• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Dinner with royalty and answers for both ponies and humans.

After few minutes of walking passing by maids, butlers and a few guards. We finally arrived at a large set of double doors, the large doors were made from what I guessed to be either oak or spruce wood. There were two guards posted either side of the doors. Both of the guards were unicorns from my guess they would use their magic to open the doors.

When they saw us approaching they straightened themselves standing to attention. As we got close enough the guards horns lit up enveloping each of the doors with their magic allowing us to enter. As we passed the guards I stopped in front of the open entrance, the guards noticed this each giving me quizzical looks, before the one to my left spoke up.

“Um sir are you okay?” I turned my head to him and gave him a once over. He had orange fur with a light blue mane and tail, his armor was shiny giving the look that he had recently shined it. His cutie mark was a magical wand spitting out a jet of fire. “Sir are you sure you’re okay?” He said pulling me out of my trance.

“Um oh yeah I’m fine. By the way what’s your name guard?” I asked him surely he had to have something interesting to go with that cutie mark, something fire related.

“My name is Fire Wand sir.” Fire Wand eh?

“Well anyway pleasure to meet you.” I then extended my hand which Fire looked at in confusion, before adding two and two together and he put his hoof in my hand. “Name’s Ryan and please don’t call me sir. By the way thanks for opening the door for us. Also nice name.” I said after shaking his hoof.

“Ryan are you coming?!” I heard Luna shout from inside the room.

“Heh looks like I got to go see you around Fire.” I gave him a wave as I walked into the room.

When I entered I was greeted with two things the first was the doors closing behind me, the second was a great dining room table. The dining room table reminded me of the dining room tables from the Harry Potter movies except for four of them there was only one, it was also raised further up from the ground. The benches that people would sit on were also replaced with small stools that had a red cushion, the stools also had a small back for a pony to relax against. The seat of the stools was big enough to let a fully grown Alicorn sit on by my guess.

I then looked down the table to see where the ponies were sitting. Celestia was sitting at the head of the table, Luna was sitting to the right of her sister and last but not least was Trixie sitting opposite Luna but not to the seat positioned to Celestia’s right. ‘Must still be nervous around Celestia’ I thought to myself, as I decided to sit to the left of Celestia.

“Ah Ryan good to see you have arrived. Now before we begin eating I must ask you a question.”

“Um sure thing Celestia what’s the question?” I asked wondering what she could want to talk about.

“Well it’s about your diet Ryan. Do humans eat meat?”

This managed to get me to pause for a second. “Um yes we do eat meat. Why?”

“Oh no reason it’s just that we sometimes have Griffon ambassadors over for dinner to talk about peace and they will generally want something of the meat variety to eat. We have a few things for the ambassadors and were wondering whether you would want something.”

With that said a small piece of paper appeared in front of me on the table. On the top of the paper it read meat selection. As my eyes looked over the page I noticed quite a few things that caught my eye. In the end I decided on a minute steak.

As I looked back up I noticed that the others were looking at their own respective menus. Celestia looked up from her’s to see me looking away from my menu. “Ah Ryan have you decided what you want to have?”

“Oh yeah I have Celestia, I was wondering though do you have a salad menu, or drinks menu at least.” At this, two menus appeared on top of my steak menu. One labeled salad and the other labeled drinks. “Thanks Celestia.” I then looked back down to the menus deciding to just have a garden salad and a glass of water.

After a while everyone else had decided what to have and a butler appeared by Celestia’s side. “Good evening every-pony how may I serve you today?” He then gave a slight nod with his head, as he did that a note book and quill appeared by his side.

“Hmm well, I think I’ll go for the garden salad, Luna?”

“We shall have lily flower sandwich. Trixie what do you wish?”

“Um I think I’ll go for a garden salad as well.” She then looked to me.

“Oh well. I’ll have a minute steak, a garden salad and a water please.”

With that said the butler finished writing down our orders before looking to the ponies. “Any drinks for you three?”

Celestia spoke up. “We’ll take some water please.” She then looked to the others each giving nods. “Thank you for that Silver Platter.” With that said Silver gave a small bow before turning towards a door which I guessed led to the kitchen.

“So Ryan, Luna tells me that you found something interesting in Twilight’s old room.”

“Ah yes. I found a book called the Thaumonomicon, it’s a book that exists in a fictional story on earth. In the story the Thaumonomicon is an ancient magical tome. If my memory is correct it contains different types of information about different types of alchemy, wand magic and a bit of forbidden magic or dark magic as you may call it.”

The mention of dark magic managed to get a veil of silence to envelop the dining room. “I see.” Celestia said in a slightly dark tone.

“Although you and Twilight should already know what’s in the book right, seeing as how it’s in Twilight’s old room, you guys would have read it already.” This managed to get Celestia to raise her head.

“We’ve been unable to open it. Twilight came up with a few ideas on how to open it, but the spells she designed ran the risk of destroying the book.”

This came as a giant shock ‘They’re unable to open the book’ I thought to myself, ‘Yay even more for God to explain’ my thoughts were interrupted when Silver returned with our meals.

“Dinner.” Was all that Silver said as he gave a bow and trotted back to the kitchen.

When my plate appeared in front of me I quickly grabbed my knife and fork, which had somehow appeared in my hands. I looked down at my steak taking in the smell of the cooked meat, before giving it no mercy.

When I was done I looked back up to see that Luna was on the verge of falling off her chair from laughter, Celestia was hiding a giggle behind her hoof whilst Trixie looked at me in shock.

“What’s so funny Luna?” I asked the princess.

After a minute she finally managed to compose herself and calm down. “Do you know how log it took for you to eat that steak Ryan?”

“Um no. How long did I take then?”

Celestia answered for her sister. “Well it took you about 45 seconds to eat that steak.”

That gave me a bit of a shock but didn’t come as a big surprise. “Great I broke my record.”

“Record?” Trixie asked between bites of her salad.

“Oh yeah. Well back on earth there was a restraint I went to once with a couple of my friends, one of the dared me to take on the restaurant’s eat a steak in a minute challenge. I accepted and ate it in 55 seconds.” I told them happy to relive a few good memories.

“That sounds like quite an amazing feat Ryan. You could probably make a griffon jealous you know.” Luna said.

“Well after sending about a month here living amongst vegetarians you sort of miss the feeling of biting into a steak.”

“Well it definitely looks like you missed eating steak.” Celestia said. Before looking at me a serious look crossing her muzzle. “Ryan.”

I looked up to her a small bit of lettuce hanging from my mouth, after eating what salad was in my mouth I looked to her. “Yes Celestia.”

“There is something you must know about the Thaumonomicon you must know.” I then gestured with my hands for her to continue with her thoughts. “Well that book appeared in Twilight’s room when I was teaching her a few new spells. It appeared in a flash of purple light. This happened about a week before I sent her to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.”

“Wait Celestia your saying that the Thaumonomicon, hasn’t always been in your possession.” She gave me a nod to confirm what I had said. “Wow okay then. That is…”

“Confusing, is that the word you’re looking for correct?” Celestia said, a small smile crossing her muzzle.

“Heh yeah I guess it is. But anyway let’s try not to dwell on that eh?” That managed to raise her spirits. I then realized something. “Hey Celestia you don’t mind passing a message on for me do you?”

“Of course not.” Sensing that I may be needing to send a letter she summoned up a scroll and a pot of ink and a quill.

“Thanks Celestia.” I then wrote out my message. “You don’t mind sending this to Twilight do you? She’s probably wondering where I am.” With that said the scroll disappeared in a flash of yellow light.

Meanwhile at Golden Oaks Library

“Spike are you sure you checked under his bed?” Twilight said to her faithful assistant.

“I’m sure Twilight, seeing as you’ve had me look under there 5 times already.” Spike replied to Twilight as 5 mares walked in through the door.

Twilight turned to the new arrivals. “Well girls have you found him?”

Rarity spoke up first. “We’ve looked all over Ponyville dear, we haven’t seen him.”

AJ then spoke up. “Rares is right Twilight, he isn’t even at the acres.”

“Oh hopefully he hasn’t accidentally walked into the Everfree.” Fluttershy said.

“Well maybe he was pony-napped, by Trixie I bet.” Rainbow Dash said a look of anger crossing her face.

Before any pony could say anything Spike belched up a letter, and handed it to Twilight. “For you.” He said.

“What’s it say Twily?” Pinkie said bouncing on the spot.

“Dear Twilight. Hey if you or the others are wondering where I am I’m up at Canterlot. Turns out I’ll be spending the night here. I may also be spending the next couple of days here as well. By the way Trixie is now Luna’s student.” At that Pinkie pulled out her party cannon and blasted it covering Twilight in confetti.

“Heh sorry Twily I couldn’t help myself.” Pinkie said after pushing her party cannon away.

“Any way as I was saying. Also Twilight I found a book called the Thaumonomicon in your room, that book actually exists on earth but as a magical tome in a fictional book series. Anyway, tell the others that I’m alright. I’ll also be trying to open the Thaumonomicon if I do I promise I’ll share it with you. Sincerely Ryan.”

“So he’s up at Canterlot dear?” Rarity asked.

“Seems so Rarity. Well then I guess I better go tell the mayor to call off that search party.” Twilight then ran out of the library making a beeline straight for Town Hall.

“Hopefully Twilight hasn’t done anything too drastic whilst I’ve been gone.” I said to the others as we made out way out of the dining hall. I noticed as we walked down the hall that Fire Wand and his buddy were gone replaced by a couple of Thestral guards. “Hey Celestia what happened to your day guards that were outside the dinning room?” I asked maybe she’ll know where Fire was.

“Well they changed positions with the Lunar guard once the sun went down. They can’t be standing around for 24 hours a day can they?” I then noticed that we were outside of Twilight’s old room.

‘Should I be calling this Trixie’s room now?’ I thought to myself as we entered. It was then I noticed that the princesses were still with us.

“Um no offense your highnesses but why are you here?” I asked. I may have had an idea on why Luna was here probably to teach Trixie, but Celestia was a mystery.

“Well my sister is going to be beginning her lessons with Trixie.” She then looked to the magician. “If that is alright with you Miss Lulamoon?”

“Of course it’s no problem princess.” I gave a smile noticing how Trixie had calmed down a bit around Celestia.

“Okay then why are you here then Celestia?” I asked hopefully she would tell me.

“Well since you told Luna how earth’s sun and moon don’t require Alicorn magic to rotate, I’ve been meaning to ask you to elaborate.”

“Um sure thing Celestia. But I may need something to write on.” In an instant a black board appeared on the opposite side of the room, with a few cushions sitting in front of it.

“Well then sister whilst thou are learning about Ryan’s planet Trixie and I shall begin our lesson.” Luna then led Trixie to the center of the room. While Celestia passed them to get to the blackboard I saw Luna lean down and whisper something into Trixie’s ear, something that caused a grin to spread across Trixie’s muzzle.

When we reached the blackboard Celestia took a seat on one of the cushions. It was then I realized something that lead me to let out a few chuckles. “What’s so funny Ryan?”

“Oh it’s nothing Celestia, just that the teacher has become the student in this case.” Celestia let out a few giggles at that.

“Well then teacher please continue with your lesson.”

I turned towards the board and picked up a piece of chalk. “Okay then Celestia will you please explain to me how the sun and moon work in Equestria.”

“Well I raise the sun and lower the moon every morning, whereas my sister does the opposite in the evening raising the moon and lowering the sun. When we have raised our respective celestial bodies we then set them on a rotation path across Equestria’s sky.”

“So you use gravity to keep the sun and moon floating across Equestria’s sky?” Celestia then gave a nod. “Okay then. Well earth’s moon operates in the same way it does here, but instead of an Alicorn raising it each evening it floats around the earth thanks o the earth’s gravitational field.” I then drew a sphere on the blackboard labeled earth, then I drew a smaller sphere labeled moon rotating around the earth.

“So the moon is continuously floating around earth?” Celestia asked.

“Yes it does.” I then looked pass Celestia, to see Trixie prepping herself to cast a spell.

“Um Ryan you do know your head is on fire.” Celestia said pointing a hoof towards my head. After a few seconds the spell cut and Trixie’s panting could be heard from the center of the room.

“Sister you saw what that spell did correct.” Luna asked Celestia.

“Yes I did Luna.” Celestia shifted herself so she could see Trixie properly. “Trixie do you know how powerful that spell was?” Celestia asked Trixie. The only response Celestia got was the sound of her gulping down a jug of water that Luna had summoned. “You are one powerful unicorn Miss Lulamoon.” Celestia then looked to Luna. “How about you and Trixie take seat, whilst gets her energy back.”

In a moment I had two new students. “As I was saying Celestia, the earth acts like earth’s moon around our sun. Rotating around the sun in the sun’s gravitational field, along with the rest of the planets in our solar system.” After drawing up a rough sketch of the solar system, turning back to the ponies to see that they were studying the board.

Celestia let out a small chuckle as she looked over my work. “I have to admit Ryan this is quite interesting. You could probably rival anything Twilight could come up with.”

“No he couldn’t sister. Even if he could he doesn’t have a big enough blackboard.” Luna said whilst she was having small fit of giggles.

“That is a good point Luna.” Celestia then looked out the window. “Unfortunately I must be off to bed.” With that Celestia walked over to the door. “Thank you for that little feast of information Ryan, I’ll be seeing you all tomorrow.” With that she left the room.

“Well Trixie we need to continue our lesson. How about we head back to my chambers to continue our lesson so that Ryan can get some sleep.” She then went over to the door, and waited for Trixie.

“Well I best be off then, have a good night’s sleep Ryan.” She then walked over to Luna.

“You too Trixie!” I called out to her as she left.

Before I could make my way towards the stairs downstairs, a knocking could be heard on the other side of the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by Celestia.

“Ryan I forgot to mention I have teleported your spare clothes up here from Ponyville.” She then levitated a small briefcase from behind her.

“Oh thanks Celestia.” She then left.

I then grabbed the briefcase and headed downstairs. After having a quick shower and getting changed, I decided to lay my head down and fall asleep.

I awoke in my bed for some reason, thinking I had woken up in Equestria I looked around to see where I was only to find a black void. Soon enough Orion appeared.

“Hey Orion where are we?” I asked thinking that he wasn’t going to give me a straight answer.

“Well I have no clue to tell you the truth mate. I don’t think it’s the dreamscape it doesn’t feel like it is.” That took me by surprise, Orion gave me a straight answer for once.

“Hello Ryan, Orion.” The voice of God said from the black void.

“Hey God we need to talk about something.” I said to him as I got out of the bed. “What exactly is the Thaumonomicon doing here.”

“Hmm I was wondering what you were going to ask about your gift.”

“Wait my gift?” I asked. Orion looked into the void in confusion.

“Yes your gift. Although this version of the Thaumonomicon is a tad bit modified, instead of all of the boundless knowledge of flux and thaumaturgy magic. Instead this Thaumonomicon will enable you with the aid of the Equestrians you will be able to make things such as the goggles of revealing, as well as something new something that I like to call the gloves of the arch-mage. You may want to look at those first.”

“Okay then so we got some fancy book that will let us do something special. Great that really helps y’know.” Orion said pointing a finger to the void. He was then flung into the bed cracking the thing in half. “Ow.” Orion said from the other side of the now destroyed bed.

“As I was about to say.” God continued. “You can know open the Thaumonomicon. Whether you share the information with the equestrians or not is up to you. You will also not have to worry about there being dark magic or mentions of the flux in the book.”

“Okay the cool that helps quite a bit thanks for that God.”

“Your welcome.”

A thought then crossed my mind. “Hey God where exactly are we. Because Orion said before that this wasn’t like the dreamscape so are we somewhere else?”

“Ah yes. Well Ryan we are still in your dreamscape although I have made a few changes to it. The main change I have made is that your dreamscape is more secure as I still do not want the equestrians to know of my presence.”

“So Luna isn’t going to come knocking anytime soon?”

“No she will not. Now I must be off. When I leave your dreamscape will be returned back to normal. Goodbye.” With that the black void was gone leaving Orion and I sitting on a small hill under a night sky with a full moon hanging above.

“Well that’s great.” Dammit I was hoping that Orion would stay knocked out. “He couldn’t even give us a hint what this great evil is.” Orion then let out a yawn. “Well I’ll leave you to your thoughts, I’m going back to my dreamscape. See ya sucker.” And with that he was gone. When he was gone I decided to enjoy my dreams.

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