• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,031 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Spending the day with the Princess of Love.

That night I awoke to find myself standing on top of the hill that I usually dreamt up whenever Luna came to visit. Instead of the princess of the night sitting next to me on the picnic blanket Orion was in her place.

“Oh it’s you.” I said glaring at Orion.

“Oh well sorry I ain’t the pretty pony princess you were expecting. Besides I’m only here to ask you some questions.”

“Hmm well I’ll try to answer them but if I don’t want to I won’t.”

“Yeah, yeah. Well anyway my first question is this: What the heck are you planning to do with that changeling the ponies captured, because you were very happy when Redheart told you that they had captured a changeling.”

“Sorry can’t tell you that Orion.” That managed to get the annoying voice in my head to have steam come out of his ears.

“Fine then.” He spat at me before taking a breath to calm himself. “My next question: did you think that Chrysalis looked sexy?”

That managed to stop my brain entirely as I tried to think of an answer. “First of all Orion is that a serious question? Second of all no I don’t think she looked sexy.”

“Okay then, well yes it was a serious question, and secondly that’s good you don’t like her more changeling queen for me.” He said with a smug grin.

After a few seconds of trying to figure out what was running through his mind, I felt a weird feeling run through my gut. “Hey Orion do you feel that?”

“What that rumbling feeling, in your gut.”

“Yeah that’s what it feels like. Wait how do you know it was that, also what does it mean?”

“Okay, well I’ll answer both your questions then with one answer.” He said whilst standing up off the blanket, I decided to follow in his footsteps and stood up off the blanket. “As I was saying the reason how I know what that feeling is, is because that’s the feeling I get whenever you wake up.”

“So this feeling in my gut is the feeling of me waking up?”

“Bingo. But I’ve also noticed that you only get this feeling when you’re being forced awake, instead of waking up naturally.”

With that said I felt myself waking up.

When I woke up I found myself looking at a pink pony who was lying in bed with me. “Good to see your awake Ryan.”

In an instant I immediately thanked myself mentally for forgetting to take my gloves off last night. I then proceeded to do what any normal person who wore magical gloves, who found a pony lying in bed would do. “AHHHHH!” I screamed levitating the pony, out of my bed and floated them a few meters away from my bed, keeping the pony levitating a few feet off the ground.

It was then I saw who exactly the pony that I saw lying in my bed was. Cadance. My mind then decided to shut down for the rest of the day. As my mind slowly rebooted itself, Cadance started to spin around in the air giving herself momentum to do so with her own magic.

Once my brain rebooted I then got out of bed and walked over to the spinning pony princess. “Okay first of all I want you to prove to me that you’re the Cadance.” I said giving her a wary glance.

“Okay well before I do that can I say that this whole levitating thing is really fun.” As she said that she let out a few giggles. After composing herself she then donned a serious expression. “As for how I can prove to you that I’m the real Cadance, that’s really tricky for me to do that as I don’t know anything about you that a changeling wouldn’t.” She then placed a hoof on her chin in contemplation before a look of realization plastered itself on her face. “Okay then after Chrysalis and her hive went flying out of Canterlot, and the captured changeling passed out from injuries Shining Armor hit you with a stun spell.”

I then thought long and hard on what she said, her logic made sense as the changeling hive was gone so none of them could see that happen, but the detail that convinced me was how the captured changeling couldn’t have seen Shining knock me out as the changeling had fainted.

I then turned my gaze to look back up at the floating princess. “Okay you’re the real deal. Now do you want me to put you down or not?” I asked a bit uncertain about the last part.

“No thank you this is actually quite fun really, just spinning around in a circle slowly it’s really fun and relaxing.”

“Okay then but if you feel sick or you want to get your hooves back on the ground just let me know.” She then gave me a quick nod. “Alright now back to business, why were you lying with me in bed?”

“Because I wanted to talk to you today, and its already lunchtime and I couldn’t wait any longer, so auntie Luna told me that lying in bed with you and poking you a bit would wake you up faster.” She admitted rubbing the tips of her hooves together.

“Dammit Luna.” I muttered under my breath before realizing an important detail that Cadance had said. “Wait a second it’s lunchtime. What happened to Twilight and the others?” I asked remembering that I told them during the party that I was going to go back to Ponyville with them.

“Oh Twily and her friends left for Ponyville after breakfast. Auntie Celestia told them that you would be staying here for the next few days. Practicing magic under her vision and guiding hoof, but also I wanted to ask a few questions about yourself and tell you a few things, about ponies.” That managed to calm me down a bit knowing that the mane six didn’t think that I forgot to go back to Ponyville with them.

“Thanks for telling me that Cadance, you have no idea how much that made me worry.”

“No problem Ryan. I’m guessing you want to go get some lunch? I know a pretty good restaurant in Canterlot.”

“That sounds like a good plan Cadance.” I said hoping that the restaurant wasn’t in the upper district of Canterlot.

“Well then as tempting as it is to let you float me all the way to the restaurant I would like to get a bit of exercise.” She admitted.

After lowering her to the ground. She lit up her horn and cast a spell on me. “Um Cadance what did you cast on me?”

“Oh just a cleaning and washing spell.” After she said this I decide to take off my tuxedo’s jacket and my tie when I took off my tie I threw my removed accessories on the bed.

“Well Cadance, let’s get going. Although I don’t know why you’d think about doing exercise, you don’t look like you need to do any.” That managed to give a slight blush to cross her pink cheeks.

“Why thank you for the compliment Ryan. Although for future reference try not to go flirting with a married mare especially when her husband is the captain of Celestia’s royal guard.” She said a small giggle escaping her lips.

“Duly noted. By the way where is Shining?” I asked her as we left the room.

“Oh, captain Moonlight wanted to see him.”


“Keep going Captain Armor, you only have 50 more laps of Canterlot castle to go!” Moonlight yelled out to the sweating captain, as she took a sip of lemonade. She then turned her gaze to her guest. “Seems Mother Sol decided to treat us to a really hot day today isn’t that right Lady Noctis.”

Luna gave a smirk from behind her glass of lemonade a s she watched Shining Armor disappear behind the walls of the Lunar Guard’s barracks. “Indeed it is Captain Moonlight, indeed it is.”

As we approached the castle gates a couple of guards intercepted us. “Sorry princess but you’re not aloud to leave the castle.” One of the guards said holding out a hoof to stop her.

“And why is that good sir?” Cadance said adopting her serious tone once more.

“Sorry about him princess he’s new here, y’know the rookies taking their orders too serious. He could have said that better.” He said letting out a small chuckle.

“Oh alright then. So please tell me how you would word it.” Cadance said to the guard.

“Well princess, after the changeling invasion Captain Armor and Captain Moonlight said that the princesses are to always have a guard with them at all times, also they aren’t aloud to leave the castle without at least one guard with them.” The guard explained.

“Hmm well that makes sense thank you for that. Guard if I may bother you once more.” Cadance asked the guard.

“I highly doubt you could bother me Princess Cadance.”

“Well am I aloud to pick a guard to come with me?”

“Yes princess.”

“Hmm.” She then turned to me. “Ryan do you have any recommendations?”

“How about Fire Wand?” I asked the guard.

“Of course Princess.” With that said he turned to his rookie friend. “Hey Rook can you go get Sergeant Fire Wand.” With that said the rookie left.

After a few minutes the rookie returned with Fire Wand.

“Ah hello Princess Cadance, you wished to see me.” Fire Wand said giving Cadance a bow.

“Good afternoon Sergeant, the reason why I requested to see you is because of the captain’s newest orders. I need you to accompany Ryan and I as we go on a trip into Canterlot.”

“It would be my pleasure Princess Cadance.” Fire wand said as we left through the castle gates.

As we left I could have sworn I saw a sweaty panting Shining Armor running around the inside of the castle walls.

“Fire Wand I want to tell you something.” Cadance said to Fire Wand as we walked through the streets of Canterlot, catching the eyes of the nobles that were on the streets at the time.

“What is it princess?” Fire said looking from pony to pony with a cautious gaze.

“Well from now on I wish for you to call me Cadance if you can help it. Also you are to treat me like a regular pony and not like your princess. Is that understood?”

“Of course princ—I mean Cadance.” He replied giving her a sheepish smile.

“Don’t worry Fire, you’ll get used to it, Shining didn’t get used to calling me Cadance and treating me like a regular mare for about a week.” She said with a slight giggle.

It was then that I noticed we had passed into the middle class district. I couldn’t help but let out a gasp of relief that I didn’t know I had been holding in.

Cadance had picked up on it. “Are you alright Ryan?”

“Oh. Heh yeah I’m fine Cadance just glad to get out of the upper class district of Canterlot that’s all, just hate the feeling of those nobles glaring at me like I’m some sort of wild animal.” I managed to see a flash of sadness cross Cadance’s muzzle. “Hey Cadance, don’t worry about it. I got used to it.” I said in a calm tone. That managed to calm her down.

It was after that little revelation, I realized that Cadance had led us to a restaurant called ‘The griffon’s feast’. “Okay you two we’re here.” Cadance said turning around to make sure we were still with her.

“The griffon’s feast? What sort of food do they serve?” I asked Cadance.

“Well they serve a wide vary of foods. They have a large range of chefs from different cultures, they serve meals for almost all races of Equestria.”

“Sounds fun. What do you think Fire?”

“Always wanted to check this place out, few of the guards have been they said it was pretty good. Always thought to test it out before bringing the wife here.” The mention of Fire being married caught me by surprise, whilst this admission made Cadance sport a large grin.

“So who would the lucky mare be Fire? Some-pony I’d know?” Cadance asked as we walked into the restaurant. Before Fire could answer a griffon waiter appeared.

“Ah good afternoon Princess Cadance, it has been a while since we’ve seen you here.” The griffon said whilst giving Cadance a small bow, when he rose up from his bow he gave one of her fore-hooves a small kiss. “A shame that some-pony managed to catch your eye before I could, but I can say for certain that I feel very jealous of the lucky Shining Armor. Who are your friends Princess Cadance?” He said pointing a claw at Fire and I.

“Oh Griff you tease.” Cadance said waving a hoof at the griffon. “And my friends are the only human in Equestria Ryan.” She said gesturing to me with a hoof, I then held out my hand to the griffon.

He then took my hand in his claw in an instant. “Pleasure to meet you Ryan, my name is Griff.”

“Pleasure to meet you too Griff.” I said as he released my hand.

“Anyway as I was saying.” Cadance said re-capturing the attention of Griff. “My other friend here is my guard escort, Fire Wand.” She said. Fire then followed my lead and held out a fore-hoof that Griff took into his claw.

“Pleasure to meet you Fire Wand. Be warned Fire, Cadance is a mare that is hard to keep a track of.” Griff said a smug grin on his face.

“Oh be quiet you.” Cadance said giving the griffon a playful punch on his shoulder.

“So table for three I’m guessing?” Cadance gave him a nod at the offer of a table to sit at. “Well then follow me if you will.” With that said the griffon led us to a booth with a window view of the middle district of Canterlot.

“Thank you Griff.” Cadance said to the griffon said as he presented us three menus. “I think we should start with a round of water please Griff.” She then looked to her left at me, I gave her a nod, she then shifted her gaze to Fire who decided to sit across from us Fire then gave her a nod as well. “Yes water should be fine for now.” With that said Griff then left us to over look our menus.

“By the way I forgot to say congratulations for your successful marriage Cadance.”

“Why thank you Ryan, also thank you for letting me have the window seat.” Cadance said as Griff returned with our glasses and a jug of water.

“Now have you decided your orders?”

“I think I’ll go for a daisy sandwich please Griff.” Cadance said, handing her menu to Griff

“I’ll go for a caesar salad.” Fire said handing Griff his menu.

“I’ll go for fettuccini please.” I asked, handing my menu back over to the griffon.

“Well your lunches will be out in 10 minutes.” With that said Griff walked off towards the kitchen.

“Now where were we.” Cadance said placing a hoof to her chin in thought. “Ah yes Fire you were about to say who you were married to.”

“Well my wife is one of the maids working in the castle. You may know her as Quick Clean.” He explained.

“Ah yes I know her. Auntie Celestia speaks quite highly of her.” Cadance admitted.

“Really?” Fire asked shocked by this little revelation.

“Yes she does think highly of your wife, well she actually thinks highly of all the castle staff.” With that said Griff returned with our food. “Thank you Griff.” Cadance said as the griffon placed her sandwich in front of her.

“Your welcome Princess Cadance. It’s always a pleasure to sate the desires of any mare that comes into my establishment, whether they wish food and drinks or something else.” He said leaving the last part of his statement open to our imagination. Once he delivered that statement he went off back to the kitchen.

“I’m guessing he likes to woo mare’s Cadance?” I asked the princess, noticing she was still lightly flustered from Griff’s comment.

“From what I’ve heard yes. Now how about we dig into our meals, I do wish to get back to the castle before night time as I need to talk to you about something Ryan.” With that said we dug into our meals.

After we had completed our meals and payed for them we left for the castle. Once we had returned to the castle we noticed the guards giving Cadance some odd looks, looks that she didn’t fail to pick up on.

“Something the matter guards?” She asked keeping her tone chirpy and happy.

“Well Princess Cadance we just saw a very exhausted Captain Armor run off towards the Lunar Guard’s barracks, and were wondering if you knew what he was doing.”

That Cadance by surprise. “Well that is quite strange, he has been known to be active but why would he be running off to the Lunar barracks.” Cadance said while placing a fore-hoof on her chin. She turned to look at Fire. “Fire I believe I don’t require an escort anymore. Come now Ryan let’s go see what is happening to Shiny.” With that said Fire gave us a farewell before trotting off.

When we arrived at the barracks we found Shining on the ground panting like he had just run from Canterlot to Ponyville 10 times in a row. It was then we noticed that Luna and Moonlight had walked over to Shining from under the shade of a nearby tree.

“Auntie Luna, what exactly have you done to my Shiny?” Cadance said as she walked up to the still panting Shining Armor. “He hasn’t been panting this much since our wedding night.” She said with a slight giggle at what she said.

“Well Cadance, Captain Moonlight suggested that we make sure that Captain Armor, is still fit enough to perform his duties as a guard.” Luna explained, whilst she was explaining her horn glowed and jug of water appeared in front of Shining, which he quickly took in his hoof and chugged it down in one gulp.

“It was then that Lady Noctis suggested we put Captain Armor through what I usually do whenever I have spare time to train.” Moonlight chimed in. Making Shining look up at her, as he inhaled a large breath of air trying to summon the power to talk.

“There is no way one pony can do all that in their spare training time.” Shining said in between gasps.

Moonlight then gave Shining an amused look. “Well two things to take into consideration Captain. The first being that I have been around longer than you have, I have more endurance than you do. The second thing is that you have a lot more exercises to do before you even come close to doing what I do in my spare training time.” With that said she then switched her gaze to Cadance. “If I may Princess Cadance, can I please borrow Captain Armor from you for the rest of the afternoon, and maybe a bit of the evening?”

“Well you can borrow him for the rest of the afternoon, but I think Auntie Celestia would like him to join us for dinner.” She then placed a hoof to her chin. “If I may also make a request of you Captain.”

“Of course Princess Cadance, what is it you require of me?”

“Well if you join us for dinner I’ll let you borrow Shiny for tomorrow as well.”

“Well with an offer like that how can I refuse.” Moonlight said perking up at the idea of giving Shining more training exercises.

“Well then it’s a deal” Cadance said. I then looked down to see what Shining’s reaction would be. When I looked down at him I saw he wore a horrified look on his face as he looked up at his wife.

“Why Cadance?” He pleaded with her.

Cadance then leaned down and gave Shining a kiss. “Don’t worry Shiny, I’ll repay you when the training is done.” She said in a sultry voice that would make any nearby stallions very jealous of Shining.

“Sure thing Cady.” Shining said in a mesmerized voice.

“Okay then Ryan let’s go I still need to talk to you about a few things.” With that said her horn started to glow and the next thing I knew my vision was filled with the light blue coloration of her magical aura.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in a bedroom. I looked around to see where Cadance was and found her lying on a bed.

“Ryan please have a seat.” She said gesturing to a seat behind me. After I took my seat she hopped off the bed and walked over to me. “Now Ryan I need to tell you about the birds and the breezies.”

“The what?” I asked her wondering what she wanted to talk to me about.

“Y’know.” She said, whilst tapping the tips of her hooves together.

The way she said it awkwardly made my mind jump to what she could be meaning, I then decided to ask her a question before I let my mind think she wanted to talk to me about the birds and the bees. “Cadance what are you the princess of exactly?”

“Oh well I’m the Princess of Love.” She said.

“So you want to tell me how to…” I said letting my sentence end there. Letting her give me a nod to know that I had guessed correctly. “Um no thank you Cadance.” I then tried to stand up but found myself stopped by Cadance pushing down on my shoulders with her fore-hooves.

“Sorry Ryan, I can’t let you go. Auntie Celestia said that I needed to tell you this if you were going to be staying in Equestria, as you may start a relationship with some-pony and we don’t want things to be explained to you then and there.”

“Okay then that makes sense I guess. But before you go telling me this, I don’t want you making things to awkward or going into too much detail. As I already know how some specific things work.”

“Okay then Ryan, but you’ll have to tell me what you do and don’t know exactly.”

“Cool. Well before we start I have a question. When we were coming back to the castle with Fire, I saw that a stallion was having a picnic with two mares, is that common or…”

“Ah I see you saw your first herd.” She said. Then she saw the look of confusion on my face. “Okay well first of all I don’t know whether it’s the same where you come from but on Equestria there are more mares than stallions, the ratio is about three mares to one stallion.” That managed to get my jaw to drop to the ground. “As I was saying herd’s are group of multiple mares for one stallion or multiple stallions for one mare, or an even number of mares and stallions.” She explained.

“So if you wanted too Cadance you could ask another mare or stallion to join you and Shining’s relationship?” I asked.

“Why yes we could.”

“Okay then well thanks for summing that up for me.” I said now understanding what a herd was.

“Okay then, well let’s get started on our lesson.” It was then she summoned a few pony anatomy books with bookmarks in them, she also summoned a chalkboard. It was then I realized that my afternoon was going to be full of studying. Much to the amusement of Orion who wouldn’t stop laughing.

After a few hours I stumbled out of Cadance’s room, my mind was completely devoid of thought. I decided to go see the pony responsible for Cadance’s lesson. Celestia. With an objective set my mind restarted itself, I then began thinking about where Celestia could be at this time. Seeing as how it was still day time I figured she would be in the throne room attending Day-Court. With a location in mind I began heading for the throne room.

After a few minutes of walking I found myself outside of the throne room.

“Good afternoon Ryan.” I turned to see Raven walking down the hall towards me.

“Oh hey Raven. Do you know whether Celestia’s in there or not?” I said gesturing to the throne room doors.

“Yes she’s in there. I’m just coming back from my lunch break.” With that said her horn glowed and the throne room doors opened up as we walked in.

“Hello Ryan. Raven how was your lunch?” Celestia asked Raven as she walked over to her position next to Celestia’s throne.

“It was fine your majesty.”

“Good to here.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to me. “How has your afternoon been Ryan?”

“Well Celestia, my afternoon has been great. I had a wonderful lunch with your niece, then we found Luna and Moonlight showing Shining Armor how the lunar captain trains. Then for some odd reason your niece decided to give me a lesson on, hmm what did she call it again? Ah yes the birds and the breezies. Any reason why she would have decided to give me that lesson.” I said to Celestia, slightly angry at having that lesson with Cadance.

“Ryan please understand that Cadance’s lesson was meant to help you.” Celestia said, truthfully as far I could tell. “You’re not mad are you?” Celestia asked worried about whether I would be upset with her or not.

“No I’m not Celestia. Just a bit miffed that you didn’t ask me about it.”

“That’s good to hear.” Celestia said a look of relief crossing her muzzle.

“Also that isn’t the only reason I’m here, I thought I got some time to kill so I thought about seeing how day-court works.”

“Alright then.” Celestia then shifted her gaze to an earth pony guard that was standing next to the doors. “Corporal Sucker Punch can you please send in the next noble.” Sucker Punch then went through one of the doors that had opened slightly to let him through, as he went to get the next noble I took a seat to the right of Celestia’s throne.

After a few seconds Sucker Punch returned with Fancy Pants in tow. Fancy Pants then approached the throne and gave a bow. “Good afternoon Princess Celestia, how has your day been so far.” He said as he rose from his bow.

“I’ve been doing fine Fancy, very fine. Tell me how has Fleur been these days.” Celestia asked Fancy.

“She’s been doing well. Her modeling career is going quite well.” Fancy then caught sight of me sitting next to Celestia. “Hello Ryan. Good to see you once more.”

“Good to see you as well Fancy. So who would Fleur be if I may ask?”

“Ah Fleur, is my wife. She makes me feel like a very lucky stallion.” Fancy then shifted his gaze back to Celestia. “Now back to business before I forget.” With that said he levitated out some papers from his saddlebags.

Celestia saw these papers and levitated them over to herself. “So already organizing next year’s gala Fancy?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow at Fancy.

“Well you know me Princess, I like to be prepared.” At this Celestia then levitated the papers to Raven.

“I see your missing the guest list.” Celestia said pointing out the lack of said list from the stack of papers.

“Ah well I’ll have them written up about a week or month prior to the gala.” He explained.

“Well I’ll look these over. Anything else you need to address?”

“No nothing else Princess. If you don’t need anything else from me I will be off.” Celestia then gave him a shake of her head. “Well then I’ll be off. Princess Celestia, Raven, Ryan.” He said giving us a bow of his head as he left the room.

“I thought you said that day-court was stressful.” I asked Celestia. “Or were you just over-exaggerating.”

“Believe me when I say that it gets a lot more stressful.” With that said she then asked Sucker Punch to bring in the next noble.

An hour later I found myself on the verge of pulling my hair out from stress, all the while Celestia sat across from me in the dining hall sipping her Jasmine Tea. “How have you not ripped out your mane yet?!” I asked as I was barely containing my rage.

“I don’t know. But if I had to draw it to anything, I’d draw it to years of experience. Now try drinking your tea it helps.” She said gesturing to my Green Tea.

I then decided to sip my tea before my mind realized something. “Wait Celestia, have you ever done anything to release stress?”

“No I haven’t, why would I need to?” She asked a look of confusion on her face.

“Because if you don’t release your stress then it’ll boil up inside you, and then one little thing will set of the power keg of all your pent up stress.” I said hoping ponies knew what a powder keg was.

“Hmm I see what you mean. Then what would you recommend I do?” She asked giving me a questioning gaze.

This managed to get me to pause for a second as I tapped one of my fingers on my chin. I then felt a light bulb appear over my head. “I have an idea. I need you to yell at me.” That managed to get a look of shock horror to appear on her face, just as I realized what I had said.

“Ryan I could never yell at you.” She said a hint of sadness and worry laced her voice as she said that.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that.” I said waving my hands at her, luckily that managed to calm her down. “What I meant to say is tell me what is bothering you. Maybe that will calm you down. Also if you do feel like raising your voice that’s fine I won’t be insulted or hurt.”

“Alright then Ryan, but I will try to refrain from raising my voice.” She then placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “First of all why can’t the nobles just realize that some laws were made for a reason.” She said. What caught me by surprise was that her tone went from calm and motherly to frustrated and on the verge of yelling. “Like for example, Lord Lighthorn came in saying that one of his farms was being attacked by Manticores from the Everfree, so he wanted to either send in a battalion of guards to destroy their nest, or he would request for fire mages to burn part of the Everfree to scare them off.” She explained.

“Wow… Well Celestia, this Lord Lighthorn sounds like he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.” I admitted, she gave me a nod in response. “Okay now how do you feel about telling someone about that?” I asked, whilst I wondered whether or not I should become a therapist in Equestria.

“I do feel a bit better. Thank you Ryan.”

“No problem Tia, I can call you Tia right?” I asked hoping she would approve of that little nickname.

“Usually Luna, would be the only one to call me that, but you can call me that if you want to.” She said as I managed to calm down.

At the mention of her sister, the princess of the night walked into the dining room. “Good evening sister how was day-court?”

“Good evening Lulu, day-court was fine thank you for asking.”

I couldn’t help myself as I tried to contain my laughter behind my hands, Luna noticed this and gave me a death stare. “What are thou laughing at Ryan?” She said in a stern voice.

“Sorry Luna, can’t help myself to not laugh at the cuteness of that nickname.” I admitted calming the princess of the night. “Anyway what are you doing here Luna?” I asked her, hoping to change the topic of the conversation.

“Well we are here to join you for dinner. Why else would we be here.” It was then that I realized that the sun had set.

I then turned to Celestia. “I guess time flies when you let out your frustrations.” That managed to get Celestia to let a smile adorn her muzzle.

“I guess that’s correct Ryan.” Celestia said. She then let out a giggle as she saw Luna giving us a look of confusion.

“Did we miss something sister?” Luna asked, confused as to what we had said.

Before Celestia could answer the rest of the dinner guests arrived. Cadance was the first to enter into the dining room, she was soon followed by a winded Shining Armor who let himself sway in the non existent wind. Moonlight then entered into the room, her lunar armor had been clearly polished before coming to dinner. Trixie then arrived lastly.

The gathered ponies then took their seats, Celestia decided to take her spot at the head of the table. Cadance decided to take Celestia’s spot across from me. Shining then sat to the right of his wife, he then let his head smash into the table as he finally succumbed to exhaustion. Luna then took her seat to my right. Trixie decided to sit to the right of Celestia, whilst Moonlight took her seat to my left.

Silver Platter then appeared next to Celestia in a flash of silver, that didn’t fail to startle Trixie and also managed to wake Shining. “Good evening, sirs and madams I will be servicing you tonight.” He said giving a slight bow, before he levitated two different menus to us, one labeled drinks the other labeled food. “I will give you a minute to decide on drinks.” He said giving us a small bow before he was gone in another flash of silver.

“Huh? Where am I?” Shining asked his voice laced with tiredness.

“Well Shiny, we’re in the dining room, having dinner with auntie Celestia, auntie Luna, Trixie, Captain Moonlight and Ryan.” She said listing us off one by one. Before she then realized something important. “Oh and also you have to decide on what to eat and drink.” She said gesturing to the menus that were sitting in front of him.

“Oh okay then.” He said barely keeping the exhaustion at bay.

Celestia then shifted her gaze to Moonlight. “Captain what did you do to leave Captain Armor this exhausted?”

Before Moonlight could respond Luna cut in. “Sister it is our fault that Captain Armor is in this state.”

“Okay then Luna, would you please elaborate what you did to Captain Armor.”

Before Luna could answer, Silver reappeared beside Celestia in a flash of silver. “Have you made your decisions on what to drink?” He asked us.

“I’ll take a water please.” I said to Silver as he pulled out notebook and quill.

“A water for me as well please.” Celestia said.

“A non-alcoholic cider for me please.” Moonlight said.

“Oh that sounds nice I’ll have one too.” Cadance said.

“Huh what.” Shining said as he came back from the land of the sleeping. “Oh I’ll go for a coffee please.” He said probably hoping it would keep him awake.

“I’ll go for a coffee as well Silver.” Trixie said.

“I’ll go for a moonflower tea please.” Luna said.

Our drinks then appeared in front of us in a flash of silver. “And for your main meals?” He asked after teleporting our drinks onto the table.

“Oh I have an idea how about we all get the same thing.” Cadance said excitement lacing her voice. This managed to get looks of interest to cross all of our faces except Cadance’s. “How does fettuccini sound?” She said looking between all of us excitedly.

“Sounds good. Silver we’ll all take an order of fettuccini.” Celestia said.

“Of course. Your meals will be ready in about ten minutes.” Silver said, he was then gone in a flash of silver.

Celestia then turned back to Luna. “Now please continue with what you were saying before.”

“Of course sister. As I was saying, I gave Captain Armor the idea of doing what Captain Moonlight, does during her spare training time to see if he was still exercised enough to perform his duties.”

Celestia then shifted her gaze to Shining. “Captain Armor is what my sister say true? As she has been known since coming back from her banishment, that she has performed pranks on a few of the castle staff.” She then saw the hurt look she was getting from Luna. “Not to say anything is wrong with some harmless pranks.” She said removing the hurt look from Luna’s face. “I just wish to know whether or not my sister has played a prank on you.”

“Well Princess Celestia, what your sister says is true. Her and Captain Moonlight suggested that I perform those duties to make sure that I was in fit and working condition.”

Celestia then nodded her head in understanding. It was then that Silver reappeared with our meals. “Dinner is served.” He said giving us a small bow before he left.

“Well then let’s hope Cadance’s idea was a good one. Let’s eat.” Celestia said as we dived into our meals.

“Well I must say that was a marvelous idea Cadance.” Celestia said as she finished her dinner.

“Thank you auntie.” She then looked over to her right to see Shining asleep against the table. “Well thank you for allowing Shiny and I to come to dinner, alas I must be off as I am feeling quite tired.” After she gave us a wave goodbye her and Shining were surrounded in a light blue aura as she teleported them both away.

“Well sister Trixie and I must be off, as her lesson starts in a few minutes.” Luna spoke up as she stood up from her seat.

“Hey Luna can I come too?” I asked her.

“Of course Ryan, but I must know why would you want to come?”

“Well I want to learn a few new spells, maybe a few illusion spells.” I admitted.

“Well then you best come with us then.” She said as her and Trixie walked over to the door.

After giving Celestia and Moonlight a wave goodbye I followed Luna and Trixie out into the hallway. All the while I was wondering where exactly Trixie’s lessons were held.

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