• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,042 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Getting a suit and meeting the CMC.

“Urgh.” I groaned to myself as I was awakened by sunlight drifting into the room from a nearby window. As the sun slowly woke me up I felt that something was resting itself on my chest. As I looked down my vision was filled with what seemed to be the night sky, but as I pushed it away I found that it was Luna’s mane.

As I finally uncovered her face from her mane I saw that it was filled with distraught and worry. As I noticed this I could hear her whimper slightly.

“Ryan.” I heard her mutter between whimpers.

“Shhh. Don’t worry Luna I’m here.” I said brushing my hand against her cheek. This managed to calm her down, it also had the affect of waking her up. “Hey Luna you alright?” I asked her hoping she was alright.

“I am fine Ryan.” She said sternly.

“Really because it looked like you were having quite the nightmare.”

“It was nothing.”

“Luna you can tell me if it bothered you okay.” I said to her getting a nod from her. “Good.” I said to her before giving her a quick kiss. “So then shall we go get some breakfast?” I asked her.

This managed to get her to perk up quite a bit as she got off of me. “Alright then I shall inform the others that you’re getting ready.” She said returning the kiss. “After I get some coffee.” She muttered under her breath as she left the room.

After getting changed into a t-shirt and jeans I found that Luna had also brought my gloves and jacket to Ponyville with her. After putting those on I made my way downstairs to find that Twilight, Spike and Luna were sitting around a large table with plates of pancakes in front of them.

“I saved thou a seat.” Luna said to me as she gestured to the seat next to her.

“Thanks Luna.” I said taking my seat as Twilight levitated me a plate of pancakes. “Thanks Twi.” I said before digging into my pancakes.

“Morning y’all.” Stealth said as he exited the basement. He then froze once he saw Luna. “Your Highness.” He said before giving a bow to her.

“Ah yes the changeling. Good to see you Stealth. Please have a seat.” Luna said giving him a look that said. ‘Try something that I won’t like I dare you to.’

“Thank you Princess.” He said giving her another bow as he sat next to Spike. Once he took his seat Twilight levitated a plate of pancakes over to him. “Thank you Twilight.” He said before eating them.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence we had managed to finish our breakfast. “Ryan may I please talk to you outside for a moment?” Luna asked me as she slowly stood up from her seat.

“Lead the way.” I said as I followed her towards the door. After exiting the library Luna pulled me into a kiss. After a few moments I broke the kiss my lungs screaming for air. “What was that for?” I asked after getting my breath back.

“What am I not aloud to kiss you?” She said sarcastically.

“You are it’s just that I wish to know the reason why you kissed me.”

“Well I’m heading back to Canterlot.” She said looking towards said city. “If thou wish you could come with me.”

“As nice as that sounds and how much I’d love to do that, I have few things to do here in Ponyville.” I said causing her to wear a small frown.

As quickly as it appeared her frown was gone as she pulled me into a hug. “Alright then. Well I shall see you tonight.” She said as she released me from her grip. It was then I noticed her horn begin to glow.

“See you then Luna.” I said as she gave me a wave. Then she was gone in a flash of blue.

As I went back into the library I was met by Twilight who gave a small yelp of shock. “Oh sorry Ryan.” She said backpedaling a bit.

“No problem Twi. Hey where are you going?” I asked noticing that she was wearing her saddlebags.

“Oh well I was going to go shopping. We’re running low on a few things.” She said pulling out a list. “Hey you don’t mind keeping an eye on Stealth for the day do you?”

“Of course not Twilight.” She said levitating Stealth magical band to me.

“Okay well I better get going see ya.” She said before heading off towards the market.

As I made my way back into the library I saw that Spike was sitting in a chair reading a Daring Doo book whilst Stealth was looking at a nearby book shelf. “Wow Spike never knew you read anything other than comics.” I said jokingly.

“Ha ha ha.” He said dryly. “For your information the Daring Doo books are as action packed as my comics.”

“Yeah I know I’ve read the ones that Twilight’s got.” I said before turning to Stealth. “Hey Stealth how do you feel about heading out for a bit?”

“Sure where we heading?”

“I was thinking Rarity’s.” I said before turning to Spike. “You wanna come bud?”

“Nah I’m up to a really good bit.” He said his gaze never leaving the pages.

“Okay then. Let’s go Stealth.” I said as Stealth and I made our way out into Ponyville.

“So why are we going to Rarity’s?” Stealth asked me as we walked through Ponyville.

“Well we need to get you a suit.” I said getting a confused look from him.

“A suit?”

“Oh yeah.” I said realizing that he had no context about why I wanted to get him a suit. “Well I talked to Twilight last night and if her running off to lock herself in the bathroom, all the while wearing a giant blush is anything to go by I think that she may share the same feelings that you have for her.”

“Really?!” He exclaimed causing a few ponies to give us a few wayward glances before going back to their business. “I mean really?” He said in a hushed tone.

“Really. So that’s why we are getting you a suit.” I said as we finally arrived outside of Carousel Boutique.

As we walked in Rarity immediately took notice of us. “Ah hello darlings. What can I do for you Ryan?”

“Well Rarity, Stealth here needs a suit.”

“A suit whatever for?” She asked raising an eyebrow as she levitated out a measuring tape and notebook and quill.

“Well Stealth here has his eyes on a special somepony so I thought I’d get him a suit for when he asked her on a date.” This managed to get Rarity’s eyes to nearly pop out of her head.

“Really who is it darling?!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Rarity. How about we keep that between Stealth and me.” I said getting her to regain her composure.

“Alright then.” She said levitating the measuring tape over to Stealth. “Now please stand still darling.”

As she began taking Stealth’s measurements I could hear a trio of voices coming from the stairs that led to the boutique’s living area.

The next thing I knew three fillies had joined Stealth, Rarity and I. “Hey Rarity…” One of the three fillies said before pausing at the site of me.

“Sweetie Belle what’s wrong.” An orange pegasus filly said to the white unicorn filly whilst waving a hoof in front of her eyes.

“Yeah Sweetie Belle what’s wrong?” An earth pony filly with a large red bow said joining the pegasus filly with trying to get Sweetie Belle to talk again.

All that Sweetie Belle could do was raise a hoof to point at me. Her friends then followed her hoof until they saw me.

Rarity took notice of this as she wrote down Stealth’s measurements. “Sweetie Belle it is impolite to stare.” She said pulling Sweetie Belle out of her mile yard stare. “I’m so sorry about that Ryan.”

“It’s no problem Rarity. I’m used to ponies staring at me.”

“I guess you would be. Anyway I would like for you to meet my sister Sweetie Belle and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.” At the mention of their names the three fillies gave me a wave.

“Nice to meet you three.” I said to them as I returned their waves. This managed to get them to calm down at seeing how friendly I was.

Apple Bloom then decided to take a few steps towards me. “If ya don’t mind me asking, what are ya?” She asked me.

“Well I am what’s called a human.” I said as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle began to circle me like sharks taking in my appearance.

“Now, now Sweetie Belle, I’m quite sure that Ryan doesn’t need to be put under you and your friends scrutinization.” Rarity said.

“Yeah like I didn’t go through enough of that by you, Twilight and the others when I first showed up.” I said to her jokingly getting a look of shock to appear on her face.

“I did no such thing darling.”

“Don’t think I didn’t see the looks you guys were giving me.”

“Alright then we have been keeping a close eye on you, but we weren’t scrutinizing you.”

“You do know I wouldn’t care if you said that you were scrutinizing me y’know. I got pulled here by Discord, you guys were only being cautious.” I said calming her down.

“Wait so you’re here because of Discord?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, drawing my attention back to the three fillies.

“Yeah I am. But if your worried about me causing chaos like he would don’t worry because I won’t.” I said getting the three fillies to calm down.

“Alright then but we’ll be keeping an eye on you mister.” Scootaloo said to me.

“Maybe we can get our cutie marks by keeping an eye on Ryan!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed to the others.

At this Sweetie Belle got a round of agreement from her two friends before running out of the Boutique. “Um where did they just run off to?” I asked Rarity.

“Probably going to plan how their going to keep an eye on you.” She said before turning her gaze back to Stealth. “Now then dear I guess you’re going to go out on your date as this.” She questioned gesturing to his unicorn disguise.

“Yes I will be.” He replied. “If I may ask why?”

“Well no offense but whoever your dating may be turned off at the idea of going on a date with a changeling, y’know with what happened at Canterlot.”

“Good point.”

“Besides I’m already brewing up a few designs for your suit that go with your disguise.” She said before reviewing what she had written down. “Do you have a time set for your date?”

“Um no I don’t I haven’t asked her yet.”

“Alright then. Well that gives me more time to work on it.”

“Okay how much for the suit Rarity?” I asked.

At this a slightly wicked smile spread on her face. “Well how about you tell me who Stealth has a crush on.”

“Alright then but you have to promise to keep it a secret.” I said before leaning down to whisper who it was in her ear.

“Really?!” She exclaimed looking between Stealth and I.

“Yes really.” Stealth said sheepishly.

“Good for you and her. And don’t worry I promise I won’t tell anypony about this.”

“Thanks Rarity.” Stealth thanked her.

“As I said darling it’s no problem.” She said before pulling Stealth close. “But if you don’t treat her right well me telling people about your crush will be the least of your worries with me.” She said darkly causing Stealth to shake slightly.

“Got it Rarity.” He said as she released him.

“Wow Rarity you sure can be scary.” I commented slightly scared at her tone.

“Don’t worry darling I’m only like that when someone has the chance to hurt my friends.” She replied in an all too cherry mood that send shivers down my spine.

“Okay… Well Stealth and best be off now.” I said to her as I slowly backed towards the door. “Seeya.” And with that Stealth and I ran all the way back to the library.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter than usual chapter but I wanted to get this out as for the next week I won't have time to work on either of my fics.

Also the next chapter for this fic will be entered around Stealth.

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