• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 4,030 Views, 78 Comments

Another human in Equestria fic - The7thElement

Hi my name is Ryan and I've been brought by Discord to Equestria he summoned me here as a new evil. He sort of messed up. I'm not evil but the other side of me is, this story will tell you dear reader of my adventures.

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Saying goodbyes and meeting a human enthusiast.

After talking with Luna the whole night I woke up feeling relaxed and happy as Pinkie Pie. When I got out of bed the smell of pancakes hit my nose, without thinking I ran downstairs towards the kitchen where one Twilight was making pancakes, well Spike was Twilight was keeping an eye on him.

Twilight turned around to see me standing in the doorway. “Oh good morning Ryan, did you have a good sleep.” I cut her off as I lifted into a hug.

“Saying that I had a good night’s sleep is an understatement.” I then realized that the unicorn needed air so I put her back on the kitchen floor. “Oh sorry about that Twi.”

“No problem when you hang around Pinkie long enough you get used to surprise hugs. So what’s got you so happy?”

“I finally did it.”

“Did what?” Spike asked.

“Simple my reptilian friend I made friends with the one and only Princess Luna!”

This got a gasp of excitement from Twilight. “So good to hear that she’s making friends Ryan.” We then decided that it was time to have breakfast. During breakfast Twilight told me that Trixie wanted to see me when I was done with breakfast.

“So where do I have to go Twilight?” I asked as I stood near the front door.

“Well Trixie said to meet her in her carriage, which should be on the edge of Ponyville behind the library.” With that information I set out to find Trixie. Luckily as Twilight had said her carriage was just down the road from the library. As I approached I saw that Trixie was already hitching herself to her carriage, she noticed me approach when I was a few feet away.

“Ah Ryan can you please help me with this, it seems one of the straps has twisted, and my magic can’t help me as it seems to make it worse.”

As I saw the problem I decided to fix it, but when I did that I undid the straps on her harness.

“Ryan why did you do that?” I then walked around her so I was standing in front of her.

“Hey Trixie do you have tea inside your carriage?”

“Yes I do. Why do you ask?”

“Because I want to have tea with my favorite magician.” I beamed a smile at her, she paused for a second before leading me into her carriage for tea.

“Why do you want to have tea with me Ryan?” Trixie said as she prepared the tea.

“Well Trixie I wanted to know why your leaving Ponyville?”

This caused Trixie to pause for a second as she thought. “Well Ryan, I am leaving to go spread my entertainment around Equestria. Applejack has said she will tell her family that I am a changed mare.” At this she realized the tea was ready and floated me a cup of tea.

“Thank you Trixie.” I then took a sip of the tea letting out a small moan of gratitude. “Anyway if you want to leave Trixie that’s fine with me. But I have condition on you leaving.”

She gave me a look of confusion and raised her eyebrow at me. “Oh and what would that be?”

“Well Trixie maybe visit us on Nightmare Night, maybe Hearths Warming Eve.”

“Well then if that is your only condition then I will accept Ryan.” After finishing our tea Trixie led me outside and asked for me to help her with the harness which didn’t really take that long, (Hooray for opposable thumbs) I then decided to pull the unicorn mare into a hug before she went on her way.

“Oh and Trixie before you go good luck, and write to me if something exciting happens. Just write to Twilight and she’ll make sure I get the message okay.”

“Okay then Ryan, and thank you for everything Ryan.”

“No problem Trixie.” After a goodbye she trotted off into the distance with what I thought was a slight spring in her step.

When I returned to the library I found that Rarity was standing in the library asking Twilight where I was.

“Simple Rarity I’m right behind you.” This provoked Rarity to jump into the air in shock, after a few seconds she managed to calm down.

She shot me a glare which in a rights should have killed me. When she was done glaring at me she spoke. “Ryan never do that again okay.”

“Got it Rarity, so why are you looking for me?” I gave her a quizzical look she then decided to answer me.

“Well Ryan first of all I have a few spare clothes for you,” It was then I noticed the clothes placed on a nearby table. “I have also made you a tuxedo should the occasion arise where you need to wear something fancy.” At this she gestured to the suit on the table.

“Thanks for that Rarity.” A thought then crossed my mind, as it was getting close to Nightmare Night I didn’t have a costume thankfully I had Rarity. “Hey Rarity, you wouldn’t mind making me a Nightmare Night costume?”

“Of course not darling. Do you have a design?” This got me to pause in thought before I realized what my costume should be.

“Hey Twilight do have a quill some ink and a piece of parchment?” At this she levitated the items to me. I then presented the sketch to Rarity. She gave the parchment a once over then gave me a look of confusion.

“Darling what is this?”

She then gestured to the image, wanting me to explain what it was. “Well Rarity, that is the one and only king of the pumpkin patch.” She then gave me a look of confusion, Spike and Twilight decided to join Rarity in giving me looks of confusion. “Oh sorry on Earth we have a holiday similar to Nightmare Night, humans call it Halloween. That is the suit of one Jack Skellington, the king of Halloween.”

“So this is what a human’s skeleton looks like.” Twilight asked as she looked at the sketch.

“Um no it isn’t, well not exactly. A few of the bones look the same but human skeletons are all different in some way.”

“So you want me to design Mr. Skellington’s suit to fit you Ryan?”

“Oh yes please Rarity.”

“Well then I best get started. Goodbye Twilight, Ryan, oh and Spike would you be a dear and come help me.”

“Sure thing Rarity.” With that Rarity left with Spike in tow.

After a while of sitting around in the library, reading about the history of Nightmare Night. When a mint green unicorn walked into the library, she then stopped asking Twilight for a particular book and stared at me.

“Um Lyra are you okay?” Twilight asked, she then finally looked to where Lyra was staring. “Oh Lyra, this is Ryan he won’t hurt you.” Twilight must of thought Lyra was looking at me in fear, if she had added that last part.

The next thing I knew my vision was filled up with Lyra’s face, her muzzle was mere centimeters from my nose. “Ohmygoshyourahuman.” She spoke at a rate that Pinkie would be jealous of.

Luckily Orion had managed to understand what Lyra had said and repeated it to me at a pace I could understand. “Um hi Lyra and yes I am a human.” I then felt her grab my hands with her hooves, examining my fingers.

“So these are what fingers feel like.” Twilight was standing in the background giving us a look of confusion.

“Um Lyra can you please let go of my hands.” At this Lyra looked at me with a slight amount of worry. Before hopping of off me and speaking up.

“Oh so sorry Ryan just excited is all, I’m an Anthropologist.” This piqued my curiosity I already knew what an Anthropologist was, (Someone or in this case some-pony that studied humans) but what really caught my inquisitive side was how had she become an Anthropologist. “Hey Ryan if you wouldn’t mind me asking, but would you like to come over to my house for tea so I can ask you a few questions?”

This caught me surprise, after a moments thought I decided what to do. “Sure thing Lyra. Oh and Twilight it seems I found some-pony to rival your inquisitiveness.”

After that Lyra led me to her house, fortunately it wasn’t too far away from the library. The inside of the house was very similar to a small cottage. She led me to a small couch and offered me a seat, I happily obliged as she left into what I guessed was the kitchen to probably get the tea. I decided to have a look around the lounge room, noticing a small cabinet with a few knick knacks on it. A picture caught my eye it was a picture of Lyra and as the label said Bon-Bon.

I then turned around to take my seat back on the couch, when I saw Lyra standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “Um tea’s ready.” At this she levitated out a tray of tea onto the coffee table in front of the couch.

I then took my seat and grabbed my cup of tea. “Thanks Lyra. Oh and that’s a nice photo. Whose Bon-Bon a friend I’m guessing?” At this she looked up to me from where she was sitting across from me on a little seat. For some reason I started to feel a bit tired.

“Oh yea, Bon Bon’s my room mate.” At this I nodded before I realized my eyes were starting to get heavy.

“Lyra answer me a question honestly will you please.” At this she nodded when I looked up at her. “Did you roofie my tea?” She then nodded slowly a small amount of guilt spread across her muzzle. “Okay then. First of all, goodnight. Second of all, please don’t do anything illegal to me while I’m asleep.” With that my head hit the sofa as I drifted off into unconsciousness.

I woke up to find myself tied to a chair, my hands were bound and so were my feet. The next thing I realized was that I was in a bedroom, I then had Orion screaming in my ear.

“You idiot. You just had to go and have tea with Lyra didn’t you. You couldn’t just listen to me once, just had to have tea with a psychopathic Anthropologist didn’t you!”

“Okay mom calm down. We at least know one thing for certain.”

“And that would be what Einstein.”

“Simple Orion, we’ve found out that for some reason ponies have roofies. Also another thing she didn’t do anything to my body whilst I was k.o did she?”

“No she didn’t so be grateful for that.” The door to the bedroom then opened and in walked in Lyra. She immediately took notice that I was awake. Then for some reason she walked towards me with a sway in her hips, as she gave me a seductive look. Orion decided to voice his opinion.

“Nope looks like the crazy mare was waiting for you to awaken to begin having fun.” I could feel him grinning his stupid face off. It was then I realized something about Lyra, she was terrible at tying knots. All I had to do was distract her for the time being.

“Good to see you’re awake human.” Well if I was going to distract her now was the time.

“Hi Lyra, oh and please call me Ryan, okay. We’re friends got it.” This sparked a look of confusion across her face but it was gone as quickly as it arrived.

“Oh yes how could I forget how good of friends we are Ryan.” She whispered my name in a seductive tone into my ear. Well that definitely got shivers down my spine, luckily I had managed to get my binds undone.

Before I enacted my plan I had to ask her one thing. “Lyra why are you doing this? If you don’t want to tell me that’s fine.” This caught her by surprise for a second before she told me her answer.

“You really wan to know?” I gave her a nod. “Well then I can’t really tell you that would take to long but I can show you. That didn’t sound good to me, but before I could say anything she pushed muzzle onto my lips and kissed me. I had to play the part so I went with the kiss, as she was kissing me I grabbed her with my now free hands.

That caught her by surprise and the kiss ended. “Wow you’re one heck of a kisser Lyra.”

“Wait how did you get out of your bindings?”

“You’re one heck of a kisser but you can’t tie any knots.” This made her blush a bit in embarrassment.

“So Ryan, you have a mare in your grasp, what are you going to do to me now.” Man that tone she was using, was seductive as hell.

“Nothing Lyra, nothing at all.” Orion then decided to speak up.

“C’mon man what are you doing, you got a mare in your arms just give her what she wants.”

“Lyra, I’m not doing anything to you okay. How about we talk about this.” That was meant for both Lyra and Orion, luckily for me the latter managed to get my hint and shut up.

“NO I’M SICK OF TALKING RYAN, THAT’S ALL I DO WITH BON BON. I don’t want to talk anymore.” Wow angry Lyra took me by surprise. But that last part was said with a sob as she started to cry slightly. So I did what I thought was best.

I pulled Lyra into a hug and stroked her mane, and started to whisper into her ear. “Shhh Lyra, please stop crying okay.” That managed to get her to stop crying. “You want to talk now, because if you do we can talk over hopefully un-roofied tea.” She let out a slight chuckle.

“Ryan can you carry me down to the couch then.” I gave her answer by picking her up, surprisingly ponies are quite light well Lyra was anyway. When we reached the couch she used her magic to remove a sleeping spell she had put on my tea.

“Lyra I can’t believe you put a sleeping spell on my tea, that’s quite impressive.” This caused a slight blush to cross her muzzle.

“Thanks Ryan well it’s the best I could do as I couldn’t find anyone who sold roofies in Ponyville.” She looked down at her tea and then looked back up to me. “Ryan I’m so sorry about what I did, I wasn’t thinking and I…”

I cut her off by putting my index finger over her muzzle silencing her. “Look Lyra, it’s fine you’re an Anthropologist, I honestly didn’t expect you to put me to sleep and tie me to a chair though. Lyra why did you do it?”

“Well Ryan, every so often pony mare’s get into heat. Basically what heat is, is that our sexual desires go through the roof, and some mares can’t control themselves and they pounce on anything that has legs.” I then gave her a nod of understanding.

“So I’m guessing you saw the opportunity to have sex with me and you took it.” I looked back up to he she gave me a nod that said I had guessed right Lyra then spoke up.

“Ryan I’m so sorry honestly I am, usually Bon Bon would take care of me and usually she would calm me down by talking to me or with other means.”

“So that explains why you got mad at me when I said do you want to talk about it before. I’m also guessing that your dating Bon Bon.”

“Yes I am, she’s gonna chew my ear off when she finds out about this.” Hmm so Bon Bon was her girlfriend or in a pony’s case ‘marefriend’.

“Okay then well how about I stay here until she shows up so I can explain it to her.” At this said mare burst through the door, for some reason she had opened the front door slightly before kicking it open.

“Lyra where are you!? Oh there you are with Ryan.” She then gave me a look of worry.

“I’m guessing you’re Bon Bon, Lyra’s marefriend?”

“Yes I am and I am very sorry about anything that Lyra has done…”

I cut her off with what I said next. “Bon Bon thank you for your concern but I’m fine okay. Lyra and I have talked about what happened, and I understand fully, the same thing sometimes happens to humans as well.”

That managed to calm her down a bit I then spoke up again. “Well I’m going to go now leave you two alone. Also two things, one: Bon Bon how did you know I was here with Lyra?”

“Oh Twilight told me.”

“Okay then. Two: Lyra if you didn’t have a wonderful marefriend and if I was okay with engaging a relationship beyond friendship with a pony, and you seem like quite the mare to hang out with. Hope your little problem resolves itself because I’d love to answer any questions you have about humans, maybe when your heat cycle has ended. Goodbye you two.” I then left the humble abode of the two ponies.

When I had closed the door I swear I heard Bon Bon say something to Lyra. “So Lyra you have a problem controlling your urges I guess I could help you with that.”

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter doesn't have much in it, I didn't have many idea's at the time so I decided to do what any meta human in equestria fic would do, let human meet Lyra.

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