• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighty: A Kingdom of Isolation

When I leave this body... I will perish... The bounded state I have put myself in has left me utterly dependent... But I could leave... I could leave this accursed body, escape from the mundane reality my host puts himself through, away from the cowardly and kindness I see through his eyes.

And face certain death...

He wants to help me, he said... He wishes to give to me what his "friends" have given to him... He tells me he understands the pain I am going through.

As if he could.

Deep down, within the core of that fragile shattered heart... He fears me. He locks me away within a corner of his mind because he fears me. They all fear me... As well they should.

I am not like them. I am above them. I am the answer and salvation to my kind; the prophesied ruler, destined to bring all ponykind to its former glory. And they fear that. They fear what they cannot understand; they fear the absolute. They fear perfection!

Yes... Perfection...

I will not leave this body... Because I am not destined to die. Not yet... I am destined for more greater things. Things those fools like Celestia or this boy cannot possibly hope to comprehend; things that will bring my kind to salvation. To bring Equestria to an era where there is only one absolute. One ruler. One destiny.

My destiny.

No! I will not leave this body! I will not cower! I will not die! I shall emerge triumphant once more! The ascension of King Sombra shall and always will be predestined! And this child - this human - is only the catalyst to what will be my one true coronation-!

And this human is trying to concentrate, so if you wouldn't mind keeping your trap shut, oh predestined one.

...Thank you.

"Go fish," Was my eventual response to Spike, setting my cards down tiredly.

"I don't like this."

Sighing, I turned to face to purple worried mare, who both she and Spike were at the doorway, seeing me off. I smiled patiently. "I know; you've made that clear the last few hours."

Twilight shook her head, eyes sparkling concern and a tinge of apprehension. "You should let me come with you. There's no reason for you to face this alone-"

"No," Was my final answer, stepping forward firmly. But Twilight still looked hesitant at the thought of leaving me some alone time with his Highness, prompting me to continue, "Specter has made it clear only I can face this challenge myself. You worry about hanging out with Cadence today; it'll do you a lot of good to spend time with your favourite foalsitter again. Let me worry about Sombra."

"And since when did you listen to a wiser being?"

"Well... He's not Celestia."

It was a joke, but Twilight still expressed worry. Spike, however, chose to back me up, patting Twilight's limb reassuringly. "Ahh he'll be fine Twilight. Stardust has faced much worse since being in Equestria. This'll be a snap!"

"That still doesn't mean he'll be in any less considerable danger." Twilight, as always, was adamant, shaking her head again and eyes now pleading. "Let me and Cadence come with you; she can help. The exhibition can wait-"

"The exhibition of the renowned legend, Starswirl the Bearded?" I asked with humour, stepping forward in an attempt to placate the worried mare. "My dear Twilight, this is something you cannot miss. You and Cadence have fun together after so long without doing so. I'll deal with the remaining piece of Sombra."

"Part of a relationship is supporting one another Jack," Twilight said firmly, expression reflecting the tone flawlessly.

I nodded. "And you can support me by allowing me to do this myself. This is my mess, and I must clean it up myself without getting anyone else I care about involved. I'm not Celestia." Twilight's frown deepened while Spike covered up his smirk.

The alicorn remained firmly hesitant. "I still don't like this."

"I know," I said gratefully, placing as hoof under the mare's chin gently so our eyes could stay fixed on each other. "And I appreciate the worry. But Specter assured me everything will be fine, and I believe him. Let me do this on my own... Alright?"

Twilight stared back, purple searching orbs uncertain... Before sighing herself, nodding slowly, to my relief. But that expression hardened again, voice stern and leaving no room for argument. "If you aren't home by the end of the day, I'm coming after you whether you want me to or not."

Of course.

"I expect nothing less," I replied sincerely, smiling at the caring while planting a small kiss on the mare's forehead. From the corner of my eye, Spike made a gagging gesture, prompting my rolled eyes. "I'll be back soon. Have fun with Cadence."

"Jack..." Twilight looked as though she was about to say something... But only shook her head again and smiled herself, although it looked terribly forced. "Good luck."

"And if Sombra gives you trouble, you can bet we'll help you kick his arse!" Spike pitched, waving at me with a wide smile, "Good luck bro!"

Kick his arse... I'm so proud, Spike.

As I walked further away, trying not to look back at Twilight's still concerned expression, my own expressed hardened in worry and anticipation, destination towards outside the town and into the wilderness of the Everfree Forest. And that is where I shall, for the very first time since allowing that King to remain in my mind, attempt to redeem the fallen tyrant.

Specter... I hope you know what you're doing...

You know, despite the haunted and dusty atmosphere this place gives, I was still impressed. The old castle was, for the most part, safe to walk through, and the books in its library still eligible. If anything did happen, then at least the others would be safe from harm's way.

It shall not come to that, my friend, do not worry.

Nodding, I made my way to an ancient small table and chair filled with cobwebs, dusting off the surfaces before sighing, raising my head towards the stone black ceiling, "...I'm ready."

It was time.

You are doing a brave thing, Jack, Specter pointed out reassuringly, sounding somewhat proud of my dedication to this rather risky idea. Sombra will be granted enough power to hold a temporary body of which you can converse with outside your mind. Although he won't have enough magic to be deemed a threat to you.

That was great and all, but even I still felt a chill down my spine upon the thought of facing that creature face-to-face again. Still... I brought this on myself, and it was time for me to fix it. "Well, we better get right to it, then."

Very well. This won't hurt.

And Specter kept true to his word.

In face, there was a sensation I felt which was rather warm. Comforting. A light aura was beginning to present itself around the outline of my being, and I stood perfectly still, in case any movement would disrupt the progress. The light emanating from the aura poured away, swerving through the air towards a few feet away, landing on the stone floor in one spot as if merging together to form a shape.

Or pony.

My expression stiffened, brain immediately telling me to be ready in case this fallen tyrant would try anything. The light continued in waves, lining up together in creating the familiar body of the former King, going from grey hooves to silver-armoured limbs, black tail to red-caped body, armoured neck to dark grey head, and red horn to night black mane. The temporary form of the once great monarch stood before me, standing still with those sinister eyes closed.

And when the light finally died down, red eyes opened, gleaming with malice intent, glaring in recognition. "Wright..."

Swallowing a gulp, I frowned back in even greeting. "Sombra..."

"That is King Sombra to you worm."

I see some things have never changed.

"But that's no longer the case now, is it?"

The dark King scowled at my accurate observation. "It is merely a temporary replacement."

"As is this body of yours." Sombra's glared darkened at my dry statement, but I was already feeling less threatened by this tyrant. Must be Specter's doing. Shrugging, I finally took my seat, speaking alot more calmer now. "We better get to work then."

The King grinned mockingly, "In your feeble attempts in 'reforming' me? Your arrogance is something to behold, although nothing new to your own kind. Correct?" Ignoring that jab, I then smiled pleasantly. Better remind this deluded tyrant who's in charge now. Sombra then frowned as I brought out a list from my cape pocket, "What is that?"

"Oh, just a few books around here I'd like to read. Would you kindly bring to me 'The Fall of Fear: Volume I?'"

Teeth bared hatefully, "And why should I do as you say, worm? You have no right to command me, just as I have no obligation to obey. I am the King of all that is fear-"

"It's not a demand, 'Your Highness,' it's a request. Ever heard of them?" I grinned patronizingly at the irritated King, "Besides, you do have an obligation; the fact I haven't forced you out of my mind completely speaks for itself."

Red eyes glinted, "You're welcome to try."

But I didn't take the bait. Nice try my friend, "I'll think about it. Now, the first volume, if you would. Unless you prefer to leave this new body of yours so soon." With a glare that could melt the Arctic, Sombra stormed off through the library, leaving me satisfied yet a bit wary still.

May I inquire as to how you exactly intend on reforming the fallen King this way?

By first teaching him humility, Specter. I smiled lightly. He can first learn by knowing the difference between asking and demanding. Heh, I imagined Fluttershy would've approved of this method.

"Oh splendid, you found it! Good job!" Sombra ignored my praise and set the book on the table, still glaring daggers at me. Shrugging off the hateful look, I glanced at the next book on my list, "And volume II, if you wouldn't mind. Also while looking, see if you could find Volumes III and IV... Careful, Sombra, your face might stick like that."

Was I having fun? Eh... Some small amount of satisfaction can be allowed, considering what this pony did to me and my friends.

"Why are you doing this, boy? Why not destroy me now, while you have the opportunity?"

Frowning, I answered seriously, "Because I'm not a killer, Sombra... Apart from a few insects, but no one's perfect."

Without responding, Sombra simply turned and walked off, presumably to seek out the other books. That's right, fallen one, I am nothing like you. My friends assured me of such. And I will never be like you.

And no one doubts that claim, Jack.

Eventually, his Highness returned with the books on his back, since he couldn't utilize magic despite the pointy red horn. "You seek to reform me by passing me menial tasks a slave could conduct?"

I replied evenly, nodding in thanks for the books. "I seek to redeem you by teaching you about gratitude and generosity first. There is a distinction."

Sombra simply scowled... Before that expression softened, slightly, which was rather alien to the stallion's appearance. His tone was more... Somber.

Pft! Somber. Ha!

"I am alone, Wright... My own kingdom fears and reviles me."

...If he expected me to feel empathy towards his actions, he was sorely mistaken. "Only because you were solely responsible for their enslavement," I pointed out matter-of-factly.

"Perhaps..." Oh? Was he musing? I had to admit, seeing him looking so thoughtful than hateful and disgusted was rather fascinating and, quite frankly, a welcoming change. But not to be rude, I began opening the first page of the book before me, and Sombra then continued, "Wright, do you know what is the closest thing I have to a friend?"

"...No?" I answered in confusion. He had a friend? Who knew-?



The sincere casual answer caused me to whip my head in his direction, Sombra's expression serious while my own baffled. "Me...? But-"

"We have been a through a lot together, have we not?" The King carried on as though he hadn't heard me, pointing out knowingly. "We are both beings of idealism, unafraid of releasing our more passionate, stronger emotions. Fate has brought us together, knowing this. We are more alike than you assume, boy."

Scowling, I looked away, not daring to meet his gaze. This stallion was delusional to the core. "We're not friends, Sombra."

"No, no." The King agreed, "But I imagine, in some alternate reality... We might have been." Are you sure about that? "I think your Princess, Twilight Sparkle, is like us; we play our own vital roles to Equestria. Our paths leads not to mundane lifestyles, but for a higher purpose. That is why we are bound together, why you and Princess Sparkle have become life partners. Imagine, the possibilities we can achieve, together!"

"You're dangerous," I said quietly.

"All ponies of destiny are."

"Ponies of what?" I scoffed at the firm statement, whipping my head from the pages back to the fallen tyrant, smiling at the surreal beliefs of this stallion. "I'm an autistic, Sombra; perhaps I might have a different perspective on fate and destiny."

"Perhaps," Sombra responded, followed by his deep voice raising rather dramatically, "And yet you are one of the elite! A deity! Not one of the rabble. Your kind created this world and all its inhabitants; you could become supreme ruler of this world; replace that fool Celestia and bring forth a new era of peace; all ponykind respecting you... And fearing if need be."

"Forget it," I said sternly, not submitting to Sombra's games. I've been manipulated once by this pony, I won't do so again. Not ever. "I'm no tyrant, Sombra."

"No..." He concurred quietly, looking at me with a thoughtful gaze, "But you consider yourself no better."

"I was trapped within that glacier, alone for the past one thousand years," Sombra spoke as we walked down the many hallways of this ancient castle, heading... Really not going anywhere, I thought we just needed to stretch our legs a little after all that reading, "Accompanied only by the cold... And my memories."

Glancing at the somber Sombra, I smiled humouredly. "And now that you've had a little think about it, you decided to start a fresh."

But the King hardly took it in amusement. "A little think?" He snarled, voice raising in both contempt and frustration, "One thousand years! Do you have any idea how that must feel?" At my silent response, Sombra continued heatedly. "This world is only a fictional universe, to your kind, so it must feel like nothing; but to me, it was agony! Unable to move. Unable to talk. Unable to do anything but be reminded of my failures. Trapped, utterly, alone."

"Which you brought upon yourself," I commented lightly.

But Sombra wasn't finished, his voice softening again, as if recalling the experience piece by piece. "My only companions in that accursed glacier were my thoughts, and the cold which threatened to keep me at bay for eternity. The constant reminder of my own defeat at the hands of those miserable alicorns, replaying through my mind over and over, in hopes of shattering my pride. I felt I would be driven insane!"

"...No comment."

"My own body was stripped away from me." By God, he's on a roll isn't he? "The experience left my mind tormented, my frozen muzzle wanting to scream at the pain. At the cold. For over a thousand years my mind was filled to the brink of pain and despair, yearning to be free from such agonizing torture, and sometimes I pondered what truly remained of my existence. Was I dead? How would I know? Over time my mind did everything to distract me from the pain, reminding me of my own peaceful existence over ruling the Crystal Empire, the faces of every slave that served my hoofs put on the forefront of my mind."

"Screaming in terror, or just demanding an apology for everything you've put them through?" I asked casually, passing a corner along with Sombra. Yet despite this, I was admittedly intrigued over hearing this King's side of the story. Understanding what exactly this pony's been through would bring me one step closer in helping him.

"And then, I saw Celestia's face. Her true face: the soft, cowardly face. Just as it is now. Just as it always has been. It was my right, mine alone, to conquer and rule Equestria in harmony. The Crystal Empire was merely the beginning. But it was all taken from me, by the craven hoof of Celestia and her pathetic sibling Luna. They ripped my body away from me, and made me a shadow of my former self."

"Hm, quite literally, I might add."

"My mind was constantly ravaged by the unforgiving cold; punishing me for my own failure, striving me to achieve better the next time I could rule. And yet..." Yet...? Red eyes glared accusingly at me. "Your people based this world on love and friendship. Two weakness that threaten one's true objective: Power. Naturally, I would be the villain. Naturally, I would be bested by some outsiders. And, naturally, the main catalyst for my original defeat would be an infant dragon!"

"Don't put that on me," I retorted hotly, "At least I made your demise somewhat more dignifying."

"And I am supposed to be grateful?" Sombra sneered, yet continued before I could answer, "My own prison was a harsher sentence than even I would bestow upon my own slaves for disobedience. The cold, the cruel cold as chilling as my own heart, mercilessly invaded my sense of being; replaying every moment of agony, of despair I had inflicted on my crystal slaves, expecting me to feel empathy, or, at the very least, guilt for my actions. But what would that achieve? I had gone too far now to ever return. My destiny was not to forgive and beg for forgiveness, to be anything like the other rulers who do not deserve their place. But the cold had other ideas."


"My philosophy was always that you can either rule, or be ruled. Naturally, my pride wouldn't allow myself to be conquered by a much lesser being. I am not like my kind, Wright, as proven time and time again. I understand the advantages of anger and hate and rage. Just as you do. Do not deny it." He added as I opened my mouth, regarding me blankly, "We are all masters of our destinies, so long as we have the strength to oppose those who seek to control us. Your kind wishes to control your friends. Specter wishes to control you. You wish to control me. We must free ourselves!"

"...Exactly how long have you been preparing this speech for?" Sombra scowled at my question. We both paused, allowing me to continue, "Your hypocrisy astounds me, Sombra. You speak of freedom, but when has that ever been granted to your chained servants? And don't say they were weak." My frowned deepened when the King was about to reply, "Your kind may be gullible, and at times easily afraid, but they're certainly not weak. Their compassion more than makes up for their own shortcomings. There's more to life than ruling or destiny or anything so philosophical. You need to see that. You have to see that."

Also, rather typical of him to try and use me against Specter-

Then, unexpectedly, Sombra stiffened somewhat, craning his head round carefully. Raising a brow, I asked seriously, "What is it...?"

"A scent..." A scent? Red eyes look forward into the darkness surrounding, corridors leading to many different locations. "We're not alone."

Oh great, now was this King being paranoid? Twilight and the others certain couldn't have come to check up on us, more specifically me, when I asked them not to-


"I sense it too..." I whispered in realization, that new power of mine where I could sense the chaos and harmony in others hearts going off.

And this one had a whole lot of chaos in it.


"Behind you!"

Huh? Oh [BEEP]!

Thanks to Sombra's warning, we both immediately leapt away from the falling statue, shattering and crumbling into dust on the aged carpet upon impact. Recovering swiftly, we ignored the loud echo from the crash towards the being responsible for pushing it in the first place. "There!" The King snarled towards the unwanted guest.

A hunched being in a dark blue cloak. And for some reason the sight of him set off all sorts of alarms in my head.

Realizing his error, the creature that obviously wasn't a pony quickly turned tail and sped off down into the darkness. On no you don't [BEEP]-hat! "Wait boy!" Sombra called out as I pursued the intruder. Concern Sombra? That can wait.

I'd advise you listen to him, Specter's voice urged while I caught sight of the cloaked being, rushing up the stairs after him. This enemy is not one you can directly engage.

Says who?

Corridor after corridor I chased down the fleeing creature, partially wondering who he was and how long before he gets tired from the pursuit. Someone that hunched can't possibly escape capture for that long. I'll deal with Sombra later. Right now, I intended on catching and uncovering the identity of the one who just tried to kill us just then. Sombra I understand, but me? Ah Christ if it's someone I know I'm going to be sick.

Sick of annoyance.

It then occurred to me the creature was intending to flee deeper into the castle, the lower levels to be precise, most likely in an attempt to lose me by the maze of corridors and possible traps. Twilight had warned me about the way these corridors can deceive and take you elsewhere throughout the castle, but I wasn't going to allow that to deter me, that nor the fact that the creature I pursued sent a shiver down my spine as I kept sighting him.

Who was he... Or her?

It looked like I was about to get my answer, finally cornering him in a large room, making space for the organ the being placed himself before. Cautiously I entered the room, slowly approaching the hunched person warily.

And one step on the carpet was it took. From the shadows of his hood I could see the sinister grin, and with one press of an organ key, the floor felt less sturdy.

The stone floor beneath the long red carpet crumbled, falling down a bottomless pit below, my hoofs reaching upwards in a feeble attempt to grab onto something as the floor sunk me through. My own stunned gaze morphing into horror at the realization I was led into a trap.

Well... [BEEP]-

What the?!

A sudden hoof grabbed my own, and I gazed in shock and awe at who exactly was struggling to pull me upwards. "S-Sombra...?!" The fallen King merely grunted, attempting to pull me up with as much strength as possible, yet it seemed he was having a hard time accomplishing such. Teeth bared in determination, eyes blazing in both irritation and resolve.

He was saving me...?

"Boy!" Huh? Sombra practically yelled in his demands, "You must... Transfer more power to this body!"

Wait, what? And give him the ability to use magic?!

As though sensing my distrust and hesitation, Sombra attempted to speak more calmly, "You must trust me boy! I need more strength to pull you up!" Still, I was hesitant, and that only prompted the King to yell louder, "Do it!"

Alright alright! Specter!

Doing so now.

And for a brief moment, a light aura encompassed us both, and Sombra used the temporary boost in strength to pull me upwards, saving me from the fate below. Rolling away from the large hole in the floor, I inhaled and exhaled in immense relief Sombra breathing lightly after using such power.

Thank God... That was a close one.

But from the corner of my eye, the foe we had pursued was gone, to my brief annoyance. Still, I was alive, which was just as fine. All thanks to... Sombra...

The tyrant barely flinched at my blank gaze to him."You saved me."

He sniffed dismissively. "Your mind is keeping me alive. I didn't save you out of sentimentality."

...That was probably the closest to a "You're welcome" I'd get out of him. With a small grin, I shook my head, standing up with gratitude to my voice, "Well, thank you regardless... Didn't know you had it in you."

Sombra snorted. "It wouldn't have occurred had you possessed more sense in not pursuing that creature."

"Suppose I should be all the more grateful then." Yet before he could retort, I looked over to the far end of the room where the organ sits, missing its previous player. "That being though... Who was he...?"

And why did I feel so... Apprehensive upon seeing him?

"Is it not obvious?"

I glanced back at Sombra curiously, ignoring the jab. "Hm?"

Rolling his eyes, the King continued with a more quiet tone, "He is there in your memories Wright; the creature more deadly than even myself. The worst opposition your Princess shall face very soon."

The worst...


No... If that's the case, then the implications are alot more horrifying than previous thought. "It can't be... Not him." I whispered loudly enough to be heard, looking back at the previous spot of the most dangerous villain in this world, while Sombra nodded solemnly.

If that was the case... Then I had every right to be scared...

The 'session' with Sombra ended earlier that expected, mostly due to the fact I desired to get away from that place as quickly as possible. Sombra, although initially disgusted by my apparent cowardice, understood as to why. Not even he would dare face such a dangerous being in his current state. That fiend was not someone to trifle with unprepared, we need to be ready as swiftly as possible.

Dwelling on it shall get us nowhere, The King in my head stated seriously, This creature must be dealt with before it's too late.

In due time, Specter responded calmly, the more wiser tone in my mind consoling me, He is in his most weakest state currently. We are fortunate that he attempted to destroy you rather than take the magic within your body.

...Hooray for me?

Bah! That will not halt him for long! Tomorrow we must return and destroy that demon while we have the opportunity-!

Acting in haste won't stop him-

"Alright, enough, the pair of you." I really had no tolerance for this right now. I just needed to get inside the library where it's safe. The red door to the house loomed ever closer, and evening was hitting the sky as we spoke, "We'll deal with that another time... Presumably when I forget about it."

Hmph... Sombra almost sounded bitter, You were never this afraid when confronting me.

Jealous, Sombra?

Don't flatter yourself. Then his tone softened considerably, But... Today has been quite... The education...

Oh...? Does that mean-?

Not yet, Sombra interjected, Perhaps, not ever. But... If you are serious in these attempts of reforming me, then I simply ask in return you judge me not by my actions of the past, but of the now.

Oh, don't worry, I'll doing just that. And judging from your actions today, we seem to be heading in the right direction, eh Sombra? I humouredly imagined the scowl on his face, opening the door to find myself face-to-face with-

"Ah. Hello Cadence."

Cadence blinked in turn, before smiling pleasantly. "Stardust, there you are. I was wondering where you've been all day."

"Hello Cadence." I greeted her warmly, the mare stepping aside for me to enter the tree-house, then spotting the smiling purple alicorn and returning the gesture, before glancing back at the Princess of Love. "Twilight didn't tell you?" I asked, Twilight shrugging sheepishly before we engaged in a warm hug, her eyes looking rather relieved.

"She was awfully vague about it," Cadence regarded us both happily and curiously, "I had assumed that you felt differently about my visit."

"Not at all," I reassured the mare, "I'm always happy to see you... Although ten times more happy seeing Twilight." Said alicorn blushed at that, looking away shyly at our fond gazes.

"I can see that." Cadence grinned lightly. "And I can't begin to express how proud I am for you two to have finally opened up your feelings for one another."

"Wait, you knew all along?" Twilight asked in surprise.

Cadence nodded. "Ever since the Canterlot Wedding. I sensed your feelings for one another ever since Stardust intervened Chrysalis's attack against you, my dear stepsister." Ah great. Now both Twilight and I were looking away in embarrassment at the reminder, prompting the taller alicorn's amusement. "Hmhmhm. I think you two are rather perfect for each other."

Coming from the Princess of Love... That meant a lot.

"You two enjoyed your time together today then?" I asked next, looking at the two with a smile.

Twilight, to my surprise, rolled her eyes in reply. "If you don't count Discord occupying the majority of our quality time together, sure."


Cadence smiled humouredly. "It's a long story, Stardust; one I'm sure Twilight will tell you all about. Suffice to say, we had quite the adventure today, in addition to almost getting eaten alive."

"Wait what?!"

"We're fine, Jack, don't worry." Twilight added reassuringly at my look, smiling lightly. "Although less can be said for an afflicted Discord, who's being treated by Fluttershy right now."

...Discord was sick? I didn't even know he could be.

"And what about you?" Twilight inquired in turn, expression softening with knowing sparkling eyes. "How'd it go with... You-know-who?"

Hm. Subtle.

Cadence blinked curiously, while I shook my head with a forced smile. "Better than expected, really... Although you weren't the only one in danger today love." The image of the red upcoming villain forced a shiver down my spine, prompting a slight shudder. The mere thought of confronting that monster again...

At that, Twilight frowned seriously. "What happened? Did he do something? How are you feeling? Oh I knew I should've came with you-"

"Twilight," I said patiently, placing a hoof on her for reassurance, "I'm fine... Honestly." Then my eyes tore to the evening sky outside the window, tone far more solemn to express just how anxious I internally was. "Although I don't think I'll be going back to the Everfree Forest anytime soon..."

"Jack?" Twilight questioned curiously, followed by a just-as-inquisitive Cadence.

"Has something happened?" Both purple mare and I stared at one another, the former expressing permission to let her former foalsitter know about my... Bond with Sombra.

Well... I suppose.

"Cadence..." Twilight began after I nodded in approval, turning to the watching mare with a serious yet hesitant tone. "Sombra... Still remains."

At that confession, the Princess of Love's eyes widened in shock, gazing at me searchingly. "In him."

Twilight and I winced, the former nodding at the statement.

Then, thankfully, the expression softened, but Cadence's voice stayed firm, "Start from the beginning."

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