• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Entering Larson's territory

For the next few days Ryan stayed in the hive. During his spare time Ryan would spend it with Stealth as he learnt more about changeling culture and how the hive operated. And whenever he could, he would try to convince Chrysalis about going to Canterlot and talking to Celestia. But whenever he brought it up Chrysalis would immediately dismiss the idea and ignore him.

But it had come time for him and Stealth to leave. “So you ready to leave?” Ryan said as he and Stealth stood at the entrance to the cave that led down to the hive.

“I guess so.” Stealth said before reapplying his unicorn disguise. “So I guess you didn’t convince the Queen to come back to Canterlot.”

Before Ryan could give an answer the voice of Chrysalis came from the cave. “And where do you think you’re going?!”

Ryan and Stealth then turned to see Chrysalis standing at the mouth of the cave flanked by two large changelings. “We’re going back to Ponyville.” Ryan said as the queen walked towards them.


“Because if I don’t the princesses will send a search party for me.” Ryan explained.

“Alright then.” She said before shifting her gaze to Stealth. “So where do you think you’re going?”

“He’s coming with me.” Ryan said getting the queen to shift her gaze back to him. “And before you ask ponies will wonder where he is.” He explained not saying anymore to let Chrysalis imagine what would happen next.

“Fine then. Go see if I care.” She said turning back to the cave barely stopping herself from crying.

Before she could reenter the cave she could feel Ryan put a hand on her withers. “Look Chrissie, you could come to Canterlot with me and Stealth. Cause if your worried about Celestia throwing you in the dungeon I won’t let her okay?”

As Chrysalis turned around a storm of thoughts and emotions passed through her mind as she looked into Ryan’s eyes. “I’ll think about it okay.” She said turning back and walking into the cave. “I’ll let Stealth know of my decision. BUT DON’T GET YOUR HOPES UP!” And with that said she disappeared into the shadows of the cave.

“C’mon let’s get going Stealth.” Ryan said as he began to walk away from the cave.

A few hours passed as Stealth and Ryan rode the train from Appleloosa to Ponyville.

“So Stealth happy to be back here?” Ryan asked as the train they were on began to pull into the Ponyville station.

“Of course I am. I get to see Twi again.” Stealth said as the duo moved to the door of the train.

“So you don’t miss the other friends that you’ve made?”

“I’m not saying that it’s just I’ll be happy to see her again seeing as how she’s my marefriend. Oof.” Stealth grunted as he ran into somepony. “Sorry about that miss…” Stealth said before noticing who he had run into.

“Stealth!” The familiar voice of Twilight said before tackling Stealth into a kiss. “It’s so good to see you again.” She said pulling him up into a hug.

It was then that Stealth and Ryan noticed the wings on Twilight’s back. “Um Twi don’t get me wrong it’s great to be back but when did you get a set of wings?” Stealth asked as Twilight released him from the hug.

“Oh these old things.” She said extending one of her wings. “Well I got these a day after you two went on your little trip. Got them by using the friendship of magic or something like that Celestia didn’t really explain it that well.”

“Sounds legit. So why are you guys getting on the train anyway?” Ryan asked. Noticing the rest of the mane 6 on the train station’s platform with Spike.

“Well the Princesses invited us all to a summit in the Crystal Empire. If you want, you and Stealth can come with us.” Twilight said as the mane six and Spike took their seats.

“Well Stealth how does another vacation sound?” Ryan said taking a seat.

“Sounds like fun.” He said before taking a seat next to Twilight. As the train began to pull out of the station a thought crossed his mind. “Wait you said Crystal Empire right?”

“Yes I did.” Twilight said before realizing what Stealth implied. “Look Stealth, my brother won’t hurt you okay. Or else me and Cadance will make him regret even looking at you badly.” She said as Stealth pulled her into a hug.

“Sorry to interrupt you two love birds but exactly where did you and Ryan go Stealth?” Dash said to Stealth.

“You really want to know Dash?” Ryan asked Dash.

“Yeah. But I’m not the only one here that wants to know where you two went.” She said taking a seat next to Ryan.

“Okay then. Well we went to the changeling hive and tried to convince Queen Chrysalis to come to Canterlot and discuss peace with Celestia.” This got the assembled ponies and dragon’s jaws to hit the floor.

“Y’all went to the changeling hive?” AJ asked.

“Yes we did. It was nice to go back home.” Stealth said before he found his vision filled with the face that Twilight gave whenever she found a book she’d never read before.

“Tell. Me. Everything.” She said.

“As much as I’d love to Twi I can’t tell you anything about the hive.” As soon as Stealth said that Twilight’s head shifted so she was staring at Ryan.

“Don’t look at me I can’t tell you anything either.” Ryan said getting Twilight to put on a pouting expression. “So what exactly are you meant to be doing at this summit Twi?”

“Well it’s where the Princesses gather and discuss political happenings in Equestria and the Crystal Empire.” Twilight said a look of nervousness on her face. “I’m a tad bit nervous it’s the first summit I’ll have attended.”

“Hey don’t worry Twi you’ll do great. Besides you’ll have us to back you up.” Stealth said tightening his hug on her.

“Thanks Stealth.” Twilight said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

A few hours later.

As the group entered the Crystal Palace’s throne room, Ryan saw that the two royal sisters were sitting on what seemed like smaller version of the crystal throne that Cadance sat on in between them.

“Twilight I do hope that you and your friends had a pleasant journey here from Ponyville.” Celestia said as the group gathered in front of the three princesses.

“We sure did.” Twilight said before letting out a small yawn.

“Sister it is getting quite late maybe Cadance should show Twilight and her friends to their rooms whilst we have a word with Ryan.” Luna said as Cadance got off her throne.

“Sure thing. C’mon you guys I’ll take to your rooms.” Cadance said leading the assembled ponies, dragon and changeling out of the room. Before she left she whispered something to the guards stationed at the double doors, they then followed her out of the room.

As soon as the throne room was empty Ryan found himself pounced on by a familiar blue blur. Before he could even say a hello he was pulled into a deep kiss.

As Ryan pulled back for air he saw the eyes of Luna staring back at him. “Well hello to you too.” Ryan said as Luna pulled him into a hug.

“Thank goodness you’re alright Ryan.” Luna said as Ryan ran a hand through her star filled mane.

“Sister I’m sorry to interrupt this moment.” Celestia said joining the duo at the foot of the thrones. “But if I may ask how was your mission?”

“Well it was interesting to say the least.” Ryan said remembering his encounters with Chrysalis. “However I didn’t get a confirmed answer from her about talking peace. But I did manage to get her to consider it.”

“Good to hear that Ryan.” Celestia said before heading towards the throne room doors. “We shall discuss this further tomorrow with Stealth after the summit. Goodnight you two.” With that said Celestia left Luna and Ryan alone.

“So then I guess that I’m bunking with you Luna.” Ryan said before he found his vision filled with a blue light. When the light subsided Ryan found himself in one of the Crystal Palace’s guest rooms. As he looked around the room he saw Luna sitting on the bed.

“You could say that you’re bunking with me.” She said levitating Ryan next to her on the bed. “Now then let’s make up for lost time.” She said pulling Ryan into a kiss.

That night Ryan was awoken by what seemed like an explosion. “Huh what the?” He said as he woke up.

“Ryan what’s wrong?” Luna said as Ryan began to get dressed. Before he could give an answer another explosion was heard. “Never mind.”

“Look you stay here I’ll go check what’s happening.” Ryan said running out of the room.

‘C’mon where is it?’ Ryan thought as he ran through the halls of the Crystal Palace.

“If your looking for the mirror take a right.” Orion said. “Before you ask how I know this I had a look around whilst you and your buddies were walking through the palace. Also before you ask how I did that I found out that I can float around as a spirit using a few drops of magic.”

‘I swear if your lying Orion.’ Ryan thought back as he rounded a corner and came to a hall that led to a solitary door. ‘Never mind.’

“So this is the Magical Mirror?” Orion said as Ryan walked into the room.

Before Ryan could even think of a response he heard yelling from the hall to the mirror room before something crashed into his back. “Oof.” Ryan grunted as he was knocked to the ground. As he fell to the ground he saw what seemed like a crown bounce through the mirror.

“Ugh get off me!” The voice of whoever had collided into him said before he felt whoever it was hop off of him.

“Stop right there thief!” The voice of Twilight said as she and her friends entered the room as Ryan got back to his feet.

As Ryan levelled his vision with who had collided with him, a wall of realization hit him as to the order of events that were happening. His mind was pulled from the tidal wave of facts and memory as the voice of the pony standing in front of the mirror spoke up.

“You’re a human?!” The voice of the pony said to Ryan.

“And you’re a mare with bacon hair.” Ryan said a smile on his face.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” The bacon haired mare then levelled her vision with Twilight. “So sorry about your crown Princess. Oh wait a minute I’m not.” She said before cackling madly and diving through the mirror.

The next morning

“So let me get this right Celestia,” Ryan started as he paced in front of the magical mirror. “The pony who just stole Twilight’s crown/Element of Harmony was your ex-student Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yes, if you and Twilight’s description is correct.” Celestia said as the mane six, Stealth, Spike, Shining Armor and the other two princesses kept their gazes shifting between Celestia and Ryan.

“Okay then. And it is here in the Crystal Palace why?” Ryan asked as he continued his pacing.

“It was originally positioned in Canterlot I kept it there hoping that Sunset would return from the world on the other side of the mirror. But when the Crystal Empire reappeared I had it moved here for safe keeping.”

“Okay then.” Ryan said finally stopping his pacing. “So someone has to go through this mirror/portal into the other world and get the crown back?”

“Yes that is correct Ryan. But to complicate matters that someone must retrieve the crown within 3 days or the portal will close for another 30 moons.” Luna spoke up.

“How long’s 30 moons?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow to the Lunar Princess.

“30 months or to simplify things 2 and a half years.” Twilight explained.

“Sounds fun.” Ryan said in a sarcastic tone. “So who’s going?”

“I’ll go.” Twilight said. Getting everyone to look at her. “It only seems right that I get my Element back.”

“Are you sure about this Twilight?” Celestia said as she gave Twilight a look of worry and concern.

“Yes I’m sure Princess.”

“If your worried about Twilight don’t worry cause she ain’t going in there alone. Cause I’m going with her.” Ryan said getting a worried look from Luna.

“Ryan, it’s not that I doubt your abilities but if someone other than Twilight goes it may bring instability to that world.” Celestia explained as Ryan put an arm around Luna’s neck.

“Celestia I’m pretty sure I’m safe on that front. Heck I don’t even belong here so I wouldn’t be surprised if my appearance in the other world had no affect on anything.” Ryan said.

“I guess you do have a point there Ryan.” Celestia said before turning to the rest of Twilight’s friends. “Unfortunately none of you can go with Twilight and Ryan either. Is that understood?”

“Yes Princess.” The group said.

“Well looks like we best be going Twilight.” Ryan said before giving Luna a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.” He said before walking up to the mirror. “Okay well I’ll see you on the other side Twilight.” He said before walking through the portal.

“Oh god that was horrible.” Ryan said as he found himself lying on concrete.

“Yeah thank god we don’t suffer from seizures or else that damn tunnel of color would have killed us.” Orion said as Ryan got back up on his feet. “Oh you might want to get away from the statue unless you wanna be combined with Spike and Twi.”

“Good point.” Ryan said taking a few steps away from the statue of the Wondercolt. “So this is Canterlot High?” Ryan said taking in the sight of the high school. “Seems nice.”

Ryan then turned back to the Wondercolt statue to see two figures be spat out of the base of the statue. “Urgh where are we?” The familiar voice of Twilight said from the purple skinned girl that had fallen out of the statue base.

“Yo Twi you ok?” Ryan said as he joined her at the base of the statue.

“Yeah I’m fine just a bit dizzy.” She said before her breath caught in her throat as she looked down at her new body. “I’m a human?” She asked stretching and wiggling her new fingers.

“By the looks of it yes you are.” Ryan said before he noticed a dog walk into his field of vision.

“Hey guys why exactly am I a dog?” The voice of Spike said from the dog’s mouth.

“No clue Spikey boy.” Ryan said as he helped Twilight onto her feet. “Okay now Twi have you ever walked on your hind legs before?”

“Yeah a bit why?” She said as she wobbled slightly on her new appendages.

“Well walking on your legs is like that. Except you don’t have a tail to help steady yourself.” After a few seconds of letting Twi get used to her legs he spoke up once more. “Okay now Twi I’m gonna give you a chance to walk around so take things slow and steady okay?”

“Okay.” Twilight said before she began to walk around the area in front of the school. “Hey Ryan I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Twilight said a grin on her face. She then walked up to Ryan. “Hey Ryan you look different.”

“What do you mean Twi?” Ryan asked as she began to inspect his features.

“You look younger.” Twi said.

“Younger?” Ryan said before walking over to the glass doors of the high school taking in his appearance. “Holy crap! I’m eighteen again!” He exclaimed as he saw the face of his teenage self on the door.

“Hey Ryan are you okay?” Twilight said placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah I’m fine just gotta get used to being my old self again.” Ryan said turning back to Twilight. “Okay now let’s go get your crown.” Ryan said before opening the glass door and walking into the school followed by Twilight and Spike.

“So then what’s the plan guys?” Spike said looking around the empty halls.

“Okay then as much as I don’t want to Twi we’re gonna have to split up. You and Spike try and figure out where the crown is I’ll try to get some more info on this place.” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight and Spike. “Cool let’s get going then.”

And with that the four of them split up as a bell rang throughout the school. The halls were then filled with multicolored teenagers as they filed out from classrooms.

“Think we should have given her a warning about how she could get trampled by a class of teens?” Orion said to Ryan as he made his way through the sea of teenagers.

‘I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine.’ Ryan thought back. ‘Hey I’ve just thought of something.’

“And what would that be?”

‘Well I’m just wondering how Stealth’s doing?’ Ryan thought.

“Don’t worry about it he’ll be fine he’s a grown changeling he can take care of himself.”

Meanwhile in Equestria

“Thank you for taking time out of your day to have tea with me Princess Cadance.” Stealth said as he took a sip of his tea enjoying the company of the Princess.

“Please just call me Cadance. But I am glad to hear you are enjoying this.” She said taking a sip of her tea. “Tell me how has it been here? Has Shiny been nice to you?”

“If you call having a guard with me 24/7 nice then yes Shining’s been very nice.” Stealth said sarcasm coating his words. “But I must say your hospitality in other departments has been very appreciated.”

“Well it seems you don’t always have a guard with you especially now.” Cadance said as the door to the balcony opened to reveal a Crystal Guard. “Is there something you need guard?” Cadance asked the arrival.

“No ma’am just wondering if you or your friend had seen the unicorn Stealth?” The guard said.

It was then Cadance noticed that instead of having tea with Stealth she was apparently having tea with one of her maids. “No unfortunately we haven’t. And if you wouldn’t mind please notify the guards on the other side of the door that me and my friend wish not to be disturbed.”

“Of course Princess sorry for interrupting you.” The guards bowed before closing the door to the balcony behind him as he left.

As soon as the guard left Cadance found herself sitting across from Stealth’s unicorn form instead of the earth pony maid he had posed as. “So if I’m to guess correctly Stealth none of the guards know you’re here?”

“Maybe?” Stealth said trying and failing to sound innocent.

“Alright then as long as you’re not planning on getting up to any mischief.” Cadance said with a smile. “Actually what just happened provokes a question if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Sure go ahead.”

“Okay Twilight’s probably asked this but what’s the extent of your powers as a changeling?”

“Well we can perform the same sort of spells that unicorns can perform.” Stealth explained as Cadance gave him a few nods.

“What about your shape shifting is there a limit to what you can do?”

“There is.” Stealth said before finishing off his tea. “Unlike what some ponies think we can only shape shift into Ponies and Zebras.”

“So you can’t become say for example a dragon?”

“No we can’t. Now before you ask changelings can become anypony that you can think of, but we can also create our own disguises if we need to.”

“Okay. So can changelings also switch gender?”

This question caught Stealth by surprise as it hadn’t been a question Twilight had asked him. “We can. But we usually don’t unless we have to as having genitalia that we usually don’t have is both awkward and sometimes annoying.”

“Okay. Sorry if that was a bit of an awkward question.” Cadance said hoping she hadn’t offended Stealth.

“No problem at all.”

“Alright then. Onto my next question could you become an alicorn or is the queen the only one who can do that?”

Cadance’s answer came in the form of Stealth body being wrapped in purple flame as Celestia sat in his place. “Regular changelings can change into alicorns it’s not only the queen.” ‘Celestia’ said before she was covered in a purple flame and replaced by a changeling with purple eyes. “But it drains the crap out of us.” Stealth said weariness in his voice.

“What do you mean by drain you?”

“Before I answer that I gotta ask you a question.”

“Sure go right ahead.”

“Can I feed off of you for a second so that I don’t die?”

“Of course you can.” Cadance said worry filling her voice.

“Thanks for that.” Stealth said as he fed off a small amount of the love that was being generated by Cadance. “Now then as for how it drains us.” Stealth said getting back to Cadance’s question after reapplying his unicorn disguise. “When a changeling feeds on emotions we store those emotions within out body so that whenever we need the emotions it’s right there waiting for us. But whenever we use magic or disguise ourselves it drains us of our emotional reserve.” Stealth explained.

“That sounds very interesting.” Cadance said before noticing the sun begin to set. “Oh dear would you look at the time we best get back inside.” She said standing up.

“Yeah we best.” Stealth said following her off of the balcony. ‘Wonder how Twi, Spike and Ryan are doing?’ He thought to himself as he reentered the Crystal Palace.

Meanwhile Canterlot High

After a while of walking around the school Ryan, had managed to come up with nothing pertaining to the location of the crown. Fortunately for him he had run into the human counterparts of the mane six (excluding Twilight) and had become friends with them.

“So then where to next buddy?” Orion said after Ryan had finished talking to Pinkie about how Twilight was running for Princess of the Fall Formal.

‘We gotta find Twilight.’ Ryan thought before face palming himself for not realizing where she was sooner. “Hey Flash.” Ryan said stopping in front of the blue haired boy as he was getting something out from his locker.

“Oh hey Ryan.” Flash greeted him as he pulled out a maths textbook.

As much as Ryan hadn’t wanted to admit it he had become friends with Flash only for the chance to have a guy friend that wasn’t Spike or Stealth. “You wouldn’t mind pointing me in the direction of the library would you?”

“No problem Ryan.” Flash said pointing down the hall. “Just go straight down this hall then make a left and you’ll find the library. Now I gotta get going can’t be late for maths!” He said rushing off to another part of the school.

As Ryan made his way into the library he found himself standing himself behind what he guessed to be Snips and Snails as they recorded footage of Twilight carrying books around in her mouth and trying and failing to use a computer.

“Oh man Sunset’s gonna love this footage!” Snips said in his annoying voice that was usual for an annoying henchman.

“What footage is Sunset gonna like?” Ryan said placing a hand on both Snips and Snails’ shoulders.

“Ahhh!” They both screamed before bolting out of the library.

This had the affect of getting Twilight to look over to Ryan. An eyebrow raised wondering what caused the commotion. “Hey Twi.” Ryan said pulling a seat next to her. “How’s it going?”

“It’s going well, although I could use your help.” Twilight said her eyes shifting to the computer she had in front of her. “I need you to teach me how to use this.”

“Sure thing Twi.” Ryan said with a chuckle. “Although you may want to start using your hands when carrying books.”

“I’m guessing you saw me carrying books around in my mouth?” Twilight said a blush on her face.

“Yeah. So anyway let’s get started on how to use a computer.” Ryan said before giving Twilight a run down on how to operate a computer.

“And that’s the basics of how to operate a computer.” Ryan said before noticing the time thanks to a clock on a nearby wall. “Holy crap! It’s already 7pm. How has time passed by so quickly?”

“It may have had something to do with all the research we did.” Twilight said as she got up from her spot at the desk. “Um Ryan where exactly are we gonna sleep tonight?”

“Don’t worry Spike’s here to save the day.” Spike said joining the duo. “I already set something up so just follow me.”

“Is that a bed made of books?” Ryan asked as he saw what Spike had led them too.

“Yeah.” Spike said his tail wagging behind him.

“Thanks Spike.” Twilight said taking her place on the bed. “But wait a second what about Ryan? Doesn’t he need a bed?”

“Nah I’ll be fine Twilight, you and Spike can have the bed. I’ll take the carpet floor.” Ryan said before laying down on the floor.

“Goodnight Ryan.” Twilight said as she pulled a blanket over her and Spike.

“Night Twi. Night Spike.” Ryan said before letting sleep take his body.

The next morning

“Hey Ryan question why is everyone pointing and laughing at us?” Twilight asked as the duo made their way through the halls of CHS.

Before Ryan could give an answer he found himself lacking his friend noticing what seemed like Rarity’s signature purple hair style disappear into an empty classroom. As he entered the room he saw Rarity puts a new outfit and wig on Twilight. “Rarity why are you playing dress up with Twilight?” Ryan asked the fashionista.

“Wait you know Twilight, Ryan?” Rarity said as she made slight adjustments to the wig on Twilight’s head.

Before Ryan could get a word out of his mouth the door to the classroom opened and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy entered the room. As they entered they each gave a greeting to Ryan and Twilight. “Rarity why are ya dressin Twilight up like one of your mannequins?” AJ asked as Rarity finished fiddling with Twilight’s wig.

“Because we need to hide her from the rest of the student body or else she will die from all the embarrassment.” Rarity explained as she stood back to take in Twilight’s disguise.

“What embarrassment are you talking about Rarity?” Twilight said before Rarity pulled out her phone. This led to everyone crowding around her to see what was on the screen. What they found was a video of Twilight carrying books around in her mouth and trying and failing to use a computer.

Once the video ended Twilight spoke up her voice wavering and her eye on the verge of being flooded with tears. “That’s horrible who would do such a thing?”

“Sunset did it. She really doesn’t want you winning the title of Princess at the Fall Formal.” Pinkie said getting everyone other than Ryan and Twilight to give a slow nod.

“So that’s what those brats were doing.” Ryan said in an aggravated tone.

“Whatcha mean by that sugarcube?” AJ asked.

“Snips and Snails I was wondering what they were talking about when they said that ‘Sunset’s going to love these videos.’” Ryan explained.

“Don’t worry about that Twi.” Pinkie said adopting her signature bubbly and happy attitude. “I’ll help you get that crown!”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Twilight. Pinkie has been known to be unreliable.” Fluttershy said getting a glare from Pinkie before she began arguing with Fluttershy.

Before Ryan or Twilight could say anything to stop them fighting AJ and Rarity joined the fight causing the four girls to get at each others throats.

“Girls stop it.” Twilight said but to no avail. She then paused for a moment to take a breath in and decided to give the Royal Canterlot Voice a try. “GIRLS STOP FIGHTING!” As soon as those words left Twilight’s lips, all eyes in the room were on her. “Look at you. You used to be friends.” She said before pulling out a yearbook from her bag showing them a certain page.

“The Freshman Fair.” Rarity said as she took the yearbook from Twilight’s hands to inspect the picture on the page.

“What happened between you five?” Twilight asked. “Did Sunset have something to do with it?”

“No she didn’t.” Fluttershy said. “Our friendship broke up because we each sent each other texts that ruined school events that we planned. For example, I received a text from Pinkie that ruined a silent auction that I had planned.”

“What? Fluttershy I never sent you a text that would ruin your silent auction. At least not one I remember.” Pinkie said.

“Really? Then who would have done such a thing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well I don’t know about you guys but I’m placing my money on it being Sunset who set you all up.” Ryan said.

“Then if that’s true that means… Oh my stars.” AJ said placing a hand on her mouth. “That means that Rainbow got a text that ruined the bake sale from Sunset not me.”

“So let’s go tell Rainbow then.” Ryan said.

“I don’t know Ryan. Dash and I got into a pretty heated argument over that. I don’t know if I could face her.” AJ said rubbing one of her arms.

“Look AJ don’t worry you got us to back you up.” Twilight said giving AJ a comforting smile.

“Thanks Twi.” AJ replied returning the smile.

“So then let’s go see Dash.” Ryan said leading the group out to where he guessed Dash would be. The school’s soccer pitch.

“Hey Dash!” Ryan called out to the rainbow haired girl as he and the others approached the soccer field.

“Hey Ryan!” Dash said waving to him and the group before noticing AJ. “Oh it’s you.” She said to the farmgirl when the group was close enough.

“Dash, AJ wants to apologize for what happened between you two.” Twilight said as AJ stepped forward.

“They’re tellin the truth Dash. I’m sorry for what happened between us, I should have known that you would never send those texts to me.” AJ said her voice and expression downtrodden.

“Okay I forgive you.” Dash said.

“Really?” AJ said.

“Yeah I am. So then what are you guys doing out here anyway I highly doubt that the only reason your out here is to seek my forgiveness.”

“Straight to the point Dash?” Ryan asked getting a nod from her. “Well we need your help in getting Twilight the title of Princess of the Fall Formal.”

“Really your going up against Sunset?” Dash asked Twilight getting a nod from her. “Okay, now then I’m gonna need you to convince me to help you.”

“Okay then. For starters you should help me because…” Twilight started before being silenced by Dash holding up a hand.

“Not with words. With action.” Dash said before walking over to one of the soccer goals. “All you need to do is score a single point against me.”

“And how would I do that?” Twilight asked.

“I’m guessing you’ve never heard of soccer?” Dash asked getting a nod from Twilight. “Well in that case. To get a point you have to kick the ball into the goal.” Dash explained gesturing to the items in question. “But the catch is I’m aloud to stop the ball.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said stepping up to the ball. She then swung her foot towards the ball before missing and falling onto her back.

“Twi! You alright?” AJ said as she helped Twilight back onto her feet.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Twilight said before repositioning herself to take another shot. What soon followed was ten whole minutes of Twilight trying and failing to kick the ball into the goal.

“Okay that’s enough.” Dash said walking up to Twilight. “I’ll help you.”

“Really but I didn’t get a point.” Twilight said with a look of confusion.

“That’s a good point. But the real reason I made you try to score a point was to see if you had the two most important qualities for the Princess of the Fall Formal. Determination and Heart.” Dash explained. “And you fit the bill so let’s go win you the Fall Formal!”

As the Spike and the girls began to celebrate Ryan noticed laughter coming from behind the nearby bleachers. As Ryan got close enough he could make out the voices of Snips and Snails.

“Dude Sunset’s gonna love these pics.” Snips said a camera held in his hand as he and Snails looked over the pictures.

“And what pictures would those be?” Ryan said.

“Oh crap!” Snails said backing away from Ryan. “Snails we gotta run c’mon!” With that said the duo sped off towards the school.

“Oh no you don’t.” Ryan muttered to himself before running after them.

As Ryan ran across the field he found Pinkie running beside him. “Hey where are you running off too?” She asked as she kept up with him.

“Got business to attend to. Pinkie make sure you help Twi no matter what okay?” Ryan said as she came to a stop.

“OKIE DOKIE LOKI!” She yelled out as he ran into the main building of the school.

‘Now where did those nitwits go?’ Ryan thought to himself as he ran through the halls of the school.

“Take a left than a right.” Orion said.

Deciding he had nothing better to do Ryan followed Orion’s directions and much to his surprise saw Snips and Snails at the end of the hall bent over as they tried to recover their breath. Before Ryan could get close enough to grab them Snips had caught sight off him. “Come on Snails get up we gotta keep running!” And with that said they sped off towards another part of the school.

Before Ryan could continue following them he collided with a door that had swung open. “Oof.” Ryan said as he landed on his butt.

“So you’re the one making all the noise?” The familiar voice of Luna said to him.

As Ryan’s head stopped spinning he realized whose door he had collided into. Vice Principal Luna’s office door.

“Now then. If you would kindly join me in my office.” She said as Ryan got back on his feet her tone of voice turning Ryan’s blood cold.

“So Ryan you’ve only just arrived here yesterday. Correct?” Luna asked Ryan as he sat opposite her desk.

“That’s correct Vice-Principal.” Ryan answered.

“Already one day in and your causing trouble.”

“As I said before it wasn’t me.” Ryan said hoping this time she would believe him.

“Well I’m sorry to say but I still don’t believe your story of chasing Snips and Snails through the halls.” She said before taking a sip of some tea she had poured herself. After taking her sip she paused for a moment looking on her desk to see her cup of tea and another empty one, she then looked up to Ryan. “Would you like one?” She asked.

“One of what?” Ryan asked.

“A cup of tea. My sister said she was going to join me for tea, but some unforeseen paperwork for the Fall Formal sprung up and she had to cancel. So would you like a cup of tea?” She explained.

“Sure thing.” Ryan replied as she began to pour him a cup of tea. “I’m sorry about Principal Celestia not being able to make it.”

“It’s no problem I’m just happy to have some company. Not many people wish to spend time with me other than my sister, her assistant Raven and my assistant Moonlight.”

“Really?” Ryan asked her, surprised. “How could no one want to spend time with you. From what I can tell you seem nice and you have a great personality.”

“Thank you for that Ryan.” Luna said a small blush on her face. “But as for why no one really would want to spend time with me it probably has something to do with how all the students see me as the evil vice-principal that hands out punishments left, right and center.”

“Well from what I can tell you’re a damn shy better than my last vice-principal.” Ryan said enjoying his tea.

“How so?”

“Well my last VP was the strictest person I’ve ever known. He used to be in the army. So for example if he had to fill in for the principal he would end up running the school like it was a military cadet academy. Everyone in the school had to address him as sir whenever they saw him, had to salute him as well. And to top it all off all of his punishments were military based. An example is if you were speaking in class when you weren’t meant to he’d have you perform a few laps of the school.” Ryan said with a chuckle at the memories.

“And the school board allowed this?!” Luna said nearly knocking over her tea.

“No one knows if they knew or not, but a few kids at the school theorized that the board did know and just didn’t do anything about it.”

“That sounds ridiculous.” Luna deadpanned.

“Yeah it does. But my school made a class specifically designed for troublemakers. It was sort of like a permanent detention for any kid who wouldn’t right their wrongs. It also served as a brilliant way to keep kids in line. You get hit with a detention you get a whole school day in the detention class.”

Before Luna could respond to what Ryan had said a knocking could be heard at the door to her office. “Come in.” Luna said. When the door opened Sunset Shimmer could be seen standing in the doorway. “Ah Miss Shimmer what brings you here?”

“You need to come with me right now Miss Luna. Something’s happened concerning the Fall Formal that I need to show you.” Sunset said before being joined in the doorway by Luna.

“Of course Sunset.” Luna said before turning back to Ryan. “I trust that you will stay here?”

“Of course.” Ryan replied before Luna and Sunset left him alone.

After a few minutes of admiring the decorations that lied around Luna’s office. Mostly related to the moon and stars as he found out. He was rejoined by an angry Luna and a sad Twilight. “Sit.” Luna said pointing to the second chair across from her desk. “Ryan your free to go I need to speak to Miss Twilight alone.”

“Of course Miss Luna.” Ryan said making his way towards the door. “Thanks for the tea by the way.” He said before leaving the room.

As Ryan made his way out of the room he ran head first into Flash Sentry. “Hey bud watch where you’re… Oh sorry Ryan.” Flash said helping Ryan up from his new found position on the floor.

“No problem Flash. But I gotta ask you why your going around running into people?” Ryan said jokingly.

“I gotta speak to VP Luna.” Flash said before opening up the door to Luna’s office.

“How long till Luna starts yelling?” Orion asked Ryan before the voice of Luna yelling at Flash could be heard through the hall. “Never mind.”

After what seemed like an eternity Twilight came running out of the office. As she ran pass Ryan, he could’ve sworn he heard her saying a constant stream of nos. As Ryan looked back to the door of Luna’s office he found Flash standing outside the door a downtrodden look on his face.

“Yo Flash you okay?” Ryan asked as he went over to the downtrodden boy.

“To be perfectly honest with you no I’m not okay. I just asked Twilight if she’d like to go to the Formal with me and well I’m guessing you saw her running out her saying no over and over again.”

“This is great now’s your chance to tell him that Twilight ain’t interested. Fulfill the dream of every brony. Destroy Flash Sentry’s heart and spirit.” Orion said giving off an evil cackle.

“I’m pretty sure she was only saying no about something else.” Ryan said getting Orion to start cursing him.

“You do have a point. She was probably saying no to the fact that the Fall Formal will probably be cancelled.”

“How come?”

“Someone trashed the gym including the Formal’s decorations.” Flash said before showing a few pictures to Ryan. “Found these outside the gym.”

As Ryan took them he saw that they were pictures of Twilight trashing the gym. “Oh sorry you also have to look at these to get the full affect.” Flash said handing another set of photos to Ryan. In these photos instead of Twilight trashing the gym it was Snips and Snails.

“Wow. So I’m guessing this is what you showed VP Luna.” Ryan said handing the photos back.

“Yep. Besides I’m surprised Luna actually believed the fake photos were real. Those things were horrible to look at given that they look like they were photo shopped by five year olds.”

“Yeah that they were.” Ryan said part of his mind focusing on the fact of the Formal being cancelled. “Hey Flash what’s the chance that you could get the school to do what you wanted?”

“What do you mean by that?” Flash replied completely caught off guard by the question.

“Sorry let me rephrase that. Could you convince the school to help clean up the gym so that the Formal doesn’t have to be cancelled?”

“I probably could why?” Flash said still not being able to put two and two together.

“…Because I may have found a way for you to ask Twilight for a dance at the Formal.” Ryan said getting Flash to finally be hit by what Ryan meant.

“Ryan I owe you one.” Flash said. “Now you head to the gym, and I’ll go get my pals.”

“So you told them everything?” Ryan said to Twilight, after they had helped clean up the gym.

“Well Pinkie sort of guessed it.” Twilight said before noticing her new/old friends making their way over to the duo. “And when they asked about you I said that you would give them an answer.” Twilight said pointing to the group.

“Okay before I start giving you answers let’s get somewhere more private so that we don’t risk anyone eves dropping.” Ryan said as the humane 5 came into view.

“Well I may have an idea darling.” Rarity said before turning to wards the gym’s doors. “Well then let’s go get ready for the formal.”

After a short walk Ryan found himself sitting inside the human Rarity’s boutique. “So who’s going to ask a question first?” Ryan said as the humane 5 and Twilight were in their own separate changing booths getting ready for the night ahead.

“Can’t we wait until we’re out of the booths?” The voice of Applejack said from one of the six booths.

“Hey this wasn’t my idea so you can blame Rarity.” Ryan responded as he remained seated outside the booths keeping a close eye on Spike not letting him get near any of the booths.

“Well if no one’s gonna go first I may as well go second.” Pinkie said. “Twilight told us what sort of pony she is so tell me Ryan what sort of pony are you?”

“I’m not a pony.” Ryan replied. “I’m a human that was pulled into Equestria by an interdimensional portal.”

“So you’re a human running around a world filled with ponies?” Dash asked.


“Don’t you ever get lonely darling?” Rarity asked.

“Sometimes.” Ryan said sadly. “But I guess I’m just glad ponies are quick to make friends or I’d go crazy from the loneliness.”

“I’m sorry for bringing that up darling.” Rarity said noticing Ryan’s tone.

“It’s no problem Rarity. Sometimes it helps being reminded that I’m alone. Helps me appreciate my friends more.” Ryan said before looking up and seeing that the girls had finished getting into their dresses and they were standing in front of him.

“Well darling what do you think?” Rarity said giving a twirl of her dress.

“You look nice.” Ryan said getting Rarity’s eye to twitch slightly.

“Nice? We look just nice.” Rarity said her voice a bone chilling calm.

“Well sorry but I’ve seen hotter.” Ryan said before finding his vision filled with the angry face of Rarity.

“AND JUST TO SATE MY CURIOSITY BUT WHY WOULD THAT BE?” Rarity said steam whistling out of her ears.

“I have a girlfriend. Does that sate your curiosity?” Ryan said getting Rarity’s mood to fulfill a complete 180.

“Oh okay then dear.” Rarity said clearing Ryan’s vision.

“Dude you just nearly died.” Orion said to Ryan.

‘Yep. Man I love living life on the edge.’ Ryan thought back.

“So Ryan, Twilight told us that you got a special trick.” Pinkie said. “And that it may have something to do with these gloves of yours.”

“So you wanna see a bit of magic eh?” Ryan said before igniting his gloves in a purple flame. “How’s this?”

“Wow.” The humane five said.

“Um darling doesn’t that hurt?” Rarity asked pointing to the fire.

“No it doesn’t it’s only an illusionary flame.” Ryan said before putting the flame out. “So how are we getting to the Formal anyway?”

“Well darling we’re getting a limo there.” Rarity said before disappearing into a nearby room. After a few minutes she returned with a suit in hand. “Now darling if you would please put this on.”

“I’d love to Rarity but no thank you. I’ll stick to the magically enchanted jacket.”

“Fine then at least the jacket blends well with the gloves.” Rarity said turning to the front door of the boutique. “Now let’s not keep the limo waiting.”

As the group arrived at the school they found most of the student’s eyes on them as the got out of their limo.

“Hey Rares I think the limo overdid it.” AJ said to Rarity as they made their way towards the front doors of the school.

“Don’t worry about that darling.” Rarity replied as the group entered the school.

“Hey Twilight wait up!” The voice of Flash Sentry called out from behind the group.

“Oh hey Flash what’s up?” Twilight said.

“I was wondering if you would be my date for the Formal?”

“I’d love to Flash.” Twilight said giving a smile to Flash before thoughts of Stealth crossed her mind. “Actually I can’t. I already have a colt… I mean boyfriend.”

Hearing this Ryan decided to step in and give Flash a hand. “Hey Twi I’m pretty sure Stealth wouldn’t mind you having a couple of dances with Flash.”

“Really?” Twilight said before turning back to Flash. “Well in that case let’s go hit the dance floor.”

As Twilight made her way into the school Flash followed after her stopping for a short second to whisper a single sentence into Ryan’s ear. “I owe you mate.”

“No you don’t Flash.” Ryan said before following Flash into the school.

Ten minutes later

“So what do we do now!” Orion screamed into Ryan’s head as Sunset, placed Twilight’s crown on her head and began the transformation into her daemon self.

‘Simple we stall her.’ Ryan thought back before turning to Twilight and the humane 5. “Twilight get the elements ready I’ll stall Sunset.”

“You sure you’ll be able to stall her Ryan?” Twilight replied.

“Yeah how hard could it be?” Ryan said before turning back to Daemon Shimmer. “Let’s light her up.” Ryan said before tossing a fireball at her.

“Did you really just chuck a fireball at a daemon that is immune to fire?” Orion said as Daemon Shimmer shrugged off the attack and turned her gaze to Ryan.

“Yeah not my best plan.” Ryan said.

“You dare defy me?!” Daemon Shimmer roared.

“Sunset this isn’t you!” Ryan shouted back as he dodged fireballs that Daemon Shimmer sent at him.

“Mate you’re not gonna get through to her. So fire something at her to keep her distracted.” Orion said.

“Fine then.” Ryan replied before sending a bolt of lightning towards Daemon Shimmer.

“Ahhh!” She roared out as the bolt hit her in the chest. “You’ll pay for that worm!” She said before sending a speeding fireball at Ryan.

“Ahhh!” Ryan screamed as he was sent flying into a wall thanks to the fireball. “Argh.” He groaned as he rolled onto his side in agony.

“You okay?” Orion asked.

“Yeah wouldn’t be surprised if a rib is broken.”

“Well remember to thank Celestia for that jacket when we get back to Equestria.” Orion said as Ryan got back on his feet.

As Ryan looked up he saw that Daemon Shimmer was gliding towards him a fireball in hand. “Now you burn!” She said before letting out a mad cackle.

“Not if we have anything to say about that Sunset!” The voice of Twilight shouted from behind the daemon girl. “Now girls!” She exclaimed before her and the humane 5 began to float into the air.

After a few seconds a ray of rainbow light shot out from the 6 girls that flew towards Daemon Shimmer. “What?! No this can’t be happening! NOOO!” Daemon Shimmer roared as she was consumed by the rainbow of friendship.

When the light from the rainbow dissipated Sunset was left in the place where her daemon side last stood. As Ryan and the elements approached Sunset they saw that her face was covered in tears.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Twilight yelled out to her.

“Please, please forgive me.” Sunset said between sobs.

“Twilight for the love of god stop!” Ryan said running over to Sunset. “You can hold off on the friendship lesson until Sunset sees the school nurse.” Ryan said before kneeling down and checking Sunset over. “You okay?”

“I-I-I think so.” She said still sobbing.

“Well by the looks of it you only got a few cuts and bruises. Can you stand?” Ryan asked helping Sunset to her feet.

“Thanks Ryan.” Sunset said as she got back onto her feet.

As Sunset had finished steadying herself the rest of the school body exited the school to see the small warzone that had sprung up in front of the school.

“Will someone please explain what happened out here?” Luna asked as her and Celestia made their way over to the group that surrounded Sunset. “But before you do explain why you six look like anthropomorphic ponies?” Luna said pointing to the humane 5 and Twilight.

What followed was Twilight giving an explanation to Celestia and Luna about what happened and why they were at CHS. When Celestia asked the duo about the bodily changes Twilight gave her the theory about how they had taken on the pony characteristics of their Equestrian counterparts.

While Twilight was giving her explanation Luna had told the rest of the student body to go back and enjoy the Formal. After the last few students had left Luna turned to Sunset. “Sunset as punishment for what you have done you will receive a week’s worth of detention. You also have to clean up the mess you’ve made of the front of the school.”

“Yes Vice-Principal Luna.” Sunset said before being handed a broom from the VP.

“Good to hear. Now sister I trust that Miss Sparkle has informed you of what has taken place.” Luna said turning to Celestia.

“Yes she has. Now then you seven can go back inside and enjoy the Formal.” With that said Twilight and the others made their way into the school followed closely behind by Spike. After they had left Luna and Celestia took notice that Ryan hadn’t gone with them. “Ryan aren’t you going back inside?” Celestia asked.

“Nah I gotta help Sunset, some of this destruction was caused by me.” Ryan replied.

“Come sister we best not leave the Formal for too long.” Luna said getting Celestia to follow her back inside.

“Need a hand with that?” Ryan said noticing Sunset was having trouble with bagging some rubble.

“No thanks.” Sunset said before she found the rubble being levitated out of her grip and into the bag. “You know you don’t have to help me.”

“I know but friends help each other.” Ryan said cleaning up more rubble with his magic.

“You consider yourself my friend?”

“Of course I do.” Ryan said waling over to her. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well I acted like a snob. Heck I doubt anyone will accept me not after everything I’ve done.”

“Well I can’t say everyone will accept you, but I know that Twilight’s pals will be your friends.” At this Twilight, Spike and the humane 5 walked out of the front doors of the school. “Speak of the devil.”

“But what do I say. It’s been a while since I’ve had any actual friends.” Sunset said as Twilight made her way over to the duo.

Ryan took notice of this and held a hand up to stop her. “Well a good place to start would be to apologize for what you’ve done.” Ryan said before clearing the last of the rubble. “Now Twilight’s probably going to say the same thing to you. So I better go say my goodbyes.” With that said Ryan made his way over to the humane 5.

After Ryan, Spike and Twilight had given their goodbyes they stood in front of the Wondercolt statue. “You first M’lady.” Ryan said giving her a bow.

“Such a gentleman.” Twilight said before her and Spike made their way through the portal.

“Hey Ryan if that portal turns Twilight and Spike back into their original selves what’s going to happen to us?” Orion asked as Ryan gave a final wave back to Sunset and the humane 5.

‘No clue but hopefully we’ll be restored back to 23.’ With that thought done Ryan stepped through the portal.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait been meaning to finish this for a while now. Hopefully you all enjoy.

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