• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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The Ponyville chapter.

Chapter 17

When I opened my eyes I looked around to see that I was in my bed on the upper floor of the library. I also noticed that Spike and Twilight weren’t in their respective beds, I then looked up at a clock mounted on the wall to see that the time was 8:30. Once I saw this I was immediately reminded that I needed to get to Lyra’s house at 9.

After quickly getting changed, I rushed downstairs. Unfortunately for me I missed the last step and tripped landing on my face. “Ryan are you alright?” Twilight exclaimed as she trotted up to me.

“Yeah I’m fine. Hey what’s for breakfast?” I asked as I got up.

“Pancakes.” She said leading me to the dining table she had set up.

As I took my seat I saw that Stealth had joined us, he was wearing his unicorn disguise. I also noticed he was giving me a look of curiosity. “So what’s got you so happy?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked back taking a bite out of my pancakes.

“Well number one, your radiating joy and happiness. Before you ask I’m an emotivore so I can sense emotions. Second of all you’re wearing a giant grin.” He said pointing a hoof at my face.

“Well if you must know I had an awesome sleep last night.” I said after eating the last of my breakfast. “Well I got to get going.” I said turning to Twilight. “Try not to dissect Stealth to much.” I said jokingly as I headed out the front door.

On my way to Lyra’s house I had managed to run into Pinkie. Well more like she ran into me knocking me to the ground. “Oh sorry about that I wasn’t watching where I was… Oh hey Ryan. Need a hoof?” She asked holding a hoof out to me.

“Thanks Pinkie.” I said taking her hoof as she pulled me up, with a surprising amount of strength.

“So what are you doing Ryan?” Pinkie asked as she decided to join me on my journey to Lyra’s.

“Well I’m going to go visit Lyra.” I said as I could see Lyra standing in front of her house in the distance. “What are you doing Pinkie?”

“Oh yeah I gotta go check up on Stealth, see if he needs anymore emotional food.” She said before making a U-Turn towards the library. “Bye Ryan!” She said as she trotted off.

I gave her a wave as I joined Lyra in front of her house. “Wow right on time.” Lyra said once I was close enough. “Well c’mon then let’s get going.” She said trotting off the way I had come.

“So Lyra, what business do you have with Octavia if I may ask?” I asked her, as we passed the library.

“Well she wants to have a practice session for an upcoming event that she and I are playing music for.”

“Really. What instrument do you play then Lyra?”

“Well I play the lyre.” She said opening one of her saddlebags to reveal a pony sized lyre.

“Well that explains your cutie mark. How exactly do you play that?” I asked her wondering how a pony would play that using hooves.

“Well lyres were designed to be played by pegasi, but that didn’t stop me. After a few years of careful practice, I managed to figure out how to contort my hooves to play the lyre.” She said with a small grin on her muzzle.

I then looked up to see that we were walking towards a small house, it’s outside walls were split halved by two colors. Brown for the left side and purple for the right. “So this is the place?” I asked pointing to the house.

“Yeah. Octavia and Vinyl couldn’t decide on a house color so they decided to paint their own halves of the house.” She said as we reached the front door.

“So each of them owns a side of the house?” I asked as Lyra knocked on the door.

“Well they both own the house, they just live on different sides.”

The door then opened to reveal a gray earth pony mare with a black mane. “Oh good morning Lyra.” She said before noticing me. “Ah and you must be Ryan, Ponyville’s resident human.”

“Yep that’s me, and you would be?” I asked her.

“Oh yes introductions. My name is Octavia Melody, although you can just call me Octavia.” She said giving a small curtsey.

“Yo Tavi, who’s at the door?” A voice called from inside the house.

After a few seconds the owner of the voice came to the door. “Oh yeah you and Lyra have practice today. Sorry.” Vinyl said she then saw me. “Oh hey Ryan. Good to see you mate. Well now let’s not keep you and Lyra out here. C’mon in.” She said moving out of the way.

Once I entered the house I saw that it was split up into two sections. The left shared the same brown walls as the outside of the house. Whilst the right had the same purple walls. I also noticed that the left side had classical instruments set up, it also had a more classical theme to it. The right side was the exact opposite. In place of classical instruments was a mix board on one of the tables whilst a large DJ mix table was set up in the middle of the room whilst two large speakers were flanking it.

Opposite the front door was a stair case which led up to the upper floor of the house. “Pretty weird isn’t it.” Vinyl said, pulling my wandering eyes back to her. “The whole et up I mean.” She said waving a hoof around the house.

“I wouldn’t call it weird. I’d say it’s more unique.” I said as she took a seat in front of her mix board.

“Well thank you Ryan.” Octavia said from behind me. “Me and Vinyl just couldn’t settle on a color so we decided to get two.” She said, whilst standing onto her hind legs whilst she held her cello.

I then felt a poking in my side. When I looked down I saw Vinyl poking my side. “So anyway Ryan, I needed to ask you something.”

“Oh really. Okay then what’s your question.” I asked deciding to take a seat on a purple couch that was on Vinyl’s side of the house. I then remembered something. “Hey Lyra come here for a sec will you.” I said patting the spot next to me on the couch.

“What is it Ryan?” She asked hopping up on the couch. I decided to give her my answer by scratching her behind the ears. She then started to purr as she let herself melt in my hands.

“Whoa what did you do to her?” Vinyl asked.

“Just scratched her behind the ear. Anyway what was your question Vinyl?”

“Oh yeah my question. This might sound ridiculous, but do you have music where you come from?” Vinyl said a small look of embarrassment on her face.

“Yes we do.” I said.

“What sort of music?” Octavia asked, placing her cello against it’s stand.

“Well for one we have classical, dubstep, pop, rock, blues and probably any other sort of music you could think of.” I said.

“So out of those what would be your favorite?” Octavia asked.

“Stupid question, the answer’s gonna be dubstep.” Vinyl said.

“I highly doubt that for all you know his favorite is classical.” Octavia rebuked.

I decided to intervene before this got out of hand. “Mares please calm down.” I said to them managing to get them to calm down. “You’re both wrong. Pop is my favorite, but my second favorite would have to be a tie between dubstep and classical.” I said hoping that would further calm the mares down.

“Oh okay then.” Octavia said.

“Okay then.” Vinyl said before perking up. “Do you play an instrument, and if so what?”

“I do, and I play piano.” I said as I continued to pet Lyra. “Hey Vinyl, why do you always wear those glasses. Don’t get me wrong they look cool, but why do you wear them?”

“You really want to know?” I gave her a nod. She then looked down at Lyra to see that she had fallen asleep. “Okay then but you can’t freak out got it.” I then gave her another nod. Her horn then began to glow as she took off her glasses.

I was speechless with what I saw underneath those glasses. “Ryan are you okay?” Octavia said.

“Oh great I killed him.” Vinyl said putting the glasses back on.

Before she could fully put them on I stopped them with my hand. “I’m not dead just speechless. Geez Vinyl, your eyes…” I cut the sentence there as I thought on what to say next.

“Are weird.” Vinyl said as she slipped the glasses out of my grasp.

“No they’re actually pretty cool.” I said lowering my hand away from her face.

“You really think so?” I gave her a nod. “Okay then. Well I guess I got to tell you why I always wear these glasses. Well the reason is, my eyes tend to scare ponies away.” She then turned her head to Octavia. “Tavi here is the only pony I’ve ever shown my eyes to who hasn’t gone running for the hills.” She said causing the earth mare to blush slightly. The blush only intensified as Vinyl pulled her into a hug with one hoof.

“So another question are you two…” I said pointing between the two.

“Marefriends. Yes, we are.” Octavia said.

“Well good for you.” I said giving them a small congratulation.

“Thanks.” Vinyl said before releasing Octavia. “Hey shouldn’t we wake Lyra up, you two have to practice.”

“Oh yes thank you for reminding me Vinyl.”

“I’ll get her up.” I said before flicking her horn causing her to wake up almost immediately.

“Huh what’s happening?” She asked letting out a yawn afterwards.

“Well you and Octavia still have your practice lesson to do.” I said to her.

She then leapt off of me and made her way to Octavia’s side of the house. As Octavia followed Lyra, Vinyl decided to get close to my ear. “Hey don’t tell anyone about what’s under my glasses okay.” She whispered to me.

“Got it, Vinyl.”

“Hey wanna hear something I’ve been working on for a while now.” She said standing behind her mix table.

“Sure. But won’t we be disturbing them?” I said gesturing to Lyra and Octavia.

“Nah.” Vinyl’s horn then glowed again. “Soundproofing spells help a bunch. Let’s Tavi work on what she wants while I can blast my tunes without disturbing her.” She said as her horn lost its glow. She then fired up her mix table. “Now you ready?”

“Yep.” I said keeping my seat on her couch.

After she had cut the song I had sprung up from my seat and started applauding her. “Holy crap Vinyl, that was awesome!” I exclaimed walking over to the DJ.

“Really? I thought it could’ve used a tad bit more work. But if you like it that much, I guess I’ll keep it like that.” Her horn then began to glow. I then could hear Octavia’s cello begin to die down behind me.

I then noticed that it was lunchtime, when I looked at a nearby clock. “Sorry mares but I have to go.” I said turning to Octavia and Lyra.

“How come Ryan?” Lyra asked walking up to me.

“I have to go check up on Twilight and Stealth.” I said leaning down to give Lyra a small hug. “Don’t worry I’ll see you guys around some time.” I said as I walked towards the door. I then gave them a wave as I walked out into Ponyville.

After a few minutes I arrived back in the library. I noticed that no one was around so I went downstairs to the basement. “Hey Twilight how’s it going?” I asked as I saw Twilight continuing to ask Stealth questions.

“It’s going pretty well. I’m even considering taking the band off of him.” Twilight said.

“How come?” I asked approaching her cautiously.

“Well he’s been on his best behavior, and as far as I can tell he needs to be rewarded for telling me so much information about changelings.” She then pointed a hoof towards a large stack of papers. “That’s everything he’s told me so far.”

“Is that true Stealth?” I asked the changeling.

“Yes it is. But I’ve been getting a good enough reward by hanging out with Twilight.” He said.

“Oh really?” I asked with a small smirk spread across my face.

Once Twilight saw my smirk, a blush grew on her face. Stealth noticed Twilight’s embarrassment and decided to give me a glare. “That’s not what I meant Ryan. What I meant was that Twilight has been letting me read books from her library.” He then pulled a book off of his bed. “This series of books is quite intriguing.” He said whilst holding a Daring Do book.

“I know what you meant Stealth.” I said to him before turning to Twilight. “Sorry Twi, I couldn’t help myself.” I said to her causing her blush to die down.

“Well then you’re forgiven.” She said before turning back to Stealth. “Sorry about him he can be as bad as Dash sometimes.” She said rolling her eyes slightly. This managed to get the affect of getting Stealth to laugh a bit.

“Geez you guys are just perfect for each other y’know, both of you picking on me.” I said getting Twilight to let out an annoyed whinny.

“What so you can deal out jokes but can’t take them?” She said a bemused expression on her face. This caused Stealth to let out another small fit of laughter.

“Okay then well I’m going to go have a walk around Ponyville for a bit.” I said walking up the stairs leading out of the basement. “Bye.” I waved back to the duo as I left.

After walking around aimlessly for a few minutes I decided to give Ponyville’s resident mayor a visit. After managing to get the all clear by her receptionist I walked into the mayor’s office. “Hey Mary, how’s it going?” I asked the mare, as she looked up from her work.

“Ah hello Ryan. I’m going pretty well, how about you?” She asked placing her quill down.

“Good. I just came her wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch.” I said to her gesturing to the door.

“I could go for some lunch. Just let me finish signing this form and I’ll be ready to go.” She said. Picking up her quill once more she then signed the form and placed it in an out box that was on her desk.

She then joined me as we left the town hall. “So where are we going Mary?”

“I would’ve thought you’d know where we were going Ryan.” She said.

“Well I don’t know anywhere to go for lunch other than Sugarcube Corner.” I said to her.

“Well how about we go for a hayburger.” She said leading me towards what looked like a pony version of McDonalds.

“Wait you ponies have fast food joints?” I asked as we entered the establishment.

“Yes we do. They don’t always offer up the healthiest of meals, but it’s at least somewhere ponies can go to grab a bite to eat.” She said placing her order for a Hayburger.

“And for you sir?” The mare at the register asked.

“Oh I’ll take a regular salad.” With that said the mare took Mary’s bits and gave us our food.

“Not a fan of burgers?” Mary asked me once we found a spare table.

“Mary exactly what is on a hayburger?” I asked her.

“Hay, why?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well hay isn’t a part of a human’s diet. It actually tastes horrible to us.” I explained to her as I took a bite out of my salad.

“Oh I see.” She then placed a hoof to her chin in thought. “Hey Ryan, before when you asked that we ponies had fast food establishments you sounded surprised, any reason for that?” She asked.

“Well back on earth, where I come from. We humans also have fast food joints. Just a bit of a surprise how similar our species are.” I explained as I finished my salad. She gave a nod of understanding as she finished off her burger. “Hey Mary. I have to ask you something.”

At that she looked up at me from the remains of her burger. “What is it Ryan?”

“What’s it like being mayor of Ponyville?”

“Well it’s no easy job let me say that. Not only is Ponyville one of the most welcoming towns in Equestria but it’s also the most disaster ridden.” She explained.

“How is it the most disastrous?” I asked.

“Well as you know Ponyville is on the border of the Everfree forest, y’know the home of Manticores, Timberwolves and other beasts. So you can tell what the source of our disasters is.” She said a bemused expression on her face.

“Sounds like fun.” I said sarcastically.

“It is sometimes.” She said as she finished off her burger. “Hey Ryan, how about we get out of here. Go for a walk.” She said getting up from her seat.

“Sure thing.” I said following her out of the establishment. As we walked around Ponyville I got more of an opportunity to see the town for what it really was. The physical example of what happened when all three races of ponies worked together.

“See something you like?” Mary said pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah. This town it’s basically an example of what happens when all three races are friends. Isn’t it?” I asked her as we approached the town hall.

“It really is.” She said before looking towards the town hall. “Well this is my stop. Have a good day Ryan.”

“You too Mary.” I said to her as she went back to her work.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

“It’s so good to have you and Shining around again Cadance.” Celestia said to Cadance as they sat at a table in the gardens having tea.

“Well it’s always good to visit. Besides I wanted to get a few more tips for managing court and other things.” Cadance said enjoying her tea.

“Well that I can do. It’s actually a good thing you come here for that reason.” This managed to get Cadance to raise an eyebrow out of curiosity. Something Celestia didn’t fail to pick up on. “The reason is; I am thinking of getting Luna to assist me in day-court. Get her to help out ponies.” Celestia said as she noticed Luna walking towards them. “Speak of the pony. Hello Luna how was your night?”

“It was wonderful sister.” Luna said her voice filled with joy. “Cadance good to see you. Sister I may need you and Cadance’s help with something.”

“Oh and what would that be Auntie Luna?” Cadance asked the ecstatic alicorn.

“Well I have a date tomorrow night.” At this a wide grin adorned Cadance’s muzzle. Meanwhile a look of both happiness and confusion adorned Celestia’s face.

“And who would you have a date with sister?” Celestia asked.

“Well I have a date with Ryan. Isn’t that wonderful sister?” Luna asked, her grin never leaving her muzzle.

“Yes that is wonderful Luna. Hmm how about you go back to your room.” This caused Luna’s face of happiness to be replaced with a face of confusion. “Cadance and I will just finish our tea, and then we will join you to tell you how exactly a date would work.”

“Alright then sister. I shall wait for you two then.” She said her grin reappearing as she made for her room.

Celestia then turned to Cadance a serious expression on her muzzle. “Cadance it seems we will need to talk to Ryan.”

“It seems we shall. Should we send him a message Auntie?”

“I shall send him one tomorrow. Make sure you have Shining go to meet him at the train station.” Cadance then gave Celestia a nod as they finished their tea. “Cadance tomorrow when we speak to Ryan, I want you to be as serious as you can be is that understood?”

“Got it Auntie.” Cadance said as they made their way towards Luna’s room.

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