• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Meeting a magician and remaking friends.

I woke up the next morning feeling like complete crap. Damn you Orion.

“Already been damned idiot.” Alright Orion, can read some of my thoughts got to remember that. Okay wake up in my bed to the annoying voice in my head, great start.

“Time to get some breakfast, wonder what’s cooking?” I then decided to make my way to Twilight’s kitchen only to find the purple unicorn already working on something. “You need a hand Twilight?”

This got a surprised yelp from the unicorn as she hadn’t realized I had woken up let alone was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “Oh no thanks Ryan, but thanks for the offer. I hope you don’t mind eggs and toast for breakfast.”

“Not a problem Twilight. As long as someone sorry I mean some-pony is making me some free food not a problem.” At this she left out a snort of annoyance, before she could say anything I made my leave and decided to go wake Spike. As I got to the top of the stairs I heard Spike’s snores coming from his little basket at the end of Twilight’s bed.

“Time for a bit of mischief eh Ryan?” Orion chimed in, as I approached Spike’s basket.

“No way am I stooping to your level you piece of crap.”

“Whoa whoa, what’s with all the salt eh Ryan.”

“What do you think Orion, last night why did you do that to Princess Luna.”

“Oh that little thing it’s in the past so calm down okay.”

“No way Orion no bloody way.” I then turned to Spike and gave him a slight nudge. “Yo Spike, time to wake up Twilight’s made us breakfast.” This managed to wake Spike up and in an instant he was gone probably down to get some food.

When I arrived back down stairs I found that breakfast had already been set out, and decided to take my breakfast and eat it. As I finished eating the wonderful breakfast that Twilight had made Spike barfed up a scroll, Twilight immediately grasped the scroll in her aura and read it aloud.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, I am going to be paying a visit to Ponyville with some delegates from Saddle Arabia, I am assigning you to provide entertainment for our guests. I also need to speak to Ryan about his citizenship in Equestria, as I have a few forms I need for him to fill out. Yours Faithfully Princess Celestia.” With that said Twilight’s face lit up with excitement and realization.

“Looks like some-pony has an idea.”

“Of course I do Ryan. Spike, we’re going to Fluttershy’s we need to go practice, Ryan you want to come along?”

“Hmm tempting but no thanks Twilight. I think I might head to the markets have a browse.”

“Okay then suit yourself I guess; c’mon Spike let’s go.”

Later after giving the markets a browse I heard a commotion taking place over at the town hall, as I approached I saw a large group of ponies gathered in front of Town Hall. After receiving numerous groans of annoyance, I managed to get to the sight of things that I wasn’t expecting to see. The first was that Golden Oaks had been uprooted and that books were falling out of the front door. The next was a certain light blue unicorn standing in front of Twilight.

After a few moments they began launching spells at each other. As I stood next to the other Mane Six I found myself wondering what to do, deciding not to get involved the next thing I knew Twilight was gone in a flash of red after she tried to reverse whatever spell Trixie hit Snips and Snails with. After a moment to take in what happened I realized I was alone and that the others were running off towards the edge of Ponyville.

As we approached the edge of Ponyville, Twilight appeared out of thin air in a flash of red. The next thing that we knew was that Ponyville was sealed within a magical dome. We then turned around when we heard a popping sound from behind us, when we turned around we saw Trixie standing a few meters away from us with her renowned smirk of victory and smugness.

“I the Great and Powerful Trixie have defeated Twilight Sparkle. She is now banished from Ponyville.” At this Dash charged at Trixie fore-hooves planning on tackling her. What Dash didn’t expect was for Trixie to open a portal right in front of Dash, the next thing we knew Dash was teleported in a full 180 degrees so instead of tackling Trixie, Dash flew into the dome. At this the others ran to get Dash back on her hooves whilst Twilight watched in shock. Trixie spoke up once more. “You cannot harm the Great and Powerful Trixie.” She then started to cackle maniacally when her laughing fit was done she teleported away.

“Dash you okay.” I said as I ran over to the Pegasus as she was helped back onto her hooves.

“Yeah I’m fine, didn’t expect that to happen though.”

At this I turned to Twilight, she then decided to speak up. “Ryan, Spike, Girls I’m going to go get help maybe Zecora can help me control my magic, I’ll be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, try to figure out what Trixie was wearing.” With that we said our goodbyes and Twilight ran off into the Everfree.

As we walked back to the library, we saw that Trixie had plastered her Cutie Mark on posters and banners that covered the town square.

“Geez could Trixie plaster her mark over Ponyville anymore?” I said as we entered Golden Oaks.

“Hmm your quite right Ryan. It’s like she has taken over the town.” With this said she turned her attention to Spike. “Spikey have you found anything yet darling.”

With that said a small blush crossed Spike’s cheeks, as he pulled out a book labeled ‘Magical Artifacts and You’. He then opened the book to a certain page labeled the Alicorn Amulet. He then moved away from the book so that we could get a better look at it. “So is this the one she was wearing.” Spike asked us after a few seconds of nods and the ponies agreeing with him he spoke up once more. “So new question how do we tell Twilight about this. Seeing as we’re all trapped under that magical dome.”

After a few seconds a look of realization crossed Rarity’s face she then looked at the rest of us before voicing what had come to her mind. “Fluttershy, Ryan I will need your help.” At this Fluttershy gave each other looks of confusion as Rarity continued with her thought, soon enough we had a plan all we had to do was enact it.

“So Rarity is certain this will work?” Orion spoke into my ear once again.

“Yes it should work alright. Mr and Mrs. Beaver you know what to do.” At this the two beavers banged their tails against the dome, after a few short moments a grinding sound could be heard behind us. When I turned around I saw Trixie sitting on a giant golden carriage being pulled towards us by Snips and Snails.

“Who dares disturb The Great and Powerful Trixie!?” At this she looked towards me and the beavers with a glare that could scare the flank off Celestia.

“Well we do Great and Powerful Trixie.” At this I gave her a slight bow.

At this she a small look of shock crossed her face. “What are you creature?” She asked bluntly.

“Well Great and Powerful Trixie I am a human; you can call me Ryan or Human either one is fine with me.”

“Hmm nevertheless at least some being in Ponyville has enough respect to talk to address me with my true title. But I’m getting sidetracked what is banging against the dome.” At this I gestured to the two beavers standing next to the log that contained Fluttershy within it.

“Well Great and Powerful Trixie, the dome is pausing theses beaver’s transportation of wood and their quite annoyed to say the least. If you could raise the dome to let the beavers out they will be very grateful.” At this she then looked to the beavers who were as rehearsed on their knees begging.

“Hmm fine then.” With a sway of her horn she raised a small part of the dome so the beavers could get out from under the dome. As they dragged the piece of wood off towards the Everfree the dome resealed itself.

“Well it was a pleasure meeting you Oh Great and Powerful Trixie.” With that said I gave her a bow and her and her carriage was gone in a flash of red. When she was gone Orion spoke up.

“Geez any reason we just stoked the fire that is that crazy mare’s ego?”

“Well we needed Fluttershy to get out, so stoking her ego was the best option okay. Now let’s go tell the others.”

After returning to the library I informed the others that the plan was a success, now all we had to do was wait for the next part of the plan. After 30 minutes the others were gathered up as they had gone to their homes and continued with their day. When Spike, returned with the other elements of harmony they found me sitting in a chair listening to what Twilight, had told Fluttershy to tell us.

I noticed that the others had entered the library. “Go on Fluttershy, tell them what you told me.”

The plan was ready, everything was in place now came my part to convince Trixie to duel Twilight. Trixie wasn’t that hard to find as it turns out she had taken residence in the Town Hall. As I got closer to the building I saw Trixie’s cart in front of the building in the square, it was being washed by Snips and Snails. “Hey Snips Snails,” This got their attention as I walked up to them. “either of you guys know where Trixie is?” At this they pointed to the Town Hall, with a wave of goodbye and leaving them with my thanks I went in to get Trixie.

As I walked in I saw her overlooking a map of Ponyville, she looked up at me when she heard the door close. “Who dares to disturb the Great and Powerful Trixie. Oh it is you Bryan.” This got Orion to go off his tree and fill my ears with his annoying laugh.

“Did she really just call you Bryan?” He said after calming down enough so he could talk.

“What are you here for Bryan?” Trixie interrupted my train of thought.

“Well oh Great and Powerful Trixie,” With that said I gave her a slight bow. “I am here to inform you that Twilight Sparkle, wants to duel you again.”

“Why? She lost fair and square.”

“She said that she has some terms that you might be interested in.”

This got a look of confusion to plaster itself on Trixie’s muzzle. “Fine then what are her conditions, I’ll consider them, to see whether or not they are good enough.”

“Well Trixie the conditions are: That Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville tonight.”

This caught her attention a look of slight worry passed over her muzzle, “Go on Bryan.”

“Twilight was originally meant to provide entertainment for the Princess and the guests she was bringing with her. The condition is that if you win instead of Twilight you will provide entertainment for the guests and the Princess herself.”

“Fine then. The Great and Powerful Trixie will accept her conditions.” With that Trixie’s horn flashed red for a few moments, she then continued. “Twilight Sparkle is now with her friends go to them and tell them they have 5 minutes to meet me outside the Town Hall.”

With that I gave Trixie a bow and left the Hall.

After informing the others of what was going to happen we returned to Town Hall, to find Trixie getting her hooves shined by Snips and Snails. She then turned to us and pushed her lackeys away. “Well come crawling back to me, thinking that you can beat me Twilight.”

“Yes I can and will beat you Trixie.”

At this the unicorns engaged in their dual spells and enchantments flinging between Twilight and Trixie. As the battle was getting more heated Twilight played her trap card.

“Trixie you’ve shown me that you can turn a colt into an old pony and then back again. But can you do this,” With a swish of her horn she turned her attention to Applejack. “Can you turn a Mare into a Stallion.” A look of worry and fear crossed AJ’s muzzle as the spell was cast at her.

When the smoke cleared AJ had been turned into a stallion. With a slight smirk Twilight then turned her back into a Mare. If you looked close enough you could see AJ replace the makeup covered Big Mac. When the smoke cleared once more from Twilight’s smoke spell AJ was back in her place. After that stunt every-pony turned to look at Trixie to see her standing with her jaw hitting the ground beneath her.

“Well Trixie can you counter that?” After saying that the amulet around Twilight’s neck was lifted towards Trixie in a red glow. It then replaced the Alicorn Amulet around the light blue unicorn’s neck.

“Ha-ha. Now I will win by incinerating you Twilight Sparkle.” At this she charged up a spell to fire at Twilight, but instead of the death beam that Trixie, was hoping to conjure up a firework flew and flew into the air exploding above the Town Square. A look of shock plastered itself on Trixie’s face, whilst she was frozen in shock Rainbow Dash flew by Trixie and snatched the Alicorn Amulet from the grip of Trixie’s now pink magical aura. This snapped Trixie from her shock induced paralysis. “Hey give that back!”

At this Twilight approached Trixie, when she was close enough she placed a hoof on Trixie’s latest amulet, as soon as her hoof touched the amulet’s gemstone it fell from Trixie’s neck and fell to the ground shattering on impact.

A look of shock crossed Trixie’s muzzle, luckily Twilight explained everything to the mare. “Wait so explain the pony with the ten instruments?” Trixie spoke up after listening to what Twilight had to say.

“Oh well that’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Said pony appeared and pointed with one of her fore-hooves to where her mouth used to be.

“Oh you want me to return your mouth?” This got a very enthusiastic nod from the pink pony. “Alright then just stand still.” With a swish of her horn Pinkie was levitated up into the air in a pink aura, after a couple of seconds she was dropped back to the ground with her mouth back in it’s place. She then turned back to the town seeing her posters over the town, she spoke to the crowd of ponies that had gathered in the Town Square. “I will start cleaning these posters from your town.” With that she turned to start her long work.

After an hour the sun had set, and Celestia and her delegates had arrived. Twilight had set up a small show for them in Town Square which was large enough to hold a small stadium. As Trixie and I approached the small stadium an idea came to my mind. Unfortunately, Trixie had interrupted me before I could voice my idea. “Thank you for helping me with those posters Bryan.” She gave me a small smile, that I returned.

“Oh Trixie, my name isn’t Bryan, it’s Ryan.”

At this she let out a gasp of shock and a look of guilt crossed her face. “Why didn’t you say that I wasn’t saying your name correctly Ryan? I’m so sorry for not calling you by your real name. You must think I’m a terrible pony.” A look of sadness crossed her face and she stopped in her tracks, falling back onto her haunches. When I looked at her a small tear fell from the tip of her muzzle.

“Trixie are you okay?” I ran up to the sad pony, bending down to her eye level.

“I’m a horrible pony I couldn’t get your name right. The first friend I make I couldn’t even get the name right.”

I then pulled Trixie into a hug causing her to let out a gasp of shock. “Trixie you’re not a horrible friend. Look it’s no bid deal back where I come from people used to call me Bryan by mistake all the time. Besides you messed my name up one time, I’m not going to stop being your friend because of that.”

At this the stream of tears coming from Trixie had slowly but surely stopped, she then pulled me closer into the hug so she could whisper into my ear. “Thank you Ryan.”

At this I released her from the hug and stood up to look down at her as I said to her my idea. “Trixie I might have an idea I need you to stay here for a second okay.” At this she sat there looking up to me and nodded.

As I ran off it didn’t take me long to find the pony I was looking for. When I found her I explained my idea to her thankfully she agreed with me. I shortly returned to Trixie with Twilight in tow. “Hey Trixie,” At this she looked up to me and Twilight approach. “Trixie, Twilight wanted to ask you something.” I then gave Twilight a nudge with my elbow to encourage her.

“Yeah Trixie, I need your help with the entertainment, you wouldn’t mind helping me would you?” She then gave a sheepish grin to Trixie.

“Wait you want me to help you, entertain the Princess and her emissaries?” Trixie said a look of confusion on her face. Twilight answered her question by giving her a nod. “Well then of course I will help you Twilight.”

“Well then follow me Trixie.” As the two mares left towards the small arena Trixie glomped me and then whispered into my ear.

“Thank you Ryan.” She then got off of me and gestured for Twilight to follow her towards the stage.

“You’re welcome Trixie! I’d do that for any of my friends!” I called out to Trixie she then turned towards me and gave me a wave and a small smile, as she disappeared with Twilight onto the stage.

After the show Celestia had managed to find me and take me to the library, leaving the emissaries of Saddle Arabia in Twilight’s capable hooves as she gave them a tour of Ponyville.

“Ryan we need to talk. First of all,” A small stack of paper appeared on a nearby table. “These are your citizenship papers Twilight will help you go over those. The second thing we need to talk about is someone called Orion.”

“Thought you might want to talk about him.” I then decided to take a seat, she then took a seat across from me. “Celestia I want to tell you I am very sorry about the bastard that lives in my head.”

“Okay then. Could you please explain to me what Orion is?”

“Well Celestia I suffer from something called MPD, it’s full name is Multiple Personality Disorder.” Celestia gave me a nod of understanding before gesturing for me to continue. “Well when I came to Equestria I didn’t know about the dreamscape, apparently Orion has his own as well as me. This came as a shock when he showed up and threatened your sister.”

“Hmm well then that opens my eyes on a few things. Can you control him?”

“I can lock him in his Dreamscape for a short time.”

“Okay then I best go collect the emissaries expect a visit tonight Ryan.”

With that said Celestia was gone. Twilight soon returned and I decided to eat my dinner and call it a night.

“Well well well.” Oh crap why does he have to be here. “Do you always forget that I can read most of your thoughts idiot.” Orion spat that last word at me. “Anyway you’ve had quite the day eh? Making friends with Trixie and getting the death stare from dear old Celestia.” At that Orion paused looking up at the sky of my dreamscape. “We have visitors Ryan. It seems Celestia has joined her sister in coming here.”

I then looked to the place in the sky where the two Alicorns were descending. They landed a few feet away from me and Orion, with a simple thought the tendrils returned and pulled Orion into his dreamscape. As he was pulled away he let out a scream. “You spoil sport Ryan!” Hopefully he would be locked in his dreamscape for the rest of the night.

I then turned to the two Alicorns who had witnessed the whole scene occur. “Welcome to my dreamscape. If I may ask what are you doing here Princess Celestia.”

“Well Ryan I am here to confirm what you had said to me; it seems what you said is correct.” She then gave a slight nudge to Luna with her wing.

“Ryan I wish to apologize.”

“Can you hold that thought for a second.” With that I turned on the spot a thought coming to my mind as I closed my eyes and let my mind change the dreamscape. When I opened my eyes we were standing on top of a hill under a large oak tree, a few feet away a picnic was set up with a small tea set as well, above us hung the full moon surrounded by a star filled sky. “Would you two care to join me?” I said as I walked over to the picnic set up.

As the two sisters joined me Luna continued her thought. “Ryan as we were saying before we are sorry how we acted last night and wish to apologize to you.” A look of regret passed over her face.

“Oh well no problem Princess Luna. Hmm how about we start over?” At this I offered her a handshake. “Hello there my name’s Ryan, I have an annoying voice in my head that won’t go away.”

She put her right fore-hoof into my hand and shook it. “Well my name is Princess Luna, but you can call me Luna, and 1000 years ago I tried to overthrow my sister in a fit of jealous rage.” At this she removed her hoof from my hand and gave me a small smile.

“Well then Luna it’s a pleasure to meet you, and if I may ask you something?” This caused a look of curiosity to splay across the lunar Princess’ face, she then gestured for me to go on. “Would you like to be my friend?”

This caught her by surprise. “Why do you want to be my friend Ryan? After what happened last night with me going to my sister about that.”

At this I shrugged and decided to tell her why. “Luna I’m guessing what I’ve read in history books being on the moon for 1000 years didn’t help with your social life?”

“No it did not I don’t really have any friends Ryan.”

“Well neither did I back on Earth, and honestly I want to make as many friends as possible.”

A look of slight shock crossed her face she then spoke up once more. “Well then Ryan, we accept your offer of friendship.”

After a few short moments Celestia spoke up. “Well then I shall leave you two to bond then. Farewell Luna, Ryan.” With a flash of yellow light, she was gone from the dreamscape.

I then turned to the blue Alicorn. “Well, want to tell me a bit about yourself?”

“Only if you tell me why you have set your dreamscape’s clock to midnight?”

“Simple really, I’ve always appreciated the moon’s calming light. Also it’s easier on the eyes than the sun.” This got a laugh from Luna, when she settled down I decided to tell her a bit about earth. The only topic she wanted to talk about was astronomy luckily for her astronomy was my favorite subject in science during school.

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