• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Six: ...Has Been Prepared For

"Before everything became white."

From her position, my little sister asked rather eagerly, "Then what happened?"

With a smile, I fondly ruffled the girl's hair, a habit I've done since she was born, and one I won't be breaking out of any time soon. "That," I replied promptly, moving to get off the bed via the small ladder. "Is a story for another time."

An epilogue for another day.

"Still can't believe you wrote that," The ten-year-old cheek said with an amused grin. "Kissing Twilight and everything."

I smirked. "I have no concept of shame, Cerys."


The call prompted my immediate response to the doorway. "Done now!" Before smiling at my little demon of a sis. But I wouldn't trade her for anyone else, her nor anyone of my family. With a kiss on her forehead, I said fondly, "Goodnight Cerys."

"You still need to give them a happy ending."

"...I think that'll happen with or without me. Night."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

At the typical but always welcomed exchange, I smiled warmly again before retreating, gently keeping Cerys' door slightly open - she hated sleeping when the light of the hallway wasn't on - and heading back to my room. My old room, not the one I took residence in at the library.
Where I had another family altogether...

The welcome return back home was... Explosive, to say the least. The eldest son of the family suddenly popping up one morning in his bedroom after over a year of absence caused quite the shock; it took my Mum only a few seconds to react upon seeing her missing firstborn casually sipping some water that morning with a small tired smile. "Morning Mum."

It was the first time I've ever seen her turn to hysterics.

This was immediately followed by my brother and little sister being woken up by the cries of pure joy, relief and gratitude by their Mum, and while my little sis also took a few seconds to react before embracing me also, Joe had a stunned look on his face I will recall and tease him for the rest of his life.

Hell, the boy even cried a little.

Deryn, my other but much older little sister, finally got up, and her reaction was somewhere between Mum and Joe's; hugging me first before practically screaming in my face with a tearful face about how I scared the [BEEP] out of everyone, and demanded where I'd been this whole time. Meanwhile, Mum took a while to let go before beginning to call everyone about the joyful news.

I wouldn't exactly call it joyful myself...

The day then was swarmed by family members and friends. Joel and Alexis, my closest cousins, were thrilled to see me safe and sound, and, to my surprise, both even hugged me in happiness themselves. Huh, guess miracles do happen. Ryan, a childhood friend and next door neighbour, had placed a hand on my shoulder in greeting and promptly told me what a piece of [BEEP] I was for straight up disappearing for over a year now, but said this with a smile.

The party lasted for a good while, before the real fun started.

The police.

Sighing, I softly threw the tablet onto my bed, the memories inciting me to sit down on my gaming chair, the effects of back then making me feel drained now. It was almost a nightmare convincing everyone of my fabricated story; which was, believe it or not, recalling nothing. An entire year of events vanished from my mind this entire time, waking up suddenly in my old house after a year's absence. Oh they pressed and they pressed for more answers, details, just about anything I could remember. But help came in the form of Mum, who noticed my increasing agitation at the questioning before politely clearing the police off.

No one knew the truth... Save for Cerys. But the journeys I've written down describing my adventures will be only seen as that, a story.

With that done, I had focused next on some old internet pages of mine. My Facebook page was lit with messages and notifications inquiring if I'm back yet and hoping I return safe and sound. They even had a group from old friends and colleagues of mine just for me. That was nice of them. It only took one status for the news of my return to spread like wildfire; my cousins and Ryan helping solidify that I'm back, and ready to cause everyone grief once more.

Then, at last, arrived the last person to hear the news.

Arriving into the kitchen, I was greeted by the back of the old man, who was speaking with Deryn, Joe and Cerys with a rather hopeful tone. It only took sound of a few steps walking across the polished stone floor before my Dad swiftly turned around, staring at me for a few moments as though I were a stranger. It only took one quiet yet ecstatic "Hey Dad." Before I was almost crushed to death by the bear-gripping hug, the old man and I sharing a tearful exchange for a long while, the former vowing to never let anything happen to me, even pondering the idea of having me live at his place from hereon.

My Mum, of course, wouldn't back that idea without a fight.

Yep... Those weeks were eventful, to say the least... Heh, even Pinkie would have a run for her money by all the parties celebrating my return, along with the Christmas and Birthday I missed here.

But I'm glad to be reminded how relieved and happy everyone was at my return. Twilight would be smiling smugly at me now, giving a "I told you so" look after I had expressed tiredly to her that my absence wouldn't be anything too big in my world.

Sometimes, I like being wrong about a few things.

...Wish she could be here to see it...

Reminiscing again?

The corner of my eye spotted the equine shadow looming over the computer, and I smirked slightly in response. "Old habits die hard."

With you they're impossible to, Sombra pointed out in my mind, the black shade on the wall forming his image. Yeah, he's been granted that ability again a while ago, under the condition he doesn't make himself seen by anyone. With a quick glance, I stood and hurried over to shut the door, just in case. The King sounded bemused by my antics. You think me so callous as to expose myself without making certain if anyone should appear?

"Better safe than sorry..." Sighing again, I sat down, leaning back against the comfy chair, letting silence reign, memories of long ago resurfacing, which happened everyday. It only took a moment before Sombra spoke out.

You miss them.

I nodded slowly at the observation, nostrils breathing loudly.

Memories of mishaps and adventures surfaced. Recollections of fun time and sad times, time where hope was lost and discovered again. Where the possibilities of a man being redeemed for his past mistakes seemed nigh impossible. But they strived the help him, regardless, and helped them they did. Treated with kindness, laughter, loyalty, generosity, honesty, love... And friendship. And, shocking enough, it worked. It actually worked. And seeing all those people in my mind's eye, over a year with them had me wish I spent an eternity instead.

Yeah... Missing them was an understatement.

The expression on the shadow wasn't clear enough, but from the tone Sombra sounded inquisitive. You know returning is highly unlikely.

I nodded, the painful reminder causing me to grimace. "I know."

And yet, you wish to return eventually?

"...Miracles can happen." I shrugged softly, my answer not entirely convincing even to me. Yes, one day maybe... But for now, I was stuck here. "But, as Specter... Starswirl said, balance must be upheld. A human from real life can't enter a fictional world."

But that world feels as real to you as it does to us.

My arm swiftly raised to cover my eyes, use to the old wizard's flashy entrances. The white light died down, and we were greeted by none other than the smiling aged transparent unicorn himself.

Grandiose as ever...

Oh you're one to talk.

Starswirl chuckled warmly, voice as deep and ancient as the stars outside themselves. "Your friends miss you as well. I visit them, you know, checking. Even though you have been absent for a good while now, your presence has left a profound impact on all the residents of Ponyville."

Glad to hear it. "And...?"

A small understanding smile. "Twilight misses you, perhaps the most of them all, even the dragon you've come to call one of your own." My own smile rose, blossomed into joy at the fact Twilight and Spike missed me as much as our friends, if not more. "Even if you are distant, the ties which bind you shall never break by the stretch."

Nodding slowly, my eyes cast to the floor. Still...

Starswirl picked up on my surfacing thoughts. "You have become a much stronger person in Equestria, Jack, your friends helping you down that road." I know, I know. But hearing that doesn't change the fact I still miss them more than anything else. They were my second family, the ones who never judged me for who I was, who never gave up hope and helped me see the better side of life by spending time with each and every one of them.

Baking with Pinkie Pie...

Sewing with Rarity...

Farming with Applejack...

Racing with Rainbow Dash...

Caretaking with Fluttershy...

Playing with Spike...

Studying with Twilight... Amongst other things.

A tiny grin emerged. Yes... They've helped me, her especially... I just wish I could return the favour, somehow...

"You had." I perked up at the reminder. Starswirl looked at me knowingly. "By having you as their friend." A humoured snort was my response, before that smile of his rose considerably. "But if you could go back, would you?"
Hm? "Clearly."

"Let's say, hypothetically speaking of course, you could return to your friends once more. You could see everyone and live your life to the fullest there. You needn't worry about the habits your own world adopts, spending as much time with Princess Twilight, young Spike and everyone else which inhabits our world. You could choose to spend the rest of your time there, happy and content."

I leaned forward slightly, brain intrigued by the prospect, hope beginning to bubble. "But...?"

The old wizard continued with a matter-of-fact voice, "Balance would had to be upheld, and to accomplish so, both doors to either world would be shut, indefinitely. You would go to Equestria... But never return to your world." ...Huh. He smiled at my look. "You would choose one family over the other; the friends you chose to call your new family over those who raised you, who is your family by blood. It would require a great sacrifice; relinquishing everything you've grown up around in the name of your own happiness." Starswirl then tilted his head. "This is all, of course, a mere idea. You need not make such a decision."

Even so, the very idea swarmed my mind with indecision, conflict taking shape on my features. To stay here, get a job, forget about ever making friends with those in a cartoon world of talking energetic, adoring ponies. Or go back and find true serenity, sacrificing one family for the other. Abandon my namesake... Or the mare I've grown to...

...As I once told Rarity, life was completely unfair.

My own thoughts drifted to the little demon now resting in her room. Heh... Cerys wouldn't need me. I loved her with all my heart, but let's face it, I'm not exactly sibling role model material. Hell, Spike looked up to me more than Deryn, Joe or Cerys ever had. Even so, the idea of leaving them again, this time for good, sent a sickening sensation in my stomach. The thought of letting them suffer again like that was unbearable, too much to contemplate.

And yet...

Where would those mares be without their critic of a friend; the man-turned-pony who pointed out every flaw and leap in logic, to carve way for a better ending? I had seen as much as possible since my return, including seasons five and six of MLP, Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games and... Legends of Everfree...


Repressing that shudder, I began scratching my jaw in thought, Starswirl and Sombra patiently awaiting my answer. But who can I say? What will I say? To choose one over the other sounded horrifying to even think about, but the rising sensation of hope in my chest was beginning to burn brightly, conflict rising in turn.

It only took one specific image of a smiling alicorn to answer.

"Well, I was never one for making rational choices, ironically enough." With a shrug, I smirked at Starswirl. "I've spent twenty years on this miserable planet... Who can say no to a second chance?"

The aged unicorn raised a brow. "Are you sure?"

"Maybe... Maybe not." I shook my head, voice raising in confidence. "But I know what my heart wants. And is it not in our nature to grant its desires?"

Starswirl then nodded, a pleased smile on his ancient features. "And so, I offer my congratulations, Jack Wright... Or Stardust Balance."


"That was your final test." Huh? The unicorn clarified with a proud tone and gleam in his eyes. "Throughout your life you have been plagued with indecision, allowing others to make the choice in your hesitance. But now, faced with a seeming impossible decision, you know what both your heart and soul wants more than anything, and you chose."


"So... My final test was never accepting that all good things must come to an end...?"

It was Sombra who snorted derisively. This aged mage has always been terribly vague with these things. It's infuriating to this day.

Starswirl shrugged, adopting a rather sheepish expression. "I felt it'd be better to make this decision after returning to your world, faced with a dilemma not many would choose right away." At that, the implications widened my eyes like saucers. Does that mean...?! His look that turned serious somewhat. "But I warn you, my friend; once you enter, you may never return. The door between dimensions must be sealed off for good, for the sake of balance." Then, a small knowing grin. "But you would know all about that, wouldn't you?"

And with that, I promptly stood up. "Just give me a moment." This time, I was going prepared. Whizzing around the room, I received a pen and paper, writing what was need to be said. I would do this via PC, but Twilight's influence had me prefer the art of writing by hand nowadays.

What did I write? Oh just the usual; wishing everyone good luck in their lives, not to worry and to know I will be happy where I'm gone, and that I've always been proud of them and will be to this day. The average farewell note. But hey, I had to be excused for my overexcitement at seeing Twilight and everyone else once again.

With the note finished, and to my satisfaction, I set it down on the center of a cupboard, before rushing by a smiling Specter- Starswirl and heading to my little sister's room. Cerys tilted her head up tiredly, and I immediately brushed her forehead with my lips again before whispering softly. "You were the best, my little demon angel... And I will always be proud of you... Goodnight."

"...Night Jack." Was the dismissive reply, eager to sleep. With an adoring grin, I gazed lovingly at the youngest of the family, lingering for a long moment before swiftly returned to my room. Deryn and Joe? Nah, any sentimental moments with them would be thrown out the window.

Before Starswirl, I nodded. "I'm ready." The rising nervousness of bile rising in my stomach and throat aside.

"Are you certain?"

Not really. "Yes."

"You will never see your true family again."

"...That's alright, I have another one."

Sombra snorted. Okay yeah, that was a horrible to say in the wrong context. But Starswirl nodded, transparent horn beneath the hat beginning to shine that blinding light once again.

Mum, Dad, Deryn, Joe, Cerys... I'll see you all again, one day...

And I was enveloped by the light...

...And before me, as I opened my eyes, stood the building of Canterlot High.


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