• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,031 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Date night

Today was the big day. I had a whole day to plan out my date with Luna tonight. Luckily for me I had managed to dream up a plan. “Ryan!” I heard Twilight call out from downstairs, this had the affect of scaring me out of my thoughts as I fell out of bed.

After getting changed I joined Twilight downstairs where she was joined by the rest of the mane six. “Hey girls how’s it going.” I said to them as I made my way down the stairs.

“Not to bad. This also came for you.” Twilight said tossing me a scroll.

As I read over the scroll it seemed to be lacking quite a bit of volume to it. All that was written out was an official summons to Canterlot written by Celestia. “Okay then seems I’m going to Canterlot for the day.” I said as Spike walked out from the kitchen a plate of pancakes in his claws.

“Breakfast is served.” He said as he laid the platter of pancakes on the table Twilight would summon whenever we would have something to eat. After Spike had said that breakfast had been served Stealth had decided to come crawling out of the basement.

“Someone say breakfast?” Stealth said as he donned his unicorn disguise as he took his seat at the table. I then decided to follow his lead and sit next to him grabbing myself a couple of pancakes.

“So Ryan, what did you do to get a summons to Canterlot?” Dash said sitting across from Stealth and I.

“No clue Dash.” I then shifted my gaze to Twilight. “Maybe they want a report on Stealth.”

“Maybe. Maybe.” Twilight said as she divided the rest of the pancakes between her and the others.

“Well whatever it is darling, I’m sure it can’t be bad.” Rarity said before thanking Spike for the breakfast.

“Yeah Rares is right Ryan. It’s probably nothing to worry about.” AJ said.

“Yeah I know. Still I can’t help but wonder what Celestia could want. It must be something serious if she sends me a royal summons.” I said holding up the scroll. “But anyway I got business in Canterlot to do anyway, so I guess I can talk to Celestia and then do what I need to do.”

“What ya need to do Ryan?” Pinkie asked around her mouthful of pancakes.

“A private matter Pinkie. Private matter.” I said to her, hoping that the others wouldn’t try to inquire.

“Well then that’s fortunate for you dear.” Rarity said finishing her pancakes.

“Anyway what are you guys doing here?” I asked the mane six.

“Well I thought that we should show Stealth around Ponyville a bit more. I was also thinking of taking his blood sample to Nurse Redheart.” Twilight said. “Also you better get going to the train station Ryan. You don’t want to keep Princess Celestia waiting.” She said finishing off her pancakes.

“Good point.” I said standing up. “Well have a good day you guys. Oh and Twilight don’t wait up for me.” I said leaving the library.

As I made my way through Ponyville towards the train station I swear I could hear someone yelling out. The yelling soon became louder and I could figure out what was being yelled out. “LOOK OUT!”

I then turned around to find the source of the yelling, to find myself tackled to the ground. After a few seconds of getting air to my flat lungs I looked down my body to see that a grey pegasus mare had collided with me. As I looked around I could see that there was a heap of scattered letters on the ground around us.

The pegasus mare then decided to hop off me and start picking up the letters. As I got back up I decided to levitate the letters off the ground and into my hands. “Oh no where’d the other letters go?” The mare said looking around for the rest of the letters.

“Are these the letters you’re looking for miss?” I said catching her attention, as I held out the letters that I had collected towards her.

“Oh thank you Mister.” She said as she took the letters and put them back into her saddlebags. It was then that I saw that the mail mare was none other than Derpy Hooves. “Are you okay Mister?” She noticing that I had stopped talking as I took in the fact that Derpy Hooves was standing in front of me. “Oh no I hope I didn’t crash into you too hard.”

She then started to wave a hoof in front of my face causing me to be shaken from my thoughts. “Sorry about that. Just a bit shaken up.”

“Oh okay then as long as you’re okay.” She said before a look of realization dawned on her face. “Oh sorry I didn’t introduce myself. The name’s Derpy. Derpy Hooves.” She said holding a hoof out to me.

“Well pleasure to meet you Miss Hooves. By the way my name’s Ryan.” I said shaking her hoof.

“Well it’s been nice to meet you. Not to sound rude or anything but I have to get going, got to finish these mail deliveries.” She said gesturing to her saddlebags.

“Not a problem Derpy, not a problem at all.” I said giving her a wave as she flew off.

“Well I guess we can check meeting Derpy, off of the list of things to do in Equestria.” Orion said as I headed towards the train station.

‘Yes we can.’ I thought back to him as grabbed my tickets and boarded the train.

After a few hours Canterlot had come into my view outside the train’s windows. “So what are we doing first?” Orion asked as the train chugged towards Canterlot.

‘Going to prepare for tonight. Then we’ll go see Celestia.’ I thought as ponies around me had begun to pack up their things.

“So keep the goddess of the sun waiting. Good plan.” Orion said sarcastically. The train then pulled into the middle district’s train station. “Wait what are we doing here?” Orion asked as I stepped out of the train.

‘I have to go see a friend.’ I thought back to him as I left the train station. As I continued to walk through the district I saw my destination at the end of the street.

“The Griffon’s Buffet. That’s where we’re going?”

‘Yep.’ Was all I said before I made to go into the establishment.

As I pushed the door open I ran into a pegasus in guard armor. “Oh sorry about that.” I said to him backing out of his way. I then took notice of who the guard was. “Hey Joker, what are you doing here?” I asked him as he took notice that I was the one that he had run into.

“Well I’m on break Ryan, Cadance suggested that I should go here. Anyway what are you doing here?” He said as he joined me outside the restaurant.

“Well I have to go see Celestia about something. But I have something else to do here, other than grab something to eat before I go visit her.” I said as Joker gave me a nod.

“Well good luck with that.” He said as he trotted off. “Hopefully I’ll see you around the castle.” He said before stretching his wings out.

“Same here Joker.” I said as he took to the sky. After giving him a wave I turned to enter the restaurant, making sure to check that no-pony was exiting at the same time I entered.

Once I entered I was greeted by the owner. “Hello Ryan. How’s it going?” Griff asked me.

“Hey Griff, it’s going pretty good actually. Hey can I get a table for two please?” I asked him as he raised an eyebrow.

“Is someone joining you?” He asked.

“No I need to talk to you about something.” I said. He then gave me a nod before leading me over to a small booth.

“Well then how about I take your order before we start talking.” He said taking out a small notebook and quill.

I then decided to look over the menu for a few seconds before turning my gaze back to the griffon. “I’ll just have a caesar salad, with a glass of water please.”

“Got it.” He said before heading for the kitchen. After a few minutes he returned with my order and what looked like a small salad for himself. “So Ryan what did you want to talk about?” He asked as he took his seat across from me.

“Well Griff, I have a date tonight, and I was wondering if I could pay you in advance.” I said as I started to dig into my salad.

“A date eh? Who’s the lucky mare?” He said with a sly grin.

“Can’t tell you. But you’ll be able to find out tonight.” I said taking a sip from my water. “So can I pay early or not?”

“Of course you can. Now a question where would you and your date like to sit?”

“A private booth if you could.”

He then placed a talon to his beak. “What day is it?”

“Tuesday, why?” I asked caught off guard by his question.

“Well you and your date will probably be the only ones here. I usually never have business on a Tuesday night.” He said before looking back at his notepad. He then pulled off a page of his notepad and handed it to me. “Here’s your bill for lunch and tonight. Don’t worry I’m only charging you for what your ordered for lunch, I’ll pay for what I got for myself.” He said gesturing to his plate. “You able to pay that?” He said gesturing to the bill.

“Yeah I can. Thanks Griff.” I said as I pulled out my bit bag and handed him what he wanted.

Meanwhile Canterlot Upper District Train Station.

‘Where the buck is he?’ Shining Armor thought to himself, as he looked around the train station as the train from Ponyville left the station.

“Captain what are you doing here?” A familiar voice called out to Shining, causing him to be shaken from his thoughts.

When Shining turned around he found Joker walking towards him. “Joker what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on patrol in the middle district?”

“First of all, my shift ended. I was heading back to the barracks before I saw you. What are you doing here anyway?” Joker asked.

“Wondering where the buck Ryan is. He was meant to arrive here on the train from Ponyville.” Shining said as he looked around the station once more a scowl of annoyance on his muzzle.

“Well he’s at the Griffon’s Buffet in the middle district.” Joker said catching Shining’s attention.

“He is. Damn that human.” He said stomping his hoof against the ground in annoyance. “Thanks Joker. I probably would have been standing here all day if you hadn’t come along.” Shining said following after Joker as they left the station.

“Well anything for dear old Captain Shiny.” Joker said before taking to the sky.

“JOKERRRRR!!!” Shining yelled at the pegasus as he flew towards the castle. After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, he then made to head towards the middle district.

‘Weird.’ I thought to myself, feeling a shiver run down my spine as I went to leave Griff’s restaurant.

As I exited through the front door I was greeted by what seemed like a fuming Shining Armor. “Hey Shining what’s up?”

“Nothing much. I need you to come with me Ryan.” He said in a slightly angry tone.

“Oh great an angry Shining, what ya gonna do?” Orion whispered to me.

‘Crap I can’t deal with Shining, I still have to get one more thing for tonight.’ I thought to myself. “Sorry Shining but I have to go do something.”

“And what would that be?” He said giving me a glare.

“None of your business that’s what it is.” I said to him.

“Well then you can do it later.” He said still holding his glare.

I then decided to try and step around him. He decided to block me. “Shining I have to go do this first okay.” I said annoyed at how he had blocked me.

“You’re not going to come with me are you?” He said with a look of defeat on his face.

“No I’m not.”

“Well I’m sorry.” He said causing me to give him a confused look. I then saw that his horn had begun to glow, before I could say anything I was knocked out.

After a while I had slowly woken up from my unwanted slumber. I found myself chained to a bed. As I began to struggle with the chains I discovered that whoever had chained me to the bed had removed my magic coat and gloves. ‘Darn.’ I thought to myself as it became apparent to me that someone else was in the room with me.

“Good to see that you’re awake Ryan.” A familiar voice said from out of my view.

I then decided to shift my view to the origin of the voice to see Cadance sitting on a chair sipping some tea. “Hey Cadance, you’re very pretty but a few things. Number one I don’t like breaking up a marriage. Secondly I like us being friends. Thirdly I’m not into these sort of activities.” I said struggling against the chains as I said the third point.

“What do you… Ohhh.” She said a blush crossing her face as she realized what I had said. “Well no offense Ryan but I don’t like you that sort of way. I’d never break up with my dearest Shiny. Also another thing the way that you’re being held is the only thing I could think of.”

“Okay then good to know. Also another thing whose bed am I attached to?” I asked her as I realized that the bed was quite large, I also took notice that the hoof/handcuffs were somehow able to stretch to the bedposts from my position in the middle of the bed.

“Well this is Auntie Celestia’s room. She wanted to talk to you so I said I’d bring you here to wait for her.” She said a small smile on her face.

“Okay then… Wait a second Celestia’s bedroom?!” She gave me a nod. “Okay then. Now where exactly did you get these cuffs.”

“What do you…” A blush soon appeared on her face this time more furious then her last one. “Nonononono. I brought them here.” She said her blush still burning bright enough to light up the room.

After a few moments the door to the room opened. As I looked at the door the cuffs were removed from my wrists and ankles by a yellow magical aura. After seeing the yellow aura, I knew who had entered the room. Celestia. “Good afternoon Ryan.” She said in a slightly serious tone.

“Good afternoon Tia.” I said not holding back on my snark. “Any reason why I’m chained to your bed?” I asked slightly annoyed.

“I need to talk to you about tonight.” She said taking a seat next to Cadance.

“What about tonight?” I then realized what she meant by that. “Luna told you didn’t she?”

“Yes she did. Before you get the wrong idea I want you to know that I am happy of this little bond that you have decided to make with my sister.” She said fixing me with the motherly smile she always wore.

“That’s good. So what did you want to talk about?” I asked her.

“Well I wanted to know where you were going to take her for dinner for one thing.”

“Oh well, I am taking her out to the Griffon’s Buffet.” I said.

“Really. Well you shouldn’t be disappointed.” Cadance said a smile on her face.

“The Griffon’s Buffet. The middle district correct?” Celestia asked turning to Cadance. Cadance gave Celestia a nod in response. “Ryan if I may ask why don’t you take her to one of the fancier restaurants in the upper district?”

“Because Tia, number one I don’t have that many bits to my name. Also secondly Luna wouldn’t like being in a restaurant filled with nobles.” I said to her.

“Very well.” She said before fixing me with a gaze that scared Orion. “Now for the more serious part of our session.” She said her voice laced with seriousness. “Ryan I want you to tell me how much my sister means to you.” Her horn then began to glow. “I have also cast a truth spell upon you. If my horn glows green you are telling the truth, if it glows yellow you are partially lying, and if it turns red it means you are lying. Also if you do lie I will vaporize you in an instant.” She said.

“Okay then. Well how I feel about Luna, not beating around the bush are you.” I said as I thought of something to say. “Well what else can I say but she’s probably the most beautiful mare that I have seen since coming to Equestria.” Her horn glowed green, she then gestured with a hoof for me to continue. “Now before you threaten me with how you will kill me if I harm her, I want to tell you this. If I do harm her in anyway, you won’t get the chance to kill me. As if I do hurt her I would have already killed myself before you get the chance.”

Her horn glowed green, it then stopped glowing. “Thank you for telling me that Ryan.” She then levitated my coat and gloves to me from their place next to Cadance. She then shared a look with Cadance as I put on my coat and gloves. “Well then I guess I have no problems with having you date my sister. Also if certain things go correctly her first date may lead to something else.” She said a small smile on her face.

“Wait what do you mean by that?” I asked her.

“Well she hasn’t had any lovers in the past, if you catch my drift.” Cadance said receiving a glare from Celestia.

“Wait so you mean she’s a…” I said hoping Celestia would fill in the gap.

“A virgin yes, and if you so much as use that against her.” She said letting my mind fill in the blanks.

After my mind filled in the blanks it finally realized what Celestia had said before her threat. “She’s a virgin.” I said.

“Yes did you not hear me?” Celestia said raising an eyebrow.

“How is she a virgin?” I asked. “And before you ask I know what being a virgin means. But anyway how has she not had any nobles wanting to court her in the past?” I asked the two alicorns. “She’s the most beautiful mare in Equestria, not only with her physical beauty but also with her beautiful personality.”

Celestia then shared another look with Cadance before turning back to me. “Are you serious about what you just said?” Celestia asked me.

“Of course I am. Whenever I’m with her I feel like the luckiest guy in Equestria.” I said as Celestia’s horn glowed a familiar green. I noticed this and gave her a look that screamed ‘really?’

“Well then Ryan you best get ready for your date.” She said before turning towards Cadance. “We best go help my sister get ready Cadance.”

“Of course Auntie.” Cadance said as her and I followed Celestia towards the door.

“Hey Tia what’s the time?” I asked her as we left her room.

“6 o’clock why?” She said casually.

“6 o’clock!? Holy crap!” I then rushed off towards Trixie’s room remembering that my suit was still in the castle. “See ya guys!” I shouted back to the mares as I sped off to get ready for my date.

After scaring Trixie as I burst into her room I got myself ready. Having a shower to freshen myself up and get changed into my suit which thankfully Celestia had the castle staff wash it. After asking Trixie whether or not I looked good I headed out towards the castle gate to wait for Luna.

As I made my way towards the gate I passed through the castle gardens. As I looked around at the different types of flowers, on caught my eye. It was a dark blue rose, with a few white spots on the petals, the flower reminded me of the night sky. ‘Perfect.’ I thought to myself as I plucked the rose. ‘Hope Tia doesn’t mind if I take one the garden’s flowers.’ I said as I left the garden heading back on my course for the castle gate.

As I approached the gate I noticed Joker and Fire Wand standing outside the gates. As I got closer Joker noticed me and nudged Fire to look at me. “Hello Ryan.” Fire said as I got close enough to the duo.

“Damn looking good Ryan.” Joker said noticing my suit. “Guessing you got plans for tonight.”

“Yes I do.” I said as I held the flower behind me.

“So you have a date then Ryan?” Fire said pointing his horn towards the flower. “So who would be the lucky mare?” He asked.

“Good evening Ryan.” I heard Luna’s familiar voice say from behind me.

When I turned to face her I could have sworn my jaw had hit the ground. Standing in front of me was the Princess of the Night in all of her glory. She wore a dark blue dress that swayed cool breeze of the night, upon the dress were patterns that resembled constellations. “Whoa.” I said taking in her beauty.

She let out a slight giggle before turning to Joker and Fire. “Gentlecolts if you would please head back to your barracks for the night, my two guards will be your replacements.” She said gesturing to two thestral guards that were moving to replace Joker and Fire.

“Of course Princess Luna.” Fire said as he and Joker gave a bow.

As they made to leave Joker nudged me in the side with a wing and whispered to me. “Good luck mate.” He then ran off making sure to catch up with Fire.

“So shall we be off Ryan?” Luna asked as she walked up to me.

“Well I have something to give you before we go.” I said as I showed her the flower that I had hid behind me.

“Ryan this is a midnight rose.” She said taking the flower in her magical grasp. “Where did you find this?” She asked me.

“Well I’m hoping your sister doesn’t mind me taking flowers from her garden.” I said sheepishly.

“I don’t think she will. It’s beautiful thank you.” She said as she placed it behind her ear. “But I must ask why did you get it?”

“Because it reminded me of you.” I admitted to her causing her to blush. “Now shall we get going.” I said gesturing towards the city.

“Well I could definitely go for something to eat.” She said making her way out of the castle grounds. She then turned to me noticing that I wasn’t beside her. “Art thou coming Ryan?” She asked me.

“Of course just being polite and letting mares go first.” I said as I walked up to her side.

“So where are we going?” She asked me as we headed off into the city.

“It’s a surprise.” I said as we passed into the middle district. “So did you somehow manage to get out of having a guard look after you Luna?” I asked her.

“No. My guard is keeping an eye on me but you probably won’t see her unless she wants you to be seen.” She said looking up at the stars.

“She? This guard wouldn’t happen to be Moonlight would it?” I asked her as we got closer to The Griffon’s Buffet.

“Maybe.” She said slyly before noticing where we were going. “So we’re going to The Griffon’s Buffet? I’ve been meaning to see it for myself. Cadance has spoken quite highly about it to me and Tia.” She said a smile adorning her muzzle.

“Good to hear.” I said as I held the door to the restaurant open for her. “Mares first.” I said giving her a small bow.

“Why thank you, kind sir.” She said entering the building.

After following her inside, we were greeted by Griff. “Why good evening Princess Luna, a pleasure to have you here.” He said giving Luna a bow. “If you will follow me I will take you to your table.” He said before leading us to a small booth. He then handed us our menus. “If you would like to order your drinks now, I will go get them whilst you think of what you wish for dinner.” He said as Luna and I looked over the drinks menu.

“Water for me please.” Luna said.

“Same here.” I said turning my gaze to the meal menu.

“Well I’ll be back in a bit.” Griff said before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Well tonight is already turning out to be great.” I said to Luna as she looked up from her menu.

“How so?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well just because I get to go on a date with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.” I said causing a blush to arise on Luna’s face as Griff returned.

“Here are your drinks. Have you decided what you would like to eat?” He asked looking between us.

“I’ll go for a fish fettuccini.” Luna said. Griff then shifted his gaze to me.

“I’ll go for spaghetti Bolognese please.” I said. Griff then gave us a nod and went back to the kitchen.

“I must say Ryan you do clean up well in that suit of yours.” Luna said gesturing with a hoof to my suit.

“Thanks. Also to say that you clean up well Luna would probably be an understatement.” I said as a blush adorned her face.

“Thou can’t be serious, this is only a something Tia and Cadance threw together for me at the last minute.” She said looking down at her dress.

“Well if that’s the case you alone make it look like the next big thing for fashion.” I said causing her blush to intensify.

“Thank you Ryan.” She said as her blush slowly died down.

“Hey Luna, I got to ask what’s up with you and Celestia’s manes being wavy and ethereal?” I asked hoping to get an answer.

“Our manes? Well that’s a little spell that Tia and I came up with. Its main purpose is to intimidate any enemies of Equestria.” She explained.

“So what does your mane actually look like?” I asked her wondering if she would show me or at least describe it.

After a few short seconds of thought she spoke up. “Alright then.” With that said her horn glowed for a few short seconds as her ethereal mane disappeared. In it’s place was her mane from when the Elements of Harmony purged her of Nightmare Moon’s darkness.

“Whoa, and here I thought you couldn’t get anymore beautiful.” I said admiring her real mane.

This time her blush returned with a vengeance as I could have sworn her coat was going to change color to red. “Thank you Ryan.” She said before her ethereal mane returned as Griff returned with our dinner.

“Here you go. If you need anything else just come and get me.” With that said he gave a bow and headed for the kitchen.

“Well let’s not let our dinner get cold.” I said before digging into my spaghetti.

After our dinner was done, Griff came back to check up on us. “I hope that you have both enjoyed your dinner.”

“Yes thank you. My compliments to the chef.” Luna said.

“Same here thanks Griff.” I then turned my gaze back to Luna. “So you’re paying right?” I said jokingly.

“Why Ryan?” Luna said raising an eyebrow.

“Well I got no bits to spare.” I said. Luna’s mouth was agape in shock once I said this. “Look Luna I’m only joking, I already paid Griff.” I said a large grin on my face.

“Well then we best get back to the castle. Thank you for dinner Griff, I’ll be sure to tell my sister about this place.” She said as I got out of my seat.

“Well then see ya Griff.” I said as I noticed out of the corner of my eye Luna’s horn glow.

“Your welcome it’s the least I could do.” Griff replied.

The next thing I knew my vision was filled with a blinding blue light, once my eyes were no longer filled with the blinding light, I looked around to find myself in what looked like a mirror image to Celestia’s bedroom. The walls were a dark blue and the nearby bed had dark blue sheets on top of it.

Once I took a guess that I was in Luna’s bedroom I fell to the ground with my eyes closed. I then felt a wing drape itself on my back. “Ryan art thou alright?” Luna asked from her place at my side, worry lacing her voice.

“I’m fine. Why did you not give me a bit of warning we were going to teleport?” I asked her as I tried to make sure my dinner didn’t come back up.

“I thought about paying you back for joking about the bill for dinner.” She said as I slowly stood up her wing still slightly draped a cross my back.

“Well then.” I started turning to look into her eyes. “I guess I have to pay you back.” I said as I pressed my lips against hers. As our tongues intertwined I wrapped my hands around her neck pulling her deeper into the kiss.

After a few moments we separated for air. “That was…” Luna started.

“Better than kissing my dream self.” I finished for her.

“Yes it was.” She said a small smile appearing on her muzzle.

“Good to know, and let me tell you this kissing the real you is far better than kissing your dream self.” I said to her causing a blush to plaster on her face.

A small sly smile then appeared on her muzzle. “So Ryan, you’re alone with a mare in her bedroom what are you going to do next.”

“What do you mean Luna.” I said as I found myself being levitated along with Luna onto her bed. “Oh I think I might have an idea.” I said.

“Good to know that you get what I mean.” Luna said as she nuzzled against my chest.

I decided to hold up a hand to stop her. “Luna believe me when I say I would love to do that with you, but…”

“But what?” she said a slight look of worry in her eye.

“Well I don’t want anything to go to fast between us. I want to get to know you a bit more before we do anything like that.” I said to her.

“I see. I’m sorry for being forward with you.” She said.

“No problem Luna. Also I don’t have a problem staying here with you for the night.” I said to her as a smile crossed her face.

“Alright then Ryan.” She said going back to nuzzle my chest once more.

I then decided to give her a kiss on her fore-head as my eyes slowly closed from tiredness. “Goodnight Lulu.” I said to her.

“Goodnight Ryan.” She said pressing her lips against min before she fell asleep on top of me.

I then decided to follow in her tracks and let my tiredness claim me.

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