• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,031 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Foiling plans and Undergoing changes.

Two weeks after Hearths Warming

“And that’s the last kid.” Ryan said as he saw the last foal into Zecora’s hut. “You going to be okay here Zecora?”

“Yes I shall the colt and fillies will be safe from Tirek while they are here.” Zecora said before a loud explosion could be heard.

“Well I best get back to Ponyville see if I can give Twi a hand.” Ryan said before igniting his gloves in a purple flame before running off back towards Ponyville.

“You sure this is a good plan? Just run in and hope that you manage to win a fight with an all powerful centaur.” Orion said as Ryan made it towards the edge of the Everfree.

“Yeah just got to hit him with enough firepower and he’s toast. Figuratively and maybe literally.” Ryan said as he came to a stop to see Tirek firing blasts of magic at Twilight who did her best to dodge each shot.

“Holy crap. Y’know the show never really gave off a good impression of Tirek’s height.” Orion said as Ryan’s jaw hit the ground.

“I have to say you have a good point. Exactly how tall is he?” Ryan asked as Tirek fired off another blast resounding in a large explosion on the other side of Ponyville.

“I’d have to guess around five storeys.” Orion said before a large tree branch crashed into the ground a few feet away from them. “Well guess we know what the hell blew up. Twilight’s house.”

“I’m starting to have second thoughts about all of this Orion.” Ryan said grimly looking down at his gloves. “I know I got some pretty potent magic, but I’m starting to have second thoughts.”

“Coward.” Orion said in a harsh tone.

“Sorry if it seems like cowardice but what would you be doing if you were in my place? Besides Twilight manages to beat him in the end. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t go running into this one.”

“Look you wanna help right?” Orion asked getting a nod from Ryan. “Well I have a plan. But I need to be in control.”

“And why would that be?” Ryan asked before another explosion rang throughout the air.

“Because my plan requires intellect that you don’t have. But I need you to trust me.” Orion said getting Ryan to plant his face in his hands.

“Fine. But I swear to god if you run away.” Ryan said knowing he had no other options left open for him.

“Thanks and don’t worry I won’t go running off. Now you going to knock yourself or not?”

“Wait I gotta do what now?”

“Well I can’t take over your body unless your unconscious.” Orion explained as Ryan took a seat on the ground. “What are you doing?”

“Making so when I do knock myself out, my body doesn’t fall that far.” Ryan said as he readied a knock out spell. “Hey Orion.”


“For the love of god don’t do anything stupid.” With that said Ryan hit himself with the knock out spell.

“Too bad. Cause my plan is probably the stupidest thing I could do.” Orion said as he felt himself take over Ryan’s body. “Now then onwards to my dumbest idea yet.” Orion announced before making his way into Ponyville towards Tirek.

‘Holy crap Tirek really did a number on the place.’ Orion thought to himself as he walked through the streets of Ponyville destruction all around him.

“Give up Princess Twilight! You are no match for me!” The voice of Tirek yelled out.

‘Well then time to go help Twi out.’ Orion thought as he made his way towards the source of the voice.

“Fine then. I’ll give you the magic if you let my friends go.” Twilight said as Orion rounded a street corner to see the two power houses come to a stand still.

“Fine then.” Tirek said before having the small cages that the rest of the mane 6 were trapped in a short distance away vanished. “Now for your magic.” Tirek said before sucking the magic out of Twilight. “YES! I CAN FEEL THE POWER SURGING THROUGH MY BODY!” Tirek exclaimed as he grew to double his size.

“Holy crap.” Orion said quietly trying to avoid Tirek’s gaze.

“Now then.” Tirek said before snapping his fingers causing Twilight to be put into one of the cages that her friends were in. “Can’t let the Princess go running off now can I?”

“Twilight!” Her friends called out as they rushed over to the cage trying to break her out.

“Tirek let her go!” Applejack said causing him to give out a low chuckle.

“Sorry dear farmpony but I can’t go doing that. Seeing as how she said you could go free. Not her.” Tirek said getting the mane 6 to hang their heads in sorrow.

“How about I make you an offer for her freedom then centaur!” Orion shouted deciding now was the time to make himself known.

“Well, well if it isn’t the human that I’ve heard so much about.” Tirek said. “Are you here to submit?”

“Not really.” Orion said getting an irritated look from Tirek. “Tell me Tirek you would say you’re an intelligent creature. Correct?”

“I would say I am above average intelligence.” Tirek said. “Now if you could kindly make your point.”

“Okay. My point is I challenge you to a game of chess.”

“For your Princesses freedom?” Tirek asked.

“Nope. The game is for all the magic you’ve stolen.” Orion said getting a mad chuckle from Tirek.

“And hypothetically what are the wages of this little match?” Tirek asked.

“Simple if I win you return the magic you’ve stolen.” Orion explained.

“And if I win?” Tirek asked.

“Then I give you the magic that I have acquired and also tell you where you can find more.” Orion said getting a nod from Tirek.

“Alright then. I accept.” With that said Tirek began to give off a golden glow as he shrunk down to be only a foot taller than Celestia.

“Cool. Now you going to let Twilight go?” Orion asked getting a look of confusion from Tirek.

“And why should I do that?”

“Because right now I could shoot a fireball as hot as the bloody sun.” Orion said pointing a finger at Tirek’s forehead. “So then you releasing Twilight or not?”

“I know that’s a false threat.” Tirek said before having his breath caught in his throat as a blue ball of plasma shot by his left ear burning it slightly.

“You were saying.” Orion asked with a sly grin. “I think it was something along the lines of releasing Twilight.”

“Fine.” Tirek said before clicking his fingers removing the cage from around Twilight.

“Well then get running you six!” Orion yelled out getting a nod from Twilight and her friends as they ran off.

“Well then let’s get started.” Tirek said getting a nod from Orion.

14 moves later into the chess match

“And that is check mate Tirek me old chum.” Orion said chuckling as he saw the look of horror appear on Tirek’s face.

“That can’t be.” Tirek said disbelief washing over him as he had been a single move away from claiming victory.

“Too bad. Now then you going to return all the magic or not?” Orion asked before having Tirek yell out in anger as he flipped the small table with the chess set that had been set up. “Well seems someone’s a sore loser.”

“You cheated!” Tirek exclaimed a mask of fury and rage plastered on his face.

“If that is so please tell how.” Orion said his smirk never leaving his face.

Before Tirek could give an answer a magical blast crashed next to the centaur causing him to ready a spell to launch at Orion. “You dare attack me!”

“Wasn’t me mate.” Orion said holding his hands up.

Before Tirek could ask who it was a voice rang out from behind him. “GIVE UP TIREK!” The voice of Twilight called out.

“How?!” Tirek asked as he saw the mane 6 hovering a few feet off the ground as he turned to face the voice.

“The Elements of Harmony buddy. So you giving up or are we going to beat you up?” Dash said as her and the others continued to hover in place thanks to the power of their Elements.

“You tricked me!” Tirek said turning back to face Orion. “This was merely a distraction!” He yelled gesturing to the ruined chess set.

“I didn’t mean for it mate.” Orion said keeping his calm in the face of the angry centaur.

“Too bad.” Tirek said his size growing causing Orion and the mane 6 to get away from his growing form. “NOW YOU PAY!” He yelled out as a yellow orb began to form between his horns.

“Oh shit.” Orion said as a beam shot out of the orb straight towards him. Before the beam could hit Orion disappeared in a flash out of the way of the beam. “Man you’re a crap shot!”

“STAND STILL YOU INSIGNIFIGANT BUG!” Tirek yelled his voice booming in Orion’s ears.

“Why would I? I don’t wanna die.” Orion said before seeing Tirek lift his hand firing another beam at Orion. “Time to go.” Orion said before he was gone in another flash. “Ya missed again!” Orion yelled out.

“Did I really?” Tirek asked as the bolt of magic stopped just short of the ground before turning to target Orion.

“What the…” Orion asked before diving to his left. “ARGH!” He screamed as he felt the bolt hit him.

“FINALLY!” Tirek yelled out in victory before being struck in the back of the head by a beam of magic.

“You’ll pay for that Tirek!” Twilight yelled before turning to her friends. “Hit him with everything you got girls!”

As Tirek turned his focus to the mane 6 he was hit with a rainbow beam. “AHHHH!” He screamed out as the rainbow began to envelop him.

As this was happening Orion was trying to steady himself as his head kept spinning. All the while he felt a numb feeling in his right arm. “What the hell?” He asked as he looked down at his right arm only to see it missing from the elbow to his fingertips. “Oh my arm’s gone. MY ARM’S GONE!” He screamed as blood began to flow out of the wound. “Okay gotta stop the bleeding.” Orion said his heart racing as he looked around trying to find something to wrap the wound in.

“Ah ha!” He exclaimed as he found a stray piece of cloth from what he could guess it belonged to a window curtain. “There we go.” He said as he wrapped the once white cloth now red as he slowed the bleeding down. “Oh shit.” He said as his vision began to grow dark. “Well Ryan you got your damned wish. We got to Equestria, hope you had fun.” He said with a chuckle as he fell onto his side.

“My Queen! I found him!” A familiar voice called out as a black shape rushed into Orion’s fading field of view.

“Where? Oh no no no no.” A frantic voice said as a larger blur joined the other one. “Don’t you dare fall asleep on me!” She said just as Orion let his body fall into unconsciousness.

As Orion’s body fell limp Chrysalis could swear she felt her heart be crushed into a thousand pieces. “My Queen.” Stealth said shaking her slightly as she held Orion’s limp body. “He may still be alive.” Stealth said before beginning to shake Chrysalis more harshly.

“What did you say Stealth?” Chrysalis asked getting a breath of relief from Stealth.

“I said he may still be alive.” Stealth replied before moving to Orion’s bloody stump that used to be his fore arm. “But first we need to seal the wound.” With that said Stealth began to spit out a green liquid onto the makeshift bandage.

“Good thinking Stealth.” Chrysalis said as she lowered her head to try and hear Orion’s heart. “He’s heart is still beating thankfully. Has it set?” Chrysalis asked looking to the green goo.

“It has.” Stealth replied before moving under Orion’s body.

“Good let’s get out of here.” Chrysalis said as Stealth positioned Orion so he was slumped over his back.

“Chrysalis! What are you doing?” Twilight called out as her and her friends landed in front of Chrysalis.

“Getting Ryan some help.” Chrysalis explained.

“But that’s not Ryan, it’s Orion.” Pinkie said.

“Doesn’t matter still Ryan’s body.” She explained before looking to her right to see Tirek in his weakened form his hands bound by purple handcuffs. “YOU!” She shouted before leaping at Tirek.

“Ahhh!” Tirek exclaimed as he found himself tackled to the ground. “Oh well if it isn’t the bug queen.”

“So you really want those to be your last words whelp?” Chrysalis asked her horn giving off a sick green glow.

“You can’t hurt me.” Tirek said.

“And why would that be?”

“They won’t let you.” Tirek replied gesturing to the mane 6.

“They don’t look to be trying to remove me.” Chrysalis said with a sick smirk. “Now then would you like to rethink your last words?”

“…” Tirek gave no answer merely giving Chrysalis a look of fear.

“No?” Chrysalis asked as she lowered her horn so the tip was touching Tirek’s forehead. “Too bad.” She said before sending a surge of magic into Tirek’s head.

“What the?” Tirek asked as he could feel his heart still beating. “What did you do to me?” Tirek asked as Chrysalis hopped off of him. Before Chrysalis could give an answer Tirek felt a burning feeling in his horns, the next thing he knew his horns were gone in a green fiery explosion. “AHHHH!”

“CHRYSALIS!” Twilight shouted as she flew over to Tirek’s side to extinguish the burning remains of his horns. “Why’d you do that?”

“Tirek’s horns for Ryan’s forearm.” Chrysalis said before walking to Stealth’s side. “Now then we’ll be off.” And with that said Chrysalis and Stealth were gone.

Changeling Hive

As Chrysalis and Stealth materialized into the hive Chrysalis was already moving as she removed Orion’s limp form from Stealth’s back as she made her way out of the room she had appeared in. “Medical bay team prep for incoming patient!” Chrysalis screamed across the hive mind.

“Of course my Queen.” The voice of one of the nurses responded to Chrysalis as she ran through the halls of the hive.

“What do you need me to do?” Stealth asked as he kept pace with Chrysalis.

“Get a pod ready. I have an idea to help with Ryan’s missing fore arm.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Stealth as he left her to perform her will.

“My Queen we’re ready for your patient.” The nurse said as Chrysalis came to the medical bay’s door.

“Then let us get to work.” Chrysalis said following the nurse into the room.

“My Queen, we’ll take the patient off your hooves for you.” A drone said as he approached Chrysalis to take Orion’s body off her back.

“No you won’t Drone #764. I have no doubt in your abilities but I shall be assisting you in this matter. Is that understood?” Chrysalis said getting #764 to back away slightly.

“Of course my Queen.” He replied with a bow as Chrysalis moved to place Orion on a nearby surgical table that had been set up.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said as #764 moved to her side at the table. “Now then first priority seal the wound properly. Then we prep for a replacement limb.”

A few hours later

“And done. Drone #764, keep him under and prep him for a pod.” Chrysalis said gesturing to Orion’s still unconscious body.

“Of course my Queen.” #764 said as Chrysalis moved to the medical bay’s doors.

“Ah Stealth good to see you.” Chrysalis said as she opened the medical bay doors to find him on the verge of opening those doors. “I assume that the pod is ready?”

“Yes it is.” Stealth said with a nod before looking past Chrysalis into the medical bay. “Is he okay?”

“The wound has been sealed. He seems to be fine. But I need you to help Drone #764 with moving him to the pod.”

“Of course my Queen.” Stealth said moving past her into the medical bay.

“Stealth.” Chrysalis said getting Stealth to pause and turn to face her. “I shall be in my chambers. Come get me when Ryan is in the pod.”

“Of course.” Stealth said with a bow. “So Doc, how’d the operation go?” Stealth asked Drone #764 as he made his way to the surgical table.

“Pretty good Stealth. Although having the Queen at the table with me wasn’t helping my nerves.” Doc said getting a chuckle from Stealth.

“Hey you’re still alive aren’t you so it didn’t too bad at least.” Stealth said before looking down at Orion’s unconscious body. “He gonna be alright?”

“As far as I can tell yes.” Doc said as he levitated Orion’s body onto a stretcher being carried by two nurses. “We’ve never encountered humans before, so we know nothing about them. The fact that we’ve never seen their insides either didn’t help.” Doc explained getting a slow nod from Stealth.

“Well then let’s go get him in a pod.” Stealth said as he led the nurses and Doc too the room where he had set up the pod. “What the?” Stealth said quietly to himself as he could’ve sworn he saw a dark figure move across the roof of the tunnel they were in.

“You okay Stealth?” Doc asked as he noticed Stealth come to a stop.

“Yeah just thought I saw something.” Stealth said before continuing on leading Doc and the two nurses.

Meanwhile in Chrysalis’ chambers

“So you coming out or not? Or do you wish to think I don’t know you’re there?” Chrysalis said to the shadow that had somehow managed to appear in her chambers. “Well?”

“Funny I thought I was hiding my emotions from Changeling sight pretty well.” Captain Moonlight said as she stepped out of the shadow.

“Well a random shadow suddenly appearing in my chambers is quite suspicious.” Chrysalis said turning to face her visitor. “I’m to guess Luna sent you about Ryan?”

“Yes.” Moonlight said with a nod. “Where is he?”

“He’s safe. That’s all you need to know.” Chrysalis replied.

“Have his injuries been taken care of?”

“They have. Also before I request that you leave I have something to tell you.” Chrysalis said getting a quizzical gaze from Moonlight.

“And that would be?” Moonlight asked.

“Tell Luna, that she won’t be able to reach Ryan in the dreamscape.”

“And if she asks why?” Moonlight asked.

“Because I will be performing a test to help him recover from his injuries.” Chrysalis explained.

“What sort of test?”

“Can’t say unfortunately.” Chrysalis said with a smile. “But know this he’ll be alright. Luna knows that I won’t let anything happen to him.” Chrysalis said raising a hoof to hold the necklace Ryan had given her up to her eye level.

“Alright.” Moonlight said before stepping back into the shadows. When Chrysalis moved to investigate the shadow she found Moonlight to be gone.

“Seems that Luna was correct about her being the best guard she had.” Chrysalis said to herself before hearing a knock at her door. “Come in. Ah Stealth I suppose Ryan’s in the pod.” Chrysalis said greeting Stealth as he walked in.

“Yes he is.” Stealth responded before following after Chrysalis as she made her way towards the room where Stealth had set up the pod.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said as she made her way down the halls a scroll floating behind her in her magic as well as a small object wrapped in cloth.

“Um if I may ask what’s in the cloth?” Stealth asked as they approached the room where Ryan’s pod was.

“Something that can help Ryan.” Chrysalis explained as Stealth came to a stop in front of the room where Ryan was sitting patiently in his pod. “I must congratulate you on your pod making abilities Stealth.” Chrysalis said as she entered the room admiring the pod.

“My thanks my Queen.” Stealth said as Chrysalis began to approach the pod.

“Unfortunately I have to ruin it a bit.” Chrysalis said getting a look of confusion from Stealth before tearing a hole in the pod where Ryan’s stump of an arm was positioned.

“No problem.” Stealth said as he prepared to repair the damage. A small voice in his mind cursing slightly at the damage inflicted to the pod.

“Good to hear.” Chrysalis said before removing the cloth around the object she had brought with her, revealing what seemed to be a black dragon’s claw.

“Um what is that my Queen?” Stealth asked eyeing the claw.

“A prosthetic arm for Ryan.” Chrysalis explained before inserting the claw into the pod. “In theory all I have to do is re open the wound on Ryan’s arm and then run a few nerves and veins from the prosthetic into Ryan’s body.” Chrysalis continued whilst doing what she had just said, running green veins from the claw into Ryan’s body.

“Not to question you my Queen but are you sure that the arm will work? Seeing as how we know very little about his kind.” Stealth said getting a slow nod from Chrysalis as she began to fix the insertion she made into the cocoon.

“A good point Stealth. But from what I’ve managed to gather from Nurse Redheart’s files on Ryan, I think I’ve managed to make a very accurate recreation of his fore-arm.” Chrysalis explained. “All we have to do is allow Ryan’s body and mind to get used to having his fore-arm back.”

“And how long will that take?”

“At best a couple of days.” Chrysalis replied before leaning in towards the newly attached fore-arm’s position in the pod. “Hmm?”

“Something wrong?” Stealth asked walking up to Chrysalis’ side.

“Yes.” Chrysalis said before reopening the pod to the slight annoyance of Stealth. “His body isn’t accepting the arm.” Chrysalis explained gesturing to small black veins under Ryan’s skin. “These veins should be green until they fill with blood.”

“Maybe his blood is black?” Stealth said prompting Chrysalis to roll her eyes.

“His blood is red. Redheart’s files explain that in detail.” Chrysalis said getting an understanding nod from Stealth. “His body’s cells are causing the prosthetic’s veins to deteriorate.”

“So what do we do?”

“Something I was hoping no to do.” Chrysalis said before pulling Ryan’s body out of the pod.

“My Queen isn’t there another way?” Stealth asked as Chrysalis brought her mouth to Ryan’s neck.

“Unfortunately not.” Chrysalis said before sinking her teeth into Ryan’s neck, her canines digging into one of his main arteries. After a few seconds green lines began to form outwards from the bite causing Chrysalis to remove herself from Ryan’s neck, the bite marks sealing themselves closed. “Now we wait and hope that our problems will be solved.” Chrysalis said before putting Ryan back into the pod.

“I’ll begin repairing the pod.” Stealth said as Chrysalis began to make her way away from the pod.

“Alright Stealth.” Chrysalis said before leaving the room to let Stealth do his work. “Hope you can forgive me Ryan.” Chrysalis muttered to herself before making her way to the throne room to begin her duties.

A few days later

“Are you sure this is the place sister?” Celestia asked as her and Luna came to a stop outside a cave in the Badlands.

“I am quite certain Tia.” Luna said before looking back to the group that had accompanied the sisters. The Elements of Harmony, Spike, Cadance and Shining Armor.

“So this is the entrance to the hive?” Shining asked aloud a shiver running down his spine as the thought of how many Changelings would be within the cave.

“As Moonlight said this is the place.” Luna said getting a nod from Shining. “Can you feel it Twilight?”

“Feel what?” Twilight asked giving Luna a quizzical look.

“The amount of magic surrounding this place.” Celestia explained.

“I thought I could feel something like that.” Twilight replied. “But it feels slightly blocked.”

“That’s because it is.” Luna said. “Unless you know what to feel for.”

“So what are we waiting for?” Pinkie said before trotting towards the cave entrance.

“Pinkie wait!” Twilight called out to Pinkie.

“What’s the problem Twi? It’s not like anything bad is going to happen.” Dash said before making to follow Pinkie before coming to a halt as a loud screeching sound could be heard emanating from the cave.

Before anyone could ask what made that sound a black form fell onto Pinkie as soon as she had paused under the cave’s mouth. “Pinkie!” Twilight yelled out seeing the black form fall onto Pinkie. Before Twilight could charge a spell into her horn that would get whatever was pinning Pinkie to the ground off her a green dome formed around the group cutting them off from Pinkie.

“What the?” Shining asked his own horn glowing as he projected a shield spell around the group as ten black forms jumped out from the sands outside of Shining’s shield.

“Hiya Mr Changeling.” Pinkie’s voice could be heard as the group saw what the black forms were. Changelings.

The only response that Pinkie received from the Changeling pinning her was a screech that sounded familiar to the one that had startled the group before.

This sudden outburst from the Changeling somehow didn’t faze Pinkie in the way the Changeling expected, the only response it got was Pinkie’s muzzle scrunching up before she spoke up once more. “Whoa, someling needs a breath mint.” Pinkie said before reaching into her mane and pulling a mint out before offering it to the Changeling who eyed it curiously.

“I thought we were at peace with the Changelings?” Cadance asked Celestia and Luna.

“Apparently we aren’t to these guys.” Dash said as she began to stretch herself. “Seems we might have to fight our way out of this.”

Before anypony could say anything else a blast of magic rang throughout the air. When everypony looked to the source of the blast they found a green glow from the shadows of the cave a faint green trail in the air leading from the green light passing through the space between Pinkie’s face and the Changeling that was pinning her before finishing at a burn mark on one of the cave’s walls. What followed next was a series of clicking noises from the green light.

When the clicking was finished the Changeling that was pinning Pinkie slowly slinked away from her. When it had removed itself it let out a series of clicks and chirps before the ten Changelings that were surrounding Shining’s shield dived back into the ground, the green dome also disappearing when they were out of sight.

“Sorry about that.” A familiar voice said from the cave as Stealth stepped out from the shadows.

“Stealth!” Twilight yelled out before diving towards the Changeling. “It’s so good to see you again.” She said as she gave him a hug.

“Sorry to interrupt this reunion but what the buck was that!?” Shining said as the group walked over towards Stealth and Twilight. Pinkie meanwhile giving the Changeling that had her pinned a few moments before a wave as he flew into the shadows of the cave’s roof.

“That would be the hive’s guards doing their job.” Stealth said before turning to Celestia. “I’m to guess you’re here to see the Queen.” He said after a small bow.

“Yes we are. We wish to talk to her about Ryan.” Celestia responded getting a nod from Stealth.

“This way then.” Stealth said leading the group to a small opening at the back of the cave. “But before we do go in a few things. Number one I’m going to have to ask you to wear this Princess Cadance.” Stealth said before pulling out a small necklace with a green gem set into it.

“What is it?” Cadance said as she inspected the jewelry.

“An emotion muffler.” Stealth said. “Seeing as how you are the Princess of a Changeling’s favorite food this necklace will keep you from being swarmed by most of the hive.”

“Well thank you dear.” Cadance said as she put on the necklace.

“Now onto the second thing.” Stealth said before turning to Shining. “You are to wear this.” He said pulling out a ring for Shining’s horn.

“Why?” Shining asked eyeing the ring.

“Because if you have access to your magic the whole hive will be in a state of fear. It also keeps us from detecting any negative emotions you have towards us.” Stealth said.

“So it’s an anti-magic ring.”

“Yes.” Was the response that Shining got.

“And if I don’t want to wear it?”

“Then you have two options. We can either force the thing on you which Hard Shell would love to do.” Stealth said his gaze drifting to Pinkie. “That’s the name of the guy who was Pinning you to the ground.”

“Cool.” She said before turning to the ceiling. “You got a really good grip.” She said getting a click to emanate from the shadows above.

“He says thanks.” Stealth translated before turning back to Shining. “Option number two is by order of Queen Chrysalis, you are to start walking back to Canterlot or the Crystal Empire, your choice.”

“You can’t be serious.” Shining said.

“Shining just put the ring on we have more important matters to attend to.” Luna said irritation in her voice.

“Alright then.” Shining said prompting Stealth to put the ring on Shining’s horn.

“Good now then if you’d follow me please.” Stealth leading them into the opening at the back of the cave. “Also one last thing. Please try to refrain from using any magic.”

“Alright then.” Luna said as she could feel the tunnel they had entered begin to go further down into the planet. “So Stealth, have Changelings always lived underground?” Luna asked.

“Not always. We only moved underground when we realized how dangerous the Badlands truly were on the surface.” Stealth explained as the tunnel became darker. “Don’t worry about the lack of light just keep walking straight and you’ll be alright.”

“Alright then.” AJ said before a light suddenly filled the darkness of the tunnel heat running through the tunnel

“AHHHH!” Stealth screamed out jumping to the ceiling as he looked around for the culprit who had decided to fill the tunnel with heat and light.

“You okay there Stealth?” Dash asked with a grin trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

“Sorry about that outburst.” Stealth said as he dropped back to the tunnel’s floor. “Just forgot to mention to not go starting any fire’s down here.” Stealth explained shooting Spike a glare as he saw the dragon’s mouth open as he had a small flame ignited in his maw.

“Why not?” Spike said as he closed his mouth extinguishing the flame.

“Because a Changeling’s worst fear is fire.” Stealth said.

“But you’ve never had a problem in the past.”

“That’s because I’ve gotten used to it. But being in a small confined space like this sort of reignites that fear.” Stealth said before continuing down the tunnel the group of ponies and Spike close behind him.

As the group continued down the tunnel it began to level out just as a light source came into view.

“Ponies and Dragon I would like to introduce you to the hive.” Stealth said as the group came into a large chamber that had a large black spire filled with holes in the center of the chamber. Along the chambers walls were holes which the group could only imagine led to other parts of the hive as well as large green crystals which filled the chamber with light.

“Whoa.” Twilight said as she looked around taking in the details of the chamber.

“The spire you’re seeing is one of the support columns that are holding the roof above our heads.” Stealth explained as he saw Twilight give an inquisitive look at the spire. “It also acts as a beacon that keeps some of the wildlife of the Badlands away from the hive.”

“That’s all well and good but where exactly is Chrysalis?” Luna said interrupting Stealth.

“Right here Luna.” A familiar voice said from the group’s right causing their heads to turn to see the Changeling Queen emerge from a nearby tunnel to approach the group. “It’s good to see you again.”

“That it is.” Luna said with a faint smile on her face at the sight of Chrysalis. “Now I suppose you know why we’re here?”

“That I do.” Chrysalis said before turning around to face the tunnel she had just emerged from. “Follow me please.”

“How is he Chrysalis?” Celestia asked the Queen as the group followed her.

“As far as I can tell he’s fine.” Chrysalis said before looking over her shoulder to look at Shining. “You alright there my dear? It looks like something’s bothering you.” She asked with a small smirk.

“I’m fine.” Shining responded his tone harsh.

“Good to see that you’re enjoying my hospitality.” Chrysalis said getting an irritated glare from Shining.

“I wouldn’t go so far as to say that.” Shining muttered under his breath getting an elbow to the ribs from Cadance.

“Shiny, please.” Cadance said getting Shining to shut up and be nice.

“Okay dear. So Chrysalis, how long until we get to Ryan?” Shining said.

“Funny you mention that because we’ve just arrived at his room.” Chrysalis replied before motioning for Stealth to open the door. “Well then you coming?” Chrysalis asked as she entered the room noticing no one following her.

“Of course we are.” Luna said as the group entered the room. “Now then where is he?”

“Over here.” Chrysalis said getting the group’s gazes to drift to where Chrysalis was standing next to Ryan’s pod.

“That can’t be.” Luna said as she walked over towards the pod, the rest of the group frozen in place at the sight. “Why?” Luna asked Chrysalis.

“Because it’s the only way to help him.” Chrysalis replied.

“And if we were to remove him from the pod?” Luna asked as the pod began to give off a blue glow along with Luna’s horn.

“Then the healing process would most likely be interrupted.” Chrysalis explained before leading Luna back to the room’s door. “Now then if you’ll follow me I’m sure that you’d love a tour of the hive.”

“Alright Chrysalis.” Luna said a downtrodden look on her face. But before the group could leave a groaning sound could be heard emanating from the pod.

“Hmm. Seems that Ryan wishes to wake up.” Chrysalis said before sending a wave of magic at the bottom of the pod causing Ryan’s body to fall out along with what seemed to be a waterfall of green goo.

“RYAN!” Luna exclaimed before rushing over to Ryan as he began to vomit up green goo.

“Hold on there Luna.” Chrysalis said before Luna could reach Ryan. “We don’t know if that is Ryan or Orion.”

“Then I’ll find out.” Luna said her and Chrysalis slowly approaching Ryan as he finished up vomiting the green goo. “Ryan?” Luna asked prompting Ryan to raise a thumbs up.

“Yeah it’s me.” Came Ryan’s voice ragged from all the goo he had thrown up.

“Thank goodness.” Luna said before looking to Chrysalis. “We were so worried.”

Before Chrysalis could back that statement up the duo found themselves pulled into a hug by Ryan. Each of his arms wrapped around their necks. “Ryan you mind letting go you’re starting to dig into the gaps in my chitin.” Chrysalis said as she could feel small stabs of pain in her back where Ryan’s new appendage was.

“Oh sorry.” Ryan said letting go of the duo. “Didn’t realize.”

“My Queen you’re bleeding.” Stealth said from behind Chrysalis getting her to roll her eyes.

“I’m fine Stealth.” Chrysalis said before turning to see Ryan looking down at his right arm seeing his new appendage for the first time the layer of goo that kept it hidden melted on the floor.

“What the heck?” Ryan said examining his claw.

“That my dear is your new arm. Tirek blasted your old one off, so I made you a new one.” Chrysalis explained getting a slow nod from Ryan.

“So that’s why you had him in the pod.” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“That and another reason.” Chrysalis said prompting a look of confusion from Luna.

“Whoa Ryan that’s a pretty cool claw ya got there.” Pinkie said appearing in front of Ryan.

“AHH!” Ryan screamed out covering his eyes when he looked up at Pinkie.

“RYAN!” Luna exclaimed before teleporting Pinkie back to the rest of the group as she pulled Ryan into a hug.

“Darn I was hoping to introduce him to the small tweaks I made to him later.” Chrysalis getting a glare from Luna.

“What tweaks Chrysalis?!” Luna asked a small amount of fury lacing her tone.

“I’ll tell you after I help Ryan.” Chrysalis said as she approached Ryan as Luna reluctantly let him go from her hug. “Ryan what happened?”

“Well when I looked at Pinkie a yellow light filled my vision. Sort of hurt when I looked at it.” Ryan explained getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Well then it seems our plan was a success Stealth.” Chrysalis said getting a happy nod from Stealth.

“And what plan would that be exactly Chrysalis?” The irritated voice of Shining said getting Chrysalis’ gaze focused on him.

“Well it wasn’t really a plan more like a test I needed to do that I didn’t want to do in the first place.” Chrysalis said before turning back to Ryan. “I do hope you can forgive me for what I’ve done.”

“How about you tell me what you’ve done first.” Ryan said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Change that too you telling all of us Chrysalis.” Luna said getting another nod from Chrysalis.

“Well then you may want to be taking notes for this next part Twilight, Stealth has told me how much you wish to know about us.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Twilight as she began to prep herself to memorize every word that came out of Chrysalis’ mouth. “And before I tell you what I’ve done to you Ryan I need to explain something that Changeling Queens can do.”

“My Queen you can’t be serious.” Stealth said knowing what Chrysalis was about to say next.

“I doubt it matters keeping this a secret anymore Stealth, they’d find out eventually.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Stealth. “As I was saying. An ability that Changeling Queens can perform is injecting a sort of poison into a pony that can turn them into a Changeling.” Once Chrysalis uttered those words the room turned silent as the ponies looked at Chrysalis with a look of what could be described as disbelief. All the ponies and Spike in the room had that look on their face except for Luna.

“And I suppose you have done that to Ryan?” Luna asked getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Yes I did. When I attached his prosthetic his body rejected it. And the only way I could have his body accept the prosthetic was if I injected this poison into him.” Chrysalis explained.

“So I’m going to change into a Changeling?” Ryan asked worry lacing his voice.

“No. But your biology has been changed in a way that allows you not only access to having a new arm but also certain abilities that Changelings have access to.”

“So that bright yellow light he talked about before. That would be…” Luna began, wishing for Chrysalis to fill in the blank she had left.

“That would be the color of happiness.” Chrysalis said.

“So I can see emotions now.” Ryan said getting a nod from Chrysalis. “Does that mean I can eat them?”

“At this stage I don’t know.” Chrysalis said with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Guess I got a lot to learn.” Ryan said as he stroked his chin in thought accidentally poking himself with his new claw.

“Well I’ll be happy to teach.” Chrysalis said before taking on a saddened expression. “You do forgive me for what I’ve done?”

“Yeah I forgive you. How couldn’t I my dear Lovebug?” Ryan said.

“AH HA!” Cadance exclaimed once Ryan realized what he had just said. “I knew you two had decided to get a bit too close to Chrysalis.” She said pointing to Ryan and Luna.

“So we have.” Luna said shooting Ryan a glare at the slip of his tongue. “Tell me Cadance, do you have a problem with the relationship Ryan and I share with Chrysalis?” Luna asked with in a grim tone.

“No not really.” Cadance responded.

“Good to hear.” Luna said before turning to Chrysalis. “Now then let’s go get Ryan something to eat.” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis and Ryan to give out a cry of joy before the trio left the room leaving the group of ponies to ponder and put together the pieces of what had just happened before following after the trio.

Author's Note:

Sorry if some parts of this story feel rushed as I had a schedule to keep.

Thanks for all those who have supported me during my time here.


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