• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,031 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Tea with a princess. With questions to come.

I woke up the next morning to find my bed filled with candy wrappers and sticks from lollipops. “Urgh what happened last night?” I asked no one in particular, I then decided to get out of my bed.

“Simple you moron. You, Twilight, Trixie and Spike, went trick or treating, got a heap of candy then came back to the library to eat it all. If I remember correctly, you then passed out from a giant sugar crash.”

“Thanks for that Orion, glad to know you have a use.”

“Yeah yeah whatever. Still can’t believe you passed out from a sugar crash.”

I decided to ignore Orion as he laughed at my expense, what made it even horrible was that his laughter sounded like it was right in my ear. As I proceeded to wake my self up by having a hot shower.

After I was done I decided to head downstairs to find that the lower level of the library was empty, remembering that Twilight and Spike weren’t in their beds I decided to get something to eat from the kitchen. As I walked into the kitchen I noticed a note on the counter top, it was addressed to me I decided to read it out.

“Dear Ryan. If you are reading this, then you’re probably wondering where Spike and I are. Spike is helping me research Pinkie’s so called ‘Pinkie Sense’, as we are doing this Spike and I are unable to got to Canterlot with you and Trixie. Wish Trixie good luck from me and Spike. Sincerely Twilight. P.S I left some pancakes in the fried for you to have as breakfast or lunch depending on whenever you wake up.”

“Well she’s screwed.”

“How exactly is she screwed Orion?” I asked him as I retrieved the pancakes from the fridge also looking to the kitchen’s clock to see that it was 9:30.

“Simple Ryan, she’s going to go and try to understand Pinkie and her reality breaking antics.” My brain then put two and two together finally seeing Orion’s point.

“Well then all the more reason for us to go get Trixie and go to Canterlot. Luckily the Cake’s payed me a few days ago.”

“Still wondering why they hired you to help them out at the shop whenever they need a helping hand.” Orion said with small tone of disgust in his voice. The disgust probably coming from me actually helping someone.

I decided to not give him an answer and decided to eat my breakfast.

After finishing my food, I decided to head out into Ponyville and grab Trixie. When I left the library I saw that Trixie’s carriage was parked next to the library, instead of being parked down the street where it was last night.

“If your wondering how it got there you helped Trixie move it there, before you and your pony pals started eating you own weight in candy.” Said Orion. At that the memory came flooding back to me. “Geez how strong is pony candy if you couldn’t remember helping the wannabe magician.” That was when I decided to stop listening to him after that.

I decided to see if Trixie was in her carriage. After walking up closer to the carriage I gave a few quick knocks to the door. “Yes who is it?” Trixie called out from within the carriage.

“It’s me Trixie.” I called out to her. After a few moments the carriage’s door knob was wrapped in the pink aura that was Trixie’s magic.

When the door opened Trixie was standing in the door way. “Good morning Ryan. Good to see you’re alright after you passed out from eating too much candy.” After she said that last part she erupted in a fit of giggles.

“Okay are you done laughing at my expense.” That managed to get her to stop.

“Sorry Ryan, it’s just a bit funny that’s all.” She said after composing herself. “So I’m guessing we’re heading to the train station. Um where’s Twilight?”

“Oh Twilight can’t come with us she said that she had an important task to do. But she did say that she wishes you good luck.” I then looked into her carriage to see a brief case floating behind her. “I see you got your stuff already packed. Although what about your carriage?” I then gestured to said carriage.

“Oh yes my carriage well Ryan, this isn’t actually a carriage.” This managed to get a look of confusion to arise on my face.

“How isn’t it a carriage Trixie?” I asked her as we took a few steps back from the carriage.

“Well Ryan when I was in possession of The Alicorn Amulet I cat a spell on my carriage that can make it compact into a small model.” With that her horn glowed, and a small beam of magic shot from her horn and wrapped itself around the carriage. In a flash of light, the carriage shrunk down to the size of a small model.

“Wow that is one heck of a trick Trixie. Wait a sec doesn’t that drain most of your magical energy?” When I looked to the mare for an answer I could see her panting a small amount of sweat dripping off her brow.

“It does drain my reserves quite a bit but casting the enchantment for the first time is more draining.” I then decided to grab Trixie’s suitcase for her after I picked up her model carriage. “Ryan you don’t need to do that I can carry my stuff.”

“Well to bad Trixie, you need to catch your breath and regain your magic.”

“Okay then well Ryan, you best lead the way to the train station we don’t want to keep the princesses waiting.”

“Okay then,” I started as we walked in the direction of the train station. “But first Trixie, the station is at the end of this street, can you please go get our train tickets I gotta make a quick stop somewhere first.” I then handed her a small bag of bits, as she grasped her suitcase in her magic.

“Are you sure Ryan I could simply buy us both tickets I have the bits to buy them.”

“Yes I’m sure Trixie okay, don’t worry I won’t be long.” I then headed off towards my destination, Sugarcube Corner.

I pushed open the door to Sugarcube Corner the small bell above the door telling either the Cakes or Pinkie that a someone had entered. “I’ll be with you in a moment dear!” I heard Mrs. Cake call from the kitchen.

After a few moments Mrs. Cake emerged from the kitchen with a bit of flour in her mane. “Good Morning Mrs. Cake. How’s the shop going?” I greeted the shop owner.

“Good Morning to you too Ryan, and it’s been a good day so far. Carrot’s just out grabbing a few things from the market. Anyway what can I do for you Ryan?”

This got me to stop and think what I was going to get. “I think I’ll go for a chocolate cake, please.”

“Sure thing dear.” With that said Mrs. Cake pulled out a medium sized box, with the label chocolate on top of it. “Here you go dear. That’ll be 10 bits.” I handed over the required amount of bits and picked up the box and headed for the door. Before I could get out Mrs. Cake stopped me. “Hey Ryan, can I tell you something?”

“Sure thing, Mrs. Cake.”

“Please call me Cup, dear. Anyway me and Carrot have been wondering, why did you help Trixie.”

“Why do you want to know Cup?” I may have added a bit too much aggression seep into that remark.

“Oh I didn’t mean anything by it dearie. It’s just Carrot and I are actually some of the ponies who are glad to see her. So we were wondering what compelled you to help her.”

Well that made me feel like a complete and utter bastard with the tone I used on her. “Oh well sorry about my tone Cup. As for why I helped her well I didn’t want her to be hated by every-pony, I wanted to help her make friends that’s all.” I explained to Cup.

“Very well dear. If you see her, please tell her Carrot and I wish her good luck with being Princess Luna’s student.”

“I’ll let her know Cup.” We then exchanged goodbyes and I headed for the station.

After a few minutes I arrived at the station to find that Trixie was sitting on a bench with her stuff.

“Hey Trixie you got our tickets?” I asked the mare.

“Yep her you are.” She levitated me my ticket out from under her hat. “Oh I almost forgot,” She then floated me a few bits from under her hat. “Here’s your change from the tickets.”

“Wow thanks Trixie.” At that the train whistle blew signaling that it was leaving soon. “Hey c’mon we best get some good seats before the train leaves.”

With that said I grabbed Trixie’s bag for her, I then gestured for the mare to lead the way to our seats. With us being able to find some seats in an empty carriage, Trixie spoke up.

“Ryan what’s in the box you have?” She then gestured with one of her fore-hooves towards the box I had sharing my seat with me.

“Well Trixie I thought to myself, ‘what’s the best way to help your friend socialize with a Princess’, do you want to know how I can do that Trixie?” Trixie then gave me a few quick nods wanting to know where I was going with this. “Well it’s quite simple I buy a cake and then we have cake with the Princess.” This got a gasp of surprise from Trixie.

“You can’t be serious Ryan.”

“I am.”

“Okay then what sort of cake did you get then? It has to be good enough for a Princess you know.”

“I know that Trixie. As for the flavor of the cake I went for a flavor no one in their right mind would resist. Chocolate.”

“Okay then Ryan, that sounds suitable enough. Now if you don’t mind I would like to get some sleep Ryan, so can you please wake me when we get to Canterlot.”

“Sure thing Trixie. Although if you wake up first you gotta wake me alright.”

“A deal it is then Ryan.”

“Cool. Have a good nap Trixie.”

“You too Ryan, you too.”

Several Hours later

As I woke up from my nap I realized that a rare thing was occurring to me. It was one of the few times since arriving in Equestria I was waking up naturally. I decided to look out the window of the carriage to see how far away we were from Canterlot, when I realized that something was sitting in my lap. I looked down to see Trixie quietly snoring in her sleep as her head rested on my lap. It was freaking adorable.

Orion how ever ruined that moment. “So enjoying having a pony lying in your lap Ryan?”

“Oh shut up Orion. Why do you always have to ruin these little moments?”

Orion gave a small chuckle before answering. “But Ryan, that’s what I do best ruin these little moments.”

I was about to give Orion a remark, but my thoughts were interrupted as the train blew its whistle. The affect of the whistle was almost immediate.

“Who dares wake The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie slurred still half asleep.

“Easy Trixie, the train woke you up,” I said to her running my fingers through her mane hoping to help wake her up. “We’re getting close to Canterlot. How about we look out the window to see how fare away we are.”

With that said Trixie got up and looked out the window, I decided to follow her over to the window. All I can say is that the view of Canterlot was breathtaking to say the least. By my guess we were a few minutes away from arriving in Canterlot.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Trixie asked me.

“Yeah it is.” I said to her as I grabbed her bag. We headed for the door to the platform as the train arrived in the station. As it turned out not many ponies were using the train to get to Canterlot, as when Trixie and I hopped off it I looked around to see only a dozen ponies hopping off the train.

When I stopped looking at the ponies that were departing other carriages, I noticed that a bat-pony clad in dark armor had approached Trixie and I.

“Hello there.” The bat-pony greeted us. “I am captain Moonlight of the lunar guard.”

“Hello there, Captain. If you were wondering my name is Ryan, my friend here’s name is Trixie. A pleasure to finally meet and talk with a bat-pony.” I said to her. She froze for a moment when I called her a bat-pony. Before I could ask her if she was okay she spoke up.

“Please Ryan, try to refrain from calling me and my kind bat-ponies. My species go by the name of Thestral.”

“Oh sorry about that Captain.”

“It’s alright Ryan, most ponies and other species usually get that confused the first time around. Anyway Mother Sol has sent me to lead you and Lady Noctis’ new student to the castle.” Those name that she said didn’t sound familiar at all.

Trixie had caught on this as well, as she asked the question which was on the tip of my tongue. “Sorry captain.”

Before Trixie could continue Moonlight interrupted her. “Please call me Moonlight, Miss Lulamoon.”

“Okay then Moonlight and please call me Trixie.” At this Moonlight gave Trixie a nod of understanding. “Anyway as I was saying who is this Mother Sol and Lady Noctis you speak of?”

“Ah yes those are the names that we Thestrals have given to the royal sisters. Mother Sol being, Princess Celestia and Lady Noctis being Princess Luna. Anyway we must be off Mother Sol is expecting you two, she wishes to meet her sister’s apprentice over afternoon tea. She has also asked that you come along as well Ryan.” With that little explanation done Moonlight lead us into Canterlot, towards the main castle where the Princesses lived.

As it turned out the Canterlot train station was only a five-minute walk away from the Castle. When we passed through the gate of Canterlot Castle I was glad we were there. As it turned out Canterlot was divided into three districts, each district containing a separate social class. Lower class lived in the lower district, Middle class in the middle district and then the snooty nobles in the upper district.

What made me glad to be passing into the castle most of all was that the train had dropped me and Trixie off in the upper district’s station. So the whole time we were walking to the castle the nobles who were walking around gave me looks of disgust. It was a fun walk to say the least especially seeing as how I could hear their whispers of disgust.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Moonlight. “Here we are Mother Sol is over there.” She then used one of her leathery wings towards a table in the middle of what I was guessing the Canterlot Castle gardens.

It was then I noticed what exactly Moonlight looked like. She had a grey coat her mane and tail was a darker tone of Azure blue, with a thin strip of light purple running down the center. Her eyes were a light shade of amber, it was then I noticed her eyes were slitted, her cutie mark was a small purple flame set against a full moon.

“Any reason why you’re staring at my flank Ryan?” Moonlight said my eyes widened as she said this and I could then feel a blush covering my face.

“Oh sorry Moonlight, just looking at your cutie mark it’s a very intricate design.” I said to her.

“It’s no problem Ryan just merely teasing you.” A question then crossed my mind that I had to ask the captain.

“I’m guessing your part of Luna’s personal guard?”

“Why yes I am Ryan. What made you guess that?”

“Oh just that Luna usually jested me and teased me a few times whenever she would visit me in my dreamscape. Also that’s the same line she used when I first saw her cutie mark.”

Moonlight gave a hum of thought before speaking again. “Well then I must be off I have duties to attend to. I will notify Lady Noctis that you have arrived Trixie.” With that she flew off towards the castle.

When she was gone I walked over too the table that Celestia was sitting at Trixie was hesitant to follow probably waiting for Celestia to call her over. I took notice that Trixie was still standing a few feet away but she quickly came over when I waved her over.

Taking our seats after I set the cake box on the table I decided to start up conversation. “So how’s it going Celestia. Nobles still annoying you in day court?”

That managed to get a small chuckle from the princess and also a small gasp of shock from Trixie. “Their getting more manageable Ryan. Anyway back to current events,” She then turned to look at Trixie. “It is good to see you again Trixie, how are things going for you?”

Trixie froze in shock as she was addressed by Celestia. She managed to compose herself but I could see a small amount of sweat dripping down her brow. “W-well P-princess Celestia life’s been quite good for me.”

That stutter at the start of her sentence caused Celestia to raise an eyebrow. “Trixie please call me Celestia. So how do you feel about my sister taking you under her wing as her student. Also Ryan what is in this box you have here.

With that question I opened the box to reveal the chocolate cake. “Well it’s a cake I bought from Sugarcube Corner.” With that said Celestia made 3 small plates appear in a flash of light she then served me and Trixie slices of the cake, after we received our slices Celestia cut off a slice for herself, I noticed how it was the size of Trixie and I’s slices of cakes combined. Seems the rumor of Celestia loving cake that Luna told me was true.

“Um, well Celestia I feel like one of the luckiest unicorns in Equestria.” Trixie said with a smile crossing her muzzle.

Celestia then turned to me. “How do you feel about this Ryan?”

Well that question caught me a bit off guard, after a few seconds of thought I managed to get my answer ready. “Well Celestia, I’m sort of feeling a mix of emotions.” Celestia then gestured for me to continue, as she sliced off another slice of cake for herself. “Well Celestia the main emotion I’m feeling is happiness for Trixie. The next is a small amount of sadness if I’m to be perfectly honest.”

“How are you feeling sad Ryan?” Trixie asked, a look of concern on her face.

“Well Trixie, it’s only a small amount of sadness really, it’s just you won’t be visiting Ponyville anymore that’s all.” I said to her. This managed to remove the look of concern on her face to a degree.

I saw that I ate the last of my slice of cake. I then grabbed the knife Celestia used to cut us all slices of cake, but as I turned to cut myself a slice of cake I found it was gone. I then turned to see an unusual amount of chocolate crumbs around Celestia’s muzzle. “Really Celestia?” I deadpanned to her.

The Princess decided to pull out her award winning poker face. With a flash of her horn the crumbs were gone, before Trixie could notice them. “Whatever do you mean Ryan?”

“You know exactly what I mean Celestia. Where’s the cake?” Out of the corner of my eye I could see Trixie looking between us wondering what we were talking about.

“What cake Ryan?” Celestia asked innocently.

“You want to play that gam eh Celestia?” I then turned to Trixie. “Trixie I brought a chocolate her with us didn’t I?” Trixie then looked between me and Celestia, probably wondering what to do next.

“Yes we did bring a cake Ryan.” Trixie said reluctantly.

I turned back to the Princess with a smug look on my face. “Well Celestia any comments on that?” I asked her.

“Hahahaha.” We heard someone laughing from behind us. I turned to see Luna standing a few meters away from the table. She decided to join us at the table making a chair appear from out of nowhere in a flash of light. “Sooooo sister it seems someone has finally bested you.” Luna then turned to me. “Congratulations Ryan thou hast bested my sister in a verbal battle. Believe us when we say that is no easy task to accomplish.”

“Well thank you for that Luna. I’d offer you a slice of cake but it seems it’s gone.”

“Yes we see that. But anyway we must get back to the matter at hoof.” She then turned to Trixie. “Greetings to you Miss Lulamoon, would you be here to tell us if you wish to be our student?”

Trixie paused for a second a look of deep thought crossed her face, before she responded. “It would be an honor Princess Luna, but may I ask you one thing?”

“Of course you can Trixie, and please call us Luna.”

“Okay then. As I was saying what exactly will I be learning?” Trixie had a point Luna never really said what she would be teaching Trixie.

“Well Trixie I believe a demonstration would probably be best. But maybe not out here though.” Luna then turned to Celestia. “Sister would Twilight’s old room be available?”

Celestia pondered that question for a few points whilst tapping one of her fore-hooves against her chin, until she came to a conclusion. “It should be available sister. I was actually thinking of Trixie taking that room.” She then turned to Trixie. “If it is alright with you Trixie, you could call that place your room whilst you stay here, unless you wish for another room.”

“Of course not Princess Celestia that sounds fine really.” A grin showed itself on Trixie’s muzzle.

“Well then we best be off.” Luna spoke up then turning to Celestia. “If you don’t mind me taking Ryan and Trixie with me.”

“Not at all sister. I do have to get back to day-court anyway. Hope your lessons go well Trixie.” With that said Celestia was gone in a flash of light, probably back to day-court.

“Well Luna you lead the way.” I said to Luna who lead us off into the castle.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at Twilight’s old room, as soon as we entered it was obvious how much Twilight loved books as her room was split into two halves. The lower halves walls were lined with shelves that were packed with books. The upper half had most of the walls the same as the lower half although there was a space in the wall that housed a desk and dresser, opposite the desk and dresser was a queen sized bed with light blue sheets.

“How do you like it Trixie.” Luna asked Trixie.

Trixie had her back facing the princess whilst she was taking every little detail in. When Trixie turned around the grin she wore told the princess and I how she felt. “It’s wonderful thank you Luna.” She then turned to the bookshelves. “What exactly are in these books princess?”

“Ah yes. As my sister explained to me when I returned, Twilight wanted to learn about most types of magic. If the labels on the shelves are anything to go by she organized the books by what sort of spells are in them.”

I decided to have a look around the room. Luna was correct about the labels on the shelves as it seems each of the different types of magic had their own shelves. What caught my eye was that a few types of magic from video games were evident.

One shelf caught my eye as it was void of any contents except for a single book sitting in the middle of the shelf. As I approached the shelf something was calling me to the book, some sort of ethereal force. When I was close enough I reached my hands out and grasped the book. As soon as I got a good grip on the book it felt like something was surging through me from the book, I could have sworn I felt like Harry Potter when he held his wand for the first time.

As soon as the flow of what I guessed to be magic I read the cover out loud. “Thaumonomicon.”

I turned around to see Luna and Trixie looking at me in confusion. “The what Ryan?” Trixie asked.

“The Thaumonomicon, that’s what this book is called.” I showed them the book. “Funny thing about this is that this book is also back on earth.” That piqued their interest, especially Luna’s.

“I thought you said there is no magic on earth Ryan. Seeing as how that book is a magical tome that would lead me to believe that there is magic on earth.”

“There isn’t any magic on earth Luna. This book does exist but it’s in a fictional story.” That last bit was a lie but they managed to buy it. I didn’t want to go explaining to them that this book was from a video game. As they would only ask me what a video game was, and that would probably take forever for me to explain what a video game was.

This managed to get the two mares too pause before Luna spoke up after she looked out the window which I just noticed took up about 75% of the wall that was left to the room’s entrance. I followed the princesses gaze noticing that the sun was setting.

“Hmm. May I propose an idea Ryan?” Luna asked me.

“Um sure Luna, what’s on your mind.” I asked her as I saw Trixie move along the shelves looking from shelf to shelf.

“Well if it couldn’t be too much trouble. Seeing as how my sister’s sun is setting would you like to spend the night here in Canterlot?”

This question caught me a bit off guard as I hadn’t planned to stay over night. After a few seconds I came up with a decision. “Okay Luna but first a few questions. First where in the castle will I be staying?”

Luna thought for a second before turning to address Trixie. “Trixie you don’t mind sharing a room with Ryan do you?”

As soon as Trixie had heard this she turned back to the princess. “Of course not princess. But where in here would he be staying there’s only one bed?” At this Luna then gestured with her wing towards a set of stairs that Trixie and I had completely missed as we entered.

I approached the stairs and looked down them. On the lower floor it was an exact copy of the sleeping area on the top floor. Except the queen sized bed’s sheets were a shade of purple. I also noticed that there was an extra door across the room from the stairs. I decided to go down into the room instead of sitting on the stairs looking into the room. The wall that the massive window was located on also had a small amount of of the window coming through the floor.

Turns out Trixie had appeared on the lower floor and moved to look behind the closed door. As she enveloped the doorknob in her magic as I stood behind her, she then opened the door to reveal a bathroom. There wasn’t anything grand in the bathroom except for a medium sized shower which by my guess could hold Luna if she had her wings spread fully. Also in the bathroom were the usual things, a toilet for obvious reasons, as well as a medium sized sink.

I then turned to Trixie. “Um tonight Trixie you can have first dibs on the shower okay. Also you can have the upstairs bed I’ll sleep down here okay.”

“Why thank you Ryan. I think we should head back upstairs Princess Luna is probably waiting for us.”

With that we headed back upstairs. “So how do you like it Ryan?”

“It’s a nice little hideout. That also answers my question of where the bathroom would be. As now I don’t have to borrow your bathroom Luna.”

At this Luna let out a chuckle. “Maybe you would get luck with my sister, but alas you would not get any luck with me.”

“Um Princess if I may interject in you and Ryan’s banter.” Hmm seems Trixie was getting comfortable around the princesses or at least Luna. “If I may ask of you princess to show me exactly what I will be learning under your teachings.”

“Ah yes. Well Trixie the sort of magic that I use are a mix of illusionary spells with a small amount of destruction spells woven into them for added affect. As for what I will be mainly teaching you will be illusionary spells, as I have seen your dreams and don’t worry I won’t tell any-pony of your dreams. I have seen that you are a magician and from what I know magicians like to use illusionary spells to bring joy and excitement to the crowds. That is correct yes?”

Trixie thought for a moment on what Luna had said before responding. “Yes that is what we magicians do so that sounds very nice Luna.” Trixie said with a grin.

As soon as Trixie said that my stomach let out a loud growl, catching the eye of Luna and Trixie. “If I’m to guess Ryan your hungry correct?” Luna asked I then gave her a quick nod. “Well before I continue Trixie would you like to have something to eat?” Trixie thought for a moment before giving Luna a nod. “Well then if you will both follow me. We will go to the dining hall for dinner.”

With that Luna lead us out of the room luckily I remembered to place the Thaumonomicon back on it’s shelf before we left. As I turned back to the door to catch up with Trixie and Luna who were waiting outside the door for me Orion spoke up. “Okay Ryan, what the heck is the Thaumonomicon get here? Especially seeing as how it exists in a mod for Minecraft.”

“You’re not the only one who’s wondering what the heck that book is doing here, maybe God will give us some answers tonight whilst we’re asleep.” I thought luckily Orion managed to hear me clear as day. I decided to leave the thoughts concerning the Thaumonomicon for later now it was time to follow Luna to dinner.

Author's Note:

Hello all of you wonderful people that left a like on this fic. I am sorry to inform you but for the second half of next week I will be unable to update for a few days. I will try my hardest to try and deliver a new chapter over the weekend.

I would also like to inform you all that any characters or monsters/animals from Minecraft will be appearing in this fic. As for why the Thaumcraft mod is appearing in this fic answers will be provided in the next chapter.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.:pinkiehappy:

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