• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 157: Veteran of Contempt

The twelfth day...

It's the twelfth day I checked now...

Only to be met with disappointment, I groaned tiredly, not really sure what else I was expecting, after inspecting my human hand that's become a regular routine upon waking up, rubbing my eyes to rid of the sleep. Next was stroking my own growing beard, as if subconsciously making certain for any and all changes. But no, I remained in this unfortunate... Predicament.

Over a week now. A week since that cursed spell reverted me back to real human form, henceforth splintering a wound in the realm of reality itself. Worse, causing a wound in my own self-esteem. Sitting straight up, barely noting the daylight pouring behind curtains, my next move was pushing back the strands of dark brown hair threatening to entirely conceal my face; a habit fact becoming a nuisance ever since I became human again.

And no, I was still not allowing Rarity to shorten it.

A palm pressed against my forehead, debating to myself if even getting out of bed was worth the effort today. Wonder what time it was anyway...?

Almost two in the afternoon, my pupil. Good morning, by the way.

Good mor- Two PM?

I blinked, almost falling back onto the pillow in shock. Was Twilight ill or something? Typically the mare dragged me out of bed during seven AM sharp. Has she finally given up on convincing me over getting use to waking up and doing [BEEP] so early?

I imagine it's out of sympathy concerning your condition. Starswirl rationalized with a tinge of good humour. Your Princess continues to blame herself towards the fallback of the spell, and would intend on at least making your status as comfortable as possible until another solution presents itself.

Huh... Well if becoming human again allows me to sleep in, then I should start considering the benefits of being back as an unwelcome reminder to my past.

Speaking of positives, I had twelve days of both paranoia and reassurance over the fact that Zagreus had yet to strike since his assassination attempt a short while back. The fiend made no known move of yet, and Starswirl personally reassured I'd be informed should anything imbalanced arise. Of course, since I was completely incapable and inoperable with using Balance magic, alerting me would probably cause Twilight and the others to insist I stay behind and allow them to handle the crisis.

My trust in them says yes.

My pride disagrees.

Yawning, I took a moment to let the rest of my body wake up before moving out of bed, limbs snapping into place from movement and stretching. Thankfully I recovered entirely from the battle five days ago after being confined to bed; Dr. Twilight's orders. Now I can finally get up and do... Something. What was the schedule for today...?

Hell, what was the schedule nowadays since training was currently no longer available? What could I possibly do now since I have no present responsibilities? A glance to my game consoles and TV, and then to the portrait of my old family back on Earth, prompting my weary sigh.

...Maybe I can finally make use of my newfound spare time to hang out more with my friends. They'll probably appreciate that. First's things first, I'll check what Twilight and Spike are up to.

Still getting accustomed to walking on two legs daily again.

It would be a steady sensation, regaining your human senses over time. On the more optimistic side, my friend, you won't have to concern yourself with reaching heights beyond equine reach outside of magic any longer.

Yeah but this body wasn't really an improvement. Lack of sleep and poor health choice during school days has resulted to my height being around the girls in Canterlot High. Heck, I was barely taller than Celestia. I'd be a midget compared to the exaggerated giants of the parallel world, thank God Twilight has yet to comment on that. Well, the alicorn Princess has made one or two comments regarding my personal health ever since my return into human form.

"Your body is more fragile and resistant to the laws of this world." I recall my pony girlfriend address me sternly, brow furrowed. "Even the slightest injury for us would be disastrous for you. You have to be more careful and approach matters with genuine concern for your well-being. Otherwise, Zagreus will have already won; you're not as strong as you use to be now, Jack."

It was a harsh reminder, but one I needed that day. Twilight was evidently no longer giving her special somepony - or somebody - leeway, having spent the last twelve days checking up on me and clearly making sure I wasn't making any intent on leaving to confront Zagreus on my own. The mare constantly checked up on me with questions and tick boxes regarding how I was feeling, if any sensation was different even in the slightest, if I suspected an ailment was coming and so on. When she was busy, Spike or Starlight were sent in her stead, both equally as concerned by not overly fixated on my health as Twilight was.

Now to be fair, it wasn't a bad thing. Twilight had every right to show worry; I wasn't exactly reputable for looking after myself well or making rational decisions when facing danger in stead of my friends, although the latter was rather debatable to my eyes. It wasn't just the Princess, however. My friends kept asking questions to the point where I was both flattered and thoroughly exasperated, starting to feel as though they were treating me as if I was walking glass. I literally rolled my eyes when Twilight received a letter from Celestia herself asking about my condition.

Alright, what was that noise?

Twice I heard it now since walking to and from the kitchen. And it's originating from the nearby dining hall. Brow perked curiously by the unusual sounds, I decided to take a gander and walk down the hallway where presumable Twilight, Spike or Starlight were, having yet to encounter them since getting up.

Although to be fair, it's still a big castle, and I no longer have my Balance powers, so it'd make sense if I easily didn't cross paths with any of my family yet-

The sounds became more clearer upon approach, belonging to... The excited gurgling of an infant? Twilight and Spike's own tones followed with mixed emotions.

"We're already ten minutes behind..."

"It'll be quick Spike. Come on Flurry, eat this for your best aunt!"


Without further prompting, I practically ran into the doorway, revealing the large room to be greeted by... Green substances flung everywhere on the walls and room. Hell, even on the preoccupied dragon and alicorn trying desperately to appease a certain little white fluffiness of joy. A little certain baby that would instantly light up my day, forgetting all about my predicament as a human for the moment.

"Dare I ask what you're trying to feed her?" I mused humouredly with a gaze around the room. Even the tall ceiling was coated in that green mushed food. That was quite impressive, as clearly Flurry's responsible for this creative mess.

"Mashed peas." Twilight responded without turning around, grinning nervously towards the baby alicorn. "She's... Having some difficulty with eating. Nothing that can't be handled though."

"So much for mashed peas being her favourite food." Spike sent me a wry grin, and I shivered slightly.

"I wouldn't blame her if it wasn't." Walking forward, I smiled flatly towards the three, Flurry currently watching me now in interest. "I know it's clear how much I hate being dragged out of bed guys, but you could've informed me my favourite niece was coming to visit."

"In fairness it was sudden for us." Spike explained, shaking his head. "Shining and Cadence are visiting an old friend in Ponyville and want Twilight to keep an eye on Flurry Heart for the new couple of hours. Even though we have a packed schedule which we're already ten minutes behind." Twilight paid no attention to the emphasized irritation, still trying to feed the baby who dodges the floating spoon... And flinging the next spoonful of peas over my right shoulder, some landing in my untamed dark hair.

"How packed are we talking here?" I asked while proceeding to wipe off the disgusting green substance from my strands.

"Packed enough that we're going to be completely late if this keeps up."

"It'll only take a sec, Spike." Twilight reassured her son quickly, making another attempt towards our beloved niece with encouragement. "Come on Flurry, you love masked peas don't you? Yes you do! Yes you-!"


Smirking at the food flying into Twilight's startled cheek, I turned to Spike again. "Is whatever the schedule about that important?"

"A whole class of Cheerilee's came down with the horsey hives. Our first stop is the store to get some presents for the class, then the school to borrow a book to read to them, and cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner. Finally, the hospital where the children are waiting for us. But, as you can see, none of that may happen for a while since Twilight chose to babysit Flurry despite the beforehand schedule."

"...Horsey hives."



That said, I looked back to Twilight and Flurry, basically playing with each other and seeing the dilemma. On one hand, Twilight's goal was noble and something I would do, and would've been more than glad to accompany and assist my girlfriend on this trip.

On the other hand, Twilight adored her niece, and always spent every opportune minute playing with her whenever we visited the Empire or they visited Ponyville. Spike's expression on this conundrum was understandable; knowing Twilight, either she'd be distracted by playing with an attention-demanding baby, or preoccupied with taking care of other tasks and not paying enough attention to her beloved family member.

The decision was made before I long even dwelled on it. "I'll do it." Both turned to me at my sudden proclamation, and I smiled lightly. "I can deal with the children while you're spending the day with Flurry."

Spike's eyes widened. "That's... Actually not a bad idea."

Twilight, however, kept dubious. "I'm not sure." She started with a concerned frown, ignoring the excitable Flurry's continuous flinging with the spoon. "It's a busy schedule Jack, and you've been reluctant to go outside ever since your... You know."

True. Lately I've been isolating myself from the outside world out of self-protection and from the reaction of citizen ponies witnessing my newfound state. But my hesitation was completely immaterial at the moment.

"Family comes first love, you know that." I shrugged with a humoured grin, nodding to the innocent infant. "I know how much you love spending time with Flurry. Let me deal with this schedule, and you can play with your favourite niece to your heart's content."

"Are... Are you sure?" Twilight hesitated, glancing between myself and the child thoughtfully. "You don't have to do that Jack. I'm sure I can handle both looking after Flurry and tending to the children at Ponyville Hospital at once."

"I don't doubt it." I waved peacefully. "I'm just making it easier for my special somepony. Plus, you know how much I love kids. Plus, after I return, we can all spend time with Flurry together. It's win-win for all of us."

"It can work." Spike added helpfully, sounding enthusiastic. "I'll go with him to collect the stuff and help make sure everything goes smoothly. That way he won't be alone in case trouble comes knocking." Father and son activity? Why not?

It took a moment of Twilight looking back and forth between the gurgling Flurry on the table and us, eventually releasing a small smile and nodding. "If you're confident about this, I trust you." Yes! "Just keep to schedule and everything will go fine."

"It will." I nodded, smiling brightly that matches Twilight's, before walking forward and kneeling down to the curious Flurry. "I'll be back soon, beloved niece-"

My head snapped back from the yellow shield of magic suddenly surrounding the alicorn foal, a short cry of terror following. What? Flurry hid behind her large wings in sheer fright, mumbling noises of fear and surprise.

As I blinked uncomprehendingly, Spike pointed out slowly. "I, don't think she's use to seeing you like this..."

...I think something in my heart just snapped in two.

Twilight noticed my dawning expression of pain, quickly approaching the scared foal and stating quickly in reassurance. "It's okay Flurry! It's your uncle Jack. You remember your uncle, don't you? He loves you almost as much as I do." I was in no mood to retort, worsening by Flurry's reluctant to lower her shield, taking one sneak peek at me before hiding back against her wings.

She's... She's terrified of me...

It's not your fault, Jack.

Feeling my own eyes beginning to water at the newfound realization that my own niece was as nervous around me as the other ponies outside, I took a deep breath and forced a tired grin, knowing how pained it seriously looked. "We'll be back later... Have fun together." And my legs made a faster retreat than I intended.

Ignore them Jack. Ignore them Jack. Ignore them Jack!

"Spike, any specific toys we're looking for?"

"Err... Just somethings that'd make the kids happy I guess."

Good enough for me.

So that proceeded with finding the most kid-friendly stuffed animals, wooden toys and whatever else I could grab, all the while feigning ignorance to the curious and unnerved stares of nearby customers. On the bright side, my ability to reach high shelves again without the usage of magic was coming in handy.

"Maybe I should get something for Flurry too..." I muttered out-loud, sending a weak grin to Spike. "As an apology for terrifying her earlier."

The dragon smiled humouredly, carrying an open list of everything we're meant to do. "She wasn't terrified! Just... Surprised." Yeah surprised so much she hid herself in her own, rather impressive, magic shield, and refused to lower it until I [BEEP]ed off.

Glancing at the growing trolley, that reminded me, and thankfully took my mind off earlier for the moment. "How many kids were there again?"

"Hmm, eight I think."

"And we don't wanna waste too much of the borrowed money..." Eight kids alone wouldn't be satisfied with one singular toy each. "I'm thinking sixteen toys, two for each foal. Good idea?"

"Sounds good to me." Spike then pointed out with a smile. "Two more for Flurry, don't forget."

"Ah yes, good point." Thank you for reminding me Spike. Then, looking at the dragon walking beside me down an aisle, I smirked. "And two more for another favourite kid of mine."

"Huh?" Spike met my look and blinked in realization, grinning widely. "Well, I'm not complaining!"

"Good." That said, we spun around to another aisle, the empty hall of toys suddenly giving me an idea. "Spike, hop aboard."

"Uh what-?" But I already picked up the puzzled lizard and placed him in the baby seat, gearing up to do something Pinkie would approve of. Within seconds, we whizzed past the remaining aisles with noises of excitement, careful not to hit any poor passerby on the way.


"Surely you have more than enough selections in your own library? I'm surprised you chose to see me about it." Cheerilee confessed after finally calming down from the sight of a human at her school doorstep.

That was an escapade consisting of the mare screaming loudly and slamming the door, recognizing my voice after we pleaded for her to let us in. A hasty explanation followed with gestures of peace allowed the wary Earth Pony to allow us entry, profusely apologizing for the initial reaction. Fortunately, I had no intent on dwelling on my own misfortune today. This was all for the children.

"Any books there would probably take a while for us to pick." I answered with folded arms. "Plus, you know the children well more to know what kind of specific book they'd enjoy, Cheerilee."

"I suppose that's a fair point." She nodded, pulling a small shelf of literature on wheels towards us and placing a rather modestly big book on display. "Then how about the 'Ponyville: Fables and Stables?'"

Fables... Another word for fairytale, implying there's more than one story inside. "Might take us too long."

Next book. "'Alien Alicorns vs Space Pirates?'"

"...Sounds like something I'd read but..."

"How about 'Redferno: Warrior From Within?'" Spike stood between us with a raised book covering his face, the picture of a muscular blue dragon flexing to emphasize the point. "It's about a handsome dragon warrior who slays evildoers with his breath, and his snappy comebacks."

I snorted with a smirk. "My kind of guy." And look down to Cheerilee. "Think the children would love that?"

The Earth Pony nodded. "Sounds perfect!"

Excellent. "Then we'll borrow it for the time being, thank you Cheerilee." Spike was more than pleased, grinning and taking the large book to the doorway where our shopping bags waited. We watched him go with bright smiles, Cheerilee then chuckling rather mischievously.

"Ah the look of a proud father." Hm? She winked knowingly. "You know, Spike was an excellent pupil during that one time he attended school with the foals. I think he takes after his parents well."

"Hopefully his mother for the most part." Still, I appreciated the notion. Nodding in thanks and farewell, I walked over to join the enthusiastic dragon-

"Stardust...?" I looked back, the dark pink Earth Pony now suddenly looking hesitant and calling out with a weak smile. "Just... Be careful around the foals, okay? They might now... React too well... If you understand."


I sighed, nodding with a forced positive expression, and continued after Spike. Next up, Sugarcube Corner, anything to take my mind off the potential scenario that the kids would be terrified of my presence like... She was...

It only took one step into the store.


I could only watched in confounded dismay by the two foals of Cupcake and Carrot Cake wailing in fright and proceed to run off further into the bakery, leaving me alone with Spike and a blinking Pinkie Pie. The former sent me a reassuring glance, but that was far from enough to soothe the growing ache all day. First Flurry, the town, now two more foals.

Let's hope it'll cease from there... Probably not.

"Wow!" The bouncy Earth Pony commented as though impressed. "They normally don't get that scared so easily!"

Yeah, thanks Pinkie.

Rolling my eyes, I strode up towards the mare and made the order. "I'm here to get the cupcakes for the sick class at the hospital." Pinkie saluted, pulling out a tray right the [BEEP] out of nowhere, and I nodded. "Cheers. How much?"

The purchase was made, and Spike added brightly. "So far so good. At least we're not getting delayed by any of the usual shenanigans, huh?"

...When he puts it like that, I suppose that was a decent point... Actually, one look at the cupcakes and a glance to my son. "Spike, do we still have time before the hospital?"

"Erm..." He checked the long list. Surprised he hasn't tripped over it or anyone else yet. "Since we're getting everything done on time, we've got an extra five minutes to spare."

Perfect. "Pinkie." I looked back to the positive party mare. "Would you mind getting a cake ready after we're done?"

"Sure! Who for?"

"Flurry." Spike snapped a glance to me in surprise, but Pinkie released an excited gasp and nodded wildly.

"No problem! I'll check with Twilight what kind of cake she likes and get everything ready in no time! B.R.B!"

"Wait, how do you know that Flurry's... Here?" I finished flatly to the cloud dust which was once the Earth Pony, looking to Spike helplessly. The dragon shrugged-

"I'm back!" Gah! I gripped my own chest in shock, Pinkie returned to her station with a happy beam. "Mashed Pea Cake will be ready in no time! Luckily we have some spare normally reserved for Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake! Not the first time I ever made a Mashed Pea Cake mind you, it'll be a snitch!" Pinkie then paused, blinking curiously. "Shouldn't you be going to Ponyville Hospital by now?"

"Doing so now!" Picking up the edges of the warm tray, I proceeded to hurry outside, Spike following quickly. And as we walked down the path past more staring ponies, something just occurred to me.



"Did Pinkie Pie literally just say 'B.R.B?'"

"She did. Why?"

"...No reason." I sighed wearily. "No reason at all."

"For real, you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine Spike." Came the automatic response for the tenth time, sounding more visibly drained and weary even to myself. My hands were too full at the moment to even wipe my face, once again trying to ignore the stares of passing by ponies who even stared at me in shock or hurriedly pushed their kids or loved one away.

Spike was silent for a brief moment. "But for real though, you're definitely certain you're okay?"

Sigh. "Yes Spike."

"Okay, just checking." But something in that all-too-innocent tone informed me over the dragon's clear skepticism regarding my mental health. I mean, my mental health was always far from sound, but this was something else entirely. "Look on the bright side Dad, you get to read and play with the foals when we get there. And we know how much you love kids!"

That did, at least, bring a smile to my face. "Too true Spike, too true."

"They'll love the cupcakes, and the toys we bought for them. If you ask me, things will go by without a hitch." Spike sounded more as though he was trying to reassure himself than I. "We're already two minutes early than scheduled, and the hospital's just in sight!"

Spike, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I humoured the dragon anyway, nodding in small relief. "If we're lucky, they won't kick me out at first glance." I quipped wryly.

Spike evidently caught the layer of that tone. "Aha! So it is still bothering you!" The dragon had his own claws full to point, but he would. "You shouldn't have to worry Dad; I'm sure they'll let us in once everything's explained." Sure. "Although, maybe you should try to keep that look off you once we go inside?"

I glanced at my adopted son inquisitively. "What look?"

"That look, like you're going to eat the next thing that crosses your path." Spike shrugged with a sheepish smile. "Try to smile the whole time in, and the foals will love ya in no time."

"Spike, I think Twilight is rubbing off too much optimism on you." Speaking of which, wonder how she and Flurry were doing? Were they having fun? Playing together lovingly as aunt and niece? For a moment, I envisioned in my mind's eye the sight of the two sitting against once another, playing with laughter and smiles and just enjoying a family moment. Two ponies I hopelessly adored.

"That's better!" Spike snapped me out of it, the dragon grinning broadly. "Keep that smile up by, I'm guessing, thinking of a certain purple alicorn with a love for books and her friends?"

"And her son." I quipped lightly, the shadow of the building consuming us the closer we approached. I nodded with a relieved smile towards the place. "So far so good, let's head in and keep the kids waiting no longer."

Just keeping thinking of them. Just keeping thinking of them. Just keeping thinking of them...

The reception suddenly became deathly quiet upon our entry, stares from both medical staff and patients alike freezing at the sight of an alien entering their very hospital. I winced, trying to maintain the image of Twilight and Flurry having the time of their lives to keep me content enough to get through this. Although that didn't stop my grip on the plastic bags tightening by the uncomfortable looks my way.

Spike, however, took the initiative upon sensing the tense atmosphere. "Nurse Redheart!" He called out to one clothed mare, waving with a fixed grin. "We're here to see the sick foals!"

The addressed white pony in question blinked, as though just noticing the dragon. "Ah, Spike. We were expecting you and... Princess Twilight." Eyes darted to me nervously as she hesitantly approached, and I felt something akin to bile rising in my throat by the stares given to me.

Don't let it bother you Jack, don't let it bother you...!

"The Princess had some unexpected developments back at the castle, so she sent us in her stead." Spike explained hurriedly, proceeding to pat my ankle with an air of false confidence. "Stardust and I have gotten everything needed to help make the children feel much better."

"I... See..." Clearly there were some reservations to this newfound revelation, judging by the expressions on the nurse and several other members of staff. "This way then..." Nurse Redheart reluctantly turned around and has us follow, and I did my best to ignore the befuddled and downright horrified stares of the patients, acting as though the very boogeyman was here to haunt them in their most vulnerable states.

Again, don't let it bother you Jack...

Upon guiding us to the room of sick fillies and colts, Redheart proceeded to add. "Just a fair warning, but the children are expecting the Princess of Friendship than... Your friend here, Spike. Try not to make them too nervous, okay?"

Translation: Try not to completely scare the living [BEEP] out of them because of my grotesque appearance.

But Spike didn't seem to catch her meaning, only nodding with a positive grin. "Don't sweat it! We've got this, right Dad?"



"Dad, wait up!"

Patients and doctors quickly squashed themselves to the sides upon my stormy approach, and that did nothing to diminish the growing stabbing pain enveloping my chest. Hearing the pitter-patter of Spike's little feet, I had absolutely no intention of looking at the dragon and showing him my hurt and severely downtrodden expression.

It was all a ruse, I was fooling myself. Believing for a minute that I could possibly help these kids while looking like the worst guest for a Jeremy Kyle episode. Just because I wanted to do good despite my current disposition and let Twilight have a fun day spent with her beloved niece. The second I opened that door into the room, I was expected to be greeted by at least some apprehension and nervousness from the children.

Not... A chorus of screaming followed with them hiding behind their pillows.


Ths time, Spike's familial call worked, but only in halting me and resting one palm against the wall, the other in my face and just wanting to go home more than anything. I just succeeded in ruining today simply by showing up. Those kids will probably get nightmares for weeks now because of this...

"Dad...?" I vaguely heard my son ask in worry.

Without considering it, I whirled around and gasped out in pure pain. "They're terrified of me Spike. They're absolutely petrified. Hell, everyone's feeling that way towards me now. I just... I didn't..." My thumb and index finger rubbed my tired forehead, voice now sounding strained. "I hoped that at least something would go right, but I've only been kidding myself..."

"They were just surprised, that's all!" Spike was quick to rebuttal, now tugging on the edge of my trousers below. "They'll warm to you in no time. C'mon Dad, once you start reading to them their fears will be all but forgotten."

An image of the kids' reactions to my presence, reading and trying to win their approval, all concealing most of their facial features behind quilts and pillows and, Hell, even the toys we got them, making no attempt whatsoever to even approach the human who just wanted to help them feel better. A cold sensation washed over me, my inside freezing at the thought of frightening those young, innocent foals any further.

I gazed down to the only child thus far who has expressed no fear about my appearance, pulling at the bottom of my pants in attempt to have me follow. If there's one positive from this terrible day, it's that Spike's faith in me was unwavering, and I couldn't be more thankful for that.

Kneeling down, I addressed the blinking dragon with a tiny, forced smile. "Spike, why don't you read for them instead? I'm sure you'll get along with kids around your age than I."

"What?" Spike asked in puzzlement. "But... But you have to help out! Mom's counting on us to do this!"

"Which is why you have a better chance at doing this than I, right now." I stood up, after patting the dragon's head, staring down wearily. "It was a mistake of me to volunteer for her. You have a better chance appeasing the children right now. Plus, I'm sure you'll be a fantastic storyteller."

I began turning around, wanting nothing more than to get out of this judgement hospital and back into the sanctuary of the castle... Preferably my own bed. But one step was taken before Spike inquired, "Wait, where are you going?"

"Home." I simply responded, sending a weak smile over my shoulder. "You've got this all handled, son... Make me proud, moreso than you already do." Thinking of nothing else to say, I made my hasty retreat before the young lizard could make any further attempt to dissuade me. It was better this way; I wouldn't have to keep an entire room of sick children constantly on edge simply by being there as a human.

Go to sleep again and never wake up... Should've been doing that the whole day instead, as opposed to feeling like a miserable piece of [BEEP].

So let's recap.

The whole town's unnerved by me.

The sick kids at Ponyville Hospital screamed at the sight of me.

Even my own niece is absolutely terrified just from looking at me.

All in all, there was certainly a reason behind my more introverted nature of late. I knew Equestrian kind; how easily scared and nervous they can get. Remember the Zecora fiasco, even though there was nothing she did at all to indicate herself as a threat to the ponies, but they still treated her as a monster?

That was how I felt then. At least Zecora had the mercy of being oblivious to everyone's plight until the very end, the ponies made themselves clear about my newfound appearance without having the decency to lock themselves behind closed doors to spare me the repulsed expressions. My pace back to the castle only quickened with each passing step, practically running into the home once arriving, panting quite heavily and brain threatening to collapse my legs from sheer pressure and stress, slamming the doors behind me.

And what greeted me were the sounds of two ponies having the time of their lives.

The best I could muster was a faint smile as Flurry and Twilight whizzed past me above, playfully chasing each other to their heart's content, obviously taking no note of my return just yet. For the better, I imagined; no need to frighten my own Goddaughter again... Might as well confine myself to my room for the time being, at least until Shining and Cadence come by to pick up their kid.

As Twilight chased the alicorn foal down the various halls, I began making my way towards my bedroom, hearing the melodious noises of fun and sheer happiness from two ponies I loved. Let them have their moment without me ruining it. I wasn't kidding when I told Spike he could handle matter at the hospital; look who he has as his parents. A pony and human whom equally adore playing with children and reading to them-


A white blur slammed into my chest, knocking the wind out of me as my back landed harshly on the pale red carpet below.


A little dazed, I leaned up to see the perpetrator staring up whilst sitting on my chest innocently. "Hello there." I managed to gasp out with a tiny smile.

To absolutely no effort, as Flurry immediately flew off my body and encased herself with yellow magic once again. Twilight, landing beside the secured foal, smiled endearingly to her niece before regarding me curiously. "You're back early." She noted. "According to my calculations you shouldn't be done so soon. Did something happen?" And purple orbs glanced over me. "And where's Spike?"

"He's... Reading to the kids instead." That hurt to say, a lot. Grunting, I rose upwards and regarded the shielded Flurry, feeling another stabbing sensation to my heart, and looking back to Twilight. "It's... Better this way."

"Oh." The alicorn blinked, looking back to Flurry with a hopeful smile. "Then I guess that means your uncle's free to spend more time with his beloved niece and aunt. Isn't that great Flurry?"

The very much younger alicorn had obvious objections, taking one peek at me and concealing herself behind wings again, the yellow shield brightening to emphasize how she wished I disappeared from the sight of her. Twilight gave me a reassuring glance, but I shook my head, having already frightened enough foals for today.

"Don't let me keep you from having a fun time together." I careful walked past the two, trying desperately not to frighten my niece some more. "I'll just... Be in my room..."


I grimaced, calling back weakly. "I'm fine love." In reality I was anything but. "Just... It'd probably suited everyone had I never gotten up today at all..."

You shouldn't deem yourself too harshly, my young friend.

I terrified an entire town, a bunch of sick kids and my own niece today just by volunteering to help out my girlfriend. Pardon me for allowing my self-loathing to at least be a little justified in this case, teacher...

It was likely for the best that Spike dealt with the children after all, though not for reasons you may assume. Regardless, you have no reason to judge yourself at a low point, Jack. None of todays going-ons are your fault in the slightest.

I appreciate you trying Starswirl, sighing loudly as I stared at the floor I walked upon with a depressed glare. But face facts, these ponies will presume anything outside of them is dangerous at first glance. I was never an exception. And let's be real, even as a pony I never had a decent reputation among the town, not since my little incident under Sombra's control ages ago...

As you claim, Jack, that was indeed time ago. The citizens simply require time to grow use of your newfound disposition, that's all. And don't presume that today is entirely misfortune on your part just yet, my young pupil.

What could you possibly-?

Hmm? A tug against the lower edge of my jeans prompted me to halt, slowly turning around to gaze down by the little pony silently asking me to halt. W-What? Flurry stared up to me, looking back at Twilight's encouraging nod and smile, and to me again, head tilted in complete curiosity, and I instinctively returned the gesture, wondering what was going in the little filly's mind.


She made a cute noise, reaching up to me with expectant limbs, and suddenly a small surge of hope passed through me. Carefully, I reached downwards and grasped the foal beneath her front limbs, picking my niece into my arms, and waited, her adorable clear blue eyes searching my own, as if checking for something. Then-


Pecked me at the tip of my nose, as though finally recognizing me and beginning to gurgle out excitedly. Twilight called out happily. "I knew she'd understand!"


I looked from the niece in my arms to Twilight uncomprehendingly, and the purple mare smirked at my reaction. "She's calling out to her favourite uncle, Jack."


Finally, the situation dawned on me, almost dropping the adorable alicorn from my arms. It felt as though all of my unpleasant developments today washed away into nothingness, replaced by the suffocating light this child poured from her soul. From her heart. My previous anguished expression was reverted to newfound hope and wonder, regarding the gleeful Flurry Heart as though she was a blessing to behold.

Well, that's because she was.

Flurry then proceeded to tug a strand of dark hair with her hoof, making an endearing grunt of effort. Giggling behind her hoof, Twilight called out cheerfully. "Looks like our niece wants you to play too."

Looking back down at the niece sitting comfortably in my human arms, I couldn't stop the widened grin on my face, cheekily answering back. "Well, who am I to decline her royal Highness?"

Okay... NOW I'm exhausted.

With a groan, my back landed harmlessly on the floor, panting heavily after struggling to keep up with the two energetic mares. Stamina... Not as much as when I was a pony... How things change rapidly. Chasing after two flying ponies was one way on cardio exercise, I suppose. My legs always worked better than my arms. No wonder I adjusted quickly to equine limbs so quickly-


The little bundle of joy and playfully landed oh-so gracefully on my vulnerable stomach, prompting me to gasp out in surprise and look up, meeting the blissful smile of my beloved niece. "Alright, I confess." I smirked humouredly, carefully sitting up. "You've bested I, the Twilight Warrior. Take pride in your victory today, Flurry."

In answer, the foal cheered happily and tackled my chest, snuggling into a hug which I so eagerly returned without delay, Twilight approaching us with a matching content smile, looking as though she was ready to cry at the sight. As the alicorn stood beside us, Flurry looked between her uncle and aunt with nothing short of joy, this time motioning for Twilight to join in the embrace. The purple mare happily obliged.

Yeah... I could get use to this. Both pure hearts warming away all my worries and preconceived notions after today. I sighed in relieved happiness, both their souls doing wonder for my health. This certainly beats a while day of terrifying the daylights from everyone I came across.

That said, I regarded Twilight with a gratified look. "Thank you, for persuading Flurry like that."

My special somepony nodded. "Of course." And snuggled her favourite niece lovingly. "Flurry just needed to take one look at your eyes, and recognize the uncle she looks up to."

I snorted humouredly, rubbing the tiny alicorn's colourful mane. "Looks up to. Twilight I think she's too young to seek out anyone for guidance just yet."

"You'd be surprised." Twilight smirked coyly, regarding the foal between us with affection. "She's a fast leaner, taking after her aunt in so many things."

God help us. As if one studious alicorn Princess wasn't enough.

"Hush you." Twilight commanded in mock sternness as though hearing that joking mental thought, smiling lightly. "There's nothing wrong with having a desire to learn."

"Let's just hope she doesn't take after her aunt's rashness then."

The purple mare scoffed. "Or her uncle's reckless tendencies."

"Or her aunt's prone to quickly losing composure."

"Nor her uncle's flair for dramatics."

Flurry once again exclaimed noises of excitement, prompting us to regard her again with open endearment. Earlier I wanted the day to end, now I wish it never did. Twilight looked up to me, a sparkle in her eyes telling me she wished the same thing. With one hand softly playing with Flurry's pink and blue mane, I muttered quietly with content.

"I hope she takes after her aunt in so many ways. Beauty, brains, and everything else which makes her perfect." I looked back up to the blushing yet thrilled Twilight, beaming for the first time in weeks. "You're gonna be the best inspirational figure for her, love. She'll learn so much from you."

"Not only from me." Twilight retaliated fondly, pointing out rather knowingly. "She has an uncle with his own wisdom and advice that'd benefit our favourite niece for the future to come. We could both teach her many things together."

...Huh. That's a rather enticing proposal. "Growing up under the tutelage from both pony and human experience." I mused out-loud, to which Twilight nodded in proud agreement. I then grinned coyly. "Teach her not to make the same mistakes as Celestia- Actually...!" My brain was beginning to expand ideas, cutting Twilight off before she could rebuttal. "A better idea, we could teach her history of both pony and human kind! To learn about past ruler of both worlds and learn from them! What do you think?"

The look on Twilight's face was all the answer needed, but that didn't stop the mare from releasing an excited gleeful gasp and emphasized with embracing me tightly. "That's a brilliant idea!" And proceeding to hold up the oblivious foal and grin brightly. "She'll have the wisdom and knowledge from the best of both worlds, aided by the teachings of us both. It's perfect!" Twilight's approval despite almost crushing my neck lifted my spirits even further.

"Aun!" Flurry called out, flying around her beloved aunt cheerfully, and we laughed by the adorable sight.

"We could start with bedtime stories from both worlds, work up from there as she grows older." I pointed out in suggestion, to which Twilight nodded her complete approval.

"Sounds good to me!" The mare said, catching the energetic alicorn in her lavender hoofs and magically summoning two stuffed bears for them to play with. "I wouldn't be a good B.A.E otherwise!" And added upon glancing at my expression. "Best. Aunt. Ever!"


Hasbro, you sly dogs.

"You certainly are, Twilight."

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