for breath.

“Wow aren’t they meant to act like that in bed Ryan?” Orion said, I could fell the smirk he was wearing.

I decided to ignore him and scoop up Trixie and carry her back to Ponyville.

Somehow Luna and Twilight managed to get back to town before we did, and by the looks of it she had managed to become friends with the ponies. Twilight managed to take notice of us as we approached the apple bobbing baths.

“Here you go Trixie some nice cold water.” She then proceeded to do what any magically drained unicorn would do. Dunk her head in the bath and drink about a third of the water. “I can see your pretty thirsty Trixie, but try not to drain the whole tub.”

“If you did what I did Ryan, you would be doing the same thing.”

“Well consider me owing you one Trix.” I then took notice of Twilight watching the conversation unfold Luna also arrived on scene. “Oh hey you two what’s happening?”

Twilight decided to speak up first. “Oh nothing much. Although we could have sworn that the foals were going to get away, and not see Luna transform back. Until we took notice of a creature with a flaming head scaring the colts back into the clearing.” She then shifted her gaze to Trixie, a look of worry came onto her face. “Trixie what happened to you?”

“Yes Trixie what hast happened to you?” Luna chimed in.

Before Trixie could answer I spoke for her. “Well that creature with the flaming head was me. Trixie here cast an illusion spell that made it seem like my head was on fire. So that we could scare the foals back so that they could see Luna revert back to normal.”

Luna decided to speak up at this. “Thank you Trixie Lulamoon. Now I have something to ask of you.”

This managed to get Trixie to finally stop drinking water. “Your welcome Princess Luna. What would it be that I can do for you.”

“I simply wish to make a simple request. Trixie do you know that Twilight here, is the student of my sister.” This got Trixie to give Luna a nod. “Well then my sister suggested that maybe I take in a student so that not only could I teach them, but they could teach about modern Equestria. So Trixie Lulamoon I would like to extend to you the proposition of being our student.”

This managed to quite everyone down as Trixie was left in a state of shock. She finally managed to compose herself and give a reply to Luna. “Your serious Princess Luna?”

“Why yes we are, and please call us Luna. So what is thou’s answer?”

“Can I take the night to think about it Luna. It’s just that this is so sudden.”

“Of course you can Trixie. I will wait for your response. Alas I must be off back to Canterlot.” With that she gave a flutter of her wings and took off.

I was the first to talk after Luna was gone. “So Trixie you going to take the job?” I asked the mare who was still looking to where Luna had flown off.

She turned her gaze back to me. “Of course I will Ryan, I won’t deny Princess Luna the honor of teaching The Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Your old self is showing again Trixie.” She then realized what she had said before continuing on with her thought.

“Ah yes sorry old habits die hard. Anyway I’m now thinking on taking a trip to Canterlot tomorrow. If it isn’t too much to ask would you and Twilight care to accompany me on the train ride, Ryan?”

Me and Twilight shared a look between each other before giving her an answer. “Sure thing Trixie Twilight and I would love to go with you. Always wondered if what Luna said to me the other night is true.”

Twilight then gave me a look of confusion. “What did Princess Luna tell you Ryan?”

“Nothing that you have to worry your cutie mark about.” This managed to get a small look of frustration and annoyance to cross her face. “Anyway how about we go celebrate Nightmare Night you two. I still need to get my fill of candy.” With that said we headed off to enjoy the festivities.

Tea with a princess. With questions to come.

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I woke up the next morning to find my bed filled with candy wrappers and sticks from lollipops. “Urgh what happened last night?” I asked no one in particular, I then decided to get out of my bed.

“Simple you moron. You, Twilight, Trixie and Spike, went trick or treating, got a heap of candy then came back to the library to eat it all. If I remember correctly, you then passed out from a giant sugar crash.”

“Thanks for that Orion, glad to know you have a use.”

“Yeah yeah whatever. Still can’t believe you passed out from a sugar crash.”

I decided to ignore Orion as he laughed at my expense, what made it even horrible was that his laughter sounded like it was right in my ear. As I proceeded to wake my self up by having a hot shower.

After I was done I decided to head downstairs to find that the lower level of the library was empty, remembering that Twilight and Spike weren’t in their beds I decided to get something to eat from the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen I noticed a note on the counter top, it was addressed to me I decided to read it out.

“Dear Ryan. If you are reading this, then you’re probably wondering where Spike and I are. Spike is helping me research Pinkie’s so called ‘Pinkie Sense’, as we are doing this Spike and I are unable to got to Canterlot with you and Trixie. Wish Trixie good luck from me and Spike. Sincerely Twilight. P.S I left some pancakes in the fried for you to have as breakfast or lunch depending on whenever you wake up.”

“Well she’s screwed.”

“How exactly is she screwed Orion?” I asked him as I retrieved the pancakes from the fridge also looking to the kitchen’s clock to see that it was 9:30.

“Simple Ryan, she’s going to go and try to understand Pinkie and her reality breaking antics.” My brain then put two and two together finally seeing Orion’s point.

“Well then all the more reason for us to go get Trixie and go to Canterlot. Luckily the Cake’s payed me a few days ago.”

“Still wondering why they hired you to help them out at the shop whenever they need a helping hand.” Orion said with small tone of disgust in his voice. The disgust probably coming from me actually helping someone.

I decided to not give him an answer and decided to eat my breakfast.

After finishing my food, I decided to head out into Ponyville and grab Trixie. When I left the library I saw that Trixie’s carriage was parked next to the library, instead of being parked down the street where it was last night.

“If your wondering how it got there you helped Trixie move it there, before you and your pony pals started eating you own weight in candy.” Said Orion. At that the memory came flooding back to me. “Geez how strong is pony candy if you couldn’t remember helping the wannabe magician.” That was when I decided to stop listening to him after that.

I decided to see if Trixie was in her carriage. After walking up closer to the carriage I gave a few quick knocks to the door. “Yes who is it?” Trixie called out from within the carriage.

“It’s me Trixie.” I called out to her. After a few moments the carriage’s door knob was wrapped in the pink aura that was Trixie’s magic.

When the door opened Trixie was standing in the door way. “Good morning Ryan. Good to see you’re alright after you passed out from eating too much candy.” After she said that last part she erupted in a fit of giggles.

“Okay are you done laughing at my expense.” That managed to get her to stop.

“Sorry Ryan, it’s just a bit funny that’s all.” She said after composing herself. “So I’m guessing we’re heading to the train station. Um where’s Twilight?”

“Oh Twilight can’t come with us she said that she had an important task to do. But she did say that she wishes you good luck.” I then looked into her carriage to see a brief case floating behind her. “I see you got your stuff already packed. Although what about your carriage?” I then gestured to said carriage.

“Oh yes my carriage well Ryan, this isn’t actually a carriage.” This managed to get a look of confusion to arise on my face.

“How isn’t it a carriage Trixie?” I asked her as we took a few steps back from the carriage.

“Well Ryan when I was in possession of The Alicorn Amulet I cat a spell on my carriage that can make it compact into a small model.” With that her horn glowed, and a small beam of magic shot from her horn and wrapped itself around the carriage. In a flash of light, the carriage shrunk down to the size of a small model.

“Wow that is one heck of a trick Trixie. Wait a sec doesn’t that drain most of your magical energy?” When I looked to the mare for an answer I could see her panting a small amount of sweat dripping off her brow.

“It does drain my reserves quite a bit but casting the enchantment for the first time is more draining.” I then decided to grab Trixie’s suitcase for her after I picked up her model carriage. “Ryan you don’t need to do that I can carry my stuff.”

“Well to bad Trixie, you need to catch your breath and regain your magic.”

“Okay then well Ryan, you best lead the way to the train station we don’t want to keep the princesses waiting.”

“Okay then,” I started as we walked in the direction of the train station. “But first Trixie, the station is at the end of this street, can you please go get our train tickets I gotta make a quick stop somewhere first.” I then handed her a small bag of bits, as she grasped her suitcase in her magic.

“Are you sure Ryan I could simply buy us both tickets I have the bits to buy them.”

“Yes I’m sure Trixie okay, don’t worry I won’t be long.” I then headed off towards my destination, Sugarcube Corner.

I pushed open the door to Sugarcube Corner the small bell above the door telling either the Cakes or Pinkie that a someone had entered. “I’ll be with you in a moment dear!” I heard Mrs. Cake call from the kitchen.

After a few moments Mrs. Cake emerged from the kitchen with a bit of flour in her mane. “Good Morning Mrs. Cake. How’s the shop going?” I greeted the shop owner.

“Good Morning to you too Ryan, and it’s been a good day so far. Carrot’s just out grabbing a few things from the market. Anyway what can I do for you Ryan?”

This got me to stop and think what I was going to get. “I think I’ll go for a chocolate cake, please.”

“Sure thing dear.” With that said Mrs. Cake pulled out a medium sized box, with the label chocolate on top of it. “Here you go dear. That’ll be 10 bits.” I handed over the required amount of bits and picked up the box and headed for the door. Before I could get out Mrs. Cake stopped me. “Hey Ryan, can I tell you something?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Cake.”

“Please call me Cup, dear. Anyway me and Carrot have been wondering, why did you help Trixie.”

“Why do you want to know Cup?” I may have added a bit too much aggression seep into that remark.

“Oh I didn’t mean anything by it dearie. It’s just Carrot and I are actually some of the ponies who are glad to see her. So we were wondering what compelled you to help her.”

Well that made me feel like a complete and utter bastard with the tone I used on her. “Oh well sorry about my tone Cup. As for why I helped her well I didn’t want her to be hated by every-pony, I wanted to help her make friends that’s all.” I explained to Cup.

“Very well dear. If you see her, please tell her Carrot and I wish her good luck with being Princess Luna’s student.”

“I’ll let her know Cup.” We then exchanged goodbyes and I headed for the station.

After a few minutes I arrived at the station to find that Trixie was sitting on a bench with her stuff.

“Hey Trixie you got our tickets?” I asked the mare.

“Yep her you are.” She levitated me my ticket out from under her hat. “Oh I almost forgot,” She then floated me a few bits from under her hat. “Here’s your change from the tickets.”

“Wow thanks Trixie.” At that the train whistle blew signaling that it was leaving soon. “Hey c’mon we best get some good seats before the train leaves.”

With that said I grabbed Trixie’s bag for her, I then gestured for the mare to lead the way to our seats. With us being able to find some seats in an empty carriage, Trixie spoke up.

“Ryan what’s in the box you have?” She then gestured with one of her fore-hooves towards the box I had sharing my seat with me.

“Well Trixie I thought to myself, ‘what’s the best way to help your friend socialize with a Princess’, do you want to know how I can do that Trixie?” Trixie then gave me a few quick nods wanting to know where I was going with this. “Well it’s quite simple I buy a cake and then we have cake with the Princess.” This got a gasp of surprise from Trixie.

“You can’t be serious Ryan.”

“I am.”

“Okay then what sort of cake did you get then? It has to be good enough for a Princess you know.”

“I know that Trixie. As for the flavor of the cake I went for a flavor no one in their right mind would resist. Chocolate.”

“Okay then Ryan, that sounds suitable enough. Now if you don’t mind I would like to get some sleep Ryan, so can you please wake me when we get to Canterlot.”

“Sure thing Trixie. Although if you wake up first you gotta wake me alright.”

“A deal it is then Ryan.”

“Cool. Have a good nap Trixie.”

“You too Ryan, you too.”

Several Hours later

As I woke up from my nap I realized that a rare thing was occurring to me. It was one of the few times since arriving in Equestria I was waking up naturally. I decided to look out the window of the carriage to see how far away we were from Canterlot, when I realized that something was sitting in my lap. I looked down to see Trixie quietly snoring in her sleep as her head rested on my lap. It was freaking adorable.

Orion how ever ruined that moment. “So enjoying having a pony lying in your lap Ryan?”

“Oh shut up Orion. Why do you always have to ruin these little moments?”

Orion gave a small chuckle before answering. “But Ryan, that’s what I do best ruin these little moments.”

I was about to give Orion a remark, but my thoughts were interrupted as the train blew its whistle. The affect of the whistle was almost immediate.

“Who dares wake The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie slurred still half asleep.

“Easy Trixie, the train woke you up,” I said to her running my fingers through her mane hoping to help wake her up. “We’re getting close to Canterlot. How about we look out the window to see how fare away we are.”

With that said Trixie got up and looked out the window, I decided to follow her over to the window. All I can say is that the view of Canterlot was breathtaking to say the least. By my guess we were a few minutes away from arriving in Canterlot.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Trixie asked me.

“Yeah it is.” I said to her as I grabbed her bag. We headed for the door to the platform as the train arrived in the station. As it turned out not many ponies were using the train to get to Canterlot, as when Trixie and I hopped off it I looked around to see only a dozen ponies hopping off the train.

When I stopped looking at the ponies that were departing other carriages, I noticed that a bat-pony clad in dark armor had approached Trixie and I.

“Hello there.” The bat-pony greeted us. “I am captain Moonlight of the lunar guard.”

“Hello there, Captain. If you were wondering my name is Ryan, my friend here’s name is Trixie. A pleasure to finally meet and talk with a bat-pony.” I said to her. She froze for a moment when I called her a bat-pony. Before I could ask her if she was okay she spoke up.

“Please Ryan, try to refrain from calling me and my kind bat-ponies. My species go by the name of Thestral.”

“Oh sorry about that Captain.”

“It’s alright Ryan, most ponies and other species usually get that confused the first time around. Anyway Mother Sol has sent me to lead you and Lady Noctis’ new student to the castle.” Those name that she said didn’t sound familiar at all.

Trixie had caught on this as well, as she asked the question which was on the tip of my tongue. “Sorry captain.”

Before Trixie could continue Moonlight interrupted her. “Please call me Moonlight, Miss Lulamoon.”

“Okay then Moonlight and please call me Trixie.” At this Moonlight gave Trixie a nod of understanding. “Anyway as I was saying who is this Mother Sol and Lady Noctis you speak of?”

“Ah yes those are the names that we Thestrals have given to the royal sisters. Mother Sol being, Princess Celestia and Lady Noctis being Princess Luna. Anyway we must be off Mother Sol is expecting you two, she wishes to meet her sister’s apprentice over afternoon tea. She has also asked that you come along as well Ryan.” With that little explanation done Moonlight lead us into Canterlot, towards the main castle where the Princesses lived.

As it turned out the Canterlot train station was only a five-minute walk away from the Castle. When we passed through the gate of Canterlot Castle I was glad we were there. As it turned out Canterlot was divided into three districts, each district containing a separate social class. Lower class lived in the lower district, Middle class in the middle district and then the snooty nobles in the upper district.

What made me glad to be passing into the castle most of all was that the train had dropped me and Trixie off in the upper district’s station. So the whole time we were walking to the castle the nobles who were walking around gave me looks of disgust. It was a fun walk to say the least especially seeing as how I could hear their whispers of disgust.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Moonlight. “Here we are Mother Sol is over there.” She then used one of her leathery wings towards a table in the middle of what I was guessing the Canterlot Castle gardens.

It was then I noticed what exactly Moonlight looked like. She had a grey coat her mane and tail was a darker tone of Azure blue, with a thin strip of light purple running down the center. Her eyes were a light shade of amber, it was then I noticed her eyes were slitted, her cutie mark was a small purple flame set against a full moon.

“Any reason why you’re staring at my flank Ryan?” Moonlight said my eyes widened as she said this and I could then feel a blush covering my face.

“Oh sorry Moonlight, just looking at your cutie mark it’s a very intricate design.” I said to her.

“It’s no problem Ryan just merely teasing you.” A question then crossed my mind that I had to ask the captain.

“I’m guessing your part of Luna’s personal guard?”

“Why yes I am Ryan. What made you guess that?”

“Oh just that Luna usually jested me and teased me a few times whenever she would visit me in my dreamscape. Also that’s the same line she used when I first saw her cutie mark.”

Moonlight gave a hum of thought before speaking again. “Well then I must be off I have duties to attend to. I will notify Lady Noctis that you have arrived Trixie.” With that she flew off towards the castle.

When she was gone I walked over too the table that Celestia was sitting at Trixie was hesitant to follow probably waiting for Celestia to call her over. I took notice that Trixie was still standing a few feet away but she quickly came over when I waved her over.

Taking our seats after I set the cake box on the table I decided to start up conversation. “So how’s it going Celestia. Nobles still annoying you in day court?”

That managed to get a small chuckle from the princess and also a small gasp of shock from Trixie. “Their getting more manageable Ryan. Anyway back to current events,” She then turned to look at Trixie. “It is good to see you again Trixie, how are things going for you?”

Trixie froze in shock as she was addressed by Celestia. She managed to compose herself but I could see a small amount of sweat dripping down her brow. “W-well P-princess Celestia life’s been quite good for me.”

That stutter at the start of her sentence caused Celestia to raise an eyebrow. “Trixie please call me Celestia. So how do you feel about my sister taking you under her wing as her student. Also Ryan what is in this box you have here.

With that question I opened the box to reveal the chocolate cake. “Well it’s a cake I bought from Sugarcube Corner.” With that said Celestia made 3 small plates appear in a flash of light she then served me and Trixie slices of the cake, after we received our slices Celestia cut off a slice for herself, I noticed how it was the size of Trixie and I’s slices of cakes combined. Seems the rumor of Celestia loving cake that Luna told me was true.

“Um, well Celestia I feel like one of the luckiest unicorns in Equestria.” Trixie said with a smile crossing her muzzle.

Celestia then turned to me. “How do you feel about this Ryan?”

Well that question caught me a bit off guard, after a few seconds of thought I managed to get my answer ready. “Well Celestia, I’m sort of feeling a mix of emotions.” Celestia then gestured for me to continue, as she sliced off another slice of cake for herself. “Well Celestia the main emotion I’m feeling is happiness for Trixie. The next is a small amount of sadness if I’m to be perfectly honest.”

“How are you feeling sad Ryan?” Trixie asked, a look of concern on her face.

“Well Trixie, it’s only a small amount of sadness really, it’s just you won’t be visiting Ponyville anymore that’s all.” I said to her. This managed to remove the look of concern on her face to a degree.

I saw that I ate the last of my slice of cake. I then grabbed the knife Celestia used to cut us all slices of cake, but as I turned to cut myself a slice of cake I found it was gone. I then turned to see an unusual amount of chocolate crumbs around Celestia’s muzzle. “Really Celestia?” I deadpanned to her.

The Princess decided to pull out her award winning poker face. With a flash of her horn the crumbs were gone, before Trixie could notice them. “Whatever do you mean Ryan?”

“You know exactly what I mean Celestia. Where’s the cake?” Out of the corner of my eye I could see Trixie looking between us wondering what we were talking about.

“What cake Ryan?” Celestia asked innocently.

“You want to play that gam eh Celestia?” I then turned to Trixie. “Trixie I brought a chocolate her with us didn’t I?” Trixie then looked between me and Celestia, probably wondering what to do next.

“Yes we did bring a cake Ryan.” Trixie said reluctantly.

I turned back to the Princess with a smug look on my face. “Well Celestia any comments on that?” I asked her.

“Hahahaha.” We heard someone laughing from behind us. I turned to see Luna standing a few meters away from the table. She decided to join us at the table making a chair appear from out of nowhere in a flash of light. “Sooooo sister it seems someone has finally bested you.” Luna then turned to me. “Congratulations Ryan thou hast bested my sister in a verbal battle. Believe us when we say that is no easy task to accomplish.”

“Well thank you for that Luna. I’d offer you a slice of cake but it seems it’s gone.”

“Yes we see that. But anyway we must get back to the matter at hoof.” She then turned to Trixie. “Greetings to you Miss Lulamoon, would you be here to tell us if you wish to be our student?”

Trixie paused for a second a look of deep thought crossed her face, before she responded. “It would be an honor Princess Luna, but may I ask you one thing?”

“Of course you can Trixie, and please call us Luna.”

“Okay then. As I was saying what exactly will I be learning?” Trixie had a point Luna never really said what she would be teaching Trixie.

“Well Trixie I believe a demonstration would probably be best. But maybe not out here though.” Luna then turned to Celestia. “Sister would Twilight’s old room be available?”

Celestia pondered that question for a few points whilst tapping one of her fore-hooves against her chin, until she came to a conclusion. “It should be available sister. I was actually thinking of Trixie taking that room.” She then turned to Trixie. “If it is alright with you Trixie, you could call that place your room whilst you stay here, unless you wish for another room.”

“Of course not Princess Celestia that sounds fine really.” A grin showed itself on Trixie’s muzzle.

“Well then we best be off.” Luna spoke up then turning to Celestia. “If you don’t mind me taking Ryan and Trixie with me.”

“Not at all sister. I do have to get back to day-court anyway. Hope your lessons go well Trixie.” With that said Celestia was gone in a flash of light, probably back to day-court.

“Well Luna you lead the way.” I said to Luna who lead us off into the castle.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at Twilight’s old room, as soon as we entered it was obvious how much Twilight loved books as her room was split into two halves. The lower halves walls were lined with shelves that were packed with books. The upper half had most of the walls the same as the lower half although there was a space in the wall that housed a desk and dresser, opposite the desk and dresser was a queen sized bed with light blue sheets.

“How do you like it Trixie.” Luna asked Trixie.

Trixie had her back facing the princess whilst she was taking every little detail in. When Trixie turned around the grin she wore told the princess and I how she felt. “It’s wonderful thank you Luna.” She then turned to the bookshelves. “What exactly are in these books princess?”

“Ah yes. As my sister explained to me when I returned, Twilight wanted to learn about most types of magic. If the labels on the shelves are anything to go by she organized the books by what sort of spells are in them.”

I decided to have a look around the room. Luna was correct about the labels on the shelves as it seems each of the different types of magic had their own shelves. What caught my eye was that a few types of magic from video games were evident.

One shelf caught my eye as it was void of any contents except for a single book sitting in the middle of the shelf. As I approached the shelf something was calling me to the book, some sort of ethereal force. When I was close enough I reached my hands out and grasped the book. As soon as I got a good grip on the book it felt like something was surging through me from the book, I could have sworn I felt like Harry Potter when he held his wand for the first time.

As soon as the flow of what I guessed to be magic I read the cover out loud. “Thaumonomicon.”

I turned around to see Luna and Trixie looking at me in confusion. “The what Ryan?” Trixie asked.

“The Thaumonomicon, that’s what this book is called.” I showed them the book. “Funny thing about this is that this book is also back on earth.” That piqued their interest, especially Luna’s.

“I thought you said there is no magic on earth Ryan. Seeing as how that book is a magical tome that would lead me to believe that there is magic on earth.”

“There isn’t any magic on earth Luna. This book does exist but it’s in a fictional story.” That last bit was a lie but they managed to buy it. I didn’t want to go explaining to them that this book was from a video game. As they would only ask me what a video game was, and that would probably take forever for me to explain what a video game was.

This managed to get the two mares too pause before Luna spoke up after she looked out the window which I just noticed took up about 75% of the wall that was left to the room’s entrance. I followed the princesses gaze noticing that the sun was setting.

“Hmm. May I propose an idea Ryan?” Luna asked me.

“Um sure Luna, what’s on your mind.” I asked her as I saw Trixie move along the shelves looking from shelf to shelf.

“Well if it couldn’t be too much trouble. Seeing as how my sister’s sun is setting would you like to spend the night here in Canterlot?”

This question caught me a bit off guard as I hadn’t planned to stay over night. After a few seconds I came up with a decision. “Okay Luna but first a few questions. First where in the castle will I be staying?”

Luna thought for a second before turning to address Trixie. “Trixie you don’t mind sharing a room with Ryan do you?”

As soon as Trixie had heard this she turned back to the princess. “Of course not princess. But where in here would he be staying there’s only one bed?” At this Luna then gestured with her wing towards a set of stairs that Trixie and I had completely missed as we entered.

I approached the stairs and looked down them. On the lower floor it was an exact copy of the sleeping area on the top floor. Except the queen sized bed’s sheets were a shade of purple. I also noticed that there was an extra door across the room from the stairs. I decided to go down into the room instead of sitting on the stairs looking into the room. The wall that the massive window was located on also had a small amount of of the window coming through the floor.

Turns out Trixie had appeared on the lower floor and moved to look behind the closed door. As she enveloped the doorknob in her magic as I stood behind her, she then opened the door to reveal a bathroom. There wasn’t anything grand in the bathroom except for a medium sized shower which by my guess could hold Luna if she had her wings spread fully. Also in the bathroom were the usual things, a toilet for obvious reasons, as well as a medium sized sink.

I then turned to Trixie. “Um tonight Trixie you can have first dibs on the shower okay. Also you can have the upstairs bed I’ll sleep down here okay.”

“Why thank you Ryan. I think we should head back upstairs Princess Luna is probably waiting for us.”

With that we headed back upstairs. “So how do you like it Ryan?”

“It’s a nice little hideout. That also answers my question of where the bathroom would be. As now I don’t have to borrow your bathroom Luna.”

At this Luna let out a chuckle. “Maybe you would get luck with my sister, but alas you would not get any luck with me.”

“Um Princess if I may interject in you and Ryan’s banter.” Hmm seems Trixie was getting comfortable around the princesses or at least Luna. “If I may ask of you princess to show me exactly what I will be learning under your teachings.”

“Ah yes. Well Trixie the sort of magic that I use are a mix of illusionary spells with a small amount of destruction spells woven into them for added affect. As for what I will be mainly teaching you will be illusionary spells, as I have seen your dreams and don’t worry I won’t tell any-pony of your dreams. I have seen that you are a magician and from what I know magicians like to use illusionary spells to bring joy and excitement to the crowds. That is correct yes?”

Trixie thought for a moment on what Luna had said before responding. “Yes that is what we magicians do so that sounds very nice Luna.” Trixie said with a grin.

As soon as Trixie said that my stomach let out a loud growl, catching the eye of Luna and Trixie. “If I’m to guess Ryan your hungry correct?” Luna asked I then gave her a quick nod. “Well before I continue Trixie would you like to have something to eat?” Trixie thought for a moment before giving Luna a nod. “Well then if you will both follow me. We will go to the dining hall for dinner.”

With that Luna lead us out of the room luckily I remembered to place the Thaumonomicon back on it’s shelf before we left. As I turned back to the door to catch up with Trixie and Luna who were waiting outside the door for me Orion spoke up. “Okay Ryan, what the heck is the Thaumonomicon get here? Especially seeing as how it exists in a mod for Minecraft.”

“You’re not the only one who’s wondering what the heck that book is doing here, maybe God will give us some answers tonight whilst we’re asleep.” I thought luckily Orion managed to hear me clear as day. I decided to leave the thoughts concerning the Thaumonomicon for later now it was time to follow Luna to dinner.

Dinner with royalty and answers for both ponies and humans.

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After few minutes of walking passing by maids, butlers and a few guards. We finally arrived at a large set of double doors, the large doors were made from what I guessed to be either oak or spruce wood. There were two guards posted either side of the doors. Both of the guards were unicorns from my guess they would use their magic to open the doors.

When they saw us approaching they straightened themselves standing to attention. As we got close enough the guards horns lit up enveloping each of the doors with their magic allowing us to enter. As we passed the guards I stopped in front of the open entrance, the guards noticed this each giving me quizzical looks, before the one to my left spoke up.

“Um sir are you okay?” I turned my head to him and gave him a once over. He had orange fur with a light blue mane and tail, his armor was shiny giving the look that he had recently shined it. His cutie mark was a magical wand spitting out a jet of fire. “Sir are you sure you’re okay?” He said pulling me out of my trance.

“Um oh yeah I’m fine. By the way what’s your name guard?” I asked him surely he had to have something interesting to go with that cutie mark, something fire related.

“My name is Fire Wand sir.” Fire Wand eh?

“Well anyway pleasure to meet you.” I then extended my hand which Fire looked at in confusion, before adding two and two together and he put his hoof in my hand. “Name’s Ryan and please don’t call me sir. By the way thanks for opening the door for us. Also nice name.” I said after shaking his hoof.

“Ryan are you coming?!” I heard Luna shout from inside the room.

“Heh looks like I got to go see you around Fire.” I gave him a wave as I walked into the room.

When I entered I was greeted with two things the first was the doors closing behind me, the second was a great dining room table. The dining room table reminded me of the dining room tables from the Harry Potter movies except for four of them there was only one, it was also raised further up from the ground. The benches that people would sit on were also replaced with small stools that had a red cushion, the stools also had a small back for a pony to relax against. The seat of the stools was big enough to let a fully grown Alicorn sit on by my guess.

I then looked down the table to see where the ponies were sitting. Celestia was sitting at the head of the table, Luna was sitting to the right of her sister and last but not least was Trixie sitting opposite Luna but not to the seat positioned to Celestia’s right. ‘Must still be nervous around Celestia’ I thought to myself, as I decided to sit to the left of Celestia.

“Ah Ryan good to see you have arrived. Now before we begin eating I must ask you a question.”

“Um sure thing Celestia what’s the question?” I asked wondering what she could want to talk about.

“Well it’s about your diet Ryan. Do humans eat meat?”

This managed to get me to pause for a second. “Um yes we do eat meat. Why?”

“Oh no reason it’s just that we sometimes have Griffon ambassadors over for dinner to talk about peace and they will generally want something of the meat variety to eat. We have a few things for the ambassadors and were wondering whether you would want something.”

With that said a small piece of paper appeared in front of me on the table. On the top of the paper it read meat selection. As my eyes looked over the page I noticed quite a few things that caught my eye. In the end I decided on a minute steak.

As I looked back up I noticed that the others were looking at their own respective menus. Celestia looked up from her’s to see me looking away from my menu. “Ah Ryan have you decided what you want to have?”

“Oh yeah I have Celestia, I was wondering though do you have a salad menu, or drinks menu at least.” At this, two menus appeared on top of my steak menu. One labeled salad and the other labeled drinks. “Thanks Celestia.” I then looked back down to the menus deciding to just have a garden salad and a glass of water.

After a while everyone else had decided what to have and a butler appeared by Celestia’s side. “Good evening every-pony how may I serve you today?” He then gave a slight nod with his head, as he did that a note book and quill appeared by his side.

“Hmm well, I think I’ll go for the garden salad, Luna?”

“We shall have lily flower sandwich. Trixie what do you wish?”

“Um I think I’ll go for a garden salad as well.” She then looked to me.

“Oh well. I’ll have a minute steak, a garden salad and a water please.”

With that said the butler finished writing down our orders before looking to the ponies. “Any drinks for you three?”

Celestia spoke up. “We’ll take some water please.” She then looked to the others each giving nods. “Thank you for that Silver Platter.” With that said Silver gave a small bow before turning towards a door which I guessed led to the kitchen.

“So Ryan, Luna tells me that you found something interesting in Twilight’s old room.”

“Ah yes. I found a book called the Thaumonomicon, it’s a book that exists in a fictional story on earth. In the story the Thaumonomicon is an ancient magical tome. If my memory is correct it contains different types of information about different types of alchemy, wand magic and a bit of forbidden magic or dark magic as you may call it.”

The mention of dark magic managed to get a veil of silence to envelop the dining room. “I see.” Celestia said in a slightly dark tone.

“Although you and Twilight should already know what’s in the book right, seeing as how it’s in Twilight’s old room, you guys would have read it already.” This managed to get Celestia to raise her head.

“We’ve been unable to open it. Twilight came up with a few ideas on how to open it, but the spells she designed ran the risk of destroying the book.”

This came as a giant shock ‘They’re unable to open the book’ I thought to myself, ‘Yay even more for God to explain’ my thoughts were interrupted when Silver returned with our meals.

“Dinner.” Was all that Silver said as he gave a bow and trotted back to the kitchen.

When my plate appeared in front of me I quickly grabbed my knife and fork, which had somehow appeared in my hands. I looked down at my steak taking in the smell of the cooked meat, before giving it no mercy.

When I was done I looked back up to see that Luna was on the verge of falling off her chair from laughter, Celestia was hiding a giggle behind her hoof whilst Trixie looked at me in shock.

“What’s so funny Luna?” I asked the princess.

After a minute she finally managed to compose herself and calm down. “Do you know how log it took for you to eat that steak Ryan?”

“Um no. How long did I take then?”

Celestia answered for her sister. “Well it took you about 45 seconds to eat that steak.”

That gave me a bit of a shock but didn’t come as a big surprise. “Great I broke my record.”

“Record?” Trixie asked between bites of her salad.

“Oh yeah. Well back on earth there was a restraint I went to once with a couple of my friends, one of the dared me to take on the restaurant’s eat a steak in a minute challenge. I accepted and ate it in 55 seconds.” I told them happy to relive a few good memories.

“That sounds like quite an amazing feat Ryan. You could probably make a griffon jealous you know.” Luna said.

“Well after sending about a month here living amongst vegetarians you sort of miss the feeling of biting into a steak.”

“Well it definitely looks like you missed eating steak.” Celestia said. Before looking at me a serious look crossing her muzzle. “Ryan.”

I looked up to her a small bit of lettuce hanging from my mouth, after eating what salad was in my mouth I looked to her. “Yes Celestia.”

“There is something you must know about the Thaumonomicon you must know.” I then gestured with my hands for her to continue with her thoughts. “Well that book appeared in Twilight’s room when I was teaching her a few new spells. It appeared in a flash of purple light. This happened about a week before I sent her to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.”

“Wait Celestia your saying that the Thaumonomicon, hasn’t always been in your possession.” She gave me a nod to confirm what I had said. “Wow okay then. That is…”

“Confusing, is that the word you’re looking for correct?” Celestia said, a small smile crossing her muzzle.

“Heh yeah I guess it is. But anyway let’s try not to dwell on that eh?” That managed to raise her spirits. I then realized something. “Hey Celestia you don’t mind passing a message on for me do you?”

“Of course not.” Sensing that I may be needing to send a letter she summoned up a scroll and a pot of ink and a quill.

“Thanks Celestia.” I then wrote out my message. “You don’t mind sending this to Twilight do you? She’s probably wondering where I am.” With that said the scroll disappeared in a flash of yellow light.

Meanwhile at Golden Oaks Library

“Spike are you sure you checked under his bed?” Twilight said to her faithful assistant.

“I’m sure Twilight, seeing as you’ve had me look under there 5 times already.” Spike replied to Twilight as 5 mares walked in through the door.

Twilight turned to the new arrivals. “Well girls have you found him?”

Rarity spoke up first. “We’ve looked all over Ponyville dear, we haven’t seen him.”

AJ then spoke up. “Rares is right Twilight, he isn’t even at the acres.”

“Oh hopefully he hasn’t accidentally walked into the Everfree.” Fluttershy said.

“Well maybe he was pony-napped, by Trixie I bet.” Rainbow Dash said a look of anger crossing her face.

Before any pony could say anything Spike belched up a letter, and handed it to Twilight. “For you.” He said.

“What’s it say Twily?” Pinkie said bouncing on the spot.

“Dear Twilight. Hey if you or the others are wondering where I am I’m up at Canterlot. Turns out I’ll be spending the night here. I may also be spending the next couple of days here as well. By the way Trixie is now Luna’s student.” At that Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and blasted it covering Twilight in confetti.

“Heh sorry Twily I couldn’t help myself.” Pinkie said after pushing her party cannon away.

“Any way as I was saying. Also Twilight I found a book called the Thaumonomicon in your room, that book actually exists on earth but as a magical tome in a fictional book series. Anyway, tell the others that I’m alright. I’ll also be trying to open the Thaumonomicon if I do I promise I’ll share it with you. Sincerely Ryan.”

“So he’s up at Canterlot dear?” Rarity asked.

“Seems so Rarity. Well then I guess I better go tell the mayor to call off that search party.” Twilight then ran out of the library making a beeline straight for Town Hall.

“Hopefully Twilight hasn’t done anything too drastic whilst I’ve been gone.” I said to the others as we made out way out of the dining hall. I noticed as we walked down the hall that Fire Wand and his buddy were gone replaced by a couple of Thestral guards. “Hey Celestia what happened to your day guards that were outside the dinning room?” I asked maybe she’ll know where Fire was.

“Well they changed positions with the Lunar guard once the sun went down. They can’t be standing around for 24 hours a day can they?” I then noticed that we were outside of Twilight’s old room.

‘Should I be calling this Trixie’s room now?’ I thought to myself as we entered. It was then I noticed that the princesses were still with us.

“Um no offense your highnesses but why are you here?” I asked. I may have had an idea on why Luna was here probably to teach Trixie, but Celestia was a mystery.

“Well my sister is going to be beginning her lessons with Trixie.” She then looked to the magician. “If that is alright with you Miss Lulamoon?”

“Of course it’s no problem princess.” I gave a smile noticing how Trixie had calmed down a bit around Celestia.

“Okay then why are you here then Celestia?” I asked hopefully she would tell me.

“Well since you told Luna how earth’s sun and moon don’t require Alicorn magic to rotate, I’ve been meaning to ask you to elaborate.”

“Um sure thing Celestia. But I may need something to write on.” In an instant a black board appeared on the opposite side of the room, with a few cushions sitting in front of it.

“Well then sister whilst thou are learning about Ryan’s planet Trixie and I shall begin our lesson.” Luna then led Trixie to the center of the room. While Celestia passed them to get to the blackboard I saw Luna lean down and whisper something into Trixie’s ear, something that caused a grin to spread across Trixie’s muzzle.

When we reached the blackboard Celestia took a seat on one of the cushions. It was then I realized something that lead me to let out a few chuckles. “What’s so funny Ryan?”

“Oh it’s nothing Celestia, just that the teacher has become the student in this case.” Celestia let out a few giggles at that.

“Well then teacher please continue with your lesson.”

I turned towards the board and picked up a piece of chalk. “Okay then Celestia will you please explain to me how the sun and moon work in Equestria.”

“Well I raise the sun and lower the moon every morning, whereas my sister does the opposite in the evening raising the moon and lowering the sun. When we have raised our respective celestial bodies we then set them on a rotation path across Equestria’s sky.”

“So you use gravity to keep the sun and moon floating across Equestria’s sky?” Celestia then gave a nod. “Okay then. Well earth’s moon operates in the same way it does here, but instead of an Alicorn raising it each evening it floats around the earth thanks o the earth’s gravitational field.” I then drew a sphere on the blackboard labeled earth, then I drew a smaller sphere labeled moon rotating around the earth.

“So the moon is continuously floating around earth?” Celestia asked.

“Yes it does.” I then looked pass Celestia, to see Trixie prepping herself to cast a spell.

“Um Ryan you do know your head is on fire.” Celestia said pointing a hoof towards my head. After a few seconds the spell cut and Trixie’s panting could be heard from the center of the room.

“Sister you saw what that spell did correct.” Luna asked Celestia.

“Yes I did Luna.” Celestia shifted herself so she could see Trixie properly. “Trixie do you know how powerful that spell was?” Celestia asked Trixie. The only response Celestia got was the sound of her gulping down a jug of water that Luna had summoned. “You are one powerful unicorn Miss Lulamoon.” Celestia then looked to Luna. “How about you and Trixie take seat, whilst gets her energy back.”

In a moment I had two new students. “As I was saying Celestia, the earth acts like earth’s moon around our sun. Rotating around the sun in the sun’s gravitational field, along with the rest of the planets in our solar system.” After drawing up a rough sketch of the solar system, turning back to the ponies to see that they were studying the board.

Celestia let out a small chuckle as she looked over my work. “I have to admit Ryan this is quite interesting. You could probably rival anything Twilight could come up with.”

“No he couldn’t sister. Even if he could he doesn’t have a big enough blackboard.” Luna said whilst she was having small fit of giggles.

“That is a good point Luna.” Celestia then looked out the window. “Unfortunately I must be off to bed.” With that Celestia walked over to the door. “Thank you for that little feast of information Ryan, I’ll be seeing you all tomorrow.” With that she left the room.

“Well Trixie we need to continue our lesson. How about we head back to my chambers to continue our lesson so that Ryan can get some sleep.” She then went over to the door, and waited for Trixie.

“Well I best be off then, have a good night’s sleep Ryan.” She then walked over to Luna.

“You too Trixie!” I called out to her as she left.

Before I could make my way towards the stairs downstairs, a knocking could be heard on the other side of the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by Celestia.

“Ryan I forgot to mention I have teleported your spare clothes up here from Ponyville.” She then levitated a small briefcase from behind her.

“Oh thanks Celestia.” She then left.

I then grabbed the briefcase and headed downstairs. After having a quick shower and getting changed, I decided to lay my head down and fall asleep.

I awoke in my bed for some reason, thinking I had woken up in Equestria I looked around to see where I was only to find a black void. Soon enough Orion appeared.

“Hey Orion where are we?” I asked thinking that he wasn’t going to give me a straight answer.

“Well I have no clue to tell you the truth mate. I don’t think it’s the dreamscape it doesn’t feel like it is.” That took me by surprise, Orion gave me a straight answer for once.

“Hello Ryan, Orion.” The voice of God said from the black void.

“Hey God we need to talk about something.” I said to him as I got out of the bed. “What exactly is the Thaumonomicon doing here.”

“Hmm I was wondering what you were going to ask about your gift.”

“Wait my gift?” I asked. Orion looked into the void in confusion.

“Yes your gift. Although this version of the Thaumonomicon is a tad bit modified, instead of all of the boundless knowledge of flux and thaumaturgy magic. Instead this Thaumonomicon will enable you with the aid of the Equestrians you will be able to make things such as the goggles of revealing, as well as something new something that I like to call the gloves of the arch-mage. You may want to look at those first.”

“Okay then so we got some fancy book that will let us do something special. Great that really helps y’know.” Orion said pointing a finger to the void. He was then flung into the bed cracking the thing in half. “Ow.” Orion said from the other side of the now destroyed bed.

“As I was about to say.” God continued. “You can know open the Thaumonomicon. Whether you share the information with the equestrians or not is up to you. You will also not have to worry about there being dark magic or mentions of the flux in the book.”

“Okay the cool that helps quite a bit thanks for that God.”

“Your welcome.”

A thought then crossed my mind. “Hey God where exactly are we. Because Orion said before that this wasn’t like the dreamscape so are we somewhere else?”

“Ah yes. Well Ryan we are still in your dreamscape although I have made a few changes to it. The main change I have made is that your dreamscape is more secure as I still do not want the equestrians to know of my presence.”

“So Luna isn’t going to come knocking anytime soon?”

“No she will not. Now I must be off. When I leave your dreamscape will be returned back to normal. Goodbye.” With that the black void was gone leaving Orion and I sitting on a small hill under a night sky with a full moon hanging above.

“Well that’s great.” Dammit I was hoping that Orion would stay knocked out. “He couldn’t even give us a hint what this great evil is.” Orion then let out a yawn. “Well I’ll leave you to your thoughts, I’m going back to my dreamscape. See ya sucker.” And with that he was gone. When he was gone I decided to enjoy my dreams.

Waking up to read a book.

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The rest of my sleep was occupied with dreams about what could be in the Thaumonomicon. The next morning, I awoke to find a small amount of light coming through my window. Unfortunately for me the light was coming through my window was shining right in my eyes.

“Urgh.” I groaned out it was then I noticed that something was shifting around in the bed with me. I then looked to my left and saw Trixie lying in bed with me.

Orion immediately jumped at this perfect opportunity. “Well well Ryan. I don’t remember you taking Trixie to bed. Dammit I missed the good bits.” Orion said, immediately giving me a headache.

“Shut up Orion you idiot. Also what do you mean by good bits?” I whispered to him.

“Well you know the good old bow chicka wow wow.” As soon as Orion said that I immediately felt my cheeks turn red.

I then decided to get up and take a look at the Thaumonomicon. Before I could even try to slowly get out of the bed Trixie wrapped her fore-hooves around my waist, keeping me from getting up without risk of waking her up.

“Dammit.” I muttered under my breath.

“Heh I would have you’d like waking up with a mare in your bed.” Orion spoke up.

I looked back down to see that Trixie was quietly snoring. She then shifted herself so she removed her fore-hooves from around my waist. I took my opportunity and rose slowly from the bed, as to not wake her.

After splashing a bit of water in my face from the bathroom’s sink I got changed and walked up the stairs into the library. As soon as I got off the stairs I made a beeline straight for the Thaumonomicon.

Picking it up I looked it over. “Scared to read what’s inside?” Orion spoke up.

“No I’m not. Just wondering what’s going to happen.” I said as I opened the book to the first page. The first page had a more elaborate title than what was on the front cover.

It read: The Thaumonomicon A Magical Guide.

I turned to the next page after reading the more elaborate title. The next page read the contents. “Chapter 1: Wielding magic for the uninitiated. Chapter 2: Understanding how your equipment works. Chapter 3: Channeling the more powerful magic. Chapter 4: Combining Equestrian magic and Thaumaturgy.” I read noticing that that was all I decided to open the book to the first chapter.

“Wow I thought The Thaumonomicon was meant to have more in it.” Orion said curiosity lacing his words.

“It’s meant to yes but this is an altered version.” I then arrived at a very interesting page. “The Arch Mage’s gloves.” I read recalling the name from what God old me last night. I read the description of the gloves and found something incredible. “We need to show this to Celestia.”

“Why Ryan?”

“Because Orion, if the description of these gloves are accurate they will allow us to wield and control magic.” I said my heart racing at the idea of wielding magic.

“Wow. Yeah we need to see Celestia as soon as we can.”

I then heard shuffling coming from downstairs. After a few seconds I decided to go check on the now awake Trixie after placing the Thaumonomicon back on it’s shelf. “Morning Trixie.” I said to the mare as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Ryan I am so sorry about last night. I-I asked Luna to teleport me back to my bed and she didn’t know which one was mine, and and and.” I then ran over to the mare who was sitting in the middle of the bed. She was in the middle of a small panic attack.

“Hey Trixie it’s okay.” I said to her running my fingers through her mane. ‘That managed to calm her down a bit.’ I thought to myself.

She then turned her head and looked at me, there were a few tears in her eyes. “You’re okay about that?” She then pulled me close with her magic and hugged me.

“Yeah I’m fine Trixie.” I then lifted her head so I could look into her eyes. “Trixie what’s wrong?” I asked worried for my friend.

“It’s just that I thought that could have ruined our friendship. I didn’t want that to happen Ryan, because you’re the first real friend I’ve had in a long time.” I than pulled the mare into a hug.

“Trixie you’d have to do a lot worse than sleep in the same bed with me to ruin our friendship. Y’know that right?” I told her managing to stop more tears from coming out of her eyes.

“You mean that?” She asked as she looked up at me. I then gave her a nod and a warm smile to give her an answer. She then composed herself before talking again. “Well thank you Ryan. But if I may make one request.”

“Sure thing Trixie.” I said wondering what she was going to ask.

“Please don’t tell any-pony or anybody that this happened.”

“Of course not Trixie. I wouldn’t even dream of telling anybody about this.” I told her as she broke the hug.

“Well then I best go clean myself up.” After she entered the bathroom I heard a knocking coming from the door to our room.

As I got up and approached the door I wondered how I was going to go about telling Celestia what I had learnt about the Arch-Mages Gloves. I decided to save these thoughts for later and decided to focus on who was on the other side of the door.

When I opened the door I found Fire Wand standing in the doorway. “Good morning Ryan.”

“Ah, and a good morning to you too Fire. Now what would bring you here?” I asked glad to see Fire.

“Well Princess Celestia wonders if you and Miss Trixie would like to join her in the dining hall for breakfast.” At this my stomach let out a growl of hunger.

Giving him a sheepish smile I answered his question. “Well my stomach speaks for me, and Trixie would probably love to tag along.”

“That’s good will you be requiring an escort?”

“No thank you we should be fine.” With that Fire gave a small bow before turning down the hallway and leaving. I then turned around to see Trixie coming up the stairs.

“Who was at the door Ryan?” Trixie asked giving me a quizzical look.

“Oh just Fire Wand.” She then gave me a look of confusion. “He’s one of Celestia’s guards. Anyway we’ve been invited to join Celestia for breakfast.”

With that said Trixie was standing in front of me in the blink of an eye. “Why didn’t you just say so. Urgh now I need to get ready.” I then placed a finger on Trixie’s lips silencing her.

“Shhh. Trixie I highly doubt Celestia will care what you look like, as long as you’re presentable she won’t care.” I said to her giving her a reassuring smile whilst taking my finger off her lips.

“Okay then that calms me down a bit. Thanks Ryan.”

“You’re welcome Trixie.”

“Well then how do I look. Seeing as how you’re the only one here do I look presentable enough?”

‘Why did she have to ask me the hardest question that a man could answer for a woman. Why!?’ I thought to myself before giving my answer.

“Well I’d say your lacking clothing. But seeing as how it’s normal for ponies to not wear clothes, I say you look fine.” This managed to get a smile to cross her muzzle before she trotted over to the door.

“Well then Ryan are we going to be keeping the Princess waiting or not?”

“No we probably shouldn’t. But give me a second I gotta grab something.” I then rushed over to the bookshelf that was holding the Thaumonomicon and grabbed it.

“Why are you bringing that book to breakfast Ryan?” Trixie asked pointing at the book that was resting under my arm.

“Well I managed to get it open this morning, and it’s got a few things in it that I need to show Celestia.” I explained to the mare as we headed off towards the dining hall.

We arrived at the dining hall after a few minutes to find Celestia waiting for us.

“Ah Ryan, Trixie glad to see that you both accepted my invitation.” She said looking up from her bowl of oats. She then gestured to take a seat. Unlike last night she was sitting on one of the stools alongside the table instead of at the head of the table.

Trixie took her seat opposite the monarch whilst I sat next to Celestia placing the book in front of us. Silver soon joined us taking me and Trixie’s order.

“So why did you bring that book to breakfast Ryan?” Celestia asked as my breakfast of bacon and eggs appeared in front of me, and Trixie’s bowl of oats appeared.

“Well Celestia this morning I managed to open the book.”

“You did?!” Celestia asked a look of excitement on her face.

“Yep and I found something very interesting.” I then opened the Thaumonomicon turning the pages to the arch mages gloves. As soon as I had turned to that page Celestia levitated the book in front of her muzzle, giving me a chance to eat my bacon and eggs.

After a few minutes of looking it over she looked to me a look of uncertainty. Trixie then took this as an opportunity to turn the book around so she could read it.

“Well what do you think?” I asked, after finishing my breakfast.

“This seems like a great idea, it really does you being able to wield magic but…” She stopped a look of thought crossing her face as her started to glow.

I then felt another presence in my mind. I decided to go out on a limb. ‘I’m guessing the other presence in my head is you Celestia.’ I thought.

Soon enough Celestia’s voice filled my mind. ‘Yes that would be me Ryan. Now are you sure this is a wise idea to make these gloves. Especially with you know who in your head.’ She said making a very good point.

‘Well I don’t have to worry about that Celestia, Orion doesn’t have any affect on my physical body, besides he’s only a voice in my head an annoying one at that.’

With that said Celestia’s horn stopped glowing showing she had pulled herself out of my mind. I then turned back to see Trixie looking over the arch mage’s gloves. She then looked up. “So Ryan these gloves could make it so you can wield magic?” She asked a look of excitement adorning her face.

“If the description is anything to go by then yes Trixie.” I told her. A grin quickly plastered itself on her muzzle. I then turned back to Celestia. “So Celestia think any-pony could make these gloves for me?” I asked wondering who would make them.

“Yes my sister and I should be able to make these Ryan, although it will take a few days.” She then placed one of her hooves on her chin in thought. “Maybe whilst my sister and I work on the gloves you should go back to Ponyville, Twilight and her friends will probably want to know how you’re doing.” I couldn’t help but nod at the idea of heading back to Ponyville.

“Sure thing Celestia, but I ain’t leaving until I say my goodbyes.” Celestia nodded at this.

“Yes my sister would like to say goodbye to you.” She then looked back down at the book. “Unfortunately Ryan, you will be unable to take this book with you to Ponyville as my sister and I will need it for the making of the gloves.”

“No problem Celestia, but you’re explaining to Twilight why she can’t read that book right away.” This managed to get a small chuckle from her, she then gave a nod to tell me she would do that. “Also another thing you and Luna can look at as much of the book as you wish. Oh and before you ask you can read it as well Trixie. But you three are the only ones aloud to read it at the current time okay.”

This got a few nods from Celestia and Trixie. The next moment the door to the dining room opened up and Luna walked in barley awake. A pot of coffee then appeared before her, after looking at it for a few moments Luna decided to chug the whole pot down in one swig.

She then turned her gaze to us. “Good morning sister, Ryan, Trixie.”

“Hey Luna what are you doing up so early?” I asked her.

“Just wanted to say goodbye.” That caught me off guard.

“Goodbye? How did you know I was leaving?”

“Well yesterday you did say you were going to be spending the night here so I thought you would be leaving for Ponyville today.” She made a good point.

“Okay then well I guess goodbyes are in order.” I said as I got up. “Hey Celestia could you teleport me back to Ponyville?”

“I could why though Ryan?” She asked.

“Simple I don’t have to walk to the train station past all the snooty nobles.” I said she gave me a nod of understanding. I then walked over to Trixie who had stood up.

“So your going Ryan.” She said.

“Yeah guess I am Trixie, but hey don’t worry about it you can just ask Celestia to send a letter to me if you want to.” I then pulled the mare into a hug. “Good luck with your lessons Trixie.” I said as I broke the hug.

I then walked over to Luna. Before I could do anything she pulled me into a hug. “Goodbye Ryan, I’ll be sure to visit you tonight.” She said when she broke the hug.

I then walked over to Celestia. “See ya Celestia.” I said as she pulled me into a hug. Damn these ponies really like hugs but I didn’t really have a problem with that, as long as none of them were sad.

“Goodbye Ryan. Now you may feel a bit lightheaded after the teleport so try to lie down somewhere.” She said as she broke the hug.

Celestia’s horn started to glow as I felt my feet lift off the ground. After a few seconds a yellow light surrounded me I then covered my eyes with my arm to make sure I didn’t go blind as I was engulfed in a flash of light.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in Golden Oaks Library, as soon as I took in my surroundings I noticed I wasn’t alone. “Ryan you’re back!” Yelled a blurry purple figure as I was tackled to the ground by the figure. After a few moments my vison stopped being a blur and I found Twilight hugging me, nuzzling my chest.

I ran a few fingers through her mane. “Yeah I’m back. Hey Twilight can you please hop off me?” I asked the mare. After a few more nuzzles she hopped off of my chest.

“Sorry Ryan. I just got so excited to see that you were back.” She said. She then gave me an odd look. “Um Ryan don’t you want to get up?”

“No I’m fine down here. Celestia said that I might feel a bit lightheaded and that I should lie down for a bit.”

“Oh okay then. Well how about I go get the others, they’d probably want to see you.” With that Twilight left leaving me lying on my back peacefully.

“When are you going to tell her?” Orion asked, destroying the peace.

“Tell her what?”

“Tell her about the Thaumonomicon.” He said I swear I could feel him roll his eyes.

“Oh yeah. Probably going to tell her later.” With that said a knocking could be heard from the front door.

I stood up and turned to the door. “Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s Twilight. I accidentally locked the door on my way out and I don’t have my keys. The others are out here as well.”

“Okay sure thing Twilight.” I said unlocking the door. Before I knew it I was on my back Pinkie was standing on my chest vibrating with joy and glee.

“Ryan you’re back!” Pinkie said as she jumped off of me and ran over to the others who had entered the library. “Guys, guys, Ryan’s back!” She told them going from pony to pony.

“Yes yes we know darling.” Rarity said calming the bouncing ball of fur down.

“Hey Ryan what are ya doin lyin on the ground.” Dash said, whilst floating over me the beats of her wings making the only sound in the room.

“Well Dashie this floor is quite comfortable actually.” I then patted the ground next to me. “Wanna join me?”

“Pfft yeah right. Who would want to lie down on a wooden floor.” As Dash said this Fluttershy walked up to the spot that I patted my hand and lay down, next to me.

“You were saying Dash?” I said a smug grin on my face, as Dash’s jaw dropped to the ground.

“So Ryan what happened?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah how was Canterlot sugarcube?” AJ asked.

“Well it was fun. Also Trixie is now officially Luna’s student.” That got Pinkie to pull out her party cannon and fire off into the air. “Haha.” I laughed at the pink pony’s shenanigans. “Also Twilight there was a book in your old room in Canterlot that you couldn’t open right?” I asked the lavender unicorn already knowing the answer.

“Yeah there is it’s called the Thaumonomicon, what about it?” She held a look of confusion on her face.

“Well I managed to open it.” As soon as I said that I found Twilight standing over me her muzzle mere centimeters above my face.

“Really what was in the book then. Did you bring it back?” I then placed a finger over her mouth not wanting to be assaulted by too many questions.

“First of all I didn’t bring it back, Celestia and Luna are looking over it.” This got a look of sadness to cross the mare’s muzzle. “Secondly we can read it when their done with it they said they should have it done in a few days.” That managed to get rid of the frown on her face.

“Okay then Ryan.” She said hopping off me thankfully giving my chest a break from being stood on by a pony.

I then decided to get up to make sure no other ponies could sit on me.

“Okay then every-pony what’s the plan for today?” I asked looking to all the ponies gathered.

“Well sorry sugarcube but I got work to do at the farm.” AJ said.

“I got weather duty.” Dash said.

“I have to take care of my animals.” Fluttershy said.

“I have orders to fill unfortunately darling.” Rarity said.

“I have work to do with the cakes.” Pinkie said.

“Well then guess it’s another day of sitting here with you Twilight.” I said looking to the unicorn giving her a smile.

“Sure thing Ryan. That sounds like fun.” With that said we gave a farewell to the other ponies as they left the library off to do their own thing. I decided to see if Twilight had any spell books in her library, luckily for me she did. A few spells about shields and a few about lasers. I decided to take a seat and read those.

“Hey Ryan taking an interest in spell casting I see.” Twilight said looking at the books I had in my lap.

“Yep just thought it might help me understand magic a bit more.”

“Well then if you need any help just ask.” With that said Twilight pulled out a book of her own. I then decided to focus back on my own books.

Practising magic

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A couple of days passed since I returned to Ponyville. The past few days I studied magical texts and tomes, I even read a few ‘how to project and control magic’ books for young unicorns. This morning I woke up to find Twilight poking me with a fore-hoof.

“Morning Twilight. Any reason for you to wake me up?” I asked a bit annoyed as I did like to sleep in.

“Oh sorry Ryan. It’s just that Princess Celestia sent you a package, as well as a letter for both you and me, and my letter said to give you your package as soon as possible.” She explained.

“Okay so it’s all Celestia’s fault got it.”

“What no it isn’t, it’s my fault you were woken up.” Twilight said panicked that I accused her princess of something.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I’m only joking okay calm down. So where’s this letter and package?” I said managing to calm the unicorn down.

“Oh yeah well here you go.” She then levitated the package and letter onto my lap, as I sat up.

“Dear Ryan. I am very sorry if I have disturbed you in anyway, but believe me when I say that you will be quite happy with what I have sent you. Sincerely Princess Celestia.” I then decided to open the package.

When I opened it I could have sworn my eyes fell out of my skull. Lying in the package was a scroll from Celestia sitting on top of The Arch Mage’s Gloves.

“The princess sent you gloves?” Twilight asked. A look of confusion on her muzzle.

“Twilight these aren’t any regular gloves.” She gestured for me to go on. “These gloves are called The Arch Mage’s Gloves.” She still wore the look of confusion. I then grabbed the scroll that was still in the package.

Twilight decided to inspect the gloves covering them in her magic, as I opened the scroll.

“Dear Ryan. Unfortunately, Luna and I are keeping the Thaumonomicon in Canterlot for the time being, as we go over what is in the book. I have also included along with the gloves the Thaumonomicon page for the gloves, do not worry the page that I sent you is only a copy, hopefully that copy will be able to understand a bit more thoroughly how the gloves work. Also please practice low level spells, as I don’t want to find out that something terrible has happened. No offense to you as wielding magic for the first time can sometimes be dangerous. Sincerely Celestia.”

“Well then.” I said as I looked over the Glove’s page. In the center of the page was a schematic of the gloves, on the tip of the fingers and thumbs were tiny blue gems, there was also a larger blue gem on the back of the gloves. The page described the larger of the gems being a mana gem. As a note on the page described the main mana gem that was located on the back of the gloves stored a medium supply of mana, it also said that the blue coloration of the gems was the gloves particular sort of mana, and that the more magic I would use the more the blue would disappear from the main gems. The gems would then turn white signifying that I had run out of mana.

Luckily for me as I read on another note said that the mana crystals would regenerate mana over time. It also said that the blue gems on the tips of my gloves were outputs for any magical spells that I would cast. A few of the other notes on the page described how the gloves could not keep up with casting a multitude of spells in a row, or too powerful spells. “Hmm very interesting.” I said as I looked up at Twilight. “Hey Twilight want to have a read of this?” I said holding up the glove’s page.

“Sure thing Ryan.” She said as her lavender aura encased the scroll.

“Well I’m going to go have a shower and get out of my pajamas.” I then got out of bed and grabbed myself a change of clothes and headed for the bathroom.

After having my shower, I came back outside to see that Twilight was sitting on top of my bed, She had her back facing me as she levitated books from downstairs and nearby bookshelves when she gave them a look over she then placed them in neat towers around my bed.

“Hey Twilight, what’s going on?” I asked a bit scared. She then decided to give the demon from The Exorcist a run for his money by turning her head around nearly 180 degrees, a wide grin on her face, what scared me most about her was the look of craziness in her eyes, if I remembered correctly that was the same look she had when she didn’t hand in a friendship report in on time.

I decided to take a few steps away from the probably crazy unicorn. “Oh all this Ryan.” She then gestured to stacks of books, as she straightened herself and hopped off my bed. “Well I read the pages that were in the package, and I am going to be teaching you how to use magic.” She then let out a squee of excitement.

“Ok that sounds pretty cool Twilight. But before we start how about you calm down a bit.” I said while gesturing for her to calm down.

“Oh okay then, that would probably be a good idea.” She the gestured for me to come over to the bed. After walking up next to her, she gestured to the books that were around my bed. “So Ryan the books that I have gathered for you are a few starter spells that should get you use to using magic. I have divided them up into three categories: Number 1 is utility spells, for example teleportation, a few illusion spells and some minor healing spells. The next is defense spells for example a few shield spells.”

I then decided to move between the stacks of books. “The last group is a few offensive spells, so for example lasers, fire balls and flamethrower, to name a few.” She then took a deep breath in. “So anyway what do you want to start with?” She said giving me a look of excitement.

“Hmm well what do you think would be the easiest Twilight, seeing as how I have to get a handle on magic, might as well start with something easy.” I said as she placed a hoof to her chin.

“Well how about one of the utility spells that I didn’t say.” This caught my attention, as I gestured for her to go on. “The spells that you should start on would be levitation spells.” With that said Twilight levitated three books in front of us.

“So what would be the best starting point then?” Twilight then placed one of the thinner of the three books in my hands. “Okay then thanks for choosing one of the thinner of the books.” I said as she let out a small giggle.

“You’re welcome Ryan, I would have thought you would something a bit light.”

“Well as I said thanks Twilight.” I said opening the book, as I began to read.

After reading through the three books I placed them back on a nearby table. “Okay then I think I have a basic idea of what to do.” I said looking over to Twilight, as she stopped reading the diagram of the Arch Mage’s Gloves.

“Okay want to try these gloves out then?” She said whilst levitating said gloves over to me.

After putting them on I stretched out my fingers, getting used to the gem stones on the gloves.

“How does it feel?” Twilight asked.

“Feels a bit strange, by the way don’t think that I haven’t worn gloves before. It’s just that I feel like I’m connected to these gloves.” I then looked over to Twilight to see that she had set up some fruit on a nearby table.

“I think I understand what you mean Ryan. Before I came to Ponyville, when I still lived in Canterlot, I studied magical amulets and other magical articles of clothing. Princess Celestia thought that it be best that I try on a magical amulet to help further my studies. I tried one on nothing to powerful mind you. But when I put it on it felt like I could feel an additional amount of magic flowing through me from the amulet.” She explained. “Is that what that connection feels like to you Ryan?”

“It does feel a bit like that I guess. So then I guess I’m going to be trying to levitate those fruits.” With that said Twilight gave a few excited nods. “Okay then.” With that said Twilight stood a few feet away from me as I readied myself.

I took a few steps towards the fruit as I remembered what I had to do, the steps were simple: The first being that I had to clear my mind. The second step was waving my hands around like a unicorn would to cast a spell. The third and final step was the most important I had to focus my mind on what I wanted the magic to do.

During this process I had closed my eyes to concentrate properly. I opened my eyes to see that the three apples that Twilight had set up were floating a few centimeters away from the ceiling.

“Ryan that’s brilliant!” Twilight said admiring my work. I decided to drop the spell letting the apples fall to the ground.

I then fell onto my rear panting in exhaustion. Twilight ran up to me with a glass of water in her magical aura. I took the glass from her magical grip and drank it down in one gulp. I then looked at the mana gem on the gloves and saw that their colors hadn’t changed at all.

“Hey Twilight look at the gloves.” I said between ragged breaths. “They look like they’ve barely been drained of any color.”

Twilight looked at the gloves noticing that the color hadn’t changed at all. “Well that’s quite simple Ryan, these gloves are probably used to spells of a higher level for any noticeable drainage. But what’s strange is the drain that your body is experiencing, although that may have something to do with the connection between you and the gloves, either that or your body is still only getting used to the exposure of magic running through your body.”

“Okay then that might explain why my body is exhausted like I just ran a marathon. But before I take a break I want to try something, and I need you to stand still and trust me okay.” I said standing up and walking a few feet away from her.

“Okay sure thing Ryan.” She said a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

I then decided to repeat steps one through three, but instead of wanting my magic to levitate the apples I willed it to levitate Twilight. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see that Twilight was levitating a couple of meters off the floor.

I then felt a small wave of exhaustion wash over my body, before I dropped the spell I levitated Twilight back down to the ground, after making sure she was back on the ground I then fell back onto my rear glad to cut the spell.

“Ryan that was amazing!” Twilight said wrapping her fore-hooves around me.

“Heh you’re welcome Twilight. Anyway how about we have a break for a few minutes.”

“Good plan.” Twilight said removing herself from around my waist.

A few hours later I had managed to improve my levitation ability from barely being able to levitate three apples, to being able to levitate a large bookshelf for an entire minute.

After taking a break from lifting the bookshelf, the rest of the mane six and Spike entered the library.

“Hello girls, Spike.” Twilight said greeting the new arrivals.

“Yo Twilight, what’s up with Ryan?” Dash said whilst floating over my head. “You take him on a run around Ponyville or something?”

“I’m fine Dash just exhausted, and before you ask I didn’t go for a run.” I said looking up at the Pegasus. I then decided to show off what I had learnt. “Hey Twilight stand still will you please.” She gave me a nod, understanding what I was getting at.

After standing up I closed my eyes and stretched my hand out towards Twilight, willing my magic to lift her up in the air. After a few seconds I opened my eyes to see that the others were looking between Twilight and I.

“This is why I’m exhausted Dash.” I said still keeping Twilight hovering a few feet off the ground. After a few moments I then lowered Twilight back to the ground.

“Darling how did you do that?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah sugar cube how did y’all levitate Twilight?” AJ asked.

“Yeah AJ’s got a point cause if I remember correctly you human’s don’t have magic.” Dash said. Floating in front of me.

“Simple Dashie, Ryan’s gloves are allowing him to use magic.” Pinkie said taking me by surprise how she knew that.

“That’s correct Pinkie. But how did you know about the gloves?” I asked wondering how exactly she knew.

“Well silly I found this piece of paper on the ground.” She then pulled out the copy of the gloves’ Thaumonomicon page.

“Well thanks for explaining how you knew Pinkie.” I then gave rustle of her mane before turning to the rest of the mane six. “Well as Pinkie said yes these gloves give me the ability to use magic.” I then held up my hands to show the ponies and drake the gloves.

“Interesting, very interesting.” I soon found the gloves woven in Rarity’s magical aura. The seamstress inspecting the gloves. “A nice combination of blue and red. The gem work is quite exquisite as well dear.” Rarity then looked up to see me giving her a quizzical look at what she was doing. She then released the gloves from her magical grasp. “Oh sorry dear, I should have asked if I could inspect your gloves.”

“It’s no problem Rarity I was actually going to come to you and ask you if you could do something for me.” I asked her lifting her spirits.

“Why of course what would you ask of me dear?”

“Well I was wondering if you could make me a suit that goes with these gloves.” I asked the seamstress.

“Why of course darling, it would be my utmost pleasure.” She then turned to Spike. “Spikey if you wouldn’t mind could you please come back to the boutique with me to help work on Ryan’s suit. If you don’t want to that’s absolutely fine.”

“Of course I’ll give you a helping claw Rarity.” Spike replied a grin adorning his face. With that said Spike and Rarity said their goodbyes and headed out.

“So what else can you do eh Ryan?” Dash said.

“Well Dash, levitating objects and ponies is all I can do for now, seeing as how I don’t know any other spells.” I said. Whilst thinking what sort of spells I would try next.

With that said I then found my vision filled with the color pink, as I realized Pinkie’s muzzle was mere centimeters away from my face. I then had my ear drums filled with Pinkie’s voice. “Can you levitate me!!” This managed to get me to fall back onto my rear. “Oh sorry about that Ryan.” Pinkie said offering me hoof to help me up.

Taking her hoof in my hand I pulled myself up. “No problem Pinkie. Also sure I’ll levitate you, but you have to stand still for a few seconds. Think you can do that.” She then gave me a very excited nod. “Okay then now stand still.”

I then repeated the same actions that I did for levitating Twilight, but I decided to keep my eyes open. I then saw that thin tendrils were snaking out from the gems on my gloves and wrapping around Pinkie lifting her up into the air. I then looked around to see that AJ was looking up at Pinkie in wonder. I then raised my left hand towards AJ seeing the same indigo blue tendrils snake around her lifting her into the air.

“What the hay?” AJ said as she floated up next to Pinkie. The pink mare giving AJ a wave as she floated beside her friend.

“Simple AJ you looked like you wanted to float as well.” I said as a bead of sweat dripped down my fore head. After a few seconds I lowered the two to the ground.

“OhmygoshRyanthatwassomuchfun.” Pinkie said at a rate where I could barely understand what she was saying.

“Yeah thanks fer that sugar cube, that was quite fun.” AJ said patting me on the back.

“You’re welcome you too.” It was then I noticed the time.

Twilight noticed the time as well. “So girls will you be staying for dinner or not.” Twilight asked the other ponies present.

“Sorry Twily but I gotta go help the cakes.” Pinkie said making her way towards the door giving Twilight and I a hug.

“Yeah I still got a few chores to do around the farm.” AJ then proceeded to give us a tip of her hat before joining Pinkie at the door.

“Yeah sorry Twi but I gotta get up early tomorrow.” With that Rainbow joined the expanding party that was gathered around the door.

“I have to go home and feed Angel and the others, maybe some other time Twilight.” Fluttershy said before moving to the door.

After a quick exchange of goodbyes, the others were gone heading back to their homes.

I then turned around to Twilight. “So what’s for dinner?”

A setup for a wedding.

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A couple of days had passed since showing the Elements that I could control magic. To celebrate my (Self Proclaimed) mastery of levitation, Twilight, managed to get one up on Pinkie and invited us all for a picnic on the edge of Ponyville.

“Well every-pony it’s glad to see that you could all make it today, to celebrate Ryan’s mastery of levitation spells.” Twilight said. Pinkie then fired off her party cannon when Twilight had finished speaking.

“Well thanks for that Twilight. Anyway as Twilight said thanks for you guys for showing up, I know it’s only for the free food.” I said managing to get a few chuckles from the ponies.

The small chuckles were broken up when Spike started coughing. After a few coughs a tongue of flame came out of his mouth, and out of the green fire dropped a scroll. Twilight immediately caught the scroll in her magic.

She then decided to give the scroll a quick read before a look of shock appeared on her muzzle. “Hey Twilight what’s on the scroll.” I asked wondering what caused her to be shocked. In response she floated the scroll over to me. I then took that as my cue to read it out.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle. I have the utmost pleasure to invite you and your friends to your brother Shining Armor’s wedding.”

“Wait Twilight you have a brother?!” Dash said interrupting my reading of the letter.

“Yes I do Dash. I’ll tell you about him when Ryan’s done reading the letter.”

I then decided to pick up where I left off. “Fortunately you and your friends will be able to assist in the wedding preparations. For Fluttershy I ask for her to provide music with a bird choir. For Applejack she will help provide catering. For Pinkie Pie she will be planning the reception and after-party. For Rainbow Dash she will be providing a Sonic Rainboom for when the wedding ceremony is complete. For yourself you will be organizing the event. For Rarity she will be making the dresses for the bride and bridesmaids. Unfortunately, Ryan will not be able to help with the wedding, as my sister and I wish to speak to him about how his controlling of magic is going. Please send back a reply as soon as possible. Hope you can attend the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Sincerely Princess Celestia.” I then rolled up the scroll. “So Twilight why haven’t you told us about your brother.” I asked the unicorn who was wearing a face of shock.

“Okay then. Well the reason I haven’t told any of you about Shining, is because I never thought I would need to, seeing as how he still lives in Canterlot as captain of the day guard.” She said.

“Really Twilight well that’s surprising.” I said to her.

“How is that surprising?” She asked. By the looks on the other ponies faces they wanted to know my answer as well.

“Well the whole time I was at Canterlot I didn’t run into him. You think he would try to find me.” I explained.

“Okay then. Anyway I still mad that he hasn’t come to tell me himself, that he’s getting married to this Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Saying Cadenza’s name in a harsh sarcastic tone.

“Well anyway aside from your brother not telling you that he’s getting married. You can’t deny that this is simply romantic.” With that said Rarity gave a slight swoon. She then righted herself, as a look of realization dawned on her face. “Well then if we have been invited to this wedding we need to get ready.” Rarity then turned to me. “Ryan if I may borrow you for a short while unless you need to grab stuff for the wedding.”

That managed to get me to pause for a moment, thinking about whether or not I needed to pack anything. “No I don’t think I’ll need to pack anything Rarity. What did you have in mind?”

“Well if you don’t mind I need you to come with me back to the boutique. As I have finished your suit, and I want to know what you think about it.” She said as she turned back towards Ponyville.

AJ decided to speak up. “Well then how about this we all go get ready fer the wedding, and when we’re ready we all meet at the train station.” This managed to get a round of agreements from the other ponies, as we all walked back to Ponyville.

After a few minutes Rarity and I arrived at her boutique, she then showed me to a changing room.

“Your suit is in there waiting for you dear.” Rarity said pointing to the door of the changing room.

After putting my suit on I walked back out into the main room of the boutique where Rarity had set up a mirror.

When I looked at myself in the mirror I saw just how awesome Rarity was at making clothes.

At first glance the suit looked like a regular black jacket with a white under shirt, as well as a pair of black pants and black leather shoes. But upon closer inspection a small blue and red trim could be seen on the edge of the black jacket, the trim was also on the edge of the tie. On the undershirt’s front pocket was Rarity’s cutie mark.

“Holy crap Rarity.” Were the only words I could say at seeing this suit.

“So I’ll take that you like it.” Rarity said.

I then turned around and pulled the seamstress into a hug. After putting her down I spoke up once again. “Rarity to say that I like this suit is an understatement. I love it.”

“Well you’re very welcome dear.” It was then that Rarity noticed that I had pulled out my bit bag. “Darling you don’t have to pay for your suit.”

“Rarity just wondering how much would I have to pay for this suit?” I asked hoping she would answer my question.

She then pulled out a calculator and entered some numbers, muttering prices under her breath. “Well darling, I’d say about 100 bits why?”

“Well how about we make a compromise, seeing as how you don’t want me to pay and I’m not letting you get away with making me a suit and not accepting my money, I’ll give you half of what I would originally have to pay.”

“So you would pay me 50 bits, instead of 100.” I then gave her a nod in response. She then decided to start packing her things. “Well then dear I guess I could accept that deal, but on one condition.”

“What’s the condition?” I asked wondering what she could be planning.

“Simple darling the next time I make something for you, you don’t ask to pay me.” She said. Giving me a smug smile.

“Okay then Rarity I accept your conditions.” I said holding my hand out to her, she then placed her hoof in my hand and we then shook on the deal. “Well I best go get changed out of my suit, the others are probably waiting for us.”

I then turned back towards the changing room, before I could forget I placed the 50 bits I owed Rarity on the counter next to her cash register.

A few hours had passed since I had received my new suit from Rarity. We had arrived in Canterlot much to my dismay the train dropped us off in the upper district of Canterlot, (Y’know the one with all the snooty nobles.) as we got off the train we noticed all of the extra security.

“What do y’all think’s with the extra guards?” AJ asked.

“Well Applejack darling, it is a royal wedding the extra security is probably for the wedding.” Rarity said giving AJ an answer.

With that said Twilight started storming off towards the castle.

“Hey where’s Twilight storming off to?” Dash said pointing to where Twilight was walking off the platform.

“I’ll go grab her.” I then turned around to Spike. “Spike you know where you and Twilight’s old room at Canterlot is?” Spike then gave me a nod. “Okay cool well I need you to take the others there.” I then turned to follow Twilight off the platform before I realized something else I needed to tell Spike. “Oh Spike, don’t go into the room until me and Twilight meet you there okay.” Spike then gave me a look of confusion before nodding, and with that clarified I then followed Twilight.

Thankfully Twilight had rushed through the upper district, making me rush through it as well to catch up with her. “Twilight wait up!” I said as I managed to catch up with her.

“Shining Armor I need to talk to you!” As soon as Twilight yelled out that singular sentence ten guards appeared on top of a nearby wall, each of them wore the armor of the day guard and they were all pointing spears at us.

As soon as the guards appeared I swear my heart stopped. Luckily for my heart it restarted when an alabaster unicorn appeared on top of the wall. “Twily!” He yelled down to us after a moment of calming the guards down he then jumped down to us.

“Don’t you Twily me mister.” Twilight said staring down the unicorn.

“Okay then. What did I do wrong?” The unicorn asked. He then gestured for us to follow him.

We then found ourselves on a small stone walkway. “What you did wrong! Well let me tell you. First of all, you get married without even telling me yourself. Secondly your getting married to this Princess Mi Amor Cadenza who exactly is that anyway!” Twilight said whilst steam was pouring out of her ears in anger.

“Twily calm down. Princess Mi Amor Cadena is your old foal-sitter Cadance.” At this he gestured to a pink alicorn who was standing on the opposite end of the stone walkway.

“Cadance!” Twilight exclaimed, before doing a dance in front of the princess.

Cadance backed a few steps away from Twilight. “Heh hello there who are you?”

A look of confusion spread across Twilight’s face. “Cadance it’s me Twilight, your favorite foal to look after.”

With that said a look of realization spread across Cadance’s face. “Oh yes Twilight, it’s good to see you again after so long. Sorry if I forgot you there for a second, it’s just been so many years since I last saw you.” She then looked over Twilight directly at me. Then glanced at the unicorn who noticed Cadance was looking at me.

“Sorry for my rudeness but who are you?” The unicorn asked me.

“Oh well the name’s Ryan, and you would be?” I asked him holding my hand out, after placing his hoof in my hand I proceeded to shake his hoof.

“Shining Armor’s my name, and forgive me if I’m wrong but you’re the human that Princess Celestia was talking about?”

“Yep that’s me.” I said flashing him a grin. I then looked over to Cadance and gave her a bow. “Forgive my manners Princess Cadance a pleasure and honor to meet you.”

“You’re forgiven, but if it isn’t too much to ask I need to steal Shining here away from you, wedding plans and such.”

I then turned to Twilight as the princess and Shining left. “C’mon Twi let’s go catch up with the others.”

With that said we headed off. As we entered the castle Orion spoke up.

“So was that the queen bug or the real Cadance?”

‘That would be the queen bug, the real Cadance would have shared that dance with Twilight.’ I thought, seeing as how he could hear my thoughts and I didn’t want to seem like a weirdo talking to myself, and for now I didn’t want anyone except the royal sisters knowing about Orion.

“So what are we gonna do to stop her invasion?” Orion asked itching at the idea of getting in a fight.

‘We’re not doing anything.’

“What?! How come?” He asked a slight amount of irritation in his voice.

‘I have a plan okay, just trust me.’

“Well seeing as how you’re the one controlling this body, sure I’ll trust you.” With that said Orion proceeded to quiet down as we arrived outside Twilight’s old room.

“Hey girls, what are you all doing out here?” Twilight asked the others.

“Well Ryan told us to wait out here for you guys.” Spike said.

“Yeah why did you get Spike to keep us waiting out here Ryan?” Dash asked.

I then proceeded to knock on the door loudly, after a few seconds I walked in side the room. Once I was in the center of the room I was tackled by Trixie.

“Hey Trixie good to see you again.” I said as the mare nuzzled my chest.

“Good to see you too Ryan.” It was then Trixie looked up to see the other ponies staring at us their jaws agape, all except for Dash who was trying her hardest to try and contain her laughter.

Trixie then hopped off of me and composed herself. “Hey Trixie, it’s great to see you again.” Twilight said.

“Good to see you as well Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie said as Twilight looked around her old room.

“I see you have found me and Spike’s old room.”

“Yes I have, I hope you don’t mind me moving into it.” Trixie said with a sheepish smile.

“Not at all Trixie, not at all.”

“Well sorry to interrupt you two but I have a question.” I said getting the attention of the mares.

“What would that be Ryan?” Trixie asked.

“Well do you know where Celestia is? I need to talk to her.”

“I know where she is.” This new voice managed to catch us all of guard. We turned our heads to see a unicorn mare standing in the door way. This unicorn seemed familiar to me, her white coat, dark brown mane, black rimmed glasses and an ink pen and inkwell for her cutie mark. It then occurred to me that I had occasionally seen Celestia talking to this pony, from time to time when I was last in Canterlot.

“Hello Raven, it’s good to see you again.” Twilight said greeting Raven.

“It’s good to see you as well Miss Twilight.” Raven then turned her gaze to the rest of us. “Forgive me for the lack of introductions. My name is Raven I am Princess Celestia’s advisor and assistant.”

“Well pleasure to meet you miss Raven. Please forgive my bluntness but you did say you knew where Celestia was right?” I asked wanting to find and talk to Celestia as soon as I could.

“Why yes I can take you to her.” She then turned back to Twilight. “I believe that you will be able to show your friends where exactly they will be working to help with the wedding.” Twilight then gave a nod to Raven in response. “Well then Ryan if you will follow me please.”

Before we left the room I looked over to Twilight and spoke up. “Hey Twilight how about we meet up somewhere and get something to eat tonight.”

“Um sure thing Ryan, that would probably help us relax.” She then turned to Trixie. “Trixie would you like to join us.”

“Um sure thing Twilight. If you guys don’t mind I would like to get some sleep, Princess Luna does like to keep me up a bit later than what I’m used to.” With that said we left Trixie to get some sleep in her room. Raven then led me away from the others.

After a few minutes of walking Raven and I arrived outside two large oak wood doors, two unicorn day guards were standing on either side of the doors. As we approached the doors swung open inwards. Unfortunately for me I didn’t notice this and I ran straight into a male unicorn.

He was a light grey unicorn with a cyan blue mane and tale, as I helped him up off the floor I noticed that he was wearing a monocle and tux with a purple bow tie, his cutie mark was three crowns in a pyramid shape.

“Oh so sorry about that I really should’ve been watching where I was going.” I said as I helped him dust himself off.

“No problem, no problem at all. It happens to the best of us.” He then looked up at me a look of shock crossing his face, his shock was as gone as soon as it came. “I’m guessing that you are the visitor from another world that Princess Celestia has told me about.” He then held out a hoof. “Name’s Fancy Pants, and you are?” He asked as I shook his hoof.

“Name’s Ryan, pleasure to meet you Fancy. Unfortunately, I have to see Celestia.” I said a sheepish grin on my face as I walked into the throne room.

“Well hopefully we’ll meet again Ryan.” With that said the doors closed behind me.

I found that Raven hadn’t followed me into the throne room. “Good to see you’re here Ryan.” Celestia said as she hopped off her throne and walked towards me, I decided to save her a bit of trouble and met her in the middle. She then decided to pull me into a hug.

“Good to see you too Celestia.” I said as she let go. “So I’ve met the loving bride and groom. So has Twilight and she wants to know why Shining couldn’t tell Twilight about the wedding himself.”

“Can you keep a secret Ryan?” That caught me by surprise I gave Celestia a nod in response. “The reason why Shining was unable to tell Twilight about the wedding was because he was too busy.”

“Busy with what?” I asked.

“Ryan, a threat has been made against Canterlot.”

“What do you mean?” I asked wondering what the threat was.

“A note was sent to me and my sister threatening Canterlot.”

“Okay then that would explain the shield that we saw on the train.”

“That shield is Shining Armor’s work, he recommended we put up a magical barricade in case of something sneaking past the guard.”

“So why not cancel the wedding and wait for the threat to pass?”

“Because the populace of Canterlot believes that the added security is for the wedding, the last thing we need is rumors spreading of a threat against Canterlot, the populace would panic and I believe whoever made this threat wanted to sow the seeds of panic and chaos.”

“Whoa that is… wow.” I said still wrapping my head around what Celestia had just said.

“Quite a lot to take in all at once isn’t it?” She then looked towards one of the paned windows. “Anyway, Twilight has written to me saying that you’ve taken to using magic quite quickly. If I may ask what have you learnt? But before you show me let me say this you are aloud to tell Twilight and her friends about this little conundrum.”

It was then I decided to have a bit of mischief. Luckily for me I was wearing my gloves. I then reached out with my magic and lifted Celestia a few feet off the ground.

“So I’m guessing you know a bit about levitation spells.” She said looking down at me from her new position floating in the air.

“How could you tell?” I said as I decided to make her do a barrel roll mid air.

“Might have something to do with how I’m spinning mid air.”

“Maybe.” I then noticed a door open out of the corner of my eye.

“Good morning sister, how has morning court been?” She then looked up to see her sister rotating mid air. “Umm should I ask what is happening in here?”

A wide grin spread across my face as I reached out with my magic and made Luna levitate in the same manner as her sister.

“Nothing much Luna. Just showing your sister what spells I’ve learnt.” I then looked down to see that the main gems on my gloves were slowly losing their blue coloration.

I then decided to stop my fun and lowered the two princesses to the floor. I then fell onto my rear panting from exhaustion at levitating and spinning two fully grown alicorns.

“Ryan art thou alright?” Luna said as she trotted up to me placing a wing around my back.

“Yeah I’m fine, just a bit winded from levitating you and your sister.”

I then looked up to see that Celestia had summoned a glass of water, and levitated it over to me, after giving my thanks I drank down the water.

It was then that I noticed that it had started to get late the sun had started to set.

“Wow time sure flies when you’re levitating princesses. Look I’m sorry but I gotta get going I told the others that I would meet up with them before the wedding.” I then got up and gave the princesses a hug before moving towards the large doors. With a wave goodbye I left the throne room.

After a while and some help from some maids, butlers and a few guards, I managed to figure out where the elements were.

After walking through the upper district of Canterlot I found the store where Twilight and the others were sitting outside of a Donut Joe’s.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” I said taking a seat next to Trixie.

“Hey Ryan. Nothing much has been happening really, well except for Twilight getting the crazy idea that Cadance really isn’t who she says to be.” Dash said.

“But it isn’t a crazy idea. That really isn’t Cadance, she’s an imposter!” Twilight said slamming her head on the table.

“Okay before I ask why you think that she is an imposter, I need to tell you all something, something that you have to promise not to tell any-pony else okay.” That managed to get the ponies to say that they won’t tell anybody. “Okay then well Twilight the reason that Shining couldn’t tell you in person about the wedding is because a threat has been made against Canterlot, and he’s been busy.” This managed to get a few gasps from the group of ponies. “Okay then Twilight go ahead with what you were saying.”

After a few seconds Twilight managed to realize what she wanted to say. “Okay then Ryan, the reasons why I think that Cadance is an imposter are. Number 1: She didn’t like Applejack’s cooking.”

“No that’s actually my fault Twi, I didn’t make those fritters properly so Cadance saved me the embarrassment of the fritters not being made properly.” AJ cut in.

“Okay then reason number 2: She insulted on of your birds Fluttershy.”

“Well Fredrick was a bit off key and thanks to her criticism he’s gotten better.” Fluttershy cut in.

“Well then number 3: She made you re-make her bridesmaid dresses.” Twilight said pointing a hoof at Rarity.

“Well the stitching wasn’t at it’s best and it could’ve torn on the big day.” Rarity said defending Cadance.

“Okay then the fourth reason: Her attitude wasn’t like the Cadance I remember, and she didn’t even remember me when I met her today.”

I decided to cut in at this point. “Look Twilight she’s probably stressing over the wedding, which would explain her poor attitude. As for her not remembering you she said it herself it’s been quite a few years since she last saw you.”

A look of realization dawned on Twilight’s face. “Yeah you’re all probably right. Maybe I should go apologize to her.”

“Probably for the best Twilight.” I said.

After giving us a quick goodbye Twilight ran off towards the castle.

“We shouldn’t have encouraged her mate.” Orion said as Twilight ran off into the distance.

‘We need to set things in motion, as much as I don’t want to do that.’ With that thought delivered I decided to enjoy eating donuts with my friends.

A canterlot wedding and after-party (Sorry couldn't think of an original name.)

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I woke up the next morning finding myself in Trixie’s room on the lower floor. I still remember Trixie saying that if I ever came to Canterlot I could sleep on the lower floor. I decided to get up and get ready for the wedding.

After having a quick shower, I changed into some regular clothes, seeing as how the wedding wasn’t going to start until the afternoon and I still had a few hours to spare. My stomach decided on what I should do next, as it let out a loud growl of hunger.

“Well off to have breakfast I guess. Wonder if Celestia’s at the dining hall.” I said aloud to myself as I walked quietly upstairs and out front door hoping not to wake Trixie.

After a few minutes I arrived at the dining hall. I entered after giving the guards on duty a greeting I found that Moonlight was sitting at the table.

“Hey Moonlight, how’s it going?” I asked the thestral as I took a seat next to her.

“Good morning Ryan. I’m going well, how about you?” She asked turning to look at me.

When I looked into her slitted amber eyes, I could have sworn I lost myself in her eyes. I was quickly torn from my thoughts as I realized that someone was talking to me.

“Sir what would you like for breakfast?” The voice asked. I looked across the table to see Silver Platter standing on the other side of the table looking at me and Moonlight.

“Um, just some bacon and eggs please.” With that said Silver gave us a bow and trotted off into the kitchen.

I then turned back to see Moonlight looking at me with interest.

“So Ryan, do you enjoy staring into a mare’s eyes.” Moonlight said in a slightly sultry tone.

This caused my face to erupt in a blush. “S-sorry Moonlight. I didn’t mean to stare.”

“It’s alright Ryan. Thestrals can have that affect on ponies.” She explained as my breakfast appeared on the table in front of me.

Before I could say my thanks Silver was gone.

“So Ryan, are you attending the wedding?” Moonlight asked me as I was eating my breakfast.

After swallowing what bacon and eggs were in my mouth I gave her my answer. “Yeah I am. What about you Moonlight?”

“Unfortunately I cannot, Mother Sol has assigned me and my lieutenant Nightblade will be guarding Lady Noctis whilst she rests.” She explained.

“Really well that’s a bit disappointing.” I said to the thestral as I dived back into my breakfast.

“Well if it makes you feel any better, I will be attending the after party.” That managed to get my spirits to rise quite a bit. “I’m sorry to eat and run but I must go Ryan.” With that she stood up and moved towards the door. “See you at the after party.”

“See you then Moonlight.” I said giving her a wave goodbye as she left through the oak doors.

After finishing my breakfast, I then realized I needed to go to the castle’s cathedral, for the practice wedding. Celestia thought it would be a good idea to give us a run down on what would happen during the wedding. After leaving the dining room I made my way towards the cathedral, as I turned a corner the cathedral’s doors came into view at the end of the hallway.

Orion decided to speak up. “So you’re really looking forward to seeing Moonlight at the after party. No doubt your hoping she’ll show up in a nice red dress. Then you’ll ask her to slow dance with you. Love is a beautiful and horrible thing.” Orion said annoying me.

‘Oh shut up Orion. I got more important things to worry about, than your stupid ramblings.’ I thought to the crazed voice in my head.

“Fine then I’ll be quiet but if I start laughing it’s probably because of one reason.”

‘And what would that reason be?’ I wondered curious as to what he was going to be laughing at.

“Simple you ignoring Twilight when she looks to you and the others to back up her feeling towards the fake Cadance.” He said cackling as my mind took in what he said.

I decided to ignore what he said and entered the cathedral finding that every-pony was here except for Twilight.

“Ah Ryan good to see you’re here.” Celestia said as she noticed me enter. She then turned back to the bride and groom who were standing at the altar. “Now then where were we. Ah yes. Well I’ll ask you to both say your vows and then I will have Spike present the rings.” She then gestured to Spike who was standing behind Shining, somehow Spike had managed to get himself a small tuxedo with a matching top hat. He was holding the rings on a small pillow. Celestia then brought everyone’s attention back to herself. “Then I will pronounce you, stallion and wife.”

It was then I decided to cut in. “Um Princess Cadance, where are your bridesmaids?” I asked the princess.

“Well Ryan. It turns out my old bridesmaids only wanted the position for the fame, so I replaced them with Twilight’s friends.” She then gestured to the rest of the mane six.

It was at that moment Twilight burst through the cathedral doors. “Shining get away from her!” Twilight yelled gesturing to Cadance and Shining.

“Oh boy.” AJ muttered under her breath, as Twilight stormed angrily towards the altar.

“Twilight what do you mean?” Shining said as Twilight stood on the altar next to him.

“This isn’t the real Cadance. She’s an imposter!” This managed to get looks of shock across the ponies faces.

“Twilight what would make you think that this isn’t the real Cadance?” Shining asked his sister as she turned on Cadance.

“Because when I went to go talk to you last night, I saw her zapping you with a green beam of light.” She said back Cadance into a corner.

Shining decided to interrupt his sister’s accusation. “Twilight, the reason for Cadance zapping me last night was because maintaining the shield around Canterlot causes me to get migraines. The spell Cadance was using on me helps with my migraines.”

“Okay then explain why she has been treating my friends so poorly.” Twilight then turned back to glare and give a slight growl at Cadance

Cadance then broke into a crying fit, catching us all off guard. “Why are you so mean to me?” Cadance said between sobs as she ran past Twilight and out of the cathedral.

Shining then glared at Twilight. “Great work Twilight. You can’t even take into consideration that I’m happy with Cadance, all you care about is the fact that Cadance is acting differently from how she used to act. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go comfort my fiancée.” He then started angrily trotting towards the doors, before stopping before the doors. “Oh and Twilight, don’t bother showing up to the wedding, you’re no longer my best mare.” With that said Shining rushed out after Cadance.

Twilight then looked between her friends as they had looks of disappointment on their faces. They then decided to follow Shining out of the cathedral. As Celestia walked past Twilight she said something that made me freeze in shock for a few seconds. “I’m not angry at you Twilight Sparkle, but I am disappointed.” With that said Celestia left leaving me and Twilight left in the cathedral she then looked to me a few tears in her eyes. Before she could say anything I turned around and left her.

As I left I could hear her collapse onto the floor and begin crying.

Orion then spoke up. “Wow. It’s one thing to see that happen in the show but to see it happen in person. I’m speechless. I can only imagine how you feel.” With that I decided to follow Shining and the others, as I walked down the hall I noticed Cadance slip back into the cathedral out of the corner of my eye.

Part of me wanted to go and stop the imposter from sending Twilight into the crystal caves, but I needed to keep walking and follow my plan. No matter how much it made me hate myself.

After a few minutes of walking I found myself in the Canterlot gardens. Shining Armor was alone sitting on a bench in the gardens, his head tilted towards the sky as he watched the clouds drift by.

His ears twitched when I walked over to him, he took notice of me almost immediately. “Oh it’s you. What do you want?” He asked a slight amount of harshness lacing his words. I couldn’t help but wince at the harshness of his words, something he didn’t fail to pick up on. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to sound angry at you it’s just…”

He paused. I decided to change the conversation. “How’s your head doing? Y’know with all the migraines and headaches.” I asked him as I sat next to him on the bench.

“Well thanks to Cadance I’m getting better.” He then tilted his head back so he could get back to his cloud watching.

“Hey Shining, you wanna talk about what just happened? ‘Cause if you don’t want to that’s fine.”

He let out a groan before turning his gaze to me, he then gave me a small chuckle before speaking again. “I guess I couldn’t avoid it forever. To tell you the truth Ryan I don’t know what to do. I’ve gone and told Twilight not to bother coming to my own wedding.” He then gave me a look of desperation. “Ryan please tell me you can help.”

“Hmm. Well how about this, you continue with the wedding.” I said with a forceful smile on my face.

“Okay then, but I don’t have a best stallion.”

“How about me?” I said gesturing to myself.

“You why would I. Y’know what sure thing you’re my best stallion.”

“Um technically I’d be your best man, seeing as how I’m a human and not a pony.” Shining then gave me an unamused look. “Oh would you look at the time we best go get ready for the wedding.” I said. That managed to get Shining to look up before a look of panic crossed his face before he jumped off the bench.

“Yeah your right. Well do you know what to do?”

“Plan your bachelor party.”

“Too late for that.” He deadpanned.

“Okay then.” I said disappointed, whilst another part of my mind wondered how a pony bachelor party would work, a question to ask Shining later. “Well what I do is stand next to you during the wedding, then at the after party I make a speech.”

“Yes that’s all you have to do.” With that said he began trotting off towards the castle, before stopping in place turning around to face me. “You do have a tuxedo right?”

“Yes I do.” With that said he dashed off into the castle. I then decided to head bac to my room and get changed into my tux.

An hour later I was standing on the wedding altar next to a very nervous Shining Armor.

I placed a hand on his shoulder as we waited for Cadance’s arrival. “Shining mate calm down okay. You’re getting married to the mare of your dreams, she’s probably as nervous as you right now.”

That managed to calm him down quite a bit. He turned his head around to face me as I took my hand off his shoulder. “Thanks Ryan, I needed that.”

“Hey that’s what I’m here for as your best man, someone’s gotta keep you from diving out a window in the middle of your vows.”

Before Shining could give me a reply, the organ player began playing ‘Here Comes the Bride.’ Through the large double doors came Cadance trotting up to the altar.

When she arrived at the altar her and Shining shared a look at each other as Celestia began with the long process of wedding these two ponies.

After about half an hour, Celestia had finally come to the conclusion of the wedding.

“If any-pony wishes to voice their opinions as to why these two ponies should not be wed speak up now or forever hold your peace.” As soon as Celestia spoke those words the doors to the cathedral were blasted open by Twilight Sparkle.

She then rushed in followed by what looked to be be a beaten up Princess Cadance. The ragged princess managed to get every-pony in the room to look between the real deal and the imposter on the altar.

“Stop the wedding!” The ragged Cadance yelled out. “That isn’t the real Cadance, that is an imposter!” This managed to get the ponies in attendance to let out gasps of shock. “She’s a changeling queen. The changelings are a race of creature’s that change their forms to feed off of love generated by ponies.”

At this the imposter let out an evil cackle. “It seems that some-pony finally managed to figure it out.” With that said a ring of green fire enveloped the imposter. From the fiery embers came the queen of the changelings in her true form.

At this ponies began to run out of the room in panic.

Celestia saw that her ponies were in danger, and she jumped in front of the changeling queen charging up her horn. “Surrender now changeling queen, or you will be waking up in the dungeons.”

“You think that you scare me Celestia, because you don’t.” The changeling queen then fired up her horn a shot a green beam at Celestia. In a blinding flash of light Celestia countered the queen’s magical laser.

A bead of sweat could be seen running down Celestia’s fore head as she forced the queen’s laser back towards her. In a quick second the queen suddenly found a second burst of magical strength flowed through her body, as she forced Celestia’s yellow ray of magic back into her horn.

In a large flash of green light Celestia flew through the air towards the doors to the cathedral. She then landed on the ground sliding to a halt in the middle of the room the top of her horn was burnt. The elements immediately gathered around the fallen princess as she told them something only they could hear, after a few moments the elements ran out of the cathedral door.

With that done the changeling queen struck a victorious pose. Cadance then spoke up. “You do know you won’t win.”

The changeling queen turned around to see Cadance approaching her, before Cadance could get any closer the queen levitated Shining Armor up into the air and threw him at Cadance. “Of course I will win. Your guard can’t do anything to stop me seeing as how my hive has already broken through dear Shining Armor’s shield.” With that said her horn glowed and the windows around the room shattered and changelings flew through the shattered windows.

In a few seconds Cadance and Shining were bound to each other by some sort of green goo that the changeling’s spat out. Whilst Cadance and Shining were being tied up, Celestia was being wrapped in a cocoon. Spike was also trapped in the same goo.

I then realized that I was very thirsty and I walked over to the snack table and poured myself a glass of punch. After finishing my glass of punch I looked over too the changelings as they finished wrapping Celestia in a cocoon.

I then fell over onto my rear into a fit of laughter. This managed to capture the eyes of every-pony and changeling look at me. “What are you laughing at?” The changeling queen asked me.

“Oh sorry it’s just funny that you made Celestia into a popsicle.” I then decided to get off my rear and approach the queen before I could get within two meters of the queen, two changelings landed in front of me blocking me off from reaching the queen. “Whoa calm down you two I’m not going to hurt your queen.”

After a few seconds the queen let out a few chirps and clicks, the changelings then gave the queen a quick bow and moved out of my way.

“Thanks for that.” I then dropped down onto my knee bowing my head to the changeling queen.

“Hmm so you have manners I see. You may rise.”

I then followed the orders of the changeling queen, rising off of my knee. “So may I please ask you a question my queen?”

“You may.”

“What would be your name?”

“My name Is Queen Chrysalis Bladequeen.”

“Well then Queen Chrysalis, may I say it is a pleasure to meet you.” I then turned around to see that Shining and Cadance were staring at me their jaws agape.

“What the heck Ryan?! Why are you bowing to that thing?! You’re meant to be our ally you traitor!” Shining yelled at me.

“Shiny why do you call me a ‘Thing’ I thought I was your one true love.” Chrysalis said stroking his cheek.

“Get away from me!” Shining said to Chrysalis, flinching away from her touch.

“Fine then.” Chrysalis then shifted her gaze back to me. “Wait a second I’ve just realized you aren’t under my mind control spell.”

“No I’m not.” I said. Noticing Cadance and Shining’s looks of shock.

After a few seconds the doors to the cathedral swung open as the mane six were pulled into the cathedral, a small swarm of changelings accompanied them. After they were properly secured to the floor in changeling goo Chrysalis addressed them.

“So you six are the oh so powerful elements of harmony.” At this Chrysalis let out a short laugh. “So much for being Equestria’s best defense against the forces of evil.”

“How about you let us go and you’ll see how good we are at kicking evil’s flank.” Dash spat at Chrysalis.

The elements then noticed that I wasn’t in any goo. “Ryan what are y’all doin grab her!” AJ yelled out to me, as I was inspecting the cocooned Celestia.

“Hey Queen Chrysalis, do you have a stick?” I asked the changeling queen as she walked up to me.

“How come?” She asked, I could see the confusion spread across her face as she asked this.

“I don’t know why but looking at Celestia like this I feel like smashing open a piñata.” With that said two things happened over the next few seconds. The first was that the ponies present let out gasps of shock and horror at what I said. The second thing was that Chrysalis fell onto her side in a fit of laughter.

“Ryan why are you saying that?!” Twilight exclaimed at me.

“Because Twilight Sparkle he is allied with me.” Chrysalis stated, she the looked to me. “Aren’t you Ryan?”

“I guess I am.” With my answer delivered the ponies in the room wore faces of disbelief and horror.

Whilst the mane six were trying to wrap their heads around what I said, Shining looked into Cadance’s eyes.

“Well if we are about to be conquered by changelings at least I got to spend the invasion next to the pony I love.”

“Aww that’s so sweet.” Cadance said before pulling Shining into a kiss. “And I’m glad I got to be glued to you as well Shining.”

As Cadance said this a pink light started to envelop their horns. After a few seconds the pink light enveloped the two ponies, when the light disappeared Shining and Cadance had all of the changeling goo removed from their bodies. After a few more seconds their horns started to glow again emanating a strobe light effect.

I looked to my side to see Chrysalis backing away from the two lovers as the pulsing light started to quicken its pulses. “No, no this can’t be. No pony should be emanating that much love energy.”

My brain immediately went into overdrive as I worked on the next part of my plan. I dove straight at the closest changeling tackling him to the ground, unfortunately I couldn’t get a good enough grip on him and he slipped out of my grasp.

Before he could even wonder why I had tried to grab him, Shining and Cadance’s love bomb went off. The next thing I knew as I looked around the changelings in the room were flung out of the windows Chrysalis’ screams as she flew through the air could be heard. I then decided to get off the floor and look out one of the windows to see the changeling swarm be flung away from Canterlot, I then looked down at my fee to see the changeling that I had grabbed had collided into a wall instead of being flung out a window, and from what I could tell his chitin was severely cracked and broken in multiple places.

“Hey Ryan, is it just me or did you also think that Chrysalis was really beautiful.” Orion said.

Before I could give him an answer, I heard someone approaching me from behind. I turned to see that Shining Armor was walking up to me, his horn was glowing a faint light pink aura surrounding his horn. “Hey Shining how’s it…” I never got to finish my sentence as Shining hit me with a knockout spell.

I awoke to find that I was in a hospital bed, I sat up taking in my surroundings it was then I noticed that two guards were giving me the stink eye from their positions at the door to the room. I looked to my right to see that a curtain was hanging around a bed I could make out some shadows that were plastered across the curtain.

After a few moments a familiar figure walked out from behind the curtain. “Good to see you again Miss Redheart.” I said to the nurse who jumped a bit not noticing that I was awake.

“Good to see you again Ryan, how are you feeling?” She asked.

After a few seconds I gave my answer. “Well I feel fine. But I’m quite confused to tell you the truth.”

“Well I could try to answer any questions you have.” She admitted, a comforting smile on her face.

“Okay then. First question: how did I get here.” I asked gesturing to the room I was in.

“Ah well, Shining Armor hit you with a stun spell, normally you would have gone to the dungeons or a locked room, but Shining didn’t plan on your head smashing into bit of debris when you hit the ground.” She explained. It was then that I noticed that I had a bandage wrapped around my fore head.

“Oh thanks for the bandage then. Second question: Who’s behind the curtain.” I asked pointing behind Redheart to the curtain.

“Well that would be an injured changeling, a changeling that was at your feet when Shining Armor knocked you out. His chitin is quite badly beaten and broken after Shining and Cadance cast their love spell forcing the changelings out of Canterlot, all except the one behind that curtain, who apparently was smashed into a wall by the love spell.” She explained.

“Okay then, also thanks for that. Third question can I go?”

At this one of the two guards decided to answer for Redheart. “No you cannot, we are under strict orders from captain Armor to keep you here until his is done with his wedding.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s to keep me from levitating you two out of the way.” It was then I noticed that whilst I was still in my tux my gloves were missing. “Okay you two where are my gloves?”

The other guard decided to step in. “The captain has them. After his sister explained to him what they were he took them off you. If I remember correctly, he said he was going to be hanging onto them.” He said with a smirk adorning his face.

Before I could reply to him yelling could be heard from behind the door to the room. From the sounds of it, it sounded like someone was speaking Italian, or at least some pony version of Italian. It was then I noticed the guards move away from the door.

I then found out why as the door was kicked open from the outside. On the other side of the door was a very angry looking Moonlight. As she entered a thestral stallion followed in behind her.

I decided to remember what I had learnt from an Italian teacher I had in high school, barely managing to remember the Italian word for hello. “Ciao Miss Moonlight, who’s your friend?” I asked her casually.

Her anger disappeared as soon as she heard me speak Italian. “Wait you know how to speak Thestrali.” She asked me.

“Thestrali what’s that?” I asked confused as to what Thestrali was.

“Thestrali is the native tongue of thestrals.”

“Oh well, I wasn’t speaking Thestrali, but I guess that’s what you ponies call Italian. Anyway you still haven’t answered my question who’s your friend?” I asked pointing at the male thestral who was talking to Redheart about what I guessed to be the changeling behind the curtain.

“Oh that’s my lieutenant, Nightblade.” At the mention of his name, he turned around and walked over to us.

When he was close enough he started whispering something into Moonlight’s ear, he decided to speak in Thestrali so that no one could understand what he was saying. When he was done Moonlight pondered what he had said and gave him a quick nod.

Nightblade then noticed that I was looking at him with my hand stretched out towards him. He gave my hand a look of confusion before it crossed his mind what to do, after placing his hoof in my hand I then gave it a quick shake. With him being this close I took in his features.

His coat was as black as the night sky, his mane and tail were dark grey, his slitted eyes were a faint green. With a craning of my neck I then noticed what his cutie mark was, it was a sword overlapping a starry night sky. Looking back up his side I noticed what seemed to be blades on the edge of his wings.

“Nice to meet you.” He said in a gruff tone.

“Same here.” I said flashing him a grin. I then turned my head back to Moonlight. “So anyway what brings you here, because I don’t see a get well card.”

That managed to get a smile on the captain’s face. “Sorry about forgetting your card. No I’m here to take you to the wedding’s after-party.”

“Sorry captain but Ryan there, isn’t aloud to leave this room.” One of the guards said. That guard received a glare from Moonlight that immediately made him regret speaking up.

“Soldier please tell me your name and rank.”

That caught the guard by surprise. “U-um my name is Quick Spell, and Corporal is my rank.”

“Hmm a corporal, well sorry to say but first of all I outrank you by quite a bit.” She then trotted over to Quick Spell, staring into his eyes. “I also outrank Captain Armor. So Ryan is coming with me is that clear corporal?”

“Crystal, ma’am.” He said giving her a quick salute.

Moonlight then turned from the corporal to Redheart. “Is Ryan, alright to come with me nurse?”

At that Redheart came up to me and gave me a full inspection, shining alight in my eyes, examining my ear and putting a thermometer in my mouth. “Yes he should be fine captain. I just need to sign this form.” With that she pulled a out a ink quill and inkwell and signed a piece of paper that was attached to the foot of my bed. “And done, he’s good to go.”

With that said I jumped out of the bed, as Moonlight left the room. I decided to give the guards a quick wave goodbye. Before I left the room I turned around and looked Nightblade. “Arrivederci Nightblade.” I then turned to Redheart. “Bye Miss Redheart.”

With that said I followed Moonlight down the corridor that the medical room I was in was connected to. “Ryan can I ask you a couple of questions?”

“Sure Moonlight but I want to ask you a question first.”

“Sounds fair, what’s your question?”

“Why is Nightblade staying back there?” I said pointing a thumb back towards the room.

“Well do you know about the changeling in there?” I gave her a quick nod. “Well I left Nightblade in there to keep an eye on the changeling. Now for my first question: how do you know how to speak Thestrali?”

“Ah well, back on Earth, Thestrali is spoken by a group of people called Italians, but on Earth it’s called Italian. All I know what to say is hello and goodbye.”

“Hmm okay then. Second question: What happened during the wedding? Shining Armor and a few of the elements of harmony said you were working with the changeling queen.”

“Ah that, well it’d be easier for me to explain it to you all at the same time.” As I said this I noticed that Moonlight was also wearing the same sort of blades on her wings that Nightblade was wearing.

After a few minutes we arrived outside in the Canterlot gardens where ponies were partying. Whilst I was taking in the party that was happening I failed to notice that Moonlight and I had been surrounded by a large group of mares. I also then failed to notice the bouquet of flowers that was flying towards us, the next thing I knew the same bouquet had collided with my head and fell into my open arms.

The next thing I knew was that I was lying on my back on the ground. When I looked down to see what had tackled me to the ground I noticed a very shocked Rarity looking up at me.

“Hey Rarity.” I said giving the mare a comforting smile. It was then that I remembered that the mane six had seen and heard me say I was allies with Chrysalis. “Hey Rarity, do you mind finding the other elements I need to explain a few things.” With that said Rarity gave me a nod as she hopped off my chest.

I then decided to get of the ground as the crowd of mares dispersed. I then realized that I still had the bouquet of flowers in my grasp. I then looked up to see that I was standing in front of a large doorway. As I looked around the party I could see Rarity walk around the gardens looking for the rest of the mane six.

“I see you managed to catch the bride’s bouquet of flowers.” After she said that I looked down at the flowers realizing what these flowers meant. When Moonlight saw my shocked expression she let out a few short chuckles. “So what are you going to do with those?”

As she said this I placed my hand to my chin thinking about what to do next. My answer appeared in the form of something poking my upper thigh. When I looked down I saw Spike looking up at me, the drake still wearing his tux. “Hey Spike, what do you want?” I asked the drake.

“Twilight wanted to see you, as well as the others and the princesses.” Spike said raising a claw to point to a part of the gardens that was cornered off from the rest of the party.

“Okay well lead the way Spike, but before we head off I need you to give this to Rarity.” I then handed the small drake the flowers. “Make sure you tell her that I dropped them and you decided to give them to her.”

“Okay then.” With that said Spike, led Moonlight and I over to the cornered off area of the gardens. “I got him.” Spike said to the mane six who were apparently waiting for us.

“Thank you for grabbing him Spike.” Twilight said as Spike approached Rarity.

“Here you go Rarity, I found this lying on the ground.” Spike said as he handed her the bouquet of flowers.

“Oh why thank you Spike.” Rarity said as a slight blush adorned her face.

“Hey Spike how about you go enjoy the party.” Twilight said. He then gave her a nod as he turned and left to go enjoy the party. Twilight and the others then shifted their gazes to me, all except Fluttershy who was trying to hide behind her mane.

I then found my vision filled with Dash’s face, her muzzle mere inches away from my face. “Okay buddy we want answers. What the hay happened at the wedding?!” Dash spat at me in an aggravated tone.

I then took a few steps away from the aggravated pegasus. “Look Dash, I’ll explain when the others show up.”

“What do you mean by others?” Dash asked.

“Well Dash, I can only guess that the princesses want to know what happened.”

As if on queue the royal sisters arrived with Cadance and Shining Armor in tow. As soon as Shining saw me he froze and in the next instant I found my self enveloped in Shining’s magical glow.

“Captain Moonlight, can you please explain to me why you brought Ryan to my wedding’s after-party?” Shining asked Moonlight, as I realized I was floating a few feet above the ground.

“Captain Armor, if you do not wish to face being court marshalled, you will remove your magical aura from around Ryan.”

“Why should I captain?” Shining asked Moonlight.

“Because Captain Armor, I am giving you a direct order to remove your magical aura from Ryan.” Moonlight said whilst giving him a death stare that could frighten Death himself.

After a few moments Shining lowered me back down to the ground. “Thanks mate.” I said to Shining as my feet touched the ground.

“No problem.” He muttered under his breath.

“So Ryan, I hear you have a few things to explain.” Celestia said, after I had gotten used to being on the ground once more.

“Sure thing what would you like for me to explain, I could go over how the sun and moon moves by themselves back on earth.” I said to Celestia, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

“As appealing as that sounds Ryan, I will have to decline. Now back to the matter at hoof, what happened during the wedding, other than a changeling invasion.”

“Ah I’m guessing you want to know why I allied myself with Chrysalis.” This managed to get a round of nods from the ponies. “Okay then. Well I’ll start with why I didn’t try to fight against her. The reason for that is that I wasn’t going to go into a fight with an experienced magic user when all I had at my disposal was a few levitation spells, also I definitely wasn’t going to get in a fight with someone who beat Celestia in a magical duel.” I said gesturing to Celestia at that last part.

“Now as for why I allied with Chrysalis was for two reasons. The first was to try and distract her long enough so Twilight and the others could get the elements of harmony. The second reason is because I was waiting for the opportune moment to strike.” I said to the ponies as looks of relief washed over their faces.

“Thank you for telling us that Ryan.” Celestia said.

“Not a problem Celestia, y’know I’d never betray you guys intentionally right?” A few of the ponies gave me some nods to covey their answers whilst Shining wore a face of guilt. “Hey Shining don’t worry about it all right, you barley know me I’m not surprised you don’t trust me that much.” I then held out my hand to him. “Know how about we start our introductions again.” He then placed his hoof in my hand after he gave it a quick shake I decided to speak up once more. “Hi my name’s Ryan, what would yours be?”

“Well Ryan, it’s nice to meet you, and my name is Shining Armor.” He said letting out a small chuckle.

“Well Shining, it’s nice to meet you I hope we can be great friends one day.” I then let seriousness coat what I said next. “Now can I please have my gloves back?”

“Sure thing Ryan.” He said levitating my gloves back to me.

After putting my gloves back on I turned back to the other ponies that were attending our meeting. “Hey guys how about we go enjoy this party that Pinkie threw together for us.” After I said that Dash and Pinkie let out cries of excitement and rushed off towards the party. “Wow I guess they really wanted to party eh?”

I then decided to follow in their example and ran out into the party.

Somehow after rushing into the party I had managed to find myself next to the dance-floor, it was being this close to the dance-floor I noticed the type of music that was playing. Dubstep. I looked around the party for the source of these killer wubs, after a few seconds my eyes fell onto an alabaster unicorn mare, with a neon blue mane and purple party glasses blasting wubs out of a large speaker system. I decided to go say hi to her.

After managing to cross the dance-floor I found myself behind the mare. After giving her a quick tap on the shoulder she turned around to see who had interrupted her concentration. When she saw me her jaw dropped to the ground in shock, before I could open my mouth to say hello she placed her hoof over my mouth. When she had done that she turned back to her mixing table and changed the song from dubstep to slow music.

“Yo you’re that human that moved into Ponyville right?” The mare said after removing her hoof from over my mouth.

“Yes I am, and you would be?”

“Heh name’s DJ-PON3, but my friends call me Vinyl Scratch, or just Vinyl for short.” She said offering me a hoof-bump which I gladly accepted. “So if I may ask what would your name be human?”

“Name’s Ryan.” I then looked past her at her set up. “Nice set up you have here Vinyl.”

“Thanks buddy. Hey you know much about these set ups?” I shook my head in response. “Okay then no biggie. Hey Ryan what’s your favorite type of music?”

“It would have to be a tie between Dubstep and Pop music.”

“Good choice my friend, good choice. Now don’t get me wrong I’d love to sit here and chat with you about music but, I got a show to run so try to look me up in Ponyville next time you’re in town. Just ask around and you’ll eventually find the right place.” With that said she turned back to her set up and changed the music back from slow dance to dubstep.

After socializing with a few ponies and finding out from Trixie that she slept through the whole invasion, my stomach began to rumble in hunger, unfortunately for me I didn’t feel like having any party food to eat. Instead I felt like having a nice piece of steak.

When I was nearing the edge of the party I found Moonlight sitting on the edge of the party watching it all go down. “Hey Moonlight how’s it going?” I asked the mare as I got closer to her.

“Oh going fine how about you?”

“Fine, fine just going to go stop by the dining hall and grab something to eat, for some reason party food and cake won’t cut it.”

“Well in that case mind if I tag along, I’m getting a bit hungry myself.”

“Um sure thing Moonlight but first I gotta ask you something.” I asked the mare a tad bit of worry in my words.

“What is it?”

“Well how do you feel about me eating meat ‘cause I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable that’s all.”

“Aw how sweet a true gentlecolt. Also no I won’t mind, I think I’ll actually join you in having a bit of steak.”

Before I could ask whether she was serious or not she gave me a very toothy grin, showing me her large canines. “Whoa I’m guessing thestrals eat meat?” She gave me a nod in response before stopping her grin. “Okay then let’s go Moonlight.” With that said the two of us headed to the dining hall.

Spending the day with the Princess of Love.

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That night I awoke to find myself standing on top of the hill that I usually dreamt up whenever Luna came to visit. Instead of the princess of the night sitting next to me on the picnic blanket Orion was in her place.

“Oh it’s you.” I said glaring at Orion.

“Oh well sorry I ain’t the pretty pony princess you were expecting. Besides I’m only here to ask you some questions.”

“Hmm well I’ll try to answer them but if I don’t want to I won’t.”

“Yeah, yeah. Well anyway my first question is this: What the heck are you planning to do with that changeling the ponies captured, because you were very happy when Redheart told you that they had captured a changeling.”

“Sorry can’t tell you that Orion.” That managed to get the annoying voice in my head to have steam come out of his ears.

“Fine then.” He spat at me before taking a breath to calm himself. “My next question: did you think that Chrysalis looked sexy?”

That managed to stop my brain entirely as I tried to think of an answer. “First of all Orion is that a serious question? Second of all no I don’t think she looked sexy.”

“Okay then, well yes it was a serious question, and secondly that’s good you don’t like her more changeling queen for me.” He said with a smug grin.

After a few seconds of trying to figure out what was running through his mind, I felt a weird feeling run through my gut. “Hey Orion do you feel that?”

“What that rumbling feeling, in your gut.”

“Yeah that’s what it feels like. Wait how do you know it was that, also what does it mean?”

“Okay, well I’ll answer both your questions then with one answer.” He said whilst standing up off the blanket, I decided to follow in his footsteps and stood up off the blanket. “As I was saying the reason how I know what that feeling is, is because that’s the feeling I get whenever you wake up.”

“So this feeling in my gut is the feeling of me waking up?”

“Bingo. But I’ve also noticed that you only get this feeling when you’re being forced awake, instead of waking up naturally.”

With that said I felt myself waking up.

When I woke up I found myself looking at a pink pony who was lying in bed with me. “Good to see your awake Ryan.”

In an instant I immediately thanked myself mentally for forgetting to take my gloves off last night. I then proceeded to do what any normal person who wore magical gloves, who found a pony lying in bed would do. “AHHHHH!” I screamed levitating the pony, out of my bed and floated them a few meters away from my bed, keeping the pony levitating a few feet off the ground.

It was then I saw who exactly the pony that I saw lying in my bed was. Cadance. My mind then decided to shut down for the rest of the day. As my mind slowly rebooted itself, Cadance started to spin around in the air giving herself momentum to do so with her own magic.

Once my brain rebooted I then got out of bed and walked over to the spinning pony princess. “Okay first of all I want you to prove to me that you’re the Cadance.” I said giving her a wary glance.

“Okay well before I do that can I say that this whole levitating thing is really fun.” As she said that she let out a few giggles. After composing herself she then donned a serious expression. “As for how I can prove to you that I’m the real Cadance, that’s really tricky for me to do that as I don’t know anything about you that a changeling wouldn’t.” She then placed a hoof on her chin in contemplation before a look of realization plastered itself on her face. “Okay then after Chrysalis and her hive went flying out of Canterlot, and the captured changeling passed out from injuries Shining Armor hit you with a stun spell.”

I then thought long and hard on what she said, her logic made sense as the changeling hive was gone so none of them could see that happen, but the detail that convinced me was how the captured changeling couldn’t have seen Shining knock me out as the changeling had fainted.

I then turned my gaze to look back up at the floating princess. “Okay you’re the real deal. Now do you want me to put you down or not?” I asked a bit uncertain about the last part.

“No thank you this is actually quite fun really, just spinning around in a circle slowly it’s really fun and relaxing.”

“Okay then but if you feel sick or you want to get your hooves back on the ground just let me know.” She then gave me a quick nod. “Alright now back to business, why were you lying with me in bed?”

“Because I wanted to talk to you today, and its already lunchtime and I couldn’t wait any longer, so auntie Luna told me that lying in bed with you and poking you a bit would wake you up faster.” She admitted rubbing the tips of her hooves together.

“Dammit Luna.” I muttered under my breath before realizing an important detail that Cadance had said. “Wait a second it’s lunchtime. What happened to Twilight and the others?” I asked remembering that I told them during the party that I was going to go back to Ponyville with them.

“Oh Twily and her friends left for Ponyville after breakfast. Auntie Celestia told them that you would be staying here for the next few days. Practicing magic under her vision and guiding hoof, but also I wanted to ask a few questions about yourself and tell you a few things, about ponies.” That managed to calm me down a bit knowing that the mane six didn’t think that I forgot to go back to Ponyville with them.

“Thanks for telling me that Cadance, you have no idea how much that made me worry.”

“No problem Ryan. I’m guessing you want to go get some lunch? I know a pretty good restaurant in Canterlot.”

“That sounds like a good plan Cadance.” I said hoping that the restaurant wasn’t in the upper district of Canterlot.

“Well then as tempting as it is to let you float me all the way to the restaurant I would like to get a bit of exercise.” She admitted.

After lowering her to the ground. She lit up her horn and cast a spell on me. “Um Cadance what did you cast on me?”

“Oh just a cleaning and washing spell.” After she said this I decide to take off my tuxedo’s jacket and my tie when I took off my tie I threw my removed accessories on the bed.

“Well Cadance, let’s get going. Although I don’t know why you’d think about doing exercise, you don’t look like you need to do any.” That managed to give a slight blush to cross her pink cheeks.

“Why thank you for the compliment Ryan. Although for future reference try not to go flirting with a married mare especially when her husband is the captain of Celestia’s royal guard.” She said a small giggle escaping her lips.

“Duly noted. By the way where is Shining?” I asked her as we left the room.

“Oh, captain Moonlight wanted to see him.”


“Keep going Captain Armor, you only have 50 more laps of Canterlot castle to go!” Moonlight yelled out to the sweating captain, as she took a sip of lemonade. She then turned her gaze to her guest. “Seems Mother Sol decided to treat us to a really hot day today isn’t that right Lady Noctis.”

Luna gave a smirk from behind her glass of lemonade a s she watched Shining Armor disappear behind the walls of the Lunar Guard’s barracks. “Indeed it is Captain Moonlight, indeed it is.”

As we approached the castle gates a couple of guards intercepted us. “Sorry princess but you’re not aloud to leave the castle.” One of the guards said holding out a hoof to stop her.

“And why is that good sir?” Cadance said adopting her serious tone once more.

“Sorry about him princess he’s new here, y’know the rookies taking their orders too serious. He could have said that better.” He said letting out a small chuckle.

“Oh alright then. So please tell me how you would word it.” Cadance said to the guard.

“Well princess, after the changeling invasion Captain Armor and Captain Moonlight said that the princesses are to always have a guard with them at all times, also they aren’t aloud to leave the castle without at least one guard with them.” The guard explained.

“Hmm well that makes sense thank you for that. Guard if I may bother you once more.” Cadance asked the guard.

“I highly doubt you could bother me Princess Cadance.”

“Well am I aloud to pick a guard to come with me?”

“Yes princess.”

“Hmm.” She then turned to me. “Ryan do you have any recommendations?”

“How about Fire Wand?” I asked the guard.

“Of course Princess.” With that said he turned to his rookie friend. “Hey Rook can you go get Sergeant Fire Wand.” With that said the rookie left.

After a few minutes the rookie returned with Fire Wand.

“Ah hello Princess Cadance, you wished to see me.” Fire Wand said giving Cadance a bow.

“Good afternoon Sergeant, the reason why I requested to see you is because of the captain’s newest orders. I need you to accompany Ryan and I as we go on a trip into Canterlot.”

“It would be my pleasure Princess Cadance.” Fire wand said as we left through the castle gates.

As we left I could have sworn I saw a sweaty panting Shining Armor running around the inside of the castle walls.

“Fire Wand I want to tell you something.” Cadance said to Fire Wand as we walked through the streets of Canterlot, catching the eyes of the nobles that were on the streets at the time.

“What is it princess?” Fire said looking from pony to pony with a cautious gaze.

“Well from now on I wish for you to call me Cadance if you can help it. Also you are to treat me like a regular pony and not like your princess. Is that understood?”

“Of course princ—I mean Cadance.” He replied giving her a sheepish smile.

“Don’t worry Fire, you’ll get used to it, Shining didn’t get used to calling me Cadance and treating me like a regular mare for about a week.” She said with a slight giggle.

It was then that I noticed we had passed into the middle class district. I couldn’t help but let out a gasp of relief that I didn’t know I had been holding in.

Cadance had picked up on it. “Are you alright Ryan?”

“Oh. Heh yeah I’m fine Cadance just glad to get out of the upper class district of Canterlot that’s all, just hate the feeling of those nobles glaring at me like I’m some sort of wild animal.” I managed to see a flash of sadness cross Cadance’s muzzle. “Hey Cadance, don’t worry about it. I got used to it.” I said in a calm tone. That managed to calm her down.

It was after that little revelation, I realized that Cadance had led us to a restaurant called ‘The griffon’s feast’. “Okay you two we’re here.” Cadance said turning around to make sure we were still with her.

“The griffon’s feast? What sort of food do they serve?” I asked Cadance.

“Well they serve a wide vary of foods. They have a large range of chefs from different cultures, they serve meals for almost all races of Equestria.”

“Sounds fun. What do you think Fire?”

“Always wanted to check this place out, few of the guards have been they said it was pretty good. Always thought to test it out before bringing the wife here.” The mention of Fire being married caught me by surprise, whilst this admission made Cadance sport a large grin.

“So who would the lucky mare be Fire? Some-pony I’d know?” Cadance asked as we walked into the restaurant. Before Fire could answer a griffon waiter appeared.

“Ah good afternoon Princess Cadance, it has been a while since we’ve seen you here.” The griffon said whilst giving Cadance a small bow, when he rose up from his bow he gave one of her fore-hooves a small kiss. “A shame that some-pony managed to catch your eye before I could, but I can say for certain that I feel very jealous of the lucky Shining Armor. Who are your friends Princess Cadance?” He said pointing a claw at Fire and I.

“Oh Griff you tease.” Cadance said waving a hoof at the griffon. “And my friends are the only human in Equestria Ryan.” She said gesturing to me with a hoof, I then held out my hand to the griffon.

He then took my hand in his claw in an instant. “Pleasure to meet you Ryan, my name is Griff.”

“Pleasure to meet you too Griff.” I said as he released my hand.

“Anyway as I was saying.” Cadance said re-capturing the attention of Griff. “My other friend here is my guard escort, Fire Wand.” She said. Fire then followed my lead and held out a fore-hoof that Griff took into his claw.

“Pleasure to meet you Fire Wand. Be warned Fire, Cadance is a mare that is hard to keep a track of.” Griff said a smug grin on his face.

“Oh be quiet you.” Cadance said giving the griffon a playful punch on his shoulder.

“So table for three I’m guessing?” Cadance gave him a nod at the offer of a table to sit at. “Well then follow me if you will.” With that said the griffon led us to a booth with a window view of the middle district of Canterlot.

“Thank you Griff.” Cadance said to the griffon said as he presented us three menus. “I think we should start with a round of water please Griff.” She then looked to her left at me, I gave her a nod, she then shifted her gaze to Fire who decided to sit across from us Fire then gave her a nod as well. “Yes water should be fine for now.” With that said Griff then left us to over look our menus.

“By the way I forgot to say congratulations for your successful marriage Cadance.”

“Why thank you Ryan, also thank you for letting me have the window seat.” Cadance said as Griff returned with our glasses and a jug of water.

“Now have you decided your orders?”

“I think I’ll go for a daisy sandwich please Griff.” Cadance said, handing her menu to Griff

“I’ll go for a caesar salad.” Fire said handing Griff his menu.

“I’ll go for fettuccini please.” I asked, handing my menu back over to the griffon.

“Well your lunches will be out in 10 minutes.” With that said Griff walked off towards the kitchen.

“Now where were we.” Cadance said placing a hoof to her chin in thought. “Ah yes Fire you were about to say who you were married to.”

“Well my wife is one of the maids working in the castle. You may know her as Quick Clean.” He explained.

“Ah yes I know her. Auntie Celestia speaks quite highly of her.” Cadance admitted.

“Really?” Fire asked shocked by this little revelation.

“Yes she does think highly of your wife, well she actually thinks highly of all the castle staff.” With that said Griff returned with our food. “Thank you Griff.” Cadance said as the griffon placed her sandwich in front of her.

“Your welcome Princess Cadance. It’s always a pleasure to sate the desires of any mare that comes into my establishment, whether they wish food and drinks or something else.” He said leaving the last part of his statement open to our imagination. Once he delivered that statement he went off back to the kitchen.

“I’m guessing he likes to woo mare’s Cadance?” I asked the princess, noticing she was still lightly flustered from Griff’s comment.

“From what I’ve heard yes. Now how about we dig into our meals, I do wish to get back to the castle before night time as I need to talk to you about something Ryan.” With that said we dug into our meals.

After we had completed our meals and payed for them we left for the castle. Once we had returned to the castle we noticed the guards giving Cadance some odd looks, looks that she didn’t fail to pick up on.

“Something the matter guards?” She asked keeping her tone chirpy and happy.

“Well Princess Cadance we just saw a very exhausted Captain Armor run off towards the Lunar Guard’s barracks, and were wondering if you knew what he was doing.”

That Cadance by surprise. “Well that is quite strange, he has been known to be active but why would he be running off to the Lunar barracks.” Cadance said while placing a fore-hoof on her chin. She turned to look at Fire. “Fire I believe I don’t require an escort anymore. Come now Ryan let’s go see what is happening to Shiny.” With that said Fire gave us a farewell before trotting off.

When we arrived at the barracks we found Shining on the ground panting like he had just run from Canterlot to Ponyville 10 times in a row. It was then we noticed that Luna and Moonlight had walked over to Shining from under the shade of a nearby tree.

“Auntie Luna, what exactly have you done to my Shiny?” Cadance said as she walked up to the still panting Shining Armor. “He hasn’t been panting this much since our wedding night.” She said with a slight giggle at what she said.

“Well Cadance, Captain Moonlight suggested that we make sure that Captain Armor, is still fit enough to perform his duties as a guard.” Luna explained, whilst she was explaining her horn glowed and jug of water appeared in front of Shining, which he quickly took in his hoof and chugged it down in one gulp.

“It was then that Lady Noctis suggested we put Captain Armor through what I usually do whenever I have spare time to train.” Moonlight chimed in. Making Shining look up at her, as he inhaled a large breath of air trying to summon the power to talk.

“There is no way one pony can do all that in their spare training time.” Shining said in between gasps.

Moonlight then gave Shining an amused look. “Well two things to take into consideration Captain. The first being that I have been around longer than you have, I have more endurance than you do. The second thing is that you have a lot more exercises to do before you even come close to doing what I do in my spare training time.” With that said she then switched her gaze to Cadance. “If I may Princess Cadance, can I please borrow Captain Armor from you for the rest of the afternoon, and maybe a bit of the evening?”

“Well you can borrow him for the rest of the afternoon, but I think Auntie Celestia would like him to join us for dinner.” She then placed a hoof to her chin. “If I may also make a request of you Captain.”

“Of course Princess Cadance, what is it you require of me?”

“Well if you join us for dinner I’ll let you borrow Shiny for tomorrow as well.”

“Well with an offer like that how can I refuse.” Moonlight said perking up at the idea of giving Shining more training exercises.

“Well then it’s a deal” Cadance said. I then looked down to see what Shining’s reaction would be. When I looked down at him I saw he wore a horrified look on his face as he looked up at his wife.

“Why Cadance?” He pleaded with her.

Cadance then leaned down and gave Shining a kiss. “Don’t worry Shiny, I’ll repay you when the training is done.” She said in a sultry voice that would make any nearby stallions very jealous of Shining.

“Sure thing Cady.” Shining said in a mesmerized voice.

“Okay then Ryan let’s go I still need to talk to you about a few things.” With that said her horn started to glow and the next thing I knew my vision was filled with the light blue coloration of her magical aura.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in a bedroom. I looked around to see where Cadance was and found her lying on a bed.

“Ryan please have a seat.” She said gesturing to a seat behind me. After I took my seat she hopped off the bed and walked over to me. “Now Ryan I need to tell you about the birds and the breezies.”

“The what?” I asked her wondering what she wanted to talk to me about.

“Y’know.” She said, whilst tapping the tips of her hooves together.

The way she said it awkwardly made my mind jump to what she could be meaning, I then decided to ask her a question before I let my mind think she wanted to talk to me about the birds and the bees. “Cadance what are you the princess of exactly?”

“Oh well I’m the Princess of Love.” She said.

“So you want to tell me how to…” I said letting my sentence end there. Letting her give me a nod to know that I had guessed correctly. “Um no thank you Cadance.” I then tried to stand up but found myself stopped by Cadance pushing down on my shoulders with her fore-hooves.

“Sorry Ryan, I can’t let you go. Auntie Celestia said that I needed to tell you this if you were going to be staying in Equestria, as you may start a relationship with some-pony and we don’t want things to be explained to you then and there.”

“Okay then that makes sense I guess. But before you go telling me this, I don’t want you making things to awkward or going into too much detail. As I already know how some specific things work.”

“Okay then Ryan, but you’ll have to tell me what you do and don’t know exactly.”

“Cool. Well before we start I have a question. When we were coming back to the castle with Fire, I saw that a stallion was having a picnic with two mares, is that common or…”

“Ah I see you saw your first herd.” She said. Then she saw the look of confusion on my face. “Okay well first of all I don’t know whether it’s the same where you come from but on Equestria there are more mares than stallions, the ratio is about three mares to one stallion.” That managed to get my jaw to drop to the ground. “As I was saying herd’s are group of multiple mares for one stallion or multiple stallions for one mare, or an even number of mares and stallions.” She explained.

“So if you wanted too Cadance you could ask another mare or stallion to join you and Shining’s relationship?” I asked.

“Why yes we could.”

“Okay then well thanks for summing that up for me.” I said now understanding what a herd was.

“Okay then, well let’s get started on our lesson.” It was then she summoned a few pony anatomy books with bookmarks in them, she also summoned a chalkboard. It was then I realized that my afternoon was going to be full of studying. Much to the amusement of Orion who wouldn’t stop laughing.

After a few hours I stumbled out of Cadance’s room, my mind was completely devoid of thought. I decided to go see the pony responsible for Cadance’s lesson. Celestia. With an objective set my mind restarted itself, I then began thinking about where Celestia could be at this time. Seeing as how it was still day time I figured she would be in the throne room attending Day-Court. With a location in mind I began heading for the throne room.

After a few minutes of walking I found myself outside of the throne room.

“Good afternoon Ryan.” I turned to see Raven walking down the hall towards me.

“Oh hey Raven. Do you know whether Celestia’s in there or not?” I said gesturing to the throne room doors.

“Yes she’s in there. I’m just coming back from my lunch break.” With that said her horn glowed and the throne room doors opened up as we walked in.

“Hello Ryan. Raven how was your lunch?” Celestia asked Raven as she walked over to her position next to Celestia’s throne.

“It was fine your majesty.”

“Good to here.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to me. “How has your afternoon been Ryan?”

“Well Celestia, my afternoon has been great. I had a wonderful lunch with your niece, then we found Luna and Moonlight showing Shining Armor how the lunar captain trains. Then for some odd reason your niece decided to give me a lesson on, hmm what did she call it again? Ah yes the birds and the breezies. Any reason why she would have decided to give me that lesson.” I said to Celestia, slightly angry at having that lesson with Cadance.

“Ryan please understand that Cadance’s lesson was meant to help you.” Celestia said, truthfully as far I could tell. “You’re not mad are you?” Celestia asked worried about whether I would be upset with her or not.

“No I’m not Celestia. Just a bit miffed that you didn’t ask me about it.”

“That’s good to hear.” Celestia said a look of relief crossing her muzzle.

“Also that isn’t the only reason I’m here, I thought I got some time to kill so I thought about seeing how day-court works.”

“Alright then.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to an earth pony guard that was standing next to the doors. “Corporal Sucker Punch can you please send in the next noble.” Sucker Punch then went through one of the doors that had opened slightly to let him through, as he went to get the next noble I took a seat to the right of Celestia’s throne.

After a few seconds Sucker Punch returned with Fancy Pants in tow. Fancy Pants then approached the throne and gave a bow. “Good afternoon Princess Celestia, how has your day been so far.” He said as he rose from his bow.

“I’ve been doing fine Fancy, very fine. Tell me how has Fleur been these days.” Celestia asked Fancy.

“She’s been doing well. Her modeling career is going quite well.” Fancy then caught sight of me sitting next to Celestia. “Hello Ryan. Good to see you once more.”

“Good to see you as well Fancy. So who would Fleur be if I may ask?”

“Ah Fleur, is my wife. She makes me feel like a very lucky stallion.” Fancy then shifted his gaze back to Celestia. “Now back to business before I forget.” With that said he levitated out some papers from his saddlebags.

Celestia saw these papers and levitated them over to herself. “So already organizing next year’s gala Fancy?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow at Fancy.

“Well you know me Princess, I like to be prepared.” At this Celestia then levitated the papers to Raven.

“I see your missing the guest list.” Celestia said pointing out the lack of said list from the stack of papers.

“Ah well I’ll have them written up about a week or month prior to the gala.” He explained.

“Well I’ll look these over. Anything else you need to address?”

“No nothing else Princess. If you don’t need anything else from me I will be off.” Celestia then gave him a shake of her head. “Well then I’ll be off. Princess Celestia, Raven, Ryan.” He said giving us a bow of his head as he left the room.

“I thought you said that day-court was stressful.” I asked Celestia. “Or were you just over-exaggerating.”

“Believe me when I say that it gets a lot more stressful.” With that said she then asked Sucker Punch to bring in the next noble.

An hour later I found myself on the verge of pulling my hair out from stress, all the while Celestia sat across from me in the dining hall sipping her Jasmine Tea. “How have you not ripped out your mane yet?!” I asked as I was barely containing my rage.

“I don’t know. But if I had to draw it to anything, I’d draw it to years of experience. Now try drinking your tea it helps.” She said gesturing to my Green Tea.

I then decided to sip my tea before my mind realized something. “Wait Celestia, have you ever done anything to release stress?”

“No I haven’t, why would I need to?” She asked a look of confusion on her face.

“Because if you don’t release your stress then it’ll boil up inside you, and then one little thing will set of the power keg of all your pent up stress.” I said hoping ponies knew what a powder keg was.

“Hmm I see what you mean. Then what would you recommend I do?” She asked giving me a questioning gaze.

This managed to get me to pause for a second as I tapped one of my fingers on my chin. I then felt a light bulb appear over my head. “I have an idea. I need you to yell at me.” That managed to get a look of shock horror to appear on her face, just as I realized what I had said.

“Ryan I could never yell at you.” She said a hint of sadness and worry laced her voice as she said that.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that.” I said waving my hands at her, luckily that managed to calm her down. “What I meant to say is tell me what is bothering you. Maybe that will calm you down. Also if you do feel like raising your voice that’s fine I won’t be insulted or hurt.”

“Alright then Ryan, but I will try to refrain from raising my voice.” She then placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “First of all why can’t the nobles just realize that some laws were made for a reason.” She said. What caught me by surprise was that her tone went from calm and motherly to frustrated and on the verge of yelling. “Like for example, Lord Lighthorn came in saying that one of his farms was being attacked by Manticores from the Everfree, so he wanted to either send in a battalion of guards to destroy their nest, or he would request for fire mages to burn part of the Everfree to scare them off.” She explained.

“Wow… Well Celestia, this Lord Lighthorn sounds like he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.” I admitted, she gave me a nod in response. “Okay now how do you feel about telling someone about that?” I asked, whilst I wondered whether or not I should become a therapist in Equestria.

“I do feel a bit better. Thank you Ryan.”

“No problem Tia, I can call you Tia right?” I asked hoping she would approve of that little nickname.

“Usually Luna, would be the only one to call me that, but you can call me that if you want to.” She said as I managed to calm down.

At the mention of her sister, the princess of the night walked into the dining room. “Good evening sister how was day-court?”

“Good evening Lulu, day-court was fine thank you for asking.”

I couldn’t help myself as I tried to contain my laughter behind my hands, Luna noticed this and gave me a death stare. “What are thou laughing at Ryan?” She said in a stern voice.

“Sorry Luna, can’t help myself to not laugh at the cuteness of that nickname.” I admitted calming the princess of the night. “Anyway what are you doing here Luna?” I asked her, hoping to change the topic of the conversation.

“Well we are here to join you for dinner. Why else would we be here.” It was then that I realized that the sun had set.

I then turned to Celestia. “I guess time flies when you let out your frustrations.” That managed to get Celestia to let a smile adorn her muzzle.

“I guess that’s correct Ryan.” Celestia said. She then let out a giggle as she saw Luna giving us a look of confusion.

“Did we miss something sister?” Luna asked, confused as to what we had said.

Before Celestia could answer the rest of the dinner guests arrived. Cadance was the first to enter into the dining room, she was soon followed by a winded Shining Armor who let himself sway in the non existent wind. Moonlight then entered into the room, her lunar armor had been clearly polished before coming to dinner. Trixie then arrived lastly.

The gathered ponies then took their seats, Celestia decided to take her spot at the head of the table. Cadance decided to take Celestia’s spot across from me. Shining then sat to the right of his wife, he then let his head smash into the table as he finally succumbed to exhaustion. Luna then took her seat to my right. Trixie decided to sit to the right of Celestia, whilst Moonlight took her seat to my left.

Silver Platter then appeared next to Celestia in a flash of silver, that didn’t fail to startle Trixie and also managed to wake Shining. “Good evening, sirs and madams I will be servicing you tonight.” He said giving a slight bow, before he levitated two different menus to us, one labeled drinks the other labeled food. “I will give you a minute to decide on drinks.” He said giving us a small bow before he was gone in another flash of silver.

“Huh? Where am I?” Shining asked his voice laced with tiredness.

“Well Shiny, we’re in the dining room, having dinner with auntie Celestia, auntie Luna, Trixie, Captain Moonlight and Ryan.” She said listing us off one by one. Before she then realized something important. “Oh and also you have to decide on what to eat and drink.” She said gesturing to the menus that were sitting in front of him.

“Oh okay then.” He said barely keeping the exhaustion at bay.

Celestia then shifted her gaze to Moonlight. “Captain what did you do to leave Captain Armor this exhausted?”

Before Moonlight could respond Luna cut in. “Sister it is our fault that Captain Armor is in this state.”

“Okay then Luna, would you please elaborate what you did to Captain Armor.”

Before Luna could answer, Silver reappeared beside Celestia in a flash of silver. “Have you made your decisions on what to drink?” He asked us.

“I’ll take a water please.” I said to Silver as he pulled out notebook and quill.

“A water for me as well please.” Celestia said.

“A non-alcoholic cider for me please.” Moonlight said.

“Oh that sounds nice I’ll have one too.” Cadance said.

“Huh what.” Shining said as he came back from the land of the sleeping. “Oh I’ll go for a coffee please.” He said probably hoping it would keep him awake.

“I’ll go for a coffee as well Silver.” Trixie said.

“I’ll go for a moonflower tea please.” Luna said.

Our drinks then appeared in front of us in a flash of silver. “And for your main meals?” He asked after teleporting our drinks onto the table.

“Oh I have an idea how about we all get the same thing.” Cadance said excitement lacing her voice. This managed to get looks of interest to cross all of our faces except Cadance’s. “How does fettuccini sound?” She said looking between all of us excitedly.

“Sounds good. Silver we’ll all take an order of fettuccini.” Celestia said.

“Of course. Your meals will be ready in about ten minutes.” Silver said, he was then gone in a flash of silver.

Celestia then turned back to Luna. “Now please continue with what you were saying before.”

“Of course sister. As I was saying, I gave Captain Armor the idea of doing what Captain Moonlight, does during her spare training time to see if he was still exercised enough to perform his duties.”

Celestia then shifted her gaze to Shining. “Captain Armor is what my sister say true? As she has been known since coming back from her banishment, that she has performed pranks on a few of the castle staff.” She then saw the hurt look she was getting from Luna. “Not to say anything is wrong with some harmless pranks.” She said removing the hurt look from Luna’s face. “I just wish to know whether or not my sister has played a prank on you.”

“Well Princess Celestia, what your sister says is true. Her and Captain Moonlight suggested that I perform those duties to make sure that I was in fit and working condition.”

Celestia then nodded her head in understanding. It was then that Silver reappeared with our meals. “Dinner is served.” He said giving us a small bow before he left.

“Well then let’s hope Cadance’s idea was a good one. Let’s eat.” Celestia said as we dived into our meals.

“Well I must say that was a marvelous idea Cadance.” Celestia said as she finished her dinner.

“Thank you auntie.” She then looked over to her right to see Shining asleep against the table. “Well thank you for allowing Shiny and I to come to dinner, alas I must be off as I am feeling quite tired.” After she gave us a wave goodbye her and Shining were surrounded in a light blue aura as she teleported them both away.

“Well sister Trixie and I must be off, as her lesson starts in a few minutes.” Luna spoke up as she stood up from her seat.

“Hey Luna can I come too?” I asked her.

“Of course Ryan, but I must know why would you want to come?”

“Well I want to learn a few new spells, maybe a few illusion spells.” I admitted.

“Well then you best come with us then.” She said as her and Trixie walked over to the door.

After giving Celestia and Moonlight a wave goodbye I followed Luna and Trixie out into the hallway. All the while I was wondering where exactly Trixie’s lessons were held.

The training chapter

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After a few minutes we arrived to a large set of two dark oak doors, Luna’s cutie mark was emblazoned in the center of each of the doors. Flanking the doors were two of Luna’s thestral guards. When they saw us approaching they moved to open the doors, after they opened the doors for us they then proceeded to bow.

Instead of entering the room like they were expecting Luna stopped in front of the two guards. “Rise.” She said to them both.

“Is something the matter Lady Noctis?” The guard to Luna’s left asked.

“No nothing is the matter. But let me say this, whilst I do appreciate the gesture of you opening the doors for me it is not needed.”

“So you don’t want us to open the doors for you?” The guard to Luna’s right asked.

“Exactly. Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate your assistance it is just I won’t always require it.”

“Of course Lady Noctis.” The guards said in unison.

“Good to hear. Hope you two have a good night.” With that said she then led Trixie and I into the room.

When we entered the room I saw that the room was the same size as Trixie’s, the walls were a dark blue hue with a few bookshelves taking up space along the walls, there was also a lack of a giant window taking up one of the walls, in it’s place was a door that led out to a balcony over looking Canterlot. Opposite the door to the balcony was pair of double doors that had the same design to the dark oak doors we just came through.

“Here we are.” Luna said gesturing to the room. She then turned to face me. “So Ryan what would you like Trixie and I to teach you.”

“Wait teach?” Trixie said surprised at what Luna had said. “You don’t expect me to teach him do you Luna.”

“Why yes I do Trixie. This would be a large step for you to take in our lessons. I will be monitoring how you teach Ryan, and if I need to I will step in and help you.”

“Okay then Luna.” Trixie said. She the turned to face me. “Ryan are you sure you want me to teach you. Luna could probably do a better job then me.” She said whilst looking down at her fore-hooves.

I then walked over to her and pulled her chin up so I was looking in her eyes. “Yes I do want you to teach me. Do you want to know why.”

“Why Ryan.” She said a tone of uncertainty in her voice.

“Well to put it simply Trixie, when am I ever going to get the chance to learn from the Great and Powerful Trixie.” That managed to get Trixie to get a confident smile to adorn her muzzle.

“Your right. Okay then Ryan, prepare yourself to experience what it is like to learn from the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She said whilst striking a dramatic pose. She then stopped her posing to look at me. “So then what do you wish to learn?”

“Well what are you and Luna willing to teach?” I said looking between Trixie and Luna.

“Well Ryan, we will be able to teach you many things. Although Trixie and I specialize in illusion spells.” Luna said as Trixie gave a few nods in agreement.

“Okay then. How about fire illusions.” I said thinking that I could use the fire illusions to trick anything that wanted to kill me.

“Good choice.” Once Luna said this she then levitated a spell book over into my grasp.

“What exactly do you wish for me to teach you about fire illusions?” Trixie asked.

“How to make it seem like my body’s on fire, or at least parts of my body.” I said excitedly.

“Alright then. Now which page was it on.” Trixie said as she levitated the spell book from my grasp so it was levitating in front of her muzzle. “Ah here it is page 55.” She said whilst placing the now open book into my grasp.

As I read through the description of the spell it said that to ignite part of my body in an illusionary flame, all I had to do was envision the part of my body that I wanted to engulf in the illusionary flame, I then had to envision that part of my body being set alight I also had to envision a lack of pain, to make sure that I didn’t ignite my body in real fire. It was when I reached the bottom of the page that I read something interesting. The page said that I could change the color of the flames by envisioning them in a different color.

After putting to memory what I had to do I reached out with my magic. I then closed my eyes and envisioned my right hand being lit by a purple flame. When I opened my eyes I looked at my outstretched hand to see that it was being burnt by a purple flame, it was then I noticed how there was no heat to the fire.

“Impressive work Ryan.” Luna said as she watched in interest from her seat on a dark blue couch.

“It really is Luna, but what surprises me even more is how he got it right the first time.” Trixie said looking at my hand in awe. She then approached my still burning hand and placed one of her hooves in the flames. “Good work you didn’t accidentally set fire to your hand.”

“Good to know.” I said my voice slightly strained from holding the spell. After a few more seconds I cut the spell, letting out a sigh of of relief and exhaustion. “Wow I feel drained.” I said whilst checking my gloves to see that they had barely lost any blue coloration.

“Not surprising that your exhausted Ryan, those sorts of spells are quite exhausting, even if they don’t drain much mana.” Luna said whilst she levitated a glass of water over to me.

“Thanks.” I said. I then proceeded to gulp down the water in one gulp. After getting a drink of water I then decided to try out the same spell once more.

When I opened my eyes again I saw Luna and Trixie trying to hold back their laughter behind their hooves. Luna then lost her self control and burst into a fit of laughter, she then rolled off her couch onto the floor after she realized that she had fallen off her couch she then proceeded to continue her laughter.

“What’s so funny?” I asked as Trixie composed herself whilst Luna’s laughter could be heard in the background.

“What did you do to your hair?” Trixie asked. The next instant I discovered a mirror in front of my face I saw that the mirror was being held in Luna’s magical grasp. I then looked into the mirror to see that the purple flaming pompadour that I envisioned during my spell casting had replaced my hair.

Luna then made the mirror disappear in a dark blue flash of light. “What is that ridiculous style of hair you’ve made for yourself?” Luna said finally being able to speak properly without bursting into a fit of laughter.

“It’s a purple flaming pompadour why?” I said a tad bit annoyed at them making fun of flaming style of hair that I had cast. “I’m trying to look like Mystery Skulls’ Lewis.” I said I then realized that the two mares wouldn’t know what that is.

“Mystery what?” Luna asked a look of confusion on both of the mare’s faces.

“Never mind it’s a human thing.” That managed to get the looks of confusion off of the ponies faces. I then cut the spell to keep Luna from bursting into a fit of laughter.

I then thought about what to do next before a wicked idea crossed my mind. I then refocused my mind and reached my magic out, instead of envisioning a part of my body being set on fire I decided to envision Luna’s wings on fire.

“Seems thou have become quite experienced in setting things on fire.” Luna said as I opened my eyes to see her wings engulfed in purple flames. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or concerned.” She said giving me a look of concern.

“I’d go with impressed.” Trixie said as looked at Luna’s wings.

“A good point thou make Trixie, as he still hasn’t accidentally set my wings on fire.” Luna said as her horn lit up and her wings were no longer on fire.

“Wait how did you do that?” I asked wondering what happened to the fire.

“Magic cancellation spell. Quite simple to learn but hard to master.” Luna stated.

“Could you teach me?” I asked her hoping she would say yes.

“Maybe another day.” It was then that Trixie let out a yawn. “Well it seems we are done for the night.”

“What how come?” I asked a bit sad at the prospect of the lesson ending.

“Well I have my royal duties to attend to, and Trixie has dreams to catch up on.” It was then I saw that Trixie was on the verge of falling asleep where she stood. “I shall teleport you two back to your room.”

It was then Trixie decided to fall asleep as I held onto her for the teleportation. I then looked up at Luna once I saw that Trixie was asleep. “Hey Luna come visit me tonight I need to talk to you about something.” She then gave me a nod of understanding as she teleported Trixie and I to our room.

After managing to right myself from the teleportation. I then shifted Trixie so she was cradled in my arms as I carried her up to her bed. After removing her cape and hat I tucked her into her bed. I then decided to go have a quick shower before heading off to bed. Before I hopped into bed I decided to take my gloves off as I had kept them on since the wedding. After a few moments I finally fell into the land of the sleeping.

When I awoke I shifted my dreamscape so that I was sitting on top of the hill that I usually sat on whenever one of the princesses visited me in my sleep, I made one final change to the picnic before Luna arrived.

“Hello there Ryan, why is it that whenever me or my sister visit you always have a picnic set up?” She asked as she took her seat next to me on the picnic blanket.

“Well first of all I like to have picnics with my friends. Second of all the picnic has changed since you last visited.” I said gesturing to the picnic spread.

“What hast changed then?” Luna asked raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“Well at dinner you asked for moonflower tea, so I thought I’d dream up some for you.” I said gesturing to the tea set on the picnic blanket.

“How thoughtful. Thank you Ryan.” She said as she took a sip from her tea. Her face lighting up as she swallowed her sip of tea. “It tastes like the actual thing.”

“Of course it does. You sound surprised.” I asked wondering how it wouldn’t of tasted like the real thing.

“Well usually it doesn’t taste like the real thing, usually it is more artificial tasting when some-pony dreams of a food or drink they wish to consume.” She explained.

“Well maybe ponies just don’t dream about them tasting like the real thing.” I stated she then gave a look of thought towards me, before giving me a nod of understanding. “Anyway let’s get down to what I needed to talk to you about.” I then turned my head so I was looking her in the eyes. “Luna I want you to be honest with your answer.” She then gave me a nod. “Okay good. Now my question is why did you recommend that Shining do what Moonlight does during her free training time?”

“You really want to know.” I then gave her a nod. “Alright then. The reason why I did it is because I wanted to punish him for hitting you with a stun spell during the wedding.”

“Wait you punished him just because he hit me with a stun spell.” I asked to make sure I wasn’t imagining things.

“Yes I did, I know it sounds ridiculous and that it sounds un-princess like. If your ashamed with me for acting upon my feelings, I would not be surprised.” She said looking down at her fore-hooves, a look of sadness adorning her muzzle.

I then pulled Luna into a hug. After pulling away from the hug she gave me a look of confusion. “Luna I’m not disappointed in you.”

“Why not? I acted upon my feelings without thinking first.” She said still giving me the look of confusion.

“Yes you did and I am slightly disappointed you acted without thinking first. But the reason why I thank you for doing that is because it shows how great of a friend you are.” I then let out a sad sigh as few memories surfaced. “Y’know Luna back on earth I had friends that were really good, but they would never do what you did, I guess that just shows how better than them you are.” I said looking at her with a small smile.

“You think me better than your friends on earth?” I gave her a nod in response. “Thank you Ryan.” She said pulling me into a hug, unlike her previous hugs she decided to wrap me in her wings. I then felt something wet on my shoulder where her head was resting.

“Luna are you okay?” I asked wondering why she was crying. She then let me separate the hug. I then looked at her to see that she was wiping a few stray tears away.

“Yes I am fine thank you for worrying, I am just shedding tears of happiness at the thought of you telling me that I am a better friend than your friends on earth.”

“Well then your welcome, as long as you aren’t sad.” I said looking at her as the tears subsided.

“I am sorry Ryan but I must be off. It hast been a pleasure as always.” She said whilst she hopped of the blanket.

“Not a problem Luna, and don’t forget you can visit me anytime you want to.” I said as she gave me a wave goodbye and then she was gone. After a few moments looking at the place where she had been floating I could feel myself waking up. “Wonder what today will hold in store for me?” I asked myself.

“Urgh.” I groaned as I slowly woke up from my sleep. As I slowly opened my eyes I saw that I wasn’t alone in my room, standing next to my bed looking at me was Cadance. “Cadance, how long have you been standing there.” I asked slightly frustrated at Cadance for interrupting my normal routine for waking up.

“Only a few minutes.” She admitted, a look of guilt on her face. “I woke you up didn’t I?”

“No you didn’t. Anyway why are you here?” I asked giving her a smile to calm her down.

“Well Auntie Celestia, wanted to see if you wanted to learn any spells today under her guidance, and I wanted to see how that would work.” She admitted.

“Okay, well why are you here watching me sleep then?” I asked genuinely wondering why she was watching me sleep.

“Well Auntie Celestia sent me to get you and take her back to the throne room so you could talk to her.” She said giving me a smile hoping that her answer was good enough.

“Well seems like I have a fun day ahead of me.” I said giving Cadance a grin. “Hey Cadance can you go wait upstairs while I get changed.” I said a sheepish smile on my face.

“Oh yeah sure thing Ryan.” She said as she walked up the stairs out of my room, as she reached hallway up the stairs I could have sworn I saw a slight blush on her face.

After getting changed into some fresh clothes, I joined Cadance, on the first floor. “So where did you say we were going Cadance?”

“Well we’re heading off to the throne room.” She said as she walked towards the door. She then stopped noticing that I wasn’t at her side. “Ryan are you alright?”

“Hmm? Oh sorry Cadance just got lost thinking about what I should ask Celestia to teach me.” I admitted as I joined her next to the door. I then gave her a small bow. “If you could lead the way Princess.” I said in a slightly posh accent.

“Why of course.” Cadance said in her own posh accent. We then headed out towards the throne room. “How about we save the walking and I just teleport us there.” Cadance said once we left the room.

“Sure thi…” I didn’t get the opportunity to finish my sentence as I found myself surrounded by a blinding light blue light, once the light was gone from my vision I found myself collapsing onto a red rug as I tried to get my vision to stop spinning.

After a few moments making sure that my vision wasn’t spinning anymore and I wasn’t on the verge of losing last night’s dinner, I looked up to see Celestia, walking towards me from her place on her throne.

“Ryan are you alright?” She asked a look of worry on her face when she got close enough to me.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I then looked behind me to see a worried Cadance. “Hey Cadance, just to let you know for future reference try to give me a heads up before teleporting.”

“Sure thing I’ll put that to memory.” She then gave me a helping han… hoof to get up.

I then turned my view from Cadance to Celestia. “So Tia, what did you want to do today?” I asked giving her a grin.

“Well what sort spells do you wish to learn?”

“Well I was thinking along the lines of fire balls.” I said as I realized something important. “Wait a minute don’t you have day-court; how will you be able to teach me.”

“Well I don’t have day-court on Sundays. As for what sort of spells you wish to learn I have an idea.” She looked past me at Cadance. “We’re going to have to pay Shining a visit. He is at the barracks correct?”

“Yeah he is.” Cadance said.

“Well then let’s go to the barracks.” Celestia said as she led us to the door of the throne room. She then stopped and turned to look at me. “Just a heads up Ryan, I’m going to teleport us there.” I gave her a nod in understanding before my vision was filled with a yellow flash.

After making sure my stomach was still inside of me I opened my eyes to see that Celestia had teleported us outside to the day guard’s barracks.

“Good morning Captain Armor, I hope our arrival hasn’t interrupted anything.” Celestia asked Shining who by the looks of it hadn’t been fazed by our sudden arrival.

“Of course not Princess Celestia.” He then turned his gaze to Cadance. “Especially when your niece appears as well.” Shining said causing Cadance to wear a small blush.

“Well it’s good to see you too Shiny.” Cadance said whilst giving Shining a small kiss. This caused a few guards who Shining had been talking to before we arrived to let out a few giggles.

As soon as Cadance broke the kiss Shining turned to look at the guards who had managed to stifle their giggles. “Anything funny gents? Because if something is, please speak up.” He said glaring at the guards.

It was then one of the guards broke out into a fit of laughter. He then fell to his side as his helmet fell off his head revealing his mane to be a light green mess of hair. As he picked himself up off the ground he spoke up. “Nothing’s the matter Captain Shiny.” He said barely managing to contain a second fit of laughter.

“Okay then.” He then placed a hoof on his chin in thought. “Well guess what you get cleaning duty of the barracks for the next week.” Shining stated.

The guard then gave a salute. “Yes sir.”

Shining then turned to the other guards. “You’re all dismissed.” He barked at them, the next instant all of the guards were leaving to go about their duties all except the one who had burst into a fit of laughter. As Shining went to talk to the princesses I decided to talk to the box of laughter.

As I got closer I saw that he was a pegasus, he still had his helmet off at his hooves as he looked to see me approach. “Hey there wanna here a joke?” He asked me.

“Sure thing. Been a while since I’ve heard a good joke.” I said hoping his joke would be good and not something corny.

“Okay, Knock Knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Nobel who?”

“No bell, so I knocked.” He said as he caused me to let out a short laugh. He then held out a hoof towards me, after taking it in my grasp, I found out that he had a joy zapper attached to his hoof which gave me one heck of a shock.

After letting go of his hoof he then fell into a fit of laughter. “So if I may ask what would the name of the prankster pegasus standing in front of me?”

After he calmed down he stood up holding a hoof out to me. I then decided to inspect his hoof before gripping it. “Name’s Joker.” He said whilst shaking my hand. “And what would the name of the human be?”

“Joker eh, good name. By the way the name’s Ryan.” I said once I released his hoof from my grasp.

“Yep Joker’s the name, playing pranks is my game.” He said whilst hovering a few feet off the ground striking a pose. He then placed himself back on the ground when he and I saw Celestia approach. “Princess Celestia.” He greeted her giving her a bow of respect.

“Good to see you again Joker, how’s life been treating you?” Celestia asked as he rose from his bow.

“Well it has it’s ups and downs, but I always keep a smile on my face. How’s your sister been I haven’t heard from her in quite while.”

“She’s going quite well.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to me. “Ryan, Joker here is the one that taught Luna about pranks and other practical jokes.”

“Guilty as charged.” Joker giving a slight chuckle. “So Ryan has Luna unleashed any pranks on you yet?”

“A few.” I admitted as he gave a slight smirk.

It was at that time Shining and Cadance joined us. “Joker I thought you had some cleaning to attend to.” Shining said as he joined our little group.

“Got it Captain Shiny.” Joker said. Before Shining could give a rebuke Joker was gone, al that was left was a pegasus shaped white cloud of dust.

“Shiny calm down.” Cadance said giving Shining a hug to calm him down.

“Captain Armor, if you could can you please lead us to the spell firing range.” Celestia said.

“Of course, if you will follow me.” Shining said as he led us to a small firing range.

He led us behind a small fence that was at one end of the firing range, at the other end multiple targets were set up. When we approached the fence we found we weren’t the only ones on the firing range.

“Hello Fire.” Shining said greeting Fire Wand as he took a few shots at the targets.

“Hello Captain Armor, Princesses, Ryan.” He greeted us.

“Hello to you too Fire.” Celestia said as she walked up beside Fire. “You don’t mind doing a favor for me do you?”

“Of course not Princess. What would the favor be?” Fire asked looking up at Celestia.

“Well correct me if I’m wrong, but out of all my guard you specialize mainly in fire related spells correct.” Fire gave her a nod in response. “Well Ryan here wishes to learn how to cast spells such as fire balls, and I thought you would be able to teach him.”

“It would be my pleasure Princess.” Fire then turned his gaze to me. “So Ryan, what sort of spells do you know?”

“I know basic levitation and also how to make illusionary fire.” I said as he nodded in thought.

“Okay then well to cast a fireball all you have to do is imagine a ball of fire in your hand, the key is you have to imagine it as real fire instead of illusionary fire.” He said as I closed my eyes in concentration.

After a few moments I opened my eyes to see the ball of fire floating above my outstretched hand. “Good work now you’re going to throw that fireball at one of those targets.” He said gesturing from the fireball to the targets.

I then closed one of my eyes and aimed my fireball at the closest target, after a few seconds to make sure I had the shot lined up I threw the fireball at the target. After hearing what sounded like a small explosion I looked up to see the closest target on fire.

“Good work Ryan, quite surprised that you got it on the first try.” He then turned to the others. “How would you rate that Princess?”

I followed his gaze and saw that Shining had erected a small shield around himself and the princesses. “Really Shining, was the shield necessary?” I asked as he lowered the shield.

“Didn’t want to take any chances.” Shining said as Celestia looked past us at the target.

“I’d have to say that was a pretty good shot Ryan. Excellent for your first try.” She then looked up to the sky. “Ryan how do you feel about staying here with Fire.”

“I fell fine with doing that Celestia, how come?”

“Well unfortunately I have to go sign a few documents. But I’m sure Cadance and Shining will be able to stay and monitor your progress.” She said looking to the royal couple.

“Unfortunately I have a few more things to do around the barracks.” Shining said.

“Well I’ll stay here with you and Fire.” Cadance said to me before turning to Shining and gave him a kiss. “Goodbye Shiny, see you later.” She said as he followed Celestia away from the firing range.

“So anyway where were we Fire?” I said turning back to him.

“Simple I was going to tell you how to control the explosiveness of a fireball. So that we don’t end up scaring the castle into a panic with all of the explosions.” He said a slight grin on his face.

The return of the Crystal Empire (A.k.a the point where Orion becomes important to the plot)

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I awoke the next day slightly exhausted. Memories of yesterday came to me as I slowly allowed my body to wake up. The rest of yesterday was spent with Fire, he trained me how to control how explosive my fireballs could be, much to the gratitude of Luna who I accidentally woke from her sleep with my first fireball.

As I got out of bed I heard someone knocking on the door to me and Trixie’s room. As I got changed the knocking became more loud and fast paced. Once I reached the top of the stairs that led down to my room I saw that the knocking didn’t wake Trixie up.

Once I reached the door I realized that whoever was knocking had stopped knocking. I could barely hear whoever was on the other side of the door talking saying something. I then opened the door to see who was on the other side of the door. As soon as I opened the door I was tackled to the ground.

When I looked down to see who had tackled me to the ground I saw Pinkie Pie. “HIRYANHOWSITGOING!” She said as fast as she could.

I immediately placed my hand over her muzzle as I looked up the stairs that led to Trixie’s room, not hearing any noises from up the stairs I turned my gaze back down to Pinkie. “Pinkie I need you to be very quiet okay.” I whispered to her not wanting to wake Trixie up.

She gave me a nod in response as I removed my hand from covering her mouth. It was then that I noticed the rest of the mane six and Spike enter the room. “Sorry about Pinkie, Ryan. She’s been excited to see you since we were summoned by Princess Celestia.” Twilight said as she levitated Pinkie off of me.

After standing up I gave one last glance upstairs before turning my gaze back to the others. “No problem Twilight. By the way try to keep it down Trixie’s upstairs asleep.” I said gesturing up the stairs to where Trixie was hopefully still asleep.

“Well hopefully we haven’t accidentally woken her up darling.” Rarity said giving Pinkie a slight glare at her nearly waking Trixie up.

“Well anyway Princess Celestia sent us to get you, she wanted to see you as well as us.” Twilight stated.

“Okay. Let’s get going then.” I said walking towards the door. Once every-pony was outside of the room I closed the door behind us, I then turned to look at Twilight. “Do you know where Celestia would be?”

“She told us to meet her in the Throne Room.” Twilight said before heading off in that direction.

After a few minutes we arrived outside the throne room doors to find Luna waiting for us.

She turned to look at us as we approached. “Twilight good to see that you and your friends have arrived.” Luna said. “My sister would only like to see you and Ryan, your friends will have to wait out here.” Luna said whilst she opened the doors for us.

Twilight turned to look at the others. “Don’t ‘cha worry sugarcube we’ll be waiting right here fer ya.” AJ said whilst the others gave nods of agreement.

“Well c’mon Twilight let’s not keep Celestia waiting.” I said as I approached the open doors. Before crossing the threshold, I stopped in front of Luna and gave her a small bow. “Thank you for opening the doors for us Lady Noctis.” I said getting a small smile to cross her muzzle before she re-donned her look of seriousness.

I then turned back to the open door frame to find Twilight had already entered the room. After entering the room, I found Celestia talking to Twilight, when she noticed me walk in as the doors closed behind me. “Ryan good to see you could make it. Now please come here I have something I need to discuss with you and Twilight.” She said waving a hoof towards herself to get me to approach them.

“So what’s up Tia?” I asked her casually. “Okay something serious to talk about then.” I said noticing her serious expression.

“Twilight, Ryan, I must inform you that the Crystal Empire has returned.” Celestia stated whilst levitating a small pink crystal in front of us.

“The Crystal Empire? I’ve never read anything about that.” Twilight said to Celestia a look of confusion adorning her face.

“Yes the Crystal Empire.” Celestia said as her magic surrounded the small pink crystal. The crystal then projected an image of what I presumed was the Crystal Empire. “It is no surprise that you have not read about the Empire, very few remember it’s existence, even my sister and I have very little knowledge about the Empire.” She said whilst gesturing to the model of the Crystal Empire. “1000 years ago the empire was ruled by a tyrannical leader by the name of King Sombra, an evil unicorn with a heart as black as night, he ruled with an iron hoof enslaving the Crystal Empire forcing its citizens to work in the crystal mines. Once word of this reached me and my sister’s ears we acted swiftly.”

“What happened?” I asked wondering exactly what Celestia and Luna did.

“My sister and I fought the tyrannical King and banished him to the frozen north. Before he fell he cursed the Crystal Empire to disappear for 1000 years.” She then turned her gaze from looking at the hologram to me and Twilight. “Twilight, Ryan, if the Crystal Empire is filled with hope and love then hope and love will spread across Equestria.” She said. She then charged up her horn and fired a yellow beam into the pink crystal causing bright lights to emanate from the crystal filling the room. “But if hatred and fear take hold…” She said letting her sentence hang in the air as her horn glowed purple, her eyes started glowing a sickly green as she shot a pitch black laser into the crystal.

Once she shot the beam into the crystal a dark shadow crept out from the crystal, once the shadow had surrounded Twilight and I dark crystals sprung up from the shadows. As soon as they appeared Celestia blasted them with a beam of light causing them to shatter. She then looked at us as we recovered from seeing the dark crystals. “Twilight, Ryan, I need you to go to the Crystal Empire and protect it. Now you two must be off I have already arranged for a train to take you and your friends to the empire, the train is waiting for you at the Upper District’s train station.” She said as she led us to the now open double doors.

Before I could join Twilight and the others I was stopped by Luna, I then turned around to see Celestia looking at me. “I’m guessing you two want to talk to me.” The two sister then gave me a nod. “Okay then.” I then turned to see Twilight talking to the others. “Hey Twilight I’ll meet you guys at the train station.” I said she then gave me a nod as I followed the two sisters back into the throne room. “So what do you want to talk about?”

“Ryan, we need to tell you something, something very important.” Luna said a serious look upon her and Celestia’s face. “It concerns something that happened a thousand years ago, when Celestia and I went to face Sombra.” She said a look of sadness and worry on her face.

“What happened?” I said concerned for my friend.

“When my sister and I battled Sombra I was slightly corrupted by his magic, which caused me to become a darker version of myself to defeat him.” She said looking down at her hooves in sadness. “That corruption was what led to me becoming jealous of my sister and in turn turning me into Nightmare Moon.” She said her voice cracking up at the sad memories.

Celestia the draped a wing over her sister’s back to comfort her. “What my sister is trying to say is that Sombra may have returned along with the Empire, and that we wish for you to be careful.” Her horn started to glow as a black trench coat with a blue and red trim appeared levitating in front of me. “That is why we made this. The Thaumonomicon called this the Arch Mage’s Cloak. We have enchanted it with multiple protective enchantment, as well as an enchantment which allows the cloak to adjust to the temperature around it, so if you are in the freezing colds of the north the cloak will keep you warm, and if you are in the boiling heat of the badlands then the cloak will keep you cool.” She explained as I put the cloak on.

“Wow thanks Tia.” I then looked at Luna who still had a look of sadness on her face. I decided to pull the lunar princess into a hug. After ending the hug, I looked into her eyes seeing the sadness disappear. “Don’t worry about me Luna I’ll be careful and if I do encounter Sombra I’ll take him down for you.” That managed to get a small smile to don her muzzle. “Well I best get going. Already keeping you from getting your sleep Luna.” I said whilst making my way towards the doors.

“Be careful Ryan.” Luna said.

“Don’t worry about me Luna, I’ll be fine. Just get yourself some sleep okay.” She then gave me a nod as I left the room heading for the train station.

Once I finally got on the train after the conductor not letting me on without a ticket, and him not believing that I was sent here by Celestia. Dash came out and told the conductor to let me on. It turns out that we had the whole train reserved for ourselves as each of the mane six and Spike spread themselves out on their own individual couches.

As I took my seat across from Pinkie, she immediately sat up and looked at me with interest. “So Ryan, how has your stay up in Canterlot been?” She asked me.

“Yeah what did you do, ‘cause Princess Celestia said that you were staying up there to learn a few more spells from her.” Dash said taking a seat next to me.

“Well I did learn a couple more spells.” A mischievous thought then crossed my mind. “I’ll show you one but you have to stay perfectly calm okay.” I then got a round of nods from the ponies and dragon as they circled me. I then decided to start off with something simple as I ignited my hand in purple illusionary fire.

“Whoa that is cool.” Dash said looking at my flaming hand.

“Darling isn’t that burning you?” Rarity asked worry lacing her question.

“Don’t worry about that Rarity, it’s not real fire it’s an illusion.” I said as Dash decided to place a fore-hoof on my flaming hand.

“Yeah it’s fake.” Dash said as she removed her hoof from the fire. “So any other spells you learn?”

“Well one other but I’m not giving you a demonstration.”

“Aww how come?” Pinkie asked disappointed at me not showing her another spell.

“Because Pinkie, the other spell I learnt was how to launch fireballs.” I said.

“Yeah that’s probably a good reason not to give us a demonstration.” Twilight said as she looked at my jacket. “So where did you get the jacket?”

“Oh yeah, this thing. Well Celestia gave it to me, she said it’s design is from the Thaumonomicon. Celestia said she enchanted it with a few protective wards, as well as an enchantment that either cools or warms up the jacket depending on the temperature around me.” I said as Twilight gave a few nods of understandment.

“Interesting.” Twilight said still looking at my jacket with interest. “Urgh when am I going to get to look at that book.” Twilight said frustrated at the fact she still hadn’t seen the Thaumonomicon.

“Well how about this Twilight, I’ll tell the Princess to give you the book when we get back from the Empire.” I said giving her a hopeful smile. “Now if you don’t mind can you guys please wake me up when we get to the Empire.” I said getting nods from the ponies.

I then decided to drift off to sleep.

I was awoken from my nap by someone poking me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Fluttershy slowly poking my side. “Hey Fluttershy, I’m guessing we’re getting close to the Crystal Empire.”

“Yes we are.” She then decided to look down at her hooves. “I hope I didn’t interrupt any good dreams.” She said a slight amount of guilt on her face.

“No you didn’t Fluttershy.” I then looked around to see that the rest of the cabin was empty. “Hey where are the others?”

“Oh their waiting for us in the next cabin.” Fluttershy said as I got up from my seat.

“Well let’s not keep them waiting.” I said whilst walking towards the door that led to next cabin. I then held the door open. “Ladies first.” I said whilst Fluttershy gave me a quick thank you as she went through the door.

“Ah good to see you’re awake Ryan.” Twilight said before turning to Fluttershy. “Thanks for volunteering to wake him up Fluttershy.”

“Well you’re welcome Twilight.” Fluttershy said as she walked over to her friends.

“So how far away are we from our stop Twilight?” I asked as I looked out a nearby window at the frozen wastes.

“We should be there in a few minutes.” The train then came to a stop. “Or a few seconds. C’mon guys let’s go.” Twilight said as she opened the door to the frozen wastes.

As we exited the train we found ourselves on what seemed like an abandoned and old train station, I then turned to look back at the train as it made a quick reverse away from the station. “I’m guessing that this isn’t the Crystal Empire.” I said looking at the deserted station.

“No it isn’t.” It was then we realized we weren’t alone on the platform as we turned to look at as stallion who was standing at the edge of the platform walking towards us. As he got closer we saw that he was wearing a scarf and goggles. When he was standing in front of us he removed the scarf and goggles to reveal Shining Armor.

“Shiny!” Twilight said whilst she pulled Shining into a hug.

“Good to see you too Twily.” Shining said returning the hug. “Look we need to get going, it’s dangerous out here beyond the empire’s borders.”

It was then I noticed a black cloud off in the distance behind Shining, as I looked closer I saw that the cloud was slowly approaching us. “I’m gonna guess that is dangerous.” I said pointing to the black cloud.

“We need to go now. Every-pony follow me!” Shining said whilst running off the platform.

We didn’t need anymore motivation to follow Shining. “Hey Shining what is that thing!” I yelled out to him as he led us to what looked like a giant light blue dome.

“I’ll explain once we get through that shield.” He said gesturing with his horn towards the dome.

As we got closer to the dome Shining and I looked back to see the cloud was getting closer to us, I also noticed that the cloud had grown a set of eyes. Shining then looked back at me. “Ryan get the others through the dome I’ll hold this thing off!” Shining yelled at me over the freezing wind.

At this Shining stopped and fired a few bolts of energy into the cloud as the rest of us passed through the dome. Twilight then looked around to see if we had made it. “Wait where’s Shiny?!” She then looked back to the part of the dome that we had entered through. “I’m going to go get him.”

I then rushed a head of Twilight stopping her in her tracks. “Twilight stay here with the others I’ll get Shining.” I said to her. Before she could say anything else I rushed back through the dome.

Once I ran back out into the freezing weather I could’ve sworn that the snow storm had become more violent. It didn’t take me to long to find Shining as I found him fighting with the dark cloud. Unfortunately Shining was losing the fight.

As I got closer to the fight I saw that Shining had been picked up by the cloud, as he was levitated to be looking at the cloud’s eyes a dark beam fired from the cloud at Shining’s horn. It was then I decided to intervene, luckily for me the cloud hadn’t noticed me so it didn’t expect the fireball that I had launched at it’s eyes.

One screech of death later the cloud disappeared dropping Shining directly on top of me. “Oof.” I groaned out as I levitated Shining off of me. “You okay buddy?” I said once I placed him back on the ground.

“Yeah I’m fine. Let’s save the pleasantries for later. He’ll be back.” He said as we ran back through the dome.

As soon as we got back through Shining was immediately tackled by Twilight. “Shining Armor don’t you ever do anything stupid like that ever again.” Twilight said whilst hugging Shining.

“Okay I won’t do anything like that again.” Shining said whilst Twilight hopped off of him. He then turned his gaze to me. “Thanks for saving my flank back there Ryan.”

“No problem. Also can you use magic?” I asked pointing at his horn.

“What do you oh.” He said looking at his horn. He then tried to cast a spell as his horn slowly lit up, but the black crystals jutting out of his horn cancelled his spell. “Seems I can’t.” He then shifted his gaze towards the Crystal Empire. “C’mon you guys let’s go see Cadance.” With that said he led us towards the Empire.

After a few minutes we made our way through the deserted streets of the empire, to the base of what Shining said was the crystal palace. As we made our way up the castle I looked out nearby windows looking out at the city.

Soon enough we found ourselves in the crystal palace’s throne room. When we entered I noticed that Cadance was sitting at the opposite end of the room slouched in her throne. When she noticed us enter she immediately leapt off her throne and met Twilight in the middle of the room as they performed their ‘Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake’ rhyme.

It was then that I noticed two things about Cadance. The first was that her horn was constantly giving off a blue glow. The second was the bags under her eyes. “Geez Cadance I didn’t think that running an Empire would drain you of sleep.”

Cadance then shifted her gaze to me as Shining whispered something in her ear. The next thing I knew I was pulled into a hug by the pink alicorn. Once she separated the hug she looked at me with a warm smile. “Thank you for saving my Shiny, Ryan.”

“You’re welcome least I could do.”

“Okay then. As for how exhausting it is to run an empire it’s actually not that tiring.” Cadance admitted before a clap of thunder could be heard outside, causing Cadance’s magic to flicker slightly.

“Here dear sit sown you need to relax.” Shining said whilst carrying Cadance back to her throne. “As for why she’s exhausted Ryan. Cadance is the one projecting the shield that’s around the empire keeping Sombra out.” He said a grim look adorning his face.

“So that cloud was Sombra.”

“Yes it was Ryan.” Shining said still wearing that grim look on his face.

“Good that makes me feel better knowing that I threw a fireball at his face then.” I said clenching my fists in anger knowing that Sombra was still alive.

That managed to get a smile to replace the grim look on Shining’s face. “Good to hear someone hates him as much as I do.” He then gave me a questioning glance. “So what makes you hate Sombra, Ryan?”

“Sorry Shining but I’m not going to tell you, it’s a secret.”

“Oh alright then, as long it’s a good enough reason.” He then turned his attention to the others. “Twilight I need to ask you and your friends to do a favor for Cadance and I. We need you to go out and ask the crystal ponies about what life was like before Sombra.”

“Sure thing Shiny.” Twilight said before turning to the others. “Well let’s get going.” She then turned back to me. “You coming Ryan?”

“No thanks Twilight, probably best if I stay here might do a bit of research in the palace’s library.” I then turned to Shining. “This place does have a library right?”

“Yeah it does, I’ll take you too it.” Shining said before trotting back to Cadance’s side and gave her a kiss. “Follow me then.” He said as he led me to the library. Twilight and the others followed us out of the room but instead of following us into the library they went out into the empire.

As we entered the library we were greeted by an elderly librarian. “Hello you two, what can I do for you?” She asked giving me a few glances, probably wondering what I was.

“Ryan, I would like to introduce you to Amethyst Maresbury.” Shining said gesturing to the elderly mare. “She’ll be able to help you. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go check up on Cadance.” With that said Shining left me alone with Amethyst.

“Well Amethyst do you know where the history section of the library would be?”

She then gave me a look of confusion. “Sorry dear but I can’t remember. I don’t even know if I work here or not.” She said looking around the library.

“Okay then. Well thanks for your time.” I said giving her a wave as I went searching for the history section.

After about a few minutes I had managed to find a book labeled ‘History of the Crystal Empire’ after spending an hour browsing through the pages a familiar voice graced my ears.

“Excuse me miss, you wouldn’t happen to know where the history section is?” I looked up from the book to see Twilight talking to Amethyst, the others were slowly entering the library.

“Hey Twilight over here.” I said waving the unicorn and her friends over to me.

Once they reached the table I was sitting at they each pulled up seats for themselves. “So what did you find Ryan?” Twilight asked looking at the book that was on the table in front of me.

“How about you guys go first.”

“Alright then. Well we haven’t been able to find any information about the time before Sombra. None of the crystal ponies remember anything, it’s like they all have collective amnesia.” She then looked back at the book. “So what did you find out?”

I then closed the book showing Twilight what the cover said. “You may find this more interesting than the front cover.” I said whilst opening the book to a page labeled ‘The Crystal Faire’.

“So we have to perform this Crystal Faire in order to protect the Empire from harm.” Twilight asked looking at the page.

“Yep.” I said. I then tried opening my mouth to say something else before I was cut off by Twilight.

“Okay girls let’s go show this to Cadance and Shining.” With that said Twilight and the others left the library except for Spike who had seen I wanted to say something.

“So what did you want to say Ryan?” Spike asked me.

“I wanted to tell Twilight that a page was ripped out of that book.” I then looked back to Spike. “You best go help them out with the faire Spike, I’m going to go see if Cadance and Shining need help with anything.”

“Got it Ryan.” Spike said as he ran out of the room to help the others with the faire.

As I left the library I turned to Amethyst. “Thanks for all the help Amethyst.”

“Your welcome Ryan.” With a final wave I left the library heading back up the stairs to the throne room.

“Hey, hey, hey. How’s the royal couple doing?” I asked as I walked over to Cadance and Shining Armor. “Hey Cadance, you’re looking a whole lot better.” I said noticing that she looked less tired than she was before.

“Thanks Ryan. Me looking better is probably thanks to the good news that Twilight delivered.”

“Well good to know.” I said as she led Shining and I over to a nearby balcony. Looking out at the empire I could hear Twilight and the others singing a song as they prepared the faire. “So Cadance can I ask you a question.”

“Of course you can Ryan. What’s the question?”

“How exactly are you related to Celestia and Luna?” I asked.

“Well I’m the descendant of the first queen, Princess Amore, she was the first ruler of the Crystal Empire before the rise of Sombra. Turns out she was a distant relative to Celestia and Luna.”

“Oh okay then. Well I guess that explains why your full name is Mi Amore Cadenza. Have to have a connection to your relatives.” I said as she gave me a nod at my statement.

We were then joined on the balcony by Twilight and Rainbow. “We have a problem.” Twilight said as her and Dash joined us.

“What’s the problem Twilight?” Cadance said a look of worry on her face.

“The book didn’t say anything about a Crystal Heart.” She said as she pulled the history book out from a saddle bag that she was wearing.

I then grabbed the book out from her magical grasp. I then turned the book to the last page. “This is what I wanted to tell you about before you ran out of the library.” I said gesturing to the evidence of the page being torn out.

“Don’t worry about that Twilight.” Cadance said before fainting into Shining’s arms gasping for air.

“Cadance!” Twilight said running to her side. It was then that Cadance’s horn stopped glowing I then looked out across the empire to see that her shield had fallen.

“Um we may have a slight problem.” I said as the others noticed the shield had fallen.

Luckily for us Shining leapt into action helping Cadance recover from her small faint. After recovering from her faint Cadance fired up her horn once more. With a look of pure exhaustion and weariness she restored the shield.

Shining then looked up at us whilst he still supported Cadance. “Twilight, you and your friends need to find the Crystal Heart.” He said a look of worry crossing his face.

Twilight was in slight shock at what had happened to Cadance, I then gave her a slight shake as Shining took Cadance inside. “Twilight!” I said managing to get her to snap out of her trance.

“Huh? Wait where’s Cadance and Shining?” Twilight asked looking around the balcony.

“Twilight you need to go find the Crystal Heart okay.” I said pulling her attention back to me.

“Got it. I’ll just need to grab Spike and the girls and then…”

I decided to cut off her train of thought. “No Twilight. Me and the girls will keep the faire going okay. You and Spike will have to look for the heart by yourselves, think you can do that?” I asked as she gave me a nod. “Good.” I said as Twilight ran back inside.

After running back downstairs Dash and I found the rest of the mane six (Excluding Twilight) waiting for us next to what I presumed to be the fake Crystal Heart.

“Dash, Ryan what happened up there? The shield disappeared for a few seconds.” AJ said a look of worry on her face.

After a quick explanation of what had happened a few minutes prior Rarity decided to speak up. “So what are we to do while Twilight and Spike look for this Crystal Heart?”

“Simple Rarity, we have to keep the faire going.” I said to the others.

“How come?” Pinkie asked.

“Because Pinkie, we have to keep the crystal ponies distracted until Twilight and Spike finds the real heart.” With that said the ponies gave nods of understandment.

“So what do we do next for the faire darling?” Rarity asked me as I turned the pages of the history book.

“Who’s up for a little bit of jousting?” I said getting a look of excitement to be worn on Dash’s face.

After a while we had sent up a small jousting area with Dash at one end and Fluttershy at the other. They both were wearing sets of armor fit for a pegasus, each set of armor had a small dull lance attached to the chest plate. I had decided to sit in a small booth next to Pinkie Pie as she commentated over the jousting match.

“Here comes Knight Dash running down the field towards Knight Fluttershy. Oh it seems like Fluttershy is up to something.” Pinkie yelled into a megaphone as Fluttershy laid on the ground with her fore-hooves over her head. As Dash reached Fluttershy, Dash tripped over Fluttershy not expecting the yellow pegasus to stay in the same spot causing Dash to trip over Fluttershy. “And Fluttershy, wins the first match. Hooray for Knight Fluttershy!” Pinkie exclaimed as the crowd went wild with excitement.

“I can’t believe that you ponies have jousting.” I said to Pinkie, as Dash congratulated Fluttershy on her win.

“Wait you have jousting where you come from?!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Yeah. Well humans used to play it along time ago. Few humans actually joust anymore.” I explained.

“Do you know how to joust?” Pinkie asked.

“Unfortunately not.” I said.

Rarity and Applejack, joined Pinkie and I in our little booth looks of worry on their faces. “Pinkie, Ryan we got a problem!” AJ exclaimed.

“What’s the problem?” I asked as Pinkie went to go get Dash and Fluttershy.

“Oh darling the crystal ponies have realized that the crystal heart is a fake.” Rarity said as the others joined us.

It was then I noticed the sky start to turn dark. “Uh oh.” I said before looking back at the others. “Okay then I have a plan. You guys get back to the palace.” They then gave me a nod in response. “Good. I’m going to go stall Sombra.”

That managed to get looks of shock on the ponies faces. Dash then hovered in front of me stopping me from leaving the box. “No way, if you’re going to go fight Sombra I’m coming with you.”

“No way Dash.” I then turned to the others before they could speak up. “None of you are.” That managed to only increase the worry on their faces. “Look guys I’ll be fine okay, it’s not my first scrap.” I then turned back to Dash. “Hey Dash if I need your help I’ll fire a fireball into the air. But you’re only to come and get me out of the fight not to get involved. Got it.” I said giving her a look of seriousness.

“Okay then.” She said reluctantly.

“Good.” I then pulled her into a hug, I then gestured to the others to join us. After our hug I made to leave the box but before I left I turned back to the ponies. “Guys if I end up in a medical ward or something don’t let the doctors take off my pants.” That managed to get looks of confusion on their faces. “Look tell Cadance I said that, she’ll know what it means.” With that said I made my way out into the empire.

“So we’re going to go fight Sombra eh?” Orion said as I passed a small group of crystal ponies as they made their way towards the Crystal Palace.

‘Yep we are. Well more so I’m going to fight Sombra.’ I thought back to him.

“Well I wonder if I’ll claim your body if you die?” Orion pondered that thought.

‘Well if you do make sure you kill Sombra for me will.’ I admitted wondering if he would do such a thing.

“Sure thing. He won’t expect you to come back to life.” He chuckled.

‘Good to know you’ll do that.’ I thought letting out a small chuckle as I approached a few of the corrupted crystal houses.

“You sure you’re ready?” Orion asked as the shield broke down, Sombra’s shadow form coming towards the empire.

‘Hopefully I am.’ I thought before something crossed my mind. ‘If I do die and you take over my body don’t let anyone know that you’re in control.’

“Got it oh look who’s here.” I then looked up to see Sombra’s shadow looking at me.

“So you’re the great and powerful Sombra eh?” I asked the shadow thinking he’d give me a response. He didn’t. I then decided to charge up a fireball behind my back. ‘Thank god these gloves are fire proof.’ I thought to myself.

Sombra just stood there looking at me probably trying to figure out what I was. I decided to interrupt his train of thought by launching a fireball directly at his face. He didn’t like that. Not at all.

I soon found myself being hit by a blast of dark magic. My body was sent flying back into a crystal house. Somehow the blast of magic had sent me flying through the air at a high enough velocity to break the wall that I had collided into.

The effects of Sombra’s dark magic didn’t just stop there. After the dust had settled from the crystal home (One that now lacked a wall) that I had crashed into my vision was filled with I can only describe as my worst fears. Partway through my fear filled visions my vision grew dark, as I slowly lost myself to the realm of unconsciousness.

Orion’s P.O.V

“Urgh my head.” I groaned out as I raised my hand to my head feeling a bit of blood trickling out of the back of my head. “Damn. What’d I hit my head on…” I then looked around me taking in my surroundings. “Wait a second. Where am I?” I said standing up looking down at myself whilst patting the dust off of myself. “Okay how am I in control of that idiot’s body.” A thought then crossed my mind. I then decided to search my mind to see if what I thought was correct. “Dammit he’s still alive.” I said feeling Ryan’s sub-conscious still in my mind (Also when Orion says his body/mind he means Ryan’s body/mind) although it was fun feeling him experience his worst fears.

I decided to get out of the crystal house as I could’ve sworn some of it was collapsing. As I stepped out of the house I heard the house’s roof collapse behind me.

“Whoa that was close.” I said to myself a chuckle escaping my lips at the thought of what Ryan would do to me if I injured his body. “Not like he could do much anyway. Hmm wonder if this little role change is permanent.” I said walking back to where Ryan had decided to face down Sombra.

“Ah you’re still here!” I yelled out as I approached Sombra. “Wouldn’t think you’d have stuck around.” That managed to get Sombra to raise a smokey eye brow at me. I then saw that he had decided to shed his smoke form. Revealing the regal king. His armor shining thanks to whatever sunlight could break through the dark skies, his blood red cape slowly blowing in the wind.

After I had taken in his appearance I noticed his red horn charging up to become a brighter red. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down buddy!” I said raising my arms out towards him getting him to calm down. “Not here to hurt you okay. We started out on the wrong foot or in your case hoof.”

“What are you creature?” He asked me, his voice sounded like two stones being rubbed against each other.

“Well I’m a human.” I said Sombra still giving me a look of confusion.

“A hugh-man?”

“Yeah but you don’t over pronounce the hugh part.” I explained.

“Okay then human.” He said I gave him a nod in response to how he correctly pronounced it. “How are you not quivering in fear, your eye is glowing like it would whenever I showed a pony their worst fears.” He stated as I looked at a nearby crystal house, seeing that my right eye was giving off a red smoke.

“Well I’ve always seen nightmares as pleasant dreams.” I said calmly.

“Well whatever. By the looks of it you’ll make a fine slave.” What he said got me to freeze in place.

“Sorry what did you say I’d be?” I said edging closer to him.

“I said you’d be a fine slave.” He stated.

“Oh okay then well let’s shake on it.” I said raising my left hand towards him.

“Why should I?” He asked looking at my outstretched hand.

“Because where I come from that’s what slaves do to say they sign themselves over to their new masters.” I said as I wrapped my right hand in fire preparing to punch the crap out of him.

Before he could say anything or do anything, I smashed the crap out of his chin with my flaming fist.

This action had two affects to it. The first was seeing him fly into the air. The second affect was that when he landed back on his hooves he fired a dark lance directly at my chest, I soon found myself tumbling backwards through the crystal’s that made up the Crystal Empire’s roads.

After coming to a painful stop against a small crystal wall I found Sombra had turned back into his smoke form and had started approaching me. “Man you pack one hell of a punch.”

“Impressive you’re still alive.” He said whilst charging up his horn again.

Before he could fully charge up his spell I sent a fireball directly at his horn, causing him to reel back with a pained scream. Before he could recover I decided charge up another fireball shot with enough force in it to rival a mini nuke from fallout.

Once he recovered from the shot to his horn he looked back at me rage and hate filling his eyes. “Hey Sombrero burn in hell.” I said launching the mini nuke fireball at his face. As soon as the fireball came in contact with his face he disappeared leaving behind a hate and pain filled scream.

I then decided to do a little bit of premature celebrating. I then looked down at the gloves to see that there was barely any blue coloration left in the main gems. “Okay then seems I only have enough magic left for one last fireball.” I said as I looked around hoping that someone had seen my awesomeness.

I soon found myself thrown against a crystal house. As I collided with the crystal house I could hear a few of my ribs break. As I looked up I saw something that filled me with dread. Sombra was standing over me. “Hello there human.”

I then decided to fire off a fireball directly above us. “You missed.” Sombra said before he looked towards the Crystal Palace. “It can’t be.”

“What someone find your crystal heart?” I asked as I felt a bit of blood trickle down my face.

Before Sombra could respond I found myself grabbed by some blue blur and I was flying away from him thanks to the blue blur. “You okay Ryan?” The blur asked me it was then I noticed that Rainbow had saved my ass.

“I think a few of my ribs are broken, can you please take me to a hospital or something?” I said as we landed on a balcony next to Shining and the others. I then began to feel myself lose consciousness as the others ran over to me. As my vision began to fade I saw that Sombra was standing on a black crystal column. The next thing I knew he was letting out a pained screech as his body was covered in blue cracks. “I guess Twilight found the heart.” I said before I fell into the black void called unconsciousness.

Ryan’s P.O.V

I awoke to find myself in a very bright crystal room. As I tried to sit up I was rewarded for my efforts with a stabbing pain in my side. “Argh.” I exclaimed falling backwards onto the bed that I had woken up in.

Luckily for me my scream had alerted a unicorn stallion who had come rushing into the room. His coat was a shade of dark blue while his mane was a pinkish red, his cutie mark from this angle was a red cross set upon a blue med kit. “Calm down sir. You’re injured you need your rest.” He stated.

His horn then began to glow as it glowed I could feel the pain in my side begin to disappear. “Thanks for that.” I said whilst looking at my side to find that my waist was wrapped in bandages. “Hey what’s your name?”

“Oh well my name is Sapphire Bandage, and I’m your doctor Mr…” He said before looking at a clipboard which was attached to the foot of my bed. “Mr. Ryan.” He said giving me a smile.

“Okay then. Well then doc do you think you could go tell the princess that I’m awake. Also can I please get a moment to myself please.”

“Sure thing.” He said making his way out the door.

As soon as he left I checked once more to make sure I was alone upon completing my inspection I decided to speak to Orion. ‘Okay Orion what the hell happened?’ I thought to him not wanting to test whether the door to the room was soundproof or not.

“Well I saved your ass. Once you passed out I took control of your body and fought Sombra.”

‘Which explains why I’m wrapped up in bandages.’

“Yep so you can now begin thanking me.”

‘No way am I thanking you. No I’m instead going to ask you how you took over.’

“No clue.” He said as a knock was heard on the other side of the door. “Oh seems you have visitors I’ll leave you alone.”

“Ryan I have visitors for you. Do you want me to let them in?” I could hear Sapphire say.

“Oh yeah, send them in.” Once the door opened the mane six walked in along with Spike and the royal couple. “Hey guys how’s it going?” I asked them as they surrounded my bed.

“Ryan what were you thinking!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“What someone had to stall Sombrero, and I wasn’t going to let any of you run off after him.” I said as they gave me looks of worry.

“I guess you’re right.” Twilight said. “But you could have at least asked one of us to help you.” The others then gave me nods.

“Sorry I’m not letting any of you six go rushing into battle, you’re to important.”

“How are we so important darling?” Rarity asked.

“Because if something happened to you six then Equestria would have to find some new bearers for the elements of harmony.” I said causing looks of realization to plaster themselves on their faces.

I then turned to Spike. “So what happened after I fought Sombra?”

Spike then decided to tell me about how he had retrieved the crystal heart and had managed with Cadance’s help to save the empire and defeat Sombra.

“You did all that?” He gave me a nod. I then turned to Cadance. “You better make this guy a statue y’know.”

“Oh don’t worry we will be. You’ll also get a statue for your bravery in facing down Sombra.”

I then shook my head at what she said. “No thanks Cadance. Just get me a small plaque or something else small okay. Spike saved the day not me.”

“You sure?” She asked uncertainty on her face.

“Yeah I’m sure.” Spike then started coughing like something was stuck in his throat. After a few seconds he coughed up a scroll.

Twilight then took it in her grasp before she could even open it she gave it to me. “It’s for you.”

“Thanks.” I then decided to read it out. “Dear Ryan. Luna and I have sensed Twilight’s success in the empire. We would like for her and her friends to return to Canterlot immediately along with yourself. Sincerely Celestia.” I then looked up from the letter. “Well then let’s go to Canterlot.” I said whilst try to get up but found the same pain in my side. “Ow.”

I then decided to push through the pain and sat up. What surprised me was that I was still in my clothes and that they had apparently been cleaned. I then noticed Sapphire whisper something into Twilight’s ear. Her horn then began to glow as I felt the pain in my side subside. “There something to keep you from hurting yourself.” She said with a small smirk.

After managing to get out of the palace and through the empire, (The streets flooding with ponies who wanted to see Spike) we arrived at the train station that had been set up temporarily inside the empire’s borders. After giving goodbyes to Cadance and Shining I found myself on the train heading to Canterlot.

Meeting a new friend.

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On the way back to Canterlot I had been lucky enough to fall asleep, unfortunately for me my sleep was filled with nightmares. Which caused me to scare the crap out of the mane six and Spike. “Ahhh!” I screamed out as I was flung from my sleep by a terrible nightmare.

This had the affect of waking up Dash who had fallen asleep, it also caused the others’ skeletons to jump out of their skins.

“Ryan are you okay?” Twilight asked me, as her horn glowed and I could fell the sudden pain in my side that had sprung up from me sitting up to quickly disappear.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just a nightmare.” I said seeing the looks of worry on the pony and baby dragon’s faces.

“You want to talk about it?” Twilight asked a look of compassion in her eye.

“No thanks. But thanks for the offer.” I said as I saw the downtrodden look on her face. “I’ll probably talk to Luna about it.” It was then that I saw that we were getting close to Canterlot.

“Well good thing you’re awake we’re nearly at Canterlot.” Twilight said before she went to go grab her things.

I then looked across from me to see Dash slowly waking up. “Sorry about waking you up Dash.”

“Pfft. It’s no biggie.” Dash said waving her hoof at me.

“Okay. Oh I forgot to mention thanks for saving me Dash.”

“No problem Ryan.” Dash said as she stretched herself out.

Soon enough the train arrived in the Upper District’s train station, and after a few pain filled minutes we made our way out into the streets of Canterlot. As per usual as we made our way to the castle I could catch glimpses of nobles giving me looks of disgust. After a painfully slow walk (Thanks to me limping) we arrived at the front gates of the castle where we were greeted by Joker and Fire Wand.

“Hey Ryan, how’s it going?” Joker asked once we got close. “Let me guess not well.” He said before he caught sight of Dash hovering to my side. He then held out his hoof towards her. “Good evening to you Miss Dash. Let me say it’s an honor to meet a prankster such as yourself.”

“Well good to meet some-pony who has heard of my legendary pranks.” Dash said as she completed the hoof-shake.

After she reeled back clutching her hoof from the small zap Joker nearly fell to the ground in laughter. After a few seconds he managed to compose himself. “Sorry about that couldn’t resist pulling out the good old joy buzzer.” He said showing her the buzzer. “Anyway it’s great to meet you. Joker’s the name pulling pranks and playing jokes is my game.”

“Sorry about him.” Fire said before turning to me and Twilight. “The Princesses are waiting for you in the throne room.” Once he said that he and Joker made room for all eight of us to move through the gates.

Soon enough we arrived outside the throne room doors. Once we entered I found my gaze drawn to the throne. Once I looked towards the throne to I saw that a dark blue and black throne had been placed next to Celestia’s throne. My suspicions were confirmed of that being Luna’s when my gaze drifted up from the throne to see the blue alicorn sitting atop it.

A look of worry plastered itself on Luna and Celestia’s faces when they saw me limping towards the throne. Luna was the first to speak up. “Ryan what happened to you?” She asked whilst her and Celestia met me and the others halfway to the thrones.

“Oh you know got in a fight with Sombra. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring back his severed head for you.” I said letting out a slight chuckle.

“So Sombra is no more?” Celestia asked as her horn began to glow. Once I noticed her horn glow I could feel myself being healed from the inside and out.

“Yep he’s dead. The empire has also been saved thanks to dear old Spike here.” I said gesturing to the drake.

As soon as Celestia’s horn lost it’s glow I could feel a small amount of pain come back to my side causing me to wince. This didn’t escape the keen eye of Celestia. “Sorry Ryan, but my healing spells can’t heal all of your injuries. You’ll still experience a small amount of pain unfortunately.” She said a small frown on her muzzle. She then turned her attention back to the others. “Well congratulations on your work you seven.” She said giving them a warm smile.

“Thank you Princess Celestia.” They said in unison.

It was then that someone had decided to enter the throne room when we turned to see who it was we were greeted with the sight of Moonlight. “Lady Noctis, Mother Sol. I hope I am not interrupting anything.” She said giving a slight bow.

“No of course not captain. What is it you wished to inform us about?” Luna said causing her captain to rise from her bow.

“I have come to inform you that the changeling has awoken.” She said a look of seriousness on her face.

This caused me to burst into a grinning fit as I turned to look at Celestia. “Celestia can I please talk to it?” I said, hope and joy lacing my voice.

Celestia then gave me a look of worry and seriousness. “Ryan, if I may ask why do you wish to talk to the changeling?” Celestia said as the other ponies in the room gave me looks of confusion.

“Because the changeling probably still thinks that I’m friends with his queen, so he’ll be more open to talk to me.” I said the grin never leaving my face.

Celestia gave a small nod before turning to Moonlight. “Captain take Ryan to the changeling.”

At this I leapt into the air in joy as Moonlight moved towards the door motioning for me to join her. Before I left the room I turned back to Celestia. “Oh Celestia, Twilight wants to see the Thaumonomicon think you could let her borrow it?”

“Of course.” She then turned her gaze back to Twilight and the others. “If you seven don’t mind you can stay here overnight unless you desperately need to head back to Ponyville.”

Twilight then pulled the rest of the mane six into a huddle, she then stepped forward. “Princess Celestia we will gladly accept your invitation to stay here for the night.”

I then turned back around to Moonlight after giving the others a wave. “So Moonlight how have things been?”

“Good. How was going into a fight with Sombra?” She said as she led me out of the throne room.

“Painful. But oh so satisfying punching him.” She let out a small chuckle at that, as we made our way deeper into the castle.

Soon enough I found myself in what seemed to be the castle’s dungeon. As we passed different sized cells I found that they were empty. “What no prisoners?” I asked Moonlight, as we kept passing more empty cells.

“Well since Lady Noctis’ return no-pony has been game enough to try anything against the castle.” She explained.

“I’m guessing Canterlot has its own separate prison for petty criminals.”

“Yes it does, but in the past whenever they were low on cells we would accept some inmates.” She then stopped in front of a certain cell. “Here we are.” She said before turning back to the cell. “Get up changeling!”

The response she received was a few clicks and chirps. Moonlight then gestured me to join her as she opened the cell door. When I entered the cell with her I was greeted with the sight of changeling laying on a small pile of hay.

“You have a visitor.” Moonlight then turned to me. “He shouldn’t be that much trouble.” She then leaned in close to me “Magical band on his horn keeps him from using magic, if you need help or you need to get out just give me a shout.” She whispered to me as she left the cell.

I then turned back to see the changeling giving me a look of confusion. “So you wouldn’t happen to be able to speak Equestrian would you?” I asked it hoping it could speak a language I could understand.

“You. You’re the human that the Queen was talking to. The one that grabbed me at the wedding.” It said thankfully in Equestrian.

“Yep that’s me.”

“What are you doing here. You my new cellmate?”

“No I’m not. I want to get you out of here.” I whispered to him.

“Then get the band off my head.” He said pointing one of his hole covered hoofs at the base of his curved horn.

“Sorry can’t do that. Will blow my cover.” I said kneeling down to his level. “I just want to ask you some questions.”

“What sort of questions.”

“Don’t worry I’m not going to ask you where the changeling hive is. Now for my first question what’s your name?”

“Drone #254.” 254 said.

“Okay how about I give you a more equestrian name.” I said placing my hand on my chin in thought. “Ah. How about Stealth.”

“That sounds suitable.” Stealth said giving a small nod.

“Okay so second question. You stated that you were a drone, so you’re male?”

“Yes I am. Also before you ask females of our race are called nymphs.” He said.

“Got it also thanks for that bit of information. Third question, can changelings eat regular food or can you only consume emotions”

“We can eat regular food. But our bodies require emotional food to survive. Emotional food is also what replenishes our magic.” He said gesturing to his horn.

“Ah interesting. So onto my next question, now a bit of fore-warning you don’t have to answer this one but if you did it would make the process of you getting out of here a lot quicker.” He then gave me a nod. “Good. My question is why did Queen Chrysalis attack Canterlot?”

He sat there quietly. “Sorry can’t help you there.” He said shaking his head at me.

“Do you not know or are you not aloud to say.” I asked hoping he would at least answer that question.

“I don’t know. Even if I did know I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Okay then, thanks for your honesty. Now my next question what was life like in your hive, before the Canterlot invasion?”

Stealth than placed a hoof to his chin in thought. “Before I answer your question what are you going to do with this information?”

“Well I’m going to tell Celestia. It’s going to go towards helping me get you out of here. But you’ll only get out of here if you tell me the truth.” I said looking him in the eye. Which I just noticed was lacking an iris or a pupil but they did have a slightly purple hue to them.

“Well as a I’m part of a race that is no stranger to lies and deceit, I’ll try to be honest.” He said letting out a small chuckle. “As for how we lived in the hive before the invasion, well it wasn’t nice.”

“How so?”

“Well before the invasion we barely had any emotional food sources to feed the hive. So most of the hive was on the verge of starvation.” He said. A look of sadness on his face.

“I’m sorry.” I said a tone of sadness in my voice. “Okay time for my last question. If I could get you to join the princesses and I as well as a a few friends for dinner what would you do?”

“Wait you want me to join you and your friends for dinner?!” Stealth exclaimed.

“Only if I can arrange it. Look you need food right. I have a friend that could give you enough emotional energy to live maybe more.”

“Okay then. Well if I would be dining with you and your friends I guess I would be very nervous.”

“Would you act nice?”

“Yes.” He said looking around the cell.

I then turned back to the cell door. “Hey Moonlight I’m ready to leave!” I yelled out hoping that she could heard me.

A few seconds later Moonlight appeared in the now open doorway. After I had gotten out of the cell I could see Moonlight give Stealth the stink eye before following me away from the cell. “So what’d you learn?” Moonlight asked as we walked towards the dungeon’s exit.

“Quite a lot actually.”

“So did you find out where their hive is?”

“No I didn’t.”

“Oh okay then. Well what else did you find out?” She asked as we walked up the stairs that led out of the dungeon.

“Well for one, I found out that changelings not only consume emotions but they can eat regular food. Another thing is that Chrysalis didn’t tell Stealth why she invaded Canterlot.”

“Wait you gave that thing a name?” Moonlight said as we began walking towards the throne room.

“Well I’m not going to call him Drone #254.” I said as I saw that we were outside the throne room.

“Good point. Well this is your stop.” She said looking towards the large double doors.

“Well have a good afternoon Moonlight.” I said as I entered the throne room.

As soon as I entered the room I found myself enveloped in a dark blue magical aura. Once I realized that I had been enveloped in the magical aura I found myself being levitated towards the thrones.

When I looked up towards the thrones I could see Luna’s horn glowing. I then looked to her left to see Celestia with a small smile adorning her muzzle. Once I was close enough Luna pulled me into a hug. “Thank goodness you’re alright.” Luna said.

“Luna…Can’t…Breath…” I wheezed out. Luckily for me that managed to get her to end the hug. After getting my breath back I looked back to the blue alicorn. I then decided to pull her into a hug. “Of course I’m alright, Sombrero was a pushover.” I said releasing her from the hug I then turned to Celestia as Luna slowly got her breath back.

“So Ryan did you find anything about our changeling friend?” Celestia asked looking at me inquisitively.

“Well first of all I think I’ve managed to figure out why Chrysalis invaded Canterlot.”

“Really?” Luna said managing to catch her breath.

“Well I don’t have a definite answer. I’ve only managed to come up with a guess thanks to what Stealth has told me.”

This managed to get the princesses to share a look of confusion.

“So you gave the changeling a name?” Luna said. I gave her a nod in response.

“Good to hear. So what conclusion have you come to?” Celestia asked.

“Well Stealth said that life in the hive before the invasion wasn’t good, saying that the changelings were on the verge of starving.” This caused a look of shock to appear on Celestia and Luna’s faces. “So the reason why I think Chrysalis invaded Canterlot was to feed her hive.”

“That would make sense.” Celestia said.

“I also have a question to ask you.”

“What would that be?” Luna said.

“Well I want to invite Stealth to dinner.” This caused Luna to gasp in shock at what I said. “Before you say anything the reason why I want him to come to dinner is because if the changelings were on the verge of starvation that would mean that he is probably starving.” I explained.

“That sounds like a good idea. But would he behave himself?” Celestia asked raising an eyebrow at me.

“Well when I proposed the idea to him he said he would be nice, but if he actually acts nice is still yet to be seen.”

“This seems like a good idea Ryan.” Celestia said before sharing a glance with Luna. “Luna and I will have to discuss this first.”

“Got it Tia.” I then turned to Luna. “Well I best leave you and your sister to talk about this. See ya Lulu.” I said leaping off the thrones and running through the doors, behind me I could hear Luna shouting in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

“RYAN!!!” It was then that I realized that she probably didn’t like that nickname.

After a few minutes of making sure I had enough space between me and the throne room, I thought to myself. ‘Now where am I going to go?’

My answer came when I looked out a nearby window to see the castle gardens. Outside in the gardens I could see that a few members of the mane six were sitting under a large tree. I decided to find the closest door to the gardens and join them. Once I got outside I looked up to see Dash doing a few tricks in the air, whilst Pinkie was on the ground acting as a cheerleader. I then saw that Fluttershy was standing next to a small bush talking to a chipmunk.

As I approached the tree I saw that Twilight was engrossed in the Thaumonomicon, AJ had her hat over her face getting some sleep, Rarity had a small sketch book out probably recording ideas, whilst Spike had followed in AJ’s hoof step and decided to have a nap.

“Hey Twi.” I said sitting next to the lavender unicorn. Noticing no response, I decided to interrupt her reading by waving my hand in front of her eyes.

“Huh? Oh hey Ryan.” Twilight said looking up from the book.

“Hello to you too Twi. Good to see your enjoying reading that.” I said gesturing to the book.

“Well I have you to thank for this, getting Celestia to let me read it.”

“No problem Twi. Least I could do for the pony that’s letting me live in her house.” I then turned to Rarity. “Hello to you to Rarity.”

That managed to cause her to jump a little before noticing me. “Oh hello darling. Sorry about that got caught up in my work.” She said gesturing to her sketch book.

Unfortunately, her little jump woke up AJ. “Huh what’s goin on?” She said tiredly.

I then decided to try something that I had been meaning to ty since coming to Equestria, I moved up to AJ’s side and started scratching behind her ear. “How’s that feel AJ?”

“That feels great sugarcube.” She admitted as her eyes slowly closed again. A few seconds later she had fallen back asleep.

“Ryan how did you do that?” Twilight whispered not wanting to undo my work.

“Well back on earth I would usually do that to put my cat back to sleep, so I wanted to see if it worked on ponies.” I admitted as Twilight gave a small nod. “You want me to scratch you behind your ears?”

“No thank you Ryan.” She said. I then decided to go against her better judgment and moved to her left placing my hand on her head and began scratching behind her ear. She then melted into my hands letting out small purrs.

“Wow never knew my hands could hold this much power.” I said as I stopped scratching her behind her ears, I then started patting her mane. ‘Wonder how Lyra would react?’ I thought to myself.

“She’d probably tie you to a chair again.” Orion said.

‘Good point. Still I can’t help but test it out.’ I retorted.

“Well then hope you enjoy dealing with her mad marefriend.” Orion said.

‘Another good point, I don’t want to see if a angry Bon-Bon truly is deadly.’ I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard someone snickering. I looked up to see Dash barely holding back her laughter.

“You enjoying petting Twilight there.” She said. It was then I noticed that Twilight had taken rest in my lap enjoying the petting.

“I think Twi’s enjoying it more.” I then flashed a mischievous grin as I looked back at Dash. “What do you want to be pet to?”

“No way buddy-o.” She said taking a step back. “Why would I anyway?”

I decided to give her a shrug in response as I went back to petting Twilight. Twilight then decided to let a purr escape her lips, that got Dash to fall onto the ground in a fit of laughter. I then took this as an opportunity to remove Twilight from my lap (Much to her disappointment) I then quietly approached the still laughing Dash. Dash then stopped her laughing when she noticed that I was sitting next to her.

I then grabbed her holding her wings against her body as she flailed a bit in my grasp. “What are you doing?” She exclaimed as she struggled to get out of my grasp.

After a few more seconds she gave up trying to struggle and calmed down. I then leaned down so that my mouth was next to her ear. “I’m going to pat you.” I whispered in her ear. Before she could respond I ran my hand through her mane occasionally scratching behind her ears as she slowly melted in my grip. “Huh weird Dash, I thought you said you didn’t want to be pet.” I said smugly.

“I don’t want to be.” I then let go of Dash. “Huh what are you doing?” She said looking up at me with a confused look.

“Well if you don’t want to be pet then you can go.” She then rubbed her hooves together. “So I’m guessing by you staying here you want to be pet?”

“Yeah sure. But don’t tell anyone okay.”

“Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.” I said as I resumed my petting.

Soon enough Pinkie and Fluttershy joined us. As soon as Pinkie saw me patting Dash she ran up to us. “Ryan can you please pat me to?” Pinkie said bouncing on the spot in front of me and Dash.

I then removed Dash from my grip letting Pinkie replace her. “Okay Pinkie, how do you want to be pet?” I asked wanting her opinion.

“Just like you were patting Dashie.” She said wriggling around in my grasp.

“Well you’re going to have to sit still then.” She then stopped her motions. “Good.” I said bringing my hand to her poofy mane, despite the curls and poofiness of her mane my hand ran through it as easily as it did with Dash’s mane. Once I had begun running my hand through her mane, Pinkie decided to stretch herself out and started purring and nuzzling my hand like a cat would.

After a while of us sitting under the tree enjoying the peace and quiet the sun had begun to set. It was then that I saw Trixie walking towards us. “Good evening Twilight and friends.” She said giving us a warm smile.

“Hey Trixie, how’s it going.” I asked happy to see the mare.

“Well I’ve been asleep for most of the day, so I can’t really complain.” She said with a small chuckle.

By this point Pinkie had been replaced by Fluttershy who had fallen asleep thanks to the treatment my hands had given patting her. “Do you want a pat too Trixie?” I asked the mare.

“No thank you Ryan.” She said giving me a forgiving smile.

“Got it.” I said going back to slowly running my hand through Fluttershy’s mane. “So what’s gotten you to give us a visit Trixie?” I asked as Trixie took a seat next to Twilight who was still reading the Thaumonomicon.

“Just coming to see if you and your friends are coming to dinner?”

Twilight decided to speak up for me. “Yes we are Trixie.”

I then looked from the duo to see that Moonlight had appeared in the gardens, and was approaching us with what looked like a cloaked unicorn walking beside her. As they got closer I noticed the purple eyes under the cloak as well as a chintinous hoof poke out from under the cloak.

I then carefully removed Fluttershy from my lap as I decided to stand up and stretch. By this point Twilight and the others had taken notice of Moonlight, they all gave a curious gaze to Stealth as they hadn’t noticed who he was.

“Hello Captain Moonlight.” Twilight greeted Moonlight once she got close enough. “Who’s your friend?” She asked looking at Stealth.

“Mother Sol has asked me to introduce you all to our guest for dinner this evening.” She then turned to me. “I’m sure you can take care of him Ryan, also Nightblade will be keeping an eye on him. Just in case something happens.”

“Got it. Thanks Moonlight.” I said as she headed back for the castle leaving Stealth with us. “Okay guys.” I said looking at the others as Fluttershy awoke from her nap. “I want you to remain perfectly calm.” I then moved to stand next to Stealth.

“Well why wouldn’t we darling? It’s not like our guest is a CHANGELING!!” Rarity screamed the last part out as I removed the hood.

The next thing I knew as Fluttershy hid behind Twilight, whilst Rarity pulled out her fainting couch, I saw a cyan blur out of the corner of my eye as I saw Stealth be tackled.

I then turned around to see Dash with a hoof to Stealth’s throat. “Okay changeling what are you doing here!?” She spat at Stealth. Stealth then proceeded to do what any good changeling without magic would do in this situation. He brought his fore-hooves up to cover his face as he quietly whimpered.

I then rushed over and pulled Dash off of him. “Dash what did I say about being calm.” I said into her ear my voice dripping with seriousness. I then placed her down next to the others as Rarity slowly recovered from her faint. I then walked over to Stealth and offered him a hand. “Need a hand?”

He then placed a chintinous hoof in my hand as I pulled him back onto all four hooves. “Ryan what are you doing helping that changeling?” Twilight asked as I turned back to the others. “Wait a minute are you under a mind control spell!?” She exclaimed as her horn began to charge up.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Twilight I’m not under a mind control spell. Besides Stealth here wouldn’t be able to cast any spells, seeing as how he has an anti-magic ring on his horn.” I said gesturing to Stealth’s horn.

“Wait he has a name?” AJ said as she slowly came out of her defensive stance.

“Yes he does AJ. It’s better than calling him Drone#254.”

“So he’s friendly?” Rarity asked. From the look on her face she was close to passing out again.

“Well to a point.” I said clapping my hands together.

“Well hiya Mr. Stealth.” Pinkie said as she trotted up in front of Stealth, causing him to reel back a bit at how close Pinkie had gotten to him. “Oh sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said as she gave him an apologetic smile.

After a few seconds Stealth slowly approached Pinkie holding a hoof out to her. He then let out a few chirps and clicks at Pinkie. Pinkie then gave him a confused look as he realized he accidentally spoke changeish instead of Equestrian. “Sorry about that.” He said as Pinkie shook his hoof.

“No problamo Stealthy.” She said. She then turned back to the others. “His safe. Or else my Pinkie sense would be telling me he isn’t.” That still didn’t get the others to calm down though.

“Hey Pinkie you think you could give Stealth here a hug?” I asked, getting a look of confusion from Pinkie before she gave a nod. “Make sure it’s honest.” I said as she pulled Stealth into a hug.

As soon as Pinkie ended the hug she was pulled into another one by Stealth. “Thank you.” He said as he ended the hug. “You have no idea how much I needed that.”

“Wait you needed a hug that badly? How come?” She asked.

“Because Miss Pinkie you just saved me from starving to death.” Stealth admitted causing the ponies to wear looks of shock all accept Dash.

“Wait a second you guys believe him?” Dash said looking at the others.

“Dash he ain’t lyin’” AJ said looking from Dash to Stealth. “As the Element of Honesty I’d know if he was lying.”

“Wait you’re telling the truth?” Dash said hovering in front of Stealth.

“Yes I am. Us changelings require emotional food for our bodies to survive.” He then pointed a hoof at Pinkie. “And your friend there just saved my life.”

“Well then if that’s true I guess I’m sorry for tackling you to the ground.” Dash said rubbing a hoof behind her neck.

It was then that we were joined by Raven. “Good evening Ryan and friends.” She then paused when she saw Stealth. “Princess Celestia would like for you all to join her in the dining hall.” She said before making her way back to the castle.

“Well then we best not keep Celestia waiting.” I said as we decided to follow Raven, Stealth remained at my side hoping to not catch the eyes of any guards.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived in the dining hall. As soon as we got in the room Stealth let out a sigh of relief.

“Good to see you arrived here without any problems.” Celestia said from the head of the table.

“Yes it is good to hear that sister.” Luna said from her place at Celestia’s right.

At the voice of the two princesses Stealth froze up in fear. I then decided to pick him up and seat him next to me.

Silver Platter than appeared in a flash of silver as usual. After he took our orders he then looked at Stealth raising an eyebrow. “Would the changeling like anything to eat?”

“He’ll have the garden salad.” I said. Silver than gave me a nod and was gone.

After a few minutes Stealth had managed to come back to the world of the living, just as Silver returned with all of our meals. After placing down our meals and drinks he was gone again.

“Um what happened?” Stealth said looking around the table, once his gaze landed on the princesses he started shaking.

I then placed a hand on his shoulder. “Stealth, their not going to hurt you.” I then turned my gaze to the two sisters. “Are you?”

“Of course not.” Celestia said.

“Only if you give us reason to.” Luna said as she decided to take a bite from her salad. Causing Stealth to shake more.

“Really Luna.” I deadpanned at her.

“What I said only if he gives us good reason to hurt him.”

I then decided to change tactics. “Stealth how about you have some salad.” I said holding his fork in front of him. After a few seconds of staring at the fork Stealth then grasped it with his hoof as he began eating his salad. After the first bite he then started eating the salad with more vigor.

After a few seconds of Stealth loudly chomping and swallowing his salad, he left behind a clean plate a smile adorning his muzzle. This sight caused Celestia to let out a small chuckle. “Good to see somebody has enjoyed their dinner.” Celestia said, whilst Stealth froze up feeling Celestia’s gaze fall on him.

Stealth then looked up from his dish to see that everyone at the table was taking glances at him. “Yes it was a wonderful meal.” He said making Celestia give him a warm smile.

“Well then it seems that time has passed us by.” Celestia said looking out a nearby window. She then shared a look with Luna.

Once the look was done Luna’s horn began to glow. After a few seconds I looked to my right to see that Nightblade had appeared out of thin air and was standing behind Stealth. “Lieutenant Nightblade if you would kindly escort Stealth her back to his cell.” Luna said gesturing to Stealth.

“Of course Lady Noctis.” He said giving her a small bow. “Come now changeling let’s get you back to your room.” He said as Stealth got out of his seat.

“Bye Stealth.” I said waving to the changeling as he was led out of the room by Nightblade. I then turned back to the princesses. “So how do you think dinner went?” I asked as Silver reappeared to take our dishes.

“Well it did go smoother than I expected.” Luna said.

“Yes. But I do wish he wasn’t so nervous around us.” Celestia said a small frown on her muzzle as she looked towards the door.

The mane six then stood up from their seats. “Well thank you for having us for dinner Princess Celestia, unfortunately me and my friends need to get to sleep as we do need to catch the train back to Ponyville tomorrow.” Twilight said as they made their way to the door.

“Of course Twilight, hope you have a good night’s rest.” Celestia said as they left.

“Well then Trixie we best be off for our lesson. Ryan will you be joining us?” Luna asked.

“Sorry but no I won’t be attending Luna. Also before you go can I please talk to you and Celestia for a moment.” I said, causing the two princesses to share a look before giving me a nod.

“Trixie go to my chambers tell the guards that I sent you and also that they are to let you inside.” Luna said getting a nod from Trixie. As she made for the door I gave her a wave goodbye which she returned as she left the room.

“So what is it you wish to tell us Ryan?” Celestia asked giving me an inquisitive look.

“Well it’s about Stealth. I want to take him back with me and the others to Ponyville.” This managed to get looks of shock to plaster themselves on the sister’s faces.

“How come Ryan?” Luna asked.

“Because I have a plan.” I then turned my gaze to focus on Celestia. “I have a plan to find the changeling hive.”

“Really and what would that plan be?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Simple Tia, all it will involve is getting Stealth to trust me enough to take me to the hive. Once I’m there I’ll convince Chrysalis to come to Canterlot so we can form a peace treaty.” I explained.

“And what makes you think she will listen to you?” Luna asked a hint of worry lacing her voice.

“Well if the changeling hive was on the verge of starving before the invasion I highly doubt that she would pass up an opportunity to feed her hive.” Luna then gave a thoughtful nod at what I had said. “But it all rests on me taking Stealth back to Ponyville. But that will require him being able to have magic to disguise himself.”

Celestia placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “I may have a few ideas to keeping Stealth in line.” She then fixed me with a serious expression. “Ryan, are you sure that this plan will work?”

“Not 100 percent, maybe about 90 percent. But to answer your question yes I do think it will work. Also before you ask I will keep him in line.”

“Alright then. Well I’ll have to put a few things together.” Celestia said as her horn began to glow momentarily. “Alright then Ryan, you’ll get your wish.”

At those words I hopped out of my seat and ran up to Celestia giving her a hug. I then turned to Luna and gave her a hug as well, much to my surprise Luna’s wings wrapped around my back forcing me to hold the hug for a few more seconds. After she let me go I could see a blush adorning her muzzle. “Thanks you two. Well I better hit the hay have a good night.” I said as I left the room.

“So that was your plan all along.” Orion said as I made my way towards me and Trixie’s room.

‘Yep.’ I thought back to him. ‘Hopefully everything will go to plan.’

“Yeah you’re definitely hoping they do, only so you can see Chrysalis again. Lover boy.” He whispered the last part to me.

‘Shut up!’

“I never will and you know that.” He said before falling into a cackling fit.

A ship sails.

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The next morning, I woke up screaming. “Arghhh!” After screaming myself awake I could feel myself covered in a cold sweat, my heart was beating at a million beats per minute, memories of my nightmare still dancing in my vision.

“Ryan are you alright?” I looked to my left to see that Luna was lying in bed with me.

“Arghhh!” I said reeling back enough to fall off the bed. After a few seconds of lying on my back on the ground I could feel myself be levitated back onto the bed. Once I was back on the bed I looked at Luna. “Luna why are you here?”

“Well whilst I was enjoying my sleep I could feel somebody having a nightmare. When I went to investigate who, through the dreamscape I found it was you. But for some reason I could not get into your dream world to help you. So I came here thinking if I was closer to the host I could enter your dream world. But you awoke before I could help you.” She explained a sad look on her face.

“Oh okay then.”

“Do you want to talk about your nightmare?” Luna asked a worried look on her face.

“Luna I would tell you but… I don’t want to scare you.” I admitted.

“Ryan, I have faced many nightmares in my time, I doubt that your nightmare could be that bad.”

“It could be and it could be worse. Luna please I don’t want you to be hurt, that’s why I told Orion to lock you out of my dream world whenever I have a nightmare.” I said a guilty look on my face.

“You’d do that for me?” Luna said. “Why?”

“Because you’re my friend Luna, I don’t want you getting hurt by my nightmares.” I said pulling her into a hug finally managing to get my body to stop shaking slightly. “Luna what time is it?” I asked her.

“Well my sister has only just raised the sun, so about six o’clock. Why?”

“Do you mind staying here with me just until I have to get up?” I said sheepishly.

“If it will help you sleep then I will.” She said as she wrapped her wings around me.

“Thank you Luna.” I said causing a blush to cross her muzzle.

“Ryan, don’t tell anyone about this okay.”

“Got it.” I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A few hours had passed when I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door to me and Trixie’s room. When I opened my eyes my heart stopped as I took in the sight before me. Luna’s muzzle was mere inches away from my face.

At this sight I had tried to shift myself away from the sleeping mare, it was then that Orion decided to comment on this situation. “So you slept with Luna. Celestia isn’t going to be happy about that.”

‘Shut up, I need to remember what led me to be in this predicament.’ I thought back to him as Luna began to shift slightly. It was then that I felt her wings wrapped around my back, at feeling myself being held in place by her wings I could feel something inside of my chest heat up.

Slowly but surely the memory of waking up from a nightmare to find Luna with me and what happened afterwards came back to me. As a small smile formed on my face I could hear the knocking become slightly louder. Unfortunately, it had become loud enough to wake Luna from her sleep. “Good morning Luna.” I said as she slowly opened her eyes.

It was at that moment that I lost myself in Luna’s eyes, her blue eyes were truly a sight to behold from this close. I was pulled from my thoughts by Luna shifting her wings so that they were at her sides and not wrapped around me. “Ryan can thou please see who is at the door?” Luna said as she hopped off of the bed.

“Sure just let me quickly go get changed.” I said making my way to the bathroom to get changed. After I had finished in there I came out of the bathroom to see that Luna was gone. When I looked around for her all I found was a small not on my bed.

‘Dear Ryan. I have teleported myself back to my room so that I could get some sleep. Hopefully what had happened this morning has helped you. Sincerely your friend Luna. P.s. Destroy this parchment as soon as you can.’ I finished reading the note to myself, as the knocking became slightly louder.

As I walked up the stairs and towards the main door I used my magic to burn the parchment. After making sure there wasn’t any ash on my gloves I opened the door to find Twilight. “Hey Twi what’s up?” I asked the unicorn.

“What’s up? What’s up!?” She exclaimed

‘Oh great Twily’s mad.’ I thought to myself as she calmed down.

“Nothing’s up it’s just that every-pony is wondering where you’ve been being all that’s up.” She said a small amount of steam coming out of her ears.

“Whoa, calm down Twi. I had to get changed okay.” I then looked behind her to see that the rest of the mane six and Spike were waiting down the end of the hall with Celestia. “Look give a second Twi okay. Just going to say goodbye to Trixie.” I said as I moved back into the room, walking up the stairs to Trixie’s room.

I then delivered a few shorts knock to the door. Which managed to get Trixie to wake up and open the door a tired look on her face. “Oh it’s you Ryan.” She then let out a yawn. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much just that me and the others are heading back to Ponyville and I thought you may have wanted to say goodbye.” Once I had said this he wrapped her fore-hooves around my waist.

“Well then goodbye Ryan, hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” She said as she removed herself from my mid-waist. “Sorry but I’m really tired so if you’ll excuse me.” She said going back into her room closing the door behind her.

After walking back to the door to join Twilight we joined the others at the end of the hall. “About time you woke up sleepy head.” Dash said to me as Celestia led us through the castle out to the front gates.

Celestia then stopped and turned around. “Well Ryan, here we are. You still look half asleep.” She said. “Not much for mornings, I’m slightly hurt.” She said placing a hoof to her chest a small look of hurt on her muzzle.

“Don’t get me wrong Celestia I like mornings, I just hate waking up that’s all.” I explained. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Moonlight approaching us with Fire Wand beside her.

“Ah and here is our special guest.” Celestia said nodding her head towards the new arrivals. “I see that you have given him the band already Captain.”

It was then I noticed that Fire was wearing a metallic band on his front right hoof, as I looked more closely at it I could see a few runes etched into it. “As you ordered Mother Sol.”

“So what’s with the band?” I asked Celestia.

“It grants him only enough magic to be able to disguise himself.” Celestia stated. It was then I realized that this wasn’t Fire but it was Stealth. “He will be staying with you Ryan.” She then levitated a band towards me. “This band is connected to the band he is wearing it will keep him within 50 meters of the band I just gave you.” Celestia explained what the second band was for.

“Got it so I have to feed him and walk him.” I joked. “So how’s it going Stealth?” I asked as Twilight and the others only now realized that this wasn’t Fire.

“Well it feels good to not be getting death stares from guards when I pass them.” He admitted.

“Well then you all best be going the next train to Ponyville does leave in five minutes.” Celestia said as Fire joined our little group. “Have a safe and quick trip home Twilight.” Celestia said as we made our way out of the castle towards the train station.

As we travelled back towards Ponyville on the train the mane six kept glancing at the disguised Stealth who had kept his Fire Wand disguise on him since Celestia had told us to take care of him.

It wasn’t long before somebody broke the silence and Twilight was the one to do that. “So Ryan, what did Celestia mean by he’ll be staying with you?”

“Simple Twilight, dear old Stealth here will be staying under your roof.” This caused a look of shock to plaster itself on her face.

“Princess Celestia is serious isn’t she?”

“Yeah she is. But hey Twilight look on the bright side, you get the opportunity to study a changeling.” I said gesturing to Stealth.

“What do you mean by study?” Stealth said, looking between me and Twilight.

“Well nothing to extreme like dissecting you and seeing what’s under your chitin. Probably just an assortment of questions, maybe a few experiments nothing to dangerous.” I then looked to Twilight. “Right Twilight?”

“Of course. You may be seen as an enemy of Equestria but I would never do any experiments that are to dangerous.” She said, soon realizing what she had said. “No offense.”

“None taken.” Stealth said, casually brushing off what Twilight had said about him being an enemy of Equestria.

“So anyway where will he be sleeping?” Twilight asked me.

“How about we convert part of your basement into a bedroom for him.” I suggested.

“Good idea Ryan.” Twilight said a grin adorning her muzzle. “But that also brings another thing to the light.” She then turned her gaze to Stealth. “Stealth are changelings able to make their own disguises? Before you ask I mean can you make your disguises into ponies that don’t exist.”

“We can yes. Why?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well it would seem a bit weird to see Fire Wand staying in the library, mainly for those who know him.” Once Twilight had said this Stealth had hopped off of his seat and was standing in front of Twilight. “Um what are you doing?” She asked.

After a few seconds Stealth then dropped his disguise and tapped the tip of his horn against Twilight’s. His eyes then started to glow a bright purple. Once his eyes lost their glow he then backed away from Twilight.

Once he was a pony length away from Twilight he then covered himself in a light purple flame as he donned a disguise. Once the flames subsided a unicorn stallion stepped out from the embers. Stealth’s coat was a dark grey, his mane was a blood red with a small strip of purple running down the center of his mane and tail. His cutie mark was a small black heart that had holes in it similar to a changeling’s chitin.

The rest of us then looked over Stealth’s new disguise. “What the heck was that?” I asked him as he returned to his spot sitting next to me.

“That’s a little ability that changelings can do. What it is, is that we can connect our horns to a unicorn allowing us to peer into their mind. This allows us to pull together a disguise from the unicorn’s memories of other ponies. But that ability is also used by infiltrators as a way to make a disguise on what the unicorn desires in a pony.” He explained.

“So which one did you use?” I asked as I saw Twilight get a small blush.

“First one.” He said causing Twilight’s blush to disappear.

“Five minutes until our arrival in Ponyville. Five minutes.” The announcer said over the speaker system.

“Well you heard the bodiless voice let’s get ready.” I said as I checked to make sure that I had everything that I needed on me. I then looked around to see that everybody else was making sure they had what they needed. All the while Stealth was sitting next to one of the windows looking out it as we approached Ponyville.

Once we had arrived in Ponyville Twilight, Spike and I led Stealth to the library, as the others had gone back to their own homes or had gone off to do their own thing. As we made our way through Ponyville Twilight pointed out important buildings and other places of interest.

Whilst we were passing through the marketplace a very familiar duo of ponies came up to us. “Hey Ryan.” Lyra said as she walked up to me.

“Hey Lyra, Bon-Bon, how’s it going?” I asked glad to see the mint mare again.

“Oh just average, but we’re really glad to see that you’re back.” She said with a grin on her muzzle.

“Yeah we are. Where have you been anyway Ryan?” Bon-Bon asked. She then looked past me at Stealth. “And who’s your friend?”

“Oh well to answer your first question Celestia sent me, Twilight and the others out to a newly found empire. As for who that is well that’s Stealth.” I then turned to him. “Stealth say hello to Lyra and Bon-Bon.”

“Oh hello, nice to meet you.” He said holding a hoof out to Bon-Bon.

As she shook his hoof she spoke up once more. “Always nice to meet a new face around Ponyville.”

“So Ryan, now that I’ve managed to get myself under control do you think we could have tea again sometime?” Lyra asked me.

“Sure thing Lyra. How about we do that tomorrow Twilight and I need to get Stealth here settled in.”

“Oh well tomorrow’s no good for me. Octavia wants me to go over to her and Vinyl’s house and do some practice.” Lyra said looking at the ground a small frown on her muzzle.

“Wait did you say Vinyl? As in Vinyl Scratch.”

“Yeah why?” Lyra asked lifting her head back up to look at me.

“Well I needed to talk to Vinyl anyway, how about I come with you.”

Once I said this Lyra’s earlier cheery expression returned. “That’s a great idea Ryan. How about you come to my place at around 9 o’clock so we can head over there together.”

“Sure thing Lyra. Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said whilst joining Twilight and the others as they made their away from the marketplace.

“See you then Ryan.” Lyra said giving me a wave as I left the marketplace.

“Sounds like you got yourself a date for tomorrow.” Spike said with a slight smirk as I rejoined him and the others.

“No I don’t Spike, just going out to talk to some friends.” I said as we approached the library.

“Whatever you say Ryan.” He said as we entered the library.

“Here it is home sweet home.” Twilight said gesturing to the library.

“So you live in a library?” Stealth said looking at the numerous bookshelves.

“Yep. Isn’t it great. Anyway I better show you where you’ll be staying.” She said as she led Stealth and I to a dark oak door. When she opened the door she led us down into her basement.

As I looked around the room I noticed that there were two levels to Twilight’s basement. On the second level I noticed to no surprise that there were a few bookshelves, but what surprised me the most was that Twilight had some machines set up. Next to the bookshelves a bed big enough to hold Stealth was in place.

“Twilight exactly where did you get these machines?” I asked as Stealth jumped on his bed.

“Oh these old things, well I made them. Also before you ask they measure a pony’s heartbeat and other things with magic.”

“So these machines produce readings of how a pony’s mind with magic?” I asked hoping for her to confirm my guess.

“Exactly.” She said with a smile before levitating a metal hat with blinking lights and wires attached to it from a top one of the machines. She then turned to look at Stealth. “Okay Stealth, I need you to come over here and put this on.”

Once Stealth had gotten close enough Twilight strapped the hat to his head. “Um do you want me to drop my disguise?” Stealth asked as Twilight made sure the hat was strapped on properly.

“That would probably be a good idea.” She said as she undid the straps. After removing the helmet Stealth changed back to his changeling self in a light purple flame. Twilight then proceeded to strap the helmet back onto his head. Once she had done this she had plugged the helmet into one of her machines. “Now make sure you tell me if you feel any pain in your head.” She said as she turned the machine on.

After a few seconds the machine began to feed out a piece of paper with some results written on it. “So how long does he have left to live?” I joked getting a small smile out of Stealth.

“Yes please tell me how long I have to live doctor?” Stealth pleaded to Twilight as he decided to wear a look of worry.

“Hmm.” Twilight said looking over the readings, ignoring me and Stealth’s joking. “Strange, quite strange. For some reason your readings are actually quite similar to that of a regular pony. Although that would help with avoiding detection.” Twilight said as she pulled out a needle.

As soon as Stealth saw the needle a look of fear came to his face. “What are you going to do with that?”

“Well I’m going to take a blood sample from you. Now if you could hold still this won’t hurt at all.” She said approaching Stealth.

“Well that needle isn’t going to pierce my chitin. You’re going to have to insert it in one of the joints in my chitin.” He said getting a nod from Twilight. Twilight then inserted the needle into one of his shoulder joints.

At the needles penetration of his joint he let out a small wince of pain. “Oh sorry, I didn’t hurt you much did I?” Twilight asked worry lacing her voice.

“No you didn’t. I think you may have accidentally hit a nerve.” Stealth said as Twilight removed the needle a small amount of his blood in the needle.

She then inspected his blood. “Hmm a slight green coloration to it interesting. I’ll have to give this to Nurse Redheart she’ll be able to analyze it better than I could.” Twilight than looked up to a clock on the basement wall. “Oh its dinner time. I’ll go help Spike with dinner.” Twilight said as she left the basement, before she went upstairs she turned back to us. “Don’t touch anything!” She yelled back at us.

“Well I better go give Spike a hand with dinner.” I said walking up the stairs whilst Stealth was right behind me.

“Didn’t Twilight say she would help Spike?” Stealth asked as we got to the basement’s door.

“Let me tell you something Stealth, Twilight can’t cook.” I said in a whisper as we left the basement.

After I had managed to help Spike save what dinner Twilight hadn’t burnt we had all sat down eating a salad. After that was done Twilight had managed to enchant Stealth’s band to keep him within his small section of the basement.

After that I had decided to call it a night while Twilight decided to keep looking over the Thaumonomicon.

Later that night I woke up to find myself in a queen sized bed. This bed was very familiar to me, as I looked around the room it all came flooding back to me. I was in my apartment back on earth. “Huh was that all a dream?” I asked myself thinking back to my time in Equestria.

I was puled from my thoughts as I heard a growl emanate from my stomach. I then decided to get out of bed and grab something to eat. As I walked into the kitchen I decided to grab a quick snack and watch some TV. As I grabbed my snacks and jumped on the couch I was interrupted by a knocking coming from my door.

It was at that moment I realized I was still in my pajamas. “I’ll be with you in a moment!” I yelled at the door, as I went back into my room to change into something presentable.

After changing into a shirt and a pair of shorts I walked up to the door and opened it. I was then greeted by Luna. “Hello Ryan, I hope you haven’t had any nightmares yet.”

“Am I dreaming?” I asked her.

“Why yes you are. May I please come in?” She asked.

“Oh sure thing Luna.” I said moving out of the doorway.

“So what is this place Ryan?” She asked looking around my apartment.

“This is where I used to live back on earth.” I explained as I went to go sit back on my couch. “By the way what are you doing here, not that I don’t enjoy your company but still.” I said turning on the television. “Urgh!” I groaned out as I had turned my TV onto the news channel.

“And the winner of America’s election is Donald Trump.” The news anchor said.

I then decided to obliterate my TV with a fireball. “Ryan why did you destroy that box?” Luna asked.

“Because the TV reminded me why I don’t want to go back to earth.”

“TV?” She asked looking at the smoldering remains of the TV.

“Maybe I’ll explain another time.” I said as I looked around my apartment. “Maybe we should go for a change of scenery.” I said as I shifted my dreamscape so that Luna and I were sitting on top of the hill with the oak tree sitting above us. Luna’s moon was at it’s peak in the sky above us, as always it was a full moon.

I had also noticed that when I changed the scenery I had brought my couch along with me. Luna had also decided to join me on the couch. “Now Ryan as for the reason I’m here I need to tell you something.” Luna said as she softly nuzzled my side.

“Would have something to do with why you’re so affectionate?” I asked as I ran a hand through her starry mane.

“Well it has something to do with what happened this morning, as well as when you went to the Crystal Empire. Since then I have felt strange feelings towards you.” She admitted causing me to pause as what she said ran through my mind.

“What do you feel?” I asked.

“Well whenever I’m around you I feel an enormous amount of joy within me.” She admitted as she looked up at me.

“So you love me?” I asked my voice wavering a bit.

“I guess so. How about you, do you feel the same about me?” She asked, sitting up so that she was looking in my eyes.

“Yes.” I said. I then looked into her eyes seeing them light up with excitement. “Luna if I may?” I said leaning towards her.

She decided to answer my question with actions. She then placed her lips on mine as she kissed me, I then decided to wrap my hands around the back of her head as I pulled her deeper into the kiss. After a few seconds I could feel her tongue pressing against my lips, I decided to grant her wish as I opened my mouth and let my tongue wrestle with her’s.

After a few more seconds we both separated a small string of drool connecting our lips. After catching my breath, I spoke up. “That was amazing.” I said a grin on my face.

“Thou really think that?” Luna said a look of joy on her face.

“By your technique I’m guessing this was your first time?” I questioned as a small blush crossed her face.

“Yes it was.” She admitted, causing her blush to grow.

“How is that?”

“Well let us say this. No-pony saw to court us; they were more interested in our sister.” She said a downtrodden look on her face.

“Well their idiots.” I said causing her to smile. “I’m surprised no one tried to court you, honestly. You’re beautiful, your personality is amazing, and don’t get me started on how beautiful your smile is.”

She then decided to press her lips against mine again. “Thank you Ryan.” She said once we ended the kiss. “So what does this mean?” She then pointed her hoof back and forth between us.

“Well I guess we’re dating.” I said before placing a finger on my chin. “Great I guess I have to take you somewhere to go on a date.” I then realized something. “Well I think I have an idea.”

“What would that be?” She said a look of excitement in her eye.

“Well first if this is you’re first time on the dating scene well you may want to talk to Cadance.” She then gave me a nod as she understood what I meant. “As for our date, how about I come and pick you up two days from now. How about I meet you at the castle gates at 7 in the evening.” I said as her horn began to light up.

“Well then I guess it’s a date then.” She then looked up at her horn. “I am sorry but I must go, some-pony is having a nightmare.”

Before she could go I decided to give her a quick kiss. “Well I guess I’ll see you the night after tomorrow.”

She then gave me a nod before she left in a flash of dark blue. Once she was gone I saw Orion step out from behind the oak tree. “Well, well, well. Look who’s dating a princess.” He said giving me an applause.

“Yeah I am. Better date than the one you got.” I said jokingly.

“Yep I guess you’re right.” He then faded away as I could feel myself awaking.

The Ponyville chapter.

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Chapter 17

When I opened my eyes I looked around to see that I was in my bed on the upper floor of the library. I also noticed that Spike and Twilight weren’t in their respective beds, I then looked up at a clock mounted on the wall to see that the time was 8:30. Once I saw this I was immediately reminded that I needed to get to Lyra’s house at 9.

After quickly getting changed, I rushed downstairs. Unfortunately for me I missed the last step and tripped landing on my face. “Ryan are you alright?” Twilight exclaimed as she trotted up to me.

“Yeah I’m fine. Hey what’s for breakfast?” I asked as I got up.

“Pancakes.” She said leading me to the dining table she had set up.

As I took my seat I saw that Stealth had joined us, he was wearing his unicorn disguise. I also noticed he was giving me a look of curiosity. “So what’s got you so happy?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked back taking a bite out of my pancakes.

“Well number one, your radiating joy and happiness. Before you ask I’m an emotivore so I can sense emotions. Second of all you’re wearing a giant grin.” He said pointing a hoof at my face.

“Well if you must know I had an awesome sleep last night.” I said after eating the last of my breakfast. “Well I got to get going.” I said turning to Twilight. “Try not to dissect Stealth to much.” I said jokingly as I headed out the front door.

On my way to Lyra’s house I had managed to run into Pinkie. Well more like she ran into me knocking me to the ground. “Oh sorry about that I wasn’t watching where I was… Oh hey Ryan. Need a hoof?” She asked holding a hoof out to me.

“Thanks Pinkie.” I said taking her hoof as she pulled me up, with a surprising amount of strength.

“So what are you doing Ryan?” Pinkie asked as she decided to join me on my journey to Lyra’s.

“Well I’m going to go visit Lyra.” I said as I could see Lyra standing in front of her house in the distance. “What are you doing Pinkie?”

“Oh yeah I gotta go check up on Stealth, see if he needs anymore emotional food.” She said before making a U-Turn towards the library. “Bye Ryan!” She said as she trotted off.

I gave her a wave as I joined Lyra in front of her house. “Wow right on time.” Lyra said once I was close enough. “Well c’mon then let’s get going.” She said trotting off the way I had come.

“So Lyra, what business do you have with Octavia if I may ask?” I asked her, as we passed the library.

“Well she wants to have a practice session for an upcoming event that she and I are playing music for.”

“Really. What instrument do you play then Lyra?”

“Well I play the lyre.” She said opening one of her saddlebags to reveal a pony sized lyre.

“Well that explains your cutie mark. How exactly do you play that?” I asked her wondering how a pony would play that using hooves.

“Well lyres were designed to be played by pegasi, but that didn’t stop me. After a few years of careful practice, I managed to figure out how to contort my hooves to play the lyre.” She said with a small grin on her muzzle.

I then looked up to see that we were walking towards a small house, it’s outside walls were split halved by two colors. Brown for the left side and purple for the right. “So this is the place?” I asked pointing to the house.

“Yeah. Octavia and Vinyl couldn’t decide on a house color so they decided to paint their own halves of the house.” She said as we reached the front door.

“So each of them owns a side of the house?” I asked as Lyra knocked on the door.

“Well they both own the house, they just live on different sides.”

The door then opened to reveal a gray earth pony mare with a black mane. “Oh good morning Lyra.” She said before noticing me. “Ah and you must be Ryan, Ponyville’s resident human.”

“Yep that’s me, and you would be?” I asked her.

“Oh yes introductions. My name is Octavia Melody, although you can just call me Octavia.” She said giving a small curtsey.

“Yo Tavi, who’s at the door?” A voice called from inside the house.

After a few seconds the owner of the voice came to the door. “Oh yeah you and Lyra have practice today. Sorry.” Vinyl said she then saw me. “Oh hey Ryan. Good to see you mate. Well now let’s not keep you and Lyra out here. C’mon in.” She said moving out of the way.

Once I entered the house I saw that it was split up into two sections. The left shared the same brown walls as the outside of the house. Whilst the right had the same purple walls. I also noticed that the left side had classical instruments set up, it also had a more classical theme to it. The right side was the exact opposite. In place of classical instruments was a mix board on one of the tables whilst a large DJ mix table was set up in the middle of the room whilst two large speakers were flanking it.

Opposite the front door was a stair case which led up to the upper floor of the house. “Pretty weird isn’t it.” Vinyl said, pulling my wandering eyes back to her. “The whole et up I mean.” She said waving a hoof around the house.

“I wouldn’t call it weird. I’d say it’s more unique.” I said as she took a seat in front of her mix board.

“Well thank you Ryan.” Octavia said from behind me. “Me and Vinyl just couldn’t settle on a color so we decided to get two.” She said, whilst standing onto her hind legs whilst she held her cello.

I then felt a poking in my side. When I looked down I saw Vinyl poking my side. “So anyway Ryan, I needed to ask you something.”

“Oh really. Okay then what’s your question.” I asked deciding to take a seat on a purple couch that was on Vinyl’s side of the house. I then remembered something. “Hey Lyra come here for a sec will you.” I said patting the spot next to me on the couch.

“What is it Ryan?” She asked hopping up on the couch. I decided to give her my answer by scratching her behind the ears. She then started to purr as she let herself melt in my hands.

“Whoa what did you do to her?” Vinyl asked.

“Just scratched her behind the ear. Anyway what was your question Vinyl?”

“Oh yeah my question. This might sound ridiculous, but do you have music where you come from?” Vinyl said a small look of embarrassment on her face.

“Yes we do.” I said.

“What sort of music?” Octavia asked, placing her cello against it’s stand.

“Well for one we have classical, dubstep, pop, rock, blues and probably any other sort of music you could think of.” I said.

“So out of those what would be your favorite?” Octavia asked.

“Stupid question, the answer’s gonna be dubstep.” Vinyl said.

“I highly doubt that for all you know his favorite is classical.” Octavia rebuked.

I decided to intervene before this got out of hand. “Mares please calm down.” I said to them managing to get them to calm down. “You’re both wrong. Pop is my favorite, but my second favorite would have to be a tie between dubstep and classical.” I said hoping that would further calm the mares down.

“Oh okay then.” Octavia said.

“Okay then.” Vinyl said before perking up. “Do you play an instrument, and if so what?”

“I do, and I play piano.” I said as I continued to pet Lyra. “Hey Vinyl, why do you always wear those glasses. Don’t get me wrong they look cool, but why do you wear them?”

“You really want to know?” I gave her a nod. She then looked down at Lyra to see that she had fallen asleep. “Okay then but you can’t freak out got it.” I then gave her another nod. Her horn then began to glow as she took off her glasses.

I was speechless with what I saw underneath those glasses. “Ryan are you okay?” Octavia said.

“Oh great I killed him.” Vinyl said putting the glasses back on.

Before she could fully put them on I stopped them with my hand. “I’m not dead just speechless. Geez Vinyl, your eyes…” I cut the sentence there as I thought on what to say next.

“Are weird.” Vinyl said as she slipped the glasses out of my grasp.

“No they’re actually pretty cool.” I said lowering my hand away from her face.

“You really think so?” I gave her a nod. “Okay then. Well I guess I got to tell you why I always wear these glasses. Well the reason is, my eyes tend to scare ponies away.” She then turned her head to Octavia. “Tavi here is the only pony I’ve ever shown my eyes to who hasn’t gone running for the hills.” She said causing the earth mare to blush slightly. The blush only intensified as Vinyl pulled her into a hug with one hoof.

“So another question are you two…” I said pointing between the two.

“Marefriends. Yes, we are.” Octavia said.

“Well good for you.” I said giving them a small congratulation.

“Thanks.” Vinyl said before releasing Octavia. “Hey shouldn’t we wake Lyra up, you two have to practice.”

“Oh yes thank you for reminding me Vinyl.”

“I’ll get her up.” I said before flicking her horn causing her to wake up almost immediately.

“Huh what’s happening?” She asked letting out a yawn afterwards.

“Well you and Octavia still have your practice lesson to do.” I said to her.

She then leapt off of me and made her way to Octavia’s side of the house. As Octavia followed Lyra, Vinyl decided to get close to my ear. “Hey don’t tell anyone about what’s under my glasses okay.” She whispered to me.

“Got it, Vinyl.”

“Hey wanna hear something I’ve been working on for a while now.” She said standing behind her mix table.

“Sure. But won’t we be disturbing them?” I said gesturing to Lyra and Octavia.

“Nah.” Vinyl’s horn then glowed again. “Soundproofing spells help a bunch. Let’s Tavi work on what she wants while I can blast my tunes without disturbing her.” She said as her horn lost its glow. She then fired up her mix table. “Now you ready?”

“Yep.” I said keeping my seat on her couch.

After she had cut the song I had sprung up from my seat and started applauding her. “Holy crap Vinyl, that was awesome!” I exclaimed walking over to the DJ.

“Really? I thought it could’ve used a tad bit more work. But if you like it that much, I guess I’ll keep it like that.” Her horn then began to glow. I then could hear Octavia’s cello begin to die down behind me.

I then noticed that it was lunchtime, when I looked at a nearby clock. “Sorry mares but I have to go.” I said turning to Octavia and Lyra.

“How come Ryan?” Lyra asked walking up to me.

“I have to go check up on Twilight and Stealth.” I said leaning down to give Lyra a small hug. “Don’t worry I’ll see you guys around some time.” I said as I walked towards the door. I then gave them a wave as I walked out into Ponyville.

After a few minutes I arrived back in the library. I noticed that no one was around so I went downstairs to the basement. “Hey Twilight how’s it going?” I asked as I saw Twilight continuing to ask Stealth questions.

“It’s going pretty well. I’m even considering taking the band off of him.” Twilight said.

“How come?” I asked approaching her cautiously.

“Well he’s been on his best behavior, and as far as I can tell he needs to be rewarded for telling me so much information about changelings.” She then pointed a hoof towards a large stack of papers. “That’s everything he’s told me so far.”

“Is that true Stealth?” I asked the changeling.

“Yes it is. But I’ve been getting a good enough reward by hanging out with Twilight.” He said.

“Oh really?” I asked with a small smirk spread across my face.

Once Twilight saw my smirk, a blush grew on her face. Stealth noticed Twilight’s embarrassment and decided to give me a glare. “That’s not what I meant Ryan. What I meant was that Twilight has been letting me read books from her library.” He then pulled a book off of his bed. “This series of books is quite intriguing.” He said whilst holding a Daring Do book.

“I know what you meant Stealth.” I said to him before turning to Twilight. “Sorry Twi, I couldn’t help myself.” I said to her causing her blush to die down.

“Well then you’re forgiven.” She said before turning back to Stealth. “Sorry about him he can be as bad as Dash sometimes.” She said rolling her eyes slightly. This managed to get the affect of getting Stealth to laugh a bit.

“Geez you guys are just perfect for each other y’know, both of you picking on me.” I said getting Twilight to let out an annoyed whinny.

“What so you can deal out jokes but can’t take them?” She said a bemused expression on her face. This caused Stealth to let out another small fit of laughter.

“Okay then well I’m going to go have a walk around Ponyville for a bit.” I said walking up the stairs leading out of the basement. “Bye.” I waved back to the duo as I left.

After walking around aimlessly for a few minutes I decided to give Ponyville’s resident mayor a visit. After managing to get the all clear by her receptionist I walked into the mayor’s office. “Hey Mary, how’s it going?” I asked the mare, as she looked up from her work.

“Ah hello Ryan. I’m going pretty well, how about you?” She asked placing her quill down.

“Good. I just came her wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch.” I said to her gesturing to the door.

“I could go for some lunch. Just let me finish signing this form and I’ll be ready to go.” She said. Picking up her quill once more she then signed the form and placed it in an out box that was on her desk.

She then joined me as we left the town hall. “So where are we going Mary?”

“I would’ve thought you’d know where we were going Ryan.” She said.

“Well I don’t know anywhere to go for lunch other than Sugarcube Corner.” I said to her.

“Well how about we go for a hayburger.” She said leading me towards what looked like a pony version of McDonalds.

“Wait you ponies have fast food joints?” I asked as we entered the establishment.

“Yes we do. They don’t always offer up the healthiest of meals, but it’s at least somewhere ponies can go to grab a bite to eat.” She said placing her order for a Hayburger.

“And for you sir?” The mare at the register asked.

“Oh I’ll take a regular salad.” With that said the mare took Mary’s bits and gave us our food.

“Not a fan of burgers?” Mary asked me once we found a spare table.

“Mary exactly what is on a hayburger?” I asked her.

“Hay, why?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well hay isn’t a part of a human’s diet. It actually tastes horrible to us.” I explained to her as I took a bite out of my salad.

“Oh I see.” She then placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “Hey Ryan, before when you asked that we ponies had fast food establishments you sounded surprised, any reason for that?” She asked.

“Well back on earth, where I come from. We humans also have fast food joints. Just a bit of a surprise how similar our species are.” I explained as I finished my salad. She gave a nod of understanding as she finished off her burger. “Hey Mary. I have to ask you something.”

At that she looked up at me from the remains of her burger. “What is it Ryan?”

“What’s it like being mayor of Ponyville?”

“Well it’s no easy job let me say that. Not only is Ponyville one of the most welcoming towns in Equestria but it’s also the most disaster ridden.” She explained.

“How is it the most disastrous?” I asked.

“Well as you know Ponyville is on the border of the Everfree forest, y’know the home of Manticores, Timberwolves and other beasts. So you can tell what the source of our disasters is.” She said a bemused expression on her face.

“Sounds like fun.” I said sarcastically.

“It is sometimes.” She said as she finished off her burger. “Hey Ryan, how about we get out of here. Go for a walk.” She said getting up from her seat.

“Sure thing.” I said following her out of the establishment. As we walked around Ponyville I got more of an opportunity to see the town for what it really was. The physical example of what happened when all three races of ponies worked together.

“See something you like?” Mary said pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah. This town it’s basically an example of what happens when all three races are friends. Isn’t it?” I asked her as we approached the town hall.

“It really is.” She said before looking towards the town hall. “Well this is my stop. Have a good day Ryan.”

“You too Mary.” I said to her as she went back to her work.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

“It’s so good to have you and Shining around again Cadance.” Celestia said to Cadance as they sat at a table in the gardens having tea.

“Well it’s always good to visit. Besides I wanted to get a few more tips for managing court and other things.” Cadance said enjoying her tea.

“Well that I can do. It’s actually a good thing you come here for that reason.” This managed to get Cadance to raise an eyebrow out of curiosity. Something Celestia didn’t fail to pick up on. “The reason is; I am thinking of getting Luna to assist me in day-court. Get her to help out ponies.” Celestia said as she noticed Luna walking towards them. “Speak of the pony. Hello Luna how was your night?”

“It was wonderful sister.” Luna said her voice filled with joy. “Cadance good to see you. Sister I may need you and Cadance’s help with something.”

“Oh and what would that be Auntie Luna?” Cadance asked the ecstatic alicorn.

“Well I have a date tomorrow night.” At this a wide grin adorned Cadance’s muzzle. Meanwhile a look of both happiness and confusion adorned Celestia’s face.

“And who would you have a date with sister?” Celestia asked.

“Well I have a date with Ryan. Isn’t that wonderful sister?” Luna asked, her grin never leaving her muzzle.

“Yes that is wonderful Luna. Hmm how about you go back to your room.” This caused Luna’s face of happiness to be replaced with a face of confusion. “Cadance and I will just finish our tea, and then we will join you to tell you how exactly a date would work.”

“Alright then sister. I shall wait for you two then.” She said her grin reappearing as she made for her room.

Celestia then turned to Cadance a serious expression on her muzzle. “Cadance it seems we will need to talk to Ryan.”

“It seems we shall. Should we send him a message Auntie?”

“I shall send him one tomorrow. Make sure you have Shining go to meet him at the train station.” Cadance then gave Celestia a nod as they finished their tea. “Cadance tomorrow when we speak to Ryan, I want you to be as serious as you can be is that understood?”

“Got it Auntie.” Cadance said as they made their way towards Luna’s room.

Date night

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Today was the big day. I had a whole day to plan out my date with Luna tonight. Luckily for me I had managed to dream up a plan. “Ryan!” I heard Twilight call out from downstairs, this had the affect of scaring me out of my thoughts as I fell out of bed.

After getting changed I joined Twilight downstairs where she was joined by the rest of the mane six. “Hey girls how’s it going.” I said to them as I made my way down the stairs.

“Not to bad. This also came for you.” Twilight said tossing me a scroll.

As I read over the scroll it seemed to be lacking quite a bit of volume to it. All that was written out was an official summons to Canterlot written by Celestia. “Okay then seems I’m going to Canterlot for the day.” I said as Spike walked out from the kitchen a plate of pancakes in his claws.

“Breakfast is served.” He said as he laid the platter of pancakes on the table Twilight would summon whenever we would have something to eat. After Spike had said that breakfast had been served Stealth had decided to come crawling out of the basement.

“Someone say breakfast?” Stealth said as he donned his unicorn disguise as he took his seat at the table. I then decided to follow his lead and sit next to him grabbing myself a couple of pancakes.

“So Ryan, what did you do to get a summons to Canterlot?” Dash said sitting across from Stealth and I.

“No clue Dash.” I then shifted my gaze to Twilight. “Maybe they want a report on Stealth.”

“Maybe. Maybe.” Twilight said as she divided the rest of the pancakes between her and the others.

“Well whatever it is darling, I’m sure it can’t be bad.” Rarity said before thanking Spike for the breakfast.

“Yeah Rares is right Ryan. It’s probably nothing to worry about.” AJ said.

“Yeah I know. Still I can’t help but wonder what Celestia could want. It must be something serious if she sends me a royal summons.” I said holding up the scroll. “But anyway I got business in Canterlot to do anyway, so I guess I can talk to Celestia and then do what I need to do.”

“What ya need to do Ryan?” Pinkie asked around her mouthful of pancakes.

“A private matter Pinkie. Private matter.” I said to her, hoping that the others wouldn’t try to inquire.

“Well then that’s fortunate for you dear.” Rarity said finishing her pancakes.

“Anyway what are you guys doing here?” I asked the mane six.

“Well I thought that we should show Stealth around Ponyville a bit more. I was also thinking of taking his blood sample to Nurse Redheart.” Twilight said. “Also you better get going to the train station Ryan. You don’t want to keep Princess Celestia waiting.” She said finishing off her pancakes.

“Good point.” I said standing up. “Well have a good day you guys. Oh and Twilight don’t wait up for me.” I said leaving the library.

As I made my way through Ponyville towards the train station I swear I could hear someone yelling out. The yelling soon became louder and I could figure out what was being yelled out. “LOOK OUT!”

I then turned around to find the source of the yelling, to find myself tackled to the ground. After a few seconds of getting air to my flat lungs I looked down my body to see that a grey pegasus mare had collided with me. As I looked around I could see that there was a heap of scattered letters on the ground around us.

The pegasus mare then decided to hop off me and start picking up the letters. As I got back up I decided to levitate the letters off the ground and into my hands. “Oh no where’d the other letters go?” The mare said looking around for the rest of the letters.

“Are these the letters you’re looking for miss?” I said catching her attention, as I held out the letters that I had collected towards her.

“Oh thank you Mister.” She said as she took the letters and put them back into her saddlebags. It was then that I saw that the mail mare was none other than Derpy Hooves. “Are you okay Mister?” She noticing that I had stopped talking as I took in the fact that Derpy Hooves was standing in front of me. “Oh no I hope I didn’t crash into you too hard.”

She then started to wave a hoof in front of my face causing me to be shaken from my thoughts. “Sorry about that. Just a bit shaken up.”

“Oh okay then as long as you’re okay.” She said before a look of realization dawned on her face. “Oh sorry I didn’t introduce myself. The name’s Derpy. Derpy Hooves.” She said holding a hoof out to me.

“Well pleasure to meet you Miss Hooves. By the way my name’s Ryan.” I said shaking her hoof.

“Well it’s been nice to meet you. Not to sound rude or anything but I have to get going, got to finish these mail deliveries.” She said gesturing to her saddlebags.

“Not a problem Derpy, not a problem at all.” I said giving her a wave as she flew off.

“Well I guess we can check meeting Derpy, off of the list of things to do in Equestria.” Orion said as I headed towards the train station.

‘Yes we can.’ I thought back to him as grabbed my tickets and boarded the train.

After a few hours Canterlot had come into my view outside the train’s windows. “So what are we doing first?” Orion asked as the train chugged towards Canterlot.

‘Going to prepare for tonight. Then we’ll go see Celestia.’ I thought as ponies around me had begun to pack up their things.

“So keep the goddess of the sun waiting. Good plan.” Orion said sarcastically. The train then pulled into the middle district’s train station. “Wait what are we doing here?” Orion asked as I stepped out of the train.

‘I have to go see a friend.’ I thought back to him as I left the train station. As I continued to walk through the district I saw my destination at the end of the street.

“The Griffon’s Buffet. That’s where we’re going?”

‘Yep.’ Was all I said before I made to go into the establishment.

As I pushed the door open I ran into a pegasus in guard armor. “Oh sorry about that.” I said to him backing out of his way. I then took notice of who the guard was. “Hey Joker, what are you doing here?” I asked him as he took notice that I was the one that he had run into.

“Well I’m on break Ryan, Cadance suggested that I should go here. Anyway what are you doing here?” He said as he joined me outside the restaurant.

“Well I have to go see Celestia about something. But I have something else to do here, other than grab something to eat before I go visit her.” I said as Joker gave me a nod.

“Well good luck with that.” He said as he trotted off. “Hopefully I’ll see you around the castle.” He said before stretching his wings out.

“Same here Joker.” I said as he took to the sky. After giving him a wave I turned to enter the restaurant, making sure to check that no-pony was exiting at the same time I entered.

Once I entered I was greeted by the owner. “Hello Ryan. How’s it going?” Griff asked me.

“Hey Griff, it’s going pretty good actually. Hey can I get a table for two please?” I asked him as he raised an eyebrow.

“Is someone joining you?” He asked.

“No I need to talk to you about something.” I said. He then gave me a nod before leading me over to a small booth.

“Well then how about I take your order before we start talking.” He said taking out a small notebook and quill.

I then decided to look over the menu for a few seconds before turning my gaze back to the griffon. “I’ll just have a caesar salad, with a glass of water please.”

“Got it.” He said before heading for the kitchen. After a few minutes he returned with my order and what looked like a small salad for himself. “So Ryan what did you want to talk about?” He asked as he took his seat across from me.

“Well Griff, I have a date tonight, and I was wondering if I could pay you in advance.” I said as I started to dig into my salad.

“A date eh? Who’s the lucky mare?” He said with a sly grin.

“Can’t tell you. But you’ll be able to find out tonight.” I said taking a sip from my water. “So can I pay early or not?”

“Of course you can. Now a question where would you and your date like to sit?”

“A private booth if you could.”

He then placed a talon to his beak. “What day is it?”

“Tuesday, why?” I asked caught off guard by his question.

“Well you and your date will probably be the only ones here. I usually never have business on a Tuesday night.” He said before looking back at his notepad. He then pulled off a page of his notepad and handed it to me. “Here’s your bill for lunch and tonight. Don’t worry I’m only charging you for what your ordered for lunch, I’ll pay for what I got for myself.” He said gesturing to his plate. “You able to pay that?” He said gesturing to the bill.

“Yeah I can. Thanks Griff.” I said as I pulled out my bit bag and handed him what he wanted.

Meanwhile Canterlot Upper District Train Station.

‘Where the buck is he?’ Shining Armor thought to himself, as he looked around the train station as the train from Ponyville left the station.

“Captain what are you doing here?” A familiar voice called out to Shining, causing him to be shaken from his thoughts.

When Shining turned around he found Joker walking towards him. “Joker what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on patrol in the middle district?”

“First of all, my shift ended. I was heading back to the barracks before I saw you. What are you doing here anyway?” Joker asked.

“Wondering where the buck Ryan is. He was meant to arrive here on the train from Ponyville.” Shining said as he looked around the station once more a scowl of annoyance on his muzzle.

“Well he’s at the Griffon’s Buffet in the middle district.” Joker said catching Shining’s attention.

“He is. Damn that human.” He said stomping his hoof against the ground in annoyance. “Thanks Joker. I probably would have been standing here all day if you hadn’t come along.” Shining said following after Joker as they left the station.

“Well anything for dear old Captain Shiny.” Joker said before taking to the sky.

“JOKERRRRR!!!” Shining yelled at the pegasus as he flew towards the castle. After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, he then made to head towards the middle district.

‘Weird.’ I thought to myself, feeling a shiver run down my spine as I went to leave Griff’s restaurant.

As I exited through the front door I was greeted by what seemed like a fuming Shining Armor. “Hey Shining what’s up?”

“Nothing much. I need you to come with me Ryan.” He said in a slightly angry tone.

“Oh great an angry Shining, what ya gonna do?” Orion whispered to me.

‘Crap I can’t deal with Shining, I still have to get one more thing for tonight.’ I thought to myself. “Sorry Shining but I have to go do something.”

“And what would that be?” He said giving me a glare.

“None of your business that’s what it is.” I said to him.

“Well then you can do it later.” He said still holding his glare.

I then decided to try and step around him. He decided to block me. “Shining I have to go do this first okay.” I said annoyed at how he had blocked me.

“You’re not going to come with me are you?” He said with a look of defeat on his face.

“No I’m not.”

“Well I’m sorry.” He said causing me to give him a confused look. I then saw that his horn had begun to glow, before I could say anything I was knocked out.

After a while I had slowly woken up from my unwanted slumber. I found myself chained to a bed. As I began to struggle with the chains I discovered that whoever had chained me to the bed had removed my magic coat and gloves. ‘Darn.’ I thought to myself as it became apparent to me that someone else was in the room with me.

“Good to see that you’re awake Ryan.” A familiar voice said from out of my view.

I then decided to shift my view to the origin of the voice to see Cadance sitting on a chair sipping some tea. “Hey Cadance, you’re very pretty but a few things. Number one I don’t like breaking up a marriage. Secondly I like us being friends. Thirdly I’m not into these sort of activities.” I said struggling against the chains as I said the third point.

“What do you… Ohhh.” She said a blush crossing her face as she realized what I had said. “Well no offense Ryan but I don’t like you that sort of way. I’d never break up with my dearest Shiny. Also another thing the way that you’re being held is the only thing I could think of.”

“Okay then good to know. Also another thing whose bed am I attached to?” I asked her as I realized that the bed was quite large, I also took notice that the hoof/handcuffs were somehow able to stretch to the bedposts from my position in the middle of the bed.

“Well this is Auntie Celestia’s room. She wanted to talk to you so I said I’d bring you here to wait for her.” She said a small smile on her face.

“Okay then… Wait a second Celestia’s bedroom?!” She gave me a nod. “Okay then. Now where exactly did you get these cuffs.”

“What do you…” A blush soon appeared on her face this time more furious then her last one. “Nonononono. I brought them here.” She said her blush still burning bright enough to light up the room.

After a few moments the door to the room opened. As I looked at the door the cuffs were removed from my wrists and ankles by a yellow magical aura. After seeing the yellow aura, I knew who had entered the room. Celestia. “Good afternoon Ryan.” She said in a slightly serious tone.

“Good afternoon Tia.” I said not holding back on my snark. “Any reason why I’m chained to your bed?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“I need to talk to you about tonight.” She said taking a seat next to Cadance.

“What about tonight?” I then realized what she meant by that. “Luna told you didn’t she?”

“Yes she did. Before you get the wrong idea I want you to know that I am happy of this little bond that you have decided to make with my sister.” She said fixing me with the motherly smile she always wore.

“That’s good. So what did you want to talk about?” I asked her.

“Well I wanted to know where you were going to take her for dinner for one thing.”

“Oh well, I am taking her out to the Griffon’s Buffet.” I said.

“Really. Well you shouldn’t be disappointed.” Cadance said a smile on her face.

“The Griffon’s Buffet. The middle district correct?” Celestia asked turning to Cadance. Cadance gave Celestia a nod in response. “Ryan if I may ask why don’t you take her to one of the fancier restaurants in the upper district?”

“Because Tia, number one I don’t have that many bits to my name. Also secondly Luna wouldn’t like being in a restaurant filled with nobles.” I said to her.

“Very well.” She said before fixing me with a gaze that scared Orion. “Now for the more serious part of our session.” She said her voice laced with seriousness. “Ryan I want you to tell me how much my sister means to you.” Her horn then began to glow. “I have also cast a truth spell upon you. If my horn glows green you are telling the truth, if it glows yellow you are partially lying, and if it turns red it means you are lying. Also if you do lie I will vaporize you in an instant.” She said.

“Okay then. Well how I feel about Luna, not beating around the bush are you.” I said as I thought of something to say. “Well what else can I say but she’s probably the most beautiful mare that I have seen since coming to Equestria.” Her horn glowed green, she then gestured with a hoof for me to continue. “Now before you threaten me with how you will kill me if I harm her, I want to tell you this. If I do harm her in anyway, you won’t get the chance to kill me. As if I do hurt her I would have already killed myself before you get the chance.”

Her horn glowed green, it then stopped glowing. “Thank you for telling me that Ryan.” She then levitated my coat and gloves to me from their place next to Cadance. She then shared a look with Cadance as I put on my coat and gloves. “Well then I guess I have no problems with having you date my sister. Also if certain things go correctly her first date may lead to something else.” She said a small smile on her face.

“Wait what do you mean by that?” I asked her.

“Well she hasn’t had any lovers in the past, if you catch my drift.” Cadance said receiving a glare from Celestia.

“Wait so you mean she’s a…” I said hoping Celestia would fill in the gap.

“A virgin yes, and if you so much as use that against her.” She said letting my mind fill in the blanks.

After my mind filled in the blanks it finally realized what Celestia had said before her threat. “She’s a virgin.” I said.

“Yes did you not hear me?” Celestia said raising an eyebrow.

“How is she a virgin?” I asked. “And before you ask I know what being a virgin means. But anyway how has she not had any nobles wanting to court her in the past?” I asked the two alicorns. “She’s the most beautiful mare in Equestria, not only with her physical beauty but also with her beautiful personality.”

Celestia then shared another look with Cadance before turning back to me. “Are you serious about what you just said?” Celestia asked me.

“Of course I am. Whenever I’m with her I feel like the luckiest guy in Equestria.” I said as Celestia’s horn glowed a familiar green. I noticed this and gave her a look that screamed ‘really?’

“Well then Ryan you best get ready for your date.” She said before turning towards Cadance. “We best go help my sister get ready Cadance.”

“Of course Auntie.” Cadance said as her and I followed Celestia towards the door.

“Hey Tia what’s the time?” I asked her as we left her room.

“6 o’clock why?” She said casually.

“6 o’clock!? Holy crap!” I then rushed off towards Trixie’s room remembering that my suit was still in the castle. “See ya guys!” I shouted back to the mares as I sped off to get ready for my date.

After scaring Trixie as I burst into her room I got myself ready. Having a shower to freshen myself up and get changed into my suit which thankfully Celestia had the castle staff wash it. After asking Trixie whether or not I looked good I headed out towards the castle gate to wait for Luna.

As I made my way towards the gate I passed through the castle gardens. As I looked around at the different types of flowers, on caught my eye. It was a dark blue rose, with a few white spots on the petals, the flower reminded me of the night sky. ‘Perfect.’ I thought to myself as I plucked the rose. ‘Hope Tia doesn’t mind if I take one the garden’s flowers.’ I said as I left the garden heading back on my course for the castle gate.

As I approached the gate I noticed Joker and Fire Wand standing outside the gates. As I got closer Joker noticed me and nudged Fire to look at me. “Hello Ryan.” Fire said as I got close enough to the duo.

“Damn looking good Ryan.” Joker said noticing my suit. “Guessing you got plans for tonight.”

“Yes I do.” I said as I held the flower behind me.

“So you have a date then Ryan?” Fire said pointing his horn towards the flower. “So who would be the lucky mare?” He asked.

“Good evening Ryan.” I heard Luna’s familiar voice say from behind me.

When I turned to face her I could have sworn my jaw had hit the ground. Standing in front of me was the Princess of the Night in all of her glory. She wore a dark blue dress that swayed cool breeze of the night, upon the dress were patterns that resembled constellations. “Whoa.” I said taking in her beauty.

She let out a slight giggle before turning to Joker and Fire. “Gentlecolts if you would please head back to your barracks for the night, my two guards will be your replacements.” She said gesturing to two thestral guards that were moving to replace Joker and Fire.

“Of course Princess Luna.” Fire said as he and Joker gave a bow.

As they made to leave Joker nudged me in the side with a wing and whispered to me. “Good luck mate.” He then ran off making sure to catch up with Fire.

“So shall we be off Ryan?” Luna asked as she walked up to me.

“Well I have something to give you before we go.” I said as I showed her the flower that I had hid behind me.

“Ryan this is a midnight rose.” She said taking the flower in her magical grasp. “Where did you find this?” She asked me.

“Well I’m hoping your sister doesn’t mind me taking flowers from her garden.” I said sheepishly.

“I don’t think she will. It’s beautiful thank you.” She said as she placed it behind her ear. “But I must ask why did you get it?”

“Because it reminded me of you.” I admitted to her causing her to blush. “Now shall we get going.” I said gesturing towards the city.

“Well I could definitely go for something to eat.” She said making her way out of the castle grounds. She then turned to me noticing that I wasn’t beside her. “Art thou coming Ryan?” She asked me.

“Of course just being polite and letting mares go first.” I said as I walked up to her side.

“So where are we going?” She asked me as we headed off into the city.

“It’s a surprise.” I said as we passed into the middle district. “So did you somehow manage to get out of having a guard look after you Luna?” I asked her.

“No. My guard is keeping an eye on me but you probably won’t see her unless she wants you to be seen.” She said looking up at the stars.

“She? This guard wouldn’t happen to be Moonlight would it?” I asked her as we got closer to The Griffon’s Buffet.

“Maybe.” She said slyly before noticing where we were going. “So we’re going to The Griffon’s Buffet? I’ve been meaning to see it for myself. Cadance has spoken quite highly about it to me and Tia.” She said a smile adorning her muzzle.

“Good to hear.” I said as I held the door to the restaurant open for her. “Mares first.” I said giving her a small bow.

“Why thank you, kind sir.” She said entering the building.

After following her inside, we were greeted by Griff. “Why good evening Princess Luna, a pleasure to have you here.” He said giving Luna a bow. “If you will follow me I will take you to your table.” He said before leading us to a small booth. He then handed us our menus. “If you would like to order your drinks now, I will go get them whilst you think of what you wish for dinner.” He said as Luna and I looked over the drinks menu.

“Water for me please.” Luna said.

“Same here.” I said turning my gaze to the meal menu.

“Well I’ll be back in a bit.” Griff said before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Well tonight is already turning out to be great.” I said to Luna as she looked up from her menu.

“How so?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well just because I get to go on a date with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.” I said causing a blush to arise on Luna’s face as Griff returned.

“Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you would like to eat?” He asked looking between us.

“I’ll go for a fish fettuccini.” Luna said. Griff then shifted his gaze to me.

“I’ll go for spaghetti Bolognese please.” I said. Griff then gave us a nod and went back to the kitchen.

“I must say Ryan you do clean up well in that suit of yours.” Luna said gesturing with a hoof to my suit.

“Thanks. Also to say that you clean up well Luna would probably be an understatement.” I said as a blush adorned her face.

“Thou can’t be serious, this is only a something Tia and Cadance threw together for me at the last minute.” She said looking down at her dress.

“Well if that’s the case you alone make it look like the next big thing for fashion.” I said causing her blush to intensify.

“Thank you Ryan.” She said as her blush slowly died down.

“Hey Luna, I got to ask what’s up with you and Celestia’s manes being wavy and ethereal?” I asked hoping to get an answer.

“Our manes? Well that’s a little spell that Tia and I came up with. Its main purpose is to intimidate any enemies of Equestria.” She explained.

“So what does your mane actually look like?” I asked her wondering if she would show me or at least describe it.

After a few short seconds of thought she spoke up. “Alright then.” With that said her horn glowed for a few short seconds as her ethereal mane disappeared. In it’s place was her mane from when the Elements of Harmony purged her of Nightmare Moon’s darkness.

“Whoa, and here I thought you couldn’t get anymore beautiful.” I said admiring her real mane.

This time her blush returned with a vengeance as I could have sworn her coat was going to change color to red. “Thank you Ryan.” She said before her ethereal mane returned as Griff returned with our dinner.

“Here you go. If you need anything else just come and get me.” With that said he gave a bow and headed for the kitchen.

“Well let’s not let our dinner get cold.” I said before digging into my spaghetti.

After our dinner was done, Griff came back to check up on us. “I hope that you have both enjoyed your dinner.”

“Yes thank you. My compliments to the chef.” Luna said.

“Same here thanks Griff.” I then turned my gaze back to Luna. “So you’re paying right?” I said jokingly.

“Why Ryan?” Luna said raising an eyebrow.

“Well I got no bits to spare.” I said. Luna’s mouth was agape in shock once I said this. “Look Luna I’m only joking, I already paid Griff.” I said a large grin on my face.

“Well then we best get back to the castle. Thank you for dinner Griff, I’ll be sure to tell my sister about this place.” She said as I got out of my seat.

“Well then see ya Griff.” I said as I noticed out of the corner of my eye Luna’s horn glow.

“Your welcome it’s the least I could do.” Griff replied.

The next thing I knew my vision was filled with a blinding blue light, once my eyes were no longer filled with the blinding light, I looked around to find myself in what looked like a mirror image to Celestia’s bedroom. The walls were a dark blue and the nearby bed had dark blue sheets on top of it.

Once I took a guess that I was in Luna’s bedroom I fell to the ground with my eyes closed. I then felt a wing drape itself on my back. “Ryan art thou alright?” Luna asked from her place at my side, worry lacing her voice.

“I’m fine. Why did you not give me a bit of warning we were going to teleport?” I asked her as I tried to make sure my dinner didn’t come back up.

“I thought about paying you back for joking about the bill for dinner.” She said as I slowly stood up her wing still slightly draped a cross my back.

“Well then.” I started turning to look into her eyes. “I guess I have to pay you back.” I said as I pressed my lips against hers. As our tongues intertwined I wrapped my hands around her neck pulling her deeper into the kiss.

After a few moments we separated for air. “That was…” Luna started.

“Better than kissing my dream self.” I finished for her.

“Yes it was.” She said a small smile appearing on her muzzle.

“Good to know, and let me tell you this kissing the real you is far better than kissing your dream self.” I said to her causing a blush to plaster on her face.

A small sly smile then appeared on her muzzle. “So Ryan, you’re alone with a mare in her bedroom what are you going to do next.”

“What do you mean Luna.” I said as I found myself being levitated along with Luna onto her bed. “Oh I think I might have an idea.” I said.

“Good to know that you get what I mean.” Luna said as she nuzzled against my chest.

I decided to hold up a hand to stop her. “Luna believe me when I say I would love to do that with you, but…”

“But what?” she said a slight look of worry in her eye.

“Well I don’t want anything to go to fast between us. I want to get to know you a bit more before we do anything like that.” I said to her.

“I see. I’m sorry for being forward with you.” She said.

“No problem Luna. Also I don’t have a problem staying here with you for the night.” I said to her as a smile crossed her face.

“Alright then Ryan.” She said going back to nuzzle my chest once more.

I then decided to give her a kiss on her fore-head as my eyes slowly closed from tiredness. “Goodnight Lulu.” I said to her.

“Goodnight Ryan.” She said pressing her lips against min before she fell asleep on top of me.

I then decided to follow in her tracks and let my tiredness claim me.

Bonus chapter: Dinner Conversations.

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After Griff gave us our meals I decided to practically inhale my spaghetti much to the amusement of Luna. “It seems thou really enjoy your spaghetti.” Luna said holding back a few giggles behind a hoof.

“Well it was one of my favorite things to have for dinner back on earth.” I said, as memories of my childhood danced across my vision. This had the affect of a small smile appearing on my face.

“Seems something’s got you happy.” Luna said pulling me away from my memories.

“Just a few memories.” I said looking at her as she ate her fettuccini. “Huh didn’t think alicorns could eat fish.”

“How come? Us alicorns have traits from all three races of pony, having wings isn’t the only thing we share with pegasi.” She said ruffling her wings for emphasis.

“So you inherited fish eating from pegasi?” She gave me a quick nod. “Cool.” I said returning back to my food.

“Ryan if I may ask what do you think of this.” She said pointing a hoof back and forth between us.

“It feels weird, but nice at the same time.”

“How is it weird?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well back on earth there are ponies and horses.” I said to her as she gave me a nod. “But the ponies on earth can’t talk like Equestrian ponies. We humans see them as pets.”

“So how is this weird then?” She asked.

“Hold on I’m getting to that. Anyway the way this is weird is because on earth when a human would date or have sex with an animal it is referred to as bestiality.” Luna gave a nod of what looked like understanding.

“So you have bestiality back on earth?” It was now my turn to nod. “We have it here as well y’know. So do you see me as an animal?” She asked.

“No I don’t Luna. I never would. It’s just that part of my mind still thinks this is a tad bit weird.” I then decided to place one of my hands over her hooves which were resting on the table. “Believe me when I say I would never think you’re an animal.” I said to her causing her to perk up.

“Thank you Ryan.” She said as I rubbed her hooves in my hands. “Good thing to or I might have to tell Tia.”

“Please don’t do that. She already gave me a talk to today.” I said to her. I then realized what I had just said.

“She what?!” Luna said a slight hint of anger in her voice. “How dare she.” She said I then decided to place a finger over her lips silencing her.

“Luna don’t worry she was just looking out for you. Besides I had to pass the interrogation by the elder brother/sister eventually.” I said getting Luna to smile slightly.

“I suppose.” She said quietly.

“Hey Luna you can enter ponies dreams right?” I asked her already knowing the answer.

“Yes I can. Why?”

“Well I wanted to ask you what do you do if you encounter a ‘wet dream’.” I said to her causing her to blush.

After a few seconds she managed to get control of her blush. “Well I can sense what is happening in a dream, and if a dream is of a private matter I do not enter it.” She said before giving me an accusing glare. “Why do thou ask this anyway?”

“Just something that’s always been on my mind.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Alright then.” She said returning back to her food.

“Also I may or may not have asked to see you get flustered.” Said causing her to choke slightly on her pasta.

“Why would thou wish to see us flustered?” She asked recovering from her small choking fit.

“Because you’re cute when you’re flustered.” I said causing a blush to reappear on her face. “There you go more cuteness for me to look at.” I said gesturing to her face. This only got her blush to intensify.

“Alright then thou hast had your fun.” She said noticing me barely holding back my laughter.

“Sorry couldn’t help myself. As I said I love to see you flustered it’s cute.” I said giving her a sympathetic look.

“So Ryan I must ask am I the first being that you have dated?” Luna asked finishing of her pasta.

“Unfortunately no you aren’t.” I said to her. “There were a couple before you.”

“Did you love them like you love me?”

“I did. The only difference was that they didn’t love me back.” This had the affect of putting a scowl on Luna’s face.

“How couldn’t they? You’re nice and caring from what I have seen so far.” She said a small amount of anger in her voice.

“I know but… It’s complicated, look can we leave it at that.” I said to her.

“Of course I didn’t mean to remind you of them.” She said a downtrodden look on her face as she looked at her empty bowl.

I placed a had under her chin and got her to look me in the eyes. “Luna, I have to sort of thank you for reminding me of them.”

“How come?”

“Because it reminds me of how better than them you are.” I admitted to her.

“Well then you’re welcome Ryan.” She said slightly nuzzling my hand.

I then decided to finish my dinner off as Griff came over to check up on us.

Telling ponies about changelings and meeting a spirit of chaos.

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The next morning, I awoke to a pitch black room. Slowly but surely my eyes adjusted to the lack of light, when my eyes had adjusted I saw that I was being pulled into a hug by Luna. She had a small warm smile on her face, occasionally letting out small coos as she slept.

“Lucky bastard.” Orion said to me, once again interrupting the peace and quiet.

‘Did you really have to ruin this moment?’ I thought to him irritation lacing my thoughts.

“Not really, but I do love annoying you so much.” He said with glee in his voice.

I decided to ignore him and go back to focusing on Luna. As I watched her sleep I could feel her wings wrapped around my back holding me in place. ‘Not that I wanted to leave anyway.’ I thought to myself.

Once I thought that she slowly stirred mumbling slightly in her sleep. I then decided to run a hand through her mane, causing her to calm down and fall back to sleep.

Meanwhile in Ponyville

“Okay now girls let’s un-freeze Discord.” Twilight said before her and the other elements of harmony released Discord.

Once he was free of his stony prison Discord let out a loud yawn that could rival a dragon. As he stretched himself out the elements stood in front of him wondering what he was going to do. Twilight then decided to speak up just as Discord summoned a coffee pot. “Discord, by order of Princess Celestia you are…” She was stopped when Discord held up his paw to silence her.

“Hush now child. I know what dear old Celestia wants me to do. Just because I was frozen in stone doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear what she had just said.” Discord then ate the coffee pot along with the coffee before looking around the area. “Now where is that human I must speak to him.” With that said Discord then snapped his fingers. “He’ll be here in a bit.” He said a mischievous smirk on his face.

As I sat there getting comfortable laying next to Luna I could feel a tingling feeling in my chest. ‘Hey Orion what’s that tingling sensation?’ I thought to him hoping he would know.

“Prepare yourself Ryan, we’re being teleported.” He said. The next thing I knew my vision was filled with a blinding light.

The next thing I knew I found myself a floating a few feet off of the ground. After regaining myself I found myself dropped to the ground. “Oof.” I grunted as my face hit the ground.

“There he is the human of the hour.” I heard a familiar voice in my ear. I then pulled my face up from the dirt to take in my surroundings to see that I was on the edge of Ponyville, I then turned my head around to see the source of the voice Discord was standing behind me.

Standing a few feet behind him was Twilight and the others. “Ryan are you okay?” Twilight said. It was then I realized what had happened.

“How did I get here?” I said getting up and walking over to Twilight and the others.

“I teleported you here.” Discord said wearing a smug look on his face.

“Well thanks Discord, but that was probably the last thing you wanted to do.” I said to the spirit of chaos. I then turned to Twilight. “Twilight please tell me you have a quill and a piece of paper.” I said. She gave me a nod as she teleported the things I asked for into my hands.

I then began to right out a letter to Celestia. ‘Dear Celestia. I need you to tell Luna that Discord has teleported me to Ponyville as she will probably realize that I am gone, which will lead to her panicking. Also you may want to explain to her why Discord isn’t a statue. From Ryan.’ Before I could hand the letter to Spike so he could send it, Discord decided to interrupt us.

“Wait a second let me check where I teleported you from.” He said pulling a scroll out from his mouth. “Let’s see recent teleportations. Hmm…Oh.” He then flashed me a sly smile. “Here for only about two to three months and you’ve already become great friends with the royal duo.” He said. “Especially Luna.” He stated slyly causing me to blush a bit.

I then handed Spike the letter. “Send to Celestia now!” I said to him. I then turned to Discord. “You do know Luna’s going to have your head.”

“Highly doubt that technically you’re still in Canterlot.” That caused me to raise an eyebrow in confusion. “Well if you see yourself as an anime body pillow.” He said causing me to freeze up.

“You what?!” I exclaimed.

“I swapped you for a body pillow. I think Luna will like anime you, a lot more than your actual self.” He said before he fell onto the ground laughing.

I then decided to calm myself down before speaking to the being of chaos again. “Discord how about we make a deal.”

“Oh?” He said stopping his fit of giggles as he floated in front of me. “What’s the deal?”

“Simple I won’t help the elements with reforming you.” I said much to the shock of the mane six.

“Okay then, what do you get if I agree to that?”

“Simple you have to grant me a wish.” I said to him.

He then placed his talon hand to his small beard and began to stroke it. “Sounds like a good deal, but no wishing for more wishes okay.”

“I wouldn’t think about it.” I said to him as he held out his paw hand towards me.

He then ignited his hand in a blue flame similar to one Bill Cipher. “Okay then buddy let’s shake on it.”

I then shook his hand as the deal was struck. Once the flames had subsided and Discord let go of my hand I walked over to the others. “Okay then have fun you guys.” I then turned to face Twilight. “I’ll take care of Stealth for today.” I said holding out a hand to her.

“Okay then. Well you have to take him to Nurse Redheart along with his blood sample, also you have to tell the mayor about him.” She said giving me his blood sample and the band that his anti-magic band was connected to.

“I thought we were keeping him a secret?” I asked her.

“Well Nurse Redheart has to know because of the blood sample, and if we do reform Stealth we have to introduce him to Ponyville and the mayor can help with that.” She explained.

I then shifted my gaze to Stealth. “Okay then, c’mon where do you want to go first town hall or hospital?” I asked him.

“Either one’s okay with me.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Hospital it is.” I then turned back to Discord. “See ya Discord.” I said giving him a wave as Stealth and I headed off towards Ponyville Hospital.

“Should we really have left the others with Discord?” Stealth asked as we approached the hospital.

“Don’t worry they’ll be fine. Besides if Discord gets out of hand they can just zap him with the elements.” I said as we entered the hospital heading for the front desk. “Hey. We’re here to see Nurse Redheart.” I said to the mare behind the desk.

“Do you have an appointment?” She asked never letting her gaze leave her paperwork.

“No. But I’m pretty sure she’d like to see her favorite human.” I said that managed to get the mare to look up from her paperwork.

“Oh it’s you. She’s in room 285. I’ll send a message ahead to let her know.” She said gesturing with a hoof towards a set of stairs. “285’s on the third floor. With that Stealth and I headed up the stairs.

“What if Discord tries to trick them though?” Stealth asked me.

“Again don’t worry Twilight’s smart she won’t go falling for his tricks a second time.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right.” He said as we got off the stairs onto the third floor. “She is very smart and beautiful.” Stealth muttered under his breath.

“What was that Stealth?” I asked him barely managing to catch what he had muttered.

“Nothing why?” He said to quickly to not be anything.

“We’ll talk about it later.” I said noticing we were outside room 285. “Hey Redheart.” I said as I entered the room.

“Good day Ryan.” Redheart said trotting over to Stealth and I from a nearby hospital bed. “Good to see you’re in good health.”

“I try.” I said rubbing the back of my neck.

“So who’s your friend here?” She said looking at Stealth.

“First of all is anyone else in here?” I said looking around the room.

“No why?” Redheart asked as I locked the hospital room door.

“Now Redheart don’t freak out okay.” I said to her.

“Okay then.” She said unsure of what I was doing.

I then turned to Stealth. “Drop your disguise.”

Stealth then dropped his disguise in a flash of light purple. “That’s a changeling.” Redheart said.

“Yes and he’s not going to try and rob you of your emotions.” I said hoping to calm her down.

“Why is there a changeling in Ponyville Ryan?” Redheart asked me a creepy amount of calmness in her voice.

“He’s here on Celestia’s orders.” I then leaned down to whisper in her ear. “He’s being reformed.”

“Ah I see.” She said the uneasy calmness leaving her voice. “So what would be your name changeling.”

“My name’s Stealth.” He said.

“Also we’d rather you not tell anyone about him.” I interjected.

“Of course not. Now is telling me about our resident changeling the only reason why you’re or…” She said leaving me to fill in the blank.

“Well I’m here for a couple of reasons. The first being I wanted to see how my favorite nurse was doing.” I said stopping there so she could answer.

“Well I’m doing well. I heard about what happened in the Crystal Empire Ryan, are you sure you’re okay. You went into a fight with King Sombra.” She said worry lacing her voice.

“Yeah I’m fine. It’s a wonder what healing spells can do for ya.” I said calming her down. “Now for the seconds reason I’m here, Twilight wanted me to give this to you.” I then gave her the vial of Stealth’s blood.

“What is this?” She asked inspecting the vial.

“Changeling blood. Twilight took a dosage from Stealth, she was wondering if you could analyze it for her.”

“Of course. It’d be my pleasure.” She said tucking the vial into a small apron she was wearing. “Anything else you need to do here?”

“No. Stealth and I were about to head over to town hall. Tell the mayor about Stealth.”

“Gotcha.” She then turned to Stealth. “Well thanks for the blood donation. You two best get going then.” She said as we turned to leave the room.

Once we made our way out of the hospital and back into the streets Ponyville. We were greeted by Discord. “Hello there Ryan.”

“Hey Discord. How’s Twilight doing trying to reform you?” I questioned as he followed us towards the town hall.

“She’s trying her best but she’s failing.” He then summoned out a grandfather clock and looked at the time. “Well it’s been fun but I gotta go. Bye you two.” With that said he was gone with a snap of his claw.

“Huh weird.” I said aloud.

“What’s weird?” Stealth said as we continued towards town hall.

“Just would’ve thought he’d have caused a bit more chaos.” Once I said that Discord reappeared and snapped his claw with that done he was gone yet again. “What the…” I never got the chance to finish my sentence as I soon found myself wearing a cake as a hat.

“Umm you have a…” Stealth began before I shot him a glare.

“I know.” I said annoyed at the spirit of chaos.

Meanwhile in Canterlot

“You’re certain that Discord can be reformed sister?” Luna said to Celestia. The lunar princess barely holding back a fit of giggles at the sight of seeing Discord appear and steal Celestia’s chocolate cake.

“Why did he have to take that cake?” Celestia said still slightly shocked at seeing the draconequus appear out of her cake and then teleport it away. “I was looking forward to having some cake with you, Cadance and Shining Armor.” Celestia said to Luna her gaze never leaving the plate that the cake had been set upon.

“Don’t worry sister. You still have a whole section of the castle food storage devoted to cake left for you.” Luna said.

With that said Celestia’s horn glowed and another chocolate cake appeared on the cake plate. “There we go. Thank you for reminding me of the royal cake storage Luna.”

“Tis no problem sister. I am still accompanying you to Ponyville this afternoon to check up on Discord.”

“Yes, but please refrain from hurting him too much.” Celestia said.

“Depends on how I feel.” Luna said before shifting her gaze to her tea.

“Guess that’s the best I’m going to get.” Celestia said receiving a nod from Luna. “Seems fair.” With that said Celestia then took a large slice out of the cake as Cadance and Shining joined them at the small tea table they had set up in the gardens.

“Thanks for that.” I said to Stealth as he helped me remove the chocolate cake from my head. “Although it seems you’re only helping me because you get to eat cake.” I pointed out as he ate another piece.

“Not my fault changelings have a sugar craving.” He said after handing me a piece of the removed cake.

“Good point.” I said before eating the piece of cake. “At least Discord has good taste in cake.” I said after swallowing my piece of cake. “C’mon then let’s get going to the mayor we’ve already wasted enough time.” I said heading off for town hall.

“So what did you want to talk to me about before?” Stealth asked catching up to me.

“You have a crush on Twilight don’t you?” I asked him. Once those words left my lips his face erupted into a nice shade of red as he blushed.

“I-I-I…” He stammered out.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t worry I won’t tell anybody.” I said seeing town hall in the distance. “So anyway, when are you going to tell her.”

“Why would I tell her? For all I know she doesn’t like me like that, then I would be making a fool of myself.” He said worry lacing his voice.

“Okay Stealth calm down buddy. Look I’ll talk to Twilight and see how she feels about you okay.” I said to him giving him a reassuring smile.

“Okay then. But don’t tell her I have a crush on her.” He said as we entered the town hall.

“I won’t.” I then looked around to see Mary entering her office. Lucky for me she saw me out of the corner of her eye. “Hey Mary.” I said walking over to her.

“Hello Ryan.” She said before taking notice of Stealth. “Who’s your friend?”

“Well this is Stealth.” I said as Stealth gave her a small bow. “Hey Mary can we talk somewhere private for a sec.” I said to her.

“Sure thing just in here.” She said gesturing to her office. She then turned to her receptionist. “Hold any appointments I have dear.” Once she saw her receptionist nod she followed us inside. After closing the door, she turned to us. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“I’ll tell you but first I need you to promise me you won’t freak out.” I said to her as she took a seat behind her desk.

“If it’s about Discord, Princess Celestia already sent me a letter telling me about her plan to reform him.” She said casually, gesturing to a scroll on her desk.

I then turned to Stealth. “Drop it.”

With a nod he dropped his disguise. I then shifted my gaze to Mary who surprisingly wasn’t shocked by the sudden changeling in the room. “So you’re the changeling Princess Celestia informed me about.” She said trotting around her desk to stand in front of Stealth. She then held out a hoof to him. “Pleasure to meet you Stealth. I do hope that Ponyville has been welcoming to you.” She said as he shook her hoof.

“It has been welcoming to my disguised form. Although whether their welcoming to my true form is yet to be seen.” He said releasing her hoof.

“Wait a sec. Celestia told you about Stealth?” I questioned Mary.

“Yes she did. She also told me why he is here.” Mary said gesturing to another scroll on her desk.

“Well she could have told me that she had given you some fore-warning.” I said as I looked out a nearby window to see that Sweet Apple Acres had been covered in a layer of snow. “C’mon Stealth we better see how the others are going.” I said making my way towards the door. “See ya Mary.” I said giving Mary a wave as Stealth joined me next to the door.

“Goodbye you two.” She said as we left the room after Stealth re-disguised himself.

After a few minutes of walking we had found out the cause of the snow. Discord. Once we found ourselves next to the mane six on a small snow covered hill, watching Discord skate around Fluttershy on a frozen lake, Discord took notice of us.

“Hello there Ryan, would you like to come and skate with us?” He asked holding up a pair of skates.

“No thanks Discord not one for ice skating.” I said seeing my breath freeze in front of my eyes.

“Suit yourself. Fluttershy and I will have to have all the fun for ourselves seeing as how we’re friends.” He said. I then took notice that Fluttershy’s eye was twitching slightly at his words.

‘Here it comes.’ I thought to myself.

The next thing I knew was that Fluttershy had thrown her skates away. “That’s it Discord. I’m not your friend.” She said getting looks of shock from the rest of the mane six and Stealth at her sudden outburst.

“Whatever not like I needed you anyway. All you would do is boss me around. Is that what true friendship is? Who cares if I just lost my one and only friend.” He asked before turning his gaze to the discarded skates. “My one and only friend.” He muttered before gliding over to another small hill. “Fine then you win.” With that said he then snapped his claw and the acres went back to normal. He then floated down from atop the tree he was resting on to ground level with the mane six and Spike. “I liked it better my way, but...I guess when you're friends, you can't always have things exactly your way all the time, eh?” He said getting a round of nods from the ponies. “I guess you better tell Celestia I’m reformed then.” He said to Twilight as she pulled out a small piece of parchment and began writing a message.

“Good to hear that Discord.” I said standing next to the spirit of chaos.

“Of course you’re happy to hear that. Seeing as how you get a wish. So out with it what’s your wish?” He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

“I’ll cash it in later.” I said to him before turning to the others as Spike spat out a scroll.

“Princess Celestia’s on her way.” Twilight said. “She said she’ll meet us where she left Discord with us. She also said she is brining a friend of your’s Ryan.”

“Well then we best not leave them waiting.” I then turned to leave the acres. “You guys coming or not?” I asked them as they followed me.

“So who would that friend of your’s be Ryan?” Discord asked me.

“Someone that may or may not cut your head off.”

I then found Discord’s disembodied head floating in front of me. “Joke’s on them my head’s already been cut off.” He said giving me a wide grin.

Once we reached the spot where Celestia had dropped off Discord, I found myself wrapped in a dark blue aura of magic. The next thing I knew I was being pulled into a hug by Luna.

“Well hello to you too.” I said returning the hug. Once I was released from her hug I turned to see Discord had pulled out a violin and had begun to play some romantic music.

“Ah to be young and in love.” He said whilst still playing the song.

He soon found his violin gone in a blast of magic. “That is for teleporting Ryan.” Luna said as her horn let off some steam from the blast. She then levitated what looked like a pillow above Discord’s head and sent it crashing down onto the spirit of chaos.

“Do you have the receipt? Because if you don’t I can’t accept this.” He said before causing what I saw to be the body pillow to disappear in a flash of light. It then fell onto Luna’s head being impaled on her horn.

As I saw the pillow drape itself over her face I could see the pure hate and anger in her eyes. I then did what I thought was the best thing to calm her down. I pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Calm down Lulu.” I whispered into her ear as I ran a hand through her starry mane.

“Aww adorable.” Discord said. “Let me take a photo.” With that said he then pulled out a camera and took a picture. He then showed said picture to the mane six. “Isn’t it adorable?” He asked them.

“Discord enough.” Celestia said. “Am I to believe that you are reformed or not?” She asked whilst removing the body pillow from it’s place on Luna’s horn with her magic.

“I am.” Discord said. “I have accepted the magic of friend ship into my heart. As well as whatever you taught Twily.” He said.

“Good to hear. Well I best get back to Canterlot.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to Luna and I. “I guess you will be staying here Luna.”

“If that isn’t a problem with you sister.” Luna said, my hand still running through her mane.

“Not at all. Also Twilight you and your friends best hang onto the elements for now. I sense they will be safer with you.” With that said she was gone in a flash of golden light.

“Well I best be off too. My house is probably filled to the brim with cobwebs.” Discord said before disappearing with a snap of his claw.

“Good to see him gone.” Luna said before nuzzling my neck.

“I guess.” I said before looking up to see that the others were giving us looks of shock. “What?” I asked them.

Luna noticed this as well. “Twilight what is it?” She asked the shocked unicorn.

“You two are…” She said looking between us.

“Dating yes.” I said bluntly. “Prefer it if you kept this a secret.” I said to them getting them out of their states of shock.

“Why should they keep it a secret Ryan?” Luna asked me.

“Because I highly doubt either of us would like to be harassed by paparazzi.” I said to her getting her to give me a nod. “Good.” I then turned back to Twilight. “You don’t mind having a guest over for the night. Do you?”

“Of course not. It’d be my pleasure.” Twilight said before looking around. “We could all have dinner back at the library.” She said getting a round of nods from the others. “Well then it’s settled. We’ll all have dinner at around about 7.” She said once again getting nods from the others.

With that said the mane six (aside from Twilight and Spike) departed giving us their goodbyes as they went to do what they would usually do when they weren’t trying to reform spirits of chaos.

“Well then let’s get back to the library.” Twilight said.

“If I may I will help you with that Twilight.” Luna said before her horn began to glow. “You all may want to brace yourselves.” With that said we had only a few seconds before our vision was filled with a blue light. When the light subsided we found ourselves standing in the main floor of the library.

“Whoa well thanks for that Princess Luna.” Twilight said. “Sure saved us walking all the way from the edge of Ponyville.” She said before turning to Spike. “So chef Spike, got any ideas for dinner?”

Spike then proceeded to walk into the kitchen before quickly coming back out. “I have a few ideas but we’ll have to go grab some ingredients from the markets.” He said. Twilight gave him a nod and floated her saddlebags to her side. Spike then held up a claw to stop her. “I can go get them Twilight. Maybe I should take Stealth with me get him out a bit more.” He said before holding a claw out towards me.

“Are you sure Spike?” Twilight asked him worry lacing her voice.

“Yeah I’m sure Twi.” With that said I gave him the magical band. “Besides I’ll be able to keep him line.” He said as Stealth walked over to the door.

“Still be careful okay.” She said as Spike gave us a wave and left the library.

“Don’t worry Twi he’ll be fine. He saved a whole empire, I’m pretty sure he can handle one changeling.” I said to her.

“I know Ryan, I guess it’s just me being protective of him.” She said.

I then looked to see that Luna was no longer with us. I then heard a door open upstairs, as I walked up the stairs I noticed that the door to Twilight’s balcony was open. Standing out on the balcony was Luna looking at an easel. I decided to pull her into a hug, as well as give her a kiss on the cheek. “So what would my favorite princess be up to.” I said looking at the easel as she painted what looked like the night sky. “Huh, never took you for a painter.”

“Well it helps me envision how the night will look.” She said gesturing to what seemed to be constellations on the canvas.

“Wait so you create the night?”

“Yes I do.”

“That is… I’m not going to bother arguing with you about how that’s impossible.” I said getting her to let out a small giggle.

“Don’t worry Ryan, there are probably some things that make sense in this world that won’t give you a headache.” She said nuzzling my neck. “Now if you’ll excuse me I must get back to my painting.” She said levitating her paintbrush back up above the canvas.

“Okay then. Don’t want to accidentally screw up the night sky.” I said with a chuckle. “Not a problem I have to go ask Twilight something anyway.” I said before giving her a kiss as I left the small balcony.

After making my way back down to where I had left Twilight. “Oh hey Ryan.”

“Hey Twi. I need to tell you a couple of things.” She gave me a nod. “Cool. First of all don’t worry about getting a bed for Luna, she’ll probably want to sleep with me.”

“Okay then Ryan, I sort of figured she would have wanted to do that anyway but thanks for letting me know anyway.” She said before I continued.

“Second thing, and I want you to be honest. How do you feel about Stealth?” I asked her.

“Um… Well. He’s very nice and quite well versed in his mannerisms.” She said with a slight blush. “He’s also a bit cute.” She mumbled under her breath. Something I didn’t fail to pick up on.

“What was that Twi?” I asked her. This only caused her blush to intensify.

“Ihavetogotothelittlefilliesroom.” She said before rushing out of the room.

“Smooth. Very smooth.” Orion said to me.

‘Well I figured out what I wanted to figure out didn’t I.’ I thought back to him.

“Good point. Well you better go apologize to her.”

“Yeah I better.” I muttered under my breath. Following Twilight’s path towards the bathroom.

Getting a suit and meeting the CMC.

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“Urgh.” I groaned to myself as I was awakened by sunlight drifting into the room from a nearby window. As the sun slowly woke me up I felt that something was resting itself on my chest. As I looked down my vision was filled with what seemed to be the night sky, but as I pushed it away I found that it was Luna’s mane.

As I finally uncovered her face from her mane I saw that it was filled with distraught and worry. As I noticed this I could hear her whimper slightly.

“Ryan.” I heard her mutter between whimpers.

“Shhh. Don’t worry Luna I’m here.” I said brushing my hand against her cheek. This managed to calm her down, it also had the affect of waking her up. “Hey Luna you alright?” I asked her hoping she was alright.

“I am fine Ryan.” She said sternly.

“Really because it looked like you were having quite the nightmare.”

“It was nothing.”

“Luna you can tell me if it bothered you okay.” I said to her getting a nod from her. “Good.” I said to her before giving her a quick kiss. “So then shall we go get some breakfast?” I asked her.

This managed to get her to perk up quite a bit as she got off of me. “Alright then I shall inform the others that you’re getting ready.” She said returning the kiss. “After I get some coffee.” She muttered under her breath as she left the room.

After getting changed into a t-shirt and jeans I found that Luna had also brought my gloves and jacket to Ponyville with her. After putting those on I made my way downstairs to find that Twilight, Spike and Luna were sitting around a large table with plates of pancakes in front of them.

“I saved thou a seat.” Luna said to me as she gestured to the seat next to her.

“Thanks Luna.” I said taking my seat as Twilight levitated me a plate of pancakes. “Thanks Twi.” I said before digging into my pancakes.

“Morning y’all.” Stealth said as he exited the basement. He then froze once he saw Luna. “Your Highness.” He said before giving a bow to her.

“Ah yes the changeling. Good to see you Stealth. Please have a seat.” Luna said giving him a look that said. ‘Try something that I won’t like I dare you to.’

“Thank you Princess.” He said giving her another bow as he sat next to Spike. Once he took his seat Twilight levitated a plate of pancakes over to him. “Thank you Twilight.” He said before eating them.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence we had managed to finish our breakfast. “Ryan may I please talk to you outside for a moment?” Luna asked me as she slowly stood up from her seat.

“Lead the way.” I said as I followed her towards the door. After exiting the library Luna pulled me into a kiss. After a few moments I broke the kiss my lungs screaming for air. “What was that for?” I asked after getting my breath back.

“What am I not aloud to kiss you?” She said sarcastically.

“You are it’s just that I wish to know the reason why you kissed me.”

“Well I’m heading back to Canterlot.” She said looking towards said city. “If thou wish you could come with me.”

“As nice as that sounds and how much I’d love to do that, I have few things to do here in Ponyville.” I said causing her to wear a small frown.

As quickly as it appeared her frown was gone as she pulled me into a hug. “Alright then. Well I shall see you tonight.” She said as she released me from her grip. It was then I noticed her horn begin to glow.

“See you then Luna.” I said as she gave me a wave. Then she was gone in a flash of blue.

As I went back into the library I was met by Twilight who gave a small yelp of shock. “Oh sorry Ryan.” She said backpedaling a bit.

“No problem Twi. Hey where are you going?” I asked noticing that she was wearing her saddlebags.

“Oh well I was going to go shopping. We’re running low on a few things.” She said pulling out a list. “Hey you don’t mind keeping an eye on Stealth for the day do you?”

“Of course not Twilight.” She said levitating Stealth magical band to me.

“Okay well I better get going see ya.” She said before heading off towards the market.

As I made my way back into the library I saw that Spike was sitting in a chair reading a Daring Doo book whilst Stealth was looking at a nearby book shelf. “Wow Spike never knew you read anything other than comics.” I said jokingly.

“Ha ha ha.” He said dryly. “For your information the Daring Doo books are as action packed as my comics.”

“Yeah I know I’ve read the ones that Twilight’s got.” I said before turning to Stealth. “Hey Stealth how do you feel about heading out for a bit?”

“Sure where we heading?”

“I was thinking Rarity’s.” I said before turning to Spike. “You wanna come bud?”

“Nah I’m up to a really good bit.” He said his gaze never leaving the pages.

“Okay then. Let’s go Stealth.” I said as Stealth and I made our way out into Ponyville.

“So why are we going to Rarity’s?” Stealth asked me as we walked through Ponyville.

“Well we need to get you a suit.” I said getting a confused look from him.

“A suit?”

“Oh yeah.” I said realizing that he had no context about why I wanted to get him a suit. “Well I talked to Twilight last night and if her running off to lock herself in the bathroom, all the while wearing a giant blush is anything to go by I think that she may share the same feelings that you have for her.”

“Really?!” He exclaimed causing a few ponies to give us a few wayward glances before going back to their business. “I mean really?” He said in a hushed tone.

“Really. So that’s why we are getting you a suit.” I said as we finally arrived outside of Carousel Boutique.

As we walked in Rarity immediately took notice of us. “Ah hello darlings. What can I do for you Ryan?”

“Well Rarity, Stealth here needs a suit.”

“A suit whatever for?” She asked raising an eyebrow as she levitated out a measuring tape and notebook and quill.

“Well Stealth here has his eyes on a special somepony so I thought I’d get him a suit for when he asked her on a date.” This managed to get Rarity’s eyes to nearly pop out of her head.

“Really who is it darling?!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Rarity. How about we keep that between Stealth and me.” I said getting her to regain her composure.

“Alright then.” She said levitating the measuring tape over to Stealth. “Now please stand still darling.”

As she began taking Stealth’s measurements I could hear a trio of voices coming from the stairs that led to the boutique’s living area.

The next thing I knew three fillies had joined Stealth, Rarity and I. “Hey Rarity…” One of the three fillies said before pausing at the site of me.

“Sweetie Belle what’s wrong.” An orange pegasus filly said to the white unicorn filly whilst waving a hoof in front of her eyes.

“Yeah Sweetie Belle what’s wrong?” An earth pony filly with a large red bow said joining the pegasus filly with trying to get Sweetie Belle to talk again.

All that Sweetie Belle could do was raise a hoof to point at me. Her friends then followed her hoof until they saw me.

Rarity took notice of this as she wrote down Stealth’s measurements. “Sweetie Belle it is impolite to stare.” She said pulling Sweetie Belle out of her mile yard stare. “I’m so sorry about that Ryan.”

“It’s no problem Rarity. I’m used to ponies staring at me.”

“I guess you would be. Anyway I would like for you to meet my sister Sweetie Belle and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.” At the mention of their names the three fillies gave me a wave.

“Nice to meet you three.” I said to them as I returned their waves. This managed to get them to calm down at seeing how friendly I was.

Apple Bloom then decided to take a few steps towards me. “If ya don’t mind me asking, what are ya?” She asked me.

“Well I am what’s called a human.” I said as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle began to circle me like sharks taking in my appearance.

“Now, now Sweetie Belle, I’m quite sure that Ryan doesn’t need to be put under you and your friends scrutinization.” Rarity said.

“Yeah like I didn’t go through enough of that by you, Twilight and the others when I first showed up.” I said to her jokingly getting a look of shock to appear on her face.

“I did no such thing darling.”

“Don’t think I didn’t see the looks you guys were giving me.”

“Alright then we have been keeping a close eye on you, but we weren’t scrutinizing you.”

“You do know I wouldn’t care if you said that you were scrutinizing me y’know. I got pulled here by Discord, you guys were only being cautious.” I said calming her down.

“Wait so you’re here because of Discord?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, drawing my attention back to the three fillies.

“Yeah I am. But if your worried about me causing chaos like he would don’t worry because I won’t.” I said getting the three fillies to calm down.

“Alright then but we’ll be keeping an eye on you mister.” Scootaloo said to me.

“Maybe we can get our cutie marks by keeping an eye on Ryan!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed to the others.

At this Sweetie Belle got a round of agreement from her two friends before running out of the Boutique. “Um where did they just run off to?” I asked Rarity.

“Probably going to plan how their going to keep an eye on you.” She said before turning her gaze back to Stealth. “Now then dear I guess you’re going to go out on your date as this.” She questioned gesturing to his unicorn disguise.

“Yes I will be.” He replied. “If I may ask why?”

“Well no offense but whoever your dating may be turned off at the idea of going on a date with a changeling, y’know with what happened at Canterlot.”

“Good point.”

“Besides I’m already brewing up a few designs for your suit that go with your disguise.” She said before reviewing what she had written down. “Do you have a time set for your date?”

“Um no I don’t I haven’t asked her yet.”

“Alright then. Well that gives me more time to work on it.”

“Okay how much for the suit Rarity?” I asked.

At this a slightly wicked smile spread on her face. “Well how about you tell me who Stealth has a crush on.”

“Alright then but you have to promise to keep it a secret.” I said before leaning down to whisper who it was in her ear.

“Really?!” She exclaimed looking between Stealth and I.

“Yes really.” Stealth said sheepishly.

“Good for you and her. And don’t worry I promise I won’t tell anypony about this.”

“Thanks Rarity.” Stealth thanked her.

“As I said darling it’s no problem.” She said before pulling Stealth close. “But if you don’t treat her right well me telling people about your crush will be the least of your worries with me.” She said darkly causing Stealth to shake slightly.

“Got it Rarity.” He said as she released him.

“Wow Rarity you sure can be scary.” I commented slightly scared at her tone.

“Don’t worry darling I’m only like that when someone has the chance to hurt my friends.” She replied in an all too cherry mood that send shivers down my spine.

“Okay… Well Stealth and best be off now.” I said to her as I slowly backed towards the door. “Seeya.” And with that Stealth and I ran all the way back to the library.

Double date night and a new perspective.

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After a quick sprint through Ponyville Stealth and Ryan found themselves breathless outside of Golden Oaks Library. “That was…” Ryan said before taking in a deep breath.

“Creepy?” Stealth finished for him.

“Yeah.” Ryan said finally catching his breath before turning to the front door of the library.

“Geez I thought ponies couldn’t be creepy.” Orion said to Ryan.

‘Well apparently they can.’ Ryan thought back as he and Stealth entered the library.

“Well at least we got the suit in order.” Stealth said pulling Ryan from his thoughts.

“What suit?” The familiar voice of Spike said from the entrance to the kitchen.

“Well looks like you two have been sprung.”

“Suit? I don’t know what you’re talking about Spike.” Ryan said choosing to ignore Orion.

This had the affect of getting Spike to raise an eyebrow at the duo. “Guys you do know I can tell a lie from a mile away. Hanging out with Applejack can give you that ability.”

“Fine we’ll tell you but you can’t tell anyone got it.” Ryan said to the dragon.

“Okay I won’t.”

“Pinkie Promise.” Stealth said.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. There now tell me.”

“Stealth has a crush on Twilight.” Ryan said getting straight to the point.

“Wha…” Spike said looking at Stealth.

“It’s true so don’t tell anyone.” Stealth said fixing Spike with a glare.

“What happens if I do tell someone, what’s the bug going to do to me?” At this Stealth decided to get right in Spike’s face.

“I will get Ryan to take this ring off my horn and then I will drain you of every drop of emotion in your body.”

“Whoa geez man calm down.” Spike said putting as much distance between him and Stealth as he could. “I Pinkie Promised okay I won’t tell anyone, cause if I did I’d be unleashing the wrath of Pinkie Pie and no one wants that.”

“So you won’t tell anyone Spike?” Ryan asked Spike.

“As I said I won’t. By the way Ryan you wouldn’t actually remove Stealth’s ring would ya?”

“Maybe.” Ryan shrugged.

“You can’t do that Ryan. Didn’t Princess Celestia say that you couldn’t take the ring off of him unless he was reformed?” Spike asked as he kept giving a cautious glance to Stealth.

“Well in that case I think that he’s quite reformed.” Ryan said lifting a hand towards Stealth’s Anti-Magic ring.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Spike yelled as he jumped towards Stealth and Ryan.

“Don’t worry Spike I won’t take it off.” Ryan said as he held Spike in the air with a few levitation spells.

At this the door to the library opened and Twilight walked in. “Ryan, why are you levitating Spike?”

“Ooh someone’s in trouble.” Orion whispered.

“Would you believe me if I said that he wanted to know what it’s like to fly.”

The unicorn then turned her gaze to Spike. “Is that the truth?”

“Yes but Stealth wants to tell you something.” Spike said as Ryan lowered him to the ground.

“Really Stealth. What do you want to tell me?”

“Did you really just do that?” Ryan whispered to Spike.

“What he was going to tell her eventually.” Spike said before realizing he wasn’t whispering.

“Tell me what?” She then looked Stealth in his eyes. “Stealth what are they talking about?”

Before Stealth could give an answer Ryan spoke up. “Me and Spike are gonna go get started on lunch okay.” And with that Ryan dragged Spike into the kitchen.

“So what did you want to tell me?”

“Well…It’s not that simple.” Stealth said as he rubbed his fore-hooves together out of nervousness.

“Well whatever it is I’m sure I can help in someway.” Twilight said as she put a hoof on Stealth’s shoulder.

“Well that’s the thing it involves you.”

“What involves me?”

‘Come on Stealth you’re one of Chrysalis’ finest. If you could take over most of Canterlot than you can tell Twilight your feelings for her.’ A voice in Stealth’s mind said to him.

“Twilight, ever since I met you I’ve felt something that changelings rarely feel for a pony.”

“Wait are you saying that you like me?” Twilight asked a small blush rising on her muzzle.

In that moment Stealth could feel a few choice emotions around her that told him that she felt the same way.

‘Screw it.’ Stealth thought to himself before catching Twilight off guard by pulling her into a kiss.

After breaking the kiss Stealth looked at Twilight to find that she wasn’t moving. “Umm Twilight are you okay?” Stealth said waving a hoof in front of her face.

‘Oh crap I broke her.’ He thought before realizing that he should get help.

“Spike, Ryan I need your help!” He called out. The next moment he found that he and Twilight weren’t alone as Ryan came rushing out of the kitchen followed by Spike.

“What happened?” Ryan asked looking between Stealth and Twilight.

“Well one moment we were kissing and when it ended she was just like this.” Stealth said as Ryan got closer to inspect the lavender unicorn’s expressionless face.

“Well it seems she’s in a state of shock.” It was then that Ryan realized that Twilight’s face was turning redder by the second.

“I just got kissed by Stealth.” She whispered.

“Um Twilight mind repeating that?” Ryan said.

“I just got kissed by Stealth.” She then quickly began to stare at Stealth. “Why did you kiss me?” She asked as she walked over to Stealth.

“Because I like you a lot, maybe even love you.” Stealth said worried that she may be mad.

“And I didn’t return the kiss.” Twilight said worry lacing her voice. “I can fix that.”

“What do you. Mmph?!” Stealth said being caught off guard as he was pulled into a kiss by Twilight. After a few moments he decided to let himself go to the kiss and push back against her as their tongues began to dance with each other.

As they parted Spike decided to ruin the moment in a way only a kid could. “Eww gross. I’m going to go grab lunch.” He said making his way into the kitchen.


“Wow, who knew a baby dragon could cause an awkward silence so quickly.” Orion said.

“Okay then. Well Spike’s romantic moment ruining ability aside I’m happy for you both.” Ryan said as he gave each of them a warm smile. “But he does have a point about getting some lunch.”

As Ryan left the room Stealth turned to Twilight. “So what do we do now?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked wondering what he meant.

“Well us.” He said pointing a hoof between the two of them. “What does this mean for us?”

“Well I may have to talk to my friends for advice.”

“Why?” Stealth asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well I don’t really have much experience in the field of relationships. And well the girls’ advice has helped me in the past.”

“I see. Well how about we go get some lunch first.”

At this Twilight’s stomach let out a small growl. “Good plan.”

An hour after lunch Stealth had found himself sitting in a couch shifting around nervously.

“Stealth calm down.” Ryan said as he looked up from a book that contained spells about magical constructs.

“I can’t, what if Twilight’s friends don’t like me.” Stealth said as his disguise flickered slightly.

“Stealth calm down okay your nervousness is causing you disguise to flicker.” At this Stealth took a deep breath in as he slowly counted to ten in his head. “Another thing the others already like you okay. Well as much as they can like a changeling that tried to take over Canterlot a while ago.”

“That doesn’t help.” Stealth said in a deadpan tone.

“Good point. How about this, at least you aren’t going to meet her family.”

“That is a very good point.”

“Hey I just thought of something!” Ryan exclaimed as he got up from his seat.

“What did you think of?”

“Well you know how me and Luna are dating.” Stealth than gave him a nod. “Well how about you, Twilight, Luna and I go on a double date.”

“A double date?”

“You don’t know what a double date is.”

“No I don’t, the teachers in the hive didn’t teach us about that. They only taught us about regular dates.”

“Well then I’ll give you the basics. A double date is basically a date where two couples go out and have dinner together, this usually occurs between friends.”

“So it’s basically if Twilight and I joined you and Luna on one of your dates?”


“That sounds nice.”

“Great I’ll have a chat to Twilight about that.” It was then that Twilight had walked through the front door to the library.

“Speak of the devil.” Orion said.

“Hey Twi how’d it go?” Ryan asked once he noticed that Twilight had a look of exhaustion on her face.

“It was exhausting.” She said before taking a seat next to Stealth on the couch.

“Didn’t know that you talking to your friends would be that hard.” Stealth said as Twilight snuggled up next to him.

“It isn’t it’s just that they thought that you had put me under some sort of mind control spell. Then Pinkie put me through a series of ridiculous tests to make sure I wasn’t under some sort of spell.”

“Sounds like fun. I’d imagine Rarity would’ve give you some advice on what to do.” Ryan said.

“She did. She told me to tell Stealth to take me out somewhere nice for dinner. She also said your suit should be done tomorrow afternoon.”

“Well I may have an idea about what you two can do for a date.”

“What would that be Ryan?” Twilight asked.

“Well I just need to borrow Spike and send a message to Luna. Cause I’m thinking that you, Stealth, Luna and I could go on a double date.”

“That sounds like a great idea Ryan.” Twilight said before her horn began to glow. After a few seconds Spike appeared holding a quill and scroll.

“Twilight can you please stop teleporting me around whenever you want to send a letter to the Princess.” He then walked over to Twilight holding out the scroll and quill.

“Sorry Spike but Twilight isn’t the one sending the letter.” Ryan said.

“Oh well here ya go.” Spike said as he handed off the quill and scroll. “Now if you’ll excuse me I got some comic books to get back to.” And with that Spike made his way towards the stairs.

“Hey Spike.” Ryan said finishing his letter.


“I need you to send this thing for me bud.” Ryan said levitating the letter to Spike.

After Spike sent the letter off to Canterlot with a tongue of fire he then made his way towards the stairs before stopping and coughing up a scroll which he handed off to Ryan.

“Thanks Spike.” Ryan said before looking over the letter. “Well I got good news you two.”

“What is it?” Stealth asked as he took a pause in giving Twilight a hug.

“Luna agreed to let you two join us on a date. And before you ask Twilight, she proposed that we go on a date tomorrow night.”

“So should I get Spike to send our acceptance of this proposal.” Twilight said.

“No point Twilight. Luna said she’d pay us a visit tomorrow night. Also she said that she’d take care of where we go.”

“Well that’s nice of her.” Stealth said before returning to hug Twilight.

“Okay I’ll go cook us up something for dinner.” Ryan said heading towards the kitchen.

The next day

A knock could be heard throughout the library as Stealth and Ryan had finished getting ready for the night ahead.

“Hello.” Ryan said as he opened the library’s front door.

Once he opened the door Ryan found himself being pulled into a deep kiss by a familiar blue magical aura. Once the kiss ended he looked up into the eyes of Luna. “Well hello to you to Luna.”

“Hello to you as well Ryan.” Luna said as she still kept Ryan in a hug. “So are the others ready for tonight?”

“Well Stealth is but Twilight’s over at Rarity’s getting ready.” Ryan said as he was released from the hug. “I’ll go get him.”

After a few moments Ryan returned to the door with Stealth. “Good evening Princess Luna.” Stealth said before bowing to her.

“Please no need to bow Stealth, also for the rest of the night just call me Luna.”

“Of course Princ… I mean Luna.” Stealth said still nervous around the princess of the night.

“Now then how about we go retrieve Twilight.” Luna said as her horn began to glow.

“How about we walk instead Luna.” Ryan offered as he held a hand up to stop her from teleporting them. “Gives us a chance to see the artwork you’ve weaved for us tonight.” Ryan said gesturing to the sky above them.

“You always seem to know what to say to make me happy don’t you Ryan.” Luna said as she gave Ryan a kiss on the cheek.

“All part of the job that is being your boyfriend.” Ryan said as he returned the kiss.

“Wow if I could puke from the amount of affection happening between you two I would.” Orion said as Ryan, Stealth and Luna made their way towards Rarity’s Boutique.

‘Glad to hear I found a way to annoy the crap out of you.’ Ryan thought back to him.

“Now Stealth I must ask why have you decided to pursue a relationship with Twilight?”

“May I ask why you want to know?” Stealth said as the trio made their way through Ponyville.

“Because my sister is Twilight’s teacher, and if I am to guess correctly she would want to know why someone of your species is proceeding to court Twilight.”

“Well in that case it is because I am one of the few of my species that sees a pony as more than a food source.” Stealth explained.

“So you love her?” Luna asked as they approached the Boutique.

“I don’t know if it’s love, but I do have strong feelings for her.”

“Well that’s better than nothing.” Ryan said as the trio found themselves outside the Boutique. Ryan then held open the door. “Princesses first.”

“Such the gentlestallion.” Luna said as she made her way inside. “But Ryan is correct I may not be Cadance but I can tell that you have strong feelings for Twilight that could be considered love.”

“Thanks for that Luna.” Stealth said as the trio were joined in the Boutique’s main lobby by Rarity.

“I’m so sorry but we are closed for the nigh… Oh Princess I didn’t realize it was you or your company.”

“Tis no problem Rarity, but we must ask whether or not Twilight is ready for tonight.”

“I am.” Twilight’s voice could be heard from another room.

After a few seconds Twilight walked out from a side room. As she entered the room Stealth’s jaw dropped at the sight of Twilight. “Huh guess it’s true about how my dresses will leave stallions speechless.” Rarity said at the sight of Stealth’s hanging jaw.

“You look beautiful.” Stealth said to Twilight.

“Thanks Stealth. Although it’s not much really, it’s just a lavender version of the dress I wore to the last Grand Galloping Gala.” Twilight said as she wore a small blush under her make-up.

“Don’t care if it’s a bunch of rags you still look beautiful.” Stealth said as he gave Twilight a kiss on the cheek.

“I-Um-I… Thank you.” She said her blush becoming more intense.

“Sorry to interrupt this moment but we should get going.” Luna said causing Stealth and Twilight to be shaken out of the romantic moment.

“Luna’s right we should be heading off.” Twilight said before turning to Luna. “Where exactly are we going for our date?”

“To a place in Canterlot. I do hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all Luna.” She said before turning to Rarity. “Rarity I’m sorry to ask you of this but could you tell Spike that I’ll be staying in Canterlot for the night.”

“Of course I will darling. I’ll tell him when he comes over to help me take inventory of my stock. Now you four head off and have a good night to yourselves.” Rarity said before giving Twilight a hug.

“Thanks Rarity.” She said returning the hug before turning to Luna, Ryan and Stealth. “Okay let’s go.”

At this Luna’s horn began to glow as her blue aura surrounded the two couples as they disappeared in a flash of blue.

Once the teleportation ended the two couples found themselves outside a very familiar restraunt to the human of the group. “The Griffon’s Buffet? Nice choice Luna.” Ryan said to the alicorn as the group made their way inside.

“The Griffon’s Buffet? You’ve been here before Ryan?” Twilight asked as they were greeted by the owner of the restraunt.

“Good evening Princess Luna.” Griff said as he laid a kiss on one of Luna’s fore-hooves.

“And a good evening to you too Griff. You wouldn’t mind escorting us to our table would you?”

“Not at all Princess. If you would please follow me.” Griff said as he led the group to a booth. As the group took their seats Griff left four menus for them before speaking again. “Now if you’ll excuse me I will give you time to decide what you will want for dinner.” He said before heading off towards the kitchen.

“Now as for your earlier question Twilight, yes I’ve been here before. Twice actually, first time was with Cadance, the second time was the time I took Luna here for a date.” Ryan said as he browsed the menu.

“Must be good if two princesses have come here to eat.” Stealth said as Griff returned to the table.

“Have you all made your decisions for dinner?” Griff said as he collected the groups menus.

After a few minutes of the group placing their orders Griff left to prepare their meals.

“If you don’t mind Stealth I would like to ask you some questions.” Luna said looking to Stealth.

“Of course not Luna.” Stealth said as a serving colt arrived at the table with a round of wine.

“Thank you good colt.” Luna said as the colt left the table. “Now as for my question it is about your species diet. Can your species eat meat?”

“Yes we can. We can actually eat a variety of meals without any major repercussions.” Stealth said as he took a sip of wine.

“How about getting drunk?” Ryan asked as the groups meals arrived.

“We can get drunk. Why do you want to know?” Stealth said before digging into his meal.

“No reason.” Ryan said before he followed Stealth’s example and began to eat his dinner.

After the group had finished their dinner, Ryan had taken notice that they had somehow managed to run out of wine. “Um Luna, how much of a fan of wine are you?”

“Hmm.” Luna said before noticing the empty wine bottle. “I only had a couple of glasses.”

“Well I only had one.” Ryan said before looking to Stealth. “How about you?”

“Three glasses.” He said before he found himself pulled into a hug by Twilight.

“Hey Twilight how many glasses of wine have you had?” Ryan asked Twilight.

“About five. Why?” She slurred before going back to nuzzling Stealth.

“No reason.” Ryan said as Griff appeared with their bill.

“Wow who knew Bookworm was a light weight when it came to drinking.” Orion snickered to Ryan, as Luna paid the bill.

‘Well it’s probably her first night drinking.’ Ryan thought back before turning to Luna. “So should we head off?”

“We should. I’d recommend we walk but it’d probably be best if we teleport to the castle.” Luna said as her horn began to glow.

After a few seconds the group found themselves inside the castle. “Stealth I trust that you will be able to take care of Twilight for the night.” Luna said as she gestured to Twilight’s old room.

“They’re going to be bunking with Trixie?” Ryan asked as he opened the door for Stealth as he carried Twilight into the room.

“No they won’t. I moved Trixie into her own room in my Lunar Wing of the castle.”

“Hey Stealth her room’s at the top of the stairs there.” Ryan said gesturing to the stairs that led to the main bedroom.

“Got it. Well goodnight you two.” Stealth said as Ryan and Luna left the room.

“There you go.” Stealth grunted as he lifted Twilight onto the bed. “Probably best if I get you out of you dress.” Stealth said as he began to peel the dress off of her with Telekinesis.

“So I see you have heaps of experience with undressing mares.” Twilight said lustfully as Stealth finished taking her dress off her. “I got to repay you for that y’know.” She said as she levitated him onto the bed.

“Twilight what are you suggesting?” Stealth asked worried about what she was implying.

“Well we don’t just have to use this bed to sleep.” Twilight said before letting out a small yawn.

“Twilight I really don’t think we should do that…” Stealth stopped himself when he realized that Twilight had fallen asleep on top of him. “Well guess I’m staying here for the night. Can’t get her off of me without waking her.” He said before letting out a yawn as he fell asleep.


“So then Ryan you’re alone with a princess in her bedroom what are you going to do next?” Luna asked Ryan quizzically.

Her answer came in the form of a deep passionate kiss. When the kiss ended Luna found herself on her back looking up at Ryan. “Simple Lulu. I’m going to show you a night of pleasure unlike any night you’ve experienced before.”

“Really? I highly doubt that.” She said before she was interrupted as Ryan showed her how good hands could be for certain things. “So you’re going to play like that eh?”

“Well I did say I’d show you a night of pleasure like no other night before.” He said before giving her another kiss.

A thoughtful chapter.

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As the sun rose over the land of Equestria, a changeling by the name of Stealth slowly awoke from his slumber. “Where am I?” Stealth said as he took in his surroundings before remembering the events that happened the previous night.

As he sifted through the events of last night he was pulled from is thoughts by a weight on his chest. As he looked down his form he could see that Twilight had her head resting on his chest. After a few minutes of Stealth thinking of what to do next he realized two things. The first was that Twilight was slowly waking up. The second was that he didn’t have his disguise on.

Before he could reapply his disguise Twilight had opened her eyes. “Um hi.” Stealth said as Twilight’s eyes widened in shock.

It was in the next second few seconds that Stealth found out how Twilight had managed to fight off an entire changeling horde, at the time Stealth rounded her fighting them off to be because of her friends. But that all changed when he found himself flying through the door to the bedroom in the blink of an eye.

Before Stealth could make head or tails of how he had managed to get from a comfy bed to falling down the stairs that led to the bedroom he was previously in. “GUARDS!!!” The sound of Twilight screaming that one word caused time to somehow slow around Stealth as his mind raced to come up with a plan.

As his mind formulated a plan Stealth realized three things. The first was that during his fall down the stairs his anti-magic ring had somehow fallen off of his horn. The second was that it sounded like Twilight was making way to follow him. And last but not least Twilight screaming for the guards had managed to get the two ponies that Stealth didn’t want to be around to send the door to the room flying open. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

“Twilight are you alright? We heard yelling…” Princess Cadance began before catching sight off Stealth.

“Cadance is it just me or is there a changeling standing in Twilight’s room.” Shining said before aiming his horn at Stealth.

“Wait!” Stealth said raising his hooves causing Shining to pause. “I mean you no harm.”

“Hey Cadance, don’t you just love changeling tricks and treachery.” Shining said before his horn began to glow before firing a magical bolt towards Stealth.

As Stealth rolled out of the way of the bolt a plan had managed to formulate in his mind. ‘Gotta find Ryan, only way to live.’ Stealth thought as he prepped a teleport spell.

At the sight of Stealth’s horn glowing from the prepping of his teleport spell Shining sent a hail of bolts at Stealth a hail of that Stealth couldn’t avoid if he had his anti-magic ring on his horn.

As soon as he blinked out of Shining’s sight the prince turned to see Stealth reappear in the doorway before sprinting off into the halls of the castle. “Cadance check on Twilight. I’ll deal with the changeling!” Shining said before charging off after Stealth.

As Cadance made her way towards the bedroom to check on Twilight the door was flung open as Twilight came running out. “Stealth!?” She yelled wondering where he had gone. Before she could say anything else she saw Cadance. “Cadance what are you doing here?”

Before she could get an answer Cadance pulled Twilight into a hug. “Shhh Twilight it’s okay. The changeling isn’t here to hurt you anymore.” She said as she ran a hoof through Twilight’s mane.

“What? Wait Cadance you don’t understand Stealth isn’t trying to hurt anypony. He’s-he’s-he’s…” Twilight stammered.

“He’s what Twilight?”

“He’s my Coltfriend.” Twilight said causing Cadance to give her a look of disbelief.

“Twilight he probably made you believe that with a disguise.”

“No he didn’t!” Twilight said taking a few steps away from Cadance. “Well technically he did but I always knew he was a changeling.”

“So you knew that he was a changeling throughout your relationship?”

“Yes I did.” Twilight stated before looking past her sister-in-law out the open doors. “Know if you’ll excuse me I have to go save Stealth from Shining.” She said making her way towards the door.

“I’ll give you a helping hoof with that.” Cadance said as she joined Twilight run out the door after Shining and Stealth.

“GET BACK HERE CHANGELING!!!!!!” Shining Armor shouted as he chased Stealth through the castle.

‘Geez this guy doesn’t give up.’ Stealth thought to himself as he made his way towards the Lunar Wing of the castle. As he was being chased through the halls he noticed that Shining wasn’t the only one chasing him anymore, through his chase Shining had managed to gather a number of Solar Guard to help him in the chase.

As Stealth rounded a corner he ran into another guardspony if the armor was anything to go by. “Hey watch where you’re going…” The mare said before looking down to see who had run into her. “You!” She said as she spun him around and held him against a wall.

“Ah buck.” Stealth said as he noticed who the mare was. “Morning Captain Moonlight.” Stealth croaked out as Moonlight applied pressure to his throat.

“What the buck are you doing out here changeling?” She said before looking up at his horn. “And where is your anti-magic ring?” She questioned levelling her blades at his throat.

“Do you mind using my name please, I’ve had enough ponies only address me as changeling.”

“Fine then Stealth. Where’s your ring and what are you running from?”

“Well through a series of complicated events my ring was knocked off, as for what I’m running from that would be Captain Shining Armor. Now if you would please let me go I need to go talk to Ryan.” Stealth said as the pressure on his neck was slightly reduced.

“Well too bad.” Moonlight said as she reapplied the pressure to his neck. “You’re no taking another step towards the Lunar Wing.”

“Well sorry but I gotta go.” Stealth said as he teleported once more and sprinted away from her as Shining and the Solar Guard rounded the corner.

“Captain Moonlight, you haven’t happened to see a changeling pass through here have you?” Shining asked her. Before he could get an answer Moonlight was gone as she flew off after Stealth. “I’ll take that as a yes. C’mon men he’s got no where else to go!” Shining exclaimed as he and the Solar Guard made to follow Moonlight.


As Ryan slowly woke up from his sleep he could have sworn he heard a small boom from somewhere within the castle. ‘What the heck was that?’ Ryan thought to himself as he slowly propped himself up on his elbows.

As he rose up he noticed two things. The first was that there was a pressure on his mid-section which upon inspection was the sleeping head of Luna. This was the point he noticed that he was lying in Luna’s bed naked.

“Well I gotta congratulate you on one thing Ryan.” Orion said as Ryan laid back down on his back.

‘And what would that be?’ Ryan thought back as he swore he could have heard another boom throughout the castle.

“What do ya think. You just got lucky with a Princess!” Orion exclaimed as Ryan began to work his way out from under Luna.

‘A good point. But I don’t see it as that.’ Ryan said as he made his way towards the bathroom.

“So what would you see it as?”

“A new step in our relationship.” He said before having a shower and getting dressed into his magic coat and gloves.

“Can you stop you’re gonna make me puke.” Orion said as Ryan made his way towards the door. “Wait a sec where are we going? Shouldn’t you be staying here with Luna?”

‘Luna would understand that I need to go have some coffee.’ Ryan thought before stopping himself from opening the door. ‘Did you hear that?’ Ryan asked Orion.

“Did it sound like a boom?”


“Then yes I did.” Orion said before Ryan opened the door to see Stealth round the corner into the hall that led into Luna’s private chambers.

As Stealth got closer Ryan closed the door hoping that the soundproofing charm from the previous night was still in effect. “Hey Stealth what’s wrong?” Ryan said as Stealth hid behind him and decided to use Ryan as a shield. “Also where’s your ring?”

“Long story I’ll tell you later. For now, please protect me!” Stealth said as Ryan attention was pulled from him as he noticed a group of guards standing at the entrance to the hallway that Stealth had just appeared from.

As Ryan inspected the group of guards he noticed that Shining Armor was at the head of the group. “I’m guessing Shining may or may not have found you in the same room as Twilight?” Ryan whispered to Stealth.

“He doesn’t know that me and Twilight are dating. All he knows is that I’m a changeling and I may or may not have been undisguised around her.”

“Got it.” Ryan said as he focused on the guards.

“Um Ryan there’s a problem. Moonlight isn’t with those guards.”

At this Ryan looked above him to see a single Thestral hanging over over him and Stealth. Upon seeing the Thestral, Ryan hit her with a smug grin. “Morning Moonlight, how’s it hanging?”

“Did you really just do that?” Orion and Stealth asked in unison.

“Yep.” Ryan said the smug grin still on his face.

With that said and done Moonlight slinked down from her place in the roof’s rafters. “… Did you really just say that?” Moonlight deadpanned.

“Yep. Sorry.” Ryan said apologizing for the pun. “Anyway jokes aside what seems to be the problem?”

At this Shining made his way towards the small group. “Well Ryan we’re here for the changeling that’s behind you.” Shining said pointing at Stealth.

“A couple of things. One, let’s move a bit away from the room that Luna is sleeping in. Second, you’ll call Stealth by his name got it Shining.” Ryan said before gesturing for the gathered group to move away from the door. “Also Shining call off your guards they won’t be needed.”

At this the small group made their way to the gathering of Solar Guards as Shining told them to go back to their regularly scheduled duties. “Now if you don’t mind Ryan I’ll be taking Stealth into custody.” Shining said.

“Why?” Ryan questioned as he saw out of the corner of his eye two ponies approach the small group.

“Yes Shining why indeed?” The familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle said from behind Shining.

As Shining turned around to greet the new arrivals he noticed that Cadance was with his sister. “Because Twilight he was trying to drain your emotions. If it wasn’t for you yelling for the guards me and Cadance probably wouldn’t have been able to help you in time.”

At this a small blush arose on Twilight’s face. “Oh yeah the yelling.” She said before turning to Stealth. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” Stealth said before shying behind Ryan again thanks to a glare from Shining.

“Shining Armor, you will stop giving my Coltfriend the death stare is that understood?!” Twilight exclaimed once she saw the glare.

“Coltfriend!?” Shining exclaimed, before looking between Twilight and Stealth. “Twilight he probably tricked you with a disguise into having you think he’s your Coltfriend.”

“As I’ve explained to Cadance I already knew that he was a changeling.” Twilight said as she moved beside Stealth before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Okay then he’s your Coltfriend.” Shining said all too calmly. “If you already knew about him being a changeling why did you start yelling for guards?”

“Guess I’m not used to waking up to a changeling in the same bed as me.”

This admission had the effect of having Shining freeze in place as his brain shut down from this admission. “You slept with my sister?” Shining said as his gaze fell on Stealth. In the blink of an eye Stealth found himself wrapped in a pink aura of magic as he was pinned to a wall by the aura. “You slept with my sister!” Shining said as he kept Stealth pinned against the wall.

Before anypony could react to this Ryan had his hand wrapped around Shining’s horn. “Shining drop Stealth right now.” Ryan said in a serious tone as small flames began to dance on the hand that was holding his horn. “Or else tiny black crystals will be the least horrible thing to happen to your horn.”

At this threat Shining dropped Stealth from his place on the wall. “Thanks Ryan.” Stealth said as he righted himself. “Um Twilight don’t get mad at your brother okay.” Stealth said as he made his way over to Twilight.

“No promises Stealthy.” Twilight said before giving him a small kiss.

“Sorry to interrupt this moment Miss Sparkle but I need Stealth to put this on.” Moonlight said before pulling out a ring Stealth’s anti-magic ring. “And before you ask I went back to Twilight’s room and found this on the ground. Now Stealth please put this back on.” She said offering him the ring.

“That won’t be necessary Captain Moonlight.” The familiar voice of Luna said from behind the entourage.

“Morning Luna.” Ryan said as she joined the group. “Have a good night’s rest?”

“I believe you know the answer to that already.” She said before realizing that they weren’t the only ones present.

“Lady Noctis why shouldn’t he wear the ring?” Moonlight asked.

“Because Stealth has to wear that ring until either me or my sister see him rehabilitated. And whilst he may not be a hundred percent rehabilitated I think he’s rehabilitated enough that he doesn’t need the ring.”

“And what proves that Princess?” Shining asked.

“Simple Captain Armor. For most of this morning he was not wearing the ring, during that time he could have fled Canterlot and we probably wouldn’t have seen him again. But instead of running he stayed. Now we may not know why he stayed…” She explained before letting her gaze land on Twilight for a few short moments. “We do know that he did stay when he could of left. That enough is proof that he doesn’t need to wear the ring.” She said finishing her explanation.

“A good point Lady Noctis.” Moonlight said before tucking the ring away.

“Now then Twilight, I can entrust you to keep an eye on Stealth.” Luna said getting a nod from Twilight before turning to Stealth. “And I entrust you Stealth to follow the laws of Equestria.”

“Of course Princess.” Stealth said giving a slight bow.

“Good to hear. Now I must go discuss this matter with my sister.” Luna said before giving Ryan a kiss on the cheek as she made her way off towards where her sister would be at this time during the morning hours.

“Well Shiny and I best be off.” Cadance said as she pulled Shining away by his tail with her magic. It was then that Ryan had noticed that Moonlight was gone as well.

“Well I best go pack up and get ready for the train ride back to Ponyville.” Twilight said before turning to Stealth. “I’ll be in the room if you need me.” She said before giving him a kiss and leaving.

“So you can use all your magic now?” Ryan asked Stealth.

“Yeah I can. Why?”

“Well I need you to do something for me Stealth.”

“And what would that be.” Stealth said before donning his disguise. “Gotta keep up appearances mate.” Stealth said when he noticed Ryan giving him a quizzical look.

“Okay then.” Ryan said before leaning down so he was eye level with Stealth. “As for what I need you to do for me, well it’s quite simple. I need a meeting with your Queen.”

A human in the hive.

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“You want to what?!” Stealth exclaimed at what Ryan had just said.

“You heard me. So can you get me a meeting with her or not?” Ryan asked the changeling.

“Okay. First off how could I?” Stealth asked as he walked away from Ryan. Before pausing a few feet away. “So you want to walk and talk or not.”

“Got it. Well Stealth, as for how you could get me into a meeting with your queen well it’s quite simple. From what I know changelings are quite similar to insects and some species of insects such as bees are connected to their queen and hive through a hive mind. So if my guess is correct you changelings are connected to your queen telepathically via a hivemind.” Ryan explained as he walked beside Stealth.

“… That was…” Stealth began.


“Not really more so it was accurate.”

“So I’m right about you being connected to Queen Chrysalis?”

“Yes your correct.” Stealth said before his horn began to glow slightly. “How about we go discuss this somewhere else.”

“How about we go check on the Princesses? Celestia probably wants to see you about the whole lack of an anti-magic ring.” Ryan said before trying to remember where the Throne Room was.

“If you want I could lead the way y’know able to read ponies emotions and tell where they are.” Stealth said before changing his direction by 180 degrees. “C’mon let’s go.” Stealth said as he made his way towards the Throne Room.

“Ah Ryan, Stealth good to see you two.” Celestia said as Stealth and Ryan entered the Throne Room.

“Morning Celestia.” Ryan said as he and Stealth walked towards the thrones. “I’m guessing Luna’s told you about why Stealth isn’t wearing his ring.”

“Yes she has. And I have to agree with why she allowed Stealth to go with out the ring, so Stealth doesn’t have to worry about my approval.” Celestia said nodding to Luna as Ryan noticed her drinking from a jug of coffee as she sat on her mixture of ebony and sapphire throne.

It was then Ryan levitated the jug of coffee out of her grasp and over to himself. “Thanks for sharing.” He said before drinking out of the jug and walking over to the two sisters. “Hey I need to talk to you two about something.”

“What would you like to talk to us about?” Luna asked before she stole the jug of coffee back from Ryan.

“It involves our little plan with Stealth.”

“Ah I see.” Celestia said before her horn let off a glow before the glow disappeared. “You can talk now Stealth can’t hear us.”

“Let me guess sound proof bubble?” Ryan asked before Celestia gave him a nod. “Cool. Okay now for what I wanted to talk to you about. With Stealth not having to wear his ring anymore he can now talk to Queen Chrysalis via a hivemind.”

“And so you wish to use this hivemind to meet with Chrysalis.” Celestia asked.

“Yes. And with that hopefully I’ll be able to convince her to discuss peace with you two.” Ryan said.

“Sounds like fun.” Luna said before looking to Stealth. “So then sister shall we drop this little bubble and let Ryan tell Stealth to talk to Chrysalis.”

With that said Celestia’s horn glowed once more as the sound proof bubble dissipated. She then shifted her focus to Stealth. “Stealth if we may my sister and I have a favor to ask of you.”

After a few seconds of silence Ryan noticed that Stealth’s horn was giving off his signature Amaranth Red glow. “Yo Stealth you okay?” Ryan asked as he waved a hand in front of his eyes.

“Huh?” Stealth said as he jumped back slightly at how close Ryan’s hand was to his face. “Did I miss something?”

“No not really. But we need you to get me an appointment with your Queen.”

“Heh about that. While you were talking to the Princesses I spoke to Queen Chrysalis and she said she’d want to see you as soon as possible.”

“Really.” Ryan asked disbelief coating his voice.

“Really. She also said that we have to go alone.” Stealth said before looking to the Princesses. “As much as you would wish to keep Ryan safe by sending a guard with us, the Queen would probably kill them on sight.”

“Are you certain your Queen would be able to find the guard that we would send with you?” Luna asked Stealth with a raised eyebrow.

“No she wouldn’t because you won’t be sending any guards right Luna?” Ryan said walking over to Luna. “I’ll be fine Luna. So don’t worry.”

“I can’t help it.” Luna said as Ryan pulled her into a hug.

At this a small flash of light appeared in the room. As the flash faded everyone looked to see Raven appear with a scroll floating above her head. “Here’s the spell you wanted Princess.” She said as she floated the scroll over to Celestia. Before anyone could give her a proper greeting she was gone in another flash of light.

“What’s on the scroll Celestia?” Ryan asked before Celestia gave the scroll to him.

“A simple recall spell.” She explained as Ryan looked over the piece of parchment. “This spell is quite similar to a teleportation spell but unlike your everyday teleport spell this recall spell doesn’t require you to visualize where you’re teleporting as it already has a set place to teleport you to.”

“Cool. So let me guess if I get into danger I can simply use this recall to teleport somewhere more safe?”


“Wow thanks Celestia.” Ryan said before giving the Alicorn a small hug.

“No problem Ryan.” She said before turning to Stealth. “Well you two best say your goodbyes and leave as soon as possible.” She said causing Ryan to go back to Luna’s side and giving her a kiss.

As Ryan finished the kiss he made his way towards Stealth. “C’mon then buddy we got a long train ride ahead of us we need to go pack.”

A few hours later.

“So the changeling hive is in the Badlands?” Ryan asked as he and Stealth made their way out of Appleloosa.

“Yes it is. Now before you ask I cannot tell you where exactly it is.” Stealth said as his horn gave off a small glow. “Okay they now know we’re coming.”

“So they’re getting a party ready for us?”

“No. They now know not to attack us on sight.”

“Oh well that’s nice to know.” Ryan said before letting his thoughts wonder as to how he was going to get Chrysalis to agree to meet with the Princesses.

“Hey Stealth.” Ryan said as a particular thought entered his head.

“Yeah Ryan?”

“What’ll happen to you once we get to the hive?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well for one you haven’t been reporting to the hive or causing problems for the Princesses. And for two you’re probably full of emotions such as love.”

“Well for one I’ve already explained to the Queen how I’ve been under careful watch by the Princesses so I couldn’t do anything against them. As for the stored emotions well all I have to do is give any excess emotions that I have gathered to the hive’s emotion storage so that the emotions can then be distributed throughout the hive and feed it.”

“Okay then. Also the reason why I asked is because I gotta make sure that you get back safe to Twilight.”

“Good to know you care so much for me.” Stealth said before taking a sharp right hand turn. “C’mon this way.”

“Hey Stealth I gotta ask is the hive above ground or below?”

“Below. It helps against the sandstorms that roll through the Badlands.”

“So I’m gonna take a guess and say that changelings hate the storms?” Ryan asked as they passed a few stacks of boulders.

“Not really. We can survive storms perfectly fine thanks to our chitin and also a layer of skin that covers our eyes.”

“A layer of skin?”

“It’s not really skin more so a thin see through membrane that protects our eyes from the sandstorms. Besides we really made the hive underground for our young, as for the first few years of their lives they don’t have the membrane to protect their eyes.” Stealth explained as they approached a large cave.

“So I’m guessing that this isn’t the entrance to the hive.” Ryan said sarcastically.

“Exactly.” Stealth said as they entered the cave. “Oh okay then.” Stealth said before turning to Ryan. “Ryan I’m really sorry about what’s going to happen. It’s the Queen’s orders.”

“What’s gonna… Argh!” Ryan exclaimed as he found himself pounced on by a large changeling.

“Drone #254 what are you doing bringing this thing to the hive?” The changeling said as he placed a hole covered hoof on Ryan’s head.

“Queen’s orders.” Stealth said as more changelings appeared in the cave.

“You idiots the thing is still awake!” One of the new arrivals exclaimed pointing to Ryan.

“Not for long.” The changeling that was standing atop Ryan said before brining the hoof that was pinning Ryan’s head to the floor crashing down and filling Ryan’s vision with darkness as he flew into unconsciousness.

As Ryan slowly awoke from his unexpected nap he found his vision was a lot greener than usual. ‘What the hell?’ Ryan thought to himself as he found something was keeping him from talking.

“Start struggling and you’ll get your answer.” Orion said giving Ryan a reason to begin struggling against what he figured to be a green goo.

After a few seconds of continuing to struggle Ryan found himself dropped onto the floor from a few feet in the air. “Oof!” Ryan said as he hit the floor. After managing to get his bearings Ryan found that he had a layer of green goo covering his form. “Eww what the hell is this crap!?” Ryan exclaimed as he took in his surroundings.

As he looked around he saw that he was laying on the ground in a puddle of the green goo, he then looked above him to see what looked like a ruined version of the cocoon that held Celestia during the wedding invasion. As Ryan took his vision away from the ruined cocoon he saw that he was in a large bedroom, to his left was a large circular bed which Ryan guessed could seat 4 Celestia’s on it.

He also noticed that the other furnishings in the room were left to a few bookshelves, dressers and drawers. As he got up he saw that the main light source in the room was a large green crystal that illuminated the room like a chandelier. Ryan also noted that everything had a green hue to it.

“Huh guess whoever owns this room really likes the color green.” Ryan said out loud. “Okay Orion what the hell happened that got me stuck in a cocoon?”

“Well after that big drone knocked you unconscious, you were carried through the hive by the big lug whilst Stealth went off to God knows where. You were then brought here and put into a cocoon by order of Chrysalis as the large drone said, then him and a couple of other drones who helped him string you up left.” Orion explained as Ryan could hear the sound of hoofsteps coming from the other side of the main entrance to the room.

After a few seconds the double doors swung open to reveal Queen Chrysalis. “Ah good to see that you’re awake Ryan.” She said as she entered the room.

Before Ryan could give her a greeting of his own Chrysalis stumbled forward. Before her face could meet the floor Ryan stopped her mid-fall with a levitation spell as he held her in place. “Chrysalis are you alright?” Ryan asked as he levitated her onto the bed before releasing his magic.

“I’m fine. And you shall address me as Queen.” Chrysalis said weakly.

“I’ll start doing that when you tell me what’s wrong.” Ryan said before placing a hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

“Why would you care! Drone #254 told me of how you’re allied with the Princesses.” Chrysalis spat as the green in her mane faded slightly.

“My allegiance may be with the Princesses yes. But I’m not going to let something bad happen to you.” Ryan said as he racked his brain for a cause of Chrysalis’ sickness. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. ‘Emotional starvation.’ Ryan thought to himself. “Chrysalis can you shape shift?”

“Of course I can.”

“Then how about you prove to me that you’re okay by disguising yourself as Princess Luna.” Ryan proposed to her.

“Fine then.” She said before a green flame covered her body. When the flame subsided Luna was sitting next to Ryan on the bed instead of Chrysalis. “This prove you wrong?” ‘Luna’ said.

“Yes it does.” Ryan said before pulling ‘Luna’ into a deep hug.

As she was pulled into the hug Chrysalis’ disguise disappeared as she was exposed to the wave of emotions that Ryan output.

“There that help?” Ryan asked as he finished the hug noting that Chrysalis had ended her disguise this allowed Ryan to see the color return to her mane.

Before Ryan could get an answer he was pulled into another hug by the Changeling Queen. “Thank you.” She said as Ryan could feel a few tears on his back. “Thank you.” She said weakly.

“Your welcome.” Ryan said as he returned the hug. After he finished the hug Ryan saw that her eyes were red and puffy from the crying. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. Thank you for that by the way.”

“No problem Chrysalis. Hey by the way would I be able to see Stealth?”

“Stealth? Oh you mean Drone #254!” Chrysalis said before her horn began to glow. “He’s on his way. He’ll show you around the hive.” She said before a knocking could be heard at the door. “That’s him now.”

“Thanks for that.” Ryan said making his way towards the doors before stopping and turning back to Chrysalis. “Hey Chrysalis just wondering when’s dinner?”

“I’ll let Drone #254 inform you.” She said as Ryan left the room.

As Ryan left the room he ran into Stealth. “So how’d the meeting with the Queen go?” Stealth asked.

“It was…nice.” Ryan said as they made their way away from the Queen’s room. “So you gonna give me a tour of the place or what?”

After Stealth had given a Ryan a tour of the different caves that the changelings called their home, Ryan had found himself summoned to the Queen’s personal dining hall.

“So your taking me to a dining hall correct?” Ryan asked Stealth as they made their way through the tunnels of the hive.

“Not any dining hall Ryan. It’s the Queen’s personal dining hall. So it’ll only be you and her having dinner.”

“Ah got it.” Ryan responded as they found themselves outside a large set of ebony and emerald doors with a changeling guard on either side of the doors.

“Well in you go.” Stealth said looking to the doors.

At that the doors swung inward to reveal a large dining table with Chrysalis sitting at the head of it. As Ryan entered the room the doors swung closed behind him as he walked the length of the table to take a seat to Chrysalis’ right.

“Ryan glad you could make it.” The Queen said a warm smile on her muzzle as Ryan took his seat.

“Wouldn’t miss it. But I gotta ask Chrysalis why do you have such a large table if you’re the only one at it?” Ryan asked as her horn gave off a light glow as a changeling walked into the room through a side door.

“Well this dining hall belonged to my mother. She used to use it whenever she had dinner with important guests or on the rare occasion family.” Chrysalis said in a slightly grim tone. Before Ryan could say anything she adopted her smile from before. “Now nymph #367 here shall take your order.” She said gesturing to the changeling.

“Cool. So what’s on the menu?” Ryan asked as Nymph #367 pulled out a menu. “Oh thanks.” Ryan said giving the Nymph a smile as he looked over the menu. “You guys have steak?” He said as he noticed a T-bone steak on the menu.

“Yes we do.” Chrysalis said as she was looking over her own menu. “Drone #254 told me that you eat meat so I don’t see what the problem is.”

“I don’t have a problem with it. I’m just wondering why you would have those on the menu.”

“What did you expect we have to have a little variety on the menu rather than just have a large list of salads.” Chrysalis said with a small chuckle.

“Ah I see.” Ryan realized before turning to the Nymph who still stood between the human and the changeling Queen. “Well I’ll take the T-bone please.”

“Of course sir.” The Nymph said before retrieving the two menus and leaving the room.

“So Chrysalis I gotta ask what exactly does the great Queen Chrysalis do for the hive?” Ryan asked wanting to know how the hive worked.

“Well as the Queen I carry the responsibility of ensuring the hive’s safety and wellbeing.” Chrysalis explained as Nymph #367 returned with their dinner.

“One salad for the Queen and a T-bone steak for her guest.” She said before taking her leave.

“Weird I don’t remember you ordering anything.” Ryan said before taking a piece off his steak.

“Well as the Queen I am connected mentally via a hivemind to every changeling within my hive. So using that hivemind I placed my order mentally.” Chrysalis explained as she took a stab at her salad her horn glowing slightly.

“You having fun there feeding off my emotions.” Ryan said taking a pause from his steak.

“What gave you the idea I would be doing that?”

“Well I’ve been hanging around Stealth for a while so I know the feeling of a changeling feeding off of my emotions.” Ryan said before turning back to his steak.

“So do you want me to stop?”

“No it’s basically your dinner. But I do want to know what emotions you were feeding off of.”

“Well in that case the emotion was joy. I’m guessing you’re a fan of the steak.” She said with a chuckle.

“Well when you factor in that I live around herbivores and the additional fact that I am a great fan of steak and other cuts of meat, it brings me a great joy to have a steak.” Ryan said as he finished off his steak.

“Good to see that you’ve finished your dinner.” Chrysalis said as she stood up from her seat and moved behind Ryan. “If you’ll follow me I shall take you to your room.” She said before making her way towards the dining room doors.

After a few minutes of making their way through the tunnel network Ryan found that Chrysalis had led him to what seemed like a bedroom similar to the Queen’s but slightly smaller.

“I’m guessing this is my room?” Ryan asked as he took a seat on the bed.

“Yes it is. My hive knows not to disturb anyone who resides in this room.” Chrysalis said as she walked around the room. “It’s not a problem is it?”

“No it isn’t. Heck If you didn’t offer I’d probably go bunk with Stealth.”

“Or you could bunk with me.” Chrysalis said with wiggle of her eyebrows.

“Hmm. Tempting but I’ll have to pass. Maybe I would have if you hadn’t of given this me room.” Ryan said as Chrysalis made her way towards the door.

“Well if you get lonely you only have to come and visit me.” With that said Chrysalis left with what seemed like more sway in her hips then usual.

“So still not going to admit you have a crush on Chrysalis.” Orion said after Chrysalis had left.

“Shut up!” Ryan said out loud as he fell back onto the bed a slight blush on his face.

“You gotta at least agree with me when I say she’s got one hell of a flank.”


Entering Larson's territory

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For the next few days Ryan stayed in the hive. During his spare time Ryan would spend it with Stealth as he learnt more about changeling culture and how the hive operated. And whenever he could, he would try to convince Chrysalis about going to Canterlot and talking to Celestia. But whenever he brought it up Chrysalis would immediately dismiss the idea and ignore him.

But it had come time for him and Stealth to leave. “So you ready to leave?” Ryan said as he and Stealth stood at the entrance to the cave that led down to the hive.

“I guess so.” Stealth said before reapplying his unicorn disguise. “So I guess you didn’t convince the Queen to come back to Canterlot.”

Before Ryan could give an answer the voice of Chrysalis came from the cave. “And where do you think you’re going?!”

Ryan and Stealth then turned to see Chrysalis standing at the mouth of the cave flanked by two large changelings. “We’re going back to Ponyville.” Ryan said as the queen walked towards them.


“Because if I don’t the princesses will send a search party for me.” Ryan explained.

“Alright then.” She said before shifting her gaze to Stealth. “So where do you think you’re going?”

“He’s coming with me.” Ryan said getting the queen to shift her gaze back to him. “And before you ask ponies will wonder where he is.” He explained not saying anymore to let Chrysalis imagine what would happen next.

“Fine then. Go see if I care.” She said turning back to the cave barely stopping herself from crying.

Before she could reenter the cave she could feel Ryan put a hand on her withers. “Look Chrissie, you could come to Canterlot with me and Stealth. Cause if your worried about Celestia throwing you in the dungeon I won’t let her okay?”

As Chrysalis turned around a storm of thoughts and emotions passed through her mind as she looked into Ryan’s eyes. “I’ll think about it okay.” She said turning back and walking into the cave. “I’ll let Stealth know of my decision. BUT DON’T GET YOUR HOPES UP!” And with that said she disappeared into the shadows of the cave.

“C’mon let’s get going Stealth.” Ryan said as he began to walk away from the cave.

A few hours passed as Stealth and Ryan rode the train from Appleloosa to Ponyville.

“So Stealth happy to be back here?” Ryan asked as the train they were on began to pull into the Ponyville station.

“Of course I am. I get to see Twi again.” Stealth said as the duo moved to the door of the train.

“So you don’t miss the other friends that you’ve made?”

“I’m not saying that it’s just I’ll be happy to see her again seeing as how she’s my marefriend. Oof.” Stealth grunted as he ran into somepony. “Sorry about that miss…” Stealth said before noticing who he had run into.

“Stealth!” The familiar voice of Twilight said before tackling Stealth into a kiss. “It’s so good to see you again.” She said pulling him up into a hug.

It was then that Stealth and Ryan noticed the wings on Twilight’s back. “Um Twi don’t get me wrong it’s great to be back but when did you get a set of wings?” Stealth asked as Twilight released him from the hug.

“Oh these old things.” She said extending one of her wings. “Well I got these a day after you two went on your little trip. Got them by using the friendship of magic or something like that Celestia didn’t really explain it that well.”

“Sounds legit. So why are you guys getting on the train anyway?” Ryan asked. Noticing the rest of the mane 6 on the train station’s platform with Spike.

“Well the Princesses invited us all to a summit in the Crystal Empire. If you want, you and Stealth can come with us.” Twilight said as the mane six and Spike took their seats.

“Well Stealth how does another vacation sound?” Ryan said taking a seat.

“Sounds like fun.” He said before taking a seat next to Twilight. As the train began to pull out of the station a thought crossed his mind. “Wait you said Crystal Empire right?”

“Yes I did.” Twilight said before realizing what Stealth implied. “Look Stealth, my brother won’t hurt you okay. Or else me and Cadance will make him regret even looking at you badly.” She said as Stealth pulled her into a hug.

“Sorry to interrupt you two love birds but exactly where did you and Ryan go Stealth?” Dash said to Stealth.

“You really want to know Dash?” Ryan asked Dash.

“Yeah. But I’m not the only one here that wants to know where you two went.” She said taking a seat next to Ryan.

“Okay then. Well we went to the changeling hive and tried to convince Queen Chrysalis to come to Canterlot and discuss peace with Celestia.” This got the assembled ponies and dragon’s jaws to hit the floor.

“Y’all went to the changeling hive?” AJ asked.

“Yes we did. It was nice to go back home.” Stealth said before he found his vision filled with the face that Twilight gave whenever she found a book she’d never read before.

“Tell. Me. Everything.” She said.

“As much as I’d love to Twi I can’t tell you anything about the hive.” As soon as Stealth said that Twilight’s head shifted so she was staring at Ryan.

“Don’t look at me I can’t tell you anything either.” Ryan said getting Twilight to put on a pouting expression. “So what exactly are you meant to be doing at this summit Twi?”

“Well it’s where the Princesses gather and discuss political happenings in Equestria and the Crystal Empire.” Twilight said a look of nervousness on her face. “I’m a tad bit nervous it’s the first summit I’ll have attended.”

“Hey don’t worry Twi you’ll do great. Besides you’ll have us to back you up.” Stealth said tightening his hug on her.

“Thanks Stealth.” Twilight said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

A few hours later.

As the group entered the Crystal Palace’s throne room, Ryan saw that the two royal sisters were sitting on what seemed like smaller version of the crystal throne that Cadance sat on in between them.

“Twilight I do hope that you and your friends had a pleasant journey here from Ponyville.” Celestia said as the group gathered in front of the three princesses.

“We sure did.” Twilight said before letting out a small yawn.

“Sister it is getting quite late maybe Cadance should show Twilight and her friends to their rooms whilst we have a word with Ryan.” Luna said as Cadance got off her throne.

“Sure thing. C’mon you guys I’ll take to your rooms.” Cadance said leading the assembled ponies, dragon and changeling out of the room. Before she left she whispered something to the guards stationed at the double doors, they then followed her out of the room.

As soon as the throne room was empty Ryan found himself pounced on by a familiar blue blur. Before he could even say a hello he was pulled into a deep kiss.

As Ryan pulled back for air he saw the eyes of Luna staring back at him. “Well hello to you too.” Ryan said as Luna pulled him into a hug.

“Thank goodness you’re alright Ryan.” Luna said as Ryan ran a hand through her star filled mane.

“Sister I’m sorry to interrupt this moment.” Celestia said joining the duo at the foot of the thrones. “But if I may ask how was your mission?”

“Well it was interesting to say the least.” Ryan said remembering his encounters with Chrysalis. “However I didn’t get a confirmed answer from her about talking peace. But I did manage to get her to consider it.”

“Good to hear that Ryan.” Celestia said before heading towards the throne room doors. “We shall discuss this further tomorrow with Stealth after the summit. Goodnight you two.” With that said Celestia left Luna and Ryan alone.

“So then I guess that I’m bunking with you Luna.” Ryan said before he found his vision filled with a blue light. When the light subsided Ryan found himself in one of the Crystal Palace’s guest rooms. As he looked around the room he saw Luna sitting on the bed.

“You could say that you’re bunking with me.” She said levitating Ryan next to her on the bed. “Now then let’s make up for lost time.” She said pulling Ryan into a kiss.

That night Ryan was awoken by what seemed like an explosion. “Huh what the?” He said as he woke up.

“Ryan what’s wrong?” Luna said as Ryan began to get dressed. Before he could give an answer another explosion was heard. “Never mind.”

“Look you stay here I’ll go check what’s happening.” Ryan said running out of the room.

‘C’mon where is it?’ Ryan thought as he ran through the halls of the Crystal Palace.

“If your looking for the mirror take a right.” Orion said. “Before you ask how I know this I had a look around whilst you and your buddies were walking through the palace. Also before you ask how I did that I found out that I can float around as a spirit using a few drops of magic.”

‘I swear if your lying Orion.’ Ryan thought back as he rounded a corner and came to a hall that led to a solitary door. ‘Never mind.’

“So this is the Magical Mirror?” Orion said as Ryan walked into the room.

Before Ryan could even think of a response he heard yelling from the hall to the mirror room before something crashed into his back. “Oof.” Ryan grunted as he was knocked to the ground. As he fell to the ground he saw what seemed like a crown bounce through the mirror.

“Ugh get off me!” The voice of whoever had collided into him said before he felt whoever it was hop off of him.

“Stop right there thief!” The voice of Twilight said as she and her friends entered the room as Ryan got back to his feet.

As Ryan levelled his vision with who had collided with him, a wall of realization hit him as to the order of events that were happening. His mind was pulled from the tidal wave of facts and memory as the voice of the pony standing in front of the mirror spoke up.

“You’re a human?!” The voice of the pony said to Ryan.

“And you’re a mare with bacon hair.” Ryan said a smile on his face.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” The bacon haired mare then levelled her vision with Twilight. “So sorry about your crown Princess. Oh wait a minute I’m not.” She said before cackling madly and diving through the mirror.

The next morning

“So let me get this right Celestia,” Ryan started as he paced in front of the magical mirror. “The pony who just stole Twilight’s crown/Element of Harmony was your ex-student Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yes, if you and Twilight’s description is correct.” Celestia said as the mane six, Stealth, Spike, Shining Armor and the other two princesses kept their gazes shifting between Celestia and Ryan.

“Okay then. And it is here in the Crystal Palace why?” Ryan asked as he continued his pacing.

“It was originally positioned in Canterlot I kept it there hoping that Sunset would return from the world on the other side of the mirror. But when the Crystal Empire reappeared I had it moved here for safe keeping.”

“Okay then.” Ryan said finally stopping his pacing. “So someone has to go through this mirror/portal into the other world and get the crown back?”

“Yes that is correct Ryan. But to complicate matters that someone must retrieve the crown within 3 days or the portal will close for another 30 moons.” Luna spoke up.

“How long’s 30 moons?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow to the Lunar Princess.

“30 months or to simplify things 2 and a half years.” Twilight explained.

“Sounds fun.” Ryan said in a sarcastic tone. “So who’s going?”

“I’ll go.” Twilight said. Getting everyone to look at her. “It only seems right that I get my Element back.”

“Are you sure about this Twilight?” Celestia said as she gave Twilight a look of worry and concern.

“Yes I’m sure Princess.”

“If your worried about Twilight don’t worry cause she ain’t going in there alone. Cause I’m going with her.” Ryan said getting a worried look from Luna.

“Ryan, it’s not that I doubt your abilities but if someone other than Twilight goes it may bring instability to that world.” Celestia explained as Ryan put an arm around Luna’s neck.

“Celestia I’m pretty sure I’m safe on that front. Heck I don’t even belong here so I wouldn’t be surprised if my appearance in the other world had no affect on anything.” Ryan said.

“I guess you do have a point there Ryan.” Celestia said before turning to the rest of Twilight’s friends. “Unfortunately none of you can go with Twilight and Ryan either. Is that understood?”

“Yes Princess.” The group said.

“Well looks like we best be going Twilight.” Ryan said before giving Luna a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.” He said before walking up to the mirror. “Okay well I’ll see you on the other side Twilight.” He said before walking through the portal.

“Oh god that was horrible.” Ryan said as he found himself lying on concrete.

“Yeah thank god we don’t suffer from seizures or else that damn tunnel of color would have killed us.” Orion said as Ryan got back up on his feet. “Oh you might want to get away from the statue unless you wanna be combined with Spike and Twi.”

“Good point.” Ryan said taking a few steps away from the statue of the Wondercolt. “So this is Canterlot High?” Ryan said taking in the sight of the high school. “Seems nice.”

Ryan then turned back to the Wondercolt statue to see two figures be spat out of the base of the statue. “Urgh where are we?” The familiar voice of Twilight said from the purple skinned girl that had fallen out of the statue base.

“Yo Twi you ok?” Ryan said as he joined her at the base of the statue.

“Yeah I’m fine just a bit dizzy.” She said before her breath caught in her throat as she looked down at her new body. “I’m a human?” She asked stretching and wiggling her new fingers.

“By the looks of it yes you are.” Ryan said before he noticed a dog walk into his field of vision.

“Hey guys why exactly am I a dog?” The voice of Spike said from the dog’s mouth.

“No clue Spikey boy.” Ryan said as he helped Twilight onto her feet. “Okay now Twi have you ever walked on your hind legs before?”

“Yeah a bit why?” She said as she wobbled slightly on her new appendages.

“Well walking on your legs is like that. Except you don’t have a tail to help steady yourself.” After a few seconds of letting Twi get used to her legs he spoke up once more. “Okay now Twi I’m gonna give you a chance to walk around so take things slow and steady okay?”

“Okay.” Twilight said before she began to walk around the area in front of the school. “Hey Ryan I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Twilight said a grin on her face. She then walked up to Ryan. “Hey Ryan you look different.”

“What do you mean Twi?” Ryan asked as she began to inspect his features.

“You look younger.” Twi said.

“Younger?” Ryan said before walking over to the glass doors of the high school taking in his appearance. “Holy crap! I’m eighteen again!” He exclaimed as he saw the face of his teenage self on the door.

“Hey Ryan are you okay?” Twilight said placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah I’m fine just gotta get used to being my old self again.” Ryan said turning back to Twilight. “Okay now let’s go get your crown.” Ryan said before opening the glass door and walking into the school followed by Twilight and Spike.

“So then what’s the plan guys?” Spike said looking around the empty halls.

“Okay then as much as I don’t want to Twi we’re gonna have to split up. You and Spike try and figure out where the crown is I’ll try to get some more info on this place.” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight and Spike. “Cool let’s get going then.”

And with that the four of them split up as a bell rang throughout the school. The halls were then filled with multicolored teenagers as they filed out from classrooms.

“Think we should have given her a warning about how she could get trampled by a class of teens?” Orion said to Ryan as he made his way through the sea of teenagers.

‘I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine.’ Ryan thought back. ‘Hey I’ve just thought of something.’

“And what would that be?”

‘Well I’m just wondering how Stealth’s doing?’ Ryan thought.

“Don’t worry about it he’ll be fine he’s a grown changeling he can take care of himself.”

Meanwhile in Equestria

“Thank you for taking time out of your day to have tea with me Princess Cadance.” Stealth said as he took a sip of his tea enjoying the company of the Princess.

“Please just call me Cadance. But I am glad to hear you are enjoying this.” She said taking a sip of her tea. “Tell me how has it been here? Has Shiny been nice to you?”

“If you call having a guard with me 24/7 nice then yes Shining’s been very nice.” Stealth said sarcasm coating his words. “But I must say your hospitality in other departments has been very appreciated.”

“Well it seems you don’t always have a guard with you especially now.” Cadance said as the door to the balcony opened to reveal a Crystal Guard. “Is there something you need guard?” Cadance asked the arrival.

“No ma’am just wondering if you or your friend had seen the unicorn Stealth?” The guard said.

It was then Cadance noticed that instead of having tea with Stealth she was apparently having tea with one of her maids. “No unfortunately we haven’t. And if you wouldn’t mind please notify the guards on the other side of the door that me and my friend wish not to be disturbed.”

“Of course Princess sorry for interrupting you.” The guards bowed before closing the door to the balcony behind him as he left.

As soon as the guard left Cadance found herself sitting across from Stealth’s unicorn form instead of the earth pony maid he had posed as. “So if I’m to guess correctly Stealth none of the guards know you’re here?”

“Maybe?” Stealth said trying and failing to sound innocent.

“Alright then as long as you’re not planning on getting up to any mischief.” Cadance said with a smile. “Actually what just happened provokes a question if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Sure go ahead.”

“Okay Twilight’s probably asked this but what’s the extent of your powers as a changeling?”

“Well we can perform the same sort of spells that unicorns can perform.” Stealth explained as Cadance gave him a few nods.

“What about your shape shifting is there a limit to what you can do?”

“There is.” Stealth said before finishing off his tea. “Unlike what some ponies think we can only shape shift into Ponies and Zebras.”

“So you can’t become say for example a dragon?”

“No we can’t. Now before you ask changelings can become anypony that you can think of, but we can also create our own disguises if we need to.”

“Okay. So can changelings also switch gender?”

This question caught Stealth by surprise as it hadn’t been a question Twilight had asked him. “We can. But we usually don’t unless we have to as having genitalia that we usually don’t have is both awkward and sometimes annoying.”

“Okay. Sorry if that was a bit of an awkward question.” Cadance said hoping she hadn’t offended Stealth.

“No problem at all.”

“Alright then. Onto my next question could you become an alicorn or is the queen the only one who can do that?”

Cadance’s answer came in the form of Stealth body being wrapped in purple flame as Celestia sat in his place. “Regular changelings can change into alicorns it’s not only the queen.” ‘Celestia’ said before she was covered in a purple flame and replaced by a changeling with purple eyes. “But it drains the crap out of us.” Stealth said weariness in his voice.

“What do you mean by drain you?”

“Before I answer that I gotta ask you a question.”

“Sure go right ahead.”

“Can I feed off of you for a second so that I don’t die?”

“Of course you can.” Cadance said worry filling her voice.

“Thanks for that.” Stealth said as he fed off a small amount of the love that was being generated by Cadance. “Now then as for how it drains us.” Stealth said getting back to Cadance’s question after reapplying his unicorn disguise. “When a changeling feeds on emotions we store those emotions within out body so that whenever we need the emotions it’s right there waiting for us. But whenever we use magic or disguise ourselves it drains us of our emotional reserve.” Stealth explained.

“That sounds very interesting.” Cadance said before noticing the sun begin to set. “Oh dear would you look at the time we best get back inside.” She said standing up.

“Yeah we best.” Stealth said following her off of the balcony. ‘Wonder how Twi, Spike and Ryan are doing?’ He thought to himself as he reentered the Crystal Palace.

Meanwhile Canterlot High

After a while of walking around the school Ryan, had managed to come up with nothing pertaining to the location of the crown. Fortunately for him he had run into the human counterparts of the mane six (excluding Twilight) and had become friends with them.

“So then where to next buddy?” Orion said after Ryan had finished talking to Pinkie about how Twilight was running for Princess of the Fall Formal.

‘We gotta find Twilight.’ Ryan thought before face palming himself for not realizing where she was sooner. “Hey Flash.” Ryan said stopping in front of the blue haired boy as he was getting something out from his locker.

“Oh hey Ryan.” Flash greeted him as he pulled out a maths textbook.

As much as Ryan hadn’t wanted to admit it he had become friends with Flash only for the chance to have a guy friend that wasn’t Spike or Stealth. “You wouldn’t mind pointing me in the direction of the library would you?”

“No problem Ryan.” Flash said pointing down the hall. “Just go straight down this hall then make a left and you’ll find the library. Now I gotta get going can’t be late for maths!” He said rushing off to another part of the school.

As Ryan made his way into the library he found himself standing himself behind what he guessed to be Snips and Snails as they recorded footage of Twilight carrying books around in her mouth and trying and failing to use a computer.

“Oh man Sunset’s gonna love this footage!” Snips said in his annoying voice that was usual for an annoying henchman.

“What footage is Sunset gonna like?” Ryan said placing a hand on both Snips and Snails’ shoulders.

“Ahhh!” They both screamed before bolting out of the library.

This had the affect of getting Twilight to look over to Ryan. An eyebrow raised wondering what caused the commotion. “Hey Twi.” Ryan said pulling a seat next to her. “How’s it going?”

“It’s going well, although I could use your help.” Twilight said her eyes shifting to the computer she had in front of her. “I need you to teach me how to use this.”

“Sure thing Twi.” Ryan said with a chuckle. “Although you may want to start using your hands when carrying books.”

“I’m guessing you saw me carrying books around in my mouth?” Twilight said a blush on her face.

“Yeah. So anyway let’s get started on how to use a computer.” Ryan said before giving Twilight a run down on how to operate a computer.

“And that’s the basics of how to operate a computer.” Ryan said before noticing the time thanks to a clock on a nearby wall. “Holy crap! It’s already 7pm. How has time passed by so quickly?”

“It may have had something to do with all the research we did.” Twilight said as she got up from her spot at the desk. “Um Ryan where exactly are we gonna sleep tonight?”

“Don’t worry Spike’s here to save the day.” Spike said joining the duo. “I already set something up so just follow me.”

“Is that a bed made of books?” Ryan asked as he saw what Spike had led them too.

“Yeah.” Spike said his tail wagging behind him.

“Thanks Spike.” Twilight said taking her place on the bed. “But wait a second what about Ryan? Doesn’t he need a bed?”

“Nah I’ll be fine Twilight, you and Spike can have the bed. I’ll take the carpet floor.” Ryan said before laying down on the floor.

“Goodnight Ryan.” Twilight said as she pulled a blanket over her and Spike.

“Night Twi. Night Spike.” Ryan said before letting sleep take his body.

The next morning

“Hey Ryan question why is everyone pointing and laughing at us?” Twilight asked as the duo made their way through the halls of CHS.

Before Ryan could give an answer he found himself lacking his friend noticing what seemed like Rarity’s signature purple hair style disappear into an empty classroom. As he entered the room he saw Rarity puts a new outfit and wig on Twilight. “Rarity why are you playing dress up with Twilight?” Ryan asked the fashionista.

“Wait you know Twilight, Ryan?” Rarity said as she made slight adjustments to the wig on Twilight’s head.

Before Ryan could get a word out of his mouth the door to the classroom opened and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy entered the room. As they entered they each gave a greeting to Ryan and Twilight. “Rarity why are ya dressin Twilight up like one of your mannequins?” AJ asked as Rarity finished fiddling with Twilight’s wig.

“Because we need to hide her from the rest of the student body or else she will die from all the embarrassment.” Rarity explained as she stood back to take in Twilight’s disguise.

“What embarrassment are you talking about Rarity?” Twilight said before Rarity pulled out her phone. This led to everyone crowding around her to see what was on the screen. What they found was a video of Twilight carrying books around in her mouth and trying and failing to use a computer.

Once the video ended Twilight spoke up her voice wavering and her eye on the verge of being flooded with tears. “That’s horrible who would do such a thing?”

“Sunset did it. She really doesn’t want you winning the title of Princess at the Fall Formal.” Pinkie said getting everyone other than Ryan and Twilight to give a slow nod.

“So that’s what those brats were doing.” Ryan said in an aggravated tone.

“Whatcha mean by that sugarcube?” AJ asked.

“Snips and Snails I was wondering what they were talking about when they said that ‘Sunset’s going to love these videos.’” Ryan explained.

“Don’t worry about that Twi.” Pinkie said adopting her signature bubbly and happy attitude. “I’ll help you get that crown!”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Twilight. Pinkie has been known to be unreliable.” Fluttershy said getting a glare from Pinkie before she began arguing with Fluttershy.

Before Ryan or Twilight could say anything to stop them fighting AJ and Rarity joined the fight causing the four girls to get at each others throats.

“Girls stop it.” Twilight said but to no avail. She then paused for a moment to take a breath in and decided to give the Royal Canterlot Voice a try. “GIRLS STOP FIGHTING!” As soon as those words left Twilight’s lips, all eyes in the room were on her. “Look at you. You used to be friends.” She said before pulling out a yearbook from her bag showing them a certain page.

“The Freshman Fair.” Rarity said as she took the yearbook from Twilight’s hands to inspect the picture on the page.

“What happened between you five?” Twilight asked. “Did Sunset have something to do with it?”

“No she didn’t.” Fluttershy said. “Our friendship broke up because we each sent each other texts that ruined school events that we planned. For example, I received a text from Pinkie that ruined a silent auction that I had planned.”

“What? Fluttershy I never sent you a text that would ruin your silent auction. At least not one I remember.” Pinkie said.

“Really? Then who would have done such a thing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well I don’t know about you guys but I’m placing my money on it being Sunset who set you all up.” Ryan said.

“Then if that’s true that means… Oh my stars.” AJ said placing a hand on her mouth. “That means that Rainbow got a text that ruined the bake sale from Sunset not me.”

“So let’s go tell Rainbow then.” Ryan said.

“I don’t know Ryan. Dash and I got into a pretty heated argument over that. I don’t know if I could face her.” AJ said rubbing one of her arms.

“Look AJ don’t worry you got us to back you up.” Twilight said giving AJ a comforting smile.

“Thanks Twi.” AJ replied returning the smile.

“So then let’s go see Dash.” Ryan said leading the group out to where he guessed Dash would be. The school’s soccer pitch.

“Hey Dash!” Ryan called out to the rainbow haired girl as he and the others approached the soccer field.

“Hey Ryan!” Dash said waving to him and the group before noticing AJ. “Oh it’s you.” She said to the farmgirl when the group was close enough.

“Dash, AJ wants to apologize for what happened between you two.” Twilight said as AJ stepped forward.

“They’re tellin the truth Dash. I’m sorry for what happened between us, I should have known that you would never send those texts to me.” AJ said her voice and expression downtrodden.

“Okay I forgive you.” Dash said.

“Really?” AJ said.

“Yeah I am. So then what are you guys doing out here anyway I highly doubt that the only reason your out here is to seek my forgiveness.”

“Straight to the point Dash?” Ryan asked getting a nod from her. “Well we need your help in getting Twilight the title of Princess of the Fall Formal.”

“Really your going up against Sunset?” Dash asked Twilight getting a nod from her. “Okay, now then I’m gonna need you to convince me to help you.”

“Okay then. For starters you should help me because…” Twilight started before being silenced by Dash holding up a hand.

“Not with words. With action.” Dash said before walking over to one of the soccer goals. “All you need to do is score a single point against me.”

“And how would I do that?” Twilight asked.

“I’m guessing you’ve never heard of soccer?” Dash asked getting a nod from Twilight. “Well in that case. To get a point you have to kick the ball into the goal.” Dash explained gesturing to the items in question. “But the catch is I’m aloud to stop the ball.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said stepping up to the ball. She then swung her foot towards the ball before missing and falling onto her back.

“Twi! You alright?” AJ said as she helped Twilight back onto her feet.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Twilight said before repositioning herself to take another shot. What soon followed was ten whole minutes of Twilight trying and failing to kick the ball into the goal.

“Okay that’s enough.” Dash said walking up to Twilight. “I’ll help you.”

“Really but I didn’t get a point.” Twilight said with a look of confusion.

“That’s a good point. But the real reason I made you try to score a point was to see if you had the two most important qualities for the Princess of the Fall Formal. Determination and Heart.” Dash explained. “And you fit the bill so let’s go win you the Fall Formal!”

As the Spike and the girls began to celebrate Ryan noticed laughter coming from behind the nearby bleachers. As Ryan got close enough he could make out the voices of Snips and Snails.

“Dude Sunset’s gonna love these pics.” Snips said a camera held in his hand as he and Snails looked over the pictures.

“And what pictures would those be?” Ryan said.

“Oh crap!” Snails said backing away from Ryan. “Snails we gotta run c’mon!” With that said the duo sped off towards the school.

“Oh no you don’t.” Ryan muttered to himself before running after them.

As Ryan ran across the field he found Pinkie running beside him. “Hey where are you running off too?” She asked as she kept up with him.

“Got business to attend to. Pinkie make sure you help Twi no matter what okay?” Ryan said as she came to a stop.

“OKIE DOKIE LOKI!” She yelled out as he ran into the main building of the school.

‘Now where did those nitwits go?’ Ryan thought to himself as he ran through the halls of the school.

“Take a left than a right.” Orion said.

Deciding he had nothing better to do Ryan followed Orion’s directions and much to his surprise saw Snips and Snails at the end of the hall bent over as they tried to recover their breath. Before Ryan could get close enough to grab them Snips had caught sight off him. “Come on Snails get up we gotta keep running!” And with that said they sped off towards another part of the school.

Before Ryan could continue following them he collided with a door that had swung open. “Oof.” Ryan said as he landed on his butt.

“So you’re the one making all the noise?” The familiar voice of Luna said to him.

As Ryan’s head stopped spinning he realized whose door he had collided into. Vice Principal Luna’s office door.

“Now then. If you would kindly join me in my office.” She said as Ryan got back on his feet her tone of voice turning Ryan’s blood cold.

“So Ryan you’ve only just arrived here yesterday. Correct?” Luna asked Ryan as he sat opposite her desk.

“That’s correct Vice-Principal.” Ryan answered.

“Already one day in and your causing trouble.”

“As I said before it wasn’t me.” Ryan said hoping this time she would believe him.

“Well I’m sorry to say but I still don’t believe your story of chasing Snips and Snails through the halls.” She said before taking a sip of some tea she had poured herself. After taking her sip she paused for a moment looking on her desk to see her cup of tea and another empty one, she then looked up to Ryan. “Would you like one?” She asked.

“One of what?” Ryan asked.

“A cup of tea. My sister said she was going to join me for tea, but some unforeseen paperwork for the Fall Formal sprung up and she had to cancel. So would you like a cup of tea?” She explained.

“Sure thing.” Ryan replied as she began to pour him a cup of tea. “I’m sorry about Principal Celestia not being able to make it.”

“It’s no problem I’m just happy to have some company. Not many people wish to spend time with me other than my sister, her assistant Raven and my assistant Moonlight.”

“Really?” Ryan asked her, surprised. “How could no one want to spend time with you. From what I can tell you seem nice and you have a great personality.”

“Thank you for that Ryan.” Luna said a small blush on her face. “But as for why no one really would want to spend time with me it probably has something to do with how all the students see me as the evil vice-principal that hands out punishments left, right and center.”

“Well from what I can tell you’re a damn shy better than my last vice-principal.” Ryan said enjoying his tea.

“How so?”

“Well my last VP was the strictest person I’ve ever known. He used to be in the army. So for example if he had to fill in for the principal he would end up running the school like it was a military cadet academy. Everyone in the school had to address him as sir whenever they saw him, had to salute him as well. And to top it all off all of his punishments were military based. An example is if you were speaking in class when you weren’t meant to he’d have you perform a few laps of the school.” Ryan said with a chuckle at the memories.

“And the school board allowed this?!” Luna said nearly knocking over her tea.

“No one knows if they knew or not, but a few kids at the school theorized that the board did know and just didn’t do anything about it.”

“That sounds ridiculous.” Luna deadpanned.

“Yeah it does. But my school made a class specifically designed for troublemakers. It was sort of like a permanent detention for any kid who wouldn’t right their wrongs. It also served as a brilliant way to keep kids in line. You get hit with a detention you get a whole school day in the detention class.”

Before Luna could respond to what Ryan had said a knocking could be heard at the door to her office. “Come in.” Luna said. When the door opened Sunset Shimmer could be seen standing in the doorway. “Ah Miss Shimmer what brings you here?”

“You need to come with me right now Miss Luna. Something’s happened concerning the Fall Formal that I need to show you.” Sunset said before being joined in the doorway by Luna.

“Of course Sunset.” Luna said before turning back to Ryan. “I trust that you will stay here?”

“Of course.” Ryan replied before Luna and Sunset left him alone.

After a few minutes of admiring the decorations that lied around Luna’s office. Mostly related to the moon and stars as he found out. He was rejoined by an angry Luna and a sad Twilight. “Sit.” Luna said pointing to the second chair across from her desk. “Ryan your free to go I need to speak to Miss Twilight alone.”

“Of course Miss Luna.” Ryan said making his way towards the door. “Thanks for the tea by the way.” He said before leaving the room.

As Ryan made his way out of the room he ran head first into Flash Sentry. “Hey bud watch where you’re… Oh sorry Ryan.” Flash said helping Ryan up from his new found position on the floor.

“No problem Flash. But I gotta ask you why your going around running into people?” Ryan said jokingly.

“I gotta speak to VP Luna.” Flash said before opening up the door to Luna’s office.

“How long till Luna starts yelling?” Orion asked Ryan before the voice of Luna yelling at Flash could be heard through the hall. “Never mind.”

After what seemed like an eternity Twilight came running out of the office. As she ran pass Ryan, he could’ve sworn he heard her saying a constant stream of nos. As Ryan looked back to the door of Luna’s office he found Flash standing outside the door a downtrodden look on his face.

“Yo Flash you okay?” Ryan asked as he went over to the downtrodden boy.

“To be perfectly honest with you no I’m not okay. I just asked Twilight if she’d like to go to the Formal with me and well I’m guessing you saw her running out her saying no over and over again.”

“This is great now’s your chance to tell him that Twilight ain’t interested. Fulfill the dream of every brony. Destroy Flash Sentry’s heart and spirit.” Orion said giving off an evil cackle.

“I’m pretty sure she was only saying no about something else.” Ryan said getting Orion to start cursing him.

“You do have a point. She was probably saying no to the fact that the Fall Formal will probably be cancelled.”

“How come?”

“Someone trashed the gym including the Formal’s decorations.” Flash said before showing a few pictures to Ryan. “Found these outside the gym.”

As Ryan took them he saw that they were pictures of Twilight trashing the gym. “Oh sorry you also have to look at these to get the full affect.” Flash said handing another set of photos to Ryan. In these photos instead of Twilight trashing the gym it was Snips and Snails.

“Wow. So I’m guessing this is what you showed VP Luna.” Ryan said handing the photos back.

“Yep. Besides I’m surprised Luna actually believed the fake photos were real. Those things were horrible to look at given that they look like they were photo shopped by five year olds.”

“Yeah that they were.” Ryan said part of his mind focusing on the fact of the Formal being cancelled. “Hey Flash what’s the chance that you could get the school to do what you wanted?”

“What do you mean by that?” Flash replied completely caught off guard by the question.

“Sorry let me rephrase that. Could you convince the school to help clean up the gym so that the Formal doesn’t have to be cancelled?”

“I probably could why?” Flash said still not being able to put two and two together.

“…Because I may have found a way for you to ask Twilight for a dance at the Formal.” Ryan said getting Flash to finally be hit by what Ryan meant.

“Ryan I owe you one.” Flash said. “Now you head to the gym, and I’ll go get my pals.”

“So you told them everything?” Ryan said to Twilight, after they had helped clean up the gym.

“Well Pinkie sort of guessed it.” Twilight said before noticing her new/old friends making their way over to the duo. “And when they asked about you I said that you would give them an answer.” Twilight said pointing to the group.

“Okay before I start giving you answers let’s get somewhere more private so that we don’t risk anyone eves dropping.” Ryan said as the humane 5 came into view.

“Well I may have an idea darling.” Rarity said before turning to wards the gym’s doors. “Well then let’s go get ready for the formal.”

After a short walk Ryan found himself sitting inside the human Rarity’s boutique. “So who’s going to ask a question first?” Ryan said as the humane 5 and Twilight were in their own separate changing booths getting ready for the night ahead.

“Can’t we wait until we’re out of the booths?” The voice of Applejack said from one of the six booths.

“Hey this wasn’t my idea so you can blame Rarity.” Ryan responded as he remained seated outside the booths keeping a close eye on Spike not letting him get near any of the booths.

“Well if no one’s gonna go first I may as well go second.” Pinkie said. “Twilight told us what sort of pony she is so tell me Ryan what sort of pony are you?”

“I’m not a pony.” Ryan replied. “I’m a human that was pulled into Equestria by an interdimensional portal.”

“So you’re a human running around a world filled with ponies?” Dash asked.


“Don’t you ever get lonely darling?” Rarity asked.

“Sometimes.” Ryan said sadly. “But I guess I’m just glad ponies are quick to make friends or I’d go crazy from the loneliness.”

“I’m sorry for bringing that up darling.” Rarity said noticing Ryan’s tone.

“It’s no problem Rarity. Sometimes it helps being reminded that I’m alone. Helps me appreciate my friends more.” Ryan said before looking up and seeing that the girls had finished getting into their dresses and they were standing in front of him.

“Well darling what do you think?” Rarity said giving a twirl of her dress.

“You look nice.” Ryan said getting Rarity’s eye to twitch slightly.

“Nice? We look just nice.” Rarity said her voice a bone chilling calm.

“Well sorry but I’ve seen hotter.” Ryan said before finding his vision filled with the angry face of Rarity.

“AND JUST TO SATE MY CURIOSITY BUT WHY WOULD THAT BE?” Rarity said steam whistling out of her ears.

“I have a girlfriend. Does that sate your curiosity?” Ryan said getting Rarity’s mood to fulfill a complete 180.

“Oh okay then dear.” Rarity said clearing Ryan’s vision.

“Dude you just nearly died.” Orion said to Ryan.

‘Yep. Man I love living life on the edge.’ Ryan thought back.

“So Ryan, Twilight told us that you got a special trick.” Pinkie said. “And that it may have something to do with these gloves of yours.”

“So you wanna see a bit of magic eh?” Ryan said before igniting his gloves in a purple flame. “How’s this?”

“Wow.” The humane five said.

“Um darling doesn’t that hurt?” Rarity asked pointing to the fire.

“No it doesn’t it’s only an illusionary flame.” Ryan said before putting the flame out. “So how are we getting to the Formal anyway?”

“Well darling we’re getting a limo there.” Rarity said before disappearing into a nearby room. After a few minutes she returned with a suit in hand. “Now darling if you would please put this on.”

“I’d love to Rarity but no thank you. I’ll stick to the magically enchanted jacket.”

“Fine then at least the jacket blends well with the gloves.” Rarity said turning to the front door of the boutique. “Now let’s not keep the limo waiting.”

As the group arrived at the school they found most of the student’s eyes on them as the got out of their limo.

“Hey Rares I think the limo overdid it.” AJ said to Rarity as they made their way towards the front doors of the school.

“Don’t worry about that darling.” Rarity replied as the group entered the school.

“Hey Twilight wait up!” The voice of Flash Sentry called out from behind the group.

“Oh hey Flash what’s up?” Twilight said.

“I was wondering if you would be my date for the Formal?”

“I’d love to Flash.” Twilight said giving a smile to Flash before thoughts of Stealth crossed her mind. “Actually I can’t. I already have a colt… I mean boyfriend.”

Hearing this Ryan decided to step in and give Flash a hand. “Hey Twi I’m pretty sure Stealth wouldn’t mind you having a couple of dances with Flash.”

“Really?” Twilight said before turning back to Flash. “Well in that case let’s go hit the dance floor.”

As Twilight made her way into the school Flash followed after her stopping for a short second to whisper a single sentence into Ryan’s ear. “I owe you mate.”

“No you don’t Flash.” Ryan said before following Flash into the school.

Ten minutes later

“So what do we do now!” Orion screamed into Ryan’s head as Sunset, placed Twilight’s crown on her head and began the transformation into her daemon self.

‘Simple we stall her.’ Ryan thought back before turning to Twilight and the humane 5. “Twilight get the elements ready I’ll stall Sunset.”

“You sure you’ll be able to stall her Ryan?” Twilight replied.

“Yeah how hard could it be?” Ryan said before turning back to Daemon Shimmer. “Let’s light her up.” Ryan said before tossing a fireball at her.

“Did you really just chuck a fireball at a daemon that is immune to fire?” Orion said as Daemon Shimmer shrugged off the attack and turned her gaze to Ryan.

“Yeah not my best plan.” Ryan said.

“You dare defy me?!” Daemon Shimmer roared.

“Sunset this isn’t you!” Ryan shouted back as he dodged fireballs that Daemon Shimmer sent at him.

“Mate you’re not gonna get through to her. So fire something at her to keep her distracted.” Orion said.

“Fine then.” Ryan replied before sending a bolt of lightning towards Daemon Shimmer.

“Ahhh!” She roared out as the bolt hit her in the chest. “You’ll pay for that worm!” She said before sending a speeding fireball at Ryan.

“Ahhh!” Ryan screamed as he was sent flying into a wall thanks to the fireball. “Argh.” He groaned as he rolled onto his side in agony.

“You okay?” Orion asked.

“Yeah wouldn’t be surprised if a rib is broken.”

“Well remember to thank Celestia for that jacket when we get back to Equestria.” Orion said as Ryan got back on his feet.

As Ryan looked up he saw that Daemon Shimmer was gliding towards him a fireball in hand. “Now you burn!” She said before letting out a mad cackle.

“Not if we have anything to say about that Sunset!” The voice of Twilight shouted from behind the daemon girl. “Now girls!” She exclaimed before her and the humane 5 began to float into the air.

After a few seconds a ray of rainbow light shot out from the 6 girls that flew towards Daemon Shimmer. “What?! No this can’t be happening! NOOO!” Daemon Shimmer roared as she was consumed by the rainbow of friendship.

When the light from the rainbow dissipated Sunset was left in the place where her daemon side last stood. As Ryan and the elements approached Sunset they saw that her face was covered in tears.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight yelled out to her.

“Please, please forgive me.” Sunset said between sobs.

“Twilight for the love of god stop!” Ryan said running over to Sunset. “You can hold off on the friendship lesson until Sunset sees the school nurse.” Ryan said before kneeling down and checking Sunset over. “You okay?”

“I-I-I think so.” She said still sobbing.

“Well by the looks of it you only got a few cuts and bruises. Can you stand?” Ryan asked helping Sunset to her feet.

“Thanks Ryan.” Sunset said as she got back onto her feet.

As Sunset had finished steadying herself the rest of the school body exited the school to see the small warzone that had sprung up in front of the school.

“Will someone please explain what happened out here?” Luna asked as her and Celestia made their way over to the group that surrounded Sunset. “But before you do explain why you six look like anthropomorphic ponies?” Luna said pointing to the humane 5 and Twilight.

What followed was Twilight giving an explanation to Celestia and Luna about what happened and why they were at CHS. When Celestia asked the duo about the bodily changes Twilight gave her the theory about how they had taken on the pony characteristics of their Equestrian counterparts.

While Twilight was giving her explanation Luna had told the rest of the student body to go back and enjoy the Formal. After the last few students had left Luna turned to Sunset. “Sunset as punishment for what you have done you will receive a week’s worth of detention. You also have to clean up the mess you’ve made of the front of the school.”

“Yes Vice-Principal Luna.” Sunset said before being handed a broom from the VP.

“Good to hear. Now sister I trust that Miss Sparkle has informed you of what has taken place.” Luna said turning to Celestia.

“Yes she has. Now then you seven can go back inside and enjoy the Formal.” With that said Twilight and the others made their way into the school followed closely behind by Spike. After they had left Luna and Celestia took notice that Ryan hadn’t gone with them. “Ryan aren’t you going back inside?” Celestia asked.

“Nah I gotta help Sunset, some of this destruction was caused by me.” Ryan replied.

“Come sister we best not leave the Formal for too long.” Luna said getting Celestia to follow her back inside.

“Need a hand with that?” Ryan said noticing Sunset was having trouble with bagging some rubble.

“No thanks.” Sunset said before she found the rubble being levitated out of her grip and into the bag. “You know you don’t have to help me.”

“I know but friends help each other.” Ryan said cleaning up more rubble with his magic.

“You consider yourself my friend?”

“Of course I do.” Ryan said waling over to her. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well I acted like a snob. Heck I doubt anyone will accept me not after everything I’ve done.”

“Well I can’t say everyone will accept you, but I know that Twilight’s pals will be your friends.” At this Twilight, Spike and the humane 5 walked out of the front doors of the school. “Speak of the devil.”

“But what do I say. It’s been a while since I’ve had any actual friends.” Sunset said as Twilight made her way over to the duo.

Ryan took notice of this and held a hand up to stop her. “Well a good place to start would be to apologize for what you’ve done.” Ryan said before clearing the last of the rubble. “Now Twilight’s probably going to say the same thing to you. So I better go say my goodbyes.” With that said Ryan made his way over to the humane 5.

After Ryan, Spike and Twilight had given their goodbyes they stood in front of the Wondercolt statue. “You first M’lady.” Ryan said giving her a bow.

“Such a gentleman.” Twilight said before her and Spike made their way through the portal.

“Hey Ryan if that portal turns Twilight and Spike back into their original selves what’s going to happen to us?” Orion asked as Ryan gave a final wave back to Sunset and the humane 5.

‘No clue but hopefully we’ll be restored back to 23.’ With that thought done Ryan stepped through the portal.

Meeting with a god and a setup for the next chapter.

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“Where the hell am I?” Ryan asked as he found himself in what seemed like the white room from the matrix.

“So where the hell are we?” The familiar voice of Orion said to Ryan.

“No clue. But wherever we are there sure as hell seems to be a whole lot of nothing.” Ryan said as he looked around the expanse of white.

“Ah good to see that you have arrived.” A female voice said, her voice emanating from all around Ryan.

“Um who’s there?” Ryan asked not seeing anyone in any of the directions he faced.

“Maybe you’ll recognize me when you see my physical self.” The voice said before a white coated alicorn with a blood red man appeared in front of him. “Recognize who I am now?”

“Holy crap is that Fausticorn?” Orion asked as Ryan was left speechless by the sudden appearance of the alicorn.

“I believe your kind knows me as Fausticorn if your looking for a name for my face. Or would you rather call me by my human counterpart’s name of Lauren?”

“Wait you know about…” Ryan said not wanting to talk about what he knew.

“Your kind’s knowledge of ponies? Yes, I do.” She said before noticing why Ryan was being so quiet. “You can talk to me about your kind’s knowledge of Equestria. For many years I have looked upon your kind with interest. Besides your god told me of your mission here so don’t fear being sent back to earth for talking to me about what you know.”

“Okay then.” Ryan said letting out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding in. “That takes a load off my mind.” He said with a chuckle before looking around his surroundings. “So exactly where are we Miss Faust?”

“Please call me Lauren. As for where we are, we are in the space between realities.” Lauren said.

“So this place in the space between Equestria and the human world?” Ryan asked.

“Yes and no. This is the space between the two realities but it is also the space between multiple other realities.” She replied before her horn began to glow and magic mirrors sprung up around the duo.

“What’s with the mirrors?” Ryan asked examining the mirrors to see they were all the same.

“These aren’t just mirrors, these are doors to each of the different Equestrias.”

“Wait there are different realities of Equestria?” Ryan asked as he realized what she was implying.

“Yes there is.” She said before walking over to one of the mirrors. “Take this Equestria for example, in this Equestria a human arrived 1000 years before the days of the Equestria you know. He became a knight in the service of my daughters.”

“So the rumors of you being Celestia and Luna’s mom are true?”

“Yes.” Lauren said before turning her gaze from the mirror back to Ryan. “So then let’s talk about the Equestria you know.”

“What do you… Oh.” Ryan said. “Hi mom.” He said sheepishly realizing who exactly he was talking to.

“Don’t call me that Ryan. Not until you are married to my daughter. Now seeing as how my husband isn’t here I’m going to have to scare you a bit.” She said before her horn began to glow and Ryan was surrounded by a ring of fire. “Now if you recall from how you humans describe me I am a god. And guess what those stories are true, so keep in mind if you even think about hurting Luna, Celestia will be the least of your worries. Got. It?”

“Got it ma’am.” Ryan said giving her a salute. “If you don’t mind me asking Lauren who exactly is Luna and Celestia’s father?”

“Ever heard of the Alicorn of Death?” She said a small sly smile on her face.

“She can’t be serious?” Orion said to Ryan.

“I am.” She replied catching both Orion and Ryan off guard.

“Wait she can hear me?!” Orion said.

“Yes I can. I’m the pony version of your god I have infinite power, that helps me hear you perfectly clear.” She said. “But as I was saying my husband is the Alicorn of Death.”

“How?” Ryan asked.

“When he died he found out that when an alicorn dies they become the spirit of death. His spirit appeared to me and told me of what he had discovered about our kind. So he asked me to make him the Alicorn of Death, this in turn would make it so that no other alicorns could be the spirit of death. When I asked him why he wished for me to do such a thing he told me that he did not want our daughters to collect the spirits of those they loved or cared about.”

“Wow. He sounds like one heck of a father.” Ryan said after hearing her out.

“Thank you. He really was.” Lauren said memories dancing in her vision.

“So I have to ask how did you end up here?” Ryan said gesturing to the space between realities.

“Star Swirl the Bearded told me that through his research he found that tears in reality would appear overtime. So with his help I found that the only way was to make the magical mirror that he had designed and then make my way into the space between realities. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t see Celestia and Luna.” She said the last part coated with sadness.

“I’m sorry to hear.” Ryan said placing a hand on her withers.

“Thank you Ryan.” She said holding back her tears. “I can already tell that you’ll make Luna a very happy mare.” She said before her horn let off a slight glow. “Now it is time for you to leave and go back to the Equestria that you know.” With that said a magic mirror appeared to the right of the duo.

“Yeah good plan. Everyone’s probably wondering where I am.” Ryan said with a chuckle.

“I highly doubt that. I’ve frozen time in that Equestria so it’ll seem like you’ll arrive back through the mirror exactly when they expect you too.”

“Wow that’s pretty cool.” Ryan said making his way over to the mirror.

“Ryan before you go I want you to promise me that you will tell Celestia and Luna that I always have and always will be with them.”

“I promise.” Ryan said before taking another step towards the mirror. “Hey Lauren I gotta ask what’ll happen to me when I go back to Equestria? Will I be a pony or a human?”

“If you wish to be a pony I could make it so the portal turned you into one. What race would you like to be?”

“What’s the chance you’ll let me be an alicorn?” Ryan said with a sheepish grin.

“Sorry no can do. But you could become one if I turned you into another race of pony.”

“Well in that case I’ll decline the offer. I’ve spent my whole life getting used to my human body so I think I’ll keep it.”

“Suit yourself.” Lauren said with a warm smile.

“Got it. See ya Lauren!” Ryan said before leaving through the mirror.

“Ryan you’re back!” The voice of Twilight said as Ryan found himself back in the magic mirror’s room in the Crystal Palace. “What took you so long?”

“What do you mean?” Ryan asked as his vision finally stopped spinning.

“Well you were gone long enough that I gave everypony here a quick rundown of what happened.” Twilight said.

“No you didn’t silly I did.” Pinkie said bouncing up next to Twilight.

“Well I was just saying my goodbyes is all.” Ryan said before noticing Stealth was standing near the door to the mirror room his eyes glazed over and his horn giving off a faint glow. “What’s with Stealth?” Ryan said pointing to the changeling.

“Stealth? Are you okay?!” Twilight said running up to him as his eyes return back to normal.

“Yeah I’m fine Twi.” He said before turning to Ryan. “We might want to head back to Ponyville as soon as possible.”

“How come?” Ryan asked.

“We have a guest waiting for us.” Stealth replied.

Saying hi to new friends, new enemies and new lovers.

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An hour had passed since Ryan, Stealth, Spike and the mane 6 had made their way out of the Crystal Empire and back to Ponyville. After they arrived back in Ponyville they made their way directly to the library.

“Stealth, Ryan who exactly is this visitor?” Twilight asked annoyance coating her voice as she hadn’t received an answer from them on the train ride back to Ponyville.

“Should we tell them?” Ryan whispered to Stealth as they found themselves outside of Golden Oaks Library. “Better question is she in there?”

“Yes to both questions. Also you’re explaining who our visitor is.” Stealth said his gaze never leaving the library.

“Fine.” Ryan said slightly annoyed he had to explain. He then turned around to see the mane six and Spike giving him looks of confusion. “Okay then you want answers I’ll give them. You all remember that Stealth and I went to visit the changeling hive?”

“Of course darling how could we forget.” Rarity said as the others gave nods.

“Well we went there to convince Queen Chrysalis to go to Canterlot and arrange a peace treaty with Celestia.”

“Okay that sounds ridiculous.” Dash said.

“Dash’s right Ryan.” AJ said. “But what exactly does that have to do with this visitor?”

“Take a guess who our visitor is.” Ryan replied getting a gasp of realization from Twilight.

“She’s in there?!” Twilight said pointing at the library. “Oh boy I’m going to have sending her to the Canterlot dungeons.” She said making her way to the library’s front door.

“Oh no you don’t Twi.” Ryan said picking the alicorn up in a field of levitation. “If she’s here that means she wants to talk peace. So calm down.”

“Okay your right.” Twilight said as she was slowly lowered to the ground. “I shouldn’t have overreacted like that.”

“Good to hear. Now let’s go say hi to Chrysalis.” Ryan said making his way to the door. “Um Twi can I have the key please?” He said holding a hand out as she placed her keys in his hand.

When Ryan placed the key in the key hole he found that the door was already unlocked. It was then that he noticed the sign on the door that said ‘OPEN’. When he pushed open the door he noticed that the first floor was empty as he and the others walked in he heard the voice of Twilight come from upstairs.

“Just give me a moment and I’ll be right with you!” ‘Twilight’ called out. “Now then how can I help you…” ‘Twilight’ said as she made her way down the stairs pausing when she noticed who was standing in the library. “Oh buck.”

“Hey Chrysie.” Ryan said greeting the false Twilight. “Never knew you had a knack for running a library.”

Ryan received no response as Chrysalis’ gaze never left the Elements of Harmony. After a few seconds she let out a line of clicking sounds that caught Stealth’s attention. Stealth then retaliated with more clicking sounds.

Chrysalis’ gaze then fell on him as she shot a glare of hate at him. “Disobeying your Queen, Drone #254?”

“No. I just don’t need to do what you say.” Stealth responded.

“And why would that be?” The false Twilight said raising an eyebrow.

“Because they aren’t going to hurt you.” Stealth replied.

“No offense Drone but I’d like to hear it from them.”

“He’s telling the truth Chrysalis.” Twilight said trying to keep her words hate free.

“I want to hear that from her.” Chrysalis said levelling a hoof with Applejack.

“Why me?” AJ asked.

“Because you’re a terrible liar. And you’re also the Element of Honesty, so I’ll know that your telling the truth.” Chrysalis explained.

“Fine then. Look we ain’t gonna hurt ya so can ya drop yer disguise please.” AJ said getting a smile from Chrysalis.

“Good to hear.” She said before she was engulfed in a green flame as the false Twilight was replaced with the Queen of the Changelings. “Now was that so hard dear?”

“So Chrysie, why exactly are you posing as Twilight?” Ryan asked the Queen.

“I had to keep up appearances. Besides I had to have a way of feeding myself. And before you start panicking Twilight I didn’t go draining any of the residents of Ponyville, I merely took small nibbles off of the joy they generated whenever I forked over a book that they wanted.” She then tossed a bag to Twilight. “That’s how many bits you’ve earned while I was posing as you.”

“Thanks.” Twilight replied skepticism coating her voice. “Hey wait a second you better not have gone through any of my stuff!”

“Of course not. I’d only do that if I planned on replacing you. But I’m not so I don’t have to worry about doing all that.”

“So why are you here Chrysalis?” Ryan asked once Chrysalis had reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Why to be with you of course.” Chrysalis said poking Ryan in the chest.

“Chrysie. Why are you really here?” Ryan asked the changeling.

“Fine then party pooper. I’m here to talk to Sunbutt about peace.”

“Wait a sec so Ryan was telling the truth?!” Dash exclaimed.

“Of course I was Dash why wouldn’t I be?” Ryan said raising an eyebrow to the pegasus.

“No reason.” She replied avoiding Ryan’s gaze.

“Oh are the goodie two shoes fighting?” Chrysalis said getting glares from the group of good guys. “What?”

“So guys how does another train trip sound?” Ryan asked looking at the assembled group of ponies.

The response that Ryan got involved the mane six looking to each other with looks of uncertainty. “Ryan we’d like to go honestly we would.” AJ started.

“But we have things to do darling.” Rarity continued.

“Maybe tomorrow would be a better time. Some of us do need to have a rest even if we don’t have anything to do.” Twilight finished.

“Okay then.” Ryan said before turning to Chrysalis. “Looks like your going to be here longer than expected.”

“Oh that’s fine.” Chrysalis said before leaning close to Ryan. “As long as I get to spend my time with you handsome.” She whispered into his ear before turning to Twilight. “So where am I sleeping?”

“Why are you asking me?” Twilight asked.

“Because I highly doubt anypony else will let me spend the night with them.” She said before turning her gaze to the other elements. “Unless I’m mistaken and somepony does want me to bunk with them.”

“Fine you can stay the night here.” Twilight said.

“Goodie.” Chrysalis said.

“Hey Twi we’d hate to leave ya but we need to get going.” AJ said gesturing to the other elements.

“Oh it’s no problem AJ. You guys have stuff to do.” Twilight said.

“You sure Twilight?” Rarity said.

“Yeah I’ll be fine guys.” Twilight said as the elements made their way towards the front door of the library.

“Okie dokie Twi. But if you need us just send Spike out and we’ll be over here to help you out.” Pinkie said.

“Got it Pinkie.” Twilight said as the elements left the library.

“So Twilight where will I be staying for the night?” Chrysalis asked.

“Follow me.” Twilight said before leading Chrysalis towards the basement door.

“You can’t be serious.” Chrysalis said noticing where she was being led to.

“What?” Twilight said before realization struck her. “You already know what’s past this door don’t you.”

“Yes I do. And don’t worry I didn’t touch any of your machines.” Chrysalis said before turning her head to Ryan. ‘Help me.’ She mouthed to him.

“Well are you gonna help her?” Orion asked. “If you do you could end up sleeping with a queen.”

‘Fine then I’ll help her.’ Ryan thought back. “Twi maybe we could give Chrysalis my room. I can bunk with Stealth.”

“I guess you could.” Twilight said before turning to Stealth. “How do you feel about that?”

“Sounds fun. It does get quite lonely down there.” Stealth said looking to the basement door.

“Why haven’t you said that before?” Twilight said.

“Cause before you would have locked me down there if I offered I sleep with you.” Stealth said getting a blush to rise on Twilight’s face before she began to speak in tongues.

“Good work Stealth ya broke her.” Spike said.

“Is she gonna be alright?” Stealth asked.

“Yeah just give me a hand to get her in bed she just needs some rest is all.” Spike said before Stealth lifted Twilight onto his back and followed Spike up the stairs leading to the next floor.

“So then now that we’re alone I can thank you properly for helping me out there.” Chrysalis said stalking towards Ryan a sway in her hips.

“No thanks necessary Chrysalis.” Ryan said. Unfortunately for him that did nothing to stop her from stalking towards him.

“Please I insist you let me repay you.” She said seductively.

“Well then looks like your plan worked better than expected.” Orion said keeping barely keeping himself from filling Ryan’s mind with mad cackling.

“No thank you.” Ryan said before levitating Chrysalis up a few feet into the air. “Now if you would kindly stop trying to bed me.”

“Fine then.” Chrysalis said dropping the seductive tone of voice. “Can you let me down?”

“Okay.” Ryan said as he lowered Chrysalis back to the ground. “Now I’m guessing that you already know where the spare room is.”

“Yes I do.” Chrysalis responded before her horn gave of a slight glow. “You’ll find that your stuff is down in the basement on a spare bed.” With that said Chrysalis made her way up stairs. “Good night Ryan.”

The next morning Ryan found his vision filled with the face of the resident changeling queen.

“Chrysalis why are you in my bed?” Ryan asked the queen as he slowly rose onto his elbows.

“Well I just couldn’t resist spending the night with you.” She whispered into his ear.

“Chrysalis why are you really in my bed?” Ryan deadpanned.

“Twilight wanted someone to wake you and Stealth up. So I offered to help her and wake you up.” She answered hopping off the bed. “C’mon then or else all of the pancakes will be gone.” She said before making her way out of the basement.

“You didn’t sound that annoyed to find Chrysalis in bed with you y’know.” Orion said as Ryan got out of bed.

“Where’s Stealth?” Ryan asked aloud ignoring Orion’s comment.

“Chrysalis woke him up before you. Said that Twilight was going to cook them all breakfast then he bolted.” Orion said as Ryan began to make his way up the basement stairs.

‘Hopefully Stealth managed to stop Twilight.’ Ryan thought as he walked into the main floor of the library to see that Twilight had set up the dining table which had the mane six, Spike, Stealth and Chrysalis sitting around it.

“Ryan! I saved you a seat!” Chrysalis said patting the seat next to her.

“Thanks Chrysie.” Ryan said as he took his seat before being served a plate of pancakes by Twilight. “Good to see that no one’s been killed.” Ryan joked between bits of pancakes.

“No but I’ve been getting a lot of glares.” Chrysalis said as she bit into her pancakes. “Although I haven’t gotten any from the ball of pink.”

“Of course not silly. I don’t hate anypony, I only dislike them. And besides you’ve given a great reason for us to trust you and help you.” Pinkie said giving Chrysalis a warm smile.

“Sure thing.” Chrysalis replied giving her a wary look. “At least my loyal drone isn’t giving me a death stare.”

“Of course not my queen.” Stealth said bowing his head.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said getting a glare from Twilight. “Geez what do you expect, I’m his queen I order him around. Besides I don’t make him do anything to bad.”

“She’s right Twi.” Ryan said. “The time that I was in the hive Chrysalis didn’t make any of the changelings do anything to bad.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said before turning to Chrysalis. “So do you have your stuff packed for the train trip?”

“I didn’t bring anything with me from the hive. So yeah I’m ready to go.”

“Good to hear. Although you’ll have to disguise yourself before we go.” Twilight said as Chrysalis turned to Ryan.

“Now Ryan what I’m about to do may feel a bit strange.” She said before guiding her horn towards his forehead.

“Let me guess your going to sift through my mind to find a disguise for yourself?” Ryan asked stopping her horn with a hand.

“Yes. Wait how do you already know about that?” She asked before turning to Stealth. “I’m guessing you showed them?”

“Only way I could go around and not look suspicious.” Stealth replied.

“Hey Chrysie, how about I give you the description of a pony and you use that?” Ryan asked Chrysalis.

“That would work. What do you have in mind?” She asked before Ryan pulled out a piece of paper and quill and began writing out the description of her new disguise. After he was done he handed the paper to Chrysalis. “Okay then I can work with this.” She said before her body was coated in green flame.

When the flames dissipated what sat in the changeling queen’s place was a unicorn mare with an alabaster coat, a cyan green mane and tail and a ladybug with a black and green shell design for a cutie mark. “Ponies I give to you Chrysie Lovebug.” Ryan said gesturing to the disguised Chrysalis.

“I must say your way of creating OCs is quite impressive.” Orion said as Chrysalis summoned a mirror to examine her new self.

“I must say that this new form is quite impressive. Thank you Ryan.” Chrysalis said making the mirror disappear in a flash of green light.

“Your welcome.” Ryan said before turning to the mane 6. “So you guys ready to go?”

“Yeah we’re ready.” Twilight said.

“So exactly how is this going to work?” Chrysalis asked as the train from Ponyville to Canterlot pulled into Upper Canterlot’s train station.

“Well Chrysie, the princesses are already expecting you thanks to the letter I got Spike to send them. So all we have to do is just walk into the throne room, you drop your disguise and tell them how you want peace.” Ryan explained as the group made their way through Upper Canterlot to Canterlot Castle.

“Sounds simple.” Chrysalis said as they walked through the castle’s front gates.

“Twilight?” A familiar voice said from behind the group. When the group turned around they saw Cadance and Shining Armor approaching them through the castle’s gates.

“Shining, Cadance! What are you two doing here?” Twilight asked as she got a hug from Shining and Cadance.

“Well Princess Celestia asked me and Cadance to come as she wanted to talk to us about something.” Shining said before his gaze shifted to Chrysalis. “Who’s your new friend?”

“This is Chrysie Lovebug.” Ryan said introducing her to the royal couple. “She’s here to meet with the princesses.”

“Really? What are you here to see them about?” Cadance asked.

“Well Princess, I’m here to see Princess Celestia and Luna about a discovery that I made about changelings and their relations to a few species of insects in the Everfree.” Chrysalis said, keeping her cool around the royal couple.

“That sounds great.” Shining said. “Found any weaknesses?”

“Unfortunately I can’t give you that information Prince Armor. That information’s only for the Princesses to see.” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Okay then.” Shining said before his gaze fell onto Stealth. “Good to see you again Stealth.”

“Really you don’t sound that pleased.” Stealth responded getting a glare from Shining.

“Well we best be getting on our way.” Cadance interjected. “See you guys soon.” She said before dragging Shining off into the castle.

When the royal couple left the groups view Chrysalis let out a sigh of relief that she didn’t know she was holding in. “You okay Chrysie?” Ryan asked her.

“That was not fun.” She said before shifting her gaze back to the castle. “C’mon let’s get the meeting with Sunbutt over and done with.” She said walking into the castle Ryan and the others close behind her.

“So how does it feel?” Ryan asked Chrysalis as they made their way towards the throne room.

“How does what feel?” She asked as the group rounded a corner to see the throne room entrance at the end of the hall they had just entered.

“Being in Canterlot and not planning to conquer it.” Ryan explained.

“It’s weird. All the guards that we’ve met don’t give me a second glance. It’s a weird feeling walking past them all and them not trying to tackle me to the ground.” She explained before noticing that their group was lacking one member. “Hey Sparkle where’d the dragon go?”

“Oh Spike he went to the kitchen said he didn’t want to be sitting in a boring meeting.” Twilight explained as the group entered the throne room.

Once the doors to the throne room closed behind the group Ryan noticed the lack of guards in the room. His gaze then drifted to the throne’s of Celestia and Luna to see them flanked by two smaller thrones that had Shining and Cadance sitting atop them.

“Twilight good to see that you’ve arrived with our guest.” Celestia greeted the group. “Good to see you once more.” She said her gaze falling onto Chrysalis.

“Good to be back.” Chrysalis said her voice wavering slightly under Celestia’s gaze.

“Now then how about we get this started?” Celestia said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Yes we would like to hear what research you’ve done on the changelings…” Shining started before noticing that in a flash of green flame Chrysie Lovebug was replaced by Queen Chrysalis.

“Hello to you too Shiny.” Chrysalis said noticing Shining’s jaw hanging open.

Before anything else could be said Shining shook his head and blinked a couple of times. “Chrysalis.” He muttered under his breath before his horn began to glow.

It was at this point that time began to slow down around Ryan as the glow from Shining’s horn shot out at Chrysalis. It was as the bolt of magic raced towards Chrysalis that Ryan sprung into action. In an instant Ryan knocked Chrysalis out of the way of the bolt a few seconds before it would have collided with the queen.

It was then that Ryan realized exactly where he had placed himself. ‘Oh crap.’ Was all he thought before being launched into the throne room doors by the magical bolt.

“RYAN!” Luna yelled out as soon as Ryan’s head collided with the large double doors. In an instant she was at his side inspecting his unconscious form. “Ryan.” She whimpered noticing the blood on the back of his head and the doors where his head at collided with the doors.

Before anyone could say anything else a maniacal laugh could be heard reverberating through the room. It was then that Luna had noticed something different about Ryan when the laughter died out. His right eye had an all too familiar flame coating it. “Hello there Luna.” The voice of Orion said from Ryan’s mouth. “Miss me?”

Before Orion could say anything more to the princess his vision was filled with a blue light. When the light faded he looked around himself to see that he and Chrysalis were the only one’s that were in front of the closed doors. As he looked back to the throne’s he saw that Luna had teleported the rest of the group next to her and Celestia.

“Luna what’s wrong?” Celestia asked looking between Luna and Orion.

“What don’t recognize me Tia?” Orion asked as he got back onto his feet. “I sure as hell recognize you.”

“It can’t be.” Celestia said noticing the voice and flaming eye. “How is this possible?” She asked as Orion made his way towards the throne’s only to be stopped by what seemed like a blue barrier.

“Really Luna?” Orion said raising a hand and tapping it on the barrier. “Is this really necessary?”

“Princess what’s going on?” The voice of Twilight said as she looked between Celestia and Orion.

“It’s quite simple Twilight, Luna and Celestia are scared of me.” Orion said.

“Leave her out of this and answer my question.” Celestia said to Orion getting his gaze to drift back to her.

“Fine then.” He said removing himself from the barrier. “But I want you to answer my question first.” He said walking up to Chrysalis. “Why didn’t you teleport dear Chrysie here onto that side of the barrier?” After waiting a few seconds of getting no reply he spoke up once more. “No answer? Fine then.” He said.

“Answer my sister’s question!” Luna exclaimed.

“Okay, okay. Calm down I’m getting to that.” Orion said. “Now then as for how this happened well you can blame Sombra for that.”

“How so?” Celestia asked.

“Well he hit Ryan with some sort of nightmare inducing spell. This led to him passing out from fear and well I took this opportunity to use these magical gloves,” He paused showing off the gloves. “to take control.” He explained.

“Wait you’re not Ryan?” The voice of Twilight asked from her side of the barrier.

“No I’m not Sparklebutt.” Orion said with a smirk. “As for who I am you can ask Ryan later.”

“What do you want Orion?” Luna asked.

“Well Luna, I’m here to number one defend dear old Chrysalis and make sure that she gives her peace of mind about peace between ponies and changelings.” This got a look of disbelief from the two royal sisters. “What? I can be nice sometimes.”

“Sorry but do you really think that Chrysalis would actually want peace?” Shining asked getting looks from the princesses and the mane six. “I mean seriously you don’t really believe her?”

“Did you really just say that?” Orion asked walking back up to the barrier. “How about I help you understand that Chrysalis is telling the truth?” He said before reaching a hand out towards Shining. When his hand hit the barrier he began to heat his hand up until the barrier gave out. “Now then let’s talk.” He said before wrapping hand around Shining’s horn and dragging him off towards Chrysalis.

“Argh let go of me!” Shining exclaimed.

“Shut the hell up Shiny flank!” Orion yelled silencing the struggling unicorn. “After the crap you just pulled you don’t get to talk.” He said before letting go of his horn in front of Chrysalis. “Now if you would please show him why you wish to star peace between ponies and changelings.”

“And how would I do that?” Chrysalis asked.

“I don’t know. Link him to the hive mind or something like that.” Orion said.

“Good plan.” Chrysalis responded before leaning down to Shining’s level. “Now if you try to resist my magic your brain will be fried. So don’t resist.” She said before touching her horn to Shining’s.

After a few seconds Chrysalis removed her horn from his, a disappointed look on her face. “Did it work?” Orion asked.

“No. He’s put in mental defenses to keep me out of his mind.”

“Fine then.” Orion said before turning to the roof and cupping his hands around his mouth. “DISCORD!” He yelled.

“What I was in the middle of something.” Discord said as he appeared a towel wrapped around his head and waist. It was then that he saw the glowing eye. “Good to see that you’re here Orion. Now what do you want?”

“Need you to show the ponies Chrysalis’ hive.” Orion said.

“What you mean the hive that’s filled with starving changelings?” He asked getting a nod from Orion. “Got it.” He said before summoning a TV with a snap of his claw. “For your viewing pleasure Princesses.”

After a few seconds the TV buzzed to life with images of the changeling hive. “As you can see the changelings are on the verge of starving to death.” Orion said narrating the images on the TV. “This is the reason why Chrysalis is here. On the outside she may treat her hive as a bunch of mindless drones but on the inside she treats them like her own children.” He explained as the TV went dark.

“So that’s why you’re here Chrysalis?” Cadance asked leaving her place at Celestia’s right to walk up to the changeling queen.

“Yes it is.” She said before finding her self with a hoof over her withers.

“Well the you don’t have to worry about them any more.” Cadance said before turning to Celestia. “Auntie Celestia I think that we should begin peace talks with Chrysalis as soon as possible. Don’t you agree?”

“I do Cadance.” Celestia replied shifting her gaze to Chrysalis. “Queen Chrysalis, consider for the time being until an official peace treaty can be created. That you and your hive are friends of Equestria.”

This announcement got Chrysalis to be on the verge of bursting into tears at this announcement. “Thank you Princess.” She said.

“Yay we’re all pals!” Orion said before seeing the glare he was getting from Luna. “What do you want?”

“Give Ryan control of his body now.” Luna said darkly.

“Sorry can’t. Not until I fall asleep or pass out and let me tell you this I ain’t feeling tired.” It was then that Orion raised a hand to feel the damp spot on the back of his head. “Wow that’s a lot of blood.” He said before falling his head hitting the floor of the throne room as he fainted from blood loss.

“Urgh.” Ryan groaned as he slowly woke up to what seemed like a giant headache.

“Ah good to see you awake Ryan.” The familiar voice of Nurse Redheart said to Ryan’s right.

“Hey Miss Redheart.” Ryan said as he slowly rose onto his elbows. As he got up onto his elbows he noticed he was lying in a medical bed in an almost empty part of the Canterlot Castle’s medical ward. “We really have got to stop meeting like this.” Ryan joked.

“Yes we really do.” Redheart said before seeing Ryan shaking the hoof cuffs that had him chained to the medical bed. “If your wondering why your chained to the bed Princess Luna says it’s for own safety. The same goes as to why you don’t have your magical gloves or coat. And before you ask I can’t undo the cuffs only Princess Luna has the keys.” Redheart explained.

“Why would she…” Ryan started before being interrupted by Orion’s whispers.

“You don’t remember what happened after you took that magical bolt for Chrysalis?” Orion asked.

“Hey Redheart I didn’t hurt anyone before I ended up here did I?” Ryan asked.

“No. Probably the only one that was hurt in the throne room was you.” Redheart replied gesturing to the bandages around his head.

“If it’s too much for me to ask, can I please get a moment alone Redheart?”

“Sure thing. I’ll be outside if you need me.” She said before making her way out of the room.

“Orion, my memory’s a bit fuzzy. What the hell happened after I took a spell to the chest?”

What followed next was Ryan having the events that happened after he had been knocked unconscious be explained to him by Orion.

“I can’t believe you did that.” Ryan said trying to keep his anger under control.

“Well if I didn’t step in, Chrysalis would’ve been thrown in the dungeons.” Orion explained.

Before Ryan could say a word about that comment Redheart stuck her head in through the door to the medical bay. “Ryan, Princess Twilight and her friends would like to see you. Do you want me to let them in?”

‘Well better to bite the bullet now.’ Ryan thought to himself. “Sure send them in.” Ryan said as Redheart disappeared through the door. “Hey guys.” Ryan said as the mane six, Stealth and Spike entered the room.

“Hey Ryan.” Twilight replied. “You okay?” She asked as the group gathered around the medical bed.

“Yeah I’m fine. So which of you wants to ask questions first?”

“What exactly was that back in the throne room?” Dash asked.

“Well I suffer from MPD, which means Multiple Personality Disorder. Except unlike other people back on Earth who have it I don’t switch personalities at the drop of a hat. Instead my other personality up until now has only been a voice in my head.” Ryan explained.

“So he isn’t meant to be able to take control of you?” Twilight asked.

“Pretty much.”

“Ryan, why didn’t you tell us about this?” Fluttershy asked.

“Because I didn’t want you guys worrying about me. And Twilight before you ask there isn’t a way to remove Orion. Celestia and Luna said that even they couldn’t get rid of him when they first found out about him.” This admission got a downtrodden look to place itself on the faces of Ryan’s friends.

“Wow way to be a downer Ryan.” Orion said.

“So guys what happened after I was dragged into here?” Ryan said gesturing to the medical ward ignoring Orion’s comment.

“Well after Orion passed out, Princess Luna may have gotten a bit mad at Shining.” Twilight said. Memories of the Lunar Princess nearly deafening her brother with the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Then Princess Celestia calmed her down and they decided to take Chrysalis with them to a conference room where they’d be discussing terms of the treaty.”

“Good to hear that they’re discussing peace.” Ryan said, a smile on his face.

“And if what the Queen is saying over the hivemind the meeting’s nearly over.” Stealth said. “So if I were you I’d be ready for a visit from royalty.”

“Got it.” Ryan said before noticing Redheart standing in the doorway to the medical room. “Hey Redheart what’s up?” Ryan asked as she walked over to the bed.

“I’m sorry to say but you and your friends Princess Twilight will have to leave, Ryan needs his rest.” Redheart explained.

“All right then.” Twilight said before turning to Ryan. “Well hope you get well soon Ryan.” With that said the group made their way out of the infirmary.

“So guess it’s my bedtime now?” Ryan asked Redheart.

“Yes it is. But I’m not going to tuck you in or read you a bed time story.” Redheart said a smile on her face.

“Spoilsport.” Ryan said before shifting himself so he was lying on his back. “Goodnight Redheart.”

“Night Ryan.” She replied making her way out of the room.

“Ah good to see you’re awake.” Were the words that filled Ryan’s ears as he woke up from his slumber.

As Ryan opened his eyes he saw that standing next to his bed was Luna. “Hey Luna. How’d the peace treaty go?”

“It went well.” Luna said with a smile on her face.

“Good to hear, so can you maybe undo these cuffs?” Ryan asked shaking the object in question.

“Of course.” Luna said before she leveled her horn with the cuffs.

“Hey Luna why don’t you just use the key?” Ryan asked.

“What key? These things require magic to open.”

“Then why do they have a key hole?” Ryan said before wrapping his left hand around Luna’s horn. “Hi Chrysie.” Ryan said noticing the green hue to Luna’s eyes.

“How did you?” Chrysalis said dropping the disguise.

“Know you weren’t Luna? Well it’s quite simple my dear, Luna’s the one who cuffed me to the bed and she’s the only one with the keys.” Ryan explained.

Before Chrysalis could respond the door to the room was flung open and Chrysalis found herself wrapped in a blue magical aura. “If we may ask why art thou in here Chrysalis?” The familiar voice of Luna said from the doorway.

It was when Ryan heard the voice he turned his head to see that Luna, Celestia and Cadance were standing a few feet in front of the bed.

“You really want to know Luna?” Chrysalis asked getting a nod from Luna. “Well believe it or not but you’re not the only one that cares about Ryan y’know.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked.

“Well let’s say this when I first saw Ryan at the wedding something began to grow inside of me. At first I didn’t know what that feeling was but when he and Stealth arrived at the hive I was filled with joy at seeing him. It was then I had an idea of what I felt, but I was certain of what I felt for Ryan when he and Stealth left.”

“And what would that be?” Luna asked.

“Love.” Chrysalis said. Once that word had left her lips the room had turned silent.

“Celestia, Cadance if you will may I please have a moment alone with these two?” Luna said her voice laced with ice.

“Of course sister. But please don’t do anything rash.” Celestia said before motioning for Cadance to follow her out of the room.

“So.” Luna started one the door to the room had closed and she was certain Celestia and Cadance were a good distance away from the door. “These feelings that you have towards Ryan, you’re certain they are true?”

“Yes I am.” Chrysalis replied.

Luna’s gaze then fell to Ryan. “Ryan. What are your thoughts on this?”

“Honestly I don’t know what to say.” Ryan said in disbelief. “This has sort of come as a shock to me.”

“Well then I’m sorry to say Chrysalis but Ryan is already in a relationship with me. So you will have to find somepony else to love.” Luna said to Chrysalis.

It was then that something that Cadance had told him before came rushing to Ryan’s mind. “Well that’s not entirely true Luna.” Ryan said.

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asked.

“Well Cadance had explained to me a certain type of relationship between more than two ponies. Ever hear of a heard?” Ryan said.

“You can’t be serious.” Luna said before shifting her gaze to Chrysalis. “You think that we should start a heard with her?”

“What’s so bad about that?” Chrysalis asked.

“Nothing’s wrong with the idea but…” Luna said pausing as she tried to finish her sentence.

“So the problem is me that’s good to hear.” Chrysalis said in a hurt tone. “And here I thought you and I had become fast friends.”

“When did that happen?” Ryan asked.

“When we were discussing peace.” Luna said before turning back to Chrysalis. “And besides there’s nothing wrong with you it’s just that if we act on this now it may raise a few eyebrows.”

“How so?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well for one we still have to go public about the changelings being Equestria’s newest friends. And the populace, especially those in Canterlot may not take the idea of one of the princesses having a relationship with the mare that tried to take over Canterlot.” Luna explained.

“Well I may have a solution for that.” Ryan said getting the two royal’s eyes to fall on him. “How about we wait a bit before starting a heard. Give ponies time to get used to the idea of changelings being our friends. Besides we don’t have to go public about it immediately so we could always have this thing kept secret.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Chrysalis said before turning to Luna. “What do you think?”

“That could work.” Luna responded. “So I guess we’re a heard.”

“I guess so.” Chrysalis said before turning back to Ryan. “Now if you’ll excuse me Princess I’ve been waiting a while to do this.”

Before Ryan could ask what she was talking about he found his vision filled with Chrysalis’ face as she pulled him into a deep kiss. After Chrysalis ended the kiss Ryan was left trying to process the events that just transpired.

“Good to see I can still leave my lovers breathless.” Chrysalis said before turning to Luna. “Now it’s your turn unless you’d rather not want a kiss.”

What happened next was something that Chrysalis didn’t expect. “Can you handle me?” Was all Luna said before wrapping a fore-hoof around the back of Chrysalis’ head and pulling her into a deep kiss.

After the kiss had ended Chrysalis was left breathless as Luna made her way to Ryan’s bed. “How?” Was all Chrysalis could say as Luna released Ryan from the hoof cuff.

“We alicorns have a lot more endurance than humans.” Luna said as she nuzzled Ryan. “How’d you like the show?”

“That was hot.” Was all Ryan could say before he pulled Luna into a hug.

“Good to hear. Now let’s get out of here. Twilight and the others are probably worried about you.” Luna said wiggling her way out of Ryan’s grip and making her way towards the room’s exit.

As Ryan got of the bed and followed Luna he paused in front of Chrysalis. “Hey Chrysie you coming?” He asked.

“Maybe I will be later tonight.” She said seductively before joining Luna at the door.

“And to think none of this would have happened if I didn’t take control.” Orion said.

‘Ya know what Orion I guess in a way you’re right.’ Ryan thought.

“Really?!” Orion exclaimed.

‘Yeah. But don’t go thinking I’m not murdering the crap out of you in the dreamscape tonight.’ Ryan thought back getting a devilish smile to cross his face as he followed Luna and Chrysalis out of the room.

Original and creative name.

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“So you’re staying here.” Twilight said to Ryan as he met the mane six, Spike and Stealth in the main foyer of Canterlot Castle before they made their way back to Ponyville.

“Yeah. Probably for the best that I don’t risk Orion destroying anything if he takes over again.” Ryan replied. “But don’t worry I’ll be back after I figure out how he does it and put a stop to it.”

“Okay then. But wait what if he takes over while you’re in Canterlot? Won’t he cause destruction anyway?” Dash asked.

“A good point Dash. But if he does take over the princesses and two different groups of guards to subdue him.” Ryan said getting an understanding nod from Dash.

“Well we better get going.” AJ said getting nods from the rest of the mane six, Spike and Stealth. “Take care of yourself Ryan.”

“Don’t worry I will.” Ryan said before giving the mane six a hug each.

“What not going to give me and Stealth a goodbye hug?” Spike asked once Ryan had finished giving Fluttershy her hug.

“Sorry didn’t think you’d want a hug.” Ryan said before moving over to the drake his arms outstretched.

“Whoa!” Spike exclaimed jumping back a few feet. “I was only joking.”

“Okay then.” Ryan replied with a chuckle. It was then Ryan noticed that Twilight and the others had already walked away from Spike, Stealth and himself. “Hey make sure you two take care of Twilight okay.” Ryan said to the duo as they made their way after Twilight and the others.

“Got it Ryan!” Stealth exclaimed before he and Spike ran after the others.

“You really think that you can keep me away from them forever?” Orion said to Ryan with a dark chuckle.

“Not forever. But I can at least keep you away from them until I figure out how to keep you from taking over my body.” Ryan replied. It was then Ryan heard hoofsteps approaching him from behind. When he turned around he saw Moonlight. “Hey Moonlight.” Ryan said with a smile.

“Good afternoon Ryan. You just see the Elements off?” Moonlight asked.

“Yeah just waiting for Celestia to get back from her tour of Canterlot with Chrysalis.” Ryan said turning his gaze back to the foyer’s main entrance.

“Not that I doubt Mother Sol’s abilities but why exactly did she take Chrysalis on a tour of Canterlot?” Moonlight asked copying Ryan’s gaze.

“She wanted for ponies to see how she has changed first hand. Rather than only making an announcement over the news.” Ryan explained, repeating Celestia’s reason for taking Chrysalis out on tour. It was then that said royal duo arrived through the castle’s front doors. “Speak of the devil.” Ryan said to himself as Celestia and Chrysalis walked over towards him and Moonlight. “How’d it go?”

“It went well. Until the ponies pulled out tomatoes and began throwing them at me. Other than the unexpected shower of fruit it was nice.” Chrysalis said shaking off a few tomatoes that were sitting on her back.

“Wait they actually threw tomatoes at you!” Ryan exclaimed before looking to Celestia. “And you let that happen?!”

“I stopped most of the tomatoes with a bit of magic but Chrysalis deactivated the shield I had in place saying that she wished to face some form of punishment.” Celestia explained.

“Anyway let’s move on.” Chrysalis said before moving next to Ryan. “You wouldn’t mind giving me a hand to scrub all the tomato juice out of my chitin. Would you?”

“Don’t you have a changeling that could do that for you?” Ryan asked.

“They’re in the hive. And I don’t want to fly all the way there or call them out here. I need to get rid of the juices now before they dry in the cracks between my plates of chitin.” Chrysalis explained getting Ryan to let out a sigh.

“Fine.” Ryan said before making his way towards the castle’s bath room. “C’mon or do you not want the juices gone?” Ryan called back to Chrysalis getting a grin from her as she trotted up to him. “And no funny business.”

“Aw you just had to go ruin the fun didn’t you.” Chrysalis whined.

“Too bad.” Ryan said as he and Chrysalis made their way towards the baths.

Scene change

“Not going to join me?” Chrysalis asked seeing Ryan sit on the edge of the bath she was in.

“Don’t need to just stand here and I should be able to clean you.” Ryan said getting a smirk from Chrysalis.

“But it’d be so much easier if you joined me.” Before Ryan could say anything he found himself submerged in water as he was pulled into the bath by Chrysalis. “There was that so hard?” Chrysalis asked when Ryan resurfaced.

“Damn you.” Ryan said before taking off his shirt.

“I thought you said no funny business?” Chrysalis asked as she licked her lips at seeing Ryan’s built frame.

“And I mean it. You know how annoying it is to have a loose shirt cling to your skin?” Ryan asked getting Chrysalis to shake her head. “Well it’s a pain in the ass.”

“Hmm well from where I’m standing It doesn’t seem like a bad thing.” Chrysalis smirked.

“Ha ha.” Ryan said sarcastically before reaching for a sponge he had left on the side of the bath.

“What are you doing?” Chrysalis asked turning to see Ryan pull himself out of the bath.

“Getting the soap.” Ryan said before walking over to a nearby set of drawers with different cleaning products in them. As he walked back to the bath after retrieving the soap he pulled off his shoes and socks.

“You do know you’re not going to need that.” Chrysalis said pointing at the sponge.

“Why?” Ryan asked as he lowered himself back into the bath.

“Because it won’t fit in the cracks between my chitin.” Chrysalis said before levitating the soap out of Ryan’s hand and held it up to one of the cracks in her chitin. “See won’t fit.”

“Okay then. So what do I use then?” Ryan’s response came from Chrysalis moving one of Ryan hands to hover over the crack. “Now I see why you wanted me to clean you.” Ryan said before sticking one of his fingers into the crack.

“Whoa!” Chrysalis exclaimed jumping out of the water slightly. “Warn a changeling before you go plunging your fingers into the cracks in their shell.”

“Sorry. That didn’t hurt did it?” Ryan asked worrying if he had hurt her.

“No. However if you stuck a knife in there it would hurt. But if anything soft ends up there the crack becomes quite a sensitive spot.” Chrysalis said, saying the last part in a seductive voice.

With that it was Ryan’s turn to jump slightly in the bath his cheeks a fine crimson. “You could’ve told me that before telling me to clean the gaps between your chintinous plates!” Ryan exclaimed getting a smile to form on her lips.

“See that as my payback for you saying no funny business.” Chrysalis said her smile taking on the form of a smirk.

“Good point I guess.” Ryan said moving back to Chrysalis’ side. “Let’s get this over with then.”

“Ooh yeah. Right there.” Chrysalis moaned as Ryan returned to cleaning the cracks in between chitin plates.

“Having fun?” Orion said trying to keep himself from laughing at Ryan’s embarrassment.

‘Shut up!’ Ryan thought back as he kept cleaning Chrysalis.

“Okay you can stop now.” Chrysalis said using her magic to remove Ryan’s fingers from their position. “I think you got the job done.”

“Good to hear.” Ryan said making his way towards the side of the bath.

As Ryan began to pull himself out he could feel something pulling him back in. “Now where do you think you’re going?”

“Leaving. My mission here is done.” Ryan replied before finding a sponge put in his hand.

“Sorry but you did agree to cleaning my chitin. And you’ve only cleaned the cracks in the chitin.” Chrysalis explained. With that said Ryan moved back to Chrysalis’ side before applying the sponge to her side. “Hey Ryan have you ever considered moving to my hive?”

“Um no. Why do you ask?” Ryan replied.

“Because I’d love for you to be my royal cleaner.” Chrysalis said with a small smile.

“What’s the pay like?”

“Pay? You expect to be payed in bits?” Chrysalis responded getting a confused look from Ryan.

“Then what would I be payed in?”

“Well you’d be given a life of luxury. As well as anything you could wish for.”

“Could I ask to be payed in bits?” Ryan said jokingly.

Before Chrysalis could respond a short cough could be heard from behind them. “So what exactly is happening here?” The voice of Luna said as the duo turned to see her standing on the edge of the bath.

“Ryan’s giving me a bath.” Chrysalis said.

“Really?” Luna asked skeptically. “Nothing else?”

“Nothing but the bath.” Ryan said.

“Well then in that case.” Luna said before stepping into the bath. “Mind giving me one too?”

“Not at all.” Ryan said before finding himself pulled into a kiss by Luna.

“Good to hear. Maybe if you do a good job me and Chrysie will reward you.” Luna said before turning to Chrysalis. “How does that sound?”

“Sounds wonderful.” Chrysalis said before moving to Luna’s side. “But let’s save that reward for when he’s done cleaning us.”

“Of course.” Luna said before turning back to Ryan a seductive smile on her face. “So then Ryan, Chrysalis and I are both wet so how about you clean us with your sponge.” She said seductively leaving Ryan’s face a bright red.

Scene change

“I’m starting to have second thoughts about starting a herd.” Ryan said aloud as he left Luna’s room. Which he found himself in after Luna had teleported himself and Chrysalis there for his reward.

“Really cause if I remember correctly you weren’t complaining when you received your reward.” Orion said with a short laugh.

“Oh shut it.” Ryan said before realizing he had nothing to do. Fortunately, he wouldn’t be standing still wondering what to do for long as he remembered one pony that he hadn’t seen in a while. “I think it’s time to go visit Trixie.”

After a short walk Ryan found himself outside of Trixie’s room. Before Ryan even raised his hand to knock on the door the door swung open. “Yes?” Trixie said as she stood in the doorway. “RYAN!” She exclaimed jumping into Ryan’s arms giving him a hug.

“Hey Trixie.” Ryan said before putting her down. “How’s it going?”

“Not bad. How are you doing? I heard what happened in the throne room.” Trixie said with a grim expression.

“Yeah I’m fine. And don’t worry about what happened. Don’t want anybody to go worrying about me.” Ryan said moving past Trixie into her room. “So how have your studies been?”

“It’s going well. Luna’s been teaching all sorts of advanced illusion spells. I’ve also been learning a few other types of spells.” Trixie replied nodding to a small table which had a few piles of books laid upon it.

“Destructive magic?” Ryan asked picking up one of the books. “Guessing Luna wants to teach you how to defend yourself?” Ryan said getting a nod from Trixie. “Good to hear.”

“So anyway I heard that the princesses have the changeling queen in the castle to discuss peace. Is that true?” Trixie asked.

“I thought Luna would have told you about that.” Ryan replied getting Trixie to shake her head. “Huh okay then. Well Chrysalis is in the castle discussing peace with Celestia, Luna and Cadance.”

“Oh. How’s that going?”

“As far as I can tell it’s going well.” Ryan said with a smile.

“Good to hear.” Trixie said before levitating out a tray of tea. “Want some?”

“Sure.” Ryan said before pouring himself a cup of what seemed to be green tea. “So how was the coronation?”

“Coronation? For who?” Trixie asked sarcastically.

“For Twilight.”

“Oh yeah that. It wasn’t that great.” Trixie said her mood turning sour.

“Trixie. You alright?”

“NO!” Trixie exclaimed. “I’m not alright. I hate it when ponies talk about Twilight! Oh did you hear Twilight became a princess?! Did you hear about how she defeated Discord?!” Trixie said hysterically. “Oh and let’s not forget how she beat that magician in a magic duel.”

At this Trixie began to cry. “Hey Trixie it’s alright.” Ryan said enveloping the mare in a hug. “Look Trixie, you want to know something. I don’t care about what Twilight has done and neither should you.”

After a few moments Trixie’s sobs had come to an end. “Thanks Ryan.”

“No problem Trixie.” Ryan said removing his arms from around Trixie. “So how exactly was the coronation I was a bit busy trying to convince Chrysalis to come to Canterlot.”

“Well it was hectic to say the least. There was a heap of ponies gathered outside of the castle to see the new princess. It was actually sort of funny seeing how much makeup Twilight had to wear.” Trixie said with a chuckle at the memory.

“So you didn’t think of getting a photo for me? I’m hurt.” Ryan replied in a hurtful tone.

“Sorry but I didn’t have my camera on me at the time.” Trixie replied.

“Darn. So anything else of interest been happening other than magical study?”

“Well Princess Celestia held a small celebration party after Twilight’s coronation. And Luna put me up for entertainment.” Trixie said with a smile.

“How’d it go?”

“Well let’s just say if I was charging the nobles than I’d be as rich as the princesses.” Trixie said with a smug grin.

“Sounds great. So any particular tricks you want to tell me about?” Ryan asked wanting to hear more about her performance.

“Well I did get a bit of audience participation done. But the best trick I pulled was when I made Princess Celestia disappear into thin air.”

“Sounds like one heck of a trick.” Ryan said a smile on his lips.

“Making the Princess disappear wasn’t even the best part. Originally the disappearing act was meant for Luna, but she insisted that I perform the trick on her sister instead. What happened next was the guards freaking out about Celestia disappearing from under a sheet.” Trixie said barely containing her laughter.

“Sounds like the guards would’ve been on you for that one.”

“Oh believe me they were on me within seconds. If it wasn’t for Luna, I probably would’ve been thrown into the dungeons.”

“Well that one way to end a magic show.” Ryan said before noticing a blue glow to his hands.

“Someone’s teleporting you. Just to let you know.” Orion said as the blue glow spread up Ryan’s body.

“Ryan are you okay?” Trixie asked noticing the glow.

“Yeah I am. Although by the coloration to this glow Luna wants to see me.” Ryan replied finishing off his tea. “See you some time later.” Ryan said before giving Trixie a wave as he disappeared.

Scene change

“We have a slight problem dear.” The voice of Chrysalis said as Ryan’s vision slowly returned.

“And that would be what?” Ryan said as he pulled himself to his feet as the teleport had caused him to appear on the floor in a sitting position.

“Well you know how the reward me and Luna gave you left us a tad exhausted?” Chrysalis said getting a nod in response. “Well Sunbutt decided to come and see how her sis was doing. And you can imagine her reaction when she found myself lying next to her in bed.”

“So Celestia caught you sleeping with Luna. Great. Where’s Luna?” Ryan asked.

“Well her and Celestia are in the main room.” Luna said pointing to the door that led to the large room where Luna dealt with her paperwork and where she taught Trixie. “Currently Luna is explaining why I was sleeping with her.”

“So the cat’s out of the bag?”

“Not entirely.” Chrysalis said getting Ryan to raise an eyebrow. “Technically Celestia, doesn’t know about your involvement in this.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble but Celestia knows that I was dating Luna before all this happened.” Ryan replied. It was then Ryan saw a yellow glow to his hands. “And now Celestia wants to see me.” Ryan said before making his way towards the room’s door.

“Sister there is no need to teleport Ryan here.” Luna said as Ryan joined the royal duo in the large room.

“She has a point I don’t need to be teleported when I’m already here.” Ryan announced. “So Celestia how much has Luna told you?”

“Well she told me your original plan. The one that you made when you first started the herd.” Celestia said as her horn stopped glowing.

“Okay then.” Ryan said joining Luna’s side. “So what are your thoughts on this?”

“Honestly I don’t know how to feel.” Celestia replied. “But if this is Luna’s decision to start a herd than I have no problems with it.”

“Well I can’t blame you for not knowing how to feel I guess.” Ryan shrugged. “But do you mind not telling anyone about this. At least until the public gets used to changelings being our friends.”

“Alright.” Celestia said as she made her way towards the door leading out of Luna’s room just as Chrysalis emerged from Luna’s bedroom. “Although whether or not you can keep this a secret from others especially Cadance is going to be quite difficult for you. As Cadance does have a way of finding things out when they concern love.” Celestia explained before leaving the room.

“So is she alright with this herd?” Chrysalis asked after a few seconds.

“I guess so.” Ryan replied before finding Luna nuzzling his side. “So from now on if we do have fun we have to lock the door afterwards. Okay?” Ryan said getting a nod from Luna and Chrysalis.

Meanwhile in another part of the castle.

“Cadance are you okay?” Shining asked as he and Cadance were casually strolling through the castle’s gardens when Cadance came to a stop.

“Yeah I am.” Cadance said before looking back to the Lunar wing of the castle. “But I just got a strange shiver down my spine.”

“So your love sense is tingling again?” Shining said jokingly.

Instead of giving Shining a response Cadance stood still her gaze never leaving the Lunar wing. ‘Something’s up. And I’ll sure as Tartarus find out what’s getting my love sense tingling.’ Cadance thought to herself before continuing after Shining on their walk.

The (unfortunately late) Christmas Chapter

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“So now what the hell do we do?” Orion asked Ryan as he and Chrysalis made their way to the castle’s kitchens.

‘Simple you shut up while Chrysie and I get something to eat.’ Ryan thought back as he and Chrysalis rounded a corner running into Cadance and Shining Armor.

“Oh sorry about that.” Shining said before seeing who he had run into. “Oh. Good afternoon Ryan.” He greeted before noticing Chrysalis. “Chrysalis.” He said in a flat tone.

“A good afternoon to you two as well.” Chrysalis replied keeping her gaze away from the royal couple.

“So what are you two up to?” Cadance asked hoping to break the awkward silence.

“Well Chrysie told me she was a tad hungry so I decided to take her for some afternoon tea in the kitchens.” Ryan responded.

“Sounds like fun.” Cadance said flashing Ryan a small smile. “You don’t mind if Shiny and I tag along we were actually just talking about getting something to eat.”

“Of course not. Unless you have something to say Chrysalis?” Ryan asked looking to the queen.

“Of course I don’t have a problem with it.” Chrysalis said still refusing to look at the royal couple.

“Good to hear.” Ryan said before walking past Cadance and Shining, Chrysalis keeping by his side.

“So what exactly have you been up too lately Ryan?” Shining asked, he himself letting his gaze fall anywhere but on Chrysalis.

“Not much really. I was actually just talking to Trixie before Chrysalis decided to come ask me where the kitchens are.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Shining.

“How is Trixie going these days Ryan?” Cadance asked as the group found themselves outside the kitchens doors.

“She’s going well.” Ryan said before holding one of the kitchen doors open. “Ladies first.”

“Thank you dear.” Chrysalis said as she walked past Ryan.

“Such a gentleman.” Cadance said as she followed Chrysalis.

“Thanks.” Shining said before moving to a small table that Chrysalis and Cadance had seated themselves at.

“But as I was saying Cadance, Trixie says she’s been enjoying her lessons.” Ryan said as he pulled up a seat at the table just as a chef came over.

“Princess I did not know that you would be making an appearance.” The chef said giving a small bow to Cadance.

“Well me and my friends decided to come down here for a quick bite to eat. You wouldn’t mind helping us out would you?”

“Of course not. What would you wish for us to make?” The chef asked before pulling out a small notepad and pencil.

“Shiny and I will have a daisy sandwich each please.” Cadance replied getting a nod from the chef. “What would you two like?” Cadance said casting her gaze to Ryan and Chrysalis.

“I’m fine.” Chrysalis said before looking to Ryan. “Got enough happiness from Ryan to make a quick snack off of.”

“I think I’ll just go for a small salad. If you don’t mind.” Ryan said getting a nod from the chef before he made his way away from the small group.

“So Ryan, your fine with Chrysalis eating your emotions?” Shining asked a look of skepticism on his face.

“Well I don’t see you volunteering to let her snack on your emotions.” Ryan said calmly.

“Sorry but I’ve already let her feed off of me enough.” Shining replied.

“Here are your meals.” The chef said placing the three meals on the table before taking his leave.

“Urgh.” Chrysalis groaned out getting a look of concern from Ryan.

“You okay?” Ryan asked getting a slow nod from Chrysalis.

“Just the negative emotions in the air.” Chrysalis said. “The chef that gave you your meals was oozing the stuff. I thought you ponies were meant to be a cheery bunch.”

“Well he probably remembers the invasion.” Shining said between bites of his sandwich.

“Haven’t you ponies ever heard of water under the bridge?” Chrysalis said getting a stern look from Shining.

“Chrysie.” Ryan said putting a hand on one of her fore-hooves.

“Sorry. Just venting.” Chrysalis said flashing Shining and Cadance a fake smile.

“I’m sure.” Shining said getting a nudge to the side from Cadance.

“Anyway. Have you two told Chrysalis about the Crystal Empire?” Ryan asked the royal couple hoping to change subject.

“Oh you mean a dragon’s wet dream?” Chrysalis said with a smirk at not only her joke but also the look of exertion on Ryan’s face as he tried to contain his laughter. “I already got a changeling spy in there. It’s a nice place, large amount of love being generated constantly.”

“Wait you have a spy there?” Shining asked.

“And what do you mean by the generation of love?” Cadance asked.

“Well you don’t have to worry about Thorax, he’s harmless.” Chrysalis said. “Besides I’ve withdrawn him from your Empire as I have a special assignment planned for him. Although expect to see him again. And as for the generation of love, the Crystal Ponies love is what powers the Crystal Heart.”

“Really? Nice to know.” Cadance said. “So Ryan, I gotta ask ever since Chrysalis decided to enact peace between changelings and ponies, you’ve gotten quite close.”

“I guess.” Ryan said.

“How close exactly?” Cadance asked a small smile on her lips. With this question presented to Ryan, Chrysalis’ chitin took on a slight pale tone.

“I’d say we’ve gotten quite close.” Ryan answered.

“Friends? Or something more?” Cadance asked a not so innocent smile on her lips as she leaned slightly closer to Ryan and Chrysalis.

“And hypothetically if it is something more?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well I must ask, what would Luna say?” Cadance said. “Seeing as how you two are a couple.”

“Well if that is the case I’d have to discuss that matter with her. Not you.” Ryan said giving Cadance a stern look. “Not to say anything bad about you but I feel it would be something better discussed with her rather than the Princess of Love.”

“I see.” Cadance said as she moved herself away from Ryan. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” Ryan replied giving Cadance a warm smile. “Just maybe tone it down a bit if you do it again, maybe cut out you leaning towards me like your going to kiss me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Cadance said a small chuckle leaving her lips. “So you two got any plans for Hearths Warming?”

“Hearths Warming?!” Ryan said surprised. “When’s that happening?”

“A few days.” Shining replied. “Haven’t you noticed the castle staff begin to put up decorations.”

“I was wondering why there were giant candy canes out and about in Canterlot.” Chrysalis said before turning to Ryan. “Tell me Ryan, do humans celebrate this time of year as well as ponies or not?”

“We do. It’s called Christmas.” Ryan replied.

“Christmas? What’s it about?” Cadance asked

“Well to some people it’s to celebrate the birth of the son of God. Jesus Christ.”

“God? Jesus Christ? Who are they?” Shining asked.

“Figure heads/deity of one religion called Christianity back on Earth. But the main reason people celebrate Christmas is because it’s a time where people come together, enjoy each others company and to give and receive gifts.” Ryan explained.

“Gifts? What sort of gifts?” Chrysalis asked.

“Toys, clothes, food and other things.”

“Ryan, if I may take a stab in the dark I’m guessing you know about Hearths Warming and why we celebrate it.” Cadance said.

“Yeah had fun reading about it in Twilight’s library.” Ryan said before having his eyes widen in shock.

“Ryan, you okay?” Shining asked.

“Ryan?” Chrysalis asked before being cut short by Ryan’s head slamming into the table. “RYAN!”

“I’m fine.” Ryan said raising his head. “Just realized I haven’t gotten a gift for Luna.”

“Oh. Don’t go scaring me like that.” Chrysalis said getting an unamused look from Ryan. “What?”

Instead of giving a reply Ryan turned his head to look at the royal couple. “Yo Shining, you know any good places to go in Canterlot?”

“To get presents?” Shining asked getting a nod. “A couple. Why?”

“Cause your coming with me to go shopping.” Ryan said rising from his seat.

“Why?” Shining asked.

“Gotta have someone with me at all times just in case Orion takes over.” Ryan explained getting a nod from Shining. “Cool. Well ladies if you’ll excuse us.” Ryan said before dragging Shining with him out of the kitchen.

“So got any ideas on what to get Luna?” Shining asked as the duo made their way out of the castle’s kitchens.

“I do thankfully.” Ryan replied as the duo made their way towards the castle’s exit. “Hey Shining, what’ve you gotten Cadance?”

At this Shining paused as the duo stood outside the castle’s exit his face somehow more pale than before. “I may have forgotten to get her something.”

“Well then all the better I chose you to come shopping with me.” Ryan said as Shining followed him out of the castle’s gates into Canterlot City. “So got any ideas?”

“Funny I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Shining said with a chuckle. “But as for what I’m getting Cadance I’m thinking of getting a locket.”

“Sounds nice. But I’m not shopping just for Luna to let you know.” Ryan replied as his gaze kept scanning the shops that he and Shining passed by.

“Oh? Who else are you shopping for?”

“Twilight, Stealth, Spike, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Celestia, Cadance, you, Trixie, Raven, Moonlight and Chrysalis.” Ryan answered before seeing a shop that caught his eye. “C’mon found where our first stop is.”

As Shining followed Ryan’s gaze he saw what seemed to be a rectangular marble building with a large top hat placed on top of it. A sign hung from the hat’s brim saying the shop’s name. “The Hat Stand?” Shining asked as he followed Ryan towards the doors of the building. “Never seen this place before.”

“Really?” Ryan asked as he placed a hand on the main entrance to the shop. “How have you not heard of a shop with a giant hat on top of it?”

“Maybe it’s new?” Shining mused as Ryan pushed open the door. “Wait a sec. Ryan I got a question.”

“Well then speak your mind.” Ryan said as he took in the sight of the different kinds of hats either lining the stores shelves or hanging from hat stands and wall hooks.

“What exactly are you going to get everyone?” Shining asked as he noticed that the shop’s hats were organized into different sections depending on the occasion a hat would be used in.

“A special hat that comes from Earth.” Ryan said as he made his way over too the store’s counter. Finding the counter to be empty Ryan rang the small silver bell on top of it.

“Yes?” A feminine voice called out from the back of the store before the owner of the voice made themselves known.

“Holy crap. Is that?” Orion asked as the mare stepped up to the counter.

‘Sassy Saddles? It seems it is.’ Ryan thought back as Sassy let out a small gasp at the sight of Ryan.

“Hello.” Sassy said before a small glint of realization flashed through her eyes. “Aren’t you that human? Ryan?”

“Yep that’s me.” Ryan said giving a small smile. “And you would be?”

“Saddles. Sassy Saddles.” Sassy said giving Ryan a small nod before noticing Shining walk up to the counter. “Prince Armor, it is an honor.” She said giving a bow.

“Please just call me Shining.” Shining said as Sassy rose from her bow.

“So what can I do for you fine gentlecolts?” Sassy asked looking between Shining and Ryan.

“Tell me Miss Saddles does this fine establishment you have here do custom orders?” Ryan asked getting a nod from the mare. “You wouldn’t happen to have a piece of paper, and ink quill and some ink lying around would you?”

“Of course just give me a second.” Sassy said before making her way to the back of the store before quickly returning with the requested items. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Ryan said before beginning to sketch out the Christmas hat. After he was done he showed the finished product to Sassy.

“You wish for me to make one of these?” Sassy asked getting a shake of the head from Ryan.

“Not really. I want 19 of these.” Ryan said getting a nod from Sassy before he took the paper back. “And on 18 of the hats I want these cutie marks on them.” Ryan said sketching the cutie marks of the mane six, the princesses, Trixie, Raven, Shining, Moonlight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Stealth’s unicorn disguise, Chrysalis’ disguise and a purple and green flame for Spike.

“Anything else?” Sassy asked.

“Just one last thing. For the hat with this cutie mark,” Ryan said pointing to Luna’s cutie mark. “instead of a round bauble for the hat I’d like a crescent moon. If you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.” Sassy said before retrieving the piece of paper. “Now then when do you want these done?”

“By Hearths Warming would be great.” Ryan said.

“Well then.” Sassy said before pulling out a ledger. “I can do that. But where will I be delivering them too?”

“Up to the castle. If the guards, ask who it’s for tell them it’s for Ryan the resident human.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Sassy.

“Alright then now the cost of this little project will come to 150 bits.” Sassy said.

“Sure thing.” Ryan said before turning to Shining. “Hey Shining you got my gloves?”

“I can get them for you why?” Shining asked raising an eyebrow.

“Need to pay this lovely mare somehow.” Ryan said getting a slow nod from Shining before his glowed as the gloves in question appeared floating in front of Ryan. “Cool thanks Shining.” Ryan said as he put them on. After a few seconds the gloves began to give off a purple glow before a ruby the size of Ryan’s hand appeared floating a few centimeters above the gloves. “This ample enough payment?”

“More than enough.” Sassy said as she took the ruby into her own magical grip. “I’ll begin working on your order as soon as possible.” She said before moving to the back room.

“Thank you Sassy!” Ryan called out before handing Shining the gloves. “C’mon let’s go get you your locket.”

“Wait a second.” Shining said as he made the gloves disappear. “Where did you get that ruby?” Shining asked as he followed Ryan out of the shop.

“Found it in the abandoned dragon’s den on the mountain near Ponyville. Dragon left his hoard behind so I thought to myself to take what I could carry and get the hell out of there.” Ryan explained as he kept his eyes peeled for a jeweler’s shop.

“Wait isn’t that the place that Twilight and her friends cleared out?” Shining asked.

“Yep it is.” Ryan said before seeing a jeweler’s. “C’mon this way.”

“Wait a second. I know this place.” Shining said looking at the shop.

“Really? How?” Ryan asked as he and Shining entered the shop.

“Bought Cadance’s wedding ring from here.” Shining said before the duo found themselves greeted by a familiar stallion. Fancy Pants.

“Shining Armor. Ryan. It’s so good to see you two.” Fancy said giving the duo a warm smile with his greeting. “What brings you to my neck of Canterlot?”

“Here for some Hearths Warming gifts.” Shining explained getting a nod from Fancy.

“So what did you have planned?” Fancy asked.

“Well I’m planning on getting Cadance a locket.” Shining said getting a slow nod from Fancy.

“Alright. And what would you have in plan Ryan?” Fancy asked.

“Well you don’t mind if I talk to you a bit privately?” Ryan said getting Fancy to nod before gesturing for a member of staff come over to help Shining.

“So then what did you have planned?” Fancy asked gesturing for Ryan to follow him towards a door labelled manager.

“Well if you could make them for me I want two necklaces.” Ryan said as Fancy pulled out a piece of paper and quill.

“Do you have a design?” Fancy asked as Ryan picked up the quill and sketched out Luna and Chrysalis’ (unicorn disguise) cutie marks, each cutie mark having a gold outline. “Ah I see.” Fancy said inspecting the sketches. “So I’m to guess the symbols are to be some sort of jewel.”

“Yeah. Diamond for the moon and emerald for the ladybug.” Ryan said getting a nod from Fancy.

“When do you want them by?”

“Before Hearths Warming. That’s if your able.”

“Of course I’m able.” Fancy said. “Now then let’s go see Shining.” Fancy said as he showed Ryan out of his office.

“Ah you two done already?” Shining said as he finished talking to the staff member that Fancy had given to him.

“Yeah we are.” Ryan said before turning to Fancy. “So how much this going to cost?”

“Nothing.” Fancy said getting a look of surprise from Ryan and Shining. “Consider this my Hearths Warming gift to you two.”

“Well thanks for that Fancy.” Ryan said as Fancy led him and Shining towards the shop’s exit.

“Have a happy Hearths Warming.” Shining said as he and Ryan left the shop. “So what’d you talk to Fancy about? Something extra for Luna?”

“Something like that.” Ryan said with a small nod. “C’mon let’s get back to the castle.”

“Yeah. Probably got to go help set up the decorations around the castle.”

Two days later

“So then Ryan got any plans for today?” Trixie asked as she peered over one of the spell books that Luna had assigned for her to read as homework.

“Not much.” Ryan replied as he sat on a lounge across from Trixie as he himself read through his own spell book as the duo spent Hearths Warming Eve lounging around. “Chrysie what about you?” Ryan asked the queen as she stretched out on her own lounge like a cat.

“Not many. Sunbutt doesn’t have any plans for me to do anything concerning peace relations seeing as how I already have a drone working on that.” Chrysalis said as she rotated herself so she could get a better look at Ryan. “So my timetable’s free if you want to do anything.” Chrysalis said before a loud knock came from the door to the room.

“Who is it?!” Trixie called out.

“Fire Wand.” The voice of Fire Wand said as the door swung open revealing Fire Wand levitating a box behind him. “Is Ryan in here?”

“Right here.” Ryan said jumping up to his feet. “So where do I sign for this package?” Ryan asked walking up to Fire.

“No signage needed.” Fire said as Ryan peered into the cardboard box. “Also have this for you.” Fire said before pulling out two small purple boxes from a pocket in his armor. “Fancy Pants dropped these off.”

“Thanks Fire.” Ryan said as he took the two small boxes and placed them in the cardboard box.

“What’s in the box Ryan?” Trixie asked as Ryan closed the door as he brought the box into the room.

“It’s a secret.” Was all Ryan said before he lifted the box down to his level of Trixie’s room.

“Care to share?” Chrysalis asked as she followed Ryan down the steps to his room.

“I’d love to but unfortunately that’d ruin the surprise.” Ryan said as he stashed the box under his bed. “Now no peeking.”

“Or else what?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well you won’t get a present for Hearths Warming.” Ryan said a sly grin on his face before hearing a loud knock ring throughout the room. “Wonder who that is?”

“Yes Ryan is here why do you want to? HEY COME BACK HERE!” Trixie’s voice rang out.

Before Ryan or Chrysalis could comprehend what was going on a green flash collided with Ryan’s gut sending him falling back onto his bed.

“RYAN!” An all too familiar voice yelled out from where Ryan had been tackled.

“Lyra?” Ryan groaned out as he looked down at his gut to see the unicorn in question wrapped around his stomach. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” Lyra said a happy grin on her face. “Whoa!” She exclaimed as she was slowly levitated off of Ryan by Chrysalis.

“Hello again.” Chrysalis said getting Lyra to let out a scream.

“Ryan help me!” Lyra exclaimed.

“Lyra she’s not gonna hurt you.” Ryan said before giving a scowl to Chrysalis. “Put her down.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis said before dropping Lyra. “Oops.”

“Chrysalis apologize.” Ryan said as he helped Lyra back to her hooves.

“Fine. I’m sorry Lyra.” Chrysalis said.

“There that didn’t hurt much did it?” Ryan asked getting a roll of the eyes from the queen. “Lyra what are you doing here anyway?”

“As I said I came to see you. Well Bon Bon came as well but she’s with the others.”

“Others?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah. Twilight and her friends said we could tag along with them up to Canterlot.” Lyra said flashing a smile that would make Pinkie proud.

“Wow that saves you giving them their gifts at a later date.” Orion said getting Ryan to nod his head slowly.

“So where are the others then?” Ryan asked before Trixie walked down the stairs to their level.

“I’m to guess Lyra was the green blur that ran down here.” Trixie asked getting a nod from Ryan and Chrysalis. “Good.” Trixie replied before focusing her gaze on Lyra. “Your marefriend’s here.”

“Sorry about her.” The voice of Bon Bon said as she appeared from behind Trixie. “Lyra you said you wouldn’t go running off after Ryan.”

“Sorry Bonnie.” Lyra said her ears pressing down to her head.

“Good to hear. Now come on you can catch up with Ryan later.” Bon Bon said getting Lyra to give a small nod a grim expression on her face. “Fine you can give him one hug.”

“Yay! Thanks Bonnie!” Lyra exclaimed before wrapping her fore-hooves around Ryan’s waist.

“Okay that’s enough.” Bon Bon said with a roll of her eyes.

“Okay.” Lyra said before trotting to her marefriend’s side. “See ya later Ryan!” With that said the duo made their leave.

“Hey Chrysie. Y’know where Stealth is?” Ryan asked.

“Yes. He’s currently with Twilight in her guest room.” Chrysalis said her eyes glowing slightly. “Why?”

“I need to see him.” Ryan said as he pulled out the two small purple boxes from the cardboard box holding the Christmas hats. “Now then no peeking at what’s in the box.”

“Why not?” Chrysalis said as she lifted a hoof towards the box.

“Because if you do peek you don’t get a present.” Ryan said after seeing Chrysalis lower her hoof. “Now then I’ll be off.” With that said Ryan made his way out of the room.

“So Trixie you got a gift for Ryan?” Chrysalis asked getting Trixie’s eyes to go wide.

“I completely forgot.” Trixie said before flinching as Chrysalis’ horn gave off a green glow before she was consumed by a green flame. When the flame subsided Chrysie Lovebug stood in Chrysalis’ place.

“How about we go do some shopping then?” Chrysalis said getting an eager nod from Trixie.

Meanwhile in another part of the castle

“You really are the dumbest person I’ve ever met.” Orion said to Ryan as he made his way through the halls of the castle.

“How?” Ryan asked.

“Well you for one didn’t ask Chrysalis where exactly Stealth was. Y’know something a smart person would do.”

“Well good thing I already know that I’m dumb as hell.” Ryan said a grin on his face.

“Good point.” Orion said before becoming silent. After a few more minutes of Ryan walking around the castle’s corridors he came to a stop at a t-intersection of corridors. “Getting annoyed yet?”

“Very.” Ryan growled before stamping a foot to the ground and bending his neck so he was looking at the ceiling. “PINKIE!” Ryan yelled out.

“What the hell was that?” Orion asked as Ryan relaxed.

“Lyra said Twilight and the others were here correct?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Because knowing Pinkie she heard that. And knowing her she’s going to appear out of thin air.” Ryan explained.

“Good point.” Orion replied before a set of hoofsteps could be coming from one of the hallways.

“Something you need Ryan?” The voice of Pinkie could be heard from behind Ryan.

“Pinkie!” Ryan exclaimed before running up to Pinkie and pulling her into a hug. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

“Well it’s good to see you too Ryan. But I sort of need to breath.” Pinkie wheezed out.

“Oh sorry.” Ryan said before letting go of Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie, you know where Stealth is?”

“Yeah. Just follow me.” She said before gesturing for Ryan to follow her down the hallway she came from. “So what do you want to see Stealth for?”

“Something personal.” Ryan responded getting a nod from Pinkie. “How have you been Pinkie?”

“Well it’s been a tad bit boring without my favorite human around.” Pinkie said her expression turning sour.

“Well don’t worry. I’m here now ain’t I?” Ryan said getting Pinkie to turn her head and give him a large grin.

“Good point.” She said before coming to a stop outside a door in the hallway. “Here’s your stop I hope Pinkie’s guide service left you with a good experience.” She said with a smile before bouncing away. “I’m going to go help AJ with the treats! Hope you give my guide service a good review.”

“Sure thing Pinkie!” Ryan called out before placing a hand on the door’s handle. “Hey Stealth.” Ryan said as he opened the door.

“Oh hey Ryan.” Stealth said as he stood a few feet from the door. “I’ve been expecting you.”

“Really? How did you know?” Ryan asked before being struck by the answer. “Never mind forgot you Changelings have a hive mind.”

“Good to hear I don’t have to explain it to you all over again.” Stealth said with a roll of his eyes. “So what did you need?”

“Well I’ve learnt that you can store magic in crystals and I was wondering if changelings can store love, or other emotions in crystals.”

“Um we can. Why?” Stealth asked prompting Ryan to remove the two small purple boxes from his pockets.

“I need you to keep a secret. And if you don’t keep it I’m going to rip you apart got it?” Ryan asked as Stealth eyed the boxes curiously.

“Okay. But I have to say this why would I go spilling your secrets? I have no reason to do it, you’re probably one of my best friends Ryan. Besides I sort of owe you for setting me up with Twilight.” Stealth said with a smile.

“Good point.” Ryan said as he opened the boxes. “As for the secret. Well I’ve started a herd with Luna and Chrysalis, and I need your help in infusing the gems of these necklaces with my love for them.”

“Okay then.” Stealth said before carefully levitating the necklaces out of their boxes. “First thing I need you to do is start thinking about how much you love Luna and Chrysalis.” Stealth said getting a nod from Ryan as he began to think about how much he loved the two mares. “Good. Now you may feel a slight tingling sensation.” Stealth said as a green glow began to envelop Ryan’s head.

After a few moments the green glow began to flow into the necklace’s gems. After a few seconds the glow began to die down. “Did it work?” Ryan asked feeling the tingling sensation fade away. “Stealth?” Ryan said seeing the changeling’s disguise drop.

“Yeah it worked.” Stealth said as he took in a deep breath. “You can tell cause the gems are giving off a light glow.”

“Cool.” Ryan responded putting the necklaces back in their boxes. “Hey Stealth, why were you disguised?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well you do know changelings are at peace with ponies. Stands to reason that you can walk around without your disguise.” Ryan explained as Stealth reapplied his disguise.

“Yeah but I wanted to save the castle staff of a heart attack.” Stealth said with a chuckle. “Now then how bout we go say hi to the others.”

“Would love to but I got to go wrap some more presents.” Ryan said giving Stealth a wave as he made his way out of the room.

The next day (Hearths Warming Day)

“So enjoying yourself?” Orion asked Ryan as he began handing the wrapped Christmas hats.

‘Yes, yes I am.’ Ryan thought back as he handed the final present to Lyra who gave Ryan a large smile her eyes filled with excitement and wonder. “Well you going to open them or not?” Ryan asked the gathered ponies as he took a seat in one of the seats that the castle staff had set up in the throne room. Celestia deciding it was the best place to hold the gift opening.

“You know you really didn’t have to get me anything.” Moonlight said her gaze focused on her own gift.

“Don’t go saying that Moonlight. You’re my friend and so you get a present.” Ryan said getting a nod from the mare.

What happened next was the gathered group let out a round of surprised gasps as they opened the gifts to find the Christmas hats. “Well what do you think?” Ryan asked before finding himself tackled by Luna.

“It’s wonderful!” She said, her magic placing the hat on her head. “But now you don’t have one.”

“Already got my own.” Ryan said before pulling his green Christmas hat out.

“Why is it green Ryan?” Twilight asked as she adjusted her own hat.

“Had one just like this back on Earth.” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight. “Hey Luna you mind hopping off?”

“Oh. Of course, sorry about that.” Luna said as she removed herself from Ryan.

“No problem.” Ryan said with a smile before finding himself tackled by Lyra.

“LYRA!” Bon Bon yelled out as the mint unicorn nuzzled against Ryan’s chest. “Ryan, I’m so sorry about her. I told her to keep herself contained.” Bon Bon said walking over to remove Lyra from Ryan’s chest before coming to a stop as Lyra was enveloped in a blue magical aura.

“Huh?” Lyra said confused as she was levitated off of Ryan. As her grip on Ryan was loosened she was spun around to face an annoyed Luna.

“I’d advise advise you on listening to your friend’s advice Miss Lyra.” Luna said in an annoyed tone of voice.

“Hey Luna ya mind putting Lyra back down? She doesn’t mean any harm.” Ryan said getting a moment of silence from Luna before she gave a slow nod meanwhile lowering Lyra back to the ground. “Luna has a point though. Maybe you should keep to Bon Bon’s advice.”

“Okay Ryan.” Lyra said in an apologetic tone.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ryan said running a hand through her mane.

“Calm down Luna, you look like you’re on the verge of falling into a fit of anger.” Chrysalis whispered into Luna’s ear as the duo looked on as Ryan was tackled by Pinkie Pie her saying something along the lines of, ‘Free hugs from Ryan!’. “By the looks of it Ryan and the mint unicorn are merely friends. Although by the looks of her emotions she seems to have some sort lustful connection to him, but the connection only seems to be coming from the unicorn.”

“And that means?” Luna asked as Ryan found himself having to give hugs to the rest of the mane 6, all the while Celestia and Cadance were looking on with amused smiles on their faces.

“It means that Lyra wishes for a more intimate relationship with Ryan. But there is something else that has caught my attention. That being Lyra’s connection to the mare named Bon Bon.”

“And that connection would be?” Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

“It is the same sort of connection that we have with Ryan. One of love.” Chrysalis said as a smile formed on her lips as Ryan was pulled into a hug by Cadance.

“So they are marefriends?” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“It seems so.” Chrysalis said. “Now I think you should go help Ryan, as it seems that Cadance has gotten the idea of a line for hugging Ryan.”

“A good point.” Luna said before moving over to the front of the line. “Sister you don’t mind if I steal Ryan from you?” Luna asked her sister as she was receiving a hug from Ryan.

“Sister I am sorry to say but that isn’t me.” Celestia said from behind Luna.

“Then who is?” Luna asked before a familiar laughter could be heard ringing throughout the room.

“Sorry saw that the line was only for mares so I decided to pull a Chrysalis and change into a princess.” The voice of Discord said from the false Celestia, before a clicking sound could be heard as a flash covered Ryan. When the flash was gone Ryan found himself sitting on a small red throne.

“What the hell?” Ryan asked as he looked over himself to find that he had been put into a Santa suit complete with a fake beard and a pillow under the jacket to give the impression of being overweight.

“Santa what have you gotten me for Christmas?” A smaller more childlike version of Discord said from Ryan’s lap.

“Well little Discord you’re a very hard being to buy gifts for.” Ryan said. “Besides I’m sure if you asked kindly Santa may have what you want in his gift bag.” Ryan continued gesturing to the bag leaning against the chair he was sitting on.

“Well how about a shark that can shoot laser beams.” Discord said giving air quotations as he said laser beam.

“Sure thing Dr. Evil.” Ryan said before reaching into the bag. “Here you go.” Ryan said pulling out a small box.

“Thanks Santa.” Discord said before ripping the present open to reveal a small shark toy with a laser pointer taped to the top of it. “Thanks Santa! Just what I wanted!” Discord said before wrapping his arms around Ryan’s waist.

“Um your welcome kiddo.” Ryan said before Discord was gone in a flash. “Um who’s next?” Ryan asked before finding his seat, the gift bag and the Santa suit gone. “Never mind.”

“Don’t worry Ryan, I’m sure that if you ask kindly Discord will give you the suit back.” Celestia said concern in her voice wondering if Ryan truly cared for the suit.

“Nah it’s no problem.” Ryan said getting a nod from Celestia. “Now how about we continue with the festivities.”

Later that night

“So Ryan, Chrysalis, how was your first Hearths Warming?” Luna asked the duo as the trio made their way through the castle’s gardens.

“It was eventful.” Chrysalis said.

“It was pretty fun. Although when I said that I would’ve loved a Christmas turkey you didn’t really have to cook a turkey. I honestly don’t think I’m going to be able to look Fluttershy in the eyes ever again. Hell I don’t think I’m going to be able to look in any of Twilight’s friends’ eyes.” Ryan said a disappointed look on his face.

“Yes well that situation could’ve been avoided if you chose to eat in another room.” Chrysalis said with a roll of her eyes.

“And I did.” Ryan said. “But I didn’t expect the chefs to bring the thing out on a silver platter.”

“A fair point. A bad choice on my part.” Luna said with a sad nod.

“Hey turn that frown upside down.” Ryan said wrapping an arm around Luna’s neck. “I got one last gift for you two.”

“A gift?” Chrysalis asked as the trio came to a stop in front of a stone fountain.

“Yep.” Ryan said before pulling the two purple boxes that held the necklaces out of his pockets. “Hope you like them.”

“What?” Luna asked before opening the box Ryan handed to her. “It’s beautiful.” Luna said as she levitated her necklace out of it’s box and wrapping it around her neck. “What did you get Chrysalis?”


“Chrysie, you okay?” Ryan asked before being pulled into a deep kiss by Chrysie.

“That my dear human is only a taste of what’s to come.” Chrysalis said before pulling Ryan into another kiss.

“I’ll take that as a sign of you enjoying Ryan’s gift.” Luna said with a chuckle.

“Luna, if you could see what a changeling could see, you could see the true value in these necklaces.” Chrysalis said gesturing to her and Luna’s necklaces.

“And that would be?” Luna asked.

“Ryan, has put his love into these gems.” Chrysalis said. “In a changeling’s eyes this is one of the ultimate forms of affection.”

“I see.” Luna said before pulling Ryan into a kiss of her own.

“Best Christmas ever.” Ryan said as Luna ended the kiss.

“Now Chrysie seeing as how Ryan has given us a surprise gift, let’s give him his.” Luna said her horn giving off a faint glow.

“Yes. Let us do that.” Chrysalis said before the trio disappeared in a flash.

Foiling plans and Undergoing changes.

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Two weeks after Hearths Warming

“And that’s the last kid.” Ryan said as he saw the last foal into Zecora’s hut. “You going to be okay here Zecora?”

“Yes I shall the colt and fillies will be safe from Tirek while they are here.” Zecora said before a loud explosion could be heard.

“Well I best get back to Ponyville see if I can give Twi a hand.” Ryan said before igniting his gloves in a purple flame before running off back towards Ponyville.

“You sure this is a good plan? Just run in and hope that you manage to win a fight with an all powerful centaur.” Orion said as Ryan made it towards the edge of the Everfree.

“Yeah just got to hit him with enough firepower and he’s toast. Figuratively and maybe literally.” Ryan said as he came to a stop to see Tirek firing blasts of magic at Twilight who did her best to dodge each shot.

“Holy crap. Y’know the show never really gave off a good impression of Tirek’s height.” Orion said as Ryan’s jaw hit the ground.

“I have to say you have a good point. Exactly how tall is he?” Ryan asked as Tirek fired off another blast resounding in a large explosion on the other side of Ponyville.

“I’d have to guess around five storeys.” Orion said before a large tree branch crashed into the ground a few feet away from them. “Well guess we know what the hell blew up. Twilight’s house.”

“I’m starting to have second thoughts about all of this Orion.” Ryan said grimly looking down at his gloves. “I know I got some pretty potent magic, but I’m starting to have second thoughts.”

“Coward.” Orion said in a harsh tone.

“Sorry if it seems like cowardice but what would you be doing if you were in my place? Besides Twilight manages to beat him in the end. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t go running into this one.”

“Look you wanna help right?” Orion asked getting a nod from Ryan. “Well I have a plan. But I need to be in control.”

“And why would that be?” Ryan asked before another explosion rang throughout the air.

“Because my plan requires intellect that you don’t have. But I need you to trust me.” Orion said getting Ryan to plant his face in his hands.

“Fine. But I swear to god if you run away.” Ryan said knowing he had no other options left open for him.

“Thanks and don’t worry I won’t go running off. Now you going to knock yourself or not?”

“Wait I gotta do what now?”

“Well I can’t take over your body unless your unconscious.” Orion explained as Ryan took a seat on the ground. “What are you doing?”

“Making so when I do knock myself out, my body doesn’t fall that far.” Ryan said as he readied a knock out spell. “Hey Orion.”


“For the love of god don’t do anything stupid.” With that said Ryan hit himself with the knock out spell.

“Too bad. Cause my plan is probably the stupidest thing I could do.” Orion said as he felt himself take over Ryan’s body. “Now then onwards to my dumbest idea yet.” Orion announced before making his way into Ponyville towards Tirek.

‘Holy crap Tirek really did a number on the place.’ Orion thought to himself as he walked through the streets of Ponyville destruction all around him.

“Give up Princess Twilight! You are no match for me!” The voice of Tirek yelled out.

‘Well then time to go help Twi out.’ Orion thought as he made his way towards the source of the voice.

“Fine then. I’ll give you the magic if you let my friends go.” Twilight said as Orion rounded a street corner to see the two power houses come to a stand still.

“Fine then.” Tirek said before having the small cages that the rest of the mane 6 were trapped in a short distance away vanished. “Now for your magic.” Tirek said before sucking the magic out of Twilight. “YES! I CAN FEEL THE POWER SURGING THROUGH MY BODY!” Tirek exclaimed as he grew to double his size.

“Holy crap.” Orion said quietly trying to avoid Tirek’s gaze.

“Now then.” Tirek said before snapping his fingers causing Twilight to be put into one of the cages that her friends were in. “Can’t let the Princess go running off now can I?”

“Twilight!” Her friends called out as they rushed over to the cage trying to break her out.

“Tirek let her go!” Applejack said causing him to give out a low chuckle.

“Sorry dear farmpony but I can’t go doing that. Seeing as how she said you could go free. Not her.” Tirek said getting the mane 6 to hang their heads in sorrow.

“How about I make you an offer for her freedom then centaur!” Orion shouted deciding now was the time to make himself known.

“Well, well if it isn’t the human that I’ve heard so much about.” Tirek said. “Are you here to submit?”

“Not really.” Orion said getting an irritated look from Tirek. “Tell me Tirek you would say you’re an intelligent creature. Correct?”

“I would say I am above average intelligence.” Tirek said. “Now if you could kindly make your point.”

“Okay. My point is I challenge you to a game of chess.”

“For your Princesses freedom?” Tirek asked.

“Nope. The game is for all the magic you’ve stolen.” Orion said getting a mad chuckle from Tirek.

“And hypothetically what are the wages of this little match?” Tirek asked.

“Simple if I win you return the magic you’ve stolen.” Orion explained.

“And if I win?” Tirek asked.

“Then I give you the magic that I have acquired and also tell you where you can find more.” Orion said getting a nod from Tirek.

“Alright then. I accept.” With that said Tirek began to give off a golden glow as he shrunk down to be only a foot taller than Celestia.

“Cool. Now you going to let Twilight go?” Orion asked getting a look of confusion from Tirek.

“And why should I do that?”

“Because right now I could shoot a fireball as hot as the bloody sun.” Orion said pointing a finger at Tirek’s forehead. “So then you releasing Twilight or not?”

“I know that’s a false threat.” Tirek said before having his breath caught in his throat as a blue ball of plasma shot by his left ear burning it slightly.

“You were saying.” Orion asked with a sly grin. “I think it was something along the lines of releasing Twilight.”

“Fine.” Tirek said before clicking his fingers removing the cage from around Twilight.

“Well then get running you six!” Orion yelled out getting a nod from Twilight and her friends as they ran off.

“Well then let’s get started.” Tirek said getting a nod from Orion.

14 moves later into the chess match

“And that is check mate Tirek me old chum.” Orion said chuckling as he saw the look of horror appear on Tirek’s face.

“That can’t be.” Tirek said disbelief washing over him as he had been a single move away from claiming victory.

“Too bad. Now then you going to return all the magic or not?” Orion asked before having Tirek yell out in anger as he flipped the small table with the chess set that had been set up. “Well seems someone’s a sore loser.”

“You cheated!” Tirek exclaimed a mask of fury and rage plastered on his face.

“If that is so please tell how.” Orion said his smirk never leaving his face.

Before Tirek could give an answer a magical blast crashed next to the centaur causing him to ready a spell to launch at Orion. “You dare attack me!”

“Wasn’t me mate.” Orion said holding his hands up.

Before Tirek could ask who it was a voice rang out from behind him. “GIVE UP TIREK!” The voice of Twilight called out.

“How?!” Tirek asked as he saw the mane 6 hovering a few feet off the ground as he turned to face the voice.

“The Elements of Harmony buddy. So you giving up or are we going to beat you up?” Dash said as her and the others continued to hover in place thanks to the power of their Elements.

“You tricked me!” Tirek said turning back to face Orion. “This was merely a distraction!” He yelled gesturing to the ruined chess set.

“I didn’t mean for it mate.” Orion said keeping his calm in the face of the angry centaur.

“Too bad.” Tirek said his size growing causing Orion and the mane 6 to get away from his growing form. “NOW YOU PAY!” He yelled out as a yellow orb began to form between his horns.

“Oh shit.” Orion said as a beam shot out of the orb straight towards him. Before the beam could hit Orion disappeared in a flash out of the way of the beam. “Man you’re a crap shot!”

“STAND STILL YOU INSIGNIFIGANT BUG!” Tirek yelled his voice booming in Orion’s ears.

“Why would I? I don’t wanna die.” Orion said before seeing Tirek lift his hand firing another beam at Orion. “Time to go.” Orion said before he was gone in another flash. “Ya missed again!” Orion yelled out.

“Did I really?” Tirek asked as the bolt of magic stopped just short of the ground before turning to target Orion.

“What the…” Orion asked before diving to his left. “ARGH!” He screamed as he felt the bolt hit him.

“FINALLY!” Tirek yelled out in victory before being struck in the back of the head by a beam of magic.

“You’ll pay for that Tirek!” Twilight yelled before turning to her friends. “Hit him with everything you got girls!”

As Tirek turned his focus to the mane 6 he was hit with a rainbow beam. “AHHHH!” He screamed out as the rainbow began to envelop him.

As this was happening Orion was trying to steady himself as his head kept spinning. All the while he felt a numb feeling in his right arm. “What the hell?” He asked as he looked down at his right arm only to see it missing from the elbow to his fingertips. “Oh my arm’s gone. MY ARM’S GONE!” He screamed as blood began to flow out of the wound. “Okay gotta stop the bleeding.” Orion said his heart racing as he looked around trying to find something to wrap the wound in.

“Ah ha!” He exclaimed as he found a stray piece of cloth from what he could guess it belonged to a window curtain. “There we go.” He said as he wrapped the once white cloth now red as he slowed the bleeding down. “Oh shit.” He said as his vision began to grow dark. “Well Ryan you got your damned wish. We got to Equestria, hope you had fun.” He said with a chuckle as he fell onto his side.

“My Queen! I found him!” A familiar voice called out as a black shape rushed into Orion’s fading field of view.

“Where? Oh no no no no.” A frantic voice said as a larger blur joined the other one. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me!” She said just as Orion let his body fall into unconsciousness.

As Orion’s body fell limp Chrysalis could swear she felt her heart be crushed into a thousand pieces. “My Queen.” Stealth said shaking her slightly as she held Orion’s limp body. “He may still be alive.” Stealth said before beginning to shake Chrysalis more harshly.

“What did you say Stealth?” Chrysalis asked getting a breath of relief from Stealth.

“I said he may still be alive.” Stealth replied before moving to Orion’s bloody stump that used to be his fore arm. “But first we need to seal the wound.” With that said Stealth began to spit out a green liquid onto the makeshift bandage.

“Good thinking Stealth.” Chrysalis said as she lowered her head to try and hear Orion’s heart. “He’s heart is still beating thankfully. Has it set?” Chrysalis asked looking to the green goo.

“It has.” Stealth replied before moving under Orion’s body.

“Good let’s get out of here.” Chrysalis said as Stealth positioned Orion so he was slumped over his back.

“Chrysalis! What are you doing?” Twilight called out as her and her friends landed in front of Chrysalis.

“Getting Ryan some help.” Chrysalis explained.

“But that’s not Ryan, it’s Orion.” Pinkie said.

“Doesn’t matter still Ryan’s body.” She explained before looking to her right to see Tirek in his weakened form his hands bound by purple handcuffs. “YOU!” She shouted before leaping at Tirek.

“Ahhh!” Tirek exclaimed as he found himself tackled to the ground. “Oh well if it isn’t the bug queen.”

“So you really want those to be your last words whelp?” Chrysalis asked her horn giving off a sick green glow.

“You can’t hurt me.” Tirek said.

“And why would that be?”

“They won’t let you.” Tirek replied gesturing to the mane 6.

“They don’t look to be trying to remove me.” Chrysalis said with a sick smirk. “Now then would you like to rethink your last words?”

“…” Tirek gave no answer merely giving Chrysalis a look of fear.

“No?” Chrysalis asked as she lowered her horn so the tip was touching Tirek’s forehead. “Too bad.” She said before sending a surge of magic into Tirek’s head.

“What the?” Tirek asked as he could feel his heart still beating. “What did you do to me?” Tirek asked as Chrysalis hopped off of him. Before Chrysalis could give an answer Tirek felt a burning feeling in his horns, the next thing he knew his horns were gone in a green fiery explosion. “AHHHH!”

“CHRYSALIS!” Twilight shouted as she flew over to Tirek’s side to extinguish the burning remains of his horns. “Why’d you do that?”

“Tirek’s horns for Ryan’s forearm.” Chrysalis said before walking to Stealth’s side. “Now then we’ll be off.” And with that said Chrysalis and Stealth were gone.

Changeling Hive

As Chrysalis and Stealth materialized into the hive Chrysalis was already moving as she removed Orion’s limp form from Stealth’s back as she made her way out of the room she had appeared in. “Medical bay team prep for incoming patient!” Chrysalis screamed across the hive mind.

“Of course my Queen.” The voice of one of the nurses responded to Chrysalis as she ran through the halls of the hive.

“What do you need me to do?” Stealth asked as he kept pace with Chrysalis.

“Get a pod ready. I have an idea to help with Ryan’s missing fore arm.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Stealth as he left her to perform her will.

“My Queen we’re ready for your patient.” The nurse said as Chrysalis came to the medical bay’s door.

“Then let us get to work.” Chrysalis said following the nurse into the room.

“My Queen, we’ll take the patient off your hooves for you.” A drone said as he approached Chrysalis to take Orion’s body off her back.

“No you won’t Drone #764. I have no doubt in your abilities but I shall be assisting you in this matter. Is that understood?” Chrysalis said getting #764 to back away slightly.

“Of course my Queen.” He replied with a bow as Chrysalis moved to place Orion on a nearby surgical table that had been set up.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said as #764 moved to her side at the table. “Now then first priority seal the wound properly. Then we prep for a replacement limb.”

A few hours later

“And done. Drone #764, keep him under and prep him for a pod.” Chrysalis said gesturing to Orion’s still unconscious body.

“Of course my Queen.” #764 said as Chrysalis moved to the medical bay’s doors.

“Ah Stealth good to see you.” Chrysalis said as she opened the medical bay doors to find him on the verge of opening those doors. “I assume that the pod is ready?”

“Yes it is.” Stealth said with a nod before looking past Chrysalis into the medical bay. “Is he okay?”

“The wound has been sealed. He seems to be fine. But I need you to help Drone #764 with moving him to the pod.”

“Of course my Queen.” Stealth said moving past her into the medical bay.

“Stealth.” Chrysalis said getting Stealth to pause and turn to face her. “I shall be in my chambers. Come get me when Ryan is in the pod.”

“Of course.” Stealth said with a bow. “So Doc, how’d the operation go?” Stealth asked Drone #764 as he made his way to the surgical table.

“Pretty good Stealth. Although having the Queen at the table with me wasn’t helping my nerves.” Doc said getting a chuckle from Stealth.

“Hey you’re still alive aren’t you so it didn’t too bad at least.” Stealth said before looking down at Orion’s unconscious body. “He gonna be alright?”

“As far as I can tell yes.” Doc said as he levitated Orion’s body onto a stretcher being carried by two nurses. “We’ve never encountered humans before, so we know nothing about them. The fact that we’ve never seen their insides either didn’t help.” Doc explained getting a slow nod from Stealth.

“Well then let’s go get him in a pod.” Stealth said as he led the nurses and Doc too the room where he had set up the pod. “What the?” Stealth said quietly to himself as he could’ve sworn he saw a dark figure move across the roof of the tunnel they were in.

“You okay Stealth?” Doc asked as he noticed Stealth come to a stop.

“Yeah just thought I saw something.” Stealth said before continuing on leading Doc and the two nurses.

Meanwhile in Chrysalis’ chambers

“So you coming out or not? Or do you wish to think I don’t know you’re there?” Chrysalis said to the shadow that had somehow managed to appear in her chambers. “Well?”

“Funny I thought I was hiding my emotions from Changeling sight pretty well.” Captain Moonlight said as she stepped out of the shadow.

“Well a random shadow suddenly appearing in my chambers is quite suspicious.” Chrysalis said turning to face her visitor. “I’m to guess Luna sent you about Ryan?”

“Yes.” Moonlight said with a nod. “Where is he?”

“He’s safe. That’s all you need to know.” Chrysalis replied.

“Have his injuries been taken care of?”

“They have. Also before I request that you leave I have something to tell you.” Chrysalis said getting a quizzical gaze from Moonlight.

“And that would be?” Moonlight asked.

“Tell Luna, that she won’t be able to reach Ryan in the dreamscape.”

“And if she asks why?” Moonlight asked.

“Because I will be performing a test to help him recover from his injuries.” Chrysalis explained.

“What sort of test?”

“Can’t say unfortunately.” Chrysalis said with a smile. “But know this he’ll be alright. Luna knows that I won’t let anything happen to him.” Chrysalis said raising a hoof to hold the necklace Ryan had given her up to her eye level.

“Alright.” Moonlight said before stepping back into the shadows. When Chrysalis moved to investigate the shadow she found Moonlight to be gone.

“Seems that Luna was correct about her being the best guard she had.” Chrysalis said to herself before hearing a knock at her door. “Come in. Ah Stealth I suppose Ryan’s in the pod.” Chrysalis said greeting Stealth as he walked in.

“Yes he is.” Stealth responded before following after Chrysalis as she made her way towards the room where Stealth had set up the pod.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said as she made her way down the halls a scroll floating behind her in her magic as well as a small object wrapped in cloth.

“Um if I may ask what’s in the cloth?” Stealth asked as they approached the room where Ryan’s pod was.

“Something that can help Ryan.” Chrysalis explained as Stealth came to a stop in front of the room where Ryan was sitting patiently in his pod. “I must congratulate you on your pod making abilities Stealth.” Chrysalis said as she entered the room admiring the pod.

“My thanks my Queen.” Stealth said as Chrysalis began to approach the pod.

“Unfortunately I have to ruin it a bit.” Chrysalis said getting a look of confusion from Stealth before tearing a hole in the pod where Ryan’s stump of an arm was positioned.

“No problem.” Stealth said as he prepared to repair the damage. A small voice in his mind cursing slightly at the damage inflicted to the pod.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said before removing the cloth around the object she had brought with her, revealing what seemed to be a black dragon’s claw.

“Um what is that my Queen?” Stealth asked eyeing the claw.

“A prosthetic arm for Ryan.” Chrysalis explained before inserting the claw into the pod. “In theory all I have to do is re open the wound on Ryan’s arm and then run a few nerves and veins from the prosthetic into Ryan’s body.” Chrysalis continued whilst doing what she had just said, running green veins from the claw into Ryan’s body.

“Not to question you my Queen but are you sure that the arm will work? Seeing as how we know very little about his kind.” Stealth said getting a slow nod from Chrysalis as she began to fix the insertion she made into the cocoon.

“A good point Stealth. But from what I’ve managed to gather from Nurse Redheart’s files on Ryan, I think I’ve managed to make a very accurate recreation of his fore-arm.” Chrysalis explained. “All we have to do is allow Ryan’s body and mind to get used to having his fore-arm back.”

“And how long will that take?”

“At best a couple of days.” Chrysalis replied before leaning in towards the newly attached fore-arm’s position in the pod. “Hmm?”

“Something wrong?” Stealth asked walking up to Chrysalis’ side.

“Yes.” Chrysalis said before reopening the pod to the slight annoyance of Stealth. “His body isn’t accepting the arm.” Chrysalis explained gesturing to small black veins under Ryan’s skin. “These veins should be green until they fill with blood.”

“Maybe his blood is black?” Stealth said prompting Chrysalis to roll her eyes.

“His blood is red. Redheart’s files explain that in detail.” Chrysalis said getting an understanding nod from Stealth. “His body’s cells are causing the prosthetic’s veins to deteriorate.”

“So what do we do?”

“Something I was hoping no to do.” Chrysalis said before pulling Ryan’s body out of the pod.

“My Queen isn’t there another way?” Stealth asked as Chrysalis brought her mouth to Ryan’s neck.

“Unfortunately not.” Chrysalis said before sinking her teeth into Ryan’s neck, her canines digging into one of his main arteries. After a few seconds green lines began to form outwards from the bite causing Chrysalis to remove herself from Ryan’s neck, the bite marks sealing themselves closed. “Now we wait and hope that our problems will be solved.” Chrysalis said before putting Ryan back into the pod.

“I’ll begin repairing the pod.” Stealth said as Chrysalis began to make her way away from the pod.

“Alright Stealth.” Chrysalis said before leaving the room to let Stealth do his work. “Hope you can forgive me Ryan.” Chrysalis muttered to herself before making her way to the throne room to begin her duties.

A few days later

“Are you sure this is the place sister?” Celestia asked as her and Luna came to a stop outside a cave in the Badlands.

“I am quite certain Tia.” Luna said before looking back to the group that had accompanied the sisters. The Elements of Harmony, Spike, Cadance and Shining Armor.

“So this is the entrance to the hive?” Shining asked aloud a shiver running down his spine as the thought of how many Changelings would be within the cave.

“As Moonlight said this is the place.” Luna said getting a nod from Shining. “Can you feel it Twilight?”

“Feel what?” Twilight asked giving Luna a quizzical look.

“The amount of magic surrounding this place.” Celestia explained.

“I thought I could feel something like that.” Twilight replied. “But it feels slightly blocked.”

“That’s because it is.” Luna said. “Unless you know what to feel for.”

“So what are we waiting for?” Pinkie said before trotting towards the cave entrance.

“Pinkie wait!” Twilight called out to Pinkie.

“What’s the problem Twi? It’s not like anything bad is going to happen.” Dash said before making to follow Pinkie before coming to a halt as a loud screeching sound could be heard emanating from the cave.

Before anyone could ask what made that sound a black form fell onto Pinkie as soon as she had paused under the cave’s mouth. “Pinkie!” Twilight yelled out seeing the black form fall onto Pinkie. Before Twilight could charge a spell into her horn that would get whatever was pinning Pinkie to the ground off her a green dome formed around the group cutting them off from Pinkie.

“What the?” Shining asked his own horn glowing as he projected a shield spell around the group as ten black forms jumped out from the sands outside of Shining’s shield.

“Hiya Mr Changeling.” Pinkie’s voice could be heard as the group saw what the black forms were. Changelings.

The only response that Pinkie received from the Changeling pinning her was a screech that sounded familiar to the one that had startled the group before.

This sudden outburst from the Changeling somehow didn’t faze Pinkie in the way the Changeling expected, the only response it got was Pinkie’s muzzle scrunching up before she spoke up once more. “Whoa, someling needs a breath mint.” Pinkie said before reaching into her mane and pulling a mint out before offering it to the Changeling who eyed it curiously.

“I thought we were at peace with the Changelings?” Cadance asked Celestia and Luna.

“Apparently we aren’t to these guys.” Dash said as she began to stretch herself. “Seems we might have to fight our way out of this.”

Before anypony could say anything else a blast of magic rang throughout the air. When everypony looked to the source of the blast they found a green glow from the shadows of the cave a faint green trail in the air leading from the green light passing through the space between Pinkie’s face and the Changeling that was pinning her before finishing at a burn mark on one of the cave’s walls. What followed next was a series of clicking noises from the green light.

When the clicking was finished the Changeling that was pinning Pinkie slowly slinked away from her. When it had removed itself it let out a series of clicks and chirps before the ten Changelings that were surrounding Shining’s shield dived back into the ground, the green dome also disappearing when they were out of sight.

“Sorry about that.” A familiar voice said from the cave as Stealth stepped out from the shadows.

“Stealth!” Twilight yelled out before diving towards the Changeling. “It’s so good to see you again.” She said as she gave him a hug.

“Sorry to interrupt this reunion but what the buck was that!?” Shining said as the group walked over towards Stealth and Twilight. Pinkie meanwhile giving the Changeling that had her pinned a few moments before a wave as he flew into the shadows of the cave’s roof.

“That would be the hive’s guards doing their job.” Stealth said before turning to Celestia. “I’m to guess you’re here to see the Queen.” He said after a small bow.

“Yes we are. We wish to talk to her about Ryan.” Celestia responded getting a nod from Stealth.

“This way then.” Stealth said leading the group to a small opening at the back of the cave. “But before we do go in a few things. Number one I’m going to have to ask you to wear this Princess Cadance.” Stealth said before pulling out a small necklace with a green gem set into it.

“What is it?” Cadance said as she inspected the jewelry.

“An emotion muffler.” Stealth said. “Seeing as how you are the Princess of a Changeling’s favorite food this necklace will keep you from being swarmed by most of the hive.”

“Well thank you dear.” Cadance said as she put on the necklace.

“Now onto the second thing.” Stealth said before turning to Shining. “You are to wear this.” He said pulling out a ring for Shining’s horn.

“Why?” Shining asked eyeing the ring.

“Because if you have access to your magic the whole hive will be in a state of fear. It also keeps us from detecting any negative emotions you have towards us.” Stealth said.

“So it’s an anti-magic ring.”

“Yes.” Was the response that Shining got.

“And if I don’t want to wear it?”

“Then you have two options. We can either force the thing on you which Hard Shell would love to do.” Stealth said his gaze drifting to Pinkie. “That’s the name of the guy who was Pinning you to the ground.”

“Cool.” She said before turning to the ceiling. “You got a really good grip.” She said getting a click to emanate from the shadows above.

“He says thanks.” Stealth translated before turning back to Shining. “Option number two is by order of Queen Chrysalis, you are to start walking back to Canterlot or the Crystal Empire, your choice.”

“You can’t be serious.” Shining said.

“Shining just put the ring on we have more important matters to attend to.” Luna said irritation in her voice.

“Alright then.” Shining said prompting Stealth to put the ring on Shining’s horn.

“Good now then if you’d follow me please.” Stealth leading them into the opening at the back of the cave. “Also one last thing. Please try to refrain from using any magic.”

“Alright then.” Luna said as she could feel the tunnel they had entered begin to go further down into the planet. “So Stealth, have Changelings always lived underground?” Luna asked.

“Not always. We only moved underground when we realized how dangerous the Badlands truly were on the surface.” Stealth explained as the tunnel became darker. “Don’t worry about the lack of light just keep walking straight and you’ll be alright.”

“Alright then.” AJ said before a light suddenly filled the darkness of the tunnel heat running through the tunnel

“AHHHH!” Stealth screamed out jumping to the ceiling as he looked around for the culprit who had decided to fill the tunnel with heat and light.

“You okay there Stealth?” Dash asked with a grin trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

“Sorry about that outburst.” Stealth said as he dropped back to the tunnel’s floor. “Just forgot to mention to not go starting any fire’s down here.” Stealth explained shooting Spike a glare as he saw the dragon’s mouth open as he had a small flame ignited in his maw.

“Why not?” Spike said as he closed his mouth extinguishing the flame.

“Because a Changeling’s worst fear is fire.” Stealth said.

“But you’ve never had a problem in the past.”

“That’s because I’ve gotten used to it. But being in a small confined space like this sort of reignites that fear.” Stealth said before continuing down the tunnel the group of ponies and Spike close behind him.

As the group continued down the tunnel it began to level out just as a light source came into view.

“Ponies and Dragon I would like to introduce you to the hive.” Stealth said as the group came into a large chamber that had a large black spire filled with holes in the center of the chamber. Along the chambers walls were holes which the group could only imagine led to other parts of the hive as well as large green crystals which filled the chamber with light.

“Whoa.” Twilight said as she looked around taking in the details of the chamber.

“The spire you’re seeing is one of the support columns that are holding the roof above our heads.” Stealth explained as he saw Twilight give an inquisitive look at the spire. “It also acts as a beacon that keeps some of the wildlife of the Badlands away from the hive.”

“That’s all well and good but where exactly is Chrysalis?” Luna said interrupting Stealth.

“Right here Luna.” A familiar voice said from the group’s right causing their heads to turn to see the Changeling Queen emerge from a nearby tunnel to approach the group. “It’s good to see you again.”

“That it is.” Luna said with a faint smile on her face at the sight of Chrysalis. “Now I suppose you know why we’re here?”

“That I do.” Chrysalis said before turning around to face the tunnel she had just emerged from. “Follow me please.”

“How is he Chrysalis?” Celestia asked the Queen as the group followed her.

“As far as I can tell he’s fine.” Chrysalis said before looking over her shoulder to look at Shining. “You alright there my dear? It looks like something’s bothering you.” She asked with a small smirk.

“I’m fine.” Shining responded his tone harsh.

“Good to see that you’re enjoying my hospitality.” Chrysalis said getting an irritated glare from Shining.

“I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.” Shining muttered under his breath getting an elbow to the ribs from Cadance.

“Shiny, please.” Cadance said getting Shining to shut up and be nice.

“Okay dear. So Chrysalis, how long until we get to Ryan?” Shining said.

“Funny you mention that because we’ve just arrived at his room.” Chrysalis replied before motioning for Stealth to open the door. “Well then you coming?” Chrysalis asked as she entered the room noticing no one following her.

“Of course we are.” Luna said as the group entered the room. “Now then where is he?”

“Over here.” Chrysalis said getting the group’s gazes to drift to where Chrysalis was standing next to Ryan’s pod.

“That can’t be.” Luna said as she walked over towards the pod, the rest of the group frozen in place at the sight. “Why?” Luna asked Chrysalis.

“Because it’s the only way to help him.” Chrysalis replied.

“And if we were to remove him from the pod?” Luna asked as the pod began to give off a blue glow along with Luna’s horn.

“Then the healing process would most likely be interrupted.” Chrysalis explained before leading Luna back to the room’s door. “Now then if you’ll follow me I’m sure that you’d love a tour of the hive.”

“Alright Chrysalis.” Luna said a downtrodden look on her face. But before the group could leave a groaning sound could be heard emanating from the pod.

“Hmm. Seems that Ryan wishes to wake up.” Chrysalis said before sending a wave of magic at the bottom of the pod causing Ryan’s body to fall out along with what seemed to be a waterfall of green goo.

“RYAN!” Luna exclaimed before rushing over to Ryan as he began to vomit up green goo.

“Hold on there Luna.” Chrysalis said before Luna could reach Ryan. “We don’t know if that is Ryan or Orion.”

“Then I’ll find out.” Luna said her and Chrysalis slowly approaching Ryan as he finished up vomiting the green goo. “Ryan?” Luna asked prompting Ryan to raise a thumbs up.

“Yeah it’s me.” Came Ryan’s voice ragged from all the goo he had thrown up.

“Thank goodness.” Luna said before looking to Chrysalis. “We were so worried.”

Before Chrysalis could back that statement up the duo found themselves pulled into a hug by Ryan. Each of his arms wrapped around their necks. “Ryan you mind letting go you’re starting to dig into the gaps in my chitin.” Chrysalis said as she could feel small stabs of pain in her back where Ryan’s new appendage was.

“Oh sorry.” Ryan said letting go of the duo. “Didn’t realize.”

“My Queen you’re bleeding.” Stealth said from behind Chrysalis getting her to roll her eyes.

“I’m fine Stealth.” Chrysalis said before turning to see Ryan looking down at his right arm seeing his new appendage for the first time the layer of goo that kept it hidden melted on the floor.

“What the heck?” Ryan said examining his claw.

“That my dear is your new arm. Tirek blasted your old one off, so I made you a new one.” Chrysalis explained getting a slow nod from Ryan.

“So that’s why you had him in the pod.” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“That and another reason.” Chrysalis said prompting a look of confusion from Luna.

“Whoa Ryan that’s a pretty cool claw ya got there.” Pinkie said appearing in front of Ryan.

“AHH!” Ryan screamed out covering his eyes when he looked up at Pinkie.

“RYAN!” Luna exclaimed before teleporting Pinkie back to the rest of the group as she pulled Ryan into a hug.

“Darn I was hoping to introduce him to the small tweaks I made to him later.” Chrysalis getting a glare from Luna.

“What tweaks Chrysalis?!” Luna asked a small amount of fury lacing her tone.

“I’ll tell you after I help Ryan.” Chrysalis said as she approached Ryan as Luna reluctantly let him go from her hug. “Ryan what happened?”

“Well when I looked at Pinkie a yellow light filled my vision. Sort of hurt when I looked at it.” Ryan explained getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Well then it seems our plan was a success Stealth.” Chrysalis said getting a happy nod from Stealth.

“And what plan would that be exactly Chrysalis?” The irritated voice of Shining said getting Chrysalis’ gaze focused on him.

“Well it wasn’t really a plan more like a test I needed to do that I didn’t want to do in the first place.” Chrysalis said before turning back to Ryan. “I do hope you can forgive me for what I’ve done.”

“How about you tell me what you’ve done first.” Ryan said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Change that too you telling all of us Chrysalis.” Luna said getting another nod from Chrysalis.

“Well then you may want to be taking notes for this next part Twilight, Stealth has told me how much you wish to know about us.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Twilight as she began to prep herself to memorize every word that came out of Chrysalis’ mouth. “And before I tell you what I’ve done to you Ryan I need to explain something that Changeling Queens can do.”

“My Queen you can’t be serious.” Stealth said knowing what Chrysalis was about to say next.

“I doubt it matters keeping this a secret anymore Stealth, they’d find out eventually.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Stealth. “As I was saying. An ability that Changeling Queens can perform is injecting a sort of poison into a pony that can turn them into a Changeling.” Once Chrysalis uttered those words the room turned silent as the ponies looked at Chrysalis with a look of what could be described as disbelief. All the ponies and Spike in the room had that look on their face except for Luna.

“And I suppose you have done that to Ryan?” Luna asked getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Yes I did. When I attached his prosthetic his body rejected it. And the only way I could have his body accept the prosthetic was if I injected this poison into him.” Chrysalis explained.

“So I’m going to change into a Changeling?” Ryan asked worry lacing his voice.

“No. But your biology has been changed in a way that allows you not only access to having a new arm but also certain abilities that Changelings have access to.”

“So that bright yellow light he talked about before. That would be…” Luna began, wishing for Chrysalis to fill in the blank she had left.

“That would be the color of happiness.” Chrysalis said.

“So I can see emotions now.” Ryan said getting a nod from Chrysalis. “Does that mean I can eat them?”

“At this stage I don’t know.” Chrysalis said with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Guess I got a lot to learn.” Ryan said as he stroked his chin in thought accidentally poking himself with his new claw.

“Well I’ll be happy to teach.” Chrysalis said before taking on a saddened expression. “You do forgive me for what I’ve done?”

“Yeah I forgive you. How couldn’t I my dear Lovebug?” Ryan said.

“AH HA!” Cadance exclaimed once Ryan realized what he had just said. “I knew you two had decided to get a bit too close to Chrysalis.” She said pointing to Ryan and Luna.

“So we have.” Luna said shooting Ryan a glare at the slip of his tongue. “Tell me Cadance, do you have a problem with the relationship Ryan and I share with Chrysalis?” Luna asked with in a grim tone.

“No not really.” Cadance responded.

“Good to hear.” Luna said before turning to Chrysalis. “Now then let’s go get Ryan something to eat.” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis and Ryan to give out a cry of joy before the trio left the room leaving the group of ponies to ponder and put together the pieces of what had just happened before following after the trio.

Returning to the Surface.

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“And here we have the Dining Hall.” Chrysalis announced as the group entered a large cylindrical cavern a large black dining table set in the middle of the room, black chairs flanking each side of the table. “Now then I’m to guess you’re all a tad famished from your journey here?” Chrysalis said turning to Celestia.

“Well a bit of food couldn’t hurt I suppose.” Celestia said with a smile before moving to take a seat at the table as the rest of the group found their own seats.

“Celestia if I may ask exactly what have you told the nobles about your little visit?” Chrysalis asked as she took a seat next to Ryan and Luna. “I doubt they’d not notice your absence.”

“I told them that we were coming here to further talk about how we can make Changeling integrations into Equestrian society easier.” Celestia explained before a green flash covered the table revealing plates covered by metal plate covers.

“Beneath these covers lie your favorite snack foods. Before you ask how we know this, the chairs you are sitting on connect to your minds and search through it to find what your favorite food is.” Chrysalis explained.

“Cool.” Pinkie said before removing her plate cover to find a large chocolate banana split. “Awesome!” She exclaimed before grabbing a spoon that had appeared next to the plate as she began shoveling the dessert into her mouth.

“Um Chrysie I seem to be missing a plate.” Ryan said the rest of the group already digging into their own favourite foods

“That’s because you’re going to be eating emotions.” Chrysalis said before looking to Luna. “Luna dear you wouldn’t mind thinking about how you feel about Ryan for a sec would you?”

“Of course not.” Luna replied swallowing a mouthful of her food which Ryan could see as a cheesecake with what he could guess to be a blueberry sauce.

“Whoa.” Ryan said noticing a pink cloud begin to emanate from Luna. “Um Chrysie what emotion am I looking at?”

“That would be love.” Chrysalis explained. “Now then if you wish to eat it you merely have to use a bit of changeling magic to funnel that emotion into you.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Ryan.

“But I don’t have my gloves.” He responded.

“You don’t need them. Not with the changes I made to you.” Chrysalis said getting Ryan to look down at his new claw.

“Cool.” Ryan said before focusing on moving the pink cloud towards himself.

“Ryan, a bit of advice, don’t try to force the love towards you or else you may hurt Luna.” Chrysalis said getting Ryan to stop what he was doing. “Maybe we should try some other time.”

“No way I can do it.” Ryan said before concentrating again Chrysalis’ advice ringing through his mind. And then it clicked to Ryan how he could move the love towards himself, he began to remember scenes from the Star Wars movies when Jedi would use the force to pull something towards them. So raising his claw Ryan began to make small movements with his fingers getting the cloud to move closer.

When the cloud was close enough Ryan felt a sense of warmth spring up in his chest as he saw the cloud disappear into his chest. “Well how is it?” Chrysalis asked breaking Ryan’s thoughts.

“It’s sweet like chocolate but it has something else to it that I can’t put my finger on.” Ryan said as his taste buds began to pick up the flavors of love.

“Well I’m sorry to say but I can’t go telling you what that extra thing is.” Chrysalis said getting a look of confusion from Ryan.

“How come?”

“Because not even Changelings know what that extra taste is.” Chrysalis explained getting a nod from Stealth.

“The Queen’s right Ryan, no ‘ling knows what that extra taste is. Many a ‘ling has tried to figure it out but they’ve never been able to come up with an answer.” Stealth said getting an understanding nod from Ryan.

“Maybe you haven’t come across the right type of flavor to connect love too.” Rarity said looking up from her empty plate which only a few moments ago had a small dish of Cheddar cheese and crackers which she had split with Fluttershy.

“A good point Miss Rarity. But my kind has searched far and wide for an answer to this question, over many generations if I may add.” Chrysalis explained.

“Do you still pursue an answer to that question?” Celestia asked finishing her cup of tea.

“No. It isn’t that big of a deal to my kind. So I don’t have a real reason to divert most of my scholar’s efforts to finding information about an unknown taste to an emotion.” Chrysalis explained getting a nod from Celestia.

“Well enough about that.” Ryan interjected his gaze turning to Twilight. “I’ve been asleep for a few days. So what have I missed?”

“Well Twilight’s got a new place to stay after Tirek blew up her tree.” Rainbow said a somber expression on her face.

“Tirek, blew up Golden Oaks?” Ryan asked already knowing the answer but wishing for more confirmation.

“Yeah he did.” Twilight said a sad expression on her face. “But it’s okay. No one got hurt and I also got a castle to live in now.” She explained as Stealth gave her a hug cheering her up slightly.

“Anything else happen?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah we ran into a cult.” Pinkie said finishing her split.

“Pinkie!” AJ exclaimed at Pinkie’s response.

“What?” Pinkie asked getting an eye roll from the farm mare.

“We didn’t run into a cult. We got sent to a small town in the middle of nowhere to solve a friendship problem and we found out that cutie marks weren’t aloud there. So the leader of the town a mare named Starlight Glimmer wanted to teach us the town’s ways, so she removed our cutie marks.” AJ explained.

“Exactly why would a town not want their cutie marks? Because from what my kind has gathered you ponies see this mark as something that spells out your destiny.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from the ponies in the room.

“The reason why no pony wanted their cutie marks was because Starlight had convinced the townsfolk that cutie marks made some ponies greater then others. She then convinced the ponies to allow her to remove their cutie marks and replace it with an equals sign to allow them to show that they were all equal.” Twilight explained.

“Well I’m to guess you beat Starlight?” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight.

“Yeah we did but she got away. We also helped the townsfolk see how cutie marks didn’t make one pony greater than another pony.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Well I’m sure you’ll get her one day.” Ryan said with a smile. “How about you Luna?” Ryan asked his gaze turning to Luna. “How’s Canterlot been?”

“Boring without you around.” Luna said with a loving smile. “You as well Chrysie.”

“Well good to hear I haven’t missed anything too important.” Ryan said with a smile getting a nod from Luna. “So what exactly happens now?” Ryan asked turning to Chrysalis.

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis asked.

“Okay let me be a tad more specific. Am I aloud to leave the hive or not? Or do I have to stay here under observation?”

“Of course you’re aloud to leave. As for observation I’ll come with you to keep an eye on you, and to teach you a bit more about Changelings and our magic.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Ryan.

“Good to hear.” Luna said before getting out of her seat. “Let’s get going then. I’m guessing that Stealth will also be coming with us.”

“If he wants.” Chrysalis said looking to Stealth to have him give a happy smile and a nod. “Now then if you’ll follow me I shall lead us out of here.”

Later on the train ride back to Canterlot from Appaloosa

“So are you sure you should be leaving the hive by itself Chrysalis?” Twilight asked from her seat on the train. A note book and quill in her magical aura as Chrysalis told Ryan about the changes she had made in more detail. Twilight deciding then would be a great time to take notes.

“Yes I’m quite sure.” She said shifting her gaze from Ryan to Twilight. “The hive can survive on it’s own, if there are any problems that require my attention then I can be reached via the hive mind.” Chrysalis explained getting Twilight to nod. “Speaking of the hive mind that leads me to your next change Ryan.”

“Really what would that be?” Ryan asked as he looked up from Luna who was currently lying next to him with her head in his lap as he ran his left hand through her mane.

“Well it would be your connection to the hive mind.” Chrysalis’ voice said ringing throughout Ryan’s mind.

“What the heck?” Ryan asked before seeing a slight green glow to Chrysalis’ horn and eyes.

“Sorry do you need me to say it so everyone can hear?” Chrysalis said with a mirthful smile.

“Say what?” Luna asked sitting up slightly as to give Chrysalis her full attention.

“Just that Ryan’s connected to the hive mind.” Chrysalis getting looks of surprise from everyone in the carriage.

“Hey what’d I miss?” Pinkie said as she came walking back into the carriage.

“Just the fact that Ryan’s connected to the Changeling Hive Mind.” Spike said getting a sad look from Pinkie.

“Oh c’mon I go to the bathroom for five minutes and I miss that announcement. Oh what a world.” She said before falling onto her seat next to Dash.

“Well then Chrysie anything else I should know?” Ryan asked.

“Well you can use magic like before with your gloves.” Chrysalis said.

“Cool.” Ryan said as his right hand was encased in what seemed to be an illusionary flame. “So I got my magic any other cool tricks?” Ryan asked.

“Well there is one thing. Disguising yourself as someone else.” Chrysalis said a tone of uncertainty in her voice. “Although I doubt that you will be able to do more than change the appearance of your hand seeing as how you aren’t a full Changeling.”

“Well I can try can’t I?” Ryan said before looking to his claw. “Now what do I do?” Ryan asked after a few seconds of looking at his claw causing a mirthful smile to appear on Chrysalis’ face.

“Well it’s quite complicated. Transforming is something that can’t be explained easily to those who can’t transform. To explain it try imagining your flesh morphing into something else.” Chrysalis explained.

“Got it.” Ryan said before performing the same ritual he did for the illusionary flames.

“But you must remember that this is only an illusion.” Chrysalis said.

“So I’m basically making an image overlapping my claw?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Basically yes. But you have to imagine your body changing to fit that image.”

“Then why did you have to say that I have to remember it’s an illusion?”

“Because I’ve seen times where Changelings haven’t kept this thought in their mind when they change. When they would shed their disguise whether voluntarily or not, they would enter a panicked state at what lies beneath their disguise.” Chrysalis explained.

“So they’d forget they’re a Changeling?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Chrysalis. “Damn.” Ryan said before looking back to his claw. “So no pressure then?”

“Not really.” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Got it.” Ryan said before closing his eyes and imagining his claw turning back into his hand. After a few seconds Ryan began to feel a warm sensation cover his claw. When he opened his eyes, he saw the flickering of green flames disappear from his newly acquired hand. “Awesome!” Ryan said before inspecting his hand.

“Wowie that’s so cool!” Pinkie said before bounding over in front of Ryan before taking his hand into her hoof. “Just like the original.” She said pulling a magnifying glass from her mane before inspecting it further.

“Yes it is.” Chrysalis said admiring the hand. “Wouldn’t you agree Luna. Or is further testing required?” Chrysalis said with a lustful tone.

“Yes I suppose.” Luna said admiring the hand ignoring Chrysalis tone of voice.

“So that’s a cool trick.” Ryan said before seeing his hand disappear in a green flame only to be replaced by his claw. “What happened?” Ryan asked looking to Chrysalis.

“You need to concentrate on maintaining the illusion or else it shall fade.” Chrysalis explained. “Besides if you wish to hold the illusion you will need to have a steady stream of emotions to feed off of.”

“Good thing you have us.” Luna said nuzzling Ryan’s side.

“Good thing.” Ryan said before looking to his claw. “I think I need to go get some air. Being stuck in a cocoon undergroud for the last couple of days has sort of made me appreciate air a lot more.” Ryan said with a smile before getting out of his seat making his way towards the carriage door.

“You okay?” The voice of Orion said from within Ryan’s mind.

“Yeah I’m fine. Why do you care anyway?” Ryan replied speaking out loud seeing as he was alone on the small platform at the back of the train.

“Cause you’re the flesh bag that is carrying my consciousness around.” Orion said getting a nod from Ryan.

“Thought it would be something related to your own selfish desires.” Ryan said with a chuckle.

“Now that we’ve uncovered the truth behind my concern for your wellbeing we move to a more pressing matter. What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing much. Just getting used to the idea of not having my hand.” Ryan said looking down at his claw.

“So then come out here to talk to yourself?” A familiar voice said from above Ryan causing him to jump.

When he looked up he saw the amber eyes of Moonlight staring down at him. “Hey Moonlight. What are you doing out here?”

“Doing my duty.” Moonlight said before landing on the small platform Ryan was standing on. “Nice claw.”

“Oh thanks. Also what exactly are you doing out here? ‘Cause doing your duty isn’t much to go on.” Ryan said getting a laugh from Moonlight.

“Well if you must know I go with Lady Noctis wherever she goes.” Moonlight said.

“Well I sort of already knew that. But what I meant is why are you out here.” Ryan said gesturing to the space around them.

“Keeping an eye out for danger.” Moonlight said.

“Hey Moonlight can I ask you a question.” Ryan asked getting a nod from Moonlight. “Cool. Do you have a helmet? ‘Cause all the other guards I’ve seen have helmets except for you.”

“What you have a problem with my hair or something?” Moonlight said with a grin.

“No not at all.” Ryan said with a chuckle. “It looks great.”

“Well you definitely know what to say to get a mare’s heart beating.” Moonlight said. “As for the reason of my lack of helmet is because I like the feeling of the wind flowing through my mane. That a good enough reason?”

“Yeah.” Ryan responded. “That’s a good enough reason.”

“So what are you doing out here then?” Moonlight asked.

“Getting some air.” Ryan responded.

“Cool. And if you don’t mind me asking you were talking to ‘Him’ just then weren’t you?”

“Him?” Ryan asked before realizing she was talking about Orion. “Yeah I was.”

“Well if you want a change of conversation partner you got somepony standing right next to you.”

“Thanks for the offer Moonlight, but I think I’m good.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Moonlight. “Actually I think I will take you up on that offer of a conversation partner.”

“Alright then. What’d you want to talk about?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever asked you this, but it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while. Where exactly do Thestrals come from?” Ryan asked.

“Well I can’t tell you how we came to be but I can’t tell you when we were first discovered.” Moonlight said looking up to Ryan. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Of course it is.” Ryan said getting a smile from Moonlight.

“Good.” She said before shifting her gaze back to the desert around them. “It was around a thousand years ago, in a place west of what was originally Ponyville, lay a village in the heart of White Tail Woods. The village’s name was Hollow Shades.”

“Is the village still there?” Ryan asked getting an irritated look from Moonlight.

“Yes it is but it’s a lot larger than what it once was. Now if you’ll let me continue.” Moonlight said getting a nod from Ryan. “It was about a year after Discord had been defeated by Lady Noctis and Mother Sol, the great bear arrived.”

“The Great Bear?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Moonlight.

“Yes it was a colossal Ursa Major, larger than any that had been seen within the Everfree Forest at the time. Some said it was a dark gift given to the land by Discord as a way of revenge for his imprisonment. Word of the Great Bear’s destruction eventually reached the ears of Lady Noctis who going against her sister’s wishes of letting a battalion of guards deal with The Bear, left for White Tail Woods. When she arrived she found a path of destruction, trees uprooted and local wildlife completely displaced. She then followed the path left by the Beast to Hollow Shades. When she arrived she found the village in near ruin. Mares and Foals running for their lives whilst Stallions had picked up whatever weapons they could get their hooves on to fight the Beast with.”

“Luckily if it was not for the swift intervention of Lady Noctis, the Thestral race would no longer exist. With a blast of her magic and a swing of her halberd she defeated the Beast. When the Beast’s body hit the ground any surviving Thestrals looked up the Beast’s immobile form to find Lady Noctis standing atop it’s body. It was then that the Thestral’s threw themselves to the ground in praise of their savior. Since that day Thestral’s have pledged themselves in servitude to Lady Noctis as thanks for saving our race.” Moonlight said finishing her story.

“Whoa.” Ryan said as he felt the train come to a stop nearly being thrown off his feet.

“You okay?” Moonlight asked as Ryan steadied himself.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Ryan replied. “I gotta say that was one heck of a story.” Ryan said getting a chuckle from Moonlight.

“Glad to hear that. Now then you best go and say goodbye to Princess Twilight and her friends. Because I doubt they’re going to be coming to Canterlot with us.” Moonlight said before giving Ryan a smile. “I guess I’ll see you around.” She said before leaping back onto the roof of the train car.

“Oof.” Ryan said as he entered the train car having something collide with his gut. When he looked down he saw Pinkie wrapped around his mid section. “Hey Pinkie.” Ryan said as he ran a hand through his mane.

“Hey Ryan.” Pinkie said as she looked up at Ryan, a large grin on her face. “The girls and I are gonna be heading off now.”

“And I’m guessing you couldn’t wait for a goodbye hug?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Pinkie.

“You done yet Pinkie?” The voice of Dash called out from behind Pinkie. “We gotta head off y’know.”

“Sure thing Dashie.” Pinkie said before releasing Ryan. “Bye Ryan.” She said before skipping away.

“See ya Pinkie.” Ryan said before feeling something crash into his waist again. When Ryan looked down he found Dash looking up at him. “How’d I know you just wanted to clear a spot for yourself by telling Pinkie to hurry up.”

“No I didn’t, just want to get this over and done with. Gotta get home and make sure everything’s how I left it.” Dash said before releasing Ryan.

“Hey wait a sec where’s everyone else?” Ryan asked only noticing that Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis were the only ones currently in the train car.

“Oh. They’re out on the platform. Cadance and Shining said that they’d be here for a day before heading back to the Crystal Empire.” Dash said before heading towards the train car’s exit.

“You guys gonna come say goodbye?” Ryan asked the royal trio that remained within the train car.

“Nay, we’ve already said our farewell.” Luna responded provoking a nod from Chrysalis and Celestia.

“Alright then.” Ryan said as he walked towards the exit. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Take as long as you want.” Celestia said fixing Ryan a smile.

“Got it.” Ryan said as he made his way out onto the train station’s platform to find the rest of the group that had made their way to the Changeling hive. “So then I guess this is goodbye for now.”

“Looks like it.” Twilight said when Ryan got close enough for her to give him a hug.

“Don’t worry sugarcube we’ll be sure to pay you a visit.” Applejack said when Twilight finished giving Ryan a hug.

“Yes Applejack is quite right dear.” Rarity said with Fluttershy giving a nod from Rarity’s side.

“I’ll look forward to seeing you then.” Ryan said before turning to Cadance and Shining. “You guys going to head to Canterlot when your done with your tour of Ponyville, or are you heading for the Crystal Empire?”

“We’ll be heading for the Empire. Unlike Canterlot there isn’t a court of nobles to keep everything from falling apart whilst Shiny and I are gone.” Cadance said with a chuckle.

“But hey if you ever wanted to come and say hi, the Empire would be glad to have you.” Shining said getting a nod.

“Nice to hear. Might take Chrysalis there.” Ryan said causing Shining to stiffen a bit, however this went unnoticed by Ryan as he had turned to say goodbye to Stealth and Spike.

“See ya Ryan.” Stealth said.

“Yeah see ya around Stealth.” Ryan said before turning to Spike. “Take care of Twi will ya.”

“Sure thing Ryan.” Spike said with a smile.

“Same goes for you as well Stealth.” Ryan said to Stealth getting a nod. It was then that the sound of a train whistle rang throughout the air. “Well guess that’s my cue to leave. See ya guys!” Ryan said to the group before walking back onto the train. .