• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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The (unfortunately late) Christmas Chapter

“So now what the hell do we do?” Orion asked Ryan as he and Chrysalis made their way to the castle’s kitchens.

‘Simple you shut up while Chrysie and I get something to eat.’ Ryan thought back as he and Chrysalis rounded a corner running into Cadance and Shining Armor.

“Oh sorry about that.” Shining said before seeing who he had run into. “Oh. Good afternoon Ryan.” He greeted before noticing Chrysalis. “Chrysalis.” He said in a flat tone.

“A good afternoon to you two as well.” Chrysalis replied keeping her gaze away from the royal couple.

“So what are you two up to?” Cadance asked hoping to break the awkward silence.

“Well Chrysie told me she was a tad hungry so I decided to take her for some afternoon tea in the kitchens.” Ryan responded.

“Sounds like fun.” Cadance said flashing Ryan a small smile. “You don’t mind if Shiny and I tag along we were actually just talking about getting something to eat.”

“Of course not. Unless you have something to say Chrysalis?” Ryan asked looking to the queen.

“Of course I don’t have a problem with it.” Chrysalis said still refusing to look at the royal couple.

“Good to hear.” Ryan said before walking past Cadance and Shining, Chrysalis keeping by his side.

“So what exactly have you been up too lately Ryan?” Shining asked, he himself letting his gaze fall anywhere but on Chrysalis.

“Not much really. I was actually just talking to Trixie before Chrysalis decided to come ask me where the kitchens are.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Shining.

“How is Trixie going these days Ryan?” Cadance asked as the group found themselves outside the kitchens doors.

“She’s going well.” Ryan said before holding one of the kitchen doors open. “Ladies first.”

“Thank you dear.” Chrysalis said as she walked past Ryan.

“Such a gentleman.” Cadance said as she followed Chrysalis.

“Thanks.” Shining said before moving to a small table that Chrysalis and Cadance had seated themselves at.

“But as I was saying Cadance, Trixie says she’s been enjoying her lessons.” Ryan said as he pulled up a seat at the table just as a chef came over.

“Princess I did not know that you would be making an appearance.” The chef said giving a small bow to Cadance.

“Well me and my friends decided to come down here for a quick bite to eat. You wouldn’t mind helping us out would you?”

“Of course not. What would you wish for us to make?” The chef asked before pulling out a small notepad and pencil.

“Shiny and I will have a daisy sandwich each please.” Cadance replied getting a nod from the chef. “What would you two like?” Cadance said casting her gaze to Ryan and Chrysalis.

“I’m fine.” Chrysalis said before looking to Ryan. “Got enough happiness from Ryan to make a quick snack off of.”

“I think I’ll just go for a small salad. If you don’t mind.” Ryan said getting a nod from the chef before he made his way away from the small group.

“So Ryan, your fine with Chrysalis eating your emotions?” Shining asked a look of skepticism on his face.

“Well I don’t see you volunteering to let her snack on your emotions.” Ryan said calmly.

“Sorry but I’ve already let her feed off of me enough.” Shining replied.

“Here are your meals.” The chef said placing the three meals on the table before taking his leave.

“Urgh.” Chrysalis groaned out getting a look of concern from Ryan.

“You okay?” Ryan asked getting a slow nod from Chrysalis.

“Just the negative emotions in the air.” Chrysalis said. “The chef that gave you your meals was oozing the stuff. I thought you ponies were meant to be a cheery bunch.”

“Well he probably remembers the invasion.” Shining said between bites of his sandwich.

“Haven’t you ponies ever heard of water under the bridge?” Chrysalis said getting a stern look from Shining.

“Chrysie.” Ryan said putting a hand on one of her fore-hooves.

“Sorry. Just venting.” Chrysalis said flashing Shining and Cadance a fake smile.

“I’m sure.” Shining said getting a nudge to the side from Cadance.

“Anyway. Have you two told Chrysalis about the Crystal Empire?” Ryan asked the royal couple hoping to change subject.

“Oh you mean a dragon’s wet dream?” Chrysalis said with a smirk at not only her joke but also the look of exertion on Ryan’s face as he tried to contain his laughter. “I already got a changeling spy in there. It’s a nice place, large amount of love being generated constantly.”

“Wait you have a spy there?” Shining asked.

“And what do you mean by the generation of love?” Cadance asked.

“Well you don’t have to worry about Thorax, he’s harmless.” Chrysalis said. “Besides I’ve withdrawn him from your Empire as I have a special assignment planned for him. Although expect to see him again. And as for the generation of love, the Crystal Ponies love is what powers the Crystal Heart.”

“Really? Nice to know.” Cadance said. “So Ryan, I gotta ask ever since Chrysalis decided to enact peace between changelings and ponies, you’ve gotten quite close.”

“I guess.” Ryan said.

“How close exactly?” Cadance asked a small smile on her lips. With this question presented to Ryan, Chrysalis’ chitin took on a slight pale tone.

“I’d say we’ve gotten quite close.” Ryan answered.

“Friends? Or something more?” Cadance asked a not so innocent smile on her lips as she leaned slightly closer to Ryan and Chrysalis.

“And hypothetically if it is something more?” Ryan asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well I must ask, what would Luna say?” Cadance said. “Seeing as how you two are a couple.”

“Well if that is the case I’d have to discuss that matter with her. Not you.” Ryan said giving Cadance a stern look. “Not to say anything bad about you but I feel it would be something better discussed with her rather than the Princess of Love.”

“I see.” Cadance said as she moved herself away from Ryan. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” Ryan replied giving Cadance a warm smile. “Just maybe tone it down a bit if you do it again, maybe cut out you leaning towards me like your going to kiss me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Cadance said a small chuckle leaving her lips. “So you two got any plans for Hearths Warming?”

“Hearths Warming?!” Ryan said surprised. “When’s that happening?”

“A few days.” Shining replied. “Haven’t you noticed the castle staff begin to put up decorations.”

“I was wondering why there were giant candy canes out and about in Canterlot.” Chrysalis said before turning to Ryan. “Tell me Ryan, do humans celebrate this time of year as well as ponies or not?”

“We do. It’s called Christmas.” Ryan replied.

“Christmas? What’s it about?” Cadance asked

“Well to some people it’s to celebrate the birth of the son of God. Jesus Christ.”

“God? Jesus Christ? Who are they?” Shining asked.

“Figure heads/deity of one religion called Christianity back on Earth. But the main reason people celebrate Christmas is because it’s a time where people come together, enjoy each others company and to give and receive gifts.” Ryan explained.

“Gifts? What sort of gifts?” Chrysalis asked.

“Toys, clothes, food and other things.”

“Ryan, if I may take a stab in the dark I’m guessing you know about Hearths Warming and why we celebrate it.” Cadance said.

“Yeah had fun reading about it in Twilight’s library.” Ryan said before having his eyes widen in shock.

“Ryan, you okay?” Shining asked.

“Ryan?” Chrysalis asked before being cut short by Ryan’s head slamming into the table. “RYAN!”

“I’m fine.” Ryan said raising his head. “Just realized I haven’t gotten a gift for Luna.”

“Oh. Don’t go scaring me like that.” Chrysalis said getting an unamused look from Ryan. “What?”

Instead of giving a reply Ryan turned his head to look at the royal couple. “Yo Shining, you know any good places to go in Canterlot?”

“To get presents?” Shining asked getting a nod. “A couple. Why?”

“Cause your coming with me to go shopping.” Ryan said rising from his seat.

“Why?” Shining asked.

“Gotta have someone with me at all times just in case Orion takes over.” Ryan explained getting a nod from Shining. “Cool. Well ladies if you’ll excuse us.” Ryan said before dragging Shining with him out of the kitchen.

“So got any ideas on what to get Luna?” Shining asked as the duo made their way out of the castle’s kitchens.

“I do thankfully.” Ryan replied as the duo made their way towards the castle’s exit. “Hey Shining, what’ve you gotten Cadance?”

At this Shining paused as the duo stood outside the castle’s exit his face somehow more pale than before. “I may have forgotten to get her something.”

“Well then all the better I chose you to come shopping with me.” Ryan said as Shining followed him out of the castle’s gates into Canterlot City. “So got any ideas?”

“Funny I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Shining said with a chuckle. “But as for what I’m getting Cadance I’m thinking of getting a locket.”

“Sounds nice. But I’m not shopping just for Luna to let you know.” Ryan replied as his gaze kept scanning the shops that he and Shining passed by.

“Oh? Who else are you shopping for?”

“Twilight, Stealth, Spike, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Celestia, Cadance, you, Trixie, Raven, Moonlight and Chrysalis.” Ryan answered before seeing a shop that caught his eye. “C’mon found where our first stop is.”

As Shining followed Ryan’s gaze he saw what seemed to be a rectangular marble building with a large top hat placed on top of it. A sign hung from the hat’s brim saying the shop’s name. “The Hat Stand?” Shining asked as he followed Ryan towards the doors of the building. “Never seen this place before.”

“Really?” Ryan asked as he placed a hand on the main entrance to the shop. “How have you not heard of a shop with a giant hat on top of it?”

“Maybe it’s new?” Shining mused as Ryan pushed open the door. “Wait a sec. Ryan I got a question.”

“Well then speak your mind.” Ryan said as he took in the sight of the different kinds of hats either lining the stores shelves or hanging from hat stands and wall hooks.

“What exactly are you going to get everyone?” Shining asked as he noticed that the shop’s hats were organized into different sections depending on the occasion a hat would be used in.

“A special hat that comes from Earth.” Ryan said as he made his way over too the store’s counter. Finding the counter to be empty Ryan rang the small silver bell on top of it.

“Yes?” A feminine voice called out from the back of the store before the owner of the voice made themselves known.

“Holy crap. Is that?” Orion asked as the mare stepped up to the counter.

‘Sassy Saddles? It seems it is.’ Ryan thought back as Sassy let out a small gasp at the sight of Ryan.

“Hello.” Sassy said before a small glint of realization flashed through her eyes. “Aren’t you that human? Ryan?”

“Yep that’s me.” Ryan said giving a small smile. “And you would be?”

“Saddles. Sassy Saddles.” Sassy said giving Ryan a small nod before noticing Shining walk up to the counter. “Prince Armor, it is an honor.” She said giving a bow.

“Please just call me Shining.” Shining said as Sassy rose from her bow.

“So what can I do for you fine gentlecolts?” Sassy asked looking between Shining and Ryan.

“Tell me Miss Saddles does this fine establishment you have here do custom orders?” Ryan asked getting a nod from the mare. “You wouldn’t happen to have a piece of paper, and ink quill and some ink lying around would you?”

“Of course just give me a second.” Sassy said before making her way to the back of the store before quickly returning with the requested items. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Ryan said before beginning to sketch out the Christmas hat. After he was done he showed the finished product to Sassy.

“You wish for me to make one of these?” Sassy asked getting a shake of the head from Ryan.

“Not really. I want 19 of these.” Ryan said getting a nod from Sassy before he took the paper back. “And on 18 of the hats I want these cutie marks on them.” Ryan said sketching the cutie marks of the mane six, the princesses, Trixie, Raven, Shining, Moonlight, Lyra, Bon Bon, Stealth’s unicorn disguise, Chrysalis’ disguise and a purple and green flame for Spike.

“Anything else?” Sassy asked.

“Just one last thing. For the hat with this cutie mark,” Ryan said pointing to Luna’s cutie mark. “instead of a round bauble for the hat I’d like a crescent moon. If you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.” Sassy said before retrieving the piece of paper. “Now then when do you want these done?”

“By Hearths Warming would be great.” Ryan said.

“Well then.” Sassy said before pulling out a ledger. “I can do that. But where will I be delivering them too?”

“Up to the castle. If the guards, ask who it’s for tell them it’s for Ryan the resident human.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Sassy.

“Alright then now the cost of this little project will come to 150 bits.” Sassy said.

“Sure thing.” Ryan said before turning to Shining. “Hey Shining you got my gloves?”

“I can get them for you why?” Shining asked raising an eyebrow.

“Need to pay this lovely mare somehow.” Ryan said getting a slow nod from Shining before his glowed as the gloves in question appeared floating in front of Ryan. “Cool thanks Shining.” Ryan said as he put them on. After a few seconds the gloves began to give off a purple glow before a ruby the size of Ryan’s hand appeared floating a few centimeters above the gloves. “This ample enough payment?”

“More than enough.” Sassy said as she took the ruby into her own magical grip. “I’ll begin working on your order as soon as possible.” She said before moving to the back room.

“Thank you Sassy!” Ryan called out before handing Shining the gloves. “C’mon let’s go get you your locket.”

“Wait a second.” Shining said as he made the gloves disappear. “Where did you get that ruby?” Shining asked as he followed Ryan out of the shop.

“Found it in the abandoned dragon’s den on the mountain near Ponyville. Dragon left his hoard behind so I thought to myself to take what I could carry and get the hell out of there.” Ryan explained as he kept his eyes peeled for a jeweler’s shop.

“Wait isn’t that the place that Twilight and her friends cleared out?” Shining asked.

“Yep it is.” Ryan said before seeing a jeweler’s. “C’mon this way.”

“Wait a second. I know this place.” Shining said looking at the shop.

“Really? How?” Ryan asked as he and Shining entered the shop.

“Bought Cadance’s wedding ring from here.” Shining said before the duo found themselves greeted by a familiar stallion. Fancy Pants.

“Shining Armor. Ryan. It’s so good to see you two.” Fancy said giving the duo a warm smile with his greeting. “What brings you to my neck of Canterlot?”

“Here for some Hearths Warming gifts.” Shining explained getting a nod from Fancy.

“So what did you have planned?” Fancy asked.

“Well I’m planning on getting Cadance a locket.” Shining said getting a slow nod from Fancy.

“Alright. And what would you have in plan Ryan?” Fancy asked.

“Well you don’t mind if I talk to you a bit privately?” Ryan said getting Fancy to nod before gesturing for a member of staff come over to help Shining.

“So then what did you have planned?” Fancy asked gesturing for Ryan to follow him towards a door labelled manager.

“Well if you could make them for me I want two necklaces.” Ryan said as Fancy pulled out a piece of paper and quill.

“Do you have a design?” Fancy asked as Ryan picked up the quill and sketched out Luna and Chrysalis’ (unicorn disguise) cutie marks, each cutie mark having a gold outline. “Ah I see.” Fancy said inspecting the sketches. “So I’m to guess the symbols are to be some sort of jewel.”

“Yeah. Diamond for the moon and emerald for the ladybug.” Ryan said getting a nod from Fancy.

“When do you want them by?”

“Before Hearths Warming. That’s if your able.”

“Of course I’m able.” Fancy said. “Now then let’s go see Shining.” Fancy said as he showed Ryan out of his office.

“Ah you two done already?” Shining said as he finished talking to the staff member that Fancy had given to him.

“Yeah we are.” Ryan said before turning to Fancy. “So how much this going to cost?”

“Nothing.” Fancy said getting a look of surprise from Ryan and Shining. “Consider this my Hearths Warming gift to you two.”

“Well thanks for that Fancy.” Ryan said as Fancy led him and Shining towards the shop’s exit.

“Have a happy Hearths Warming.” Shining said as he and Ryan left the shop. “So what’d you talk to Fancy about? Something extra for Luna?”

“Something like that.” Ryan said with a small nod. “C’mon let’s get back to the castle.”

“Yeah. Probably got to go help set up the decorations around the castle.”

Two days later

“So then Ryan got any plans for today?” Trixie asked as she peered over one of the spell books that Luna had assigned for her to read as homework.

“Not much.” Ryan replied as he sat on a lounge across from Trixie as he himself read through his own spell book as the duo spent Hearths Warming Eve lounging around. “Chrysie what about you?” Ryan asked the queen as she stretched out on her own lounge like a cat.

“Not many. Sunbutt doesn’t have any plans for me to do anything concerning peace relations seeing as how I already have a drone working on that.” Chrysalis said as she rotated herself so she could get a better look at Ryan. “So my timetable’s free if you want to do anything.” Chrysalis said before a loud knock came from the door to the room.

“Who is it?!” Trixie called out.

“Fire Wand.” The voice of Fire Wand said as the door swung open revealing Fire Wand levitating a box behind him. “Is Ryan in here?”

“Right here.” Ryan said jumping up to his feet. “So where do I sign for this package?” Ryan asked walking up to Fire.

“No signage needed.” Fire said as Ryan peered into the cardboard box. “Also have this for you.” Fire said before pulling out two small purple boxes from a pocket in his armor. “Fancy Pants dropped these off.”

“Thanks Fire.” Ryan said as he took the two small boxes and placed them in the cardboard box.

“What’s in the box Ryan?” Trixie asked as Ryan closed the door as he brought the box into the room.

“It’s a secret.” Was all Ryan said before he lifted the box down to his level of Trixie’s room.

“Care to share?” Chrysalis asked as she followed Ryan down the steps to his room.

“I’d love to but unfortunately that’d ruin the surprise.” Ryan said as he stashed the box under his bed. “Now no peeking.”

“Or else what?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well you won’t get a present for Hearths Warming.” Ryan said a sly grin on his face before hearing a loud knock ring throughout the room. “Wonder who that is?”

“Yes Ryan is here why do you want to? HEY COME BACK HERE!” Trixie’s voice rang out.

Before Ryan or Chrysalis could comprehend what was going on a green flash collided with Ryan’s gut sending him falling back onto his bed.

“RYAN!” An all too familiar voice yelled out from where Ryan had been tackled.

“Lyra?” Ryan groaned out as he looked down at his gut to see the unicorn in question wrapped around his stomach. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” Lyra said a happy grin on her face. “Whoa!” She exclaimed as she was slowly levitated off of Ryan by Chrysalis.

“Hello again.” Chrysalis said getting Lyra to let out a scream.

“Ryan help me!” Lyra exclaimed.

“Lyra she’s not gonna hurt you.” Ryan said before giving a scowl to Chrysalis. “Put her down.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis said before dropping Lyra. “Oops.”

“Chrysalis apologize.” Ryan said as he helped Lyra back to her hooves.

“Fine. I’m sorry Lyra.” Chrysalis said.

“There that didn’t hurt much did it?” Ryan asked getting a roll of the eyes from the queen. “Lyra what are you doing here anyway?”

“As I said I came to see you. Well Bon Bon came as well but she’s with the others.”

“Others?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah. Twilight and her friends said we could tag along with them up to Canterlot.” Lyra said flashing a smile that would make Pinkie proud.

“Wow that saves you giving them their gifts at a later date.” Orion said getting Ryan to nod his head slowly.

“So where are the others then?” Ryan asked before Trixie walked down the stairs to their level.

“I’m to guess Lyra was the green blur that ran down here.” Trixie asked getting a nod from Ryan and Chrysalis. “Good.” Trixie replied before focusing her gaze on Lyra. “Your marefriend’s here.”

“Sorry about her.” The voice of Bon Bon said as she appeared from behind Trixie. “Lyra you said you wouldn’t go running off after Ryan.”

“Sorry Bonnie.” Lyra said her ears pressing down to her head.

“Good to hear. Now come on you can catch up with Ryan later.” Bon Bon said getting Lyra to give a small nod a grim expression on her face. “Fine you can give him one hug.”

“Yay! Thanks Bonnie!” Lyra exclaimed before wrapping her fore-hooves around Ryan’s waist.

“Okay that’s enough.” Bon Bon said with a roll of her eyes.

“Okay.” Lyra said before trotting to her marefriend’s side. “See ya later Ryan!” With that said the duo made their leave.

“Hey Chrysie. Y’know where Stealth is?” Ryan asked.

“Yes. He’s currently with Twilight in her guest room.” Chrysalis said her eyes glowing slightly. “Why?”

“I need to see him.” Ryan said as he pulled out the two small purple boxes from the cardboard box holding the Christmas hats. “Now then no peeking at what’s in the box.”

“Why not?” Chrysalis said as she lifted a hoof towards the box.

“Because if you do peek you don’t get a present.” Ryan said after seeing Chrysalis lower her hoof. “Now then I’ll be off.” With that said Ryan made his way out of the room.

“So Trixie you got a gift for Ryan?” Chrysalis asked getting Trixie’s eyes to go wide.

“I completely forgot.” Trixie said before flinching as Chrysalis’ horn gave off a green glow before she was consumed by a green flame. When the flame subsided Chrysie Lovebug stood in Chrysalis’ place.

“How about we go do some shopping then?” Chrysalis said getting an eager nod from Trixie.

Meanwhile in another part of the castle

“You really are the dumbest person I’ve ever met.” Orion said to Ryan as he made his way through the halls of the castle.

“How?” Ryan asked.

“Well you for one didn’t ask Chrysalis where exactly Stealth was. Y’know something a smart person would do.”

“Well good thing I already know that I’m dumb as hell.” Ryan said a grin on his face.

“Good point.” Orion said before becoming silent. After a few more minutes of Ryan walking around the castle’s corridors he came to a stop at a t-intersection of corridors. “Getting annoyed yet?”

“Very.” Ryan growled before stamping a foot to the ground and bending his neck so he was looking at the ceiling. “PINKIE!” Ryan yelled out.

“What the hell was that?” Orion asked as Ryan relaxed.

“Lyra said Twilight and the others were here correct?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Because knowing Pinkie she heard that. And knowing her she’s going to appear out of thin air.” Ryan explained.

“Good point.” Orion replied before a set of hoofsteps could be coming from one of the hallways.

“Something you need Ryan?” The voice of Pinkie could be heard from behind Ryan.

“Pinkie!” Ryan exclaimed before running up to Pinkie and pulling her into a hug. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

“Well it’s good to see you too Ryan. But I sort of need to breath.” Pinkie wheezed out.

“Oh sorry.” Ryan said before letting go of Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie, you know where Stealth is?”

“Yeah. Just follow me.” She said before gesturing for Ryan to follow her down the hallway she came from. “So what do you want to see Stealth for?”

“Something personal.” Ryan responded getting a nod from Pinkie. “How have you been Pinkie?”

“Well it’s been a tad bit boring without my favorite human around.” Pinkie said her expression turning sour.

“Well don’t worry. I’m here now ain’t I?” Ryan said getting Pinkie to turn her head and give him a large grin.

“Good point.” She said before coming to a stop outside a door in the hallway. “Here’s your stop I hope Pinkie’s guide service left you with a good experience.” She said with a smile before bouncing away. “I’m going to go help AJ with the treats! Hope you give my guide service a good review.”

“Sure thing Pinkie!” Ryan called out before placing a hand on the door’s handle. “Hey Stealth.” Ryan said as he opened the door.

“Oh hey Ryan.” Stealth said as he stood a few feet from the door. “I’ve been expecting you.”

“Really? How did you know?” Ryan asked before being struck by the answer. “Never mind forgot you Changelings have a hive mind.”

“Good to hear I don’t have to explain it to you all over again.” Stealth said with a roll of his eyes. “So what did you need?”

“Well I’ve learnt that you can store magic in crystals and I was wondering if changelings can store love, or other emotions in crystals.”

“Um we can. Why?” Stealth asked prompting Ryan to remove the two small purple boxes from his pockets.

“I need you to keep a secret. And if you don’t keep it I’m going to rip you apart got it?” Ryan asked as Stealth eyed the boxes curiously.

“Okay. But I have to say this why would I go spilling your secrets? I have no reason to do it, you’re probably one of my best friends Ryan. Besides I sort of owe you for setting me up with Twilight.” Stealth said with a smile.

“Good point.” Ryan said as he opened the boxes. “As for the secret. Well I’ve started a herd with Luna and Chrysalis, and I need your help in infusing the gems of these necklaces with my love for them.”

“Okay then.” Stealth said before carefully levitating the necklaces out of their boxes. “First thing I need you to do is start thinking about how much you love Luna and Chrysalis.” Stealth said getting a nod from Ryan as he began to think about how much he loved the two mares. “Good. Now you may feel a slight tingling sensation.” Stealth said as a green glow began to envelop Ryan’s head.

After a few moments the green glow began to flow into the necklace’s gems. After a few seconds the glow began to die down. “Did it work?” Ryan asked feeling the tingling sensation fade away. “Stealth?” Ryan said seeing the changeling’s disguise drop.

“Yeah it worked.” Stealth said as he took in a deep breath. “You can tell cause the gems are giving off a light glow.”

“Cool.” Ryan responded putting the necklaces back in their boxes. “Hey Stealth, why were you disguised?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well you do know changelings are at peace with ponies. Stands to reason that you can walk around without your disguise.” Ryan explained as Stealth reapplied his disguise.

“Yeah but I wanted to save the castle staff of a heart attack.” Stealth said with a chuckle. “Now then how bout we go say hi to the others.”

“Would love to but I got to go wrap some more presents.” Ryan said giving Stealth a wave as he made his way out of the room.

The next day (Hearths Warming Day)

“So enjoying yourself?” Orion asked Ryan as he began handing the wrapped Christmas hats.

‘Yes, yes I am.’ Ryan thought back as he handed the final present to Lyra who gave Ryan a large smile her eyes filled with excitement and wonder. “Well you going to open them or not?” Ryan asked the gathered ponies as he took a seat in one of the seats that the castle staff had set up in the throne room. Celestia deciding it was the best place to hold the gift opening.

“You know you really didn’t have to get me anything.” Moonlight said her gaze focused on her own gift.

“Don’t go saying that Moonlight. You’re my friend and so you get a present.” Ryan said getting a nod from the mare.

What happened next was the gathered group let out a round of surprised gasps as they opened the gifts to find the Christmas hats. “Well what do you think?” Ryan asked before finding himself tackled by Luna.

“It’s wonderful!” She said, her magic placing the hat on her head. “But now you don’t have one.”

“Already got my own.” Ryan said before pulling his green Christmas hat out.

“Why is it green Ryan?” Twilight asked as she adjusted her own hat.

“Had one just like this back on Earth.” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight. “Hey Luna you mind hopping off?”

“Oh. Of course, sorry about that.” Luna said as she removed herself from Ryan.

“No problem.” Ryan said with a smile before finding himself tackled by Lyra.

“LYRA!” Bon Bon yelled out as the mint unicorn nuzzled against Ryan’s chest. “Ryan, I’m so sorry about her. I told her to keep herself contained.” Bon Bon said walking over to remove Lyra from Ryan’s chest before coming to a stop as Lyra was enveloped in a blue magical aura.

“Huh?” Lyra said confused as she was levitated off of Ryan. As her grip on Ryan was loosened she was spun around to face an annoyed Luna.

“I’d advise advise you on listening to your friend’s advice Miss Lyra.” Luna said in an annoyed tone of voice.

“Hey Luna ya mind putting Lyra back down? She doesn’t mean any harm.” Ryan said getting a moment of silence from Luna before she gave a slow nod meanwhile lowering Lyra back to the ground. “Luna has a point though. Maybe you should keep to Bon Bon’s advice.”

“Okay Ryan.” Lyra said in an apologetic tone.

“Don’t worry about it.” Ryan said running a hand through her mane.

“Calm down Luna, you look like you’re on the verge of falling into a fit of anger.” Chrysalis whispered into Luna’s ear as the duo looked on as Ryan was tackled by Pinkie Pie her saying something along the lines of, ‘Free hugs from Ryan!’. “By the looks of it Ryan and the mint unicorn are merely friends. Although by the looks of her emotions she seems to have some sort lustful connection to him, but the connection only seems to be coming from the unicorn.”

“And that means?” Luna asked as Ryan found himself having to give hugs to the rest of the mane 6, all the while Celestia and Cadance were looking on with amused smiles on their faces.

“It means that Lyra wishes for a more intimate relationship with Ryan. But there is something else that has caught my attention. That being Lyra’s connection to the mare named Bon Bon.”

“And that connection would be?” Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

“It is the same sort of connection that we have with Ryan. One of love.” Chrysalis said as a smile formed on her lips as Ryan was pulled into a hug by Cadance.

“So they are marefriends?” Luna said getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“It seems so.” Chrysalis said. “Now I think you should go help Ryan, as it seems that Cadance has gotten the idea of a line for hugging Ryan.”

“A good point.” Luna said before moving over to the front of the line. “Sister you don’t mind if I steal Ryan from you?” Luna asked her sister as she was receiving a hug from Ryan.

“Sister I am sorry to say but that isn’t me.” Celestia said from behind Luna.

“Then who is?” Luna asked before a familiar laughter could be heard ringing throughout the room.

“Sorry saw that the line was only for mares so I decided to pull a Chrysalis and change into a princess.” The voice of Discord said from the false Celestia, before a clicking sound could be heard as a flash covered Ryan. When the flash was gone Ryan found himself sitting on a small red throne.

“What the hell?” Ryan asked as he looked over himself to find that he had been put into a Santa suit complete with a fake beard and a pillow under the jacket to give the impression of being overweight.

“Santa what have you gotten me for Christmas?” A smaller more childlike version of Discord said from Ryan’s lap.

“Well little Discord you’re a very hard being to buy gifts for.” Ryan said. “Besides I’m sure if you asked kindly Santa may have what you want in his gift bag.” Ryan continued gesturing to the bag leaning against the chair he was sitting on.

“Well how about a shark that can shoot laser beams.” Discord said giving air quotations as he said laser beam.

“Sure thing Dr. Evil.” Ryan said before reaching into the bag. “Here you go.” Ryan said pulling out a small box.

“Thanks Santa.” Discord said before ripping the present open to reveal a small shark toy with a laser pointer taped to the top of it. “Thanks Santa! Just what I wanted!” Discord said before wrapping his arms around Ryan’s waist.

“Um your welcome kiddo.” Ryan said before Discord was gone in a flash. “Um who’s next?” Ryan asked before finding his seat, the gift bag and the Santa suit gone. “Never mind.”

“Don’t worry Ryan, I’m sure that if you ask kindly Discord will give you the suit back.” Celestia said concern in her voice wondering if Ryan truly cared for the suit.

“Nah it’s no problem.” Ryan said getting a nod from Celestia. “Now how about we continue with the festivities.”

Later that night

“So Ryan, Chrysalis, how was your first Hearths Warming?” Luna asked the duo as the trio made their way through the castle’s gardens.

“It was eventful.” Chrysalis said.

“It was pretty fun. Although when I said that I would’ve loved a Christmas turkey you didn’t really have to cook a turkey. I honestly don’t think I’m going to be able to look Fluttershy in the eyes ever again. Hell I don’t think I’m going to be able to look in any of Twilight’s friends’ eyes.” Ryan said a disappointed look on his face.

“Yes well that situation could’ve been avoided if you chose to eat in another room.” Chrysalis said with a roll of her eyes.

“And I did.” Ryan said. “But I didn’t expect the chefs to bring the thing out on a silver platter.”

“A fair point. A bad choice on my part.” Luna said with a sad nod.

“Hey turn that frown upside down.” Ryan said wrapping an arm around Luna’s neck. “I got one last gift for you two.”

“A gift?” Chrysalis asked as the trio came to a stop in front of a stone fountain.

“Yep.” Ryan said before pulling the two purple boxes that held the necklaces out of his pockets. “Hope you like them.”

“What?” Luna asked before opening the box Ryan handed to her. “It’s beautiful.” Luna said as she levitated her necklace out of it’s box and wrapping it around her neck. “What did you get Chrysalis?”


“Chrysie, you okay?” Ryan asked before being pulled into a deep kiss by Chrysie.

“That my dear human is only a taste of what’s to come.” Chrysalis said before pulling Ryan into another kiss.

“I’ll take that as a sign of you enjoying Ryan’s gift.” Luna said with a chuckle.

“Luna, if you could see what a changeling could see, you could see the true value in these necklaces.” Chrysalis said gesturing to her and Luna’s necklaces.

“And that would be?” Luna asked.

“Ryan, has put his love into these gems.” Chrysalis said. “In a changeling’s eyes this is one of the ultimate forms of affection.”

“I see.” Luna said before pulling Ryan into a kiss of her own.

“Best Christmas ever.” Ryan said as Luna ended the kiss.

“Now Chrysie seeing as how Ryan has given us a surprise gift, let’s give him his.” Luna said her horn giving off a faint glow.

“Yes. Let us do that.” Chrysalis said before the trio disappeared in a flash.

Author's Note:

Hello all you wonderful people who actually read and like this fic. Sorry for the massive gap between this chapter and the last one. As the title of this chapter tells this chapter was posted a tad bit late for Christmas, (Thank to some unforeseen consequences arising) but I do hope that you have all had a Merry Christmas and hopefully a Happy New Year


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